Approaches To Teaching PE

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Approaches to Teaching Physical Education

Q1. What are ‘approaches’

or ‘instructional’ models of
Q2 (a). What is Direct
Instruction approach in
Q2. What are the different PE?
instructional models used
for physical education? Q2 (b). What is
Personalised System for
Instruction in PE?

Q2 (c). What is Cooperative

Learning in PE?

Q2 (d). What is Peer

Teaching in PE?

Q2(e). What is Inquiry-

based Teaching in PE?

Q2 (f). What is Sport


Q2 (g). What are the

Tactical Game Approaches
to PE??

Q2 (h). What is the

Teaching for Personal and
Social Responsibility
Approach to PE?
Q1. What are ‘approaches’ or ‘instructional’ models of teaching?

These ARE NOT ‘teaching styles’! Teaching Styles are an unproductive and narrow
interpretation of learning that has been debunked in much of the educational and
psychological literature. Think of ‘approaches’ or ‘instructional models’ of teaching as
blueprints for teaching and learning. They are effectively the architecture that precedes the
construction of learning that occurs in your class.

Therefore, an effective instructional model or teaching approach (unlike a teaching style) is

a comprehensive and coherent plan for teaching that includes:
 a theoretical foundation
 intended learning outcomes
 teacher’s content knowledge expertise
 developmentally appropriate and sequenced learning activities
 expectations for teacher and student behaviors
 unique task structures and learning activities
 assessments of learning outcomes
 benchmarks for assessing the implementation of the model


Lilienfield, S.O. et al., (2010). 50 Great Myths of Popular Psychology: Shattering Widespread
Misconceptions about Human Behavior. Wiley Blackwell: UK

Metzler, M. (2011). Instructional models for physical education (3rd Ed.). Scottsdale, AZ:
Holcomb Hathaway.

Quay, J., & Peters, J. (2009). Skills, strategies, sport, and social responsibility: reconnecting
physical education. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 40(5). 601-626
Q1a. What are the different instructional models and approaches used for physical

There are currently eight dominant instructional models and approaches to teaching
physical education. These are by no means the only approaches used to teaching physical
education but they occur most frequently in the literature. Five (5) have been adapted for
physical education from other settings or content areas. The remaining three (3) were
developed exclusively for use on physical education settings.

The five models and approaches adapted for physical education from other settings
 Direct Instruction
 Cooperative Learning
 Personalised System for Instruction (PSI)
 Peer Teaching
 Inquiry Teaching
The three models and approaches developed exclusively for physical education are:
 Sport Education
 Tactical Games Approach (i.e Teaching Games for Understanding, Games-based
Approach, Play Practice, and Game Sense)
 Teaching for Personal and Social Responsibility through Physical Activity


Killen, R. (2007). Effective teaching strategies: lessons from research and practice (4th ed.).
Melbourne: Thomson/Social Science Press.

Metzler, M. (2011). Instructional models for physical education (3rd Ed.). Scottsdale, AZ:
Holcomb Hathaway.

Quay, J., & Peters, J. (2009). Skills, strategies, sport, and social responsibility: reconnecting
physical education. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 40(5). 601-626
Q2a. What is the Direct Instruction approach in Physical Education?

This traditional PE lesson model typically relies upon the direct teaching of new skills in isolation followed by
a drill to practice the new skill via repetition and then concluding with a game (or modification thereof) to
apply the skill in context. This traditional model of PE instruction typically relies heavily on direct instruction
teaching strategies. Unfortunately, many pre-service and even experienced teachers associate direct
instruction as a ‘poor’ teaching approach as opposed to ‘constructivist’ teaching approaches being ‘good’. The
evidence is however, quite to the contrary. In Hattie’s (2009) synthesis of research on direct instruction, he
found it is one of the most influential teaching strategies linked to student achievement and direct instruction
as a teaching strategy in physical education is no exception. In fact, some of the most effective physical
education curriculum that has demonstrated improved FMS within primary/elementary schools using
controlled trialled studies has been based on direct instruction teaching methods. Examples of these include
Sport Physical Activity and Recreation for Kids PE study in the United States and Move it Groove it study in

According to Hattie (2009), direct instruction is incorrectly and frequently confused with didactic teacher-led,
talking from the front of the class teaching where in contrast, direct instruction involves seven major steps of
which can be used to create a very powerful PE lesson that will improve FMS development in your students.

These steps are:

1. Be prepared: Before the lesson, be prepared and have a clear focus on what the learning intentions or
lesson outcomes are. These should be a match of both student and curriculum needs as discussed earlier.
2. Establish the success criteria: The teacher needs to know what the success criteria of FMS proficiency are
and know how people learn. Firstly, the success criteria should be communicated to your students.
3. Build a ‘hook’: There is a need to build in a ‘hook’ to capture your student’s attention and commitment.
The aim here is to put your students in a receptive frame of mind while also focussing their attention on the
lesson and, as a teacher, being able to share your learning intentions/lessons outcomes with them.
Note – this needs to be more than just being able to play a game at the end. Quite often the ‘game at the end of
the lesson’ is a bribe to control student behaviour through which is otherwise a didactic PE lesson.
4. Perform guided practice: Quite often in PE lessons of this type it will involve a ‘drill’ or a session of guided
practice. This involves an opportunity for your students to demonstrate their proficiency of the FMS under
the direct supervision of the teacher. It should involve the teacher ascertaining levels of proficiency, giving
positive and meaningful feedback and identification of those require additional assistance or instruction.
Remember ‘practice makes perfect’ is untrue. Only ‘perfect practice makes perfect’.
5. Conclude with independent and cooperative practice: After a drill session, most PE lessons conclude
with a game (or modification thereof). This is a time of independent and cooperative practice and can done
once the students have mastered the skill. The game is important for the application of learned skills in
context. These games need to be across enough different sporting contexts so that the skill may be applied to
any relevant situation and not only the isolated situation in which the skill was originally learned.
6. Lesson closure: All PE lessons need closure and a means whereby the teacher can demonstrate or make
statements to bring the lesson to a conclusion and the students are thereby helped in bringing what they have
learned together in their own minds. Simply concluding a lesson with “Are there any questions?” is not lesson
closure. Lesson closure involves reviewing the key learning points and tying them together in a relevant
context of:
a. What skills were learned?
b. How they are applied?
c. Why they are important?

The message from the evidence on Direct Instruction teaching methods is the power of stating the learning
outcomes and success criteria, and then engaging students in moving toward these. Teachers need to ‘invite
their students to learn’ while providing much practice, modelling, meaningful and appropriate feedback and
numerous opportunities for the learning of skills. Below is an example of how a teacher might set up a PE
lesson plan with the intent of using a direct instruction teaching strategy.

Dudley et al., (2010). A systematic review of the effectiveness of physical education and school sport interventions
targeting physical activity, movement skills and enjoyment of physical activity. European Physical Education Review, 17(3):

Hattie, J.A.C. (2009). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. London: Routledge.

USDHHS CDC (2010). Strategies to improve the Quality of Physical Education. Washington DC
Q1b. What is the Cooperative Learning approach in Physical Education?

Evidence suggests that Cooperative Learning (CL) is more effective than both competitive and individualistic approaches
to learning. Some evidence in physical education specifically states that cooperation is far superior to the narrow
conception of competition (winning and loosing) in promoting achievement for all age groups. Certainly a recent review of
literature highlights that Cooperative Learning can promote student achievement in the physical, social, cognitive, and
affective domains. Cooperative Learning has also been shown to promote inclusion, engagement, and active participation
in learning with diverse learners who hold varying learning needs. This CL approach to physical education is capable of
meeting a wide range of educative goals in physical education.

The fundamental underpinning of a CL approach in physical education is that students’ ‘sink or swim together’. In other
words, students are dependent on one another to learn and not just the teacher. Indeed, CL places academic and social
learning on par with one-another and students are required to work together in small groups to learn without direct or
persistent instruction from the teacher. Consequently, and in order for teachers to support students in working together
and constructing new understandings, the teacher should plan for and implement a number of micro strategies. However,
please note that these vary dependent on different interpretations of the CL approach adopted and might also be referred
to as benchmarks, elements or PIES.
 Heterogeneous Groups: students should be organised into mixed ability, ethnic background and gender groups of
4-5 members. Students should work in these groups for the duration of a unit.
 Group Goals: teachers should plan for physical, cognitive, social and affective learning goals
 Role of Teacher: the teacher should support learners and their learning by providing adequate resources for
group work, guiding students to new understandings and by providing specific advice and feedback as and when
students need it.
 Positive Interdependence: students should be dependent on each member of the group in order to complete the
group goal. For example each member of a group may adopt a role (a coach, recorder, encourager) during lessons
or each member of the group may hold a different piece of information.
 Individual Accountability: students are assessed on their contribution to group work and their performance or
measures are put in place to ensure each group member contributes to tasks. For example, tick sheets can be
used to note each member’s participation and contribution or each member’s score in a task can contribute to the
groups overall score.
 Promote face-to-face interaction: students have positive interactions with members of their group and they
demonstrate good communication skills and the ability to work together. The teacher needs to plan for time for
discussion during lessons and can organise a team by asking them to stand toe-to-toe, knee-to-knee, face-to-face.
 Group Processing: this is the time for students to reflect on their learning, how well they worked together and
what the group needs to do to improve. This discussion involves all group members contributing and the teacher
often provides the group with pre-planned questions. For example, what happened?, so what? And what now?
Group processing often occurs at the end of a lesson but can also be used during lessons to help groups
understand their successes and how they need to improve.
 Cooperative Learning structure: teachers should aim to follow a Cooperative Learning structure during lessons
and over the course of a unit. For example, structures include learning teams, jigsaw, pairs-check-perform, and
many more.

Casey, A., & Goodyear, V.A. (In Press) Can Cooperative Learning achieve the four learning outcomes of physical education?:
A Review of Literature, Quest

Dyson, B., & Casey, A. (2012). Cooperative Learning in physical education: A research-based approach. London: Routledge.

Johnson, D., & Johnson, F. (2009). Joining together: group theory and group skills. Upper Saddle River: N.J. Pearson.

Kyndt, E., Raes, E., Lismont, B., Timmers, F., Cascallar, E., & Dochy, F. (2013). A meta-analysis of the effects of face-to-face
cooperative learning. Do recent studies falsify or verify earlier findings?. Educational Research Review, 10, 133-149.

Stanne, M., Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. (1999). Social interdependence and motor performance: A meta-analysis.
Psychological Bulletin, 125(1), 133-154.

Hattie, J.A.C. (2009). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. London:

Johnson, D.W et al., (1981). Effects of cooperative, competitive, and individualistic goal structures on
achievement: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 89(1): 47-62.
Q2c. What is the Personalised System for Instruction in Physical Education?

The Personalised System of Instruction (PSI) model was developed by Keller and Sherman
during the 1960’s. It was developed out of the field of experimental behavioural psychology
and based on five major characteristics.
1. Self-pacing
2. Mastery learning
3. Teacher acting as motivator
4. Emphasis on the written word for study materials; and
5. Student proctors

The goal of using the PSI approach is to allow students to learn independently so that the
teacher could interact with the students needing the most assistance. The PSI approach
acknowledges that not all students have the same interests and abilities. It therefore allows
students to progress at a rate that coincides with their individual abilities. Students with
higher skills are allowed to progress at faster rates while other students may take additional
time to complete each activity.

The evidence supporting the PSI are very similar to the other mastery learning programs
however descriptions of the use of PSI to teach physical education are limited (Hannon et al,
2008). Tousignant (1983) described PSI use for teaching a high school tennis program. She
acknowledged that the system has its drawbacks and potential benefits due to the need for
careful planning by the teacher.

The key features to the effective implementation of the PSI model in a physical education
program include;
1. Students proceed through the course at their own pace;
2. Students demonstrate mastery of each component of the course before proceeding to
the next;
3. Teachers are involved more in ‘tutorial-type’ support of students in that they provide
motivation for students to complete work, teaching intervention as required and
help individual students attain the stated goals of the physical education course.

Hannon, J.C., Holt, B.J., & Hatten, J.D. (2008). Personalized System of Instruction Model:
Teaching Health-Related Fitness Content in High School Physical Education. Journal of
Curriculum and Instruction. 2(2): 20-33.

Hattie, J.A.C. (2009). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to
achievement. London: Routledge.

Tousignant, M. (1983). PSI in PE – it works. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and

Dance, 54, 33-34.
Q2d. What is Peer Teaching in Physical Education?

Using peers as co-teachers (of themselves and others) is a quite powerful teaching strategy.
Particularly if the aim is to teach students the ability to self-regulate and control their own learning
and to becoming teachers of themselves. It is less effective if it is employed as a teaching strategy
whereby older students simply teach struggling younger students.

In a physical education context however, peer teaching has been predominately used in primary
schools and as a method of fostering inclusion of students with disabilities into regular physical
education classes. In some specific physical education studies, the concept of Class Wide Peer
Tutoring (CWPT) has been suggested as being a better teaching strategy than traditional approaches
of peer teaching. In CWPT involves the whole class adopting reciprocal roles of tutor and tutee in the
physical education classes. It has been demonstrated as an effective teaching strategy in regular and
adaptive/inclusion physical education programs across primary and secondary school settings.
Suggested key elements of CWPT to be used in physical education classes are

1. Teams – Small groups of 4 to 6 students are best.

2. Peer Dyads – Within each team, students are paired (or pair themselves) with a peer
3. Practice time and task cards – Tasks for each class are presented on a task card. The teacher
demonstrates the task and the students follow the directions on the card which usually
involves a detailed description of the activity demonstrate by the teacher. Short periods of
up to five minutes are allotted for individual practice of the activity on the task card.
4. Partner check – Students are given time to do a partner check whereby after the tutee has
performed the task on the task card several times, the tutor gestures whether the task was
completed correctly. If the task was not completed correctly, the tutor indicates to the tutee
which critical element of the task was incorrect.
5. Sharing team performance – After all the members of the team complete their practice, a
member of each team posts the results of team in a location for teacher and peer review.
6. Goal Setting – At the start of each lesson the teacher establishes a specific goal for each team
based on the performance results they posted from previous lessons.

One major advantage of adopting a peer teaching approach in physical education as articulated
above is that it provides students with individual feedback frequently on their performance and the
teacher can quickly identify those who need more assistance than others.

Hattie, J.A.C. (2009). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. London:

Houston-Wilson, C., Dunn, J., van der Mars, H., & McCubbin, J. (1997). The effect of peer tutors on motor
performance in integrated physical education classes. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 14: 298-313.

Johnson, M., & Ward, P. (2001). Effects of classwide peer tutoring on correct performance of striking skills in
3rd grade physical education. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. 20: 247-263

Rink, J.E. (2009). Teaching physical education for learning (6th Ed.). McGraw Hill: New York
Q2e. What is Inquiry-based Teaching in Physical Education?

Inquiry-based teaching stems predominately out of Science Education and aims to develop
challenging situations in which students are asked to observe and question constructs,
posture explanations of what they observe; devise and conduct experiments in which data
are collected to support or refute their theories; analyse data; draw conclusions from
experimental data; design and build models; or any combination of these types of activities.
As such, these types of learning experiences are designed to be open-ended in that students
are not expected to simply reach the ‘right’ or ‘correct’ answer for the question they are
confronted with. When an inquiry-based teaching method is being used, the teacher is
more concerned with student ‘processes’ of reaching their conclusion.

In a physical education context, inquiry-based teaching approaches are often used when
students already have a basic understanding of sports and games. Teachers can use this
teaching strategy to help students understand when to apply certain skills. What to do they
are not in possession of the ball, or where they can best move to receive a ball, or defend
against a pass to name a few examples. Inquiry-based teaching can be used to foster
student critical thinking in game situations and provide them with the opportunities to
explore games and sports in new and innovative ways. However, if students do not have
the basic understanding, proficiency and application of motor skills, the inquiry-based
teaching approach may not be an appropriate teaching strategy.

Darst, P.W., Pangrazi, R.P., Brusseau, T.A., & Erwin, H. (2014). Dynamic Physical Education
for Secondary School Students (8th Ed.). Pearson: Boston

Hattie, J.A.C. (2009). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to
achievement. London: Routledge.
Q2f. What is Sport Education Approach in Physical Education?

Sport education is a curriculum and instruction model designed to provide authentic, educationally rich sport experiences
for students in the context of school physical education programmes. Sport education has an important curricular
implication; that is, it cannot be fitted easily into a short unit, multi-activity program. Sport education also has important
instructional implications; that is, its purposes are best achieved through combinations of direct instruction, cooperative
small-group work, and peer teaching, rather than by total reliance on didactic and traditional skill, drill-oriented teaching
methods. The Sport Education Curriculum Instruction Model has three primary goals. It seeks to help students become
competent, literate, and enthusiastic sportspeople. Competent Sportspeople: have sufficiently developed skills and
games understanding and can execute strategies appropriate to the complexity of play so as to be able to participate as a
knowledgeable games player. Sport education emphasises strategic play rather than isolated skill development. Small-
sided games are often used to teach gradually more complex skills and strategies concurrently. Literate Sportspeople:
understand and value the rules, rituals, and traditions of sport. They have learned to distinguish between good and bad
sporting practices, and are developing the willingness to act on that knowledge to improve the practice of sport. Such
people are in short supply in the larger adult sport culture, and this goal represents the most optimistic long-term
outcome for students who experience sport education. Enthusiastic Sportspeople: participate in sport as part of a
physically active lifestyle and act in ways that serve to preserve, protect, and enhance their sport culture to make sport
more accessible to more individuals.

Basic features of a ‘Sport Education’ based curriculum and teaching approach -Sport education has six key features
that are closely derived from how sport is conducted in community and authentic sport contexts (i.e., they derive from the
authentic form of the activity within the larger culture). These features are seasons, affiliation, formal competition,
culminating events, record keeping, and festivity. Seasons refer to the ’units of work’ in sport education and these are
often two to three times longer than typical PE units. They may even take up an entire school term or half a semester. The
assumption here is that less is more or that fewer activities covered in greater depth result in better educational
outcomes than can be realised in the more typical, short unit, multiple-activity programme format. Affiliation is about
students becoming members of teams/clubs at the start of a season and retain their team affiliation throughout the
season. Students plan, practice, and compete as a team. This feature also derives from evidence that suggests that much of
the social meaning derived from sport experiences, as well as a large part of the personal growth often attributed to
positive sport experiences, is intimately related to affiliation with a persisting group. Formal competitions are included
as typical sporting seasons are defined by a schedule of formal competition interspersed with practice sessions. The
affiliation and formal competition features combine to provide the opportunity for planning and goal setting that create
the context for pursuing important outcomes that have real meaning for students. Of particular concern for
primary/elementary teacher and PE specialists alike is that there needs to be a heavy focus on the practice sessions in
order for skill acquisition to occur. Teachers need to become ‘architects’ of the educational environment and ensure that
the students have sufficient support via direct instruction and guided practice to allow the students to acquire FMS.
However, it is the students who are ultimately responsible for its efficiency and vitality of the competition and practice
sessions. A Culminating event is included because it is in the nature of sport to find out who is best for a particular
season and for others to mark their progress in relationship to that outcome. Culminating events create the opportunity
for festival and celebration of accomplishments, which are a significant characteristic of play and sport. Record keeping
such as (shots on goals, points scored, times, blocks, steals, assists, etc...) provide feedback for individuals and groups.
Records help to define standards and are fundamental to defining goals (reducing turnovers, improving times in a race,
placing higher in a round-robin competition). Records also help to define sport traditions locally (6th-grade record for the
long jump, 4th-grade team record for fewest points allowed per game in basketball). Finally, Festivity: refers to fact that
sporting competitions are occasions for festivity, from the major festivals associated with the Olympic Games to the
Sunday football game to the family festival of a children's soccer match. In sport education, teachers and students work
together to create a continual festival that celebrates improvement, trying hard, and playing fairly (posters, team colours,
player introductions, award ceremonies, videotaping, etc...).


Quay, J., & Peters, J. (2009). Skills, strategies, sport, and social responsibility: reconnecting physical education.
Journal of Curriculum Studies, 40(5). 601-626

Schirato, T. (2007). Understanding Sports Culture. Sage: London.

Siedentop, D. (1994). Sport education: Quality PE through positive sport experiences. Champaign, IL: Human

Siedentop, D., Hastie, P.A., & van der Mars, H. (2004). Complete guide to sport education. Champaign, IL: Human
Q2g. What are the Tactical Game Teaching Approaches in Physical Education?

It is worthwhile noting that this teaching approach is to be found in PE curricula across the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the US and has been
adapted in several different forms across these countries and may be known as any of the following; Teaching Games for Understanding, Games Sense, Play
Practice, Games Concept approach, Games-centred learning or Tactical strategy.
Whatever name it may hold in your specific curriculum and literature is unimportant, what is important is that all these models above are derivatives from
the original David Bunker and Rod Thorpe’s TGfU model and may change slightly based upon specific interpretations, context and educative agendas.

Furthermore, all these models are underpinned by the “Games Classification System” whereby most games and sports placed in categories and taught based
on sharing similar intent. The categories of games are Target, Net/wall, Striking/fielding or Territorial/Invasion games. This system assists teachers and
students by recognising that skills and tactics learned in one particular sport CAN in fact be transferred into other games of similar intent and secondly, it
removes any preconceptions that a teacher or student may hold to a particular sport (i.e. that’s a boys sport OR I’m not good at netball) instead allowing
knowledge to be shared and enthusiasm maintained.

Challenging children to find solutions to problems is a central feature of Tactical Games Teaching Approaches. This takes the form of presenting questions to
students that cannot be answered simply with closed (yes or no) responses, but rather questions that are open and require children to think deeply about
their answers and seek complex solutions. Students are faced with the dilemma of how to improve their own AND their team’s performance. Unlike the
traditional direct instruction approach, the tactical structure of ‘game play’ requires investigation. In order to accomplish this there may be a focus on the
broader questions ‘What does the team need to do and what do I need to do in order to succeed in this game?’ Stressing the idea of the ‘team’ and the ‘game’
however, will encourage the students to think about their team tactics and the strategies they use in playing the game as a team. Deeper investigation of the
questions ‘What is strategy? or What are tactics?’ may help to clarify for students the significance of these concepts and present opportunities to teach the
meta-language of games.

Based on the early tactical games approach models, there are essentially six stages a teacher progresses students through. Step 1-‘The Game’: While an
unmodified version of a sport presents a long term goal at which to aim and provides guidelines for teachers, it is necessary, in primary and elementary
school, to introduce students to a variety of game forms in accordance with their age and experience. In doing so careful consideration should be made to the
area of the play, the numbers to be involved and the equipment to be used in the attempt to present children with the problems involved in playing games.
Step 2 – ‘Game Appreciation’: The importance of this step cannot be understated. Giving the students the rules from the very beginning acts as the primary
cognitive activator. It immediately poses questions and highlights limitations. Remembering that rules give the game it’s shape. Rules we intentionally leave
out will not only alter the game but alter the questions and thinking that takes place in order to achieve success. When deciding on the rules of the games you
teach, following ‘Fundamental Rules of Games’ can be used as a template to ensure that the game will have the necessary structure for later cognitive and
skill development to occur. The four considerations for rules are:
a) The modalities of scoring: What is the game’s target and the necessary skills involved in order to score?
b) The players’ rights: What are the offensive and defensive rights entailed to players? These are based upon the modalities of scoring that
complete those rights with respect to the equality of chances to score.
c) The liberty of action: What rights do players have with the ball to give the game a specific character?
d) The modalities of physical engagement: What rules ensure the respect of the three previous rules?
Additionally the rules will place constraints of time and space on the game, will state how points are scored, and more importantly, will determine the suite
of skills required. It is goes without saying that alterations to the rules of a game will have implications for the team strategy and hence the tactics to be
employed to achieve success. Step 3 – ‘Tactical Appreciation’: Students should commence playing the game at this stage. After they have been given
some involvement and they start to develop an understanding of the rules (and flaws in the rules), it is necessary to consider now the tactics they are
choosing to use, and those they could employ in the game. Ways and means of creating space and denying space must be found to overcome the opposition.
The principles of play, common to all games, form the basis for a tactical approach to the game, e.g. achieving more penetration as a result of practising fast-
break attacks. Of course game plans do not always work and tactics must be changed to meet the needs of the moment. It should be added that tactical
awareness should lead to early recognition of opposition weaknesses e.g. a poor backhand, premature challenging for possession, a reluctance to catch a high
ball, but this should not be allowed to destroy the game which should be modified to restore the competitive nature of an evenly matched game as ‘healthy
competition’ is essential for learning to occur in the curriculum instruction model. Stage 4 – ‘Decision Making’: (Using effective questioning to drill down
to establish deep understanding of games) Proficient students may only take a fraction of a second to make decisions and they would see no value in
distinguishing between the "what?" and the "how?" In this instruction model there is a difference between decisions based upon "what to do?" and "how to
do it?" therefore permitting both the student and teacher to recognise and attribute the consequences in their decision making process. ‘Decision making’
occurs in two distinct parts; a) "What to do?" While it is obvious that tactical awareness is necessary if decisions are to be made, it is in the very nature of
games that circumstances continually change. In deciding what to do each situation has to be assessed and thus the ability to recognise cues (involving
processes of selective attention, cue redundancy, perception etc.) and predict possible outcomes (involving anticipation of several kinds) is of paramount
importance. For example, there is no value in understanding that attacking a space near the goal in an invasion game may be highly desirable but may carry
the risk of losing possession, if the cues cannot be recognised in the first place.
b) "How to do it?" There still remains the decision as to what is the best way to do it and the selection of an appropriate response is critical. For example,
where a large space is available but time is limited a quickly executed response may be appropriate whereas when time is available but accuracy is vital
some element of control prior to execution may be necessary. Such situations often arise in the shooting area of invasion games. Stage 5 – ‘Skill Execution’
(Teaching movement skills still remains significant: skill execution is used to describe the actual production of the required movement skills as
envisaged by the teacher and seen in the context of the student and recognising the student’s limitations. It should be seen as separate from "Performance"
and may include some quantitative or qualitative measure of both the mechanical efficiency of the movement and its relevance to the particular game
situation. Stage 6 – ‘Performance’ (Authentic assessment): This is the observed outcome of the previous processes measured against criteria that are
independent of the student. It is that by which we would classify students as competent or not yet competent players depending on the curriculum outcomes
and should be a measure of appropriateness of response as well as efficiency of technique.

Bunker, D., & Thorpe, R. (1982). A model for the teaching of games in the secondary school.
Bulletin of Physical Education, 10, 9-16.

Griffin, L.L., & Butler, J.I., (2005). (Eds.). Teaching Games for Understanding: Theory, Research, and Practice. Champaign IL: Human Kinetics.

Quay, J., & Peters, J. (2009). Skills, strategies, sport, and social responsibility: reconnecting physical education. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 40(5). 601-626.

Werner, P., & Thorpe, R. (1996). Teaching games for understanding: Evolution of a model. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 67(1), 28-34.
Q2h. What is Teaching Social and Personal Responsibility Approach in Physical

Don Hellison was responsible introducing the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility through
Physical Activity as a potential teaching approach in physical education through his work in urban
US schools. Past and present physical education, sport and even political leaders have claimed that
a number of personal and social benefits are derived from participation in physical activity. The
rhetoric of ‘sport builds character’ and ‘play fair in class and you will play fair in life’ are rooted in
both the educational testimonies of Thomas Arnold from the 19th Century Rugby School and the
ideals of Olympism spruced by Pierre de Coubertin. Unfortunately, this rhetoric and other idealistic
claims about physical education and sport are outdone by evidence sourced empirically (and in the
news headlines published in any leading outlet on a Monday morning. However, this evidence and
rhetoric is not to say that the potential for social benefit from physical activity is non-existent. It is
however a risky proposition to assume that such outcomes are achieved through mere participation
in physical activity.

Hellison stresses that the conceptualization and implementation of teaching and learning of social
responsibility through movement may be difficult because they involve more than a list of
behaviours in a single context. He does however identify five hierarchical components of social
responsibility an individual can exhibit during their physical education experience and this n turn
provides a useful structure that teachers can use to intervene at various stages of physical
education lessons as required.

At the lowest level (0), students show no responsibility for their behaviour or respect of the teacher
and classmates. A Level 1 student is capable of respecting the rights and feelings of others. They
exercise self-control of the behaviour and they respect the right to peaceful conflict resolution and
the inclusion of others in the class. A Level 2 student will participate in class and demonstrate a
concise effort in physical education class. Students are encouraged to explore the relationship
between effort and outcomes, try new activities, accept challenges, and arrive at a personal
definition of success.

A Level 3 student assumes an increased responsibility for their physical education and the actions
they take in class. Most importantly they are capable of independent work. Students learn to
identify their own needs and interests, set own goals, establish related tasks for achieving them and
evaluate their progress. They have greater ability to disregard "peer pressures" and remain
committed to being socially responsible. A Level 4 student shows the ability to care and help others
during physical education. To reach this level Students are helped to develop interpersonal skills
and to reach beyond themselves to others. They are encouraged to give support, show concern, and
exhibit compassion without expectation of reward. Students are supported in their efforts toward
the final level where they become contributing members of the community beyond the physical
education class and the playing field.

Hellison, D. (2003). Teaching Responsibility Through Physical Activity. (2nd Ed.) Human Kinetics: Champaign.

Quay, J., & Peters, J. (2009). Skills, strategies, sport, and social responsibility: reconnecting physical education. Journal of
Curriculum Studies, 40(5). 601-626

Rees, R.C. (1990). Do high school sports build character? A quasi-experiment on a national sample. The Social Science
Journal; 27(3): 303-315

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