ASIC Application Form
ASIC Application Form
Accreditation Service for International Colleges
Applying to ASIC for Accreditation
Thank you for your interest in applying for accreditation through ASIC. We are aware that for some
colleges, particularly smaller institutions, the array of documents that need to be provided and the
application form itself can at first sight appear to be daunting. We hope that you will find the following
1. First and foremost, the Application Form and Checklist are intended as a way of pooling
necessary information not as some kind of test – the ASIC Office will always be happy to clarify
any of the questions or the terms used in the forms, and advise whether a particular item is
relevant to your institution.
2. The Application Form follows the stages within an inspection visit, looking at areas of operation
in a sequence which you can cross-reference with the Accreditation Handbook for fuller
3. If you keep a copy of the Application Form you will find it an invaluable route through actual
inspection visits, and that its completion takes care of a very large part of your preparation for a
4. Many of the documents required as per the Checklist, (at least those relevant to your institution),
are quite likely already to exist but may be held by more than one section of your administration.
Some may need updating and a few may need to be obtained for the first time. The great majority
are essential for the legal operation of your institution, and certainly for accreditation by any of
the authorised bodies.
5. Most colleges have found collating these documents to be a very useful exercise. The resulting
compendium is in the format and sequence that is likely to be required by any university or
professional body with which you wish to form a validating partnership, and should greatly
facilitate setting up future relationships of this kind.
6. The questions on the Application Form have to cover institutions of widely varying size. Smaller
colleges should not be deterred by references to facilities or services that they cannot realistically
7. Quite a few possible documents mentioned in the Application Form/Checklist, e.g. Disability
Strategy or Equal Opportunities Policy, may in fact relate to information your college covers in its
Student Handbook/Staff Handbook/Prospectus. Where information is already available in this
way, simply refer us to it rather than produce documents specially.
8. You will probably find that several questions/document requests are not relevant to your
institution (e.g. most colleges do not prepare food on their premises; most do not have students
aged under 18; some do not use agents). Where this is the case just insert N/A. If we need an
explanation we will let you know.
9. Finally, if you are reviewing the actual operational activity of your institution in preparation for
accreditation, then we would advise that particular attention is paid to those areas prioritised by
the Home Office: systems for recording weekly attendance and calculating cumulative attendance;
ongoing evaluation of students’ academic progress; processes for contacting the Home Office
regarding cases of inadequate attendance/progress and no-shows; delivery of programmes that
lead to recognised awards or progression pathways.
We hope you will find the accreditation process useful and productive and we look forward to working
with you.
Accreditation Process
A College wishing to apply for accreditation under ASIC will need to demonstrate that it:
• Is a genuine education institution offering high quality academic or professional programmes, which
are recognised by reputable bodies such as UK Universities, EDEXCEL, ABE, NCC, ACCA etc. for
articulation / advanced entry purposes to UK courses.
• Provides a suitable academic environment for students to enable them to be successful in their studies
and to gain maximum benefit from their studies in the UK.
• Employs suitably qualified staff to teach and counsel students at the appropriate level.
• Provides a stable, safe and enjoyable atmosphere for study.
• Provides adequate support to students regarding welfare and study resources.
• Operates within the Home Office regulations regarding international students.
• Employs ethical marketing strategies in the recruitment of international students and has in place
suitable monitoring processes to ensure compliance with Home Office regulations.
• Has suitable quality control procedures in place regarding the appointment and monitoring of
education agents and representatives.
• All applicants must fully complete the application form and submit all required documentation (Stage
• On its receipt, the application form will be checked by one of our assessors. The assessor will then
contact the College by telephone regarding any points of clarification required or to request further
• An appointment will be made by telephone for ASIC inspectors to visit the College for Stage 2 or 3 of
the accreditation process as described in Section 3.2 of the Handbook. Two weeks’ notice will
normally be given. Stage 2 will involve the inspector for one day, while Stage 3 will normally involve
two inspectors for two days.
• Details of the proposed visit will be confirmed in writing to the designated person at the College.
Annual Accreditation Fee: £1000 - £3000 (depending on the size of the College).
(State all places of operation and indicate which of these are to be accredited.)
Name of College:
Name & Email Address of person to whom all correspondence should be addressed:
Details and dates of any major re-structuring, such as change of ownership, change of College name, change of
Please list the names of the Owners, Directors and Officers of the company:
If so, give full details, including name, legal status, country in which the organisation was founded/incorporated
Company name:
If the College is not a limited company, please state the terms on which the business operates:
The relevant documents from the list below authenticating the legal status of the College must be available for
inspection at Stage 2:
• If a Charity - the Charity Commission Registration Index.
• If a Limited Company – the Certificate of Incorporation.
• If a Partnership – the Partnership Agreement.
• If a subsidiary of another organisation – such documentation of the parent organisation as may be
applicable to its legal status.
• Please enclose a copy of the latest three years’ audited annual accounts.
Please give details of teaching accommodation (including number and capacity of classrooms, computer suites,
practice rooms), library, student common rooms, counselling rooms etc:
Please give details of resources and equipment to support teaching (e.g. LCD projectors, overhead projectors, IT
equipment, interactive whiteboards, practice-related equipment etc):
Please give details of resources available to students for independent study, either in College or elsewhere. Please
state any link with local libraries and/or on-line library support:
Please give details of social/sporting facilities provided for students (e.g. common rooms or access to sporting
Please enclose a sketch of floor plans showing teaching spaces (with capacities) and other functions (3 copies).
Do you have a Local Authority letter of assurance or certificate showing compliance Yes No
with health/sanitary regulations or satisfactory reports by the Environmental Health
Department (if food is prepared on the premises)?
Years in post:
Indicate the numbers of students attending the College in each of the last two years:
Please identify services provided for students and whether they are included within overall fees:
Do you issue pre-arrival guidance to students advising on living in the UK? Yes No
Enclose this printed material.
Please list ALL courses, together with the awarding body, currently running at the College:
Courses leading to awards of UK universities
Please note your website will be critically assessed during the Stage 1 process.
Please describe how the College initially assesses students’ English Language and Study skills:
Please state provision made for teaching English as a second/foreign language. Is this provision accredited, and, if
so, by whom?
• Student admissions and enrolment
• Creating student records
• Payment of deposits and fees
• Refund of fees
• Sample offer letter to students.
Are any of your staff accredited by the Office of the Immigration Services Yes No
Commissioner (OISC)?
How do you track applicants who have applied for visas then fail to enrol (no shows)?
What systems (paper-based and/or electronic) do you have in place to track student attendance and measure
cumulative attendance?
What mechanisms do you have for contacting students about their absence?
Please describe your procedures for informing the Home Office of no shows, students whose attendance falls below
80% and students not progressing through their course within the maximum timescale allowed:
The checklist below shows those documents which should be enclosed with this Application Form. Please mark
the boxes with an “X” to show what is enclosed. If any of the documents do not apply to your College, then insert
Included with
App Form
1. Copy of the latest 3 years’ audited annual Accounts
A Premises and Health & Safety
2. Sketch of floor plans (3 copies)
3. Health & Safety Declaration (Appendix 3)
4. Fire Precautions Declaration (Appendix 4) and a fire risk assessment
B Management and Staff Resources
5. Diagram of staffing structure (3 copies)
6. List of names and designations of all staff
7. CVs of management, academic and senior administrative staff
8. Staff appointment procedures
9. Sample staff contract
10 Equal Opportunities Policy
11 Staff Handbook (3 copies)
12 Procedures for recording students’ attendance
13 Procedures for the conduct of examinations/tests
14 Procedures for the production of examination/test papers
15 Arrangements for secure storage of examination papers/scripts
C Learning and Teaching; Course Delivery
16 Student application form (3 copies)
17 Pre-enrolment information for students detailing course entry requirements, fees
. payable, documents to be presented at enrolment
18 Student Handbook / Sample Course Handbook (3 copies)
E Student Welfare
19 Pre-arrival information for international students regarding living in the UK
F Awards and Qualifications
20 Appendix 2 completed for each course currently running
21 Guidance on academic misconduct
G Marketing and Student Recruitment
22 Ethics Policy
23 Criteria for the appointment of agents
24 Agent’s agreement
25 Briefing documents for agents
26 Prospectus (3 copies)
27 Procedures for processing enquiries and applications
28 Procedures relating to student admissions and enrolment
29 Procedures for monitoring student records
30 Procedures for the handling of deposits, fee payments and refunds
H Relationships with Government Offices and reporting Mechanisms
31 Sample letters to students about absence
32 Sample letters to the Home Office
Application Fee
33 Application Fee £300
The checklist below shows the documents which should be made available to the inspectors during the Stage 2 or
Stage 3 inspection visit. Please note that some of the documents may not apply to your College.
Stage 2 Stage 3
34 Documents authenticating the legal status of the College (originals)
A Premises and Health & Safety
35 Lease agreement(s) for College premises
36 Local Authority certificate showing compliance with health/sanitary
. regulations or satisfactory inspection by Environmental Health
Department (catering facilities)
37 Health and Safety risk assessment
38 Health and Safety policy
39 Staff training records in relation to first aid, fire precautions and
. emergencies and safety in areas of hazard
40 List of first-aiders
41 Health and Safety law poster
42 Accident Report Book
43 Registration with the Health and Safety Executive (form OSR 1) or Local
. Authority (form F9) (if a new business)
44 Records of testing of fire detection equipment, extinguishers, alarms and
. emergency lighting
45 Fire notices and safety rules in areas of hazard
46 Records of fire drills (evacuation of the premises)
B Management and Staff Resources
47 Employer’s Liability Compulsory Insurance (original)
48 Minutes of staff meetings
49 Evidence that staff qualifications have been verified
50 Sample job advertisements
51 Student attendance record sheets
52 Course timetables
53 Registration with the ICO
C Learning and Teaching; Course Delivery
54 Sample course descriptions for students
55 Samples of marked student work
56 Lesson plans for classes observed by inspectors
57 Evidence of balanced workloads for students
D Quality Assurance and Enhancement
58 Records of meetings relating to curriculum development, course design
. and review
59 Course descriptions (including curriculum, learning outcomes, teaching
. approaches, assessment details)
60 Course approval documentation (for internal courses)
61 Documentation confirming the level of internal courses
62 Sample student assessment records
63 Sample papers for examination boards (minutes, mark sheets)
64 Student feedback forms relating to courses and their delivery and record
. of action taken
65 Records of meetings involving students
66 Staff development policy & records
67 Quality Manual
E Student Welfare
68 CRB disclosure records
69 Child Protection policy
70 Disability strategy
71 Commission for Social Care Inspectorate report on residential
. accommodation
72 Advice to Homestay students and providers; records of Homestay
. inspections
73 Student complaints procedure
F Awards and Qualifications
74 Confirmation of collaborative arrangements with UK universities
. (originals)
75 Confirmed Centre status for delivery of professional qualifications
. (originals)
76 Confirmation that overseas awards are accredited (originals)
77 Confirmation of agreements to run external degree programmes
. (originals)
78 Examination regulations
G Marketing and Student Recruitment
79 Sample advertisements and other marketing literature
H Relationships with Government Offices and Reporting
80 Sample completed student attendance records
81 Sample records of cumulative attendance
82 Procedures for contacting absent students
83 Academic records of students (student files)
Please give the names of two people willing to write in support of the College’s application for
accreditation. At least one should be able to provide a personal reference for the Principal.
Person 1
Person 2
Appendix 1
Application for Accreditation by the
Accreditation Service for International Colleges (ASIC)
1. I declare that to the best of my knowledge the College, of which I am Principal, is financially
stable and that I am able to meet my commitments in terms of both staff salaries and my
advertised programme for the students.
2. I declare that the information provided in this application is correct and all supporting documents
are genuine and accurate.
3. I have taken reasonable steps to confirm the accuracy of the claims made by staff in respect of
qualifications and experience.
4. I am prepared to accept the final decision of ASIC as to the outcome of the inspection.
5. I agree to indemnify ASIC against all claims, demands, expenses and complaints arising from
inaccuracies in the information given by me above.
6. I authorise ASIC to approach the College’s bankers (as shown on p5) and the two people I have
nominated as referees (as shown on p20) to gain information relating to this application, on the
understanding that this information will be treated in absolute confidence.
7. I agree to inform ASIC of any changes in the ownership of the college or senior management, or
significant variation in the academic programme, which occur more than three months before the
scheduled date for submitting the annual report.
8. I accept that the term "Accredited by the Accreditation Service for International Colleges" means
that my College has been inspected by ASIC and found to be satisfactory, and I undertake not to
represent my College as enjoying this recognition before it has been granted nor after it has been
withdrawn or suspended.
9. I understand that failure of continuing compliance with the accreditation criteria may lead to the
removal of my College’s accreditation by ASIC.
Signed: Date:
Appendix 2
Course title
Entry qualifications
Examining body
Academic level
Duration of course
Appendix 3
I confirm that the College satisfies the ten basic requirements placed upon employers by the Health and
Safety Executive, namely:
1. A risk assessment has been carried out, which has identified any areas of harm and precautions to be
2. A health and safety policy exists for the College.
3. The College has current Employer’s Liability Compulsory Insurance on display.
4. Named staff have received health and safety training.
5. The College receives competent advice to assist in meeting health and safety requirements.
6. Basic health, safety and welfare needs of staff and students are met ie toilets, washing facilities,
drinking water are provided on the premises.
7. Staff are consulted on health and safety issues.
8. The health and safety law poster is on display.
9. There is a facility for reporting work-related accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences.
10. If applicable (new business), the College is registered with the Local Authority -form OSR1 -
(offices) or the HSE - form F9 – (‘factory occupation’).
Name of College:
Appendix 4
1 I certify that the premises identified below do not require a Fire Certificate in order to comply
with statutory requirements. Instead, a fire risk assessment has been undertaken.
2 I am satisfied that adequate steps have been taken to ensure that:
2.2 The means of escape with which the premises are provided are safe and efficient and that
escape routes are unobstructed and clearly signposted.
2.3 Fire detection equipment, fire extinguishers, fire alarms and emergency lighting within the
premises are maintained in efficient working order.
2.4 All employees and students receive instructions on what to do in the event of fire.
2.5 Fire drills are held at appropriate intervals and that these are recorded.
3 I am satisfied that there is a minimal risk of danger from fire to the students in my care, and I
understand that I am committing an offence if I do not provide the means of escape or the means
for fighting fires.
Name of College:
Please give the addresses of all premises to which this declaration applies: