HAZOP Write Up
HAZOP Write Up
HAZOP Write Up
Deviation Cause Consequences Action
No No flow Line blockage. Methanol conversion is zero. Conduct regular maintenance
Empty methanol storage Decrease in production rate. of pipes.
tank. Spillage from ruptured pipe can Install a level control system.
Ruptured inlet pipe to harm employees if they come into (flow meters and indicators).
reactor. contact with it. Install automatic valves and
Valve in closed position. Possible ignition of methanol of pumps.
Pump closed. pipe is ruptured. Improve on fire protection
Control valve failure. services and mechanisms (fire
Install a secondary emergency
relief valve.
More of Higher inlet Low conversion in Increase in quantity of recycle Install automatic valve.
flow at reactor previous cycle. feed of methanol. Install flow meters.
entrance and Greater valve opening. Lower quality of production. Ensure sensors are placed.
feed. Control valve failed to Thermal runaway effect (Reactor Check reactor conditions
close. Temperature Increase) and (catalyst, efficiency,
possible explosion. temperature and pressure).
Less of Lower inlet Smaller degree of valve Lower production rate. Install automatic valves.
flow at reactor opening. Higher temperature of feed to Proper temperature control for
entrance and Close of feed valve and reactor. reactor feed preparation.
feed. failure. Conversion is too low. Install flow meters.
Plugging of pipelines. Damage of pumps Conduct regular inspections.
Lower methanol
recovery at binary
Control valve failed to
More of Higher Incoming methanol feed Higher conversion of methanol as Install a high temperature
temperature at can be entering at a the rate of reaction increases. alarm.
the inlet and higher temperature due Lower selectivity. Install temperature sensors at
outlet. to adverse weather Decrease in yield of DME. the methanol storage.
conditions. Any sudden temperature rise can Before the recycle is
Recycled methanol from cause a thermal runaway effect. introduced, ensure the
binary column could be Catalyst deactivation can occur temperature limits are within
leaving at a higher sooner. proper operating range.
temperature. Can cause hot spots on reactor
Temperature controller surface.
Less of Lower Temperature controller Higher selectivity. Install a low temperature
temperature at failure. Lower reaction rate and thus a alarm.
the inlet and Incoming methanol feed lower conversion of methanol. Install temperature sensors.
outlet. is at a lower See the effect on pressure.
Recycled methanol
entering at a lower
More of Higher reactor Relief valve fails closed. Vessel rupture due to over Install pressure indicators.
pressure. Incoming methanol feed pressurization. Install high pressure alarm for
enters at a higher Can result in a smaller pressure dangerous build-ups and
pressure. drop. initiate emergency shutdown
Can lower conversion and procedures.
therefore, yield.
Can affect the catalyst bed.
Less of Lower reactor Relief valve fails open. Can cause a significant pressure-
pressure Incoming methanol feed drop to occur.
enters at a lower Increases outlet temperature.