Insurance Regulation, 2049 (1993) : Chapter - 1 Preliminary 1. Short Title and Commencement

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Insurance Regulation, 2049 (1993)

Date of publication 2049.12.17 BS (1993.4.1 !.D.)

First Amendment 2053.9.15 BS (1996.12.30 AD)
Second amendment 2060.1.18 BS (2003.05.01AD)

In exercise of the power conferred by section 47 of the Insurance Act, 2049, Nepal
Government has made the following Rules.

Chapter - 1

1. Short Title and Commencement :

(1) These Rules may be called the "Insurance Regulation, 2049".
(2) It shall come into force at once.

2. Definitions :
Unless the subject or context otherwise requires, in this Regulation :
(a) "Act" means the Insurance Act, 2049,
(b) "Certificate" means an Insurer Registration Certificate provided to an Insurer for
operating the Insurance Business by registering him as an Insurer pursuant to Rule 8,
(c) "Premium" means the Insurance Premium to be collected by the Insurer from the
insured in consideration of the Insurance Business,
(d) "Advisory Committee" means the Insurance Tariff Advisory Committee constituted
pursuant to section 41 of the Act.

Chapter - 2
Categories of Insurance Business

3. Categories of Insurance Business :

(1) Subject to the provisions made in the Act and this Regulation, the Insurance Business to be
operated by an Insurer shall be divided into the following categories :
(a) Life Insurance Business,
(b) Non-Life Insurance Business,
(c) Re-Insurance Business.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), Nepal Government may prescribe
other categories of Insurance Business as required on the advise of the Board.

4. Life Insurance Business :

(1) The Insurer may operate the following Insurance Business under the Life Insurance
(a) Whole Life Insurance,
(b) Endowment Life Insurance,
(c) Term Life Insurance.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), the Board may prescribe other
categories of the Life Insurance Business as required.
(3) The conditions and privileges of the Life Insurance Policy to be executed pursuant to this
Rule shall be as specified by the Board.

5. Non-Life Insurance :
(1) The Insurer may operate the following Insurance Business under the Non-Life Insurance
Business :
(a) Fire Insurance,
(b) Motor Insurance,
(c) Marine Insurance,
(d) Engineering and Contractor's Risk Insurance,
(e) Aviation Insurance,
(f) Miscellaneous Insurance.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), the Board may prescribe other
categories of Non-Life Insurance Business as required.
(3) The conditions and privileges of the Non-Life Insurance Policy to be executed pursuant to
this rule shall be as specified by the Board.

6. Re-insurance Business :
(1) The Insurer may re-insure the risks which are in excess from the risks assumed by it.
(2) The Categories of Re-insurance Business to be made pursuant to sub-rule (1) and other
arrangement shall be as specified by the Board.

Chapter – 3
Provisions Relating to the Insurer

7. Application to be Submitted for the Registration of the Insurer :

(1) Any national or foreign corporate body desirous to operate an Insurance Business shall
submit an application to the office of the Board in the format of Schedule -1 along with the
Insurer registration fees of fifty thousand Rupees for the registration of his name as an
(2) The corporate body submitting an application pursuant to sub-rule (1), shall submit other
necessary documents which substantiate the following particulars in addition to the
documents mentioned in sub-section (2) of section 10 of the Act:
(a) The total liability to be assumed by the corporate body while operating the Insurance
Business is not excess of its total assets,
(b) In the case of a foreign corporate body the evidence that it has adequate assets inside
the Kingdom of Nepal in its name so as to bear the total liability of the Insurance
Business to be operated by it within the Kingdom of Nepal,
(c) The Certificate mentioning the name, address and qualifications of the manager who
bears the liability in the capacity of chief, regarding the operation of an Insurance
Business on behalf of the corporate body,
(d) In the case of a foreign corporate body registered as a foreign Insurer, the Certificate
received from the empowered authority of the concerned foreign country to operate
the Insurance Business pursuant to prevailing laws of that country.
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(e) ....................

8. Certificate to be Provided by Making a Registration of the Name of the Insurer :

(1) After receiving an application submitted by any national or foreign corporate body to
register its name as an Insurer pursuant to Rule 7, the Board shall make necessary inquiry
into the application and also make any inquiry with the applicant corporate body, if
necessary and shall register the name of such applicant corporate body as an Insurer in the
registration-book pursuant to Schedule -2.
(2) After registering the name of the applicant corporate body in the registration-book
pursuant to sub-rule (1), the Board shall provide a Certificate in the format of Schedule -3
by specifying the categories of the Insurance Business to be operated by the applicant
corporate body.

9. Provisions Relating to The Renewal of the Certificate :

(1) The Insurer shall submit an application to the office of the Board in the format of Schedule
-4 along with the renewal fee of fifty thousand Rupees for the renewal of his Certificate of
(2) If the Head office of the Insurer which has submitted the application for the renewal
pursuant to sub-rule (1), is out side the Kingdom of Nepal, shall include a receipt of the
renewal of the Certificate received from the empowered authority pursuant to prevailing
law of that country regarding the operation of the Insurance Business along with the
application for the renewal pursuant to this Rule.
(3) If an application is received for the renewal after the expiry of the time-limit as specified in
sub-section (1) of Section 11 of the Act, the Board may renew the Certificate subject to the
provision of sub-section (3) of section 11 of the Act.
10. Recognition of the Certificate to be Automatically Revoked :
If the Certificate is not renewed within the time-limit pursuant to sub-section (3) of
Section 11 of the Act, the recognition of the Certificate shall be automatically revoked.

11. Re-registration May be Made :

(1) If the corporate body whose recognition of Certificate has been revoked pursuant to Rule
10, desires to operate the Insurance Business again it shall submit an application to have its
name registered as an Insurer pursuant to Rule 7.
(2) If an application from any corporate body submitted pursuant to sub-rule (1) is received,
the Board shall make an inquiry whether the corporate body has complied with or not the
Commercial conduct subject to the provisions made in the Act, this Regulation and the
Directives issued by the Board from time to time regarding the operation of the Insurance
Business, and if the Board feel appropriate, shall provide a new Certificate to the said
corporate body re-registering the name of such corporate body in the registration-book by
receiving the additional fee of twenty-five thousand Rupees except the fees mentioned in
Rule 7.

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11A. Lifting the Ban Imposed on the Insurance Business :
(1) Regarding the ban imposed on the Insurance Business pursuant to section 12A of the Act,
the concerned Insurer shall submit an application to the Board along with the necessary
evidences stating that such situation has not existed to imposed a ban within the date of
thirty-five days of non existence of such situation.
(2) If the situation mentioned in the application and the evidences along with the application
submitted pursuant to sub-rule (1) are found to be satisfactory, the Board may lift the ban
imposed on the Insurance Business. While lifting the ban on the Insurance Business in
this way, the Board may lift the ban on the Insurance Business by making a fine of ten
thousand Rupees in the case of a partial ban and twenty five thousand Rupees in the case
of complete ban to the concerned Insurer.

Clarification : For the purpose of this Rule :

(1) "Complete Ban" means a ban imposed on the total transactions relating to the
Insurance Business to be operated by the Insurer.
(2)"Partial Ban" means a ban imposed on any one or more than one transactions out of the
total transactions relating to the Insurance Business to be operated by the Insurer.

12. Permission to be Taken by the Insurer to Make an Invest in Other Sectors :

The Insurer shall take a prior approval of the Board to invest in any sector except the sector
as specified by the Board.

13. Prohibition to Supply Loans or Make Investments :

Notwithstanding anything mentioned elsewhere in this Regulation, no Insurer shall supply
any type of loans to any corporate body or make an investment in which any member of its
Board of Directors is functioning as a director or has any financial interest.
Clarification :
For the purpose of this Rule 'Financial Interest" means if the director of an Insurer or the
member of his joint family has purchased the share of ten percent or more than that amount
of the paid-up capital of any company or corporate body by separately or jointly shall be
regarded as vested financial interest of the Director of the Insurer in such company or
corporate body.

14. Details to be Submitted :

(1) An Insurer who is operating more than one Insurance Business shall maintain separate
accounts and records transparently pursuant to sub-section (2) of Section 20 of the Act
and shall submit the details to the office of the Board in the format of schedule - 5 within
six months after the expiry of each fiscal year.

Clarification :
(1) "Schedule - 5" includes part "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K",
"L", "M" and "N", of the Schedule - 5.

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(2) The Insurer shall submit the complete details of its assets and liabilities to the office of
the Board in the format of Schedule - 6 within six months after the expiry of each fiscal

15. Amounts to Deposited in the Reserve Fund :

(1) The Insurer shall deposit the following amounts in the reserve fund established pursuant to
section 22 of the Act for the liabilities of its Insurance Business within the Kingdom of
Nepal :
(a) An amount not less than the total liability as specified by the Actuary on the basis of
the Insurance Policies published by the Insurer of the Life Insurance Business within
the Kingdom of Nepal.
(b) An amount not less than fifty percent of the Net Insurance Premium shown in the
income and expenditure of the Non-Life Insurance Business.
(c) Fifty percent of the profit earned until the amount equals the paid-up capital of the
Insurer operating the Non-Life Insurance Business.
Provided that, in the case of Marine Insurance, the amount to be deposited to the
reserve fund for at least three years shall not be considered to be profit.

(d) An amount of one hundred fifteen percent of the remaining amounts of the payment
against the claim made by the Insurer before the expiry of each fiscal year.

15A. The Insurer Operating the Life Insurance and Non-Life Insurance shall Operate
Insurance Business in the Form of Separate Organization :
(1) The Insurer registered to operate the Life Insurance and Non-Life Insurance Business and
has been operating the Life Insurance and Non-Life Insurance Business before the
commencement of this Rule shall operate Life Insurance and Non-Life Insurance
Business in the form of separate organizations from the date as specified by the Board.
(2) The Insurer operating the Life Insurance and Non-Life Insurance Business in the form of
separate organizations pursuant to sub-rule (1) shall comply with the terms and conditions
as follows :
(a) To manage to operate only one Insurance Business between the two Insurance
Businesses being operated by amending in the Memorandum and Articles of
Association and to establish another organization to operate the another Insurance
Business under the prevailing law,
(b) To have separate management for the separate organization operating separate
Insurance Business pursuant to Clause (a),
(c) To manage the collection of paid-up capital separately for each organization,
(d) To comply with the terms and conditions specified by the Board relating to the
operation of the Life Insurance and Non-Life Insurance Business separately.
(3) The Insurer shall establish a separate Insurance fund in the name of an organization
operating Life Insurance Business for the amount of Life Insurance and in the name of an
organization operating Non-Life Insurance Business for the amount of Non-Life Insurance
and shall deposit the amounts in the separate funds out of the amounts deposited in the
Insurance fund pursuant to section 21 of the Act while operating the Life Insurance and
Non-Life Insurance Business in the form of separate organizations pursuant to sub-rule (1)
and (2).
16. Management Expenses of the Insurer :
The Insurer may spend up to twenty-five percent in the case of Marine Insurance and up to
thirty percent in the case of other Insurance for the management functions out of the total
amount of the income generated from the premium while operating the Insurance Business.

Provided that, the amount spent for the establishment and mechanization of the Insurance
office shall not be included in the management expenses.

17. Permission to be Taken to Extend the Insurance Business :

(1) The Insurer desirous to operate any other additional Insurance Business except the
approved categories of the Insurance Business for which it has received permission while
obtaining the Certificate, it shall take the permission of the Board.
(2) The Insurer desirous to open additional branch offices to expand the Insurance Business
shall take the permission of the Board.

18. Tariff of Premium :

(1) The Advisory Committee shall provide necessary advice to the Board to determine the
Tariffs of Premium to be received by the Insurer from the Insured while operating the
Insurance Business.
(2) No Insurer shall be entitled to operate the Insurance Business by determining the Tariffs of
the Premium differing from the rate determined by the Board on the advice of the Advisory
Committee pursuant to sub-rule (1).
(3) If the Insurer operates or cause to operate the Insurance Business differing in the Tariffs of
Premium determined by the Board pursuant to sub-rule (2), the Board shall impose
complete or partial ban to the Insurance Business which has been operated by such Insurer
or cancel and shall manage to transfer the Insurance Business to the previous insurer, if
such Insurance Business has been operated by any Insurer and in the event if there is no
previous Insurer, the Board shall transfer it to the other Insurer.

Provisions Relating to the Insurance Agent

19. Application to be Submitted for Insurance Agent's License :

Any person having a qualification or any corporate body with such person as its Director
as mentioned in Rule 21 desirous to work as an Insurance Agent pursuant to sub-section (1)
of Section 30 of the Act, shall submit an application to the office of the Board in the format
of Schedule -7 along with the recommendation of the concerned Insurer.

20. Insurance Agents License to be Provided :

(1) After receiving an application for the Insurance Agent's License pursuant to Rule 19, the
Board shall make an inquiry whether the applicant is qualified or not pursuant to Rule 21
and shall register him as an Insurance Agent in the registration - book pursuant to
Schedule - 8.
(2) After making the registration of the name of the applicant in the Registration-book
pursuant to sub-rule (1), the Board shall provide an Insurance Agent's License to the

Amended by 2st Amendment
applicant to work in the capacity of an Insurance Agent by clearly specifying the Insurance
Business to be operated by him in the format of Schedule - 9 by receiving a fee of five
hundred Rupees for the Insurance Agent's License.

21. Qualification of an Insurance Agent :
(1) Any person desirous to submit an application for the Insurance Agent's License pursuant to
Rule 19 shall be qualified as follows :
(a) Having passed at least SLC or the equivalent examination, and
(b) Having received a certificate being a participant and completed the training for the
Insurance Agent conducted by the Board or an organization recognized by the Board.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), where an applicant desirous making an
application for the License of Insurance Agent is a corporate body, any one director of that
corporate body shall have possessed the qualification as referred to in clauses (a) and (b) of
that sub-rule.

22. Provisions Relating to the Renewal of the Insurance Agent's License :

(1) The Insurance Agent shall submit an application to the office of the Board along with the
renewal fee of two hundred Rupees within the time-limit pursuant to sub-section (1) of the
Section 31 of the Act for the renewal of its license in the format of Schedule - 10, on
receipt of such application, the Board shall renew the license of such Insurance Agent.
(2) If an Insurance Agent has submitted an application to the office of the Board stating the
reasons for inability to submit an application for the renewal of his license within the time-
limit pursuant to sub-rule (1), and if the reasons are found to be appropriate, the Board may
renew the license by receiving an additional fees of one hundred Rupees for up to first two
months from the date of expiry of the renewal time-limit and after that five Rupees per day
for up to four months.

$ 
22A .....................

22B. Code of Conduct of Insurance Agent :

The code of conduct of the Insurance Agent shall be as prescribed by the Board.

$22A ..................... µ

23. Commission Amount to be Received by The Insurance Agent :

(1) No commission amount shall be provided to any Insurance Agent in excess of the
following amount from the Premium amount to be paid by the Insured:-
(a) The commission amount mentioned in Schedule - 11 regarding the Life Insurance,
(b) The commission amount as specified by the Board regarding the Non-life Insurance.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Regulation, the Insurer may provide
incentive bonus to the Insurance Agent in addition to the commission amount mentioned in
sub-rule (1).

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24. Commission to be Received for the Period of Work :
Although the license of an Insurance Agent is cancelled due to failure to renew it pursuant
to Section 33 of the Act, the Insurer shall provide the commission amount to be received by
him pursuant to Rule 23 if he has done any work relating to the Insurance Business before
the period during which he has failed to renew his license.

25 Commission Amount to be Received by the Successor :

The commission amount to be received by the Insurance Agent pursuant to this Regulation
shall be received by his successor in the case of his death before receiving it.

Chapter –5
Provisions Relating to the Surveyor

26. Application to be Submitted for the Surveyor's License :

Any person or any corporate body having a qualification as mentioned in Rule -28
desirous to work as a Surveyor pursuant to sub-section (1) of Section #30A of the Act, shall
submit an application ........... to the office of the Board in the format of Schedule -12.
→27. Surveyor's License to be Provided :
(1) After receiving an application for the Surveyor's license pursuant to rule-26, the Board
shall make an inquiry whether the applicant is qualified or not pursuant to Rule 28, and if it
deems appropriate to provide the Surveyor's license to him it shall register his name as a
Surveyor in the registration-book pursuant to Schedule - 13.
(2) After making the registration of the name of the applicant on the registration-book pursuant
to sub-rule (1), the Board shall provide a Surveyor's license to the applicant in the format of
Schedule - 14 by collecting from the applicant a fee of twelve thousand Rupees for the
class A license, that of nine thousand Rupees for the class B license, that of seven
thousand rupees for the class C license and that of five thousand Rupees for the class D

*→28. Qualifications of a Surveyor :

(1) An applicant desirous of making an application for the Surveyor's License pursuant to
Rule 26 shall have possessed any one of the following qualifications :
(a) Having gained at least ten years of work experiences on the Insurance Business, holding
an officer level post at the office of any Insurer,
(b) Having possessed at least a Bachelor Degree in Engineering subject,
(c) Having possessed at least a Bachelor Degree in Insurance subject from a Chartered
Insurance Institute of international standard or from an organization recognized by such
institute, or
(d) Having passed the Chartered Accountancy Examination.

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(2) An applicant having possessed the qualification as referred to in clause (a) or (b) or (c) or
(d) of sub-rule (1) shall, prior to obtaining the Surveyor's License, have obtained a
certificate indicating his participation in, and completion of, the surveyor training
conducted by the Board.
28A. Classification of the Surveyor :
The Surveyors who have been working as Surveyors after having obtained the Surveyor's
license and completed the following period shall be classified as follows and provided with
the Surveyor's License, after the commencement of this Regulation :-
(a) A Surveyor who has regularly worked as a Surveyor for a period more than fifteen years,
Class "A",
(b) A Surveyor who has regularly worked as a Surveyor for a period from ten to fifteen years,
Class "B",
(c) A Surveyor who has regularly worked as a Surveyor for a period From five to ten years,
Class "C",
(d) A Surveyor who has regularly worked as a Surveyor for a period of five years, Class "D".

29. Provisions Relating to the Renewal of the Surveyor's License :

(1) The Surveyor shall submit an application to the office of the Board in the format of
Schedule-15 along with the renewal fee of →twelve thousand Rupees for "A" class license,
nine thousand Rupees for "B" class license, seven thousand Rupees for "C" class license
and five thousand Rupees for "D" class license within the time-limit pursuant to sub-
section (1) of Section 31 of the Act for the renewal of the License. On receipt of such
application, the Board shall renew the Surveyor's license.
(2) If a Surveyor has submitted an application to the office of the Board stating the reasons for
inability to submit an application for the renewal of his license within the time-limit
pursuant to sub-rule (1), and if the reasons are found to be appropriate, the Board may
renew the license by receiving an additional fee of five hundred Rupees for first two
months from the date of expiry of the renewal time-limit and after that fifty Rupees per day
for up to four months.
29A. Limitation for Survey:
(1) The limitation relating to survey which a surveyor of each category pursuant to Rule 28A.
can make shall be as prescribed by the Board.
(2) The Code of Conduct of the Surveyor shall be as prescribed by the Board.

30. In the Case of Cancellation of Surveyor's License :

If the Surveyor's license is cancelled pursuant to Section 33 of the Act, no other Surveyor's
license shall be provided to him to work as a Surveyor up to a period of five years from the
date of such cancellation.

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Chapter – 5A
Provisions Relating to the Broker

#30A. Application to be Submitted for the Broker's License :

Any person having a qualification as mentioned in Rule 30C desirous to work as a Broker
pursuant to sub-section (1) of Section 30B of the Act, shall submit an application to the
office of the Board in the format of Schedule-17 for the Broker's License.

#30B. Broker's License Shall be Provided :

(1) After receiving an application for the Broker's License pursuant to Regulation 30A, the
Board shall make an inquiry whether the applicant is qualified or not pursuant to
Regulation 30C and if it deems appropriate to provide a Broker's License to him, it shall
register his name as a Broker in the registration-book pursuant to Schedule-18.
(2) After making the registration of the name of the applicant in the Registration-book
pursuant to sub-rule (1), the Board shall provide a Broker's License to the applicant in the
format of Schedule-19 by receiving a fee of twenty five thousand Rupees for the License.

#30C. Qualifications of a Broker:

Any person submitting an application for the Broker's License shall fulfill the following
terms and conditions :
(a) Shall have to be recognized as a corporate body pursuant to prevailing law,

(b) The authorized capital of the corporate body shall be as specified by the Board,
Provided that, the Board shall determine the authorized capital by making a definite guide
(c) Twenty five percent of the authorized capital of the corporate body shall be deposited in the
fixed deposit account of any commercial bank,
(d) The person working in the capacity of the General Manager of the corporate body shall
have a fifteen year's experience regarding the Insurance Business,
(e) Shall have to fulfill the other conditions as specified by the Board.

# 30D. Provisions Relating to the Renewal of the Broker's License:

(1) The Broker shall submit an application to the office of the Board in the format of Schedule-
20 along with the renewal fee of twenty five thousand Rupees within the time-limit
pursuant to sub-section (1) of Section 31 of the Act for the renewal of its License. After
receiving the application, the Board shall renew the Broker's License.
(2) If such Broker has submitted an application to the Board stating the reason for inability to
submit an application for the renewal of its License within the time-limit pursuant to sub-
rule (1), and if the reasons are found to be appropriate, the Board may renew the License by
receiving an additional fee of five thousand Rupees for first two months from the date of
expiry of the renewal time-limit and after that two hundred Rupees per day for up to four

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30E. Restriction May be Made to Provide the Broker's License :
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Regulation, the Board may make restriction
by refusing to provide the Broker's License to any person for the particular period to deal
as an intermediary between an Insurer and Insurer on the basis of the report relating to the
study, research and evaluation of the Insurance Business market.

#30F. Cancellation of the Broker's License :

If the Broker's License is cancelled pursuant to Section 33 of the Act, no other Broker's
License shall be provided to him to work as a Broker up to a period of five years from the
date of such cancellation.

Chapter – 6
Provisions Relating to Payment Against
Insurance Claim

31. Process of Payment Against Life Insurance Claim :

(1) The Insurer shall issue a discharge voucher in the name of the Insured who has already
paid the last installment of the Life Insurance Premium requesting him to come to collect
payment against the claim along with the Insurance Policy and other documents required
for making payment against such Life Insurance claim within fifteen days from the date
of payment of such installment.
(2) In case an Insured submits the Insurance Policy and other documents including the
discharge voucher to the Insurer for the payment of claim against the Life Insurance claim
pursuant to sub-rule (1), the Insurer shall conduct an inquiry as required and make a
payment against the Life Insurance claim within seven days from the date of expiry of the
period of the Life Insurance Policy.
(3) In case any person who has taken up an Insurance Policy dies before the expiry of the
period of the Insurance Policy, the person designated by him, if any, and in case no person
has been designated, the nearest heir from among the persons mentioned in sub-section (1)
of Section 38 of the Act shall submit an application for the payment against the claim to the
Insurer to receive the amount of the Life Insurance stating the details as follows :-
(a) The details relating to the claim,
(b) A Certificate of death of the insured,
(c) In case the insured has died in an accident and if such risk is covered by the Life
Insurance, the postmortem report of the government physician relating to the cause of
death, and if there is no such report, a report of the police,
(d) A certificate of relationship with the insured,
(e) The documents regarding the certification of the age in case the age has not been
(f) Other details specified by the Board.
(4) After the receipt of the application pursuant to sub-rule (3), the Insurer shall make an
inquiry into the details including the documents submitted regarding to the claim of Life
Insurance, and shall examine other matters also if necessary, and shall determine the
liability within fifteen days from the date of receipt of such documents by it and shall
issue the discharge voucher in the name of the applicant requesting him to come to collect
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the payment against the claim. The Insurer shall make the payment against the Insurance
claim within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the discharge voucher from the
(5) If it is found, while making an inquiry into the details pursuant to sub-rule (4) that the
Insurance claim need not to be paid by determining the liability, the Insurer shall provide
a written information to the applicant clearly stating the reasons thereof.

32. Process of Payment Against Non-Life Insurance Claim :

(1) If any claim has to be made under the Insurance Policy by an Insured who has taken up a
Non-Life Insurance Policy, the Insured shall submit an application to the Insurer stating all
the details relating to it.
(2) On receipt of an application of the Insured for the payment against the Insurance claim of
the Non-Life Insurance Pursuant to sub-rule (1), the Insurer shall immediately designate a
Surveyor to make necessary inquiry, if necessary.
(3) The Surveyor deputed pursuant to sub-rule (2) shall make necessary inquiry and shall
determine the liability of the Insurer within fifteen days and shall submit a report to the
Insurer including the comprehensive details and also inform the Insured relating to it
mentioning the amount to be received by the Insured subject to the terms and conditions
and facilities of the Insurance Policy.
(4) The Insurer shall determine the liability and shall provide the payment against the claim of
the Non-Life Insurance to the Insured generally within thirty-five days from the submission
of the report by the surveyor pursuant to sub-rule (3).

33. Complaint may be filed :

(1) If an Insurer does not determine the liability pursuant to Rule 31 and 32 or the Insurer
determines the liability causing loss to the Insured, the Insured may file a complaint to the
Board stating its cause.
(1a) If a complaint is received by the Board pursuant to sub-rule (1), the Board may issue
an order to the concerned Insurer to submit a written response stating the reasons
within fifteen days .
#(1b) If a written response is submitted to the Board pursuant to sub-rule (1a), it shall
make an inquiry into it and may examine other matters with the Insurer or Insured
or may issue an order to submit other document and details, if necessary,
#(1c) If no written response or the necessary documents or the details has been submitted
pursuant to sub-rule (1a) or (1b), the Board shall make one-sided decision upon the
complaint and shall give its information to the concerned Insurer.
(2) While making an inquiry into the complaint filed pursuant to sub-rule (1), if it is found that
the liability is not determined by the Insurer to be determined by it, the Board may issue an
order to the Insurer to determine or re-determine the liability.
(3) ......................

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33A. Payment of Interest in Compensation :
The amount of compensation as referred to in sub-section (6) of Section 17 of the Act
shall carry interest at the rate not less than the prevailing interest rate to be provided by
commercial banks for the fixed account.

Chapter –7

34. The Functions, Duties and Powers of The Advisory Board :

The functions, duties and powers, of the Advisory Board shall be as follows :
(a) To determine necessary policy relating to the fixation of the Insurance tariff,
(b) To conduct various seminars, symposiums and conferences relating to the determination of
necessary policies for making uniformity in the Insurance tariff,
(c) To inspect, supervise and evaluate as to whether or not the fixed Insurance tariffs are being
executed and to submit appropriate suggestions to the Board as required,
(d) To provide necessary suggestions to the Board for the transparent operation and
development of the Insurance Business.

35. Qualification of the Actuary :

Any person who has obtained the fellowship award from an Institute of Actuary recognized
by the Board may work as an Actuary pursuant to this Regulation.

36. Approval to be taken to Deal According to Valuation of the Life Insurance Business
Submitted by the Actuary :
The report of the valuation of Life Insurance Business within the Kingdom of Nepal made
by an Actuary shall be submitted to the Board, and the approval of the Board shall be taken
for making arrangement according to the valuation report.
36A. Certificate to be Provide to the Insured of the Vehicle Accident Insurance :
The Insurer shall provide a Certificate of Insurance to the Insured who has done a
Vehicle Accident Insurance in the format of Schedule -21

#36B. Legal Officer to be Appointed :

The Insurer shall appoint a full time working legal officer in the head office within the
Kingdom of Nepal.

# 36C. No Transaction Shall be Recognized Until the Insurance Premium is Paid :

Until the Insurance Premium to be paid by the Insured for an Insurance with the Insurer
is paid, the transaction relating to the Insurance between them shall not be recognized.
37. Copies to be Provided :
(1) In case the Certificate or License of the *Insurance Agent, Surveyor of Broker provided
pursuant to this Regulation is lost, torn or destroyed by any way or another is to be taken
due to lack of space for the renewal, the concerned *Insurer, Insurance Agent, Surveyor or

Inserted by 2nd Amendment
Inserted by 1st amendment
Amended by 1st amendment
Broker shall submit an application to the office of the Board in the format prescribed in
Schedule -16 along with one hundred Rupees for the duplicate of such Certificate or
(2) On receipt of the application for the duplicate pursuant to sub-rule (1), the Board shall
provide the duplicate of such Certificate or License to the concerned applicant.

38. Inspection And Direction :

(1) The Board may inspect the Insurance Business operated by an Insurer and provide
directives from time to time. It shall be the duty of the concerned Insurer to comply with
the directives thus provided by the Board.
(2) It shall be the duty of the Insurer and the concerned person to provide the details, accounts
and records along with the other documents for the inspection or to check as required by
the officer as designated by the Board.

39. Alternation May be Done in Schedules :

Nepal Government may change or alter in the Schedules as required by publishing a
notification in the Nepal Gazette in consultation with the Board.

40. Repeal :
The Insurance Regulations, 2026 is hereby repealed.
Schedule - 1

(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 7)

Application for the Registration of the Insurer

The Chairman,
Insurance Board,

I hereby apply mentioning the following details along with the fee of Rs. 50,000/-
pursuant to sub-section (2) of Section 10 of the Insurance Act, 2049 and sub-rule (1) of Rule 7
of the Insurance Regulation, 2049 for the registration of my name as an Insurer and to obtain
the certificate.

1. Name and Address of the institution :-

2. Address of the head office :-

(a) Zone :- (b) District :
(c) Town/Village :- (d) Telephone :-
3. Name and full address of the head office and branch offices within the Kingdom of Nepal :-

4. Name and Address of the General Manager :-

5. Name and address of the Auditor:-

6. Numbers of the employees :-

(a) Nepali citizen :-
(b) Non-Nepali citizen:-
7. Numbers of the Insurance Agents :-
(a) Nepali citizen :-
(b) Non-Nepali citizen:-
8. The duplicate copy of the certificate of the registration of the corporate body :-

9. Others Details :
Signature :
Address :
Date :
Schedule - 2

(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 8)

Registration-book of the Insurer

Fiscal year :

Registration No. Name, Sur-name Insurance Business Remarks

and full address to be operated by the
Schedule - 3

(Relating to sub-rule (2) of Rule 8)

Insurer's Certificate

Mr. .........................

This certificate is hereby issued to you pursuant to sub-section (3) of Section 10 of the
Insurance Act, 2049 and sub-rule (1) of rule 8 of the Insurance Regulations, 2049 by
registering as an Insurer to operate the Insurance Business mentioned as follows :-

1. Category of the Insurance Business :-

2. Area where the Insurance Business may be operated :-

3. Other matter :-

Seal of the office :- Certificate issuing Authority's,
Signature :-
Name :-
Designation :-
Date :-

Details relating to renewal

Period of the renewal Signature of the renewing Remarks

authority and date
Schedule - 4

(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 9)

Application for the Renewal of the Insurer's Registration

The Chairman,
Insurance Board,

As the term of the Insurer's Certificate obtained by me from that Board on ......................... is
going to expire on ..............., I hereby request you to renew the Certificate enclosing the
renewal fee payable pursuant to sub-rule (1) of Rule 9 of the Insurance Regulation, 2049.
Signature :
Name :
Address :
Date :

Schedule -5 Part "A"

(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 14)

Name of the Insurer :-
Branch :-

1. Date of incorporation :-

2. Date of the registration pursuant to Rule :-

3. Date of the commencement of the Insurance Business in Nepal : -

4. Details of the branch offices established in Nepal:-

5. Has there been any amendment or not in the fundamental features of the corporate body
after the latest annual details ? If yes, please mention:

6. Number of the employees :-

(a) Citizen :-

(b) Non-citizen :-

7. Has there been any change or not in the agreement done with the Re-insurer regarding to the
Re-insurance ?

If yes, please submit the copy of the addendum.

Schedule - 5 Part "B"

(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 14)

Details of the Claims made within Nepal
and other Related Expenses
Category of the Insurance :-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 4
Five fiscal Before Before Before Before Before Before Before Before Current Current
years before four fiscal four fiscal three three two two one fiscal one fiscal fiscal
and the years years and fiscal fiscal fiscal fiscal year fiscal year year and
preceding year 2+3 years years and years years and year and before
4+5 6+7 8+9 10+11
1. Outstanding Claims of
the previous five fiscal

2. Payment of the claim at

the period of four
fiscal years
3. Outstanding claims of
the previous four fiscal
4. The difference seen in
the provision made for
the claims

5. Difference in percentage

6. Claims paid during the

period of three fiscal

7. Claims not paid during

the three fiscal years
8. Surplus or Deficit

9. Ratio
10. Claims paid during the
period of previous two
fiscal years.
11. Claims not paid during
the period of previous
two fiscal years
12. Surplus or Deficit

13. Ratio

14. Claims paid during the

period of previous one
fiscal year
15. Claims not paid during
the period of previous
one fiscal year
16. Surplus or Deficit

17. Ratio
18. Claims paid during the
current fiscal year
19. Claims not paid during
the current fiscal year

20. Surplus or Deficit

21. Ratio
Schedule -5 Part "C"
(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 14)
Details of the Provision Made for the Outstanding Claims at the End of the Previous Fiscal Year
Category of the Insurance The total of the net provision made for the outstanding claims Net provision set aside for I.B.N.R.
1. Life, Fire, Marine, Motor, Net The net amount Net provision set Surplus or At the end Net amount paid Net provision set Surplus or
Aviation and Contract Risk provision at paid during the aside at the end of Deficit of the during the current aside for the Deficit
Insurance and Engineering the end of current fiscal year current fiscal year for previous fiscal year for the previous fiscal (5-6-7)
Insurance the previous for claims of the the claims made for (1-2-3) fiscal year previous fiscal years
fiscal year previous fiscal the previous fiscal year
2. Under Miscellaneous Insurance (to year year
be specified separately) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Life :
(a) Individual
(b) commercial
(c) Total
2. Fire :
(a) Individual
(b) commercial
(c) Total
3. Marine :
(a) Individual
(b) commercial
(c) Total
4. Aviation :
5. Motor Car-Third party :
(a) Motor Car and passengers
personal accident
(b) Other (Specify)
6. Contractor's Risk and Engineering
7. Miscellaneous
(Specify, Separately)

Amended by 1st amendment
Schedule -5 Part "D"
(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 14)
Insurance Premiums and details of the claim
Name of the Insurer :
Category of the Insurance Insurance Premium (less Insurance Premium Refunded) Claim to be made (less salvage and other expenses)
Life, Fire, Marine, Motor Net Insurance The Insurance The Insurance (1+2-3) The outstanding The outstanding (4+5-6) Total amount of amount of claim in amount of (8+9+10)
Aviation and Contractor Risk Premium Premium Premium paid for Net Insurance Insurance Insurance Net Insurance claim to the consideration of the claim in The net
Insurance and Engineering income before earned from the reinsurance Premium Premium at the Premium at the Premium receipt insurer re-insurer received from claim
Insurance and under the reinsurance the re- beginning of the end of the fiscal the re- before
Miscellaneous Insurance insurance fiscal year year insurance 8+9-10
(specify separately) (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) (7)
(5) (8) (9) (10) (11)
1. Life
(b) Commercial
2. Fire
(a) Individual
(b) Commercial
3. Marine
(a) Individual
(b) Commercial
4. Aviation
5. Motor Car-Third Party
(a) Motor Car and passengers
Personal accident
(b) specify other
6. Contractor's Risk and
7. Miscellaneous (specify
Schedule - 5 Part "E"

(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 14)

Details of the claims (Re-Insurance made in foreign Countries)

Name of the Insurer :-

Category of Insurance Re-Insurance Premium paid for the re-insurance ceded The amount of claims borne by the re-insurance
quota Share Surplus Excess of Facultative Total quota Share Surplus Excess of Facultative Total
Loss Loss
1. Fire

2. Marine

3. Motor

4. Aviation

5. Contractor's risk
and Engineering

6. Miscellaneous
Schedule - 5 Part "F"

(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 14)

Details of the claims (Re-Insurance made within Country)

Name of the Insurer :-

Category of Insurance Re-Insurance Premium paid for the re-insurance ceded The amount of claims borne by the re-insurance
quota Share Surplus Excess of Facultative Total quota Share Surplus Excess of Facultative Total
Loss Loss
1. Fire

2. Marine

3. Motor

4. Aviation

5. Contractor's risk and


6. Miscellaneous
Schedule - 5 Part "G"
(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 14)
Re-Insurance Provided to the Insurer Registered in the Kingdom of Nepal
Name of the Insurer :-
Name of the Re-Insurer Insurance Premium paid Commission Received Claims Recovery
Schedule - 5 Part "H"
(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 14)
Re-Insurance Provided to the Foreign Re-Insurer
Name of the Insurer :-
Name of the Re-Insurer Insurance Premium paid Commission Received Claims Recovery

Schedule - 5 Part "I"

(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 14)
Re-Insurance Business Received from the Insurers
Registered in the Kingdom of Nepal
Name of the Insurer :-
Name of the Re-Insurer Insurance Premium Commission paid Claims Paid
Received from Re-
insurance Business
Taken up

Schedule - 5 Part "J"

(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 14)
Re-Insurance Business Received from the Foreign Insurers
Name of the Insurer :-
Name of the Re- Insurance Premium Commission Received Claims Recovery
Insurer paid
Schedule - 5 Part "k"

(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 14)

Balance Sheet of the Year............
Life Non-Life Life Non-Life
Particular Total Particular Total
insurance insurance insurance insurance
Share Capital
Authorized Capital
Fixed assets
............. Shares worth Rs. .......... each
Investment and loans
Issued Capital
............. Shares worth Rs. .......... each
Securities of Nepal Government
Paid up Capital
Fixed deposit Account in Banks
............. Shares worth Rs. .......... each
Share Premium account
(Governmental and Non-Governmental
(Details to be mentioned)
Shares to be mentioned separately)
Insurance Fund
Life Insurance
Real estate
Fire Insurance
Other details
Marine Insurance
Aviation Insurance
Loans (Specify the details)
Motor Insurance
Current Assets
Contractor's risk and Engineering
Bank and Cash balances
Miscellaneous Insurance
Short term investment
Long term loans (secured and unsecured
Installment, Premium
to be mentioned separately)
Premium due from the Agents
Current liabilities and provision
Amounts due from other Insurers
Current liabilities
Estimated liabilities in respect to due and
intimated claims
Advances to the employees
Amount due on annuity
Others Advances
Amount due to the re-insurer
Advance Payment
Re-insurance Premium reserve :
Commission of the Agent
Profit and loss
Short term loans
Other provisions : (Specify the details)
Income Tax provisions
Provisions for dividends
Total Total
To be attached with Schedule - 5 Part "k"
Remarks (to be attached)
1. If any asset, liability, capital or reserve cannot be classified as coming under the Life
Insurance Business or the Non-life Insurance Business in the present context, these shall be
shown in the column of Non-life Insurance.
2. If the Insurer has no full and unlimited ownership over any asset, clear information shall be
3. Amounts of bill discount, uncalled amounts due on share and the amount of other probable
liabilities not included in the balance - sheet shall be shown under the contingent liabilities.
4. The fixed assets shall be shown at their net price after deducting depreciation from the cost
price. The details of the fixed assets shall be attached by showing the cost price, additions or
reduction made in the current year, depreciation of the previous year, depreciation of the
current year, total depreciation and the outstanding net price.
5. Investments shall be shown at the cost price, preference share and general share shall be
shown separately. The investment made on shares of the subsidiary company shall be shown
6. Short term investment means the following investments to be paid within one year:
(a) Fixed account,
(b) Securities of Nepal Government,
(c) Other fully secured deposit.
7. Loans obtained with and without collateral must be shown separately.
8. Out of the total loans obtained with collateral the following shall be shown separately :
(a) Loans against the securities of assets situated within Nepal,
(b) Loans against the security of the government securities,
(c) Loans against the Insurance Policy,
(d) Loans against the security of the shares and debentures.
9. If any loan has been provided to the subsidiary company, it shall be shown separately.
10. Under the sub-heading "Other" coming under the heading "Miscellaneous" such items as
goodwill, preliminary and pre-operation expenses, development expenses, exemption in cases
where debentures have been issued, and other expenses which shall be recorded as expenses
in the future shall be mentioned under the appropriate sub-headings.
11. Profit and loss account pursuant to Part "L" of Schedule-5 and the income and expenditure
details of each Insurance Business pursuant to Part "N" of Schedule -5 shall be submitted
along with the Balance-sheet
12. The details of the amount due from the Directors, Managers and their relatives and the
Companies, partnership firms where the interest of the directors, Managers and their relatives
have same interest also shall be enclosed.
13. Out of the total Premium received under the life Insurance Business, the first Insurance
Premium and the renewal Insurance Premium shall be shown separately.
14. If single balance-sheet cannot be prepared, separate balance-sheets of Life Insurance
Business and Non-Life Insurance shall be prepared.
Schedule - 5 Part "L"
(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 14)
Name of the Insurer :-

Profit and loss account

up to the last day of the month of Asadh..........

Fiscal Details of expenditure (not included in Fiscal Detail of Income Fiscal

Year the income and expenditure account) Year Year
Loss in the account Interest on investment and loan
Fire Insurance Nepal Government's securities
Marine Insurance Dividend on shares
Aviation Insurance Fixed deposit account in Bank
Motor Insurance Other (details to be mentioned)
Contractor's Risk and Engineering Other Income (details to be
Miscellaneous mentioned)
Surplus on account
Transferred from Profit and loss account Fire Insurance
Loss from the life Insurance Business Marine Insurance
Provision for doubtful debt Aviation Insurance
Provision for the income tax Motor Insurance
Reserve (details to be mentioned) Contractor's Risk and Engineering
Provision for the dividend Miscellaneous Insurance
Employees Welfare fund Transferred profit from profit and
Employees gratuity and Pension fund. loss account
Profit from the Life Insurance

Total Total
Schedule - 5 Part "M"

(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 14)

Name of the Insurer :-

(Details of the Income and Expenditure

of .......... sharavan to Ashadh .........

Expenditure Income
Claims under the Insurance Policies Premium Less Re-insurance Premium
Less Re-insurance First
Death claims paid
Term expiry claims paid Annuity less Re-insurance Commission on
Estimated liability for the approved or Re-insurance
intimated death and term expiry claims
at the end of the fiscal year Interest on Investment and Loans

Death Nepal Government Debenture

Less : Estimated liability in respect of Fixed deposit account in the banks
outstanding death and term expiry
claims at the end of the previous year Loans on the Insurance Policies.

Annuity less re-insurance Other incomes (details to be mentioned)

Surrender Value
Commission of the Agent Balance carried over from the income and
First expenditure account to the Life Insurance
Renewal Fund at the beginning of the year;

Management expenditure (details to be Losses transferred to the profit and loss

mentioned) account.
Interest on loans

Un-recoverable loans
Other expenses (details to be
Net surplus transferred to the Life
Profit transferred : on the profit and loss
Total Total
Schedule - 5 Part "N"

(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 14)

Name of the Insurer :

Income and Expenditure

of the
Fire, Marine, Motor, Aviation, contractor's Risk and Engineering
Miscellaneous Insurance Business

Previous Expenditure Amount Previous Income Amount

year year
Payment of the Claim Insurance Fund (at the
Commission of the Agent beginning of the Fiscal
Management expenses
Un-earned Insurance
Commission for having taken up the Premium
Insurance fund (at the end of the fiscal Estimated Liability in
year) respect of claims
(including possible
Un-earned Insurance Premium claims not intimated)

Estimated Liability in respect of Premium less Re-

Claims (including incurred but not insurance
reported claims I.B.N.R.) Commission on Re-
insurance ceded
Surplus transferred to profit and loss
Total Total
Schedule - 6

(Relating to sub-rule (2) of Rule 14)

Details of the Assets and Liabilities

Assets (At the market price or the possible net price)

Fixed assets
Current Assets

Total assets (A)


Insurance Fund

Outstanding installments and interest on the long term loan to be paid

Current liability
Income tax Provision
Provision for Dividends

Total Liabilities (B)

Assets more/less than liabilities (A-B)

Notes :

1. stationery goods, printing materials or other waste commodities shall not be included in the
current assets.
2. In case of outstanding Premium, other outstanding Premium other than those recognized by
the Act shall not to be included.
3. The reserve established to perform any special liability shall be included in the liabilities.
4. The method and criteria of the valuation of the assets shall be specified by the Remarks.
5. A foreign company may not include its assets and liabilities outside Nepal.
Schedule - 7

(Relating to Rule 19)

Application for the Insurance Agent's License

The Chairman,
Insurance Board,

I am hereby applying for a License to work as an Insurance Agent pursuant to sub-section

(1) of Section 30 of the Insurance Act, 2049 along with #the certificate of the completion of
training and the recommendation of the concerned Insurer and the following details.
1. Occupation :-
2. Name of the Insurer recommending to work as an Insurance Agent :-
3. If any Insurer has appointment previously, name of the Insurer:-
4. If worked as an Insurance Agent previously, details of such works :-
5. Other matters :-
Signature :-
Name :-
Address ;-
Date :-
Schedule - 8
(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 20)
Registration - Book of the Insurance Agent
Fiscal Year :
Reg.No. Name, Surname and full address of Working area of the Remarks
the Insurance Agent Insurance Agent

Inserted by 1st amendment
Schedule - 9

(Relating to sub-rule (2) of Rule 20)

Insurance Agent's License

License No.
Mr. ..........................................

This License is hereby provided to you to work as an Insurance Agent of the

........................................Insurer pursuant to sub-section (2) of Section 30 of the Insurance Act,
2049 and sub-rule (2) of Rule 20 of the Insurance Regulation, 2049.

Seal of the office

License Issuer's,-
Signature :-
Name :-
Designation :-
Date :-

Details of the renewal

Term of the renewal Signature and date of the renewing Remarks

Schedule -10
(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 22)
Application for the renewal of Insurance Agent's License
The Chairman,
Insurance Board.

As the term of the License of the Insurance Agent obtained by me from that Board going to expiry on ............., I hereby request to renew the License including the
fee payable pursuant to sub-rule (1) of Rule 22 of the Insurance Regulation, 2049 along with the
recommendation of the concerned Insurer.
Signature :-
Name :-
Address :-
Date :-

(Relating to Clause (a) of sub-rule (1) of Rule 23)
Table of the commission Amount to be obtained by the
Insurance Agent

Type of Term First Year Second Year From

Insurance Participating Non Participating Non third to
in profit Participate in profit Participate tenth year
in profit in profit
20 years or more 25 25 25 20 5
(a) Endowment Life
Insurance (Including
children's education

Endowment Life

15 to 19 years 25 20 15 15 5
and marriage


10 to 14 years 15 15 15 15 5
8 to 9 years 10 10 10 10 5
5 to 7 years 10 10 5 5 5

25 years or more 25 25 25 20 5
Insurance to be made
by paying Insurance

following years
(b)Whole Life-

20 to 24 years 25 20 15 15 5
premium for

15 to 19 years 15 15 15 15 5
10 to 14 years 10 10 10 10 5

5 to 9 years 10 10 5 5 5
(i) Level - 10 - 5 5


(ii) Diminishing - 5 - - -
(Relating to the Rule 26
Application for the Surveyor's License
The Chairman, graph
Insurance Board.

I am hereby applying for the License to work as............... #class surveyor pursuant to sub-section
(1) of Section 30 of the Insurance Act, 2049, along with the following details :-
1. Name and address of the Surveyor :–
2. Occupation :-
3. Qualification :-
4. Brief details of works done as a Surveyor previously if any :-
5. Details about revocation of appointment, if such action has been taken previously by any
Insurer :-
6. Other matters :-
Signature :
Name :-
Address :-
Date :-

Schedule - 13
(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 27)
Registration - Book of the Surveyor
Fiscal Year :
# Class of the Surveyor :-
Reg.No. Name, Surname and full address of Working area of the Remarks
the Surveyor Surveyor

Inserted by 1st amendment
Schedule - 14

(Relating to sub-rule (2) of Rule 27)

Surveyor's License

License No. Photo

The ..........................................


This License #of............class is hereby provided to you to work as a Surveyor pursuant to sub-
section (2) of Section 30 of the Insurance Act, 2049 and sub-rule (2) of Rule 27 of the Insurance
Regulation, 2049.

Seal of the office

License Issuer's,
Signature :-
Name :-
Designation :-
Date :-

Details of the renewal

Term of the renewal Signature and date of the renewing Remarks


Inserted by 1st amendment
Schedule -15

(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 29)

Application for the renewal of Surveyor's License

The Chairman,
Insurance Board.

As the term of the License of # ..........class of surveyor obtained by me from that Board going to expire on .............So, I hereby request to renew the License including
the fee payable pursuant to sub-rule (1) of Rule 29 of the Insurance Regulation, 2049 along with
the recommendation of the concerned Insurer.

Signature :-
Name :-
Address :-
Date :-

Schedule -16

(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 37)

Application for the Duplicate copy

The Chairman,
Insurance Board.

The Certificate/License of the Insurer/ # Insurance Agent/Surveyor/Broker obtained by me from

that Board on.............. has been loosed, ripped or has been damaged by any way on......... or due
to lack of space for the renewal, has been necessary to take another certificate/License. So, I
hereby request to obtain a duplicate copy of the aforesaid Certificate/License including the fee
pursuant to sub-rule (1) of Rule 37 of the Insurance Regulation, 2049.

Signature :-
Name :-
Address :-
Date :-

Inserted by 1st amendment

(Relating to the Rule 30A)

Application for the Registration of the Broker

The Chairman,
Insurance Board.

I am hereby applying to register the name as a Broker and to get the Certificate pursuant to sub-
section (1) of Section 30B of the Insurance Act, 2049 and Rule 30A of the Insurance Regulation,
2049 including the fee of twenty five thousand Rupees stating the following details.

1. Name and address of the Institution :–

2. Address of the head office :-

a) Zone :- b) District :-
c) Town/Village :- d) Telephone :-

3. Authorized capital :-
4. Name and address of the head office and branch offices within the Kingdom of Nepal:-
5. Name and address of the General Manager :-
6. Name and address of the auditor:-
7. Number of the employees :-
a) Nepali citizen :-
b) Non-Nepali citizen :-
8. the duplicate copy of the certificate, of the corporate body has been registered :-
9. Other terms and conditions specified by the Board :-

Signature :
Name :-
Address :-
Date :-
Schedule - 18

(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 30B.)

Registration - Book of the Broker

Fiscal Year :

Reg.No. Name, Surname and full address of Working area of the Remarks
the Broker Broker

#Schedule - 19
(Relating to sub-rule (2) of Rule 30B.)
Broker's License

Mr. ..........................................

This Broker's License is hereby provided to you by registering as a Broker pursuant to sub-
section (2) of Section 30B of the Insurance Act, 2049 and sub-rule (2) of Rule 30B of the
Insurance Regulation, 2049.

Seal of the office

License Issuer's,
Signature :-
Name :-
Designation :-
Date :-

Inserted by 1st amendment
Details of the renewal

Term of the renewal Signature and date of the renewing Remarks


Schedule -20

(Relating to sub-rule (1) of Rule 30D.)

Application for the renewal of the Broker's License

The Chairman,
Insurance Board.

As the term of the License of the Broker's License obtained by me from that Board going to expire on .............So, I hereby request to renew the License including
the fee payable pursuant to sub-rule (1) of Rule 30D of the Insurance Regulation, 2049 along
with the following documents.

Attached documents

(1) The documents relating to the amendment of the Memorandum and Articles of

(2) The details of the annual transaction.

Signature :-
Name :-
Address :-
Date :-

Inserted by 1st amendment

(Relating to Rule 36A)

Certificate of Insurance
(For the Vehicle Accident Insurance)

Certificate No.

1. Name of the Insured : 4. Insurance Policy No. :

2. Address : 5. Sum-insured . :
3. Telephone No. : 6. Details of the vehicle :

Category Regd. No. and Chassis No. Engine No. Weight Carrying
date capacity and number
of seat

7. Term of the Insurance Policy :

Term of the Renewal :

From up to Signature of the Remarks

renewing authority
and date

Inserted by 1st amendment

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