Double Suction Split Case Fire Pump: Series 4800

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SINCE 1981

Double Suction
Split Case
Fire Pump
4800 & 4900
(New Generation) 001-cat-2016-4000f
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PRODUCT FEATURES.................................................................................................................................3
PRODUCT INFORMATIONS.......................................................................................................................4
PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS................................................................................................................5
PERFORMANCE CURVES.........................................................................................................................6


Flo Fab was established in 1981 by Denis Gauvreau who created and developed the products line and
constantly being perfected by Marc Gauvreau, as well as by a team of professional engineers and desi-
gners. It’s a combination of existing designs from several renowned products and the innovative ideas of
a new generation professionals.

Through the years, Flo Fab has acquired several companies and service entities including : AQUA-PROFAB
(ASME Tanks manufacturer), MÉNARD, LÉONARD ÉLECTRIQUE, PMA. , Furthermore Flo Fab purchased
equipment, fabrication designs and patterns from IDEALCO, a manufacturer of shell and tube type heat
The after sales services, sales, engineering, R&D, production, quality control, accounting and administra-
tion departments of all the above companies share the same location.

In December 2014, Marc Gauvreau, son of the founder, acquired all shares of The company. Flo Fab and is
constantly investing in new state of the art innovations new product like the XRI series and Prefab Skid for
Hydronic Hearing 8 cooling system, pumping systems. This has allowed Flo Fab to retain competent and
experienced staff of professionals with varied and specialized abilities that constantly work on improving
our existing products and add new engineered solutions that exceeding customer’s expectations .
Flo Fab has grown quite rapidly and now proudly offers of a wide range of products available directly from
one manufacturer. This includes pumps & pump packages, tanks, heat exchangers & hydronic accessories.
This allows each project stakeholders to enjoy economical savings, peace of mind, best value for their
investment and optimized total cost of ownership.

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SERIES 4800/4900 - FIRE PUMP
SINCE 1981

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SERIES 4800/4900 - FIRE PUMP
SINCE 1981

Product Features
Series 4800/4900 H
(New Generation)

Features and Benefits

Application: The series 4800 are double suction split case type and are most commonly applied
for fire protection systems or other industrial applications.
Features and Benefits:
The axially split volute casing of this series makes this pump especially easy to service. Inspe-
cion of the rotor assembly is possible without removing the pump from the piping. When as-
sembling, the locking of the upper part takes place automatically.
Innovative Casing: Hydraulically optimized casing in several material variants.

Seal Appropriate for the Application: Mechanical seals or asbestos-free gland packing sui-
table to the application.

Low Vibrations: Small bearing distance and short rotors for low vibration operation.
Variable Components: Same sealing and bearing housing, bearings and seals on bothe sides.

Power Impeller: Minimum axial thrust for best hydraulic values.

Long-Life Bearings: Covered, grease lubricated rolling element bearings for long operating life.

Operating Data
Sizes: (DN) 80 to 350mm (3’’ to 14’’)
Flow: (Q) from 500 USGPM to 5000 USGPM
Head: (H) up to 400 PSI, up to 229m (750ft)
Maximum Operating Pressure: (t) up to 1204 kPa/175 PSI, 1720kPa/250 PSI
Maximum Operating Temperature: (P) up to 225°F/107°C, 250°F/120°C
Speed: (n) up to 3450 RPM

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SERIES 4800/4900 - FIRE PUMP

Typical Specifications
SINCE 1981

GENERAL shall be cast iron with ____inch 125 pound

The pumps furnished for fireprotection ser- ANSI rated suction and ____inch(125)(250) Additional accessories required when pump
vice shall be supplied with the specified dri- pound ANSI rated discharge flanges ma- is engine or steam turbine driven:
vers, controls and pump accessory items by chined to American National Standards Insti- • main relief valve:
the pump manufacturer. The pump, driver tute (ANSI) dimensions. • direct acting (spring actuated)
and control shall be • pilot operated (hydraulically actuated)
ELECTRIC MOTORS • relief valve overflow cone, enclosed type
• Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Listed
The pump driver shall be horizontal foot • discharge tee with elbow (for mounting
• Factory Mutual Research Corporation
mounted ball bearing induction mo- relief valve)
(FM) Approved
tor rated ________horsepower, 3 phase,
• Underwriters Laboratories-Canada DIESEL ENGINES
(50)(60) Hertz with open ODP and TEFC
(ULC) Listed for fire protection service. The The pump driver shall be a horizontal shaft
NEMA________ enclosure for operation on
pumping equipment shall be installed as re- type internal combustion engine Model ma-
____volt phase service. The motor locked
commended in the National Fire Protection nufactured by: rated at rpm, clockwise rota-
rotor current shall not exceed the values
Association (NFPA) Pamphlet 20, Standard tion viewed from the end opposite the pump.
stated in NFPA Pamphlet 20. The motor
for the Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps. The engine shall be provided by the pump
shall be mounted on a steel base common
The fire pump shall be designed to deliver manufacturer with, at a minimum, the fol-
to the pump and shall be connected to the
________ U.S. gallons per minute (USGpm) lowing accessories for automatic operation.
pump with a flexible coupling protected by
at a total differential pressure of _______ • cooling waterlines, pressure regulator,
a suitable guard. The fire pump manufac-
psiG. The fire pump shall also be capable of strainer, bypass lines and necessary fittings
turer shall accurately align the pump and
delivering not less than 150% of rated flow for engine cooling system, pre-piped and
motor shafts prior to shipment. After field
at not less than 65% rated head. Flo Fab factory mounted.
installation but prior to grouting the base, a
Pump model _________ shall be furnished • flexible exhaust connector
millwright or similarly qualified person shall
with driver, controllers and accessories as • residential exhaust silencer
check and verify or correct the shaft align-
detailed in this specification. Pump manu- • engine jacket water heater, factory ins-
facturer shall have unit responsibility for the talled.
proper operation of the complete unit assem- ELECTRIC MOTOR • one set dual batteries, lead acid storage
bly as indicated by field acceptance tests. CONTROLLERS type.
MANUFACTURER’S The automatic electric motor controller shall • fuel system as recommended in NFPA
be (UL listed)(FM approved) specifically for Pamphlet 20
fire pump service. The controller shall be de- • fuel storage tank sized to provide a mini-
Each individual pump shall be hydrostatical-
signed for full voltage part winding primary mum supply of one gallon of fuel per engine
ly tested and run tested prior to shipment.
resistance reduced voltage maximum rated horsepower plus 5% for
The pump shall be hydrostatically tested at
• wye-delta open transition sump area plus 5% for expansion area. The
a pressure of not less than one and one-
• wye-delta closed transition tank shall be furnished (with)(without) legs
half times the no flow (shut off) head of the
• auto-transformer for floor mounting and with a direct reading
pump’s maximum diameter impeller plus the
• solid state (soft start) level gauge. Fuel tank shall (single wall)(dual
maximum allowable suction head but in no
type starting. The controller shall be rated wall) UL listed; single wall non-listed
case less than 250 psig
for the horsepower specified in this specifica- • The engine shall be run tested with the
FIELD ACCEPTANCE TEST tion’s electric motors section. The controller pump by the pump manufacturer prior to
A field acceptance performance test shall shall be capable of interrupting a short circuit shipment.
be conducted upon completion of pump ins- current at least equal to the available short
tallation. The test shall be made by flowing circuit current in the controller supply circuit. ENGINE CONTROLLERS
This fire pump The automatic engine controller shall be
water through calibrated nozzles, approved
controller installation requires an withstand (UL listed)(FM approved) specifically for fire
flow meters or other such accurate devices
rating of not less than amps RMS pump service. The controller must be ca-
as may be selected by the
symmetrical at an operating voltage of volts. pable of performing or contain the following
authority having jurisdiction. The test shall
The controller shall be: features: Built in battery charger
be conducted as recommended in NFPA Pam-
• floor or wall mounted for electrical • time clock for weekly automatic test
phlet 20 by the
connection to the motor by the equip • system pressure recorder
• installing contractor
ment installer. • timing relay for automatic stop
• the owner
• mounted on a common base with the • power failure start
• the owner’s representative
fire pump and wired to the motor by the • low fuel level switch
• (other)____________________
pump manufacturer. • pump room alarm audible and visual si
in the presence of the authority having ju-
risdiction and with that authority’s final ap-
FITTINGS • The controller shall be wired to the corres-
proval and acceptance. Failure to submit do-
The pump manufacturer shall furnish ponding engine function terminals and shall
cumentation of factory and field tests will be
piping accessory items for the pump instal- be mounted on a common base with the en-
just cause for equipment rejection.
lation which will adapt the pump connec- gine and pump. A complete running test of
HORIZONTAL tions to the fire protection system and test the base mounted controller, engine and
CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS connection as follows. pump shall be performed by the pump ma-
The fire pump shall be of horizontal centrifu- Fittings subjected to pump discharge pres- nufacturer prior to shipment.
gal (single stage) (multistage) construction sure shall be ANSI (125)(250) pound rating. • The engine controller shall be floor mounted
specifically labeled for fire service and shall Fittings subjected to suction pressure shall for electrical connection to the engine by the
be a Flo Fab Pump model ______________ be ANSI 125 pound rating.
The pump shall be connected to the (fire • eccentric tapered suction reducer
standpipe) (fire sprinkler) (underground fire • concentric tapered discharge increaser
main) system. The suction supply for the • hose valve test header
fire pump shall be from a (public service wa- • hose valves with caps and chains
ter main) (elevated storage tank) (ground • pump casing relief valve
storage tank) (underground reservoir) at • automatic air release valve
a maximum pressure of ________ pounds • hose valve head drain valve
per square inch (psig) and a minimum pres- • suction and discharge pressure gauges
sure of _________ psig. The pump casing
Subject to change without notice.

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SERIES 4800/4900 - FIRE PUMP
SINCE 1981

Product Characteristics
UL/ FM Parameter Table Electric Motor Driven Pump
UL/ FM Parameter Table Electric Motor Driven Pump
Rated Impeller Shut off Pressure Shut off Pressure
Size Rated Total Head Range Total Head Range Speed Impeller Shut Impeller)
off Pressure Shut
No. Flo Fab Model Size Capacity Max./Min.dia. (Max (m) (MaxoffImpeller)
inches Total Head
(m) Range Total Head
(psi) Range Speed
No. Flo Fab Model Capacity
(usgpm) (rpm) Max./Min.dia.
(mm) (Max Impeller) (m) (Max(psi)
inches (m) (psi) (rpm)
500 136/102 193-145 (mm)
300/270 (psi)
1 5X3X125-80-350 5X3 137 195
750 136/102
130/89 193-145
185-126 300/270
1 5X3X125-80-350 5X3 2980 137 195
2 6X4X150-100-320 6X4 750
1000 130/89
126/85 185-126
179-121 300/270
300/255 134 190
32 6X4X150-100-320
8X5X200-125-300 6X4
8X5 1000
1250 126/85
126/77 179-121
179-109 300/255
300/240 134
132 190
4* 8X5X200-125-300
8X5X200-125-380 8X5
8x5 1250 126/77
128/105 179-109
185-126 2980 300/240
380/310 132
146 187
UL/FM Listed Fire Pumps
1500 128/105
125/81 185-126
178-115 2980 380/310
460/380 146
2000 125/81
121/86 178-115
172-122 460/380
460/395 183
5 8X6X200-150-460 8X6 129
6 10X8X250-200-430 10X8 2000
2500 121/86
92 172-122
131 460/395
425 98 183
6 10X8X250-200-430 10X8 2500 92 131 1800 425 98 139
3000 132/85 187-121 490/400
7 No.
12X10X300-250-490 12X10 Model
3500 132/85
131/86 187-121
186-122 490/400
490/410 138 196
7 12X10X300-250-490 12X10 3500
4000 131/86
129/82 186-122
183-116 GPM 490/410
490/410 138 196
4000 129/82 183-116 490/410
1 5x3x125-80-350 500/750
UL/ FM Parameter Table Diesel Engine Driven Pump
UL/ FM Parameter Table Diesel Engine Driven Pump
2 6x4x150-100-320
1000 Impeller Shut off Pressure Shut off Pressure
Size Rated Total Head Range Total Head Range Speed Impeller Shut Impeller)
off Pressure Shut
No. Flo Fab Model Capacity Max./Min.dia. (Max (m) (MaxoffImpeller)
inches Total Head (psi) Range Speed
(m) Range Total Head (rpm)
No. 3Flo Fab Model 8x5x200-125-300
(usgpm) (m) (psi) 1250
(mm) (Max Impeller) (m) (Max(psi)
(usgpm) (mm) (psi)
500 130/82 185-116 330/270
1 5X3X125-80-350 5X3 133 189
5X3X125-80-350 5X3
750 130/82
122/84 185-116
173-119 1250
2650 330/270
330/290 133 189
2 6X4X150-100-320 6X4 750
1000 122/84
122/70 173-119
173-99 2650 330/290
325/265 126 179
32 6X4X150-100-320
5 6X4
8X5 1000
8x6x200-150-460 122/70
126/177 173-99
179-109 2650
1500/2000 325/265
300/240 126
132 179
43 8X5X200-125-300
8X5X200-125-380 8X5
8X5 1250
1250 126/177
123/82 179-109
175-116 2650
2200 300/240
385/325 132
126 187
4 8X5X200-125-380 8X5 1250
1500 123/82
125/81 175-116
178-115 2200 385/325
460/380 126 179
5 8X6X200-150-460
6 8X6 10x8x250-200-430 1800
2500 129 183
2000 125/81
121/86 178-115
172-122 460/380
5 8X6X200-150-460 8X6 1800 129 183
6 10X8X250-200-430 10X8 2000
2500 121/86
127/88 172-122
180-125 2100 460/395
425/360 135 192
6 10X8X250-200-430 10X8 2500
3000 127/88
132/86 180-125
187-121 2100 425/360
490/400 135 192
7 12x10x300-250-490
3000 132/86 187-121
3000/4000 490/400
7 12X10X300-250-490 12X10 3500 131/86 186-122 1800 490/410 138 196
7 12X10X300-250-490 12X10 3500
4000 131/86
129/82 186-122
183-116 1800 490/410
490/410 138 196
4000 129/82 183-116 490/410

Casing: Ductile cast iron

Impeller: SS304
Shaft:40CrNi2Mo (AISI4340)
Seal ring: Bronze
Seal: Packing Gland

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SERIES 4800/4900 - FIRE PUMP

Performance Curves
SINCE 1981

Series 4800
& 4900 (New Generation)

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Montreal, QC, CA 3800 Sherbrooke Street E,
Montreal, QC, CA

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Building 5 2101 2nd Avenue, Seattle,
1 West End Avenue Washington, Belltown

Sales and Service :

Quebec, Canada Lake Worth
Tel. : (450) 621-2995 Florida, USA
Fax : (450) 621-4995 33467-5749

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Tel. : +1 (647) 544-2995 SERVICE 24/7 :

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