Quarterly Results: Highlights of The Second Quarter Results For The Period Ended 31 December 2019

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Quarterly Results

Highlights of the Second Quarter Results for the period

ended 31 December 2019

The purpose of this presentation is to provide general information about Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad (the “Company”) to assist potential investors in making their own
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herein, the information in this presentation is based on the Company's own information and estimates. Certain statements in the presentation are or may be “forward-
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No representation or warranty, express or implied, is made by the Company that the material contained in this presentation will be achieved or prove to be correct. Except
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2 Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad

Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)
Part 1: Group Financials Snapshot
Part 2: The 2011 North Sabah Enhanced Oil Recovery Production Sharing Contract
• Operating Performance Metrics & Analysis
• Factors Affecting Quarterly Results
• Consistent EBITDA Margins Despite Varying Oil Prices
• Production Enhancement Projects
• Awards Won
Part 3: The Anasuria Cluster
• Operating Performance Metrics & Analysis
• Factors Affecting Quarterly Results
• Strong EBITDA Margins Despite Varying Oil Prices
• Production Enhancement Projects
Part 4: Marigold & Sunflower
• Target Development Milestones
• Further Opportunities
Part 5: Closing Remarks

3 Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad

Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)
Part 1
2Q FY2020 Group
Financials Snapshot

4 Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad

Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)
2Q FY2020 Group Financials (vs. Previous Quarter)
2Q FY2020
RM’000 N. Sabah Anasuria Others1 Group Revenue 2Q FY2020 1Q FY2020

Cargoes sold 2 1 - 3 North 671,452 bbls x 334,613 bbls x

Sabah USD70.19/bbl USD63.63/bbl
Revenue 195,922 74,971 953 271,846
249,704 bbls x 272,345 bbls x
Gross Profit 123,195 48,567 953 172,715 USD68.67/bbl USD58.41/bbl

EBITDA/(LBITDA) 109,858 34,881 (2,421) 142,318 Gross Profit Margin 2Q FY2020 1Q FY2020

PBT/(LBT) 79,696 15,002 (3,447) 91,251 North Sabah 62.9% 65.5%

Tax (34,923) (5,080) - (40,003) Anasuria 64.8% 51.2%

PAT/(LAT) 44,773 9,922 (3,447) 51,248

EBITDA Margin 2Q FY2020 1Q FY2020
1Q FY2020
North Sabah 56.1% 52.3%
RM’000 N. Sabah Anasuria Others Group
Anasuria 46.5% 50.6%
Cargoes sold 1 1 - 2
Effective Tax Rate
Revenue 88,943 69,275 1,081 159,299 2Q FY2020 1Q FY2020
(over PBT)
Gross Profit 58,278 35,501 1,081 94,860
North Sabah 43.8% 68.3%
EBITDA/(LBITDA) 46,546 35,080 (4,576) 77,050
Anasuria 33.9% 24.9%
PBT/(LBT) 26,303 17,904 (5,563) 38,644

Tax (17,959) (4,457) - (22,416)

PAT/(LAT) 8,344 13,447 (5,563) 16,228

1 Others
include Group, Investment Holding and Australian activities |
5 USD/MYR average rate: 2Q FY2020: 4.150, 1Q FY2020: 4.177 Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad
Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)
Historical Brent Crude Oil Price

2Q FY2019 3Q FY2019 4Q FY2019 1Q FY2020 2Q FY2020
Brent Crude Oil Price, USD/bbl





Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb-
2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2020 2020

6 Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad

Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)
Malaysia –
Part 2 2011 North Sabah Enhanced Oil
Recovery Production Sharing Contract

• Operating Performance Metrics

• Key Factors Affecting Quarterly Results
• Consistent EBITDA Margins Despite Varying Oil Prices
• Production Enhancement Projects
• Awards Won

7 Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad

Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)
Operating Performance Metrics
Oct – Dec Jul – Sep Apr – Jun Jan – Mar
20192 2019 2019 2019
Average uptime % 93 85 94 95
Average gross oil production bbl/day 17,076 14,234 14,873 14,651
Average net oil production bbl/day 6,318 5,194 5,057 4,801
Cargoes sold - 2 1 2 2
Total oil sold bbls 671,452 334,613 490,753 578,487
Average realized oil price1 USD/bbl 70.19 63.63 72.59 67.87
Average OPEX per bbl
USD/bbl 12.23 15.33 13.60 11.77
(unit production cost)
1 Theaverage realised oil price represents the weighted average price of all Labuan crude sales from SEA Hibiscus.
2 Figuresfor the period October 2019 to December 2019 are provisional and may change subject to the PSC Statement audit and Petroliam
Nasional Berhad (“PETRONAS”)’s approval.

Factors contributing to operational performance in 2Q FY2020:

• Production enhancement projects – new oil production from St Joseph infill and SF30 infill projects.
• Resumption of normal operations following planned shutdowns for maintenance activities in the
previous quarter.

8 Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad

Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)
Key Factors Affecting North Sabah’s 2Q FY2020 Financial
Key factors:

Financials RM’000 • 2 offtakes – 671,452 bbls @ USD70.19/bbl average realised price.

• Healthy average uptime of 93% due to the resumption of normal
Revenue 195,922 operations following the shutdown for planned maintenance
Gross Profit 123,195 activities and infill drilling activities in the previous quarter. There
Gross Profit Margin 62.9% was no unplanned interruption in this quarter.
• Average gross oil production was 17,076 bbl/day (vs 14,234
EBITDA 109,858
bbl/day in 1Q FY2020) and average OPEX/bbl was USD12.23 (vs
EBITDA Margin 56.1%
USD15.33 in 1Q FY2020).
PBT 79,696 • Achieved reasonably high Gross Profit margin and EBITDA
PBT Margin 40.7% margin.
PAT 44,773 • Taxation
(The tax regime under which Malaysian oil and gas activities are
PAT Margin 22.9% governed is the Petroleum (Income Tax) Act 1967 (“PITA”). The provisions
of PITA are applied to net taxable petroleum income at the rate of 38%.)
Taxation Breakdown RM’000 • Higher effective tax rate over PBT of 43.8% in the quarter.
It was mainly caused by recognition of tax liabilities to
Total Taxation (34,923) partially adjust certain tax-related estimates originally
Deferred Taxation (non-cash) (26,947) advised by the previous operator of the North Sabah asset
- Recognition (4,870) upon completion of the acquisition of the asset on 31
- Reversal (22,077) March 2018. Adjustments to such estimates were
Income Taxation (7,976) confirmed by the sellers to SEA Hibiscus in 1Q FY2020,
upon them finalising their annual statutory tax
submissions. Such adjustments will not recur after this

9 Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad

Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)
Consistent EBITDA Margins Despite Varying Oil Prices

• North Sabah’s EBITDA margins have maintained within a consistent range since acquisition despite
fluctuations in oil prices.

10 Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad

Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)
Production Enhancement Projects
Production enhancement projects will help arrest natural decline and increase gross oil production

Project Project Description Total Gross CAPEX Status

St Joseph Infill
• Drill 3 infill oil producing wells. • RM142.6 million Completed

SF30 Infill
• Drill 3 infill oil producing wells. • RM129.2 million Completed

• Drilling and completion of 1 infill water Ongoing – water injection

SF30 Water
injection well intended for reservoir re- • RM55.0 million scheduled to commence in
Flood Phase 1
pressurisation. February 2020

SF30 Infill Drilling and Water Flood Phase 1 Projects Status Update
• Drilling commenced in August 2019 after the PVD-1 jack-up rig completed the St Joseph Infill Drilling Project.
• Successfully completed infill wells campaign with no incidents, including drilling of a side track to improve production
deliverability of the 3rd infill well. The SF30-2 and SF30-4 wells were tested at initial rates of approximately 1,100
bbl/day and 500 bbl/day respectively. The final well, SF30-6ST1 was drilled in November, following the drilling of the
SF30 Water Flood Phase 1 infill water injector.
• Successfully completed drilling and completion of the SF30 water injection well. Topsides facilities modifications efforts
are progressing smoothly, with first water injection expected in February via a Portable Water Injection Module.
• Of the RM55.0 million total for the SF30 Water Flood Phase 1, RM44.0 million was spent as of 31 December 2019, with
the remaining RM11.0 million to be spent in the financial quarter ending 31 March 2020.

• Figures are based on 100% interest in the North Sabah PSC
• CAPEX is to be shared equally with our joint venture partner, PETRONAS Carigali Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad
Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)
Awards Won
2020 PETRONAS Focused Recognition Awards
Highest Completion Uptime – Successfully designed,
planned and safely completed seven-well campaign
with an uptime of 99.7%, resulting in cost avoidance
of USD2 million

Completion Technology Replication – Successfully

designed, planned and replicated the Autonomous
Inflow Control Device (AICD) in the three-well St
Joseph campaign. This replication contributed
immensely towards reviving the production level in
this field by enabling production commingling of
multiple sands through the lowering of GOR from
6000 to 800.

Completion Optimisation for Value Creation –

Successfully designed, planned and safely
implemented new technologies and process
optimisation in wells for North Sabah fields resulting
in improved life of well

12 Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad

Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)
Part 3
United Kingdom –
The Anasuria Cluster

• Operating Performance Metrics

• Key Factors Affecting Quarterly Results
• Strong EBITDA Margins Despite Varying Oil Prices
• Production Enhancement Projects

13 Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad

Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)
Operating Performance Metrics

Oct – Dec Jul – Sep Apr – Jun Jan – Mar

2019 2019 2019 2019
Average uptime % 85 77 87 71
Average daily oil production rate bbl/day 2,680 2,386 2,662 2,504
Average daily gas export rate boe/day 288 204 390 274
Average daily oil equivalent
boe/day 2,968 2,589 3,053 2,778
production rate
Cargoes sold - 1 1 1 1
Total oil sold bbl 249,704 272,345 302,139 249,116
Total gas exported (sold) mmscf 159 112 213 148
Average realised oil price USD/bbl 68.67 58.41 66.84 60.39
Average gas price USD/mmbtu 1.622/ 4.023 1.042/ 2.523 1.422/ 3.393 2.632/ 5.983
Average OPEX per boe USD/boe 22.64 26.04 20.93 23.27

All figures are net to Hibiscus.

Prices are quoted in United States Dollars. bbl barrels
1 Conversion rate of 6,000scf/boe.
boe barrels of oil equivalent
2 For Cook Field.
mmscf million standard cubic feet
3 For Guillemot A Field, Teal Field and Teal South Field.
mmbtu million British thermal units
14 Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad
Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)
Key Factors Affecting Anasuria’s 2Q FY2020 Financial
Key factors:
Financials RM’000
• 1 offtake – 249,704 bbls @ USD68.67/bbl average realised price.
Revenue 74,971
• Average uptime and average OPEX/boe were 85% and USD22.64
Gross Profit 48,567 respectively (vs 77% and USD26.04 respectively in 1Q FY2020). In
Gross Profit Margin 64.8% 1Q FY2020, the asset completed the planned 2019 Offshore
EBITDA 34,881 Turnaround in Jul ’19, where the FPSO facilities were completely
EBITDA Margin 46.5% shut down.
• Consequently, average daily oil equivalent production rate
PBT 15,002
improved to 2,968 boe/day (vs 2,589 boe/day in 1Q FY2020).
PBT Margin 20.0%
• Achieved reasonably high Gross Profit margin and EBITDA
PAT 9,922 margin.
PAT Margin 13.2%
• Taxation
(The tax regime which applies to exploration for, and production of, oil
Taxation Breakdown RM’000 and gas in the UK currently comprises of ring fence corporation tax and a
supplementary charge at 30% and 10% respectively.)
Total Taxation (5,080)
• The effective tax rate over PBT in the quarter was 33.9%. It
Deferred Taxation (non-cash) (249) was lower than the statutory rates stated, mainly due to
- Recognition (5,479) additional allowances in relation to capital expenditure
- Reversal 5,230 incurred, as provided under the supplementary charge tax
Income Taxation (4,831) regime.
• Tax normalisation treatment effective 1Q FY2020.

15 Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad

Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)
Strong EBITDA Margins Despite Varying Oil Prices

16 Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad

Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)
Status of Production Enhancement Projects
Cook Water Injector Project Status Update
• Project execution commenced on 25 March 2019.
Project Project Description Status (Calendar
• On 2 May 2019, the well was drilled to a total depth
Year) of 13,045-ft MD (-12,248-ft TVDSS) and completed on
25 May 2019.
To increase reservoir pressure and extract • Oil water contact is deeper than originally anticipated.
Cook Water Injector Completed October 2019 • The implication of a deeper oil water contact is
additional reserves from the Cook field.
positive and is anticipated to increase our net 2P
Opportunity to re-enter this producing well and Reserves in Cook field.
GUA-P1 Side Track drain additional volumes by side-tracking the Completed August 2019 • Installation of a subsea pipeline to link the well to the
existing well. Anasuria FPSO was completed and injection of water
Opportunity to drill 1 infill well in the Guillemot into the Cook field commenced in October 2019.
Work in • In December 2019, the injection of water ceased due
Infill Wells* or Teal fields, either as a sidetrack or new-drill 2021
Progress to a failure in a subsea component. Ithaca, the
operator of this field, is currently undertaking an
Subsea Installation of a new pipeline from the Guillemot Work in investigation into the root cause of the failure.
Debottlenecking* field to increase liquid production capacity. Progress • This project is anticipated to unlock 2.8 MMbbls of
net 2P oil reserves.
• The total estimated CAPEX net to AHUK is RM52.0
* Subject to approval by all co-venturers of the licence.

GUA-P1 Side Track Project Status Update

• Production enhancement projects will help arrest natural decline and • Project commenced execution on 17 May 2019.
increase Anasuria oil production to 5,000 bopd by calendar year 2021 (Net to • On 28 July 2019, the well reached a total depth of
Hibiscus). 11,615-ft MD and encountered approximately 445-ft
TVDSS of oil-bearing sands.
• Each of these identified opportunities will require a significant investment.
• Stabilised net production flow rate of approximately
• Working closely with our JV partners to ensure the phasing and scheduling of 900 bbl/day after perforation of hydrocarbon-bearing
these projects will dovetail with the expected timing of our access to both zones and flowing of hydrocarbons to the surface.
internal and external funding sources. • Successfully completed installation of a gas lift
jumper, with gas lifting having commenced recently.
• Targeted to unlock 1.7 MMbbls of net 2P oil reserves,
with a total estimated CAPEX net to AHUK of RM97.1
17 MD: Measured Depth | TVDSS: True Vertical Depth Subsea Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad
Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)
Part 4
United Kingdom –
Marigold & Sunflower

• Marigold – Update on Opportunities

18 Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad

Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)
Target Development Milestones
• Development Concept to drill and complete subsea wells and tieback to
an FPSO via pipelines has been selected as this concept provides the
highest project value with the lowest execution and commercial risk.
‒ The project is expected to proceed in two phases to optimise capital expenditure.
‒ In phase 1 of the development, three Marigold wells is anticipated to be drilled,
completed and tied back to the FPSO via a production manifold.
‒ Additional wells in Marigold along with wells in Sunflower and the recently
acquired Crown discovered field could be developed in a second project phase.
• A concept select report for the development of Marigold and Sunflower
fields was submitted to the OGA. A letter of no objection to the selected
concept was issued by the OGA.

First Oil
OGA Approval
of FDP;
FID in place
Concept Select
Acquisition • Site Survey
Completion • FEED
• Tendering for

Notes: OGA: Oil & Gas Authority FID: Final Investment Decision
Target milestones are based on Company’s internal targets. FDP: Field Development Plan FEED: Front-End Engineering Design

19 Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad

Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)
Marigold – Further Opportunities
NORWAY Quadrant 15
United Oil & Gas/Swift Exploration Transaction Quadrant 15
• On 12th December 2019, AHUK completed the
acquisition of 100% interest in Licence P2366, Blocks
15/18d and 15/19b, which include the Crown
discovery, from United Oil & Gas Plc and Swift
Exploration Limited for a total cash consideration of
up to USD5 million, to be paid based on a
combination of a series of milestones and an
overriding royalty when the Crown field goes into
Marigold Sunflower

Transaction Rationale
• Opportunity to aggregate 2C resources (from the
Crown discovery) at a competitive unit cost per barrel
and integrate these reserves as part of the Marigold Crown
area-wide development with the objective of
reducing overall unit development and production

Source: Oil and Gas Authority

20 Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad

Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)
Highlights from the Group’s Balance Sheet
A strengthening Balance Sheet

As at As at As at As at As at
31 Dec 30 Sep 30 Jun 31 Mar 31 Dec
2019 (RM) 2019 (RM) 2019 (RM) 2019 (RM) 2018 (RM)

Total assets 2,567.8m 2,553.2m 2,393.1m 2,222.6m 2,189.4m

Shareholders’ funds 1,290.1m 1,261.6m 1,237.5m 1,201.4m 1,158.0m

Cash and bank balances 175.7m 253.1m 273.5m 221.2m 203.8m
Unrestricted cash 87.2m 179.5m 206.7m 160.1m 176.3m
Restricted cash * 88.5m 73.6m 66.8m 61.1m 27.5m
Total debt Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Net current (liabilities)/assets (53.5m) (103.9m) 14.0m 90.7m 66.5m
Net assets per share 0.81 0.79 0.78 0.76 0.73
* For more information, please refer to page 6 of the Unaudited Quarterly Financial Report for the quarter ended 31 December 2019.

• Shareholders’ funds as at 31 December 2019 increased by RM52.6m when compared to 30 June 2019. Included in
Shareholders’ funds as at 31 December 2019 are Retained earnings of RM474.8m.
• The Group’s total cash and bank balances and total assets were at reasonably healthy levels. (Note: Total cash and bank
balances do not include approximately RM105m proceeds from the North Sabah December 2019 offtake (which was received in January
• Over the course of the next 12 months, we anticipate that we shall undertake certain fundraising activities to ensure
that projects and opportunities that we have in hand, which are expected to enhance production and create value,
may be executed smoothly. The Group currently has no debt and we are in a position to gear up to a conservative level
as the need arises. We shall make the relevant disclosures as our plans mature.

21 Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad

Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)
Part 5 Closing Remarks

22 Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad

Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)
Closing Remarks
▪ Hibiscus Petroleum is positioning for further acquisitions of producing assets with a focus on
adding to our existing portfolio in our areas of geographic focus
▪ We have delivered approximately 1.5 million barrels of oil in the first two quarters of FY2020, with
our FY2020 target to deliver between 3.3 million and 3.5 million barrels of oil safely and efficiently
(up to 12 cargo offtakes)
▪ We are maintaining our 2021 target of 20,000 barrels of oil per day comprising:
‒ 7,000 barrels per day from the North Sabah asset
‒ 5,000 barrels per day from the Anasuria asset
‒ 8,000 barrels per day (minimum) from new producing assets
▪ The final investment decision and regulatory approvals for the Marigold development are on track
to be in place by the end of CY2020
▪ We continue to build our technical capability and track record as a capable operator, having
recently received awards and recognitions for operational, safety and business performances in
Malaysia and the United Kingdom
▪ We aim to deliver consistent and strong EBITDA margins through the management of our unit
production costs
▪ We had no debt as of 31 December 2019, and are in a position to gear up to a conservative level as
the need arises

23 Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad

Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)
Thank You

For more information please contact:

Investor Relations Team

[email protected]

24 Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad

Registration Number: 200701040290 (798322-P)

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