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1 abash embarassed
2 abate reduce
3 abdicate step down from one's position
4 abeeration standard from deviation
5 abhor hate
6 abject absymal,depressed as hell,hopeless
7 abnegate reject
8 abortive unsuccessful
9 abridge shorten
10 absolve to free somone from blame/sin
11 absoute total
12 abstinent abstaining,
13 abstract
14 abstruse not comprehensive, turgid
15 absymal abject,hopeless
16 acccolade an award
17 acoost speak to somone, palaver
18 acquise comply passively, assent
19 acrimonous bitter
20 acris bitter
21 acumen mental sharpness
22 acute sharp
23 adamant stubborn
24 adherent follower,supporter,bilever
25 admonish scold, rebuke gentely
26 adroit skillful,crafty,wily,sly
27 adulation excessive admiraton
28 adulterate contaminate
29 adverse
30 affectation unnaturala
31 affinity attraction
32 affluent Rich
33 agarian land related
34 agenda program
35 aggregate gathering of something
36 agnostic a person who is confused abou GOD
37 alacrity egarness to respond
38 allege accuse without proof
39 alleviate mitigate
40 allocate distribute
41 alloy mixure of two or more metal
42 allusion indirect reference
43 aloof untouched
44 altruism selfishness
45 ambience feelings
46 ambiguous equivocal
47 ambivalent neutral
48 amenable obidient
49 amenity comfortable features
50 amiable friendly
51 amilorate prosper
52 amnesty a official pardon
53 amoral not ethical
54 amorous erotic, sexually expresive
55 anachronism old fashioned
56 analogy comparison
57 anarchy অরাজকতা
58 anectode a story revolving true incident
59 anguish physical or metal pain
60 animosity hostility
61 antecedent previous incident
62 antipathy hatred
63 antithesis direct opposite
64 apartheid জাততগত তিদ্বেষ
65 apathy lack of feelings
66 aphorism universal truth type words
67 apocryphal dubious activity
68 apocylpse prophetic revealation
69 apotheosis an elevation to devine status
70 appease propitate,make peace with,to placate
71 appreciate অতিিাদন
72 apprehensive worried
73 approbation approval
74 appropriate for a certain reason
75 aptitude natural understanding ,
76 arbitary capricious
77 arbiter who decides
78 arcane mysterious
79 archaic old fasioned, anachrinistic
80 archetype prototype
81 ardent passionate
82 arduous hard working
83 aristocratic run with rich people
84 artful skillful,crafty,wily,sly
85 artifice clever trick,trickery, chicanery
86 ascendancy supremacy
87 ascetic practicing self denial,austree
88 assidious hardworking
89 assuage to soothe, to pacify, ease the pain
90 astute keen in judgement, sagacious
91 attrituion wearing away
92 audacity boldness
93 augment to increase,
94 auspicious promising
95 austree practicing self denial,austree
96 autocratic run by absoulte authority
97 autonomous run by its own rule
98 avarice excessive greed
99 avow claim
100 avuncular like an uncle
101 awry ruined
102 axiom truth to everyone
103 balant glaring
104 banal unorginal,ordinary
105 baneful harmful
106 bastion fortess,fortified place
107 beget creates,leads
108 belabour gointh through repeatedly
109 beleguer to harrass, to sorround
110 belie giving false impression
111 belittle look down upon
112 belligerent combative,qurrelsome
113 benevolent kind, generous
114 benign kind, generous
115 bequest something left for a will
116 blasphemy insult to religious or something sacred
117 blight a crops disease , or somethng that can injury
118 cacophony sound
119 cadence infliction of voice
120 cajole persuade someone to do something
121 callow immature
122 candor honesty,truthfullness
123 capitalism
124 capitualte to surrender
125 capricious arbitary
126 caricature
127 castigate vutiperate
128 castise rebuke
129 catalyst
130 categorical unconditional
131 catharsis purification that brings into relief
132 catholic universal
133 caustic corrosive
134 celibacy absitence from sex
135 censure condemn someone for doing dometing bd
136 cerebral brainy
137 chagrin humiliation
138 charisma
139 chicanery trickery
140 chimera illusion
141 choleric hot tempered
142 chornicle something that keeps record in choronogical order
143 coalesce to unite
144 coerce forcesone to do somethong
145 cogent forcefully convincing
146 cognitive the person who is cognizant
147 cognizant aware of, cognizant
148 coherent holding together
149 collusion conspiracy
150 coloquial conversational
151 commensurate proportionate
152 compelling forecefully
153 compendium recapitualtion
154 complacent self satisfied
155 complement
156 complicity participation in wrongdoing
157 comprehensive understandable
158 concise in breif
159 concord in agreement
160 concurrent simultenious
161 condescend abdicate
162 condone to stoop someone from position
163 conductive promoting
164 congenial suitable, pleasant
165 congenital period between pregnancy & birth
166 conjecture to guess
167 conjure bring something like a magic
168 connoissur expert
169 consecrate declared something sacred
170 consesnsus in genaral agreement
171 consonant harmony
172 construe to interpret
173 consummate perfect
174 contentious quarrelsome, combative
175 contigious having common border, touching
176 contingent dependent,possible
177 contrite admitting guilt, remorseful
178 contrived unnatural, artificial
179 convenant solemn agreement
180 conventional common
181 convival festive
182 copious surfiet, plentiful, abundant
183 corollary
184 corroborate to confirm, support
185 cosmoplitan internationally sophisticated
186 countenance facial expression
187 coup victory
188 covert secret
189 covet yearn to possess something enviously
190 credulous having tendence to trust everything, gullible
191 creterion
192 cryptic mysterious
193 culminate to reach the full affect
194 culniary cooking related
195 culpable culprit
196 cursory hasty, superficial
197 curtail to make short
198 cynic who believes humans are motivated by selfishness
199 daunt make fearful
200 dearth lack,scarcity
201 debacle viloent, breakdown
202 debauchery extravagent lifestyle, wild life
203 debilitate to weaken , to shorten
204 decadant decaying
205 decimate to wipe out, to almost destroy
206 decorous proper,in good taste
207 deduce conclude from the evidence, infer
208 defame accuse someone for ruining his reputation
209 deference polite, gentle respect
210 degenerate to breakdown, to detoriotate
211 deleterious baneful, harmful
212 deliniate ascribe perfectly
213 delude to decieve
214 deluge a flash flood, innudation
215 demagouge a political leader who manipulates people………..
216 denizen cityzen, inhabitant
217 depravity corruption
218 deprecate to express the disaapproval of
219 deride ridicule
220 derogatory disapproval
221 desiccate dry out
222 despondent extremely depressed
223 despot autocrat, dictator
224 destitute penurious, impecunious,indigent,poor
225 desultory without purpose, diconnected , random
226 dialectical relating to discussion
227 dictum a proverb
228 didatic intended to teach, morally instructive
229 diffident lacking self confidence
230 dilettante someone with superficial knowledge of arts, amateur,dobbler
231 discern to have insight, see things clearly
232 discrete prudent
233 disdain aroogant scron, contemt
234 disgress to stray from main position
235 disinterested unbiased
236 disparage belittle
237 Disparate different, unequal
238 Disseminate to spread out
239 dissipate dissolve
240 dissolution brekaing up or dissolving of something into parts
241 Distend to swell
242 Distinguish diffrentiate, to tell apart
243 Docile amenable
244 Doctrinaire dogmatic
245 Dogmatic stubbornly claiming that something is beyond dispute
246 dormant inactive
247 dubious doubtful
248 duplicity the act of being two faced
249 ebullient extremely joyful
250 eccentric bnot conventional
251 edify instruct moroally
252 effusion pouring forth
253 egalatarian সাম্যিাদ
254 egocentric selfish
255 egregious extremely bad
256 electic best choice from many choice
257 eleliptical oval
258 elict to bring out or happen again
259 elusive অধরা
260 emigrate
261 eminent prominent
262 emperical
263 emulate immitate
264 encroach to tresspass
265 endemic certain region
266 enervate to reduce the strength
267 enfranchise
268 engender
269 enigma
270 enormity
271 ephemral
272 epigram
273 epitome
274 equanimity
275 equitable
276 equivocal
277 erudite
278 esoteric
279 espouse
280 etheraL
281 euphemism
282 evanescent
283 exacerbate
284 exacting
285 exalt to praise
286 exasperate
287 exemplefy
288 exigency
289 existential
290 exonerate
291 exort
292 expatriate
293 expedient
294 expedite
295 extol
296 extraneous
297 extrapolate
298 extricate
299 extrovert
300 exult
301 hauteur
302 hector
303 hedge
304 histrionic
305 hoary
306 hobble
307 hoodwink
308 hubris
309 illutrious
310 imbibe
311 imbroglio
312 immure
313 impecunious
314 imperious
315 impervious
316 impetuous
317 improvident
318 impugn
319 inanity
320 inchoate
321 incontrovertible
322 indigent
323 ineffable
324 inelluctable
325 inequity
326 infellicitious
327 inimitable
328 innure
329 insufferable
330 internecine
331 intimation
332 invective
333 invioable
334 inviolate
335 irrefutable
336 jaundice
337 jejune
338 jingoist
339 juggernaut
340 kowtow
341 lacerate
342 lachrymose
343 lampoon
344 languish
345 lascivious
346 limpid
347 litany
348 loath
349 lugubrious
350 machinate
351 magisterial
352 malapropism
353 malfesance
354 malingerer
355 martinet
356 maundermaudlin
357 mellifluious
358 mendicant
359 meteoric
360 mettlesome marked by courrage and danger
361 mettlesome
362 misattribute falsly ascribe
363 misattribute
364 modicum
365 modicum
366 mordant
367 mordant
368 moribund
369 mulct collect money by taxation,fine
370 mulct
371 nadir lowest point
372 nadir
373 nettleome
374 nettlesome
375 noisome bad smell
376 noisome
377 nonchalant
378 nonchalant
379 objurgate rebuke severly
380 objurgate
381 oblique indirect
382 oblique
383 obstreperous
384 obstreperous
385 obtain
386 obtuse
387 ossify
388 overweening
389 palatable
390 palaver
391 palimpset
392 panacea
393 panegyric
394 paragon
395 pariah
396 parvenu
397 patent
398 pecuniary
399 pellucid
400 penurious
401 percipient
402 peremtory
403 perfunctionary
404 peripatetic
405 perspecious
406 phantasmagorical
407 philistine
408 phlegmatic
409 picayne
410 pillory
411 pith
412 plucky
413 pollyannaish
414 ponderous
415 pontificate talk in dogmatic way( especially in a pompus sense )
416 portentous ominiously prophetic
417 precipate to cause to hppen
418 presentiment a feeling of evil
419 primacy first and foermost duty
420 probity integrity, honesty
421 prognostication a statement made about future
422 prolixilty boring verbosity
423 promulgate state
424 propitate making peace with, placate,appease
425 prosaic dull,lacking imagination
426 proscribe command against
427 proselytize convert to another religon or opinion
428 protean versetile
429 provident providing care with future
430 puerile childish
431 puissant powerful
432 punctilious marked by precise accordance with details
433 pyrrhic a victory that cost too much nut not in worth
434 quail draw back as in fear or pain
435 quisling traitor
436 quixotic impractical
437 raconteur a person who is skilled in telling anecdote
438 raillery light teasing
439 rapporachment reestablishment of cordial relation
440 rarefied filtered,refined
441 recapitualtion compendium,abridgement,summary
442 recrimination mutual accuisation
443 recrudesce to bring out or happen again
444 redoubtable formidable, ispiring fear or awe
445 remonstrate to make objection while pleading
446 reprisal a retailatory action against enemy in warcrime
447 riblad humorously vulgar
448 row an angry dispute
449 sagacious having good judgement
450 sangfroid unassialble
451 sardonic disdainfully humourous,scronfull or mocking
452 sartorial related to clothing
453 saturnine dark,morose,gloomy
454 schandenfreude a person who feels exulted by watching sorrow of others
455 sedate calm
456 sedulous done delligently and carefully
457 self-effacing reluctant to draw attention of the audience
458 semblance an outward token or appearance
459 sententious to be moralizing but in a pompus sense
460 simulacrum visual representation of something
461 sincure a office which has nothing to work
462 solicitude a feeling of excessive concern
463 spartan ascetic,austree,unsprang and uncompromising
464 splentic very irritable
465 squlech opress,suppress
466 stalwart dependable
467 stultify to lose enery and enthausim
468 subpar
469 subterfuge hide
470 supercillious look down upon
471 surfiet plentiful,abundant
472 surrrepetitious aacting in a stealty way
473 sybraite a person who desire in luxary
474 temerity boldness
475 tempestious quarrelsome, combative
476 tendentious controversial
477 transmute change into apperance
478 trenchant pellucid
479 truculent having a ferce/ savage nature
480 turgid ardious
481 turpitude a bad behaviour
482 tyro novice
483 umbrage a defiant anger
484 unassilable flawless
485 unflappablee extremely clam in difficult situation
486 unforthcoming incooperative
487 unimpeachable
488 unpreprocessing not prepared
489 unpropitious having a little chance of success
490 unstingting generously
491 untenable illogical
492 untoward inconvenient
493 untrammeled not limited
494 vaunted overrated
495 venial pardonable
496 veritable truthfully
497 versimilitude apperance of truth
498 vicissitude উথান পতন
499 vitriol
500 vitrolic harsh in tone
501 vituperate criticize
502 zeitgeist a period of time
503 fabrication
504 facetious
505 facile
506 faction
507 farcical
508 fastiduous
509 fatalist
510 fatuous
511 fauna
512 fecund
513 felicity
514 fervor
515 fetter
516 fidelity
517 figurative
518 finess
519 flagrant
520 flaunt
521 flout
522 foible
523 foment
524 forbear
525 forgo
526 forsake
527 fortutious
528 founder
529 fraternal
530 fretenitic
531 frugal
532 furtive
533 futile
534 garrrulous
535 genre
536 genteel
537 gesticulate
538 gult
539 gravity
540 gregarious
541 guile
542 soar
543 rejuvinate
544 emante
545 morbidity
546 inclusivity
547 recede
548 quintessential
549 grappling
550 gingerly
551 incursion
552 plummet
553 scambling
554 reverbation
555 respite
556 slumping
557 collateral
558 uncouth
559 flurry
560 rampage
561 retention
562 fiscal
563 harrowing
564 flunk
565 peilous
566 desprados
567 repeal
568 harbinger
569 recession
570 interspresed
571 venture
572 cavernous
573 palpable
574 quadrupled
575 enviable
576 stellar
577 hone
578 pragmatism

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