KR C4 Interbus 11 en
KR C4 Interbus 11 en
KR C4 Interbus 11 en
Interbus 1.1
Issued: 29.11.2012
© Copyright 2012
KUKA Roboter GmbH
Zugspitzstraße 140
D-86165 Augsburg
This documentation or excerpts therefrom may not be reproduced or disclosed to third parties without
the express permission of KUKA Roboter GmbH.
Other functions not described in this documentation may be operable in the controller. The user has
no claims to these functions, however, in the case of a replacement or service work.
We have checked the content of this documentation for conformity with the hardware and software
described. Nevertheless, discrepancies cannot be precluded, for which reason we are not able to
guarantee total conformity. The information in this documentation is checked on a regular basis, how-
ever, and necessary corrections will be incorporated in the subsequent edition.
Subject to technical alterations without an effect on the function.
Translation of the original documentation
1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Target group .............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Industrial robot documentation ................................................................................... 5
1.3 Representation of warnings and notes ...................................................................... 5
1.4 Trademarks ................................................................................................................ 6
1.5 Terms used ................................................................................................................ 6
3 Safety ............................................................................................................ 11
4 Installation ................................................................................................... 13
4.1 System requirements ................................................................................................. 13
4.1.1 PCI slot assignment .............................................................................................. 13
4.2 Installing or updating INTERBUS (KSS) .................................................................... 13
4.3 Installing INTERBUS (VSS) ....................................................................................... 14
4.4 Uninstalling INTERBUS (KSS) ................................................................................... 14
6 Configuration ............................................................................................... 21
6.1 Overview .................................................................................................................... 21
6.2 DIP switches on the master module .......................................................................... 21
6.3 DIP switches on the slave module ............................................................................. 22
6.4 Configuring the file IBSPCI.XML ................................................................................ 24
6.5 Configuring the bus with WorkVisual ......................................................................... 28
6.5.1 Inserting segments in the DTM Catalog (Catalog Scan) ...................................... 28
6.5.2 Configuring the INTERBUS master ...................................................................... 29
6.5.3 Configuring the INTERBUS slave ......................................................................... 30
6.5.4 Configuring the INTERBUS master and slave ...................................................... 32
6.5.5 Setting an offset .................................................................................................... 33
6.5.6 Entering the IP address of the line interface ......................................................... 34
7 Operation ...................................................................................................... 35
7.1 Coupling/decoupling segments .................................................................................. 35
7.1.1 Coupling/decoupling segments via HMI ............................................................... 35
7.1.2 Coupling/decoupling segments via KRL ............................................................... 35
7.2 Activating/deactivating the Interbus driver ................................................................. 36
8 Diagnosis ..................................................................................................... 37
8.1 Displaying diagnostic data ......................................................................................... 37
9 Messages ...................................................................................................... 49
9.1 KUKA.HMI error messages ....................................................................................... 49
Index ............................................................................................................. 63
1 Introduction
This documentation is aimed at users with the following knowledge and skills:
Advanced KRL programming skills
Advanced knowledge of the robot controller system
Advanced knowledge of bus systems
Notes These hints serve to make your work easier or contain references to further
1.4 Trademarks
Term Description
CMD Configuration, Monitoring, Diagnostic: software
for configuration, monitoring and troubleshooting
in Interbus interfaces.
CR Communication reference.
DTM Device Type Manager
Device description file
I/O Inputs/outputs, e.g. at terminals and on
Remote bus Designation for the main ring of an Interbus sys-
FSMA Field-installable SubMiniature Assembly: Fiber-
optic connector with screw lock, outwardly simi-
lar to the electrical SMA connector.
FW Firmware: normally unchangeable operating
software of a device which is automatically
loaded when the device is activated.
HCS fiber HCS fiber (Hard Cladded Silica): a FOC variant
consisting of a glass fiber core with a plastic
HW Hardware: physical, electronic components and
IBS Interbus
Interbus A field bus introduced by Phoenix Contact. It is
defined as a ring system in which every device
regenerates and forwards the incoming signal.
The Interbus offers high data throughput at a low
cycle rate and is particularly immune to interfer-
ence. It is defined for normal copper cables and
also for fiber-optic cables. Up to 512 slaves can
be connected to an Interbus (master-slave struc-
ture) and up to 4096 I/Os can be served. The
main ring (remote bus) can contain up to 256
devices; local buses or loop segments can be
coupled, e.g. in a machine, by means of bus
ISA Industry Standard Architecture: commonly-used
PC bus before PCI.
Term Description
KCP The KCP (KUKA Control Panel) teach pendant
has all the operator control and display functions
required for operating and programming the
industrial robot.
The KCP variant for the KR C4 is called KUKA
smartPAD. The general term “KCP”, however, is
generally used in this documentation.
Configuration file Text files with specifications for parameters and
KR C KUKA Robot Controller.
KRL KUKA Robot Language: KUKA robot program-
ming language.
KUKA.HMI The KUKA user interface on the screen of the
robot controller.
Local bus Designation for the sub-rings of an Interbus sys-
FOC Fiber-optic cables: made of glass or plastic
fibers. Greater immunity to interference than
copper cables; electrical potential differences
have no effect.
MAU Medium Attachment Unit: connection unit for a
bus device.
MAU warning Warning of decreasing transmission quality/
weakening reception level on the optic transmis-
sion link, in order to be able to isolate and elimi-
nate the cause (maladjustment, dirt, etc.) before
it leads to a malfunction.
MPM Multi-Port Memory: Interbus component that
communicates between the bus and the proces-
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect: PC bus for
coupling plug-in cards to the processor.
PCP Peripherals Communication Protocol: protocol
for sending info telegrams (e.g. message texts to
be displayed) via an Interbus. It is not actively
used by robot controllers, but forwarded.
PDU Protocol Data Units: data packets on the Inter-
Polymer fiber cable Plastic cable. Cheaper than glass fiber or HCS
fiber, but with a shorter range.
PLC Programmable Logic Controller: is used in sys-
tems as a higher-level master module in the bus
SW Software
Telnet Simple terminal communications protocol. It is
used, for example, to configure individual hard-
ware units.
2 Product description
2.1 Overview
The Interbus enables communication between the robot controller and the var-
ious I/O units.
The Interbus PCI controller board is available in two versions: one for connec-
tion via copper cables and one for fiber-optic cables.
Interbus is a field bus system that works with a ring structure and active cou-
pling between the devices. The bus access procedure is a master/slave sys-
tem. The data are passed from the master to the slaves as if through a shift
The IBS PCI SC controller board, the Interbus PCI interface for the KR C4 ro-
bot controller, is available in two versions:
IBS PCI SC/RI-LK for connection of fiber-optic cables
IBS PCI SC/RI/I-T for connection of copper cables
(>>> 4.1.1 "PCI slot assignment" Page 13)
The controller board consists either of both master and slave cards or just a
master card. The master card can also be installed and operated without a
slave part. The slave card, however, can only be installed and operated in
combination with a master card.
The master card is installed in PCI slot 1 and the slave card is installed in PCI
slot 2.
The slave part of the Interbus PCI interface supports the Peripherals Commu-
nication Protocol. PCP makes it possible to access the lower-level Interbus
from a higher-level Interbus via the MPM (I/O range). By reading from or writ-
ing to the MPM from the higher-level Interbus, it is possible to read inputs and
outputs in the lower-level Interbus and to set outputs there.
No PCP data are sent to the robot controller. The PCP functionality is restrict-
ed to the Interbus driver and to reading and writing I/O data in the MPM from
the higher-level controller. When making the parameter channel and process
data channel settings for the PCP functionality, the DIP switch settings on the
slave module (>>> 6.3 "DIP switches on the slave module" Page 22) must be
3 Safety
This documentation contains safety instructions which refer specifically to the
product described here. The fundamental safety information for the industrial
robot can be found in the “Safety” chapter of the operating or assembly instruc-
tions for the robot controller.
4 Installation
Description The IBS PCI SC controller board, the Interbus PCI interface for the KR C4 ro-
bot controller, is installed as follows:
The controller board consists either of both master and slave cards or just a
master card. The master card can also be installed and operated without a
slave part. The slave card, however, can only be installed and operated in
combination with a master card.
Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Start-up > Additional software. All additional
programs installed are displayed.
2. Select the entry KRC4 Interbus and press Uninstall. Reply to the request
for confirmation with Yes. Uninstallation is prepared.
3. Reboot the robot controller. Uninstallation is resumed and completed.
The IBS PCI SC/RI-LK can work with HCS and polymer fiber cables with
FSMA connectors. The connectors must be secured with union nuts.
The CMD configuration and diagnostic software or Config+ from Phoenix Con-
tact can access the IBS PCI SC controller board via the RS232 serial interface.
Using CMD, the user can configure, parameterize and diagnose the Interbus.
The parameterization and configuration can be stored in a non-volatile mem-
ory on the controller board using CMD. It is also possible to update the firm-
ware of the IBS PCI SC controller board via the RS232 interface.
Fig. 5-6: Connection of the external 24 V power supply to the slave mod-
6 Configuration
6.1 Overview
Step Description
1 DIP switches of master module
(>>> 6.2 "DIP switches on the master module" Page 21)
2 Only if INTERBUS slave present.
DIP switches of slave module
(>>> 6.3 "DIP switches on the slave module" Page 22)
3 Configure the configuration file IBSPCI.XML.
(>>> 6.4 "Configuring the file IBSPCI.XML" Page 24)
4 Configure INTERBUS with WorkVisual.
(>>> 6.5 "Configuring the bus with WorkVisual" Page 28)
5 Map the inputs and outputs in WorkVisual.
6 Transfer the bus configuration from WorkVisual to the robot
The DIP switches are on the top left-hand side of the master module.
KUKA default: DIP 1 … 3 OFF
1 ... 3: Card DIP switches 1 to 3 are used for setting the card number. If multiple Interbus
number cards are used, a card number must be assigned to each one. This number is
used to identify the different cards in the system. The card number can be set
4 ... 6: Additions DIP switches 4 to 6 are reserved for expansions and must not be changed.
7: Baud rate DIP switch 7 is used to set the baud rate. The DIP switch is set to OFF by de-
fault, i.e. the baud rate is detected automatically. This setting must not be
8: Test mode DIP switch 8 is used to activate the test mode. If the system is rebooted with
test mode active, the controller board starts up the Interbus with physical ad-
dressing and activates it. During test mode, the controller board does not re-
spond to instructions from the host system (PC). The controller board
initializes the Interbus system and then starts it up automatically. Outputs are
not set.
The DIP switches are on the top left-hand side of the slave module.
KUKA default: DIP 1 … 4 OFF, DIP 5 ON, DIP 6 … 9 OFF, DIP 10 ON
1, 2: Parameter DIP switches 1 and 2 are used for setting the parameter channel (PCP). This
channel setting also defines the ID code of the remote interface. The parameter chan-
nel and the process data channel can have a maximum width of 16 words.
3 ... 6: Process DIP switches 3 to 6 are used for setting the process data length. The length of
data length the process data also defines the length code.
The module can be adapted to special requirements by setting the width of the
parameter channel and the process data length. The following combinations
are possible:
7: Reset response DIP switch 7 determines whether a reset of the lower-level master system trig-
gers a periphery fault in the higher-level system so that it can respond:
OFF: no fault signaled in the higher-level system
ON: fault signaled in the higher-level system
8: Reconfigure DIP switch 8 determines whether a Reconfigure request can be triggered via
request the OPC bus terminal:
OFF: no Reconfigure request possible via the OPC bus terminal
ON: Reconfigure request possible via the OPC bus terminal
9: Baud rate DIP switch 9 determines the baud rate of the slave part of the controller board:
OFF: 500 kbaud
ON: 2 Mbaud
10: Configuration DIP switch 10 determines whether DIP switches 1 to 9 are activated:
selection OFF: DIP switches 1 to 9 ineffective; parameterization from stored resi-
dent configuration or from configuration received by lower-level master
ON: DIP switches 1 to 9 determine parameterization
Description The configuration file IBSPCI.XML contains all the settings which affect the In-
terbus connection.
Changes must always be made via the main menu Configuration >
Inputs/outputs > I/O drivers.
This section is not evaluated when the controller board is started via the SVC
file or externally.
<TASK> section:
<SLAVE> section:
Step Description
1 Insert segments in the DTM catalog.
(>>> 6.5.1 "Inserting segments in the DTM Catalog (Cata-
log Scan)" Page 28)
2 Configure the INTERBUS master.
(>>> 6.5.2 "Configuring the INTERBUS master"
Page 29)
Configure the INTERBUS slave.
(>>> 6.5.3 "Configuring the INTERBUS slave"
Page 30)
Configure the INTERBUS master and slave.
(>>> 6.5.4 "Configuring the INTERBUS master and
slave" Page 32)
3 Enter the IP address of the line interface (optional)
(>>> 6.5.6 "Entering the IP address of the line interface"
Page 34)
Description The master bus configuration can be created directly with WorkVisual if no
SVC file is being used. This means that, on booting, the master card detects
the devices in sequence and determines the bus configuration automatically
in this way. This procedure can only be applied if the devices are always avail-
able (no coupling and decoupling). Otherwise, the bus configuration must be
created using Config+ (SVC file).
In both cases, the image (structure and sequence) of the Interbus must be rep-
licated in WorkVisual. In the case of master configuration without the SVC file,
it is sufficient to create the image with the device description files of the con-
nected devices. In the case of master configuration with the SVC file, an offset
must be entered, so that the precise addresses of the inputs and outputs are
located at the right place in the image. Alternatively, placeholders can be in-
Procedure 1. Expand the tree structure of the robot controller on the Hardware tab in
the Project structure window.
2. Right-click on Bus structure and select Add… from the context menu.
3. A window opens. Depending on which card is used, select the entry IBS
PCI SC/RI-I-T or IBS PCI SC/RI-LK and confirm with OK. The entry is in-
serted in the tree structure.
4. Open the tree structure as far as possible. Right-click on INTERBUS and
select Add… from the context menu. The DTM Selection window is
5. Select the device used and confirm with OK. The device is inserted in the
tree structure.
6. If necessary, repeat steps 4 and 5 for further devices.
The device description files from the manufacturers or the generic de-
vice description files “KUKA Proxy” from KUKA can be used for the
master configuration.
The generic device description files “KUKA Slave Proxy” must not be used
for the master configuration.
Empty 32 inputs Empty 32 outputs
10 byte 8 byte
Description The start address and the length of the image of the slave must be set in the
Interbus communication DTM for configuration of the Interbus slave
(>>> 6.4 "Configuring the file IBSPCI.XML" Page 24). Alternatively, the slave
can also be configured with Config+ (SVC file) and the generated SVC file im-
ported in the Interbus communication DTM. The image (bus configuration)
must then be replicated in WorkVisual. The controller is inserted into the bus
just like any other Interbus device.
Procedure 1. Expand the tree structure of the robot controller on the Hardware tab in
the Project structure window.
2. Right-click on Bus structure and select Add… from the context menu.
3. A window opens. Depending on which card is used, select the entry IBS
PCI SC/RI-I-T or IBS PCI SC/RI-LK and confirm with OK. The entry is in-
serted in the tree structure.
4. Open the tree structure as far as possible. Right-click on INTERBUS and
select Add… from the context menu. The DTM Selection window is
5. Select the device used and confirm with OK. The device is inserted in the
tree structure.
6. If necessary, repeat steps 4 and 5 for further devices.
The generic DTMs “KUKA Slave Proxy” from KUKA must be used for
the slave configuration.
Empty 16 inputs Empty 16 outputs
896 byte 896 byte
Creation of the image for the slave ring always starts at 896 bytes.
Description In order to be able to configure the master and slave rings together, an SVC
file must be created with Config+. The image (bus configuration) must then be
replicated in WorkVisual.
Procedure 1. Expand the tree structure of the robot controller on the Hardware tab in
the Project structure window.
2. Right-click on Bus structure and select Add… from the context menu.
3. A window opens. Depending on which card is used, select the entry IBS
PCI SC/RI-I-T or IBS PCI SC/RI-LK and confirm with OK. The entry is in-
serted in the tree structure.
4. Open the tree structure as far as possible. Right-click on INTERBUS and
select Add… from the context menu. The DTM Selection window is
5. Select the desired device and confirm with OK. The device is inserted in
the tree structure.
6. If necessary, repeat steps 4 and 5 for further devices.
The device description files from the manufacturers or the generic de-
vice description files “KUKA Proxy” from KUKA can be used for the
master configuration.
The generic device description files “KUKA Slave Proxy” from KUKA must be
used for the slave configuration.
Empty 32 inputs Empty 16 inputs
12 byte Master ring 880 byte Slave ring
Empty 32 outputs Empty 16 outputs
8 byte Master ring 884 byte Slave ring
Creation of the image for the slave ring always starts at 896 bytes.
Procedure 1. Expand the tree structure of the robot controller as far as possible on the
Hardware tab in the Project structure window.
2. Right-click on the device used and select Settings… from the context
menu. The Device settings tab is displayed.
3. Enter the desired offset and confirm it by pressing OK. The device is as-
signed to the specified address.
Description In order to be able to perform online functions, e.g. a bus scan, the IP address
of the line interface must be entered.
Procedure 1. Expand the tree structure of the robot controller on the Hardware tab in
the Project Structure window.
2. Depending on which card is used, right-click on IBS PCI SC/RI-I-T or IBS
PCI SC/RI-LK and select Settings... in the pop-up menu. The Master Set-
tings window opens.
3. Enter the IP address of the line interface and confirm with OK.
7 Operation
Description For certain applications, e.g. tool change, it is necessary to couple and decou-
ple segments. Coupling and decoupling can be carried out via the HMI.
Coupling The IOCTL function has a blocking effect. It only returns when the coupling op-
eration has been executed and the response from the firmware can be re-
turned. In the case of a positive response, the segment can be used at once.
If a negative response is returned, an error has occurred during coupling.
If a coupled device is not functional, e.g. because it is disconnected from the
bus or supply voltage, a message is displayed.
Procedure 1. Select the menu sequence Display > Variable > Single.
2. In the Name box, enter:
To decouple: =IOCTL("IBS1",60,[Segment number])
To couple: =IOCTL("IBS1",50,[Segment number])
3. Confirm by pressing the Enter key. The segment is coupled or decoupled.
Syntax Decoupling:
RET =IOCTL("IBS1",60,Segment number)
RET =IOCTL("IBS1",50,Segment number)
Description The Interbus driver can be activated and deactivated via the HMI.
The Interbus driver is active once it has been installed.
Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Configuration > Inputs/outputs > I/O driver.
2. Activate/deactivate the Interbus driver:
Set the check mark in the “Installed” column after the Interbus name.
Remove the check mark in the “Installed” column after the Interbus
3. Press the Close icon. Answer the request for confirmation with Yes. Re-
configuration is carried out.
1 Interbus name
2 “Installed” column
8 Diagnosis
The “State of status machine of driver” can be read in the diagnostic monitor.
The diagnostic LEDs on the master module are all accommodated on the front
plate. The basic functions of the module are checked when it is switched on.
If no faults are detected, “SC” flashes green after approx. 5 seconds. “HF”
goes out when the drivers are activated.
Fig. 8-2: LED for diagnosis of the outgoing fiber-optic cable interface
The diagnostic LEDs of the slave module indicate its state and that of the high-
er-level Interbus system:
The slave module also has two other LEDs for diagnosis of the fiber-optic ca-
Description The IOCTL commands are also used for advanced troubleshooting.
Overview of
The name of the dump file can be specified in the entry DUMPFILE in the
[CONFIGURATION] section of IBSPCI.XML. In this case, all write access op-
erations are recorded on the MPM. The ibsPciDump function can be executed
by means of the IOCTL command CP_IB_DUMP.
8.5.2 Restart
The Restart command attempts to restart the controller board by means of the
firmware command Start_Data_Transfer_Request. No restart is carried
out if the controller board is still active (even in the event of a periphery fault).
An error message to this effect is sent to the KUKA.HMI and the function is
exited with an error code (ERROR). This informs the user that the controller
board is active, but that there is still a periphery fault.
If an error occurs during the restart, the corresponding error treatment is car-
ried out.
These IOCTL commands can be used to activate and deactivate alternative
groups (segments). In the event of a warm start, the Interbus driver saves the
last active segment during the shut-down procedure and automatically acti-
vates it again on rebooting. In the case of a cold start, the segment to be acti-
vated (if any) must be communicated to the Interbus by means of an IOCTL
command from the kernel system. In the event of an error, the IOCTL com-
mand returns the following values:
If the segment was switched correctly, the command returns the number of the
switched segment.
As the slave can be operated independently of the master, the slave also has
its own states. The read and write functions are the same for the master and
The slave can have the following states:
Slave Data Transfer (bit 1)
Fail (bit 2)
Slave Initialized (bit 3)
Power On (bit 4)
Ready (bit 5)
This IOCTL command can be used to poll the state of a module. The return
value given by this command is the state of the module. This command must
be sent to the driver along with the number of the module in the form of the
segment and position number.
Unambiguous remote addresses are determined for each PCP device in the
higher-level ring for the purpose of managing the services PCP (parameter
data channel) and PNM7 (remote management utility). Unlike the local com-
munication reference (CR) of the lower-level ring (master ring), the remote ad-
dress issued is unambiguous in the network. Each PCP-capable device is
referenced in the higher-level ring by means of the position of the data in the
summation frame protocol. The CRs in the master ring are issued in ascending
order, as a continuous series starting with 2. 2 CRs can be issued for an Inter-
bus controller board: one each for PCP and PNM7.
PCP messages that are evaluated by the driver have the identifier 40xxhex.
Before further processing, the received CR is compared with the preset CR in
the driver to check that they match.
See (>>> 6.3 "DIP switches on the slave module" Page 22).
If the driver receives a message with the command
PCP_INITIATE_IND_CODE, a positive response message is returned. The
parameters Access_Group and Password are ignored and set to 0 in the re-
sponse message.
If a message is received with the command PCP_WRITE_IND_CODE, a check
is made to see if the PCP object 0x5FFE is involved. If the message contains
a different PCP object, a negative response message is returned with the error
code 0x0607 (Index not supported). If the message contains a PCP object with
the index 0x5FFE, the subindex is evaluated according to the above tables. If
the subindex is 1 or 2, a check is made to see if the specified range is valid.
In the MPM, 4096 bytes are saved for the input data and 4096 bytes for the
output data. The start address can thus be selected between 0 and 4096. Here
also, a check is made to see if the start address plus the length of the data to
be read is less than 4096. If the check of the start address and length fails, a
negative response is returned with the error code 0x0605 (Application error).
If the specified data are correct, they are accepted and a positive response is
When the Interbus is started, the driver checks whether the controller board
slave supports PCP. If so, the PDU size of PCP objects 0x5FFF and 0x5FFE
is changed to 246 bytes.
If the Interbus driver is switched to the inactive state as the result of a fault on
the Interbus, all incoming PCP messages receive a negative response. The
Error_Class and Error_Code word are set to 0x0902.
9 Messages
Bus error and periphery fault messages are implemented as “status messag-
es” in the KUKA.HMI. In this way, messages are withdrawn by the driver when
the faults have been eliminated or a different error message is present. Error
codes and additional information generated with the messages come from the
In the case of an error, the Interbus driver signals the error to the ap-
plication in accordance with the settings in the file IBSPCI.XML. It
now depends on the application how it reacts to the error, e.g. the KU-
KA.HMI can generate a read/write error and interrupt the execution of KRL
10 KUKA Service
Introduction The KUKA Roboter GmbH documentation offers information on operation and
provides assistance with troubleshooting. For further assistance, please con-
tact your local KUKA subsidiary.
Availability KUKA Customer Support is available in many countries. Please do not hesi-
tate to contact us if you have any questions.
C KUKA Customer Support 55
Catalog Scan 28 KUKA.HMI 7
CMD interface 16 L
Configuration 21 LEDs, master module 39
Configuration files 7 LEDs, slave module 40
Connecting fiber-optic cables 16 Local bus 7
Coupling/decoupling segments 35
Coupling/decoupling segments via HMI 35 M
Coupling/decoupling segments via KRL 35 MAU 7
CR 6 MAU warning 7
Messages 49
Diagnosis 37
Diagnostic data, displaying 37 O
Diagnostic Monitor (menu item) 37 Offset, setting 33
DIP switches, master module 21 Operation 35
DIP switches, slave module 22 Overview 9
Documentation, industrial robot 5
E PCI slot assignment 13
Error messages 49 PCP 7
External power supply to slave 18 PCP functionality 10
PCP functionality of the slave 44
FSMA 6 Polymer fiber cable 7
FW 6 Product description 9
Properties 9
HCS fiber 6 R
HW 6 Recommissioning 15
Remote bus 6
I/O 6 S
IBS 6 Safety 11
IBS PCI SC controller board 10 Safety instructions 5
IBS PCI SC/RI-LK 15 Service, KUKA Roboter 55
IBS SC/RI/I-T 18 Start-up 15
IBSPCI.XML, configuring 24 Status information of the driver 38
Installation 13 Support request 55
Interbus 6 SW 7
Interbus driver, activating/deactivating 36 System requirements 13
INTERBUS master and slave, configuring 32
INTERBUS master, configuring 29 T
INTERBUS slave, configuring 30 Target group 5
INTERBUS, installing (VSS) 14 Telnet 7
INTERBUS, installing or updating (KSS) 13 Trademarks 6
INTERBUS, uninstalling (KSS) 14 Training 5
Introduction 5
IOCTL commands 41 W
ISA 6 Warnings 5
KR C 7