Lathe and Capstan & Turret

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Assignment No. Roll No.

Name of Experiment: Lathe and Capstan & Turret

Q1. Explain half-nut mechanism with neat sketch.

1. The half-nut mechanism shown in the figure makes the carriage to engage or disengage
with the lead screw.
2. It comprises a pair of half nuts, capable of moving in or out of mesh with the lead screw.
The two halves of the nut are connected in the cam slots in a circular disc by two pins.
3. When the disc is rotated by a hand lever attached to it, the pins being guided in the cam
slots serve to open or close the spilt nuts and thus engages or disengages with the lead
4. The half nut slide with in the guide or frame.
5. Closing the half nuts causes the carriage to move a fixed distance for each revolution of
the spindle.
6. The direction in which it moves depends upon the position of the feed reverse lever on
the headstock. The split nut is used for thread cutting and never for any other operation.

Q2. Explain the function of various components of lathe.

The functions of various components of lathe are:
A. Lathe Bed:
1. The lathe bed forms the base of the machine. The headstock and the tailstock are located
at either end of the bed and the carriage rests over the lathe bed and slides on it.
2. The lathe bed being the main guiding member of the tool, for accurate machining work,
must satisfy the following:
3. It must resist the twisting stress set up due to the resultant of two forces – the downward
cutting force on the tool and the force tending to move the tool away from the work in a
horizontal direction.
4. The bed should be seasoned naturally to avoid distortion or warp that may develop when
it is cooled after the bed is cast.
5. On the top of the bed there are two sets of slides or guide ways – outer ways and inner
ways. The outer guide ways provide bearing and sliding surfaces for the carriage, and the
inner ways for the tailstock.
6. The guiding surfaces are accurately machined to make them parallel to the lathe axis,
absolutely horizontal, and sufficiently plain.
7. The guiding surface should also be resistant to wear. Chilled castings are sometimes used
to improve wear resisting qualities.
B. Headstock:
1. The headstock is secured permanently on the inner ways at the left hand end of the lathe
bed, and it provides mechanical means of rotating the work at multiple speeds.
2. It comprises essentially a hollow spindle and mechanism for driving and altering the
spindle speed. All the parts are housed within the headstock casting.
3. This is usually of a large diameter to resist bending and it should be perfectly aligned with
the lathe axis and accurately machined for producing true work surface.
4. A hole extends through the spindle so that a long bar may be passed through the bore.
5. The spindle revolves on two large bearings housed on the headstock casting. The
clearance between the spindle and the bearing should be minimum, to prevent vibration.
6. Thrust bearings are provided to take up the end load owing to the feeding action of the
tool. Provision is made for expansion of the spindle when it gets heated under high speed
metal machining.

C. Tailstock:
1. The tailstock is located on the innerways at the right hand end of the bed. It has two main
uses: (1) it supports the other end of the work when it is being machined between centres,
and (2) it holds a tool for performing operations such as drilling, reaming, tapping, etc.
2. To accommodate different lengths of work, the body of the tailstock can be adjusted
along the ways chiefly by sliding it to the desired position where it can be clamped by bolts
and plates.
3. The upper casting of the body can be moved toward or away from the operator by means
of the adjusting screws to offset the tailstock for taper turning and to realign the tailstock
centre for straight turning.
4. The body is bored to act as the barrel which carries the tailstock spindle that moves in
and out of the barrel by means of a screw when the tailstock hand-wheel is turned.

D. Carriage:
1. The carriage of a lathe has several parts that serve to support, move and control the
cutting tool.
2. The saddle is an H-shaped casting that fits over the bed and slides along the ways. It
carries the cross slide and tool post.
3. The cross-slide comprises a casting, machined on the underside for attachment to the
saddle and carries locations on the upper face for the tool post or compound rest
4. The compound rest or compound slide is mounted on the top of the cross-slide and has a
circular base graduated in degrees. It is used for obtaining angular cuts and short tapes as
well as convenient positioning of the tool to the work.
5. The tool post is located on the top of the compound rest to hold the tool and to enable it
to be adjusted to a convenient working position.
6. The apron is fastened to the saddle and hangs over the front of the bed. It contains gears,
clutches, and levers for operating the carriage by hand and power feeds.

E. Feed rod and Lead screw:

1. The power is transmitted from the lathe spindle to the apron gears through a feed rod via
large number of gear.
2. The feed rod is used to move the carriage or cross-slide for turning, boring, facing, and all
other operations except thread cutting.
3. The lead screw is a long threaded shaft as a master screw, and is brought into operation
only when threads have to be cut.
4. In all other times the lead screw is disengaged from the gear box and remains stationary,
but this may be used to provide motion for turning, boring, etc.

F. Thread cutting mechanism:

1. A half-nut mechanism makes the carriage to engage or disengage with the lead screw.
2. It comprises a pair of half nuts, capable of moving in or out of mesh with the lead screw.
The two halves of the nut are connected in the cam slots in a circular disc by two pins.
3. When the disc is rotated by a hand lever attached to it, the pins being guided in the cam
slots serve to open or close the spilt nuts and thus engages or disengages with the lead
4. The half nut slide with in the guide or frame.
5. Closing the half nuts causes the carriage to move a fixed distance for each revolution of
the spindle.
6. The direction in which it moves depends upon the position of the feed reverse lever on
the headstock. The split nut is used for thread cutting and never for any other operation.

Q3. How lathe machines are specified?

The size of a lathe is expressed or specified by:
1. The height of the centres measured from the lathe bed.
2. The swing diameter over bed. This is the largest diameter of work that will revolve
without touching the bed and is twice the height of the centre measured from the bed of
the lathe.
3. The length between centres. This is the maximum length of work that can be mounted
between the lathe centres.
4. The swing diameter over carriage. This is the largest diameter of work that will revolve
over the lathe saddle, and is always less than the swing diameter over bed.
5. The maximum bar diameter. This is the maximum diameter of bar stock that will pass
through hole of the headstock spindle.
6. The length of bed. This indicates the approximate floor space occupied by the lathe.
7. In ordering a lathe it is necessary to ask for certain other important particulars to specify
the lathe correctly. These are: width of the bed, swing over gap, spindle nose diameter,
centre taper, Morse number and range of spindle speeds, number of feeds, number and
range of metric and English threads that may be cut, pitch value of leadscrew, power input
and floor are required.

4. Explain various types of work holding and tool holding devices used in lathe machine.
The tool post is located on the top of the compound rest to hold the tool and to enable it to
be adjusted to a convenient working position. The different types of tool holding devise
used in lathe machines are:
A. Single screw tool post:
1. The single screw tool post consists of a round bar with a slotted hole in the centre for
fixing the tool by means of a set screw.
2. The tool post with concave ring and convex rocker slides in a T-slot on the top of the
compound rest.
3. The height of the tool point can be adjusted by tilting the rocker and clamping i in
position by the set screw. The tool post can be swivelled about its vertical axis.

B. Four bolt tool post:

1. In a four bolt tool post, the tool is held in position by two straps and four bolts.
2. Loose coil springs are fitted to each bolt to keep the straps in place and greatly facilitate
the setting up of the tools.
3. Adjustment for tool height can be made by using parallel packing strips under the tools.
4. This type forms a very firm support for either a single or double tool set-up. This is,
therefore, often fitted to heavy duty lathes.

C. Open side tool post:

1. In an open side tool post, the tool is held quite independent of the man fixing bolt and
clamped in position by two set screws.
2. The height of the cutting point can be swivelled to any desired position after loosening
the central bolt which slides in a T-slot. This arrangement ensures quick replacement of the

D. Four way tool post:

1. In this type of tool post, four sides are open to accommodate four tools at a time. 2. The
tool is held in position by separate screws and a locking bolt is located at the centre.
3. The tools fitted in proper sequence of operation and by indexing the tool post through 90
degrees any one of the tools may be fed into the work.
4. Indexing device may be incorporated to enable the post to be swivelled exactly through
90 degrees.
5. This type of tool post is used in moderately heavy lathes and is suitable for repetitive

Q5. Explain various types of turning.

Turning in a lathe is to remove excess material from the workpiece to produce a cone-
shaped or a cylindrical surface. The various types of turning made in lathe work for various
purposes are described below.
A. Straight turning:
1. The work is turned straight when it is made to rotate about the lathe axis, and the tool is
fed parallel to the lathe axis. The straight turning produces a cylindrical surface by removing
excess metal from the workpiece.
2. After facing the ends and drilling the centre, the job is carefully mounted between the
centres using a lathe dog attached to the workpiece, the bent tail of the dog fitting into the
slot provided on the catch plate.
3. The trueness of the workpiece held on a chuck s tested by holding a chalk or a scriber or a
dal indicator against the rotating workpiece.
4. A properly ground right hand turning tool selected for the purpose is clamped on the tool
post with the minimum overhang and is set with its cutting edge approximately at the lathe
axis or slightly above it.
5. The machine is started after the workpiece and the tool is properly set and the correct
spindle speed and the amount of feed to be given is determined.
6. The automatic feed is engaged to move the carriage to the desired length, then the feed
is disengaged and the carriage is brought back to the starting position.
7. The process is repeated until the job is finally finished after two or three similar cuts.

B. Rough turning:
1. The rough turning is the process of removal of excess material from the workpiece in a
minimum time by applying high rate of feed and heavy depth of cut.
2. The roughing cut should be so made that the machine, the tool, and the workpiece can
bear the load and it does not make too rough a surface and spoil the centres.
3. The depth of cut for roughing operations in average machine shopwork is from 2 to 5 mm
and the rate of feed is from 0.3 to 1.5 mm per revolution of the work.
4. In rough turning operations, a rough turning tool is used.

C. Finish turning:
1. The finish turning operation requires high cutting speed, small feed, and a very small
depth of cut to generate a smooth surface.
2. A finish turning tool having sharp cutting edge is held in securely on the tool post go this
3. In finish turning operation, the depth of cut ranges from 0.5 to 1 mm and the feed from
0.1 to 0.3 mm per revolution of the workpiece.
4. After measuring the diameter of rough turned surface, the depth of cut to be given is
determined by subtracting the finished diameter from the measured value.
5. The tool is then made to advance by half the above value by rotating the cross slide hand
wheel through required number of divisions on the dial.
6. Copious supply of coolant and lubricant should be used to produce a smooth surface.

D. Shoulder turning:
1. When a workpiece having different diameters is turned, the surface forming the step
from one diameter to the other is called the shoulder, and machining this part of the
workpiece is called shoulder turning.
2. There are four kinds of the shoulder: (1) square shoulder, (2) angular or bevelled
shoulder, (3) radius shoulder, and (4) undercut shoulder.
3. The location of the shoulder is first marked on the workpiece by measuring from one end
by a steel rule.
4. The first diameter is then turned to the finished size within 0.5 to 1 mm of the shoulder
5. For square or bevelled shoulder a right cut facing tool is used to finish upto the shoulder
mark. A round nose tool will produce a radius shoulder.

Q6. Explain methods of taper turning with diagram.

While taper turning, it is essential that the tool cutting edge should be set accurately on the
centre line of the workpiece, otherwise correct taper will not be obtained. A taper may be
turned by any one of the following methods:
A. Taper turning by a form tool:
1. The given figure illustrates the method of turning taper by a form tool. A broad nose tool
having straight cutting edge is set on to the work at half
taper angle, and is fed straight into the work to generate
a tapered surface.
2. The half angle of taper will correspond to minus 90
side of the tool. In this method the tool angle should be
properly checked before us. This method is limited to
turn short length of taper only.
3. This is due to the reason that the metal is removed by
the entire cutting edge, and any increase in the length of the taper will necessitate the use
of a wider cutting edge.
4. This will require excessive cutting pressure, which may distort the work due to vibration
and spoil the work surface.

B. Taper turning by setting over the tailstock:

1. The principle of turning taper by this method is to shift the axis of rotation of the
workpiece, at an angle to the lathe axis, and feeding the tool parallel to the lathe axis.
2. The angle at which the axis of rotation of the workpiece is shifted is equal to half angle of
the taper.
3. This is done when the body of the
tailstock is made to slide on its base
towards or away from the operator by a
set-over screw as shown in the figure.
4. The amount of set-over being limited,
this method is suitable for turning small
taper on long jobs. The main disadvantage
of this method is that the live and dead
centres are not equally stressed and the
wear is not uniform.
5. Moreover, the lathe carrier being set at an angle, the angular velocity of the work is not

C. Taper turning by swivelling the compound rest:

1. This method employs the principle of turning
taper by rotating the workpiece on the lathe axis
and feeding the tool at an angle to the axis of
rotation of the workpiece.
2. The tool mounted on the compound rest is
attached to a circular base, graduated in degree,
which may be swivelled and clamped at any
desired angle.
3. Once the compound rest is set at the desired
half taper angle, rotation of the compound slide
screw will cause the tool to be fed at that angle and generate a corresponding taper.
4. This method is limited to turn a short taper owing to the limited movement of the
compound rest. But a small taper may also be turned. The compound rest may be swivelled
at 45° on either side of the lathe axis enabling it to turn a steep taper.
5. The movement of the tool in this method being purely controlled by hand, this gives a low
production capacity and poorer surface finish.
6. The setting of the compound rest is done by swivelling the rest at the half taper angle, if
this is already known. If the diameter of the small and large end and length of taper are
known, the half taper angle can be calculated.

D. Taper turning by a taper attachment:

1. The principle of turning taper by a taper attachment is to guide the tool in a straight path
set at an angle to the axis of rotation of the
workpiece, while the work is being revolved
between centres or by a chuck aligned to the lathe
2. A taper turning attachment shown in the figure
consists essentially of a bracket or frame which is
attached to the rear end of the lathe bed and
supports a guide bar pivoted at the centre.
3. The bar having graduations in degrees may be
swivelled on either side of the zero graduation and
is set at the desired angle with the lathe axis.
4. When the taper tuning attachment is used, the cross-slide is first made free from the lead
screw by removing the binder screw. The rear end of the cross-slide is then tightened with
the guide block by means of a bolt.
5. When the longitudinal feed is engaged, the tool mounted on the cross-slide will follow
the angular path, as the guide block will slide on the guide bar set at an angle to the lathe
axis. The required depth of cut is given by the compound slide which is placed at right angles
to the lathe axis.
6. The guide bar must be set at half taper angle and the taper on the work must be
converted in degrees. The maximum angle through which the guide bar may be swivelled is
10° to 12°on either side of the centre line.

E. Taper turning by combining feeds:

1. Taper turning by combining feed is shown in figure. This
is a more specialized method of turning taper
2. In certain lathes both longitudinal and cross feeds may be
engaged simultaneously causing the tool to follow a
diagonal path which is the resultant of the magnitude of the
two feeds.
3. The direction of the resultant may be changed by varying
the rate of feeds by change gears provided inside the apron.

Q7. Explain various operations to be performed on a lathe.

1. Turning: Turning in a lathe is to remove excess material from the workpiece to produce a
cone-shaped or a cylindrical surface. The various types of turning made in lathe work for
various purposes are: straight turning, rough turning, finish turning and shoulder turning.
2. Taper turning: A taper may be defined as a uniform increase or decrease in diameter of a
piece of work measured along its length. In a lathe taper, taper turning means to produce a
conical surface by gradual reduction in diameter from a cylindrical workpiece.
3. Eccentric turning: If a cylindrical workpiece has two separate axis of rotation one bring
out of centre to the other, the workpiece is termed as eccentric and turning of different
surfaces of the workpiece is known as eccentric turning.
4. Chamfering: Chamfering is the operation of bevelling the extreme end of a workpiece.
This is done to remove the burrs, to protect the end of the workpiece from being damaged
and to have a better look.
5. Thread cutting: Thread cutting is one of the most important operations performed in a
lathe. The principle of thread cutting is to produce a helical groove on a cylindrical or conical
surface by feeding the tool longitudinally when the job is to be removed between centres or
by a chuck.
6. Facing: Facing is the operation of machining the ends of a piece of work to produce a flat
surface square with the axis. This is also used to cut the work to the required length. The
operation involves feeding the tool perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the workpiece.
7. Knurling: Knurling is the process of embossing a diamond shaped pattern on the surface
of workpiece. The purpose is to provide an effective gripping surface on a workpiece to
prevent it from slipping when operated by hand.
8. Filing: Filing is the finishing operation performed after turning. This is done in a lathe to
remove burrs, sharp corners, and feed marks on a workpiece and also to bring it to size by
removing very small amount of metal. The operation consists of passing a flat single cut file
over the workpiece which revolves at high speed.
9. Polishing: Polishing is performed after filling to improve the surface quality of the
workpiece. Polishing with successively finer grades of emery cloth after filing results in very
smooth, bright surface.
10. Grooving: Grooving is the process of reducing the diameter of a workpiece over a very
narrow surface. It is often done at the end of a thread or adjacent to a shoulder to leave a
small margin.
11. Drilling: It is the operation of producing a cylindrical hole in a workpiece.

Q8. List the functions of providing rake angle on a single point cutting tool.
The functions of providing rake angle on a single point cutting tool are:
1. It allows the chips to flow in a convenient direction.
2. It reduces the cutting force required to shear the metal and consequently helps to
increase the tool life and reduces the power consumed.
3. It provides keenness to the cutting edge.
4. It improves the surface finish.

Q9. State the functions of nose radius.

The functions of nose radius are as follows:
1. Greater nose radius clears up the feed marks caused by the previous shearing action and
provides better surface finish. All finish turning tools have greater nose radius than rough
turning tools.
2. It increases the strength of the cutting edge, tends to minimize wear taking place in sharp
pointed tool with consequent increase in tool life.
3. Accumulation of heat is less than that in a pointed tool which permits higher cutting
4. Slight reduction in cutting force may be obtained.
Very large nose radius may cause chatter. For rough turning, nose radius is usually 0.4 mm
and for finish turning it varies from 0.8 to 1.6 mm.

Q10. Explain various machining parameters with respect to lathe machine.

1. Cutting speed: The cutting speed (v) of a tool is the speed at which the metal is removed
by the tool from the workpiece. In a lathe it is the peripheral speed of the work past the
cutting tool expressed in metres per minute. In the British system, cutting speed is
expressed in feet per minute and diameter of the work in inches.
2. Depth of cut: The depth of cut (t) i the perpendicular distance measured from the
machine surface to the uncut surface of the workpiece. The depth of cut varies inversely as
the cutting speed. For general purposes, the ration of the depth of cut to the feed varies
from 10 : 1.
3. Machining time: The machining time in lathe work can be calculated for a particular
operation if the speed of the job, feed length of the job is known.
4. Cutting tool signature: The signature is a sequence of numbers listing the various angles,
in degrees, and the size of the nose radius. The seven elements that comprise the signature
of a single point cutting tool are always started in the following order: back rake angle, and
nose radius. Thus a tool with a shape specified as - ‘8-14-6-6-6-15-4’ has, 8° back rake, 14°
side rake, 6° end relief, 6° end or side relief, 6° end cutting edge and 15° side cutting edges
angles, and 4mm nose radius.
5. Feed: The feed of a cutting tool in a lathe work is the distance the tool advances for each
revolution of the work. Feed is expressed in millimetres per revolution. The feed depends on
factors such as size, shape, strength and method of holding the component, the tool shape
and its setting as regard overhang, the rigidity of the machine, depth of cut, power
available, etc.

Q11. Compare engine lathe and capstan and turret lathe.

Engine lathe Capstan and Turret lathe

1. Considering similar sizes, an engine lathe 1. A capstan or turret lathe will require
will require a motor of 3 HP to drive its power as high as 15 HP for high rate of
spindle and other parts as compared to production.
capstan and turret lathes.
2. In the case of an engine lathe the usual 2. The tool post mounted on the cross-slide
practice is to hold only one tool on the tool of a turret lathe is a four way tool post which
post, and for different operations the tool holds four tools that may be indexed by 90°
must be changed and will require too much and each tool may be brought into operation
of setting time in repetitive works. in a regular order.
3. In an engine lathe, the tailstock can 3. In a turret lathe, the tailstock of an engine
accommodate only one tool of limited size. lathe is replaced by a turret. This is a six
sided block each side of which may carry one
or more tools.
4. In case of an engine lathe, this type of 4. In a turret lathe, combination cuts can be
arrangement is quite uncommon. taken. Two or more tools may be mounted
on the same face of the turret, making it
possible to machine more than one surface
at a time. This reduces total operational
5. The labour cost to operate engine lathe is 5. The labour cost required for operating a
high due to requirement of a skilled operator capstan or turret lathe is less than that
required for an engine lathe as a semi-skilled
operator is needed.
6. Engine lathe are equipped with 6. Capstan and turret lathes are not usually
leadscrews for cutting threads on workpiece. fitted with leadscrews for cutting threads
similar to an engine lathe. The threads are
usually cut by die-heads and taps.
7. The engine lathe is suitable for odd jobs 7. The capstan and turret lathe is
having different shapes and sizes. fundamentally a production machine,
capable of producing large number of
identical pieces in a minimum time.

Q12. Explain turret indexing mechanism with neat sketch.

1. A simple line sketch of the mechanism is shown in the figure. The figure illustrates an
inverted plan of the turret assembly.
2. The turret is mounted on the spindle, which rests on a bearing on the turret saddle.
3. The index plate, the bevel gear and an indexing ratchet are keyed to the spindle.
4. The plunger fitted within the housing and mounted on the saddle locks the index plate by
spring pressure and prevents any rotary movement of the turret as the tool feeds into the
5. A pin fitted on the plunger projects out of the housing. An actuating cam and the indexing
pawl are attached to the lathe bed at the desired position.
6. Both the cam and the pawl are spring loaded. As the turret reaches the backward
position, the actuating cam lifts the plunger out of the groove in the index plate due to the
riding of the pin on the bevelled surface of the cam and thus unlocks the index plate.
7. The spring loaded pawl which by this time engages with a groove of the ratchet plate,
causes the ratchet to rotate as the turret head moves backward.
8. When the index plate or the turret rotates through one sixth of revolution, the pin and
the plunger drops out of the cam and the plunger locks the index plate at the next groove.
The turret is thus indexed by one sixth of revolution and again locked into the new position
9. The turret holding the next tool is now fed forward and the pawl is released from the
ratchet plate by the spring pressure.

Q13. List various accessories used in lathe machine.

Lathe accessories are used either for holding and supporting the work or for holding the
tool. Attachments are additional equipment used for specific purposes. They include stops,
ball turning rests, thread chasing dials, and taper turning, milling, grinding, gear cutting,
turret, cutter, relieving and crank pin turning mechanism.
A. Lathe centres: The most common method of holding the work in lathe is between the
two centres - live centre and dead centre. These two centres take up the thrust due to metal
cutting and the entire load of the workpiece on small bearing surface.
B. Carriers and catch plates: Carriers and catch plates are used to drive a workpiece when it
is held between two centres. Carriers or driving dogs are attached to the end of the
workpiece by a set screw, and catch plates are either screwed or bolted to the nose of the
headstock spindle.
C. Chuck: A chuck is one of the most important devices for holding and rotating a piece of
work in lathe. The different types of chucks include: four jaw independent chuck, three jaw
universal chuck, air or hydraulic chuck, magnetic chuck, collet chuck, combination chuck and
drill chuck.
D. Face plates: A face plate consists of a circular disc bored out and threaded to fit the nose
of the lathe spindle.
E. Angle plates: This is a cast iron plate having two faces machined to make them absolutely
at right angles to each other.
F. Mandrels: A mandrel is a device for holding and rotating a hollow piece of work that has
been previously drilled or bored. The work revolves with the mandrel which is mounted
between two centres. The different types of mandrels include: plain mandrel, step mandrel,
collar mandrel, screwed mandrel, cone mandrel, gang mandrel and expansion mandrel.
G. Rests: A rest is a mechanical device which supports a long slender workpiece, which is
turned between centres or by a clutch, at some intermediate point to prevent bending of
the workpiece due to its own weight and vibrations set up due to the cutting force that acts
on it. There are two types of rests: steady rests and follower rests.

Q14. Compare Capstan lathe and Turret lathe.

The Capstan lathe and Turret lathe although appear to be identical in the first sight, present
lot of differences in construction, operation and use. The following are the difference
between capstan and turret lathes:
Capstan lathe Turret lathe
1. The turret of a capstan lathe is mounted 1. The turret of a turret lathe is mounted on
on a short slide or ram which slides on the a saddle which slides directly on the bed.
2. The travel of the turret in a capstan lathe 2. In a turret lathe, the turret can be moved
is dependent upon the length of the travel of on the on the entire length of the bed and
the ram. can machine longer work.
3. Capstan lathe is suitable for bar work. 3. The turret lathe is suitable for larger and
heavier chucking works.
4. The construction of a capstan lathe is such 4. The construction of a turret lathe is such
that the ram feeds into the work, the that it provides utmost rigidity to the tool
overhanging of the ram from the stationary support as the entire cutting load is taken up
saddle presents a non-rigid construction by the lathe bed directly.
which is subjected to bending, deflection or
vibration under heavy cutting load.
5. While operating a capstan lathe by hand, 5. In a turret lathe, the hand feeding is a
the cuts are sensitive and there is less laborious process due to the movement of
fatigue to the operator due to the lightness the entire saddle unit.
of the ram.
6. In a capstan lathe, the carriage rests on 6. Some turret type lathes are equipped with
both the front and rear ways on the top of side hung type carriage.
the bed.
7. The maximum size of bar that a capstan 7. Turret lathes are capable of turning bars
lathe can accommodate is 60mm. of 125 to 200 mm in diameter and absorbing
upto 50 HP in the main drive.

Q15. List various tool holding devices used in a capstan and turret lathe. Explain few with
neat diagram.
The important and widely used tool holders in capstan and turret lathe are:
1. Straight cutter holder:
a. This is a simple tool holder constructed to take standard
section tool bits.
b. The shank of the holder can be mounted directly into the
hole of the turret face or into a hole of a multiple turning
c. In this type of holder, the tool is held perpendicular to
the shank axis. The tool is gripped in the holder by three set screws.
d. Different operations like turning, facing, boring, counter-boring, chamfering, etc. can be
performed by holding suitable tools in the holder.

2. Plain or adjustable angle cutter holder:

a. The holder has an angular slot cut into the body into
which the tool is fitted.
b. The front face of the holder is also bevelled. This type
of setting of the tool and construction of the holder body
allows the tool to maintain a permanent clearance with
the work and permits turning or boring operations close
to the chuck jaws or upto a shoulder without any
c. In plain type of holder, the setting of the cutting edge relative to the work is affected by
opening the set screws and then adjusting tools by hand.
d. In adjustable type of holder, the accurate setting of the tool can be performed by rotating
a micrometre screw.

3. Multiple cutter holder:

a. The multiple cutter holder can accommodate double tools in its
b. This feature enables turning of two different diameters
simultaneously. Turning and boring tools or turning and facing
tools can also be set in the holder to perform two operations
at a time.

4. Offset cutter holder:

a. In this type of holder, the holder body is offset with the shank axis.
Large diameter of work may be turned or bored by this type of holder.
5. Combination tool holder or multiple turning head:
a. Multiple turning heads are used for holding straight, angular, multiple or offset tool cutter
holders, boring bars, etc. for various turning and boring operations, so that may be possible
to undertake a number of operations simultaneously.
b. The tools are set at different positions on the work surface by inserting the shank of tool
holders in the different holes of the multiple head
body, and they are secured to it by tightening separate
set screws.
c. A boring bar is held at the central hole of the head
which is aligned with the axis of the supporting flange.
d. The head is supported on the turret face by
tightening four bolts passing through the holes of the

6. Slide tool holder:

a. The slide tool holder is one of the most important
tool support for mass production work in capstan or
for turret lathes for small or medium sized parts.
b. The holder is very much useful for rough and finish
boring, recessing, grooving, facing, etc.
c. The holder consists of a vertical base on which a
slide is fitted. The slide may be adjusted up or down
accurately by rotating a hand wheel provided with a
micrometre dial.
d. The rotation of the hand wheel causes a screw to be
rotated in a fixed nut fitted on the base and imparts
vertical movement to the slide.
e. Two holes are provided on the sliding unit for holding tools. The lower hole when aligned
with the lathe axis is used for holding boring bars, drills, reamers, etc. The upper hole
accommodates a turning tool holder.
7. Knee tool holder
8. Drill holder
9. Boring bar holder or extension holder or flanged tool holder
10. Reamer holder
11. Knurling tool holder
12. Recessing tool holder
13. Form tool holder: (a) straight and (b) circular
14. Tap holder
15. Die holder
16. Balanced tool holder (box tool)
17. V-steady box tool holder
18. Roller steady box tool holder
19. Bar ending tool holder

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