Forced Draft Tray Dryer
Forced Draft Tray Dryer
Forced Draft Tray Dryer
The equipment consist of a drying chamber (400 (H) * 400 (D) * 1000 (L) mm, SS 304, 2 mm thick)
insulated with glass wool (25 mm thick) and covered with powder coated MS sheet (1.5 mm
thick) in which tray rack (SS 304) & trays (2 Nos., SS 304) are to be hanged. The drying chamber is
provided with toughened glass door (300 (H) * 400 (L) mm) and handle.
Hot air to the drying chamber is to be drawn with the help of an axial flow fan (variable speed)
and before entering heated by finned type heaters and the temperature of the same is
controlled by a digital temperature indicator-controller (with digital display, Set point variation
facility) and indicated on the digital display. Energy consumption for the drying can be observed
using the digital energy meter provided on the control panel.
Wet and Dry bulb thermocouples are mounted at entry and exit ends of the drying chamber to
measure the humidity of the entering and leaving air. Wet bulb thermocouple is provided with
proper water storage facility in the back portion. These temperatures are indicated on the digital
temperature indicator on the control panel.
Heating elements and Axial flow fan (0.25 HP, Single Phase, 230 V AC, Variable Speed) are
mounted in separate housing of the same height and depth but 400 mm length. (400 (H) * 400
(D) * 400 (L) mm, SS 304, 3 mm thick) insulated with glass wool (25 mm thick) and covered with
powder coated MS sheet (1.5 mm thick)
The loss of moisture will from the material to be dried can be continuously monitored with the
help of a digital weighing machine (5 kg cap., 5 gm accuracy, LED display, 230 V AC power supply)
mounted directly over the heating chamber.
Air velocity through the tray dryer is measured with the help of digital anemometer (Range: 0-45
m/sec, Resolution 0.1 m/sec, Accuracy: 3 % Full Scale, Sensitive for low/ high velocity, 2 m coiled
cable/ back mounting screw for long extension, data hold function, operating temperature 10 C
– 50 C), 31/2 digit LED display, Power Source: 9 V battery, with carrying case).
The control panel consist of Digital Energy Meter, Digital Temperature Indicator with Selector
Switch, On/ Off switches and Indictor lamps for Heaters and fan, Space for Anemometer
mounting, Digital Temperature Controller-Indicator and is mounted over the fan housing.
The entire equipment is rested on 35 * 35 mm, 5 mm thick angle at 800 mm height for proper