Quick Start Guide: NXB-APW-1000

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Quick Start Guide

NXB-APW-1000 AutoPatch TCP/IP Interface

Overview Power over Ethernet (PoE)
The NXB-APW-1000 (FG1010-78-01) is a TCP/IP interface module, which allows for The AMX PoE Injector (PS-POE-AF) is a self-contained PoE power supply that delivers
BCS (Basic Control Structure, AMX AutoPatch’s ASCII command protocol) tunneling both power and data to any PoE-equipped device (such as the NXB-APW-1000) by
over IP via an Ethernet connection to a NetLinx Central Controller (utilizing the AMX “injecting” DC power through a Cat5 Ethernet cable. The PoE Injector is placed between
AutoPatch Duet module). The NXB-APW-1000 is connected directly to an AMX the NXB-APW-1000 and the NetLinx Master (FIG. 2).
AutoPatch Matrix Switcher’s RS-232 Control port (for a list of compatible products, see The NXB-APW-1000 uses standard Cat5/Cat6 cable via the TCP/IP port for PoE power.
the “Specifications” table below). This Quick Start Guide contains complete installation
information and specifications. Note: The NXB-APW-1000 can be placed up to approximately 330 feet (100 m) from the
nearest PoE Injector.

Attaching Connectors
Front View Important: Do not apply power to the PoE Injector until cabling is complete (see Step 8

To attach connectors to the NXB-APW-1000:

1. Attach a null modem serial cable to the NXB-APW-1000’s RS-232 (DB-9) port.

Rear View

FIG. 1 NXB-APW-1000 (FG1010-78-01) TCP/IP (RJ-45) port

Compatibility Note: The NXB-APW-1000 must be connected to one of the compatible

AMX AutoPatch Matrix Switchers listed in the “Specifications” table below. RS-232 (DB-9) port

Specifications FIG. 3 NXB-APW-1000 with cables attached

NXB-APW-1000 Specifications
2. Attach the other end of the serial cable to the Control (DB-9) port on the matrix
Front Panel Components • Status LED (green): Solid green during bootup; blinks switcher (see the matrix switcher’s documentation for DB-9 pinout information).
green when bootup is successful.
• NetLinx LED (green): Blinking green at 5-second intervals
3. Attach the first RJ-45 cable to the NXB-APW-1000 module’s TCP/IP (RJ-45) port.
indicates a connection has been established between the 4. Attach the other end of the first RJ-45 cable to the PWR LAN-OUT (RJ-45) port on
NetLinx Master and the NXB-APW-1000. the PoE Injector.
• RS-232 LED (amber): Solid amber indicates a connection 5. Attach the second RJ-45 cable to the LAN-IN (RJ-45) connector on the
has been established between the NXB-APW-1000 and PoE Injector.
the matrix switcher.
6. Attach the other end of the second RJ-45 cable to the NetLinx Master.
Rear Panel Connectors • RS-232 port 7. Optional – Connect the NetLinx Master to a PC.
• TCP/IP port: 10/100 Ethernet with PoE. 8. Apply power to the PoE Injector.
SPD (Speed) LED – illuminates green when the
connection speed is 100 Mbps; turns off when the speed 9. On the NXB-APW-1000, check the LEDs on the front and the LEDs on the RJ-45
is 10 Mbps. connector on the rear for normal functioning (see below).
L/A (Link/Activity) LED – illuminates amber when the 10. Follow the instructions for accessing Zero-Config information in the NetLinx Studio
Ethernet cables are connected and terminated correctly. WebConsole (second column on the next page). Make note of the IP address for
Power Requirements • PoE powered* – no local power supply needed the NXB-APW-100.
• IEEE 802.3af Compliant 11. Launch a web browser on your PC. In the address bar, type the module’s
Operating Temperature 32 F to 104 F (0 C to 40 C) IP address and press Enter.
Relative Humidity 5% to 85% non-condensing
Dimensions 5.15 in. (13.08 cm) depth LED Indicators
4.35 in. (11.05 cm) width The LEDs on the RJ-45 connector (TCP/IP port) indicate the following:
1.66 in. (4.22 cm) height
• SPD (Speed) – When the LED is green, the connection speed is 100 Mbps; when
Weight / Shipping Weight Approximately 1.42 lb. (0.64 kg) / 2.75 lb. (1.25 kg) the LED is off, the connection speed is 10 Mbps.
Compatible AMX AutoPatch Epica-128, Epica-256, Epica DG, Epica DGX 16, Epica DGX 32, • L/A (Link/Activity) – When the LED is amber, the RJ-45 cable is connected and
Matrix Switchers Epica DGX 144, Modula, Modula CatPro, Octaire, Optima, terminated correctly.
Optima SD, Precis DSP, and Precis SD
Approvals CE, RoHs The LEDs on the front of the NXB-APW-1000 indicate the following:
* A PoE (Power over Ethernet) Injector, PS-POE-AF (FG423-80), is provided for the unit. • Status – Solid green during bootup; blinks green when bootup is successful.
• NetLinx – Blinking green at 5-second intervals indicates a connection has been
Important: To avoid damage to the electronic equipment, installation must be performed established between the NXB-APW-1000 and the NetLinx Master.
in an ESD safe environment. • RS-232 – Solid amber indicates a connection has been established between the
NXB-APW-1000 and the matrix switcher.
Module Installation
System Setup Configuration via TCP/IP Interface
In a typical system setup, the NXB-APW-1000 could be installed between a NetLinx NXB-APW-1000 modules have a TCP/IP interface that allows you to make various
Master and an AMX AutoPatch Matrix Switcher and pass commands to the matrix configuration settings via a web browser on any PC. The interface has two drop down
switcher via a null modem serial cable (FIG. 2). After installation is complete, information menus, IP Control and Admin. In general when you make changes, click Accept and
on configuring the module starts in the section to the right and directions for establishing then click Reboot, which reboots the NXB-AP-1000.
communication with the NetLinx Master are on the next page. IP Control Menu
AC PC (optional) The IP Control menu has two options: Home, the default (FIG 5) and Configuration
Power (FIG. 4). From the Configuration page you can configure the IP Bridge settings.
Matrix Switcher
NetLinx Master

PoE Injector
DB-9 serial cable
(null modem)
RJ-45 cable
FIG. 2 Typical system setup

Mounting Options (Rack Trays & Mounting Brackets)

The unit is an AMX AutoPatch V Style Module. For details on the four versatile mounting
kit options for V Style modules (3 unit tray, tray with fill plates, surface mount, and pole FIG. 4 IP Control menu – IP Bridge Configuration page
mount), see www.amx.com.
The Home page provides information on the system’s VMs (virtual matrices), the To determine the IP address – you can access the module via the Zero-Config feature
hardware device, and device discovery. If the attached device does not support Device in NetLinx Studio. The following directions assume: the NXB-APW-1000 is connected
Discovery, configuration information will not display (the BCS tunnel is still operational). to the same NetLinx Master that NetLinx Studio is configured to connect to, and that all
those devices are on the same network.

To access the NXB-APW-1000 via Zero-Config:

1. In NetLinx Studio (v3.0 or higher), left-click the Zero-Config tab; then right-click in
the Workspace to access the Zero-Config shortcut menu.
2. Select Refresh Zero-Config List to generate an initial listing of all Zero-Config
devices that have been detected.
3. Click the plus symbol (+) to expand any device in the Zero-config list.
The device’s current IP Address is listed below the device name.
4. Double-click on the desired NXB-APW-1000 to open the TCP/IP interface.

Enable DoD Security Mode

Important: When the DoD Security mode is “on,” a BCS tunnel is available; however,
the web interface is unavailable.
To enable the DoD Security mode:
1. Insert one end of an RJ-45 cable into a network card on a PC and the other end
into the TCP/IP port on the NXB-AP-1000.
2. Open an SSH terminal emulator (e.g., PuTTY); connect to the NXB-AP-1000
FIG. 5 IP Control menu – Home page module's IP address.
3. Type set security profile. The prompt appears with the current set-
Admin Menu ting and options.
Click on an option in the Admin drop-down menu to access each of the following 4. Type 2 and press enter.
pages. 5. Type reboot and press enter.
The Device Configuration page has two tabs. Selecting the Device Configuration
tab allows you to edit the device number. Important: When the module is in the DoD Security mode, the user name changes to
administrator and the password to Amx1234! (both are case sensitive). To
change them, connect over SSH, enter security setup, and follow the menus.

To disable the DoD Security mode:

1. Repeat all of the steps for enabling the DoD Security mode, entering 0 on Step 4.

Important: When the module is taken out of the DoD Security mode, the user name
and password will not change back to previous settings but remain as
administrator and Amx1234! or as whatever their values were changed to
after the module was put into the DoD Security mode.
FIG. 6 Admin menu – Device Configuration page – Device Configuration tab

You can reach the Master Connection page directly from the Admin menu or from the Firmware Upgrades
Master Connection tab on the Device Configuration page. You can then select the Firmware upgrades are handled via NetLinx Studio using .KIT files.
connection mode and enter mode and authentication settings.
Before You Start
Important: Do not change the default Master Port Number assignment of 1319. Verify you have the latest version of NetLinx Studio on your PC. Use the Web
Note: Whether the security profile is set to Secure or DoD (see “Enable DoD Security Update option in NetLinx Studio’s Help menu to obtain the latest version,
Mode” in the right hand column), three consecutive login failures will cause a 15 minute or go to www.amx.com and log in as a Dealer to download the latest version.
lockout for the specified user account. Verify that the NetLinx master and the NXB-APW-1000 are on the same
Verify that the NetLinx Master is powered up.
Determine the Device Number assigned to the NXB-APW-1000.
The device number can be viewed/edited in the NXB-APW-1000 Configuration
Manager - Device Configuration page.
Launch NetLinx Studio and open the Online Device Tree.
Tip: Place .KIT files in a local drive for speedy throughput.

To send firmware upgrade files to the NXB-APW-1000:

1. Select Tools > Firmware Transfers > Send to NetLinx Device.
2. Click the Browse (...) button to navigate to the target directory.
3. From the Files list, select the appropriate .KIT file.
4. Enter the Device and System ID numbers for the NXB-APW-1000 module in the
Device and System text boxes (by default the device number is 0).
FIG. 7 Admin menu – Master Connection page – Master Connection tab 5. Review the File, Connection, Address, and Target Device information.
6. Click the Send button.
Pages for Security Settings, IP Settings, and Port Settings are also accessed from
the Admin menu and allows you to enter and edit IP settings and to enable different NetLinx Studio transfers the .KIT files and then sends a command to the module to
ports. reboot, after which the NXB-APW-1000 goes through the upgrade process.
• During the process, the Status LED blinks and the module stays offline.
Important: To enable DHCP in order for the zero-configuration client (e.g., Bonjour for • Once the upgrade is complete, the Status LED stops blinking and the module
Windows) to detect the NXB-APW-1000 on the network, select IP Settings from the comes online.
Admin menu and check DHCP.
Caution: If for any reason the .KIT file transfer fails, retry until transfer is successful.
The last option in the Admin menu takes you to the Clock Manager page, which Do not reboot the module or change connections until transfer is complete. Failure to
allows you to set time settings. Network Time must be selected before the Daylight complete the transfer successfully may require factory repair of the NXB-APW-1000.
Savings or NIST Servers tabs are available.
Additional Documentation
Accessing Zero-Config Information in the NetLinx WebConsole For additional information on NetLinx Studio, see the NetLinx Integrated
NetLinx Studio version 3.0 (or higher) features a “Zero-Config” tab in the Workspace Controllers WebConsole & Programming Guide at www.amx.com.
Window. This tab provides Zero-Config networking functionality within NetLinx Studio. For BCS command information, see the Instruction Manual – BCS Basic Control
Refer to the NetLinx Studio online help for details on using Zero-Config. Structure Protocol on the AMX AutoPatch CD or at www.amx.com.

For warranty information, refer to www.amx.com.

93-1010-04 REV: A
©2010 AMX. All rights reserved. AMX and the AMX logo are registered trademarks of AMX.
AMX reserves the right to alter specifications without notice at any time.
3000 RESEARCH DRIVE, RICHARDSON, TX 75082 • 800.222.0193 • fax 469.624.7153 • technical support 800.932.6993 • www.amx.com

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