Week 1: Introduction & Sketcher. 4 HRS: (NEW) - June2013 Edition
Week 1: Introduction & Sketcher. 4 HRS: (NEW) - June2013 Edition
Week 1: Introduction & Sketcher. 4 HRS: (NEW) - June2013 Edition
FROM .pdf(s) of software on latest release WF 4/5 Tutorial in Help, 2000i2 and
Book: P.S. Gill, Machine Drawing S.K.Kataria Pub. (NEW)- June2013 Edition
1. All commands in sketch of lines, centre line, circles, arcs, fillets, point, coordinate
frame, etc.
2. Use of Modify dimensions, lock scale.
3. Work on all 9 constraints.
4. Trim Dynamic(drag) & Individual, Extend, Divide.
5. Mirror, Copy, Move/Rotate.
6. Exercises:
a. Create all dimension types using pdf p115 to p118.
b. Ex1 pdf p95-100.
c. Ex2 pdf p101-105.
d. Ex3 pdf p106-107.
e. Fig 17 pdf p90.
f. Fig 18 pdf p90.
FROM .pdf(s) of software on latest release WF 4/5 Tutorial in Help, 2000i2 and
Book: P.S. Gill, Machine Drawing S.K.Kataria Pub. (NEW)- June2013 Edition
Make following sections (outer profile only, inner loops to be made construction type)
from PS Gill, using ProE sketcher.
Make sections in sketch of outer profile only, inner loops to be taken as construction, for
the following figures from PS Gill.
1. p165, fig 6.57, Front View only.
2. p165, fig 6.58, Top View only.
3. p169, fig 6.65, Top View only.
4. p170, fig 6.68, Front View only.
5. p183, fig 6.96, Top View only.
6. p219, fig 8.24, Front View only.
7. p219, fig 8.25, Front View only.
8. p220, fig 8.26, Front View only.
9. p221, fig 8.28, Front View only.
10. p221, fig 8.29, Front View only.
Sketch right half closed section (Join top to bottom with line on along axis.) with ø
dimensions (Symmetric dimension). Make as ready for revolve solid feature.
1. For all 8 rivet heads, take D=10mm, PS Gill page 434, fig 16.5 9(a), (b)… to (h).
2. Valve, PS Gill page 579, fig 24.11 (b)
3. Seat, PS Gill page 579, fig 24.11 (b) take separate file for valve and seat.
FROM .pdf(s) of software on latest release WF 4/5 Tutorial in Help, 2000i2 and
Book: P.S. Gill, Machine Drawing S.K.Kataria Pub. (NEW)- June2013 Edition
PROJECT WORK: To start before MST and conclude by last week, in lab. Each
individual student is to undertake a project independently which will involve:
Model the ‘Flanged_Elbow’- Using Revolve, Extrude and Pattern. Use Datum
planes for extruding the two flanges by 12mm and then revolve a pipe between
them. Default view is shown in 3D.
WEEK 6-7: 3D-Edit reference, Edit definition, Parent/child, Sweep and Parallel Blend.
6 Hrs
Edit Reference:
1. Shift location of a cylindrical extrude ø20 from one face of a 50x50x50 box to
another face.
2. Shift shank and child features like cosmetic thread, of a HEX bolt to the opposite
3. Refer to p251 of pdf 2000i2 and Gear part No 6 done earlier. Using Edit reference
of first protrusion feature (base feature) change default orientation of the gear so
that given Front View becomes the default Top View. Edit definition of features
references so that the reversal of the default orientation is also possible.
Section 1: (p377): Creating Motor Part (Create 5mm thick wall at back by internal datum
sketch plane using „pause‟ and „play‟).
Section 2: (p379): Lower Housing Part.
Section 3: (p383): Snap Ring.
Section 4: (p385): Upper Housing Part (SWEEP and Straight BLEND)
WEEK 9: 3D-Assembly.
4 Hrs
Pdf 187-201. Exercise 1 and Exercise 2.
Give sketch relations to PSGill 434 Fig 16.5 (g) Ellipsoidal Head rivet.
Give relations between features from PS Gill p 471 for Hexagonal Nut.
Flexible component in assembly: Use nut as flexible in assembly with D.
Create parameter D for Major Diameter of NUT. Give relations and make family table to
generate -HEX or SQ nut, M8,M10,M12, M16,M25, M30, M40, M60 nuts of both type.
Riveted Joint assembly. create snap head rivets in ‘top-down’ ie: make in assembly
using assembly references of plates. Define all snap head rivet relations in sketch of
revolve feature and assembly joint relations.
1. Triple Riveted Lap Joint Zig-Zag Riveting. Plate t=11mm. PSGill p 439.
2. Double Riveted Butt Joint Chain Riveting. Plate t= 18mm. PS Gill p440.
Shaft of given Area: Model a shaft of 30 mm dia with a square hole having corner
rounds of radius 0.2 of the side, through its centre. The shaft is to have a cross
section solid area of 400 mm2. Find the dimension of hole using feasibility study
in BMX.
GEAR MODELING: Generate a single Involute gear tooth for wheel of Exercise 28.1,
p632, PS Gill.
Use gear calculations formulae given on p629, PS Gill.
Follow the exact method of involute generation shown in fig 27.10(b), p631 using length
of arc (from analysis feature). Take array of tangent lines to arcs making 5º angle at
center of gear. Make datum points on ends of lines and pass curve through them to
make involute curve. Pattern group of one extruded tooth & fillet.
FROM .pdf(s) of software on latest release WF 4/5 Tutorial in Help, 2000i2 and
Book: P.S. Gill, Machine Drawing, S.K.Kataria Pub. (NEW)- June2013 Edition
WEEK 11-12: Mechanism Design Extension (MDX)
6 Hrs.
Tutorial 1- Slider Crank Mechanism: Animate to rotate crank at 15 rpm. Visualize any
interference in the animation. Produce media file output.
Tutorial 2- Four Bar Chain Mechanism: Animate to rotate crank at 10 rpm. Generate
coupler curve for tip if coupler. Generate velocity and acceleration graph for tip if
coupler. Also, show the dynamic variation of velocity and acceleration at coupler tip in
animation along with bearing reactions.
Tutorial 3- CAM Follower Mechanism: Animate to rotate the cam at 6 rpm. Make the
spring as flexible. Model a flexible Right hand helical spring of OD 40mm, wire dia 5mm
and pitch 15mm.
GEAR: Assemble two similar gears and produce animation media files for 5, 60 and
700 rpm.
FROM .pdf(s) of software on latest release WF 4/5 Tutorial in Help, 2000i2 and
Book: P.S. Gill, Machine Drawing, S.K.Kataria Pub. (NEW)- June2013 Edition
WEEK 13-14: 3D- Helical Sweep, Swept Blend &Variable Section Sweep (VSS).
6 Hrs.
Make proportionate part from pdf 211 figure 8. Using Copy of rib by same reference,
move (trans+rot), new reference and mirror.
FROM .pdf(s) of software on latest release WF 4/5 Tutorial in Help, 2000i2 and
Book: P.S. Gill, Machine Drawing, S.K.Kataria Pub. (NEW)- June2013 Edition
WEEK 14-15-16: Drawing-Views, x-section, BOM, Balloons.
8 Hrs.
and p577 fig24.12(a) assembly drawing on sheet 2 in the same drw file.
Make BOM with Sr no, Part name, material, and number off with Balloons in
assembly on sheet2.
5. Drawings of Expansion Joint parts and assembly (FV, TV, LHSV, RHSV,
Isometric view. FV full section) PS Gill p528 made in earlier WEEK. Make
exploded view on sheet 2 with BOM.
Time permitting the Motor Blower Assembly project from pfd p400 to on 424
may be completed.
1. Creating the Motor Part Drawing. P400.
2. Designing the Cover Part: Take dimensions from fig 34 p403, The cylindrical
boss of dia 25 height 7.5 is to be made as a separate feature to have design
intent as in fig 36 and 37.
3. Completing the Motor Part . p407.
4. Completing the Blower Assembly. p409.
5. Finishing the Motor Assembly. p413.
6. Developing the Motor Part. p416
7. Finishing the Lower Housing. p418.
8. Finishing the Drawing. p420.
FROM .pdf(s) of software on latest release WF 4/5 Tutorial in Help, 2000i2 and
Book: P.S. Gill, Machine Drawing, S.K.Kataria Pub. (NEW)- June2013 Edition