Improving Students English Vocabulary TH PDF
Improving Students English Vocabulary TH PDF
Improving Students English Vocabulary TH PDF
This Study was aimed to know the Empirical evidence about the
improvement of the students’ English vocabulary through Clustering Technique at
the Second Grade Students of SMP Al-Kautsar BKUI. The problem of the study
was how to improve student’s English vocabulary through
Clustering Technique. The research method is classroom action research that
follows the design pattern of Kurt Lewins. The research was conducted in two
cycles. Subject in this study were second grade students of SMP Al-Kautsar
BKUI. Techniques of data collection were interviews, observation and test. The
result of this study was that the implementation of learning English vocabulary
trough Clustering Technique has increased. The results showed that 81.8% of the
students can reach values >70 and has achieved the minimum passing criterion
(KKM). In addition, the results of observations showed that students appear more
motivated in learning English, especially for English vocabulary mastery. Based
on the result above, it can be concluded that using Clustering Technique on the
second grade students of SMP Al-Kautsar BKUI can improve students English
vocabulary mastery.
The writer realizes that this “skripsi” is still far from perfect. In this “Skripsi”
there are still shortcomings and hopefully the presence of this “Skripsi” can be a
positive contribution to all parties and may be useful to readers.
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................ i
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ........................................................................ ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................ iv
LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................. vii
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................ viii
LIST OF APPENDIXES ........................................................................ ix
A. Background of the Study .................................................... 1
B. Formulation ......................................................................... 4
C. Objective of the Study ........................................................ 4
D. Significance of Study .......................................................... 4
A. Place and Time of the Study ............................................... 16
B. Research Method and Design ............................................. 16
C. Subject of the Research ....................................................... 19
D. Writer’s Role on the Research ............................................ 19
E. Classroom Action Research ................................................ 20
F. Data and Data Sources. ........................................................ 21
G. Instrument of the Research .................................................. 21
H. Technique of Data Collection ............................................. 22
I. Technique of Data Analysis ................................................ 23
J. Criteria of the Action Success ............................................ 25
K. Truthwortiness of the Study ................................................ 25
L. Validity of the Test ............................................................. 27
C. Interpretation ........................................................................ 44
D. Cycle 1 and 2 ....................................................................... 46
a. Cycle 1 ........................................................................ 46
b. Cycel II ....................................................................... 46
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................... 48
APPENDIXES ......................................................................................... 51
A. Background of the Problem
Language as a tool of communication plays an important roles in society.
People use language to communicate among people whether in their society or in
this world. As Elaine Chaika said every social instruction in this world is using
languages to communicate each other: law, religion, education, and family all of
them interacted by using language.1 And the language which is frequently used in
international communication is English language.
There are many students with learning difference; problems and
disabilities have weak language skills that directly impact their vocabulary
development. Most individuals who can read and have least vocabulary in a
school education would consider their vocabulary adequate. Adequate meaning
that the person can understand oral communication, express one’s thoughts in
speech and is able to comprehend common reading material. But many individual
with learning differences have weak vocabularies.
Mastering vocabulary can help to get easier to use a language as Norbert
Schmitt says “large vocabulary can help to express ideas precisely in
communication. Vocabulary knowledge enables language use; language enables
the increased of it, and knowledge of the world enables the increase of it and
language use and so on”.2
The teaching of vocabulary has an important role for the students,
especially at the second grade of junior high school. According to the curriculum
that progresses now, which is called the “Kurrikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan
(KTSP) or issued in 2006 Curriculum of KTSP. In English Curriculum of KTSP,
each skill has competency standard (Standar Kompetensi) for the next term
competency Standard (Standar Kompetensi) is used and Basic Competency
(Kompetensi Dasar). Based on curriculum of 2006 especially in second grade of
Elaine Chaika, Language the Social Mirror, (Massachusetts: Newbury House Publisher,
1982), p. 3.
Norbert Schmit, Vocabulary in Language Teaching, (New york: Cambridge University
press, 2000), p. 6.
Junior High School, that has 1 competency standard (Standar Kompetensi) and 2
Basic Competency (Kompetensi Dasar). Competency Standard (Standar
Kompetensi) of writing of English subject involves:
“SK. 12.Mengungkapkan makna dalm teks tulis fungsional dan esei
pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, narrative dan descriptive untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
KD. 12.1Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks fungsional pendek
sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat,
lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
KD. 12.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika essay pendek
sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat,
lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
berbentuk recount, narrative dan descriptive.”
amount of vocabulary, anyone will get trouble in their language skills. 3 It means
that vocabulary is the main point of the students in beginning of process in
English language learning. According to Graves (1986) ideal vocabulary that must
be owned by the novice learner is between 2,500 to 5,000 words to support
language learning. 4 However this is not owned by ESL students in our country.
In Indonesia, certainly, English language has affects many aspects in
Indonesia especially in education. However, students entering college or school
are expected to know enough word knowledge and proficiency in English to
overcome with the demands arising from having to handle it. Sometimes, it is
because the learner needs to go to another state or to other parts of the country for
educational or occupational purposes. A student is usually required to take an
examination, for entry into a specialist field of study or a job or face interviews
that use English language. In such cases, the learner has to master English words
to communicate and overcome the demands of the present day society.
Based on the explanation above the researcher interested to improve
students’ vocabulary and try to apply Clustering Technique as a strategy in
teaching vocabulary. Because this technique will be easier for the students to
figure the meaning of the target word, to memorize it, and to use it when they find
the right situation based on the context clues they have known. It is also fun so
that the students will find that learning language is enjoyable. Thus, this technique
can effectively be used in teaching vocabulary. In this case, the researcher will do
an action research entitled “Improving Students’English vocabulary through
Clustering Technique (A Classroom action Research at the second grade of SMP
Al-Kautsar BKUI, Jakarta)”.
Jim Scrivener, Learning Teaching: A Guide for English Language Teachers. (England:
Heinemann ELT, 1994), p. 73.
Baker, Scott K., Vocabulary Acquisition: Synthesis of the Research accessed on 28 June
B. Formulation of the Problem
Based on the background of the problem, the research formulated as
follows: How were the students’ English vocabulary improved through Clustering
Technique at the Second Grade of SMP AL-Kautsar BKUI Jakarta?
A. Vocabulary
1. The Definition of Vocabulary
Mastering vocabulary is very important for the students who learn English
as a foreign language. That is why everybody who learns English or a certain
language should know the words. The mastery of vocabulary can support them in
speaking when they communicate to people and able to write and translate the
meaning of words when they definite English language. If they do not know the
meaning of the words, they will not be able to speak, write and translate anything
in English. The students can be said gaining progress in English, if they mastery
When someone talks about vocabulary, the first come to one‘s mind:
vocabulary deals with words; they come from, how they change, how they relate
to each other and how we use them to communicate.1 Words are instrument for
saying what a person want to say in our thought, feeling, ideas, desires, dislikes,
hopes, and fears. As the instrument, the number of words we have can help us
fulfill our needs. We can say what we need in language.
Vocabulary is very important thing because it can arrange the words and
that used in some enterprise, a language user‘s knowledge of words and system of
technique or symbol serving as a means of expression.
There are many definitions of vocabulary which are defined by expert.
Moreover, so many definitions of vocabulary can be found and it is impossible to
discuss all of them.
According to Nunan: Vocabulary is more than list of target language
words. As part of the language system, vocabulary is intimately interrelated with
grammar. In fact, it is possible to divide the lexical system of most languages into
Laurie bauer, Vocabulary. (London: Routledge Press, 1988), p. 8.
grammatical words, such as prepositions, articles, adverbs, and so on, and content
According to Penny Ur, ―Vocabulary is one of the most important
aspects in language teaching, besides grammar and pronunciation. As a stock of
words used by a person, it can be defined, roughly as the words we teach in the
foreign language‖.3
In Oxford Advance Learner‘s Dictionary, vocabulary defines as follow: ―
a. All words that a person knows or uses.
b. All words in a particular language.
c. The words that people use when they are talking about a particular subject.
d. A list of words with their meanings, especially in a book for learning a foreign
Meanwhile, Finnochiaro states that ―Vocabulary is a set of words known
to person or either entity, or that are part of specific language. the vocabulary of
person is defined either as the set of all the words that are understood by the
person or the set of all words likely to be used by that constructing new sentences.
The richness person‘s is populary through though to be reflection or intellegence
or level education.5
Thus, from the definition above, it shows vocabulary is a list of words
known by person, it is a words of a language and the sum of words used by,
understood by, or at the command of a particular person or group or specially
vocabulary in English words that are related to the meaning of the words and the
way to use them in communication.
David Nunan, Second Language Teaching and Learning, (Boston, Massachussetts: New
House Teacher Development, 1999), p. 101.
Penny Ur; A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory (New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1996), p. 60.
A.S. Hornby, Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary, (Oxford: Oxford university Press,
2000), p. 1506.
Marry Finnochiaro, English as A Second Language: From Theory to Practice, fourth
edition, (New York: Prentice Hall Regents, 1989), p. 40.
2. Kinds of Vocabulary
There are many classifications made by experts about kinds of
vocabulary based on many aspects. Jo Ann Aeborsold and Mary Lee distinguishes
vocabulary into active vocabulary and passive vocabulary:
a. Active vocabulary; is also called as productive vocabulary. Students must
know how to pronounce the vocabulary well, they must know and be able how to
use grammar of the target language, they also must be familiar with collocation
and understand the connotation meaning of the word. This type is often used in
speaking and writing skill.
b. Passive vocabulary; refers to language items that can be recognized and
understood in the context of reading and listening, and it also as receptive
According to S. H. Burton and Humpries, there are two types of
vocabulary used by the people for communication, namely: general and special
vocabulary. General vocabulary is all of the words that are used in general; there
is no limit of field or users, general in meaning and use. Special vocabulary is all
of the words that are used in a certain field or job, profession or special science,
for example: politicians, journalists, and lawyers. All these have specialized
vocabulary arising from particular circumstances of their lives and work.7
From the explanation above, we know that every expert in every book is
differentiated in classifying vocabulary, because every person has different ways
in showing and telling their opinions and ideas.
Some of the expert emphasizes vocabulary into the items which the
learners can use appropiately in speaking and writing, and to the language items
that can be recognized and understood in the context of reading and listening,
little or empty words, content words and cluster of words. Some other experts
classify vocabulary into general and special.
Jo Ann Aeborsold and Marry Lee Field, From Reader to Reading Teacher, (New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1997), p. 139.
S.H Burton and J. Humpries, “Mastering English Language”, (London: The Macmillan
Press, 1992), p. 100.
3. Problems in Teaching Vocabulary
Vocabulary is the first and foremost important step in language
acquisition. In a classroom where students are not finding themselves comfortable
with second language, language learning can be made interactive and interesting
with the introduction of appropriate vocabulary exercises and teaching vocabulary
In teaching and learning vocabulary, many problems found, from
understanding difficult words until applying the words. Even though students
realize the importance of vocabulary when learning English, most Indonesian
students learn vocabulary passively due to several factors. First, they consider the
teacher's explanation for meaning or definition, pronunciation, spelling and
grammatical functions boring. In this case, language learners have nothing to do
in a vocabulary learning section but to listen to their teacher. Second, students
only think of vocabulary learning as knowing the primary meaning of new words.
Therefore, they ignore all other functions of the words. Third, students
usually only acquire new vocabulary through new words in their textbooks or
when given by teachers during classroom lessons. For example, learners find
many new words in a text and then ask the teacher to explain the meanings and
usages. Forth, many Indonesian learners do not want to take risks in applying
what they have learnt. Students may recognize a word in a written or spoken form
and think that they already "know the word", but they may not be able to use that
word properly in different contexts or pronounce it correctly.
Meanwhile, Michael J. Wallace mentioned three categories about
problems in teaching vocabulary, they are: 1) Pronunciation and spelling, 2)
Stress, 3) Cognates and ‗false friend‘.8
From the definitions above, it shows problem that students face in learning
English. The student faced difficulty in achieving vocabulary especially how the
teacher presents vocabulary to students. Language learning can be made
interactive and interesting with the introduction of appropriate vocabulary
exercises and teaching vocabulary methods.
Michael J. Wallace. Teaching Vocabulary .(Oxford: Heinemann Books. 1989),p. 23
4. Techniques in Presenting Vocabulary
There are many ways in presenting vocabulary, those are:‖
a. Say the word clearly and write it on the board
The teacher gives the example firstly how to pronounce this word
correctly, and say it clearly, then teacher asks to students follow and
repeat it, after that write it on the board.
b. Get the class to repeat the word in chorus
Teacher tries to repeat word, so that students can practice more, and
they understand it.
c. Translate the word into the students‟ own language
Teacher gives the word on the text that has prepared, and also asks
them to translate it into students‟ own language.
d. Ask students to translate the word
Commonly, the teacher gives the text, read it correctly, after that he or
she asks students to translate the word.
e. Draw a picture to show what the word means
One technique of presenting new word is drawing a picture to show and
explain the word means.
f. Give an English example to show how the word is used
The teacher gives an English example firstly, and students follow and
repeat it, it hopes can show how the word is used.
g. Ask questions using the new word
After the teacher gives an English example, follow, and repeat it
correctly. Then the teacher asks questions using the new word to
measure whether students can understand or not. Here, it can be argued
that this way is very good for all of teachers to use this way, because
many things can be gotten, they are: students can know, pronounce,
use, and understand new word means. Besides that, teacher has to
choose one of ways based on the students‟ level, students‟ ability,
and conditions of vocabulary‖.9
As Jeremy harmer stated that: there are many occasions when some form
of presentations and explanations are the best way to bring new words into the
classroom, those are:10
a. Realia
One way of presenting words is to bring the things they represent into the
classroom – by bringing ―realia‖ into the room. Words like ―postcard‖,
―ruler‖, ―pen‖, ―ball‖, etc. can obviously be presented in this way. The
See Adrian Doff, Teach English a Training Course for Teachers, (Australia: Cambridge
University Press (1988), p. 1.
See 10 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, New Edition, (New
York: Longman 1991). pp. 161—162.
teacher holds up the object (or points it). Says the word and then gets
students to repeat it.
b. Pictures
Pictures can be used to explain the meaning of vocabulary items; teachers
can draw things on the board or bring in pictures. They can illustrate
concepts such as above and opposite just as easily as hats, coats, walking,
sticks, cars, smiles, frowns, etc. words
c. Mime, action and gesture
It is often impossible to explain the meaning of words and grammar
either through the use of realia or in pictures. Actions, in particular, are
probably better explained by mime. Concepts like smoking or running
are easy to present in this way; those are ways of walking, expressions,
prepositions (―to‖, ―toward‖, etc). And times (a hand jerked back over
the shoulder to represent the past, for example).
d. Contrast
Teachers saw how words exist because of their sense relations and it can
be used to teach meaning. We can present the meaning of ―empty‖ by
contrasting it with ―full‖, ―cold‖, by contrasting it with ―hot‖, ―big‖ by
contrasting it with ―small‖. We may present these concepts with pictures
or mime, and by drawing attention to the contrasts in meaning we ensure
our students‟ understanding.
e. Enumeration
Other sense relation is that of general and specific words. We can use this
to present meaning. We can say ―clothes‖ and explain this by
enumerating or listing various items. The same is true of ‗vegetable‖ or
―furniture‖, for example.
f. Explanation
Explaining the meaning of vocabulary items can be very difficult,
especially at beginner and elementary levels. But with more intermediate
students such a technique can be used. It is worth remembering that
explaining the meaning of a word must include explaining any facts of
word use which are relevant. If we are explaining the meaning of ―mate‖
(friend) we have to point out that it is a colloquial word use in informal
context and that it is more often used for males than for females.
g. Translation
Translation is quick and easy way to present the meaning of words but it
is not without problems. In the first place it is not always easy to translate
words, and in the second place, even where translation is possible, it may
make it a bit too easy for students by discouraging them from interacting
with the words.
From explanations above, it can be believed that there are many ways to
present vocabulary, teacher as a facilitator has to be able to choose a good
technique to teach how to provoke students‘ interest in learning vocabulary. In
his research, the writer teaches vocabulary through Clustering Technique.
B. Technique
1. Definition of Technique
When we talk about technique, there are three elements that must be
differentiated because these elements use in teaching and learning activity and
people often confuse with these elements. They are approach, method, and
In line with the statements above, the American applied linguistic, Edward
Anthony in 1963 identified three levels of conceptualization and organization,
which he termed approach, method and technique. The arrangement is
hierarchical. The organization key is that technique carry out a method which is
consistent with an approach. An approach is a set of correlative assumptions
dealing with the nature of language teaching and learning. An approach is
axiomatic. It describes the nature of the subject matter to be taught. While method
is overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material, no part of which
contradicted and all of which is based upon, the selected approach. An approach is
axiomatic, a method is procedural. Within an approach, there can be many
From the idea previously, it can be concluded that a technique is
implementation-that which actually takes place in a classroom. It is particular
trick, stratagem, or contrivance used to accomplish and immediate objective.
Technique must be consistent with method, and therefore in harmony with an
approach, there can be many methods.11
Based on the idea above, clustering is a technique that can be taught in
teaching vocabulary because it is a teacher‘s strategy which implemented in
2. Clustering Technique
Since the ―Kurrikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) curriculum
pays a lot of attention on the ability of students to use English contextually so it is
Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approach and Method in Language
Teaching, (New York: Cambridge university Press, 1986), p. 15.
interested to choose clustering technique to be researched in this research.
Clustering technique is good way to turn a broad subject into a limited and more
manageable way in teaching especially in teaching vocabulary, it is also called
mapping, webbing, looping, or diagramming. It is another effective way to gather
information for an essay in writing skill and also in teaching vocabulary.
Clustering uses free association. To cluster ideas, begin with blank sheet of paper.
In the center, write and circle the word or phrase that expresses the broad subject
you want to write about.12
Another expert said that clustering is a technique that tries to develop an
outline in the beginning of topic from the most general ideas and moving to most
specific one.13 It is beneficial to see the relationship between details, in organizing
information in an orderly fashion, and developing specific support for the main
Relationships between words can be illustrated through word maps. Create
word maps by writing the focus word in a central circle and then asking the
students to brainstorm related words. Link these brainstormed words to the focus
word as in an elementary mind map. The word maps could be:
a. Words with similar meanings to that of the focus word;
b. Words from the same word family
c. Cords that relate to the same topic or theme;
d. Different meanings of the focus word - introduce another meaning of a
word only when the most frequently used meaning is well understood by
students, otherwise they will get confused.
Word maps help students to make connections between their prior
knowledge and the new words. They show conceptual relationships between
words. By showing these relationships students can modify their existing
framework of knowledge (schema) and more effectively construct meaning when
they meet the words in the text.
See 12 Santi V. Buscemi, A reader for developing writers, (new York: McGraw Hill
Company, 2002), p. 14.
Thomas E. Tyner, Writing Voyage, (California: Wadswoth, Inc., 1985), pp. 176 —177.
3. Application of Clustering Technique in Teaching
From the concept stated above, it can be known that clustering is strategy
that can be used to generate material for a paper. This method is helpful for people
who like to their thinking in a visual way. In clustering, you use lines, boxes,
arrows, and circles to show relationships among the ideas and details that occur.
The steps to make clustering are:
1. Begin by stating your subject in a few words in the centre of blank sheet of
paper. The, ideas and details come to you; put them in boxes or circles,
and uses connecting lines to show how they relate as well.
2. Keep in mind that there is no right or wrong way clustering or
diagramming. It is a way to think on paper about how various ideas and
details relate to another.14
Furthermore, the application of clustering in teaching begins with a key
words of central idea placed in the center of a page (or on the blackboard) around
with the students (or teacher using students-generated suggestions) jots down in
few minute all of free association triggered by the subject matter-using simply
words or short phrase. Unlike listing, the words or phrases generated are put on
the page or board in a pattern which takes shape from the connections the writer
sees as each new thought emerges. Completed clusters can look like spokes on a
wheel or any other patterns or any other pattern of connected lines, depending on
how the individual associations are drawn to relate each other. By having students
share their cluster patterns with other students in the class, teachers allow students
to be exposed to a wide variety of approaches to the subject matter, which might
further generate material for writing.15 We use this method as a way to cluster
Axelrod and Cooper have the similar ideas of clustering application in
teaching. They said that clustering is an invention activity which reveals possible
relation among facts and ideas. Unlike listing, clustering requires a brief period of
John Langan, College Writing Skills, (USA: McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2003), p.
Marianne Celce Murcia, Teaching English as second Language or foreign Language,
(Boston: Hainle & Heinle, 1991), p. 253.
initial planning. You must come up with a tentative division of the topic into
subparts or main ideas. Clustering works as follows:
―1. In a word or phrase, write the center of a piece of paper. Circle it.
2. Also in a word or phrase, write down the main ideas of your topic in
the center.
3. The next step is to generated facts, details, examples, or ideas related
in any way to these main parts‖.16
In line with the experts‘ idea above, clustering, devised by Gabriele Rico,
is combination of uncensored brainstorming with doodling. This technique
produce an overview of a subject, suggests specific topics, and yields related
details. First; take a fresh sheet of paper and write a general subject in the center.
Then circle the word. Jot it near the word then prompted it. Circle the new word.
Third; draw a line between the two. Repeat the procedure. The sample cluster
(figure 2.1) began with the main topic. That central idea branched out, leading to
the key words related to the topic.17
Serve Court
Interesting Racket
Figure 2.1
See 16 Rise B. Axelrod and Charles R. Copper, The St. Martin’s Guided Writing, (New
York: ST. Martin‘s press, 1985), p. 461.
Betty Mattix Dietsch, Reasoning and Writing Well, (New York: Mc. Graw Hill, 2003),
pp. 26 – 27.
has relation to words racket and court because racket is one of equipment which is
used to play badminton, and court is the place to play badminton.
By giving a certain key word or target word to the students and ask them
to make clustering based on it, we made the students to increase their connected
vocabularies. It‘s also able to trigger their background knowledge and help them
in memorizing of new vocabulary. Even though clustering is actually a technique,
which is usually used in pre-writing paragraph but the researcher assumes that the
technique is also applicable in increasing the vocabulary of the students.
Suharsimi Arikunto, et al., Peneltian Tindakan Kelas, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2009), pp.
John w. Creswell, Educational Research, (Pearson Educational International, 2008), pp.
context-specific issues.3 It means that to begin the CAR, the researcher or the
teacher needs to identify any real problems which are found in the classroom
concerning students’ condition in teaching-learning process.
In this Classroom Action Research, the writer used Kurt Lewin’s design.
Kurt Lewin’s design for Classroom Action Research consists of four phases
within one cycle. Those are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.4 Teacher
might probably find a new problem or the previous unfinished problem yet after
implementing first cycle. If it happens, it is necessary to continue to the second
cycle in line with the same concept of the first cycle.
Planning Acting
Cycle 1
Reflecting Observing
Planning Acting
Cycle 2
Reflecting Observing
Figure 3.1
Michael J. Wallace, Action Research for Language Teachers, (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2006), p. 15.
Arikunto, op. cit., p.16.
Based on the design above, the researcher uses two cycles and every
cycle has 4 steps as follow:
1. Planning
The writer planned some actions based on the research goal. The writer
prepares learning scenario and the instrument for research, such as teaching aid,
observation form and evaluating test.
2. Acting
The second step of the cycles is acting which is implementation of the
planning. The writer and the teacher collaborated to overcome the solution
finding. The teacher becomes an observer in learning activities when the writer
uses the determined strategy.
3. Observing
The third step is observing students’ activities and observing general
condition of class in teaching learning process in order to gather relevant data.
The writer who assisted the teacher to note all the things occurring teaching-
learning process which covers the implementation of the classroom condition, and
students’ responses during teaching-learning activities.
4. Reflecting
In this step, the results of collecting data and analyzing data by the
researcher, whether the next cycle need to be continued or not. Meanwhile the
research will be stopped if require these criterions.
role, the writer observed the teacher who taught English vocabulary. Meanwhile,
in the second role the writer took a role as the teacher who implemented the
action. Out of those roles, the writer also needs to collect and to analyze data
taken from students’ pre-test and post-test, interview, and observation. And then,
report the result of the study.
3. Observing Phase
When observing, the observer had to look all the activities in the physical
classroom. It may be about the teacher’s performance, condition of class,
students’ response, how to the teacher teaches vocabulary, and sometimes the
observer asked some students’ opinion about the process of teaching and learning
vocabulary. Besides that, the observer also collected the data derived from
evaluation or post-test.
4. Reflecting Phase
After collecting the data, both teacher and observer analyzed the data that
had been collected. Then, they would reflect completely by seeing observation
result, and it was necessary to hold evaluation for completing the next cycle.
Thus, the reflection was able to be determined after implementing the action and
observation outcome. If there was still might have found problems, so it needed to
move to the next cycle concerning re-planning, re-acting, and re-observing.
Therefore, the unfinished problems yet could be solved.
G. Instrument of Research
There are three instruments to get the data in this Classroom Action
Research. They are Observation Sheet, interview guideline and test. To obtain
qualitative data, the writer uses observation and interview. On the otherside, the
writer uses test to obtain qualitative data. Those three research instruments are
explained more details follow:
1. Observational Sheet
Observational sheet that used to get the data during the observational in
the class. It is used to monitor and record the data of the teachers’ and students’
performance during the teaching and learning process. The information obtained
from the observation is used as a basis to determine the planning for the following
2. Interview Guideline
Besides observation sheet, interview guideline used to complete the data
needed. The interview was conducted to the English teacher and students of SMP
Al-Kautsar BKUI Jakarta. It was applied before and after Classroom Action
3. Test
Pre-action test and post-test conducted before and after the
implementation of visual scaffolding technique in teaching vocabulary. The aim
of giving the test is to measure students’ vocabulary mastery.
Suharsimi Arikunto, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2009), p. 127—
used to know about the implementation of Clustering technique. Thus, in
vocabulary material, the writer observed their vocabulary aspect, such as: words
(meaning, spelling, pronunciation, level of usage).
2. Interview
One of the ways to get deep information in the classroom is by
interviewing the English teacher and the students. The unstructured and structured
interview is conducted by the writer for this research. The structured interview
conducted by using interview guide and it was conducted before and after
implementing the classroom action research. The interview was about the English
teaching learning process at SMP Al-Kautsar BKUI Jakarta. Primarily, about
English teaching learning process, especially in vocabulary mastery.
3. Test
The test was used to find out the result of students’ achievement in
learning vocabulary by using Clustering technique and it is as main Technique in
collecting the data. The test was used to compare students’ English vocabulary
mastery before conducting the research and after conducting the research.
X : mean
x : individual score
n : number of students
Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta, Raja Grafindo Persada, 2008),
p. 80.
Next, the writer tried to get the class percentage which pass the minimal
mastery level criterion (KKM) considering English subject gains score 70
(seventy). The formula is:7
N : number of students
After getting mean of students’ score per actions, the writer analyzed
whether there are any improvement of students’ vocabulary score from pre-test up
to students’ average score in cycle 1 and cycle 2 or not. In analyzing that, the
writer used the formula:
y : pre-test result
y1 : post-test 1
y : pre-test result
y2 : post-test 2
Ibid., p. 43.
To know how extend do the improving students’ English vocabulary
mastery by using visual Clustering, the writer used the percentage scale as the
table below.
Table 3.1
Score Conversion Table
Score Qualification
75—100 Very Good
65—74 Good
55—64 Fairly
45—54 Poor
35—44 Failed
In analyzed the test item, the researcher uses to ways to know the
trustworthiness of the data follow:
1. Discrimination Power
D = U-L
In which, D : The index of discriminating power
U : The number of pupils in upper group who answered
the item correctly
L : The number of pupils group who answered item
N : Number of pupils in each group
Next, the discriminating power scale uses:
Table 3.2
The classification of Discriminating Power
0.4-0.6 Good
0.1-0.3 Ok
-1-0.0 Bad
Kathleen M. Bailey, Learning about Language Assessment: Dillemas, Decissions, and
Direction (London:Heinle & Heinle Publisher, 1998), p. 135.
Tambunan Willmar, Evaluation of Students Achievement, (Jakarta:Depdiknas, 1998), p.
2. Difficulty Items
The researcher analyzes the students’ test. It categorized into high,
medium, and low. In this study the researcher compares the difficulty items
analysis by comparing students who answer correctly with all of students who
follow the data. The formula which is used is:
Table 3.3
The Classification of Difficulty Level
0-0.30 High
0.30-0.79 Medium
0.80-1.00 Low
Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, (PT Rineka
Cipta:Jakarta, 2002), p. 144.
This chapter presents the finding of research. In this case the way to
develop students’ vocabulary through clustering technique. At VIII class of SMP
Al-Kautsar BKUI Jakarta. Academic year 20013/2014. Related to the discussion
of the finding, it is divided into three parts. Those are before applying the action,
the implementation of the action and discussion of the data after implementation
the action.
A. Before Implementing the Action
There are three parts related to the fact-finding before implementing the
action. Those are pre interview, pre observation, and pretest. Those explanations
as following:
1. The Result of Pre Interviewed
Pre-interview conduct in this study was unstructured interview. The writer
asked the question divided into three categories of questions, involving the
general condition in English class, especially in vocabulary learning, the strategy
in teaching vocabulary used by the teacher, and the difficulties faced by the
students in vocabulary learning and asking about clustering strategy. It was held
on January 20th 2014 stated at 10:00 A.M and finished at 11:00 A.M.
First category discussed about the general condition in English class
especially in vocabulary learning. The teacher said that most of the students who
did not like English class gained low competence in English. Besides, they still
faced problem in following the English lesson. They thought that English is
complicated subject to be learned.
The second category discussed about the strategy used by the teacher in
teaching vocabulary, the teacher said that sometimes he said the vocabulary and
give the meaning of it or finding it in a dictionary. The researcher asked the
teacher about vocabulary clustering strategy. He hoped that this technique
(clustering technique) can be effective in retaining students’ English vocabulary.
The third category is the difficulty faced by the students focus on
vocabulary. The teacher said that vocabulary was not the difficult English sub-
skills to be learned but the vocabulary were the main things of language, then we
have to give special attention on this one of the elements of language without
knowledge of vocabulary the students will find many problems in learning
language especially English. The students must achieve the Minimum Mastery
Criterion-Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) then they have to master from the
essential things of language in this case of vocabulary.
The result of the interview in term of students’ difficulties in gaining
vocabulary were the students’ of SMP Al-Kautsar second grade still have
difficulties in gaining vocabulary.
3. The Result of Pre-test
The pre test had been done before the classroom Action Research (CAR).
It was conducted on Monday, January 24th 2014. It started at 08:30 A.M. and
Finished at 09:50 A.M. Students should answer 30 questions in multiple choice.
Table 4.1
Students’ Vocabulary Score in Pre-test
No. Students’ Name Post-Test Score
1 Students 1 63
2 Students 2 79*
3 Students 3 63
4 Students 4 66
5 Students 5 59
6 Students 6 40
7 Students 7 43
8 Students 8 59
9 Students 9 56
10 Students 10 50
11 Students 11 63
12 Students 12 56
13 Students 13 76*
14 Students 14 56
15 Students 15 50
16 Students 16 76*
17 Students 17 53
18 Students 18 56
19 Students 19 63
20 Students 20 69
21 Students 21 46
22 Students 22 56
23 Students 23 56
24 Students 24 66
25 Students 25 46
26 Students 26 53
27 Students 27 59
28 Students 28 59
29 Students 29 73*
30 Students 30 73*
31 Students 31 69
32 Students 32 53
33 Students 33 53
MEAN 59.3
*Students who passed the KKM the score are processed from students’
answer sheets.
To get the result of pre-test, firstly, the researcher calculated the mean
__ = ∑
X n
__ = 1958
X 33
__ = 59.3
Then the percentage of students’ who passed the KKM score, the
researcher used the following formula:
P = F x 100%
P = 5x100%
P = 15.1%
Based on the result of pre test, the data showed that the mean score
of pretest is 59.3. There were only five students or 15.1% of the students
who gained the score above the Minimum Mastery Criterion (KKM)
meanwhile the other 28 students were below that criterion. The lowest
achievement gained score 40. From that analyzing, it could be seen that
almost the XIII students’ score in gaining vocabulary is still very low.
1. Cycle 1
a. Planning
In this phase, the writer and the teacher made a planning for the action
dealing with preparing vocabulary clustering technique and determining the
criteria of success. In this phase the researcher made a planning for the action
research based upon the problems faced by students about vocabulary. In this
case the writer determined the selected material and exercises into a lesson
plan. Based on syllabus, there are some kinds of text on this term, as follows:
narrative, descriptive and procedure. Narration text was chosen as the text to
be delivered for students. That was only discussing some vocabulary about
Zoo. In the lesson plan there were some texts to identify the relation of each
Besides planned the lesson plan, the researcher also prepared
observation sheet to observe the students and the researcher’s activities in
teaching learning process whether it was in line with the lesson plan that has
been made before or not. And the researcher also prepared the post test 1 to
collect data; to know there are some students’ improvement scores from pre-
test to post-test.
Next, the researcher and collaborator determined the criteria of
success. The criteria of success were 75% of students’ vocabulary score
achieved the Minimum Mastery Criterion – Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal
(KKM) of English (70.0) or above and 75% of students participated in English
vocabulary class. Beside, the researcher prepared the instruments for the
research such as; post-test I, observation checklist, and camera to take pictures
of the action. And here the summary of the researcher steps in planning phase:
1. Making lesson plan with the collaborator.
2. Preparing model of vocabulary cluster
3. Preparing material (taken from English book and internet)
4. Prepare student worksheet.
5. Preparing the instrument (post-test I and observational note).
6. Determining the criteria of success with collaborator (75% of 33
students or 23 students achieve the Minimum Mastery Criterion –
Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum (KKM) of English 70 or above).
b. Acting
The action of the first cycle was done on January to February 29th, 31st, 5th
2014. The researcher implemented the teaching learning process based on the
lesson plan had been made. In the first meeting, before involving students in
vocabulary cluster technique, the researcher act as teacher and he done based on
the lesson plan before, the researcher gave the hand out to students and asked
them to listen to what the teacher read, next the researcher asked the students to
read the material, then asked them to do the task on their hand out, showed them
how to make a vocabulary cluster based on the text given,
First Meeting (Wednesday 29th 2014 07:30 am– 08:50 am)
1. Implemented the teaching learning process based on the lesson plan.
2. Though to student about the text and how to cluster the vocabulary based
on the text.
3. Introduced the students how to make vocabulary cluster.
4. Asked the students about the main idea of the text.
5. Asked the students to make vocabulary cluster based on the word related
to the text.
Second Meeting (Friday 31st 2014 08:30 am – 09:50 am)
1. Implemented the teaching and learning process based on the lesson plan.
2. Asked their understanding about last lesson.
3. Give a text to the students about Zoo
4. Asked the student to make their own cluster.
5. Asked the students to make sentences from the vocabulary given.
6. Give the students homework as a feedback.
7. Asked the students to remember their vocabulary by keep their memory
through vocabulary cluster.
Third Meeting (Wednesday 5th 2014 at 07:30 am – 08:50)
1. Review the material and student’s home work.
2. Give a text to the students about Zoo
3. Asked the students to mention the vocabulary and teacher write them on
the white board.
4. Asked the student to make their own cluster.
5. Asked the students to make sentences from the vocabulary given.
6. Give the students homework as a feedback.
7. Asked the students to remember their vocabulary by keep their memory
c. Observing
In this phase, the researcher observed the students’ participation in the
process of vocabulary teaching learning process on pre, and post vocabulary
through observation.
In the first meeting, the researcher watched the students interested in the
lesson given through vocabulary cluster. But there were students still had problem
in making vocabulary cluster. The students couldn’t concrete on the explanation
given by the teacher about vocabulary cluster.
In the second meeting, the observer watched the better classroom
condition; they already known how to develop vocabulary and students do not a
lot of noise in the class. The students were interested to follow the teacher
instruction to cluster the vocabulary. Students were enthusiasm to share their
opinions about vocabulary cluster. Many students responded to the teacher’s
instructions, they enjoyed to follow English lesson and the class become
In the third meeting, the observer watched the class was in good condition
but, there still had a problem because there are two students did not bring their
vocabulary cluster. But outside of the problem the class could understand the
activity given.
The next is collecting data or materials for the post test 1. The result of the
post-test showed the mean score of the class increased to 68.9% in which there
were 18 students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion or KKM 70. The
detailed result of instruments used in the first cycle can be seen bellow.
__= ∑ .
X n
__= 2276
X 33
__= 68.9
Then the researcher calculated the class percentage that’s passed the
Minimum Mastery Criterion, Using the following formula:
P = F x 100%
P = 16x100%
P = 48.4%
Table 4.2
The Students’ Vocabulary Score of Post-Test 1
Based on the result of students’ vocabulary achievement in the cycle 1,
there was an increase of students’ mean score from the students’ vocabulary
achievement on the preliminary study to the students’ vocabulary achievement on
the first cycle. It was from preliminary study mean score from the mean class 59.3
increased to 68.9 or from 5 students who passed the score above the Minimum
Mastery Criterion to 16 students. It means that was 13.9% of mean score
improvement. The improvement score derived from the formula:
P = y1 – y x100%
P = 13.9%
d. Reflecting
In this phase is discussing the result of the action. The researcher and his
collaborator talked about the result of the action. Based on the analysis of the
students’ vocabulary score in post-test 1 have not achieved the criteria of success
that 75% of students must achieved the Minimum Mastery Criterion – Kriteria
Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). It can be seen that only 48.4% of students who got
the score above the Minimum Mastery Criterion – Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal
(KKM). So, the implementation of the Clustering Technique has not given
satisfactory result yet on the improvement of students’ vocabulary.
Therefore, it needs to revise the acting and planning before implement to
the next cycle so that it could achieve the criteria of success of this study. The test
result indicated that the action in the first cycle did not achieve the action success
yet, it need 26.6% to achieve the Minimum Mastery Criterion – Kriteria
Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) so thee teacher and the researcher had to move to the
next cycle.
e. Revision of the First Cycle
Based on the analysis of the students’ score achievement on vocabulary in
the first cycle, the implementation of Clustering Technique did not yet give
satisfactory result on the improvement of students’ vocabulary. Therefore, the
researcher and the collaborator concluded some revision before the
implementation of the next cycle in order to achieve the criteria of success of this
First, the revision was focused on teaching narration. In the first cycle, the
students were confused on making a vocabulary cluster.
Second revision was classroom rule. In this cycle especially in second and
third meeting some students do not bring their last vocabulary cluster and it make
the other students disturbed because her or his friend borrowed their vocabulary
cluster for them. Because of this action this problem the teacher should remain the
students to bring their vocabulary cluster example in every meeting.
The last the students had to bring dictionary, in order to help them to find
out the meaning of the word as their learning sources except the teacher.
b. Acting
The action of the second cycle was done on February 12th, 14th, 19th 2014.
The researcher implemented the teaching learning process based on the lesson
plan had been made. In the first meeting, before involving students in vocabulary
cluster technique, the researcher act as teacher and he done based on the lesson
plan before, the researcher give the hand out to students and asked to listen to
what the teacher read, next the researcher asked students to read the material, then
asked to them to do the task on their handout, showed them how to make a
vocabulary cluster technique by using the vocabulary in the text given, asked them
to make a vocabulary cluster technique.
First meeting (Wednesday, 12th 2014 at 07:30 am – 8:50 am)
1. Implemented the teaching learning process based on the lesson plan.
2. Giving the students handout about Farming, and asked them to fill in the
blank according to fill the missing cluster.
3. Explained the students about farming from the text
4. Asked them to change their handout with their partner
5. Asked the students to make a vocabulary cluster based on the word related
to the texts individually.
6. Asked the students to keep their vocabulary cluster and retain their
vocabulary by keep their memory through vocabulary cluster.
Second Meeting (Friday, 14th 2014 at 08:30 am – 09:50 am)
1. Implemented the teaching learning process based on the lesson plan.
2. Brain storming by asking the last lesson Farming
3. Asked the student to mention some vocabulary related to Farming
4. Asked the students to make vocabulary cluster by using the word on the
5. Teacher made them a group of six and gives them a set of vocabulary
6. Giving the students home work as feedback.
7. Asked the students to keep their vocabulary cluster and retain vocabulary
by keep their memory through vocabulary cluster.
Third Meeting, Wednesday 19th 2014 at 07:30 – 08:50 am)
1. Review the material and student’s home work.
2. Give a text to the students about Farming
3. Asked the students to mention the vocabulary and teacher write them on
the white board.
4. Asked the student to make their own cluster.
5. Asked the students to make sentences from the vocabulary given.
6. Asked the students to remember their vocabulary by keep their memory
c. Observing
The researcher and the teacher collaborative in observing the teaching
learning process through observational notes. The condition of the class was very
well after implementing vocabulary cluster; there were fewer the students didn’t
follow the rule such as do not bring the last vocabulary cluster and dictionary, all
of the students become actively to the activity given by the teacher so the
atmosphere of class make the students interested to follow the lesson.
The next cycle, the researcher and the teacher collected the data for post-
test 2. The result of post-test 2 showed that the average score of the class
increased to 81.8% in which there 27 students who passed the Minimum Mastery
Criterion or KKM 70.
The calculation of the mean of students’ score in vocabulary posttest 2
gained 75.1 it was derived from:
___ = ∑ xi
X n
___ = 2480
X 33
___ = 75.1
Then the calculation of class percentage about the students who passed the
Minimum Mastery Criterion – Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM):
P = F x 100%
P = 27 x 100%
P = 81.8%
Table 4.3
The Students’ Vocabulary Score of Post-Test 2
Finally, based on the score of the post-test score in the cycle 2 the
calculation of the implementation percentage is gained from the following
P = y2 – y x100%
P = 26.6 %
Series 2
Cycle 1
Cycle 1 Cycle 2
class percentage, while 5 out of 33 students (15.1%) achieved bellow 70.0 of 33.
It indicated that the first criterion of success which required 75% of the students
who got at the same as or above the Minimum Mastery Criterion has been
achieved. The following was the table of students’ vocabulary score.
d. Reflecting
1. Students activity in making vocabulary cluster and learn from it.
In this cycle 2 the researcher and the collaborator reflect about the activity
in making and keeping the vocabulary cluster. The students could use vocabulary
cluster as their media in memorizing and retaining their vocabulary.
2. Discussing the Result of the Action
The result from the students score in this cycle was 81.8% of the students
or 27 students got the score above the Minimum Mastery Criterion.
After getting the result of the observation note and posttest 2, the
researcher and the collaborator carried out the reflection. They felt satisfaction
with the result of the action. The result of the posttest 2 showed that 81.8% of the
students got the score above the Minimum Mastery Criterion – Kriteria
Ketuntasan Minimum (KKM). So it has met the first criterion of success that 75%
of the students must get the score above the Minimum Mastery Criterion –
Kriteria Ketuntasna Minimal (KKM). Because of the satisfied result, so the
researcher and the collaborator decided to stop the action.
C. Interpretation
In this subtopic will be delivered about the interpretation the result of the
1. Based on the data gained from first observation before classroom action
research (CAR) and during the CAR. Based on the result of the students’
participation during teaching and learning process of English vocabulary
class through observation note, in observation before CAR it was the
technique given by the teacher in teaching vocabulary is not interested for
students, the teacher just giving a list of vocabulary and asked them to
memorize individually then students could not memorize the vocabulary
easily. This problem effect to another problem of students’ proficiency in
the skills of English such as their listening, speaking, reading and writing
ability, if the students had a little vocabulary they could not speak fluently,
or do not understand while listening English and many others because the
limitation of their vocabulary. Vocabulary is not one of the skills in
learning a language but it is the essential part of language.
However, after the students learning vocabulary through
vocabulary cluster they feel enjoy and motivated to memorize and learning
English. It seen from their enthusiastic and interested in the lesson whiles
the teaching learning process and the increase of their understanding and
memorizing from their score.
2. Based on the data gained from the pre interview with the English teacher
indicated that the students’ vocabulary was poor because the students had
some difficulty in memorizing the new word and keeping their last
vocabulary. Besides, the students, participation in English vocabulary class
was not too active. Therefore, it needed to find the suitable technique in
teaching vocabulary. The researcher suggested implementing vocabulary
cluster as a strategy in teaching vocabulary. After conducting the action,
the English teacher gave positive responses about the action. The English
teacher felt satisfied with the improvement made by the students focus on
vocabulary score. The English teacher also motivated to use vocabulary
cluster technique because it could facilitate the students in retaining their
3. Based on the result of the students’ vocabulary score, it was found out that
the students’ vocabulary score was improving. It indicated that the use of
vocabulary cluster could increase and motivate to retain and enrich their
vocabulary. Most of the students gained good score at the end of each
cycle. The students’ average score in preliminary study was 59.3 in the
first cycle, and the average score in the first cycle was 68.9 second cycle
was 75.1.
D. Cycle 1 and 2
1. Cycle 1
The finding of the research proved that Clustering Technique can retain
students’ vocabulary. It can be seen from the improvement of the students score.
The students’ average mean score of pre-test was 59.3. And after the
implementation of Clustering Technique, the average mean score of post-test 1
cycle 1 was 68.9. It is mean that there was an improvement of students’ mean
score after implementing Clustering technique in the first cycle.
2. Cycle 2
The researcher continued to the second cycle. The mean score was 75.1.
The result of the research through Clustering Technique indicated that there was
an increase in students’ vocabulary and motivated the students to retain and enrich
their vocabulary, from 15.1% in the preliminary study to 81.8% in the second
cycle. The result of the second cycle passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion –
Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) 70 as the criterion of success
determined.The implementation of clustering technique gradually improved
students’ vocabulary.
Some points that can be concluded from the research is Clustering
Technique (1) stimulated the students to memorize and retain their vocabulary
easily and enjoy the class activities, (2) increase students’ achievement and
motivation, and (3) give a good influence to their four English skills.
A. Conclusion
After conducting the research and analyzing the data in the process of
teaching vocabulary through clustering technique at the second grade of SMP Al-
Kautsar BKUI Jakarta, the researcher concluded that vocabulary cluster can be
alternative strategy for teacher in teaching vocabulary. It means that there is a
significant increase of students’ vocabulary achievement after being taught through
clustering technique. Related to the students’ achievement, there were twenty seven
students who passed The Minimum Mastery Criterion – Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal
(KKM) 70 with the improvement of students’ means score from pre-test to the post-
test of the second cycle in the pre-test, there were only five students who passed the
Minimum Mastery Criterion – Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM). Meanwhile, in
the post-test of cycle one there were sixteen students who passed the Minimum
Mastery Criterion – Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) in which their mean score
of vocabulary test. Next in the result of post-test in the cycle two, there gained twenty
seven students who passed the Minimum Mastery Criterion – Kriteria Ketuntasan
Minimal (KKM) in. So it achieved the criteria of success.
B. Suggestion
Based on the research, there are some suggestions to offer the English
teacher and the other researcher based on the research findings.
Vocabulary Cluster Technique is effective to improve students’
Vocabulary Cluster Technique can be alternative to overcome students’ boredom.
This strategy or technique is suggested to the English teacher or other
researcher who want to conduct in similar research study.
Other Researchers
The researcher hopes the result of this research can be used as an
additional reference; there will be further research with different discussion which
can make a revision within development of this vocabulary cluster.
Ann, Jo Aeborsold and Marry Lee Field, From Reader to Reading Teacher. New
York: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Axelrod, Rise B and Charles R. Copper, The St. Martin’s Guided Writing. New
York: ST. Martin’s press, 1985.
Betty Mattix Dietsch, Reasoning and Writing Well. New York: McGrew Hill,
Buscemi, Santi V. A Reader for Developing Writers. New York: McGraw Hill
Company, 2002.
Langan, John, College Writing Skills. USA: McGraw Hill Higher Education,
Murcia, Marianne Celce. Teaching English as Second Language or Foreign
Language. Boston: Hainle & Heinle, 1991.
Ur, Penny, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory. New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1996.