The Books of The Bible

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The Law: The First Five Books

GENESIS (The Book of Beginnings)
EXODUS (The Book of Redemption)
LEVITICUS (The Book of Holiness)
NUMBERS (Wilderness Wanderings)
DEUTERONOMY (Reiteration and Reviewing)
The Historical Books (12 books):
JOSHUA (Possession and Conquest)
JUDGES (Seven Cycles of Apostasy, Judgment, and Deliverance)
RUTH (An Addendum to Judges)
FIRST SAMUEL (Transition From Judges to Kingship)
SECOND SAMUEL (David’s Reign; Expansion of the Nation)
FIRST KINGS (David’s Death; Disruption of the Kingdom)
SECOND KINGS (Dispersion—Willful Sin Has a Woeful End)
FIRST CHRONICLES (Preparation of the Temple)
SECOND CHRONICLES (Destruction of the Temple)
EZRA (Reconstruction of the Temple and Restoration of the People)
NEHEMIAH (Reconstruction of the City)
ESTHER (Protection of God’s People)
The Poetical Books:
JOB (Blessing Through Suffering)
PSALMS (Praise Through Prayer)
PROVERBS (Wisdom Through Precept)
ECCLESIASTES (A Search For Purpose)
SONG OF SOLOMON (A Royal Wedding)
The Major Prophets:
ISAIAH (The Salvation of Yahweh)
JEREMIAH (Warnings Against Sin and Judgment)
LAMENTATIONS (A River of Tears)
EZEKIEL (They Shall Know That I Am Yahweh)
DANIEL (Israel’s Ultimate Destiny)
The Minor Prophets:
HOSEA (Persevering Love)
JOEL (The Coming of the Day of Yahweh)
AMOS (Judgment for Abused Privilege)
OBADIAH (Poetic Justice)
JONAH (Fleeing From God’s Will)
MICAH (Who Is Like God?)
NAHUM (The Doom of Nineveh)
HABAKKUK (Solution to Perplexity)
ZEPHANIAH (Blessing Through Judgment)
HAGGAI (Encouragement)
ZECHARIAH (the Jealousy of Yahweh)
MALACHI (Repent and Return)


The Gospel account: The life and works of Jesus Christ
MATTHEW (Jesus, the Messiah, the King of the Jews)
MARK (Servant of the Lord)
LUKE (Jesus, the Son of Man)
JOHN (Jesus, the Son of God)
History of the early church of the Lord:
ACTS (Establishment of the church and its growth)
Paul’s letters:
ROMANS (Christ the power of God to us)
1 CORINTHIANS (Christ the wisdom of God to us)
2 CORINTHIANS (Christ the comfort of God to us)
GALATIANS (Christ the righteousness of God to us)
EPHESIANS (Christ the riches of God to us)
PHILIPPIANS (Christ the sufficiency of God to us)
COLOSSIANS (Christ the fullness of God to us)
1 THESSALONIANS Christ the promise of God to us)
2 THESSALONIANS (Christ the reward of God to us)
1 TIMOTHY (fight the good fight)
2 TIMOTHY (kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you)
TITUS (the grace of God that has appeared to us)
PHILEMON (forgiveness in Christ)
The General Letters:
HEBREWS (the surpassing greatness of Christ or His superiority)
JAMES (the practice of the Christian faith)
1 PETER (suffering for Christ)
2 PETER (warning against false prophets or teachers and mockers with false words)
1 JOHN (the fellowship with God through the Lord Jesus)
2 JOHN (continue to walk in the truth of apostolic doctrine and in accordance with the
3 JOHN (faithful ministry of selfless service to others as fellow workers in the truth)
JUDE (contend for the faith)
The Prophecy:
REVELATION (ultimate triumph of Christ over all who rise up against Him and His people)

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