Phase Equilibria of Oleic, Palmitic, Stearic, Linoleic and Linolenic Acids in Supercritical Co

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Brazilian Journal

of Chemical ISSN 0104-6632

Printed in Brazil

Vol. 26, No. 01, pp. 137 - 147, January - March, 2009


P. L. Penedo, G. L. V. Coelho* and M. F. Mendes
Laboratório de Processos de Separação, Departamento de Engenharia Química,
Phone: + (55) (21) 3787-3742 , Fax: + (55) (21) 3787-3750,
Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, CEP: 23890-000, Seropédica - RJ, Brasil.
E-mail: [email protected], E-mail: [email protected]

(Submitted: June 22, 2007 ; Accepted: March 22, 2008)

Abstract - The knowledge of the phase equilibrium is one of the most important factors to study the design of
separation processes controlled by the equilibrium. Fatty acids are present in high concentration as by-
products in vegetable oils but the equilibrium data involving these components is scarce. The objective of this
work is the experimental determination of the liquid-vapor equilibrium of five binary different systems
formed by carbon dioxide and palmitic acid (C16:0), stearic acid (C18:0), oleic acid (C18:1), linoleic acid
(C18:2) and linolenic acid (C18:3). The equilibrium experimental data was collected at 40, 60 and 80ºC at 60,
90 and 120 bar, at the extract and raffinate phases, using an experimental apparatus containing an extractor, a
gas cylinder and pressure and temperature controllers. The data was modeled using the cubic equation of
state of Peng-Robinson with the mixing rule of van der Waals with binary interaction parameters. The model
was adequate to treat the experimental data at each temperature and at all the temperatures together. The best
model that includes the van der Waals mixing rule with two parameters has maximum deviation of 17%. The
distribution coefficients were also analyzed and it was concluded that the fractionation of the fatty acids is
possible using supercritical carbon dioxide.
Keywords: Fatty acids; Equilibrium data; Supercritical extraction; Carbon dioxide.

INTRODUCTION the solvation power of the solvent, the quantity of

solvent that dissolves in the liquid phase and about the
The supercritical extraction is considered an composition of the phases in equilibrium, the
alternative technology due to the problems selectivity of the solvent, the property changes with
encountered in the separation step of the chemical temperature and pressure and the extension of the
processes. Besides, the design of this technology region of equilibrium of two phases that is the limit
concerns because of the high cost of the total condition of the supercritical extraction process.
investment and the high pressures which are applied Thus, the measurement of the equilibrium data is
(Brennecke and Eckert, 1989). very important but difficult and of high cost,
The acknowledgment of the behavior of the phase justifying the increasing use of thermodynamic
equilibrium is of extreme importance for all the models that have the capacity to represent those
chemical processes and separation operations, behaviors. Moreover, it is necessary a minimum
mainly for the processes that occur at high pressures, number of experimental points to predict the
since small pressure deviations may cause big representative parameters of each model and each
project errors, a wrong choice of operation studied system (Dohrn and Brunner, 1995).
conditions or of the equipment dimensions. According to Simões and Brunner (1996), two
Moreover, the equilibrium data gives information about processes are traditionally employed in the

*To whom correspondence should be addressed

138 P. L Penedo, G. L. V. Coelho and M. F. Mendes

desacidification: the chemical refining or temperature, pressure, density and composition

desacidification by neutralization or treatment of the (Jungfer and Brunner, 1999).
extracted oil with caustic soda solution, and the Due to the scarcity of phase equilibrium data of
physical refining or desacidification by distillation, fatty acids necessary for the fractionation of them,
that consists on the separation of fatty acids and the purpose of this work is to measure the
triglycerides based on their different boiling points. equilibrium data of five binary systems of fatty acids
This process occurs at elevated temperatures and (C16:0, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2 e C18:3) in
reduced pressures, and in those conditions the fatty supercritical carbon dioxide. The data was modeled
acids are highly corrosive causing many problems to with the Peng-Robinson equation of state and the
the equipment. Moreover, the energy cost is high classical mixing rule of van der Waals with two
because of the vapor production and also there is parameters. The distribution coefficients were
degradation of the components sensible to high calculated to predict the best operational conditions
temperatures. Some alternative processes like liquid- to separate them from the vegetable oils.
liquid extraction, with 98% of methanol, and the
distillation with vapor, were studied and analyzed. Literature Review
The fatty acids extracted with methanol were of a
good quality, although this method was applied in a The phase equilibrium data necessary to
small range of fatty with high rates of free fatty determine the optimum operational conditions for
(Simões and Brunner, 1996). The use of supercritical desacidification is sometimes scarce. From all the
carbon dioxide in the desacidification of olive oil and fatty acids of interest in this work, the oleic acid is
soybean and Brazil nut oils (Penedo and Coelho the fatty acid that has major experimental data.
1997a, 1997b, 1998) was also studied. The Yu et al. (1992) developed a static method with
solubilities were compared in different conditions of recirculation to measure equilibrium data for the
temperature and pressure, under supercritical system CO2 – oleic acid at 40 and 60ºC and from 30
extraction, and the results indicated that the to 310 bar of pressure. Lockemann (1994) measured
technology may be used. data of the same system at 40 and 50ºC and pressures
Recent studies have investigated the modeling of up to 80 bars. The liquid phase compositions are
the binary systems oleic acid/CO2 and linoleic disposable, but the vapor phase cannot be visualized.
acid/CO2, and of their esters (Zou et al., 1997; Yu et These data can also be observed for the oleic and
al., 1992; Yu et al., 1993). Espinosa et al. (2002) linoleic acids at 40 and 60ºC for pressures up to 300
utilized group contribution methods and equations of bar (Zou et al., 1990). Bharath et al. (1992) also
state to determine the phase equilibrium in systems measured the phase equilibrium data for the system
containing fatty acids. Following the same idea, CO2-oleic acid at 40, 60 and 80ºC for pressures
Jaubert et al. (2001) compared the experimental between 100 and 300 bars. In 1993, Bharath et al.
results of extraction of EPA and DHA, sterified in studied the behavior of the system CO2-palmitic acid
supercritical carbon dioxide, with data obtained from at 80 and 100ºC at pressures from 130 to 305 bars.
group contribution methods. Some equations of state Chen et al. (2000) measured liquid-vapor
were also applied to represent phase equilibrium data equilibrium data for the system CO2-linoleic acid in
of triglycerides in supercritical carbon dioxide the range of 40 to 60ºC at pressures up to 241.2 bars.
(Florusse et al., 2002, 2004). At constant density, the solubility increases with
The most used models for systems at elevated increasing temperature. At constant temperature, the
pressures utilize the equation of state of Peng- solubility increases with the increase of the CO2
Robinson (1976) to represent the liquid-vapor density.
equilibrium or equations to represent the kinetic Vasconcellos and Cabral (2000) used the
behavior (Sovová, 1994), presenting a good equation proposed by Chrastil (1982) to correlate the
representation of a wide variety of systems with solubilities of fatty acids (oleic and linoleic acids),
supercritical fluid. No general theory has been estimating the parameters of this equation that
developed to represent an appropriate mixing rule, represent this family of compounds. The results
except for the case of the Virial equation of state show that the parameters present a linear behavior
(Stoldt and Brunner, 1998). In the last years, the with the increase of the molecular weight then; the
capacity to model multiphase equilibrium data has contribution group methods can be applied to
increased significantly with the development of new estimate these parameters. Following this
types of empirical mixing rules (Johnston et al., methodology, new solubility data can be predicted
1989). The binary interaction parameters present in using the contribution group methods.
the equations of state and of extreme influence in the Saito et al. (2004) presented the equilibrium data
correlation of phase equilibrium data, varied with modeling of the binary systems involving carbon

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Phase Equilibria of Oleic, Palmitic, Stearic, Linoleic and Linolenic Acids in Supercritical CO2 139

dioxide and the oleic, palmitic and linoleic acids at closed and only the carbon dioxide entry valve was
60, 70, 80 and 90ºC. The disadvantage is the absence opened. After the addition of gas to reach the desired
of presentation of the experimental data. pressure, the unit was maintained at constant agitation
In front of the scarcity of the equilibrium data and the heating was turned-on. The system was
involving these fatty acids, this work aims to contribute maintained under agitation for 30 minutes to assure a
measuring the liquid-phase equilibrium and proposing a homogeneous mixture with perfect mass and heat
thermodynamic modeling of the experimental data, exchanging. After that, the agitation system was turned-
identifying the behavior of the distribution coefficients off to allow phase separation inside the extractor.
in function of the pressure and temperature. The extract and raffinate phases were collected in
glass tubes under vacuum, immersed in an ice bath.
After the separation of the fatty acids from the
MATERIALS AND METHODS carbon dioxide, the volume of the gas was measured.
The condensed solute present in the wall was
Materials weighed and transferred with the help of 1 to 2 ml of
hexane for methylation (Hartman and Lago, 1973),
Standard samples of fatty acids from MERCK necessary for the chromatographic analysis. The
S.A. and carbon dioxide from AGA S.A with operational conditions of the chromatograph are
99.99% of minimum purity were used. shown in Table 1.
The experimental flow sheet of the unit can be
Experimental Procedure seen in Figure 1. The operational conditions used
were temperatures of 40, 60 and 80ºC and applied
Firstly, the fatty acids were weighed before being pressures of 60, 90 and 120 bar.
fed into the extractor. This is necessary to know the More information about the experimental
exact quantity of fatty acids for the posterior methodology and the experimental flow sheet of the
quantification by gas chromatography. After feeding unit can be found in Fortes (1996) and Fortes and
the raw material into the extractor, the unit was Coelho (1995).
Table 1: Operational conditions of the chromatograph
Column temperature 190ºC
Injector temperature 240ºC
Detector temperature 250ºC
N2 flow rate 50 ml/min
H2 flow rate 50 ml/min
Synthetic air flow rate 400 ml/min
Atenuation 10 mA
Column height 1.8m
Column diameter 3/16”
Stainless steel column Packed with DEGS (17% in
Cromosorb – W80/100 mesh)
Volume of sample injected 3 to 10μl

1. extractor of 300mL;
2. heating system;
3. agitator,
4. rupture disk;
5. gas cylinder;
v1 - cylinder valve,
v2 - valve for CO2 feeding,
v3 - micrometric valve
for extract sampling,
v4 - collecting valve
for raffinate sampling,
v5 – valve with three vials;
6. collecting tubes of the liquid
7. and vapor samples and
8. ice bath.

Figure 1: Extraction unit with FSC

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 26, No. 01, pp. 137 - 147, January - March, 2009
140 P. L Penedo, G. L. V. Coelho and M. F. Mendes

Thermodynamic Modeling
α ( T ) = exp ⎡ m (1 − Tr ) 1 − Tr

+ n Tr−1 − 1 ⎤
⎦ ) (7)
The study of the thermodynamic modeling of the
systems involving the fatty acids and the carbon m, n and Γ are parameters obtained by the vapor
dioxide is characterized by the liquid-supercritical pressures of the pure components. In this case, the
fluid equilibrium. For the phase equilibrium vapor pressures, for all the fatty acids, were
calculation, the “φ-φ” methodology is utilized. In this predicted using the Wagner-Vetere method (Poling
approach, the two phases are represented by an et al., 2001). The equation of Almeida et al. (1992)
equation of state in a wide range of temperatures and was selected by the research group because of its
pressures and because the high pressure equilibrium good correlation with other types of solutes (Mendes,
does not involve chemical reactions neither 2002; Melo, 1999).
electrolytes. Due to the positive results found by the research
Due to the explained conditions, the fugacity group for a large number of different binary systems
criterion for the liquid-vapor equilibrium is involving the supercritical carbon dioxide, the
expressed as thermodynamic modeling still includes the classical
mixture rule of Van der Waals with two parameters:
fˆil = fˆig (1)
am = ∑∑ z z a , i j ij (
a ij = 1 − k ij ) aia j (8)
The same expression can be written as a function of i j
the fugacity coefficients for the two phases
bi + b j
x i ϕil = yi ϕiv (2) bm = ∑∑ zi z jbij , (
bij = 1 − lij ) 2
i j

The fugacity coefficients were calculated using the

Peng-Robinson (1976) equation of state where kij and lij are the adjustable binary interaction
RT a The interaction parameters were estimated
P= − (3)
V − b V ( V + b) + b (V − b) according to the computational program developed
by Pinto et al. (1987), involving liquid-vapor
experimental equilibrium data. This parameter
with estimation method is based on the Maximum
Likelihood Method minimizing the following
a = a ci ⋅ α ( T, w ) (4) objective function

(y ) (P )
where aci can be calculated for the pure components 2 2
NP cal
− yiexp NP cal
− Piexp
∑ ∑
by the following relations i i
FO = + (10)
i =1 σ2yi i =1 σ2Pi
( R ⋅ Tci ) 2
a ci = 0, 457224 ⋅ (5)
Pci with σ2y( ) i
and σ2p ( ) i
as the experimental deviations

RTci of the vapor molar fraction and of the total pressure

bi = bci = 0,07780 (6) of the system, respectively, and yexp and ycalc are the
compositions of the experimental and calculated
vapor molar fractions, as Pexp and Pcalc are the
α ( T, w ) is a function responsible for showing the experimental and calculated total pressures of the
dependence of the attractive parameter with the system, respectively.
temperature, Tc and Pc are the critical temperature The thermodynamic calculation was based on the
and pressure, respectively, V is the total volume of bubble point algorithm, with temperature and liquid
the system, T is the temperature and R is the gas molar fraction of the carbon dioxide as specified
constant. There are different functions proposed in variables to calculate pressure and vapor molar
the literature, but in this work the function proposed fractions of the solvent. The calculated variables
by Almeida et al. (1992) was used (total pressure and vapor molar fraction) were

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Phase Equilibria of Oleic, Palmitic, Stearic, Linoleic and Linolenic Acids in Supercritical CO2 141

compared with the experimental values through the the acentric factor (w). Table 2 shows critical
medium deviation using the following relations temperature and pressure, calculated by the Joback
model described in Poling et al. (2001) and the
( Pexp − pcalc ) acentric factor, predicted by the Wagner-Vetere
AAD = ∑ i
NEXP and equation (Poling et al., 2001), together with the
parameters necessary to calculate the vapor
(11) pressures.
( yexp − ycalc )
AAD = ∑ i

where NEXP are the experimental data points used The results of the molar fraction of CO2 for the
in the parameters estimation. extract and raffinate phases are presented in Tables 3
and 4, respectively. Although other works have
Critical Properties studied the equilibrium at higher pressure conditions,
compositions of CO2 in equilibrium with the fatty
The thermodynamic relations used to describe the acids are shown in the tables. These results represent
phase equilibrium need some critical and a chance to predict and simulate a process of
physicochemical properties. The most important are separation or concentration of fatty acids at lower
the critical temperature (Tc) and pressure (Pc) and conditions of temperature and pressure.
Table 2: Critical properties for all the fatty acids studied
Properties *CO2 C16:0 C18:0 C18:1 C18:2 C18:3
Tc (K) 304.1 780.4 796.7 796.3 796.0 959.5
Pc (bar) 73.8 14.67 13.25 12.42 12.40 13.7
W 0.239 1.010 1.086 0.924 0.776 0.959
*Poling et al. (2001)

Table 3: Molar fractions of CO2 for the extract phase, for each binary system investigated
Extract phase
P (bar) C16:0 C18:0 C18:1 C18:2 C18:3
T = 313.15 K
60 0.9980 0.9992 0.9965 0.9929 0.9984
90 0.9954 0.9992 0.9950 0.9905 0.9979
120 0.9939 0.9991 0.9939 0.9893 0.9970
T = 333.15 K
60 0.9984 0.9992 0.9969 0.9938 0.9985
90 0.9960 0.9992 0.9956 0.9908 0.9980
120 0.9949 0.9991 0.9941 0.9899 0.9975
T = 353.15 K
60 0.9985 0.9996 0.9969 0.9943 0.9985
90 0.9965 0.9992 0.9957 0.9914 0.9980
120 0.9950 0.9992 0.9946 0.9905 0.9979

Table 4: Molar fractions of CO2 for the raffinate phase, for each binary system investigated
Raffinate phase
P (bar) C16:0 C18:0 C18:1 C18:2 C18:3
T = 313.15 K
60 0.9347 0.9871 0.8945 0.8388 0.9892
90 0.9494 0.9915 0.9223 0.8738 0.9931
120 0.9562 0.9924 0.9370 0.8887 0.9939
T = 333.15 K
60 0.9282 0.9857 0.8808 0.8231 0.9881
90 0.9443 0.9887 0.9132 0.8609 0.9905
120 0.9523 0.9919 0.9336 0.8792 0.9936
T = 353.15 K
60 0.9197 0.9818 0.8689 0.8077 0.9844
90 0.9405 0.9879 0.9057 0.8522 0.9899
120 0.9473 0.9894 0.9254 0.8665 0.9911

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142 P. L Penedo, G. L. V. Coelho and M. F. Mendes

The calculation of the thermodynamic equations Figure 2 shows the behavior of the model,
to represent the experimental data was done using represented by the dashed lines, in comparison with the
the bubble point methodology. Because of the low experimental data of the binary systems, CO2-C16 and
number of experimental data for each temperature CO2-C18:0, and Figure 3 for the systems CO2-C18:1
(three pressures were investigated), the parameters and CO2-C18:2, involving the three studied
estimation was done using all the conditions of temperatures. Equilibrium data for the CO2-C18:3,
temperature and pressure with a total of nine binary system, are presented in Figure 4 for all the
experimental points, for each binary system temperatures investigated. Comparing the three figures,
investigated. The parameter estimation at constant it can be observed that the last system was not well
temperature was not successful because of the low represented at 40ºC, but the behavior of the model
number of points. improved for higher conditions of temperature.


C16:0 C18:1
C18:0 C18:2

Pressão (bar)

Pressão (bar)



0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1.00 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00
X, Y X, Y
Figure 2: Experimental and calculated liquid-vapor Figure 3: Experimental and calculated liquid-vapor
equilibrium data for the binary systems equilibrium data for the binary systems
CO2-C16:0 and CO2-C18:0 CO2-C18:1 and CO2-C18:2

120.00 PR/vdW
Pressure (bar)




0.97 0.98 0.99 1.00

X, Y

Figure 4: Experimental and calculated liquid-vapor equilibrium data for the binary system

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Phase Equilibria of Oleic, Palmitic, Stearic, Linoleic and Linolenic Acids in Supercritical CO2 143

These different behaviors presented by the binary and vapor phase composition. Perhaps the difference
systems can be better understood by the values of the among the deviations results from different objective
deviations in relation to the total pressure and vapor function adopted by the authors, depending on the
phase composition of CO2 shown in Table 5. The compositions of the liquid and vapor phases. This
pressure deviations were higher for the binary methodology minimizes the deviations due to the fact
system that involves C18:3 because of the behavior that pressure is one of the most important variables in
of the model for the temperature of 40ºC. the project of supercritical fluid extraction.
Table 6 shows the binary parameters estimated Because of the good representation of the model
using all the experimental data for each binary for all the studied systems, Figures 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
system. This methodology makes possible to use show the predicted equilibrium curves at 40, 60 and
these parameters to predict new phase equilibrium 80ºC, calculated using the estimated parameters, for
data at the same range of temperatures and pressures. all the binary systems investigated.
The deviations encountered in this work were The equilibrium curves for the system carbon
smaller than those reported by different authors (Zou dioxide-oleic acid (CO2-C18:1), presented in Figure
et al., 1990; Yu et al., 1992, 1993). The deviations 7, have the same behavior of the curves presented in
were calculated based on a program depending on an the literature (Lockemann, 1994; Bharath et al.,
objective function containing the variables pressure 1993).
Table 5: Medium absolute deviations for the total pressure and vapor phase compositions for all the
systems investigated
Fatty Acids AADP (%) AADY (%)
C16:0 1.83 0.87
C18:0 0.03 4.63
C18:1 10.99 0.04
C18:2 12.78 0.80
C18:3 16.22 0.19

Table 6: Binary interaction parameters estimated for each binary system

Fatty Acids Kij Lij
C16:0 0.0254 -0.3724
C18:0 0.0266 0.2852
C18:1 0.0099 -0.2042
C18:2 0.0583 -0.2236
C18:3 -0.0437 -0.8999

240.00 240.00

200.00 200.00 60ºC
Pressure (bar)

Pressure (bar)

160.00 160.00

120.00 120.00

80.00 80.00

40.00 40.00

0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
X, Y X, Y
Figure 5: Equilibrium curve for the binary Figure 6: Equilibrium curve for the binary
system CO2-C16, at 40, 60 and 80ºC system CO2-C18, at 40, 60 and 80ºC

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 26, No. 01, pp. 137 - 147, January - March, 2009
144 P. L Penedo, G. L. V. Coelho and M. F. Mendes

160.00 200.00

140.00 60ºC
Pressure (bar)

Pressure (bar)




60.00 40.00

0.60 0.80 1.00 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00

X, Y X, Y
Figure 7: Equilibrium curve for the binary Figure 8: Equilibrium curve for the binary
system CO2-C18:1, at 40, 60 and 80ºC system CO2-C18:2, at 40, 60 and 80ºC


Pressure (bar)




0.80 0.90 1.00

X, Y
Figure 9: Equilibrium curve for the binary system CO2-C18:3, at 40, 60 and 80ºC

Because of the different operational conditions liquid phase. This can be observed in Figure 12.
studied for the binary systems, the better system to Although the deviation was higher between the data,
compare the experimental data is CO2 – linoleic acid the experimental data of this work had a lower
(C18:2), from the work of Chen et al. (2000), deviation compared to Bharath et al. (1992).
presented in Figures 10 and 11, for the temperatures Other experimental data presented in the
of 313.15K and 333.15K. The results from Chen et literature could not be compared to our data because
al. (2000) show a good agreement with those of the different operational conditions applied and
obtained in this work, confirming the experimental because of the nature of the data. Some data are only
methodology adopted. expressed in terms of the solubility, like palmitic
Another binary system, CO2 – oleic acid was acid (Ohgaki et al., 1989).
compared with two other works published in the In general, the solubility of CO2 in the liquid
literature and it was observed that this system had phase did not change much with increasing
the major deviation between the data, mainly in the temperature. The solubility of each heavy compound
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Phase Equilibria of Oleic, Palmitic, Stearic, Linoleic and Linolenic Acids in Supercritical CO2 145

in the vapor phase increases with increasing 40ºC. The higher values were for palmitic and
pressure, which also increases the K values linoleic acids at 80ºC. Figure 13 presents the
(distribution coefficients). This fact was also distribution coefficients of the fatty acids as a
reported by Chen et al. (2000). function of pressure at 80ºC.
The results indicate that the distribution Due to the fact that the equilibrium data of the
coefficients for all the fatty acids increase with binary systems were measured at lower conditions of
increasing temperature and pressure. The lower K temperature and pressure than the other works, Figure
values were obtained for oleic and linolenic acids at 13 compares all the equilibrium data involved.

200.00 160.00

Chen et al. (2000)

this work



Pressure (bar)
Pressure (bar)




Chen et al. (2000)

this work
40.00 40.00

0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00
X, Y X, Y
Figure 10: Comparison of the liquid-vapor Figure 11: Comparison of the liquid-vapor
equilibrium data of CO2-linoleic acid at 313.15K equilibrium data of CO2-linoleic acid at 333.15K

Yin et al. (1992) 1.00

this work
Bharath et al. (1992)

Pressure (bar)



0.00 C16

100.00 C18
0.00 0.00
0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 40.00 80.00 120.00 160.00 200.00 240.00
X, Y P (bar)
Figure 12: Comparison of the liquid-vapor Figure 13: Distribution coefficients at 80ºC
equilibrium data of CO2-oleic acid at 313.15K

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 26, No. 01, pp. 137 - 147, January - March, 2009
146 P. L Penedo, G. L. V. Coelho and M. F. Mendes

CONCLUSIONS Chrastil, J., Solubility of Solids and Liquids in

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Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 26, No. 01, pp. 137 - 147, January - March, 2009

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