Mouthwashes and Their Use in Different Oral Conditions
Mouthwashes and Their Use in Different Oral Conditions
Mouthwashes and Their Use in Different Oral Conditions
Review Article
Mouthwashes and Their Use in Different Oral Conditions
Amit Parashar
Department of Periodontics, KLE VK Institute of Dental Sciences, Belgaum, Karnataka, India.
*Corresponding author
Dr Amit Parashar , MDS,FAGE,FPFA
Email: [email protected]
Abstract: Mouthwashes are medicated solutions used for gargling and rinsing the mouth. Many oral conditions require
the use of a mouthwash, which can vary from oral malodour to periodontal disease to treatment of secondary infections
like oral mucositis. A mouthwash may be recommended as an antimicrobial, a topical anti-inflammatory agent, a topical
analgesic or for caries prevention. Many different mouthwashes are available now a day. Selection of an appropriate
mouthwash depends on patient’s oral condition, disease risk and efficiency and safety of mouthwash. The main objective
of this review is to help the oral health care professionals to make the correct selection of mouthwash while dealing with
different conditions of oral cavity.
Keywords: Mouthwash, Oral condition.
Amit P., Sch. J. Dent. Sci., Vol-2, Iss-2B (Mar-May, 2015), pp-186-191
Amit P., Sch. J. Dent. Sci., Vol-2, Iss-2B (Mar-May, 2015), pp-186-191
Amit P., Sch. J. Dent. Sci., Vol-2, Iss-2B (Mar-May, 2015), pp-186-191
Amit P., Sch. J. Dent. Sci., Vol-2, Iss-2B (Mar-May, 2015), pp-186-191
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