Ict Professional Practice and Ethics

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[Task 3]

Task 3
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[Task 3]

Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:.......................................................................................................3
ASSESSMENT OF IT GOVERNANCE:..................................................................................3
 ROLE OF THE CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER (CIO)..........................................5
ON DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION:.......................................................................................6
 CONSIDERATION OF IT GOVERNANCE ISSUES...................................................6
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE...........................................................................................7

[Task 3]

The case study provided is researched upon and proper data is collected as because
the data that has been provided by the case study was not adequate. The collected data has
been explained thoroughly and the key points are highlighted. The alternatives to the
methods that are used by the given company under consideration of the case study is also
suggested and the study is concluded.

The professional practice and the ethics that need to be followed by the employees
are nothing but a set of rules or guidelines which are provided by a governing body or an
organization with respect to the procedure of problem solving related to the employees as
well as the conduct that needs to be followed by the employees while working in an
organization or an institution. Honesty as well as integrity that need to be followed by the
employees in the workplace are the basis of the guidelines as well as the professional ethics.

In the given case study, we are to study the effect and the cause of different types of
applications of the professional conducts and the ethics that are followed by a worldwide
MNC known as the dell which is prominent for the development and innovation in the field
of computers and a number of different gadgets that are used in the present day by almost
all the people in their day to day life[ CITATION Bel \l 1033 ]. The case study depicts a
situation in which the recruitment of the employees are concerned by taking the help of
different platforms such as the Facebook pages and twitter handles as well.

The main areas that needs to be taken into consideration while planning and assessing
the areas of focus in the governance of the IT sector are five-folds:

 Value delivery
 Strategic alignment
 Resource management
 Risk management
 Performance management

We will be explaining each of the above mentioned points briefly. First of all, we are
concerned about the value delivery of the IT sector. Value delivery refers to the delivery of
the products and the commodities that are promised to the customers and the stakeholder
in such a way that they are satisfied with the product they are provided with. For the
purpose of satisfactory delivery of the product and its value by the IT company/companies,
it is to be made sure that the development and the research that is put into the product is
thorough and attends to the needs of the customer that is concerned with the product.

[Task 3]
The second factor deals with the strategic alignment of the product as well as the
company that is taken into consideration. The strategic alignment of the company is
described as the organization and the planning that is required in order to better manage
the resources that are acquired by the company in order to make the company eligible in
the field of market and increase the competitive value of the concerned
company[ CITATION Don11 \l 1033 ]. These actions and planning include the organization
of the management of the business as well as the management and the efficiency of the
employees that are associated with the concerned company.

The third factor that is important for the assessment of the areas of the focus
in the field of IT governance is the resource management. Resource management generally
refers to the ability and the effectiveness of an individual or an organization in managing the
resources that are provided or acquired by the means of sale and purchase. Highly skilled
professionals are required in order to effectively manage the resources of a company that is
associated with the field of IT as the major resources that are available to the company are
the employees of the company and the customers that approach the company in order to
get their job done. Also, the financial resources also needs to be maintained and managed
carefully in order to sustain the company for a longer period of time while making
considerable profit at the same time.

The fourth point that we will be discussing on the assessment of the focus of IT
governance is the risk management. The risk management refers to the ability of the
organization in handling an unprecedented situation or a problem that affects the rest of
the areas which are necessary for the company in order to maintain a smooth functionality
and retain the customers in order to maintain the profit that is received from them as
well[ CITATION Don11 \l 1033 ]. The management of the risk is a very important aspect
that needs to be taken into consideration as because if the company has a poor
infrastructure for the management of the risks, it might fall prey to those risky situations
and the company might need to decommission its employees and shut down for good.

The last point that needs to be considered is the performance management of the
company. The performance management refers to the time to time quality checks that are
done with respect to the employees as well as the products that have been delivered to the
customers in order to ensure a high rating of customer satisfaction and increment the
business to further sectors and application as well.

According to the case study that has been provided, the company under
consideration, Dell, has been found to adhere and follow all the points that are mentioned
above and is effectively applying the ideas and procedures that ensure the growth of the
company while ensuring a healthy work environment and expansion of the business in
different parts of the world with millions of satisfied customers.

[Task 3]
The basic difference that needs to be understood between the IT governance and the IT
management is that the governance is responsible for the formulation of the plans and the
procedures that are related with what the company needs to achieve and what are the
services that will be provided by the company once it is fully functional. Whereas, the
management of the IT companies answers to the HOW of these questions that are proposed
by the governance of the IT sector or the company. Both of these need to work in
accordance with one another in order to provide a sustainable and profitable development
of the IT business and the IT Company that is concerned[ CITATION Sah11 \l 1033 ].

As far as the case study is concerned, the company Dell uses innovative and effective
methods in the governance of the company as well as the management of different aspects
of the IT sector that are related with the functionality of the company. The governance
proposed a question of what are the steps that are to be taken for the employment of new
and capable personnel to the company and the management provided with the how by
making use of the different social media platforms that are popular among the job seeking
personnel and the applicants, which were Facebook and twitter.


The Chief Information Officer or the CIO is an important position when concerned with
an institution which is rapidly growing and expanding daily with the help of the services that
are provided by the IT Company as well as the staff management and the resource
management that is performed by the company. In an organization, the CIO has the
function of determining the information that is acquired, the management of the
information, the implementation f the information that has been provided or acquired and
the usage of the information that is to be carried out in the form of new and innovative
ideas that are going to help the company in its growth and the sustainable development.

According to the case study provided, the functionalities of the CIO has been fulfilled as
the person was able to communicate with the job applicants with the help of the social
media platforms and was able to recruit the required personnel for the company. The
development of the information has started from following the trends that were available
on the social media platforms[ CITATION Tat96 \l 1033 ]. The collected information was
managed and implemented in the form of recruitment application and the applicants were
recruited on the basis of their profile as well as the capabilities. This ensures that the CIO
has done his/her work efficiently in the case study that has been provided.


The basic issues that are faced by the governance of the IT sector are as follows:

[Task 3]
 IT risk management
 Establishment of a governance network
 Sense of teamwork and of enterprise
 Delivery of value through IT
 Activist information security department and board of directors
 Cloud computing
 Continuous auditing and assurance

Each of the above mentioned points are discussed briefly as follows:

The first point that needs to be considered in the issues that are related with the IT
governance is that of the management of the risk that the IT Industry faces. The governance
is responsible for the development and implementation of a fool proof plan and
methodologies which are required by the company in order to tackle various types of risks
and difficult scenarios that the company is facing or can face in the future[ CITATION
Wel \l 1033 ]. This is an important issue that needs to be take4n care of as there cannot be a
company without a set of contingency plans in order to avoid a complete shut down and the
decommission of the employees that are working for the company and the incurring of a
loss for the company.

The next issue that needs to be taken care of is that of the establishment of a
governance network. The governance is not a task that is to be performed by an individual.
There are a lot of areas that need to be considered and handled efficiently in order to
ensure a smooth and profitable run for a longer period of time with respect to the company.
A well-defined and well formulated network of the gove4rnance is required in order to
handle various types of other factors that collaborate with the development of the
institution or the business body that is in consideration.

The next issue that the governance has to face is from the side of the employees and
the teams that are assigned to work on the products and the projects that are requested by
the customers of the company[ CITATION Don11 \l 1033 ]. The issue is the development
of a sense of teamwork as well as the enterprise in the minds and the hearts of the
employees that are currently rolled-in as the employees of the company. In order to do so,
the system of the chain of command needs to be followed efficiently and necessary benefits
as well as pressure needs to be given to the employees in order to draw out their full
potential and benefit themselves with benefiting the company as well.

The nest issue is the value of the delivery that is faced by the IT governance. The
value of the quality and the usability of the products and the projects that have been
undertaken by the IT Company needs to be checked thoroughly in order to meet the needs
of the customer and the satisfaction level of the customers that are associated with the
company. Failure to do so will lead to the downfall of the company and will cause a

[Task 3]
shutdown ultimately due to incurred loss. The IT governance needs to be answerable to
these issues.

The next issue that needs to be discussed is the level of activism that is offered in
terms of the information security department as well as the board of the directors of the
concerned IT Company. The personal information that has been collected by the company
with respect to the employees of the Company needs to be confidential as well as non-
alterable in order to maintain the authenticity and privacy of the employees that are related
with the company[ CITATION Sah11 \l 1033 ]. The board of directors of the company are
to actively participate in the problems that are related with the employees and address
them in the most suitable way possible.

The next issue that needs to be taken care by the IT governance is that of the cloud
computing. The storage of the data and the applications that are developed by the
association needs to be stored efficiently and one way of doing that is by making use of the
cloud computing mechanisms and techniques.

According to the case study, the company takes care of all the issues that are to arise
in the IT governance as it is able to provide a smooth workflow and a strong network for the
management and the governance of the IT sector.


The technologies and the methods that are used in the maintenance of the IT governance
and the framework are as follows:

 Principle of scientific management

 Total quality management
 Quality management system

In the principles that are used in the scientific management methodologies, different types
of alternatives and ideas are used for the development of the framework. In the total
quality management, the quality of the products that are used and manufactured by the IT
Company are taken as the primary commodity and the different types of parameters are set
on the basis of the product management only. In the quality management system, the
quality of the project and the products that are assigned to the company and are prepared
by the company are evaluated and the development of the guidelines and the framework
are solely based on the quality of the product itself[ CITATION Sah11 \l 1033 ].

It can be stated that the process that is followed by the company Dell in the process
of recruitment of the employees is not one that is to be recommended as it can be used by
other person in order to acquire the personal details of the applicants and use them in a
way to harm the applicants as well.

[Task 3]
An alternative can be used in which the use of e-mails can be promoted and the
applicants are asked to register via a registration link that is to be provided by the company
and the data of the applicants is to be stored in the database of the company which in a
way, will ensure the privacy of the data as well[ CITATION Wel \l 1033 ].

In this study, we have assessed different types of issues as well as the aspects that
are related with the IT governance as well as the ethical liability of the different aspects of
the company. Each of the topics are thoroughly discussed and the flaws as well as the
advantages of the methods and techniques used are stated.

An alternative has also been provided on the usage of social media platforms in the
process of recruitment of the employees to the company. It can be stated that by following
the procedure that has been suggested, the company can make huge improvement in the
field of data privacy, authenticity, diversity as well as inclusion.

Bell, M. (n.d.). Case study: Dell Online. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 12(4), 63–86.
Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/229608043/
Dong, S. (2011). The structuration theory on CRM diffusion: IT governance issues. 2011
International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEE), (pp. 1–4).
Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1109/ICEBEG.2011.5881886
Sahibuddin, Masrom,, & Sharifi. (2011). Issues in Implementing IT Governance in Small and
Medium Enterprises. 2011 Second International Conference on Intelligent Systems,
Modelling and Simulation, (pp. 197–201). Retrieved from
Tattum, L. (1996). The role of the chief information officer. Chemical Week, 158, p. 26.
Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/222502650/
Welsh, P., Williams, J., Cianci, M., & Swartz, D. (n.d.). Management Optimism Versus
Market Skepticism in Delaware Appraisal Litigation: A Dell Case Study. Insights; the
Corporate & Securities Law Advisor, 32(2), 17–25. Retrieved from

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