The Fundamental Equation of Distillation: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfons Vogelpohl

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfons Vogelpohl

Technical University of Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany


The different methods of multicomponent distillation of ideal mixtures like simple

distillation, reversible distillation or distillation in plate- or packed-columns including
the effect of mass transfer may be described by a set of the same fundamental
equation. The fundamental equation contains the highest boiling, the lowest boiling
and one intermediate boiling component and has the same structure but differently
defined concentrations and coefficients depending on the method of distillation. Since
even real mixtures with azeotropes may be converted to an ideal system, also their
performance may be predicted at least qualitatively by the fundamental equation of


The calculation of the distillation of a real multicomponent mixture is nowadays

carried out by numerical computer methods. For complex mixtures this often requires
to study a large number of cases before a technically and economically feasible
solution is found. For ideal mixtures, however, there is a complete theory which
allows to answer any question like

• the possible product compositions

• the minimum reflux ratio
• the concentration profile for any reflux ratio
• the effect on mass transfer on the the concentration profile
• the minimal energy consumption
• the concentration profiles at reversible thermodynamic conditions

and so on for plate- as well as packed-distillation columns in the form of closed

mathematical solutions [1,2,3]. The following will show that the theory of the
distillation of ideal mixtures may be reduced to one fundamental equation and that
the results and insights from the theory also apply at least qualitatively to real
mixtures. The understanding of the distillation of a real multicomponent mixture of
any complexity is thus strongly simplified.

Ideal mixtures are defined as mixtures which thermodynamic vapour-liquid-

equilibrium follows the simple relation
α ⋅x
y *i = i i (1)
E = ∑ α i ⋅ xi (2)
and the relative volatilities
α i = p i0 / p 0r (3)
are the vapour pressure p i0
of the component i related to the vapour pressure p 0r of a
reference component r. In the context of this paper we assume that the relative
volatilities may be regarded as constant.

We shall limit our development of the fundamental equation to the case of total reflux
as the general case of any reflux may be transformed to this case by a linear
transformation as shown e.g. in [1]. In addition, it is assumed that the mass transfer
resistance is located completely in the vapour phase.

For constant flowrates of the vapour and the liquid at total reflux the mole fraction of
the vapour yi and the mole fraction of the liquid xi in any cross section of the
distillation column are equal, i.e.
y i = xi (4)
The mass transfer rate between the two phases is taken as
ni = ρ ⋅ β ⋅ ( y i* − xi ) (5)
assuming that the mass transfer coefficient β is constant and the same for all
From a mass balance for a differential column section follows
G ⋅ dxi = ρ ⋅ β ⋅ ( y i* − xi ) ⋅ dA = ρ ⋅ β ⋅ ( y i* − xi ) ⋅ a ⋅ F ⋅ dh or (7)
dx ρ ⋅β ⋅ a ⋅ F
dNTU = ∗ i = ⋅ dh (8)
yi − xi G
where NTU is the “Number of Transfer Units” with the solution
NTU = ln k ij + (α i ⋅ ln x j − α j ⋅ ln xi ) /(α i − α j )
ρ ⋅β ⋅ a ⋅ F
= ⋅H (9)
Since Eq. (9) may also be written with the components i and k, i.e.
NTU = ln k ik + (α i ⋅ ln x k − α k ⋅ ln xi ) /(α i − α k )
ρ ⋅β ⋅ a ⋅ F
= ⋅H (10)
and as the left hand side of the Eqs. (9) and (10) are equal it follows
x x
ln i = ln k i + ei ⋅ ln k (11)
xj xj
αi − α j
where ei = . (12)
αi − αk
The constant ki in Eq. (11) is given by the starting composition of the distillation line
as a solution of Eq. (11) is called. It is interesting to note that the variables in Eq. (11)
are the mole ratios rather than the mole fractions.

Solutions of Eq. (11) are given in Fig. 1 for a ternary system with α1 = 1, α2 = 3 and α3
= 4 which closely resembles the system Nitrogen (1) - Argon (2) - Oxygen (3).

Fig. 1: Distillation lines of an ideal ternary mixture (α 1 = 1,α 2 = 3,α 3 = 4)

Eq. (11) can also be written in the form

( ε i − ε j ) ⋅ Φ k + ( ε j − ε k ) ⋅ Φ i + (ε k − ε i ) ⋅ Φ j = 0 (13)
which we call the Fundamental Equation of Distillation as the different methods of
distillation like reversible distillation, simple distillation, distillation with theoretical
trays and so on can be expressed in this form [4,5].

The simple distillation of a ternary mixture e.g. as described by the well known
Rayleigh differential equation [6]
dxi y * − xi
= *i (14)
dx j yj − xj
yields by integration Eq. (11) and thus Eq. (13).

The variables Фi and the coefficients εi of the fundamental equation of distillation (13)
depend on the method of distillation and are defined in Table 1. For the case of
subtotal reflux an additional linear transformation of the mole fractions is required to
obtain a solution in the form of Eq. (13) or Table 1 [1].
Table 1: Variables to be used in Eq. (13)

εi εj εk Фi Фj Фk
Reversible distillation αi αj αk xi/xi,0 xj/xj,0 xk/xk,0
Simple batch distillation αi αj αk ln(xi/xi,0) ln(xj/xj,0) ln(xk/xk,0)
Distillation with packings
ƒ Resistance on the gas side αi αj αk ln(xi/xi,0) ln(xj/xj,0) ln(xk/xk,0)
ƒ Resistance on the liquid side 1/αi 1/αj 1/αk ln(xi/xi,0) ln(xj/xj,0) ln(xk/xk,0)
Distillation with theoretical trays lnαi lnαj lnαk ln(xi/xi,0) ln(xj/xj,0) ln(xk/xk,0)

As the Eqs. (11,12) may be written for any three components of a multicomponent
system it follows that for a system of k components there are k-2 independent sets of
ternary systems. By taking j = 1 as the lowest and k as the highest boiling component
and i as one of the intermediate boiling components of the multicomponent system, it
follows that the multicomponent system may be regarded as a superposition of k-2
independent ternary systems. The behaviour of a multicomponent ideal system is
thus completely described by the behaviour of the related ternary systems.

The independency of the ternary systems is due to fact that the variables in Eq. (11)
are the mole ratios rather than the mole fractions. They are coupled, however, by the
mass balnce in the form of
1 k
=∑ i (15)
x1 1 x1

which serves to express the distillation line in form of the mole fractions or the mole
fractions as a function of the Number of Transfer Units or the column height in
combination with Eq. (9).

For a quaternary mixture e.g there are two independent Eqs. (11)
x x α − α2
ln 2 = ln k 2 + e2 ⋅ ln 4 with e2 = 1 and
x1 x1 α1 − α 4
x x α − α3
ln 3 = ln k 3 + e3 ⋅ ln 4 with e3 = 1 . (16)
x1 x1 α1 − α 4
Inserting related triplets x2/x1; x3/x1 and x4/x1 from Eq. (16) into Eq. (15) allows to
calculate the distillation lines of the quaternary system as given in Fig. 2 in the form
of a tetrahedron. For a more detailed analysis see [1,3,4]


Real systems differ from ideal systems mainly by the more complex equilibrium
relation requiring most importantly the introduction of the activity coefficient γi into the
relative volatilities, i.e. Eq. (3) extends to
α i = p i0 ⋅ γ i / p r0 ⋅ γ r . (17)
Fig. 2: Distillation lines of an ideal quaternary system (α 1 = 4, α 2 = 3, α 3 = 2, α 4 = 1)

As long as the real mixture has no azeotrope, i.e. as long as all relative volatilities αi
of a real mixture as defined by Eq. (17) are different from one within the composition
range (except for αr), Eq. (11) may be used to qualitatively calculate the distillation
lines of any real mixture. The agreement will be the better, the less the activity
coefficients deviate from one.

If, however, the real system exhibits one ore more azeotropes and as azeotropes
behave like pure components with respect to distillation [7], a real mixture with k
components and a azeotropes may be regarded as a „degenerated“ ideal system
with (k+a) pseudo components.

Fig. 3 for example shows distillation lines of the ternary system Acetone-Chloroform-
Acetonitrile. Due to the azeotrope of the binary system Acetone-Chloroform, which
behaves as an intermediate boiling “pseudo component“ with respect to distillation,
this real ternary system may be considered to be a „degenerated“ quaternary
system. It is furthermore unique in the sense that the distillation takes place only on
two lateral faces of the tetrahedron representing the degenerated quaternary system,
i.e. within the face Acetone-binary Azeotrope-Acetonitrile and the face Chloroform-
binary Azeotrope-Acetonitrile of Fig. 3 and not inside the tetrahedron Acetone-
Chloroform-binary Azeotrope-Acetonitrile.

The fact that the azeotrope splits the ensemble of real distillation lines in two
independent fields of distillation lines allows to approximate these two fields of real
distillation lines by fields of ideal distillation lines. By fitting the two fields of ideal
distillation lines to the Gibbs diagram of Fig. 3 an excellent agreement is obtained
between the real and the approximated distillation lines as shown in Fig. 4. The
γ i ⋅ pi0 data used in calculating the ideal distillation lines are summarized in Table 2.

Fig. 3: Distillation lines of the ternary system Acetone-Chloroform-Acetonitrile

Fig. 4: Ideal Distillation lines of the system Acetone-Chloroform-Acetonitrile

Table 2: Products of activity coefficient times vapour pressure of the ternary
mixture: Acetone-Chloroform-Acetonitrile

Component i Acetone Chloroform (2) Azeotrope Acetonitrile (4)

γ i ⋅ p i0 in bar 1.831 1.536 1.354 0.805

An example of a rather complex system is the ternary system Acetone-Chloroform-

Methanol as given in Fig. 5. With three binary azeotropes and one ternary azeotrope
this system may be considered as a seven component system with three quaternary
systems consisting of:
ƒ the binary Azeotrope (7), the Acetone (1), the ternary Azeotrope (5) and the
binary Azeotrope (4),
ƒ the binary Azeotrope (6), the ternary Azeotrope (5), the Chloroform (2) and the
binary Azeotrope (4) and
ƒ the binary Azotrope (7), the binary Aeotrope (6), the ternary Azeotrope (5) and
the Methanol (3).

Fig. 5: Distillation lines of the ternary system Acetone-Chloroform-Methanol

Again, taking the product γ i ⋅ pi0 of the pure components and the azeotropes in the
respective subsystems as constant (see Table 3), the real distillation lines of these
subsystems may be approximated by ideal distillation lines as shown in Fig. 6.
The difference between the real and the ideal distillation lines is larger than in Fig. 5,
however, because of the rather complex thermodynamic equilibrium of this system.
In this seven-component system, the quaternary subsystem 7-6-5-3 resembles the

Table 3: Products of activity coefficient times vapour pressure of the ternary

mixture: Acetone-Chloroform-Methanol

Component i Azeotrope (7) Azeotrope (6) Acetone (1) Azeotrope (5)

γ i ⋅ p i0 in bar 1.165 1.155 1.140 1.042
Component i Chloroform (2) Azeotrope (4) Methanol (3)
γ i ⋅ p i0 in bar 0.964 0.839 0.834

Fig. 6: Ideal Distillation lines of the system Acetone-Chloroform-Methanol

system in Fig. 5, i.e. the distillation takes place within the two outer lateral faces 7-5-3
and 6-5-3 of the related ideal quaternary sytem. The other two quaternary
subsystems are simulated by calculating first the distillation lines of the related ideal
quaternary and second by turning the tetrahedron in such a way that the projected
corners of the tetrahedron coincide with the composition of the related pure
components and azeotropes in the Gibbs triangle of Fig. 5. A more detailed
description of this procedure is given elsewhere [4,5].

Following the above described method any real ternary or multicomponent system
may be approximated by ideal systems or subsystems. Doherty et al. [8] published a
rather complete list of possible ensembles of distillation lines of real ternary systems
and all of these may be approximated by ideal systems.


It is shown that the distillation of ideal multicomponent mixtures may be reduced to a

superposition of the related ternary mixtures and that the different methods of
distillation of a ternary mixture may be described by one single fundamental
Taking into account that an azeotrope behaves like a pure component in distillation,
the behaviour of any complex real mixture may be approximated by the behaviour of
appropriately chosen ideal mixtures.
The large body of knowledge developed from the theory of multicomponent
distillation may, therefore, also be applied to better understand the distillation of real
multicomponent systems.


Financial support of the German Research Foundation (DFG) is gratefully



A interfacial area
a volumetric interfacial area
e defined by Eq. (12)
E defined by Eq. (2)
F cross sectional area
G vapour flowrate
H total height
h height
k constant
L liquid flowrate
NTU Number of Transfer Units
n mass transfer rate
p0 vapour pressure
x liquid mole fraction
y vapour mole fraction

Greek symbols
α relative volatility
β mass transfer coefficient
γ activity coefficient
ε relative volatility function defined in Table 1
ρ vapour density
Σ sum
Φ concentration function defined in Table 1
1 lowest boiling component
i component i or medium boiling component
j component j
k component k or highest boiling component
o initial mole fraction
equilibrium state


1. A. Vogelpohl (1970), Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 42, 1377-1382.

2. H. Hausen (1952), Z. angew. Phys., 4, 41-51.

3. N. L. Franklin (1986), Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 64, 56-70, Chem. Eng. Res. Des.,
66, 47-64.

4. A. Vogelpohl (1999), Chem. Eng. & Proc., 38, 548-557.

5. A. Vogelpohl (1999), Trans. IchemE, 77, Part A: 487-492.

6. Lord Rayleigh (1902), Philos. Magazine. (VI), 4, 521.

7. A. Vogelpohl (1974), Chem.-Ing.-Tech., 42, 195.

8. M. F. Doherty and G. A. Caldarola (1985), Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam., 24, 474-

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