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I am Nishan N, a student of SDMIMD, Mysore pursuing my first year of PGDM. As I am

doing a project on “Impact of Covid-19 on business performance of the automobile sector in
India and their sales and performance”. As lockdown and social distancing have rapidly
become the new norm for many of us, there is growing realization that it could have a lasting
impact on what mobility solutions people will prefer in coming days. Kindly spare some of
your free time to answer this questionnaire:

1) Name:_______________

2) Gender

a) Male [ ]
b) Female [ ]
c) Prefer not to say [ ]

3) Age:_______

4) Which personal vehicle do you own currently?

a) 2W [ ]
b) 4W [ ]
c) None [ ]
d) Other:________

5) Which vehicle will be your preferred mode of travel post covid-19 lockdown?

a) Public bus/Metro [ ]
b) Ride hailing/shared mobility [ ]
c) Private vehicles [ ]
d) Other:_______

6) Before Covid-19 outbreak what was your preferred travel/commute?

a) Public bus/Metro [ ]
b) Ride hailing/shared mobility [ ]
c) Private vehicles [ ]
d) Other:_______
7) Has your intention to own a car strengthened after the Covid-19 outbreak?

a) Yes [ ]
b) No [ ]
c) Maybe [ ]

8) If Yes, then why has your intention to own a private car changed?

a) Flexibility of time & travel [ ]

b) Reduces chances of infection & social distancing [ ]
c) Family can travel together [ ]
d) Upgrade from 2W [ ]
e) Societal status [ ]

9) During the current lockdown what kind of issues have people faced by not owning a
personal vehicle in your view?

a) Unable to get a vehicle during emergency [ ]

b) Unable to commute to get essentials [ ]
c) Anxiety/emotional distress due to unavailability of public transportation [ ]
d) Other:______

10) If you are a current personal vehicle owner (4W) do you intend to upgrade your vehicle
when normalcy returns post the lockdown?

a) Yes [ ]
b) No [ ]
c) Maybe [ ]

11) If no, what are your reasons for opting for upgradation?

a) Adequate availability of public transportation [ ]

b) Too early to upgrade vehicle existing vehicle [ ]
c) Postponed purchase amidst uncertainty [ ]
d) Change in travel habits/preference post covid-19 lockdown [ ]
e) Other:_____
12) If you were to purchase/upgrade a 4W post the lockdown, which type of vehicle would
your needs the most?

a) Hatchback [ ]
b) Compact sedan [ ]
c) Premium sedan [ ]
d) Mid-size SUV [ ]
e) Luxury sedan [ ]
f) Full size SUV [ ]
g) Pre-owned vehicle [ ]
h) Other:____________

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