Adrián Lugo Bendezú (Senior, University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras Campus) Mentor: Tristan Goulden (AOP)

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Plugin for Opening and Georeferencing NEON

Hyperspectral Data in QGIS

Adrián Lugo Bendezú (Senior, University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras Campus) Mentor: Tristan Goulden (AOP)

Introduction HDF5 File Format Quantum GIS Georeferencing

NEON Hyperspectral Data HDF5 files are useful Quantum Geographic Georeferencing refers to the act of
The remote sensing data collected by NEON will provide for storing and Information System (QGIS) aligning geographic data to a defined
valuable insight about changes in our world’s ecosystems. organizing big data is a free and open source coordinate reference system (CRS)
One sensor integral to the airborne payload, the NEON sets hierarchically. software package for so it can be viewed, queried, and
Imaging Spectrometer (NIS), collects hyperspectral data Additionally, analyzing geographically analyzed with other geographic data.
metadata files can be explicit data. This action may involve shifting,
distributed along 426 spectral bands, each with a 5 nm
embedded directly rotating, scaling, skewing, and in
spectral resolution. (Figure 1)
into the file structure. QGIS supports the addition of new functionality through plugin some cases warping, rubber
development. Both C++ and Python can be used to create a sheeting, or orthorectifying the data.
One notable trade-off to storing data in HDF5 files is the lack new plugin. We worked on writing a Python plugin that would
of agreement between both research and commercial groups open NEON Hyperspectral Data with proper georeferencing For this project we focused on loading data in the proper CRS
to set a standardized internal file structure. Any attempt to information, a key feature absent in the program’s default and displaying it in the proper coordinates corresponding with
store data in custom HDF5 files must necessarily entail capacity. the collection site.
building an accompanying reader to access the data because
available software tools, such as QGIS, are unprepared to
manage the files.

Current QGIS Functionality Preliminary Plugin Capability

Currently, the plugin opens,

Figure 1. Hyperspectral Data Collection sets proper CRS of NEON
Data from San Joaquin Experimental Range should load inside California. This is a Hyperspectral Data, and
Data Distribution consequence of improper georeferencing which hinders analyses with other data sets. displays it in the QGIS Map
The distribution of NEON hyperspectral data is Canvas.
challenging because of its large size and logistics of
including metadata in a user-friendly and understandable Accomplishments:
file format. To ease the process, data is stored in HDF5 •  Prompt user to select
files. (Figure 2) HDF5 file in directory
•  Open any data set in
HDF5 file
•  Set proper RGB (red,
Plugin Graphic User Interface green, and blue) bands
(GUI) •  Set proper CRS

Future Work:
Two important requirements remain unresolved for publishing
the plugin through the Official QGIS Plugin Repository. The
Figure 2. NEON Hyperspectral Data is Stored in HDF5 Files first is shutting off a misleading error message that appears
when loading data through the plugin. The second, and most
important, is translating the data to the proper location within
Need for a Software Tool to Read Data the desired map projection.
Since there has been no standardization for writing the
internal structure of HDF5 files, available software tools Later revised versions could expand the basic capability of the
do not have the built-in functionality to properly read data plugin by incorporating NEON LiDAR data, providing support
stored inside them. Researchers need a freely available, for multiple and simultaneous loading, and many more.
ready-to-use, and accessible software tool capable of
managing NEON Hyperspectral Data. A plugin for the
open-source GIS software package called QGIS
constitutes such a needed tool.
[email protected] NEON is a project sponsored by the National Science Foundation and operated under cooperative agreement by Battelle.

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