Sales: 1st QTR 2nd QTR 3rd QTR 4th QTR

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1st Qtr
2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr
4th Qtr
Career development is the lifelong process of
Many employees have not thought past their current job or the
managing learning, work, leisure, and transitions in
order to move toward a personally determined and next promotion they'd like to receive. They need to broaden
evolving preferred future. their short-term thinking. As employees are promoted up the
organization chart, fewer jobs become available, yet
continuing to grow skills and experience should still be a
Career management is a must if you expect to gain maximum priority for people obtaining value from and adding value to
success and happiness from the hours you invest in work. their career.
You are likely going to work 40 hours a week for your entire
There are multiple ways to experience career growth by
adult life, and by managing your career effectively, you can
investing in your career development and progress:
make the best of those 40 hours.

 Job shadow other employees in

Share your goals with your boss and gain a partner who can
your company to learn about
help you broaden your experience.
different jobs. This can broaden
Developing your talents and skills will stretch your world and your skills and increase your value.
enable more of your unique contribution. This, in turn, can  Explore lateral moves to broaden
make your career success. and deepen your experience. It's
easy to get stuck in a rut. Being able
to handle multiple jobs can add
variety to what you do and broaden Dr. Tracey Wilen-Daugenti, vice president and managing
your skills. director of Apollo Research Institute and visiting scholar in
 Attend classes and training sessions Stanford University's Media X program, recommends five
to increase your knowledge. New additional career management strategies.
strategies and technologies relevant
1. Set goals and create a plan to
to just about every career are being
achieve them. Could your career
introduced constantly. Stay up to
development and management use
date on your job and industry.
help to gain momentum? People
 Hold book clubs at work to develop
who are the most successful and
knowledge, and share terminology,
satisfied in their careers have
concepts, and team building with
proactively determined what they
want from work.
 Seek a mentor from a different
2. Develop a timeline, including
department that you'd like to
milestones. Bringing your boss and
explore. Leaning on someone else's
their sponsorship and mentoring into
experience is a great way to gain
the picture will ensure that you have
knowledge and introduce yourself to
an internal mentor who will help you
other opportunities.
manage your career.
5 Tips for Career Growth and Development
3. Utilize company programs. Some possible with resources of time and
companies have formal programs to dollars. However, remember that it
help employees develop their is your career path.
careers. In others, you will need to 5. Write it down. Career paths are
informally pursue your career recommended for the same reason
development. Companies with that goals are recommended. They
programs generally focus energy on are the written plan that can help
helping employees develop and each employee take charge of what
follow a career path. is most important to his or her
4. Own your career path. A career fulfillment and success. Without a
path can be discussed at several bi- plan, you can feel rudderless and
annual meetings with your boss. you have no benchmark against
Some companies demonstrate a which you can measure your
deep commitment to their progress.
employees by assisting where