User Manual - Omega.x 1.3

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omega.x haptic device

version 1.3

Force Dimension
Route de Saint-Cergue 295
CH – 1260 Nyon
The purpose of this document is
> to describe the setup of the omega.x haptic device
> to describe the installation of the drivers and haptic software API
> to describe the operation of the omega.x haptic device


DHD-API refers to the software Application Programming Interface (API) for all Force Dimen-
sion haptic products.
omega.x refers to the base haptic device shared by the omega.3, omega.6 and omega.7
haptic devices. Unless specified, all instructions in this manual apply to all three
device types

table of contents

1. device description 7

2. important safety instructions 8

3. setting up the omega.x 9

3.1 unpacking the device 9
3.2 installing the power supply 9

4. configuring the omega.x under Windows 10

4.1 installing the software 10
4.2 installation description 10
4.3 installing the drivers 11

5. configuring the omega.x under Linux 12

5.1 installing the software 12
5.2 installation description 12
5.3 installing the drivers 12

6. configuring the omega.x under Mac OS X 13

6.1 installing the software 13
6.2 installation description 13
6.3 installing the drivers 13

7. using the omega.x 14

7.1 device geometry 14
7.2 operating the omega.x 16
7.3 running the Haptic Desk program (Windows only) 19
7.4 running the demonstrations programs 20

8. technical information 23

1. device description

3 10 2

5 9 8 7 6 15 4 11 12 13

1. base plate 8. status LED

2. control unit 9. force LED
3. arms 10. programmable button

4. end-effector 11. power switch

5. force button 12. power connector

6. calibration pole 13. USB connector

7. calibration pit 14. tightening knob

2. important safety instructions




1. read and understand all instructions

2. follow all warnings and instructions marked on this unit
3. do not use or place this system near water
4. place the unit securely on a stable surface
5. make sure that the workspace of the omega.x is free of objects
6. do not overload wall outlets and extension cords
this can result in a risk of fire or electrical shock
7. switch off the omega.x when it is not in use
8. to reduce the risk of electrical shock, do not disassemble the omega.x

3. setting up the omega.x

This section describes the steps to follow to setup your omega.x device before use.

3.1 unpacking the device

Before unpacking the device, remove the end-effector stabilizer and the accessories box from
the within the box. The documentation box contains the power and data cables, as well as the
user manual and the installation CD-ROM.

base plate stabilizer accessories box

figure 1 – omega.x shipping box

3.2 installing the power supply

Plug the power supply into the power connector. The system supports either 110/120 Volts or
220/230 Volts. Only use the Force Dimension power supply that came with your device. Re-
placement power supplies can be ordered from Force Dimension.

4. configuring the omega.x under Windows

4.1 installing the software

The installation CD-ROM must be installed onto your system before connecting the omega.x to
the system. To do this, perform the following steps.
1. place the Force Dimension CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive
2. open the \Windows subfolder on the CD-ROM
3. run setup.exe icon to launch the installation program
4. follow the instructions given by the installation program

4.2 installation description

The installation program creates the following subfolders in :

C:\Program Files\Force Dimension\dhd-<version>

\bin subfolder
This directory contains the demonstration executables and the DLL files required to run the
omega.x software. The required DLL files are also copied to the Windows system folder during
the installation.

\drivers subfolder
This directory contains the USB and PCI drivers required to operate your device.

\examples subfolder
This directory contains the demonstration programs. Example applications described in section
7.4 and come with their full source code.

\doc subfolder
All documentation files and notices are located in that directory.

\manuals subfolder
All hardware user manuals are located in that directory.

\lib,\include subfolders
These directories contain the files required to compile you application with the DHD-API. Please
refer to the on-line programming manual for more information.

4.3 installing the drivers

USB drivers
The omega.x requires the Force Dimension USB driver. These drivers are installed automatically
and no additional step is required.
Should you need to manually re-install the driver, simply point the hardware setup dialog box to
the following subfolder :
C:\Program Files\Force Dimension\dhd-<version>\drivers

5. configuring the omega.x under Linux

5.1 installing the software

The Force Dimension development folder must be installed onto your system before the omega.x
can be used. To do this, perform the following steps:
1. place the Force Dimension CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive
2. decompress the dhd-<version>.tar.gz file from the CD-ROM \Linux subfolder to the
desired location (typically your home folder) by running the following command within the
target folder:
tar –zxvf dhd-<version>.tar.gz
3. this will create a dhd-<version> development folder in the target location

5.2 installation description

The development folder contains the following directories:

\bin subfolder
This directory contains the demonstration executables and the binary files required to run the
omega.x software.

\examples subfolder
This directory contains the demonstration programs. Example applications described in section
7.4 and come with their full source code.

\doc subfolder
All documentation files and notices are located in this subfolder.

\manuals subfolder
All hardware user manuals are located in that directory.

\lib,\include subfolders
These directories contain the files required to compile you application with the DHD-API. Please
refer to the on-line programming manual for more information.

5.3 installing the drivers

The Linux version of the DHD-API requires libusb to be installed on your Linux distribution,
which is included in kernel 2.4 and higher. You can find libusb for older kernels at No other installation procedure is required.

6. configuring the omega.x under Mac OS X

6.1 installing the software

The Force Dimension development folder must be installed onto your system before the omega.x
can be used. To do this, perform the following steps:
1. place the Force Dimension CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive
2. open the dhd-<version>.dmg file from the CD-ROM \Mac OS subfolder and extract the
dhd-<version> folder to the desired location (typically your home folder)
3. this will create a dhd-<version> development folder in the target location

6.2 installation description

The development folder contains the following directories:

\bin subfolder
This directory contains the demonstration executables and the binary files required to run the
omega.x software.

\examples subfolder
This directory contains the demonstration programs. Example applications described in section
7.4 and come with their full source code.

\doc subfolder
All documentation files and notices are located in this subfolder.

\manuals subfolder
All hardware user manuals are located in that directory.

\lib,\include subfolders
These directories contain the files required to compile you application with the DHD-API. Please
refer to the on-line programming manual for more information.

6.3 installing the drivers

The Apple version of the DHD-API uses Apple’s native USB drivers, which are included in Mac OS
X 10.4 and higher. No further installation is required.

7. using the omega.x

7.1 device geometry

omega.x translation axis

The position of the end-effector can be read from the controller. The system converts the en-
coder values into (X, Y, Z) coordinate, expressed in IUS (metric) unit. Figure 2 shows the coordi-
nate system. The actual origin of the coordinates system (0,0,0) is located on a virtual point at
the center of the workspace. The calibration pit places the device at the (0.019, 0.0, - 0.074) lo-

calibration coordinates
(0.019, 0.000, - 0.074)

figure 2 – coordinate system

omega.6 and omega.7 extensions (optional)
The omega.6 and omega.7 provide a rotational structure. Rotation information can be retrieved
as a reference frame expressed by a 3x3 rotation matrix:


figure 3 – reference frame of the omega.6 and omega.7:

7.2 operating the omega.x

status indicators
The status LED displays the status of the system.
> LED OFF the system is off
> LED ON the system is ready
> LED BLINKING (fast) the system requires calibration
> LED BLINKING (slow) the omega.6 extension requires calibration
While the status LED is ON, it is possible to read the position of the end-effector, but no forces
can be applied. Forces must be enabled by pressing the force button. When the forces are en-
abled, the force LED is turned on. Forces can be disabled by pressing the force button again.

calibration – calibration is necessary to obtain accurate, reproducible localization of the end-
effector within the workspace of the device. The omega.x is designed in such a way that there
can be no drift of the calibration over time, so the procedure only needs to be performed once
when the device is powered on.
The calibration procedure consists in placing the calibration pole in the dedicated calibration
pit. The device detects when the calibration position is reached and the status LED stops blink-
ing. Figure 4 illustrates the calibration procedure. After the initial calibration described above,
the LED will stop blinking (omega.3).

figure 4 – calibration procedure

On the omega.6 and omega.7 (optional), the LED will blink at a slower frequency, indicating that
the rotational structure is usable but not fully calibrated. To fully calibrate the omega.6 and
omega.7 extensions, each of the three rotation axis and the grasping axis of the omega.7 must
be moved by hand to their respective end-stops once. When the device has reached all end
stops, the LED stops blinking and the device is fully calibrated.

gravity compensation – to prevent user fatigue and to increase accuracy during manipulation,
the omega.x features gravity compensation. When gravity compensation is enabled, the weights
of the arms and of the end-effector are taken into account and a vertical force is dynamically ap-
plied to the end-effector on top of the user command. Please note that gravity compensation is
computed on the host computer, and therefore it only gets updated whenever a force command
is sent to the device by the application. Gravity compensation is enabled by default and can be
disabled via the DHD-API.
forces - by default, when an application opens a connection to the device, the forces are dis-
abled. Forces can be enabled or disabled at any time by pressing the force button.
brakes – the device feature electromagnetic brakes that can be enabled via software. The brakes
are on by default when the forces are disabled, and can be enabled automatically by the control
unit in some cases. When the brakes are on, a viscous force is created that prevents rapid
movement of the end-effector. Also, enabling the brakes via the DHD-API simultaneously dis-
ables the forces.
end-effector tightening knob (omega.3) – the orientation of the end-effector can be adjusted by
means of the tightening knob.

safety features
The omega.x features several safety features designed to prevent uncontrolled application of
forces and possible damage to the device. These safety features can be adjusted or disabled via
a protected command in the DHD-API.


When a connection to the device is made from the computer, the forces are automatically dis-
abled to avoid unexpected behaviors. The user must press the force button to enable the forces.
This feature cannot be disabled.
If the control unit detects that the velocity of the end-effector is higher than the programmed
security limit, the forces are automatically disabled and the device brakes are engaged to pre-
vent a possibly dangerous acceleration from the device. This velocity threshold can be adjusted
or removed via the DHD-API. Please refer to the on-line programming manual for more informa-

7.3 running the Haptic Desk program (Windows only)

Under Windows, the Haptic Desk is available as a test and diagnostic program.
Haptic Desk allows the programmer to:
> list all Force Dimension haptic devices connected to the system
> test each device position reading
> test each device force/torque capability
> test each device auto-calibration procedure
> read each device status
> read any device encoder individually

figure 5 – Haptic Desk test and diagnostic program

7.4 running the demonstrations programs

Two demonstration programs can also be used to diagnose the device. The source code and an
executable file for each of the demonstration programs are provided in two separate directories
named \gravity and \reflections.
Once the system is setup, we suggest running gravity to check that every thing is working
properly and to evaluate your system's performance independently of the graphics rendering
performance. reflections will allow you to test the combined performance of haptics and
graphics rendering.

gravity example
This example program runs a best effort haptic loop to compensate for gravity. The appropriate
forces are applied at any point in space to balance the device end-effector so that it is safe to let
go of it. The refresh rate of the haptic loop is displayed in the console every second.

figure 6 – gravity example

reflections example
The reflections example displays an OpenGL scene that can be haptically explored.

figure 7 – reflections example

note – OpenGL and the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) must be installed for your compiler and
development environment to compile this example. Please refer to your compiler documentation
for more information, or consult

8. technical information


workspace translation ∅ 160 mm

x L 110mm
forces continuous 12.0 N
resolution linear < 0.01 mm
stiffness closed loop 14.5 N/mm
dimensions height 270 mm
width 300 mm
depth 350 mm

interface standard USB 2.0

power universal 110V - 240V
OS Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP / XP-64 / Vista
Linux kernel 2.6
Apple OS X (Universal)
QNX 6.3.2 and higher
software DHD-API 3.2

calibration automatic
structure parallel (delta-based kinematics)
user input 1 programmable button
safety velocity monitoring
electromagnetic damping

omega.6 extension

workspace rotation 240 x 140 x 240 deg

resolution angular 0.09 deg
option available for right or left hand

omega.7 extension

workspace rotation 240 x 140 x 180 deg

gripper 25 mm
force continuous ± 8 N
resolution angular 0.09 deg
linear 0.006 mm
option available for right or left hand

The information in this document is provided for reference only. Force Dimension does not assume any
liability arising out of the application or use of the information or product described herein. This document
may contain or reference information and products protected by copyrights or patents and does not convey
any license under the patent rights of Force Dimension, nor the rights of others.

All trademarks or trade names are properties of their respective owners.

© Copyright 2009 – Force Dimension

All rights reserved.

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