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GMBA802: Know Your Organisation - Term 5 2019 Assignment 2 Rubric/Marking Criteria

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GMBA802: Know your organisation – Term 5 2019

Assignment 2 Rubric/Marking criteria

Macquarie High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail

University (100-85) (84-75) (74-65) (64-50) (49-0)
Grade Provides consistent evidence of deep Provides evidence of Provides evidence of Provides sufficient Does not provide
Descriptors and critical understanding in relation integration and evaluation learning that goes beyond evidence of the evidence of attainment
to the learning outcomes. There is of critical ideas, principles replication of content achievement of learning of learning outcomes.
substantial originality, insight or and theories, distinctive knowledge or skills relevant outcomes. There is There is missing or
creativity in identifying, generating and insight and ability in to the learning outcomes. demonstration of partial or superficial or
communicating competing arguments, applying relevant skills and There is demonstration of understanding and faulty understanding
perspectives or problem solving concepts in relation to substantial understanding application of and application of the
approaches; critical evaluation of learning outcomes. There of fundamental concepts in fundamental concepts fundamental concepts
problems, their solutions and their is demonstration of the field of study and the of the program; routine in the field of study;
implications; creativity in application frequent originality or ability to apply these argumentation with missing, undeveloped,
as appropriate to the program. creativity in defining and concepts in a variety of acceptable justification; inappropriate or
analysing issues or contexts; convincing communication of confusing
problems and providing argumentation with information and ideas argumentation;
solutions; and the use of appropriate coherent adequately in terms of incomplete, confusing
means of communication justification; communication the conventions of the or lacking
appropriate to the program of ideas fluently and clearly program. The learning communication of ideas
and the audience in terms of the conventions attainment is in ways that give little
of the program considered satisfactory attention to the
or adequate or conventions of the
competent or capable in program.
relation to the specified

Problem Demonstrates Demonstrates distinctive Demonstrates convincing Demonstrates Demonstrates limited

statement unique/outstanding/singular ability ability to construct a ability to construct a adequate ability to or no ability in
to construct a problem statement that critical problem problem statement with construct a problem identifying a problem/s
provides substantial evidence of statement with integrated substantial evidence of statement with some or related contextual
originality and critically examines application of relevant relevant contextual factors. evidence of relevant factors.
contextual factors. contextual factors. contextual factors.
Problem statement and
Problem statement is Problem statement is well key capabilities
Problem statement is insightful and original and creative and defined and the selected Problem statement and definition is absent or
the selected key capabilities are the selected key key capabilities address key capabilities incomplete.
complementary and fully address capabilities align to and the problem. definition is sufficient
the problem. address the problem. but lacks some
important issues.
GMBA802: Know your organisation – Term 5 2019
Assignment 2 Rubric/Marking criteria

Analysis and Organisational elements analysis is Organisational elements Organisational elements Organisational Organisational
application critical and original. The application analysis is original or analysis is adequate and elements analysis is elements analysis is
of key relevant theories / concepts creative and the the application of relevant acceptable and the missing or
and sources is skillful and displays application of key relevant theories / concepts and application of relevant underdeveloped and
deep mastery. theories / concepts and sources is convincing. theories / concepts and lacks relevant theories /
sources shows distinctive sources is sufficient. concepts and sources.
insight and ability.

Evaluation of Evaluation of solutions is deep and Evaluation of solutions is Evaluation of solutions is Evaluation of solutions Evaluation of solutions
potential sophisticated. insightful and creative. convincing. is adequate. is missing, confusing
solutions or underdeveloped.
Conversion of solutions to actionable Conversion of solutions to Conversion of solutions to Conversion of solutions
improvements is exceptional with actionable actionable to actionable Absent, confusing, or
lateral applications embedded. improvements is improvements is well improvements incomplete conversion
effective, commercially developed with sound sufficient but lacking in of solutions to
feasible, and realistic. commercial feasibility. commercial feasibility. actionable
Additional organisational elements
form a part of the solution. Additional organisational Due consideration is
elements are worked into given additional Some attention is No attention is given to
the solution. organisational elements. given to additional additional
organisational organisational
elements. elements.
GMBA802: Know your organisation – Term 5 2019
Assignment 2 Rubric/Marking criteria

Effective Structures information with a highly Structures information with Structures information with Structures information Information lacks
communication advanced degree of logic, precision a significant degree of a little degree of logic, with a minimal degree structure.
and clarity. logic, precision and clarity. precision and clarity. of logic, precision and
clarity. Referencing not
Uses applicable Uses some references but attempted / entirely or
Consistent, clear, and applicable references to support the with omissions and errors. Uses referencing significantly plagiarised
references to support the arguments. arguments but with minor minimally or mostly from other sources.
inconsistencies. incorrectly.
Visualises and presents data for best Presents data (e.g. exhibits, Data is omitted.
impact. (e.g. exhibits, artefacts, Visualises and presents artefacts, appendices, etc.), Presents data (e.g.
appendices, etc.) appropriate data for but lacks significant exhibits, artefacts,
impact. (e.g. exhibits, impact. appendices, etc.), but
artefacts, appendices, etc.) lacks effective impact.

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