17581556-026 RM (It-403) Mid Paper Spring 2020

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Research Methods
Maam Laraib Abbas
Abdullah Abbas
1:30PM TO 4:00 PM
20 June 2020
Information Technology
Answer the following Short Questions.

1. Download a research article of your own field of interest in

the domain of Computing according to following
instructions and answer the remaining questions

a. Article must be downloaded from top computing journals

like IEEE, ACM or Springer etc.

b. It can be a journal article or a conference proceeding but it

must not be a review or survey paper.

c. Article should be from the years 2018 to 2020.

2. Read the article carefully and fill the following blanks:

a. Download link:

b. Article name:
Active Chat Monitoring and Suspicious Detection over

c. Journal name:
International Research Journal of Engineering and
Technology (IRJET)
d. Publication date:
01 | Jan 2019
e. Authors name:
M. Brindha,
V. Vishnupriya,
S. Rohini,
M. Udhayamoorthi,
3.Introduce the domain of study of downloaded article in your
own words:
within the era of recent technology, the advancements in communication
technology are resulting in riveting trends indaily lives through instant messengers,
social networking websites and lots of other popular communication
technologies.Unfortunately, with this advancement the misuse of technology has
also been proliferated which results in the rise insuspicious activities. Some people
misuse the technology to spread violence, share
criminalactivity,bullying people andthereby enhances the suspicious content on the
web . The communication could also be available within the sort of text, audio or
maybe in video format. during this research paper, text based chat logs are getting
used .

4.Identify the research gap or research challenges of that specific

domain from downloaded article.
Challenges that we are facing in this domain are given below:
 Users need to use provided chat system.
 The system will track down the word even if word is not meant in
that way.
 Since the keywords are limited, the system is more prone to cyber
5. Write the significance of research work, author has
The research work that author has contributed is given below:
 The proposed system will reduce any terrorist and illegal
activities happening over internet.
 The proposed system will ensure security for many websites.
 The proposed system can also be used as evidence for many
 This system can also detect any suspicious activities.
 The major advantage of the proposed system is that the users
will not know that they are being monitored or are being
6. Elaborate what research methodology has been used to
produce the effective results.
Ans: The Chat Application features four sections: the client module, the server
module, the storage module (i.e database), and the alert module. The code is
developed using 4.00 GB of RAM running on windows 10. We implemented the
project in Eclipse using Java due to the ease of implementation. We also used
Mysql for storing and saving the suspicious keywords so server can easily recognize
the user who is performing illegal activities.

Figure 1System Methodology

7. Mention the limitations of the work proposed.
The limitations of the proposed work are given below:
 Users need to use provided chat system.
 The system will track down the word even if word is not meant in
that way.
 Since the keywords are limited, the system is more prone to cyber

8. . What could be the future directions and research challenges

in the specific area, researchers should address in future.
In future, this system can be used as an evidence for investigation activities.
In the investigation activities, this system can store all the information about the
user and what kind of suspicious keywords he/she has used. Later during the
investigation, the data is retrieved from the system and used as evidence.Using this
application we will able to give security alert to government agencies about all sorts
of crime going on in the country. Whenever suspicious activities are going on in the
chat forum, the system is capable to give alert saying that particular user is
suspicious. In this way one does not have to keep monitoring all the time and thus
saves the time.We can also use this system in banks to detect frauds and save one
from being the victim. It can be helpful to parents to keep track of their children
and save their child from being cyber victim. By installing such system on child’s
phone, parents can detect whether their child is not being bullied by other children
or whether their child is not the suspects. In this way, parents are able to keep their
children in right direction and also it is easy for parents to watch out their children
And also it can be use in the business by managers to monitor their employees and
know the intentions of their employees. Without being noticed by employees, the
manager could detect what are going on among employees and how loyal they are
to the company. So, this system could be used to detect the trust of employees and
how well they are performing their job.
9. Write the total number of references in the article.
There are total 3 references used in this article that are given below:
[1] Rob Kavet and Gabor Kenzo, “A Perspective on Chat Associated with Suspecious
Chat Technology”, published by IEEE in 2010.
[2] David W. Cheung, and et al., “Maintenance of discovered association rules in
largedatabases: an incremental updating technique,” published by IEEE in 1996.
[3] Shakil Ahmed, Frans Coenen, and Paul Leng “Treebased Partitioning of Data for
Association Rule Mining”, published by IEEE in 2012.

10. Conclude the complete research work in your own words.

The Active Chat Monitoring and Suspicious Chat Detection System will
analyze plain text and can detect the suspicious words. In this system the users can
communicate with each other and admin monitors the chat between the users. This
system can be also used to detect suspicious words used between the users and
avoid further usage of those words by blocking it from the server database.Since the
target users will not have the knowledge that they are being detected, it easier to
keep track of the suspects without being notice by them and have full control over
them. Thus, his system will reduce illegal activities going on and probably reduce
the number of users getting involved in such kind of activities. So, this system
provides security for users and also admin could know what plans are going on
between the users.

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