NIH Public Access: Frailty and Depression in Older Adults: A High-Risk Clinical Population

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Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 November 01.
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Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2014 November ; 22(11): 1083–1095. doi:10.1016/j.jagp.2013.04.010.

Frailty and depression in older adults: A high-risk clinical

Patrick J. Brown, PhD1, Steven P. Roose, MD1, Robert Fieo, PhD2, Xinhua Liu, PhD3, Taina
Rantanen, PhD4, Joel R. Sneed, PhD1,5, Bret R. Rutherford, MD1, D.P. Devanand, MD1, and
Kirsten Avlund, PhD6,7

1Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and New York State Psychiatric
Institute, New York, NY USA 2Sergievsky Center and the Taub Institute, Columbia University
College of Physicians and Surgeons 3Division of Biostatistics, Mailman School of Public Health,
Columbia University, New York, NY USA 4The Finnish Centre for Interdisciplinary Gerontology,
University of Jyväskylä, Finland 5Queens College, City University of New York USA 6Department
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of Public Health and Center for Health Ageing, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 7Danish
Aging Research Centre, Universities of Aarhus, Southern Denmark and Copenhagen

Objectives—To identify salient characteristics of frailty that increase risk of death in depressed

Design—Data from the Nordic Research on Ageing Study.

Setting—Research sites in Denmark, Sweden, and Finland.

Participants—Sample included 1027 75-year-old adults, 436 men and 591 women.

Main Outcome Measure—Time of death was obtained, providing a maximum survival time of
11.08 years (initial evaluation took place between 1988-1991).

Results—Depressed elders showed greater baseline impairments in each frailty characteristic

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(gait speed, grip strength, physical activity levels, and fatigue). Simultaneous models including all
four frailty characteristics showed slow gait speed (HR, 1.84; 95% CI, 1.05-3.21) and fatigue (HR,
1.94; 95% CI, 1.11-3.40) associated with faster progression to death in depressed women; none of
the frailty characteristics in the simultaneous model were associated with death in depressed men.
In women, the effect of impaired gait speed on mortality rates nearly doubled when depression

© 2013 American College of Cardiology Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Correspondence: Patrick J. Brown, PhD, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry, Columbia University, New York State Psychiatric Institute,
1051 Riverside Drive, Unit 126, New York, NY 10032, Phone: 212-543-5870, Fax: 212-543-5854, [email protected].
Publisher's Disclaimer: This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our
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the resulting proof before it is published in its final citable form. Please note that during the production process errors may be
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Disclosure: Drs. Brown, Liu, Fieo, Avlund, Rutherford, Rantanen, and Sneed have nothing to disclose. Dr. Roose has served as a
consultant for Medtronics. Dr. Devanand has received research support from Novartis and Eli Lilly, and has served as a consultant to
Bristol Myers Squibb and Sanofi-Aventis. These sponsors had no role in this current manuscript.
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was present (mortality rates, nondepressed women: no gait impairment =26%; slow gait =40%;
depressed women: no gait impairment=32%; slow gait =58%). A similar pattern was observed for
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Conclusions—The confluence of specific characteristics of frailty (fatigue and slow gait speed)
and depressive illness is associated with an increased risk of death in older adults; this association
is particularly strong in older depressed women. Future research should investigate whether
multimodal interventions targeting depressive illness, mobility deficits, and fatigue can decrease
mortality and improve quality of life in older depressed individuals with characteristics of the
syndrome of frailty.

Frailty is a syndrome defined by weakness, fatigue, low physical activity, slowed gait, and
unintentional weight loss. These declines across multiple physiologic systems1 develop
incrementally with weakness emerging early in the process and weight loss and fatigue
representing a final pathway towards frailty.1-4 The syndrome, a clinical marker for disease
and/or physiological decline, is associated with greater depressive symptoms and
disability.1, 5, 6 Frailty characteristics are prevalent in the community, with estimates of
prefrailty (1-2 characteristics) or frailty (3+ characteristics) as high as 7% of community
dwelling elders over the age of 65, and 18% of those over the age of 80. Three year follow-
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up data2 showed that prefrail elders had more than a 3-fold higher risk of death compared
with non-frail elders; frail elders had a 6-fold higher risk of death. Thus a significant
proportion of community dwelling elderly are at a “tipping point” towards dire outcomes.

Depression is another disease prevalent in older adults associated with disability and
increased mortality; It is estimated that 2.6% of community-dwelling elders suffer from a
mood disorder, a rate believed to be an underestimation due to underdiagnosis, the presence
of subthreshold symptoms, and a lack of high-risk older adults assessed.7 The diagnosis and
treatment of late life depression is complicated by increased risk of comorbid disability,
medical disorders, and cognitive impairment.8-15

There is phenomenological overlap between late life depression and frailty, with symptoms
common to both depression (weight loss, decreased physical activities, low energy) and
frailty (fatigue, decreased leisure activities, weight loss).16 The Cardiovascular Health
Study1 reported that the rate of depressive symptoms increased proportional to the number
of frailty characteristics present.1 Yet despite these associations, there has been little
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research focused on this high-risk clinical population.16-21 Therefore, although

characteristics of frailty have been predictive of mortality in nondepressed older adults, it is
not known if these same characteristics are predictive in depressed elders or whether the
presence of depression increases the risk of mortality in these individuals.

Using data from the Nordic Research on Ageing study (NORA22-24), we investigated the
effect of the presence of frailty characteristics on mortality in older adults with differing
degrees of depressive symptomatology. We hypothesized that in the depressed sample low
grip strength and gait speed rather than fatigue and low physical activities (characteristics of
frailty that overlap with symptoms of depression) would predict mortality.

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The purpose of the NORA study was to determine the functional capacity of 75-year-olds
from Glostrup in Denmark, Göteborg in Sweden, and Jyväskylä in Finland.5, 22-24 Data were
obtained in January 2012 for 1204 older adults who were 75 years of age at the time of
evaluation (conducted between 1988 and 1991). The sample used in this study consisted of
1027 older adults. Participants were excluded because of missing baseline depression data or
missing data on all of the four frailty characteristics.

Individuals were coded as having a frailty characteristic if they scored in the bottom 25th
percentile of the total sample of 1027 older adults on that particular assessment.1, 2
Participants were coded as missing if they did not have a value on a frailty assessment.
Missingness was coded for the survival analyses to investigate the potential meaning of
missing data.
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Grip strength—Handgrip strength was assessed in kilograms (kg) of force. Men with grip
strength ≤ 36.71 kg and women ≤ 20.90 kg were coded as having the frailty characteristic of
low grip strength. 173 of the 1027 were coded as missing.

Gait speed—Ten-meter walking time was coded as meters per second. Men with gait
speed ≤ 1.43 m/s and women ≤ 1.25 m/s were coded as having the frailty characteristic of
slow gait speed. 145 of the 1027 were coded as missing.

Fatigue—Fatigue was assessed by the Avlund Mob-T Scale that ranges from 0 to 6 with
high scores denoting greater fatigue.25 Participants who scored 4 or greater on the scale
were coded as having the frailty characteristic of fatigue. 188 of the 1027 were coded as

Physical activity levels—Self-reported physical activity levels ranged from 0-6, with
high scores denoting greater physical activity.26 If participants scored 1 or 2, they were
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coded as having the frailty characteristic of low physical activity levels. 75 of the 1027 were
coded as missing.

Depressive symptoms were assessed using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression
Scale (CES-D27). The scale ranges from 0 to 60 with high scores indicative of greater
depressive symptomatology. Scores were presented categorically as nondepressed (CES-D ≤
9), mildly depressed (CES-D between 10-15), and depressed (CES-D ≥ 16). A cut-off score
of ≥ 16 correlates with the presence of a depressive disorder.28, 29

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Time of death for all participants who died following initial assessment was obtained from
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the official register or from hospital records. Death records were last updated in the fall of
2000, providing a maximum follow-up from initial evaluation of 11.08 years (survival:
mean [SD], 10.48 years [.59]; mortality: mean [SD], 5.44 years [2.83]).

Secondary variables (instrumental activities of daily living [IADLs], number of chronic

illnesses, and neuropsychological measures of processing speed30, 31 and executive
function10, 12 [Digit Symbol Substitution Test of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-
Revised32 and Raven’s Progressive Matrices33]) are included in preliminary analyses.

Statistical Analysis
Analysis of variance or χ2 tests were used to detect differences across the three depressed
groups and between men and women for baseline continuous and categorical variables. Post
hoc analyses compared only nondepressed and depressed groups. Nonparametric Kruskal-
Wallis or Mann-Whitney U procedures were used for variables with skewed distributions
across groups. Survival time from baseline was the main outcome, with time observed either
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to death or to last follow up. We estimated survival curves using the Kaplan-Meier method
to examine the pattern in survival time and used log rank tests to detect group differences in
the survival curves. An initial omnibus site-stratified Cox proportional hazard model was
conducted examining the relationship between gender, total frailty characteristics, and
depressive symptoms in the total sample, χ25= 80.52, P < .001. This model identified a main
effect of total frailty characteristics, Wald χ21= 7.76, P = .005 (HR, 1.62; 95% CI, 1.15-2.26)
and a gender × depressive symptoms interaction, Wald χ21= 5.95, P = .015 (HR, 1.04; 95%
CI, 1.01-1.07). Given the significant gender × depression interaction, gender-stratified Cox
proportional hazard models were used to examine the effects of frailty characteristics,
depression, and depression by frailty characteristic interactions on survival time. Dummy
coded variables for frailty, missing data, and depression status were used for single predictor
models. For these single predictor models, Bonferroni correction on the false-positive error
rate was used to account for multiple comparisons (α of .05 adjusted for four frailty
characteristics: α = .0125). Multiple predictor models were used to explore the simultaneous
effects of the baseline frailty characteristics in nondepressed and depressed men and women.
Hazard ratios with 95% confidence interval were derived to aid interpretation. Age was not
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entered into the models because participants were all 75 years of age at baseline. Education
was not entered because it was coded differently across the three research sites and missing
in most participants. Models were conducted with and without number of chronic baseline
illnesses entered as a covariate.

Frailty and Depression at Baseline—Baseline demographics, frailty characteristics
(total number and values on each individual characteristic), IADLs, number of chronic
illnesses, and neuropsychological variables differed by depressed group (Table 1). Total
number of frailty characteristics increased across groups (H2 = 28.74, P < .001) with the
depressed group having more frailty characteristics than the nondepressed group. Individual

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frailty characteristics gait speed (F2, 879 = 14.13, P < .001), physical activity level (F2, 949 =
14.73, P < .001), grip strength (F2, 851 = 21.90, P < .001), and levels of fatigue (H2,= 54.05,
P < .001) differed by depression status, with each more impaired in the depressed than the
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nondepressed group. Additionally, IADLs (H2 = 71.28, P < .001), number of chronic
illnesses (H2 = 27.85, P < .001), Digit Symbol Substitution Test (F2, 907 = 26.91, P < .001)
and Raven’s Progressive Matrices (F2, 909 = 20.99, P < .001) differed by depression status,
with the depressed group showing greater impairment than the nondepressed group.
Mortality rates were related to depression status in the sample of 1027 elderly, χ22 = 6.93, P
= .03, with the rate in the depressed group (54%) greater than that of the nondepressed group

Baseline differences were also observed between men and women (Table 2). Women
presented with greater depressive symptoms, more impairment in IADLs, and worse
performance on Raven’s Progressive Matrices compared with men. There were no gender
differences on number of chronic illnesses or Digit Symbol Substitution Test. More women
had gait impairment, greater fatigue, and lower physical activity levels compared with men;
no gender differences were observed, however, for impaired grip strength (Table 2).
Mortality rates were related to gender, χ22 = 20.68, P < .001; more men died (55%) than did
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women (41%).

To investigate the relationship between depression and individual frailty characteristics on

mortality, a series of site-stratified gender specific Cox regression models were conducted.

Gait Speed—Cox regression models with depression, gait speed, and missing gait speed
data predicted survival in men (n = 362; χ25 = 46.98, P < .001) and women (n = 442; χ23 =
42.19, P < .001). In men, there was a main effect of gait impairment (Wald χ21= 11.32, P = .
001; HR, 1.85; 95% CI, 1.29-2.64) and a depression by missing gait data interaction (Wald
χ21= 7.29, P = .007; HR, 3.39; 95% CI, 1.40-8.21). In women, there was a main effect of
depression (Wald χ21= 6.33, P = .012; HR, 1.47; 95% CI, 1.09-1.98), gait impairment (Wald
χ21= 15.51, P < .001; HR, 1.99; 95% CI, 1.41-2.81), and missing gait data (Wald χ21= 28.84,
P < .001; HR, 3.07; 95% CI, 2.04-4.63); no interactions were observed. The inclusion of
number of chronic health illnesses as a covariate did not impact the model in men; in
women, its inclusion diminished the effect of depression status on survival.
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Grip Strength—Cox regression models with depression, grip strength, and missing grip
strength data predicted survival in men (n = 362; χ25 = 22.59, P < .001) and women (n =
442; χ23 = 30.43, P < .001). In men, there was a depression by missing grip strength data
interaction (Wald χ21= 8.57, P = .003; HR, 3.66; 95% CI, 1.54-8.71). In women, there was a
main effect of grip impairment (Wald χ21= 6.30, P = .012; HR, 1.59; 95% CI, 1.11-2.82),
and missing grip strength data (Wald χ21= 18.70, P < .001; HR, 2.24; 95% CI, 1.55-3.22);
no interactions were observed. The inclusion of the covariate did not impact the model in
men or women.

Fatigue—Cox regression models with depression, fatigue, and missing fatigue data
predicted survival in men (n = 362; χ2 = 39.88, P < .001) and women (n = 442; χ25 3 =
31.69, P < .001). In men, there was a main effect of fatigue (Wald χ21= 8.03, P = .005; HR,

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1.75; 95% CI, 1.19-2.57) and missing fatigue data (Wald χ21= 7.86, P = .005; HR, 2.95;
95% CI, 1.22-3.10). In women, there was a main effect of fatigue (Wald χ21= 11.61, P = .
001; HR, 1.87; 95% CI, 1.30-2.67) and missing fatigue data (Wald χ21= 17.86, P < .001;
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HR, 2.21; 95% CI, 1.53-3.19). No interactions were observed. The inclusion of the covariate
did not impact the model in men or women.

Physical Activity Levels—Cox regression models with depression, physical activity, and
missing physical activity data predicted survival in men (n = 362; χ23 = 37.38, P < .001) and
women (n = 442; χ23 = 33.50, P < .001). In men, there was a main effect of low physical
activity (Wald χ21= 27.69, P < .001; HR, 2.37; 95% CI, 1.72-3.26) and missing physical
activity data (Wald χ21= 12.54, P < .001; HR, 2.64; 95% CI, 1.54-5.53). In women, there
was a main effect of low physical activity (Wald χ21= 19.82, P < .001; HR, 2.11; 95% CI,
1.52-2.93), and missing physical activity data (Wald χ21= 8.05, P = .005; HR, 1.97; 95% CI,
1.23-3.15). The inclusion of the covariate did not impact either model.

Gender, Frailty, and Depression—The survival curves displayed in Figure 1 illustrate

that frailty characteristics, missing data on these frailty characteristics, and depression affect
survival in both men and women. To explore the most salient frailty characteristics in
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predicting mortality in both nondepressed and depressed men and women, four multiple-
predictor, site-stratified models were conducted. Each model [nondepressed men (n = 278;
χ28 = 33.95, P < .001), nondepressed women (n = 265; χ28 = 25.20, P = .001), depressed
men (n = 84; χ28 = 31.51, P < .001), and depressed women (n = 177; χ28 = 32.00, P < .001)]
predicted risk of death.

The pattern differed by gender and depression status (Table 3). For nondepressed men low
physical activity, missing physical activity data, and impaired gait speed increased risk of
death after controlling for the effect of all other frailty characteristics. In nondepressed
women only impaired grip strength was predictive of death. In depressed men only missing
fatigue data increased risk of death. In depressed women, however, impaired gait speed and
fatigue were associated with higher risk of death, although the overall effect of fatigue was
not significant due to the lack of effect of missing data on the fatigue assessment. Inclusion
of number of chronic health illnesses as a covariate did not contribute to either depressed
model. In nondepressed men, its inclusion decreased the effect of fatigue and gait
impairment on survival. In the nondepressed women, its inclusion decreased the effect of
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low physical activity and fatigue, and increased the effect of gait and grip impairment on

As depicted in Figure 1A, depression did little to alter the effect of impaired gait speed on
mortality in men (mortality rates, nondepressed men: no gait impairment = 48%; gait
impairment = 75%; depressed men: no gait impairment=45%; gait impairment = 71%). In
women, however, the effect of impaired gait speed on mortality nearly doubled when
depression was present (mortality rates, nondepressed women: no gait impairment = 26%;
gait impairment = 40%; depressed women: no gait impairment=32%; gait impairment =
58%). A similar pattern was observed for fatigue (Figure 1C).

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The syndrome of frailty and depressive illness are each associated with increased disability
and death, but the confluence of each has rarely been studied.1, 2, 4, 16, 19, 20, 31, 34-41 This
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study investigated the relationship between depressive symptoms, characteristics of frailty,

and mortality in 75-year old men and women. The results show that 1) the effect of each
frailty characteristic, missing data on each frailty characteristic, and depression status on
progression to death differed between men and women; 2) in depressed men, missing data
on the assessment of gait speed, grip strength, or fatigue resulted in an increased risk of
death; and 3) the combined effect of depression and characteristics of frailty, specifically
fatigue and impaired gait speed, on mortality is particularly deleterious for older women.

The study hypothesis that impaired gait speed and grip strength would be the most salient
characteristics for predicting mortality in the older depressed group was only partially
observed. Low grip strength was only predictive of mortality in women, independent of
depression status, and only when none of the other frailty characteristics were considered.
Subgroup analysis showed that mobility disturbance and fatigue were strongly associated
with increased risk of death in older depressed women. These results are consistent with past
research demonstrating the impact fatigue and worsening mobility have on
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prognosis,24, 42-46 although these studies did not account for depression. Frailty
characteristics have been shown to induce a self-perpetuating cycle that develop
incrementally with weakness emerging early in the process and weight loss and fatigue
representing a final pathway towards frailty.1-3 Fatigue, however, is a common symptom in
late life depression and can effect prognosis in elderly people.47 These findings, particularly
those observed in depressed women, emphasize the importance of accounting for the
presence of depression in frailty research; depressed elders may have a different level of
impairment and a different clinical course.

The presence of depressive illness in the context of frailty has until recently21 been largely
ignored.16, 19, 20 The adverse effect of depression on frailty characteristics in this study
however was pervasive, with depressive symptoms associated with increased weakness,
mobility deficits, and fatigue, as well as illness burden, and neuropsychological
impairment.11, 12, 21, 48-51 Although these findings highlight the strength and severity of
these associations, currently the nature of the relationship between the syndrome of frailty
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and depressive illness remains unclear. There are a number of possible models to explain the
depressed-frail phenotype. First, the two conditions may be unrelated to each other but
frequently coexist in the elderly (as with cataracts and arthritis). Second, one condition may
be a risk factor for developing the other. In this model it is critical to know whether their
onset is concurrent or whether one generally precedes the other. Third, the relationship
maybe an illusion; two disorders that appear to be distinct are really different manifestations
of the same disorder. For example, there is now evidence to suggest that depression is an
early symptom of Huntington’s disease rather than a separable diagnosis.52 Longitudinal
data need to be examined to test these models.

Research examining the nature of the relationship between depressive illness and the
syndrome of frailty in late life will have treatment implications. Currently, there are multiple
nonpharmacological treatments such as exercise or nutritional interventions53-57 that have

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been designed to improve strength in lower extremities to improve mobility and decrease
fall potential.4 Questions remain however about the utility of these interventions in
depressed elders, as these studies typically exclude patients with depressive illness and the
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overall effectiveness of exercise interventions as a treatment for depression is at best

mixed.58-60 Likewise, although antidepressant medications such as selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have been shown to be effective for the treatment of late life
depression,61 there is currently no evidence that these medications can effectively treat
characteristics of frailty, particularly characteristics such as slowed gait speed that are
strongly associated with mortality. Given these findings, an important direction for future
research would be an investigation of the effectiveness of antidepressant medication on
frailty characteristics in older depressed frail patients, as well as the feasibility and
effectiveness of multimodal interventions (exercise and antidepressant medication) to
improve prognosis in older depressed prefrail and frail individuals. Although side effect
profiles in older depressed patients appear similar to those of younger depressed patients,62
caution must be taken with SSRI use in a prefrail or frail geriatric population as treatment
with these medications is associated with increased risk of falls,63 hyponatremia, and
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There are important limitations to this study. The NORA study included 75-year old men
and women from Glostrup in Denmark, Göteborg in Sweden and Jyväskylä in Finland; the
generalizability of these results to other localities may be limited. Also, the use of the CES-
D as a diagnostic tool for depressive illness is suboptimal. The cut-off of ≥ 16 used to denote
depression, however, has been shown to have 100% sensitivity and 88% specificity for
major depressive disorder in elders.27-29 Of note, individuals with missing data on frailty
characteristics do not appear to represent a random sample; we can only hypothesize the
meaning behind the missing data and its relationship to outcome, which is included in
supplemental material online. Additionally, this investigation has limited power to assess
interactions between depression and each of the frailty characteristics in the multiple
predictor models due to sample size constraints. As such, subgroup analyses were used and
interpretation of these results should be made with caution. Future research is needed to
better understand the interrelationships between depression and individual frailty
characteristics and their impact on prognosis.

In conclusion, this study showed that the confluence of characteristics of frailty (fatigue,
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slow gait speed) and depressive illness resulted in an increased risk of death in older adults;
specifically, the presence of depression nearly doubled the effect of fatigue and slow gait
speed on mortality rates in older women. Future research should investigate whether
multimodal interventions targeting depressive illness, mobility deficits, and fatigue can
decrease mortality and improve quality of life in older depressed individuals with
characteristics of the syndrome of frailty.

Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.

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This research was supported by grants T32 MH20004. The Nordic Research on Ageing Project was supported by
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the Nordea-Foundation, The Danish Medical Research Council, Denmark, Academy of Finland, Ministry of
Education, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Social Insurance Institution, and the city of Jyväskylä, Finland.

Dr. Roose has served as a consultant for Medtronics. Dr. Devanand has received research support from Novartis
and Eli Lilly, and has served as a consultant to Bristol Myers Squibb and Sanofi-Aventis. These sponsors had no
role in this current manuscript.

Dr. Brown had full access to all of the data and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of
the data analysis.

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Figure 1.
Site stratified single predictor Kaplan-Meier survival curves for individual frailty
characteristics in depressed and nondepressed men and women.
Note. Nondepressed = Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale less than or equal
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

to 9; Depressed = Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale greater than or equal
to 16; Gait Speed: No Gait Speed = Walking speed in meters per second in the gender-
specific top 75th percentile; Gait Speed Dysfunction = Walking speed in meters per second
in the gender-specific bottom 25th percentile (men: less than or equal to 1.43 m/s; women:
less than or equal to 1.25 m/s); Grip Strength: No Grip Dysfunction = Grip strength in
kilograms of force in the gender-specific top 75th percentile; Grip Dysfunction = Grip
strength in kilograms of force in the gender-specific bottom 25th percentile (men: less than
or equal to 36.71 kg; Women: less than or equal to 20.90 kg); Fatigue: No Fatigue =
Individuals who scored less than 4 on the fatigue scale (denoting less exhaustion on select
activities) scored in the top 75th percentile. Fatigue: Individuals who scored 4 or greater on
the Fatigue scale (denoting greater Fatigue) scored in the bottom 25th percentile; Physical
Activity Levels: No Physical Activity Dysfunction = Individuals who responded to the

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statement: Free time activity over the past year is best described as: moderate physical
activity about 3 hours per week (3), moderate physical activity over 4 hours per week or
intense physical activity up to 4 hours per week (4), active sports at least 3 hours per week
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(4), competitive sports (6) were in the top 75th percentile. Physical Activity Dysfunction =
Individuals who responded to the statement Free time activity over the past year is best
described as: mainly sitting in one place (1) or light physical activity (2) were in the bottom
25th percentile.
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Table 1
Baseline characteristics for nondepressed, mildly depressed, and depressed groups
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Nondepressed Mildly Depressed Depressed

Variables (n = 543) (n = 223) (n = 261)
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
Sex, No. M/F (% F) 278/265 (49%) 74/149 (67%) b
84/177 (68%)
Mortality, No. Alive/Dead (% Dead) 299/244 (45%) 125/98 (44%) b
120/141 (54%)
CES-D 4.14 (3.07) 12.47 (1.68) b
23.26 (7.26)
τ n = 280 n = 141 n = 156
Number of Chronic Illnesses
1.95 (1.44) 2.31 (1.42) b
2.69 (1.49)
Neuropsychological scores
Digit Symbol n = 493 n = 193 n = 224
30.30 (12.26) 25.81 (10.11) b
24.09 (10.21)
Raven’s Matrices (number correct) n = 489 n = 195 n = 228
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17.23 (4.45) 15.99 (4.23) b

14.96 (4.73)
τ 1.44 (2.16) 2.01 (2.48) b
IADLs 3.31 (3.44)
Frailty Characteristics
τ n = 389 n = 149 n = 155
Total Frailty Characteristics
Mean .91 (0.99) .91 (1.01) b
1.43 (1.11)
 No. ≥ 3 frailty characteristics 27 (7%) 15 (10%) 33 (21%)
(% Frail)
Gait Speed (m/s) n = 479 n = 186 n = 217
Mean 1.63 (0.41) 1.56 (0.38) b
1.45 (0.41)
Frailty, No. Yes/No (% Frail) 163/316 (34%) 64/122 (34%) b
107/110 (49%)
Grip Strength (kg/f) n = 460 n = 187 n = 207
Mean 35.28 (12.57) 29.69 (10.20) b
30.07 (11.75)
Frailty, No. Yes/No (% Frail) 95/365 (21%) 57/130 (31%) b
70/137 (34%)
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

τ n = 470 n = 179 n = 190

Fatigue Levels
Mean 1.57 (2.09) 1.75 (1.99) b
2.84 (2.22)
Frailty, No. Yes/No (% Frail) 104/366 (22%) 35/144 (20%) b
82/108 (43%)
Physical Activity Levels n = 509 n = 207 n = 236
Mean 3.10 (0.91) 2.92 (0.93) b
2.70 (1.01)
Frailty, No. Yes/No (% Frail) 118/391 (23%) 64/143 (31%) b
101/135 (43%)

Abbreviations: CES-D = Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; Nondepressed = CES-D less than or equal to 10; Mildly depressed =
CES-D greater than or equal to 10 but less than 16; and Depressed = CES-D greater than or equal to 16; Digit Symbol = Digit Symbol Substitution
Test of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised; Raven’s Matrices = Raven’s Progressive Matrices; IADLs = Instrumental Activities of
Daily Living.

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Data are presented as means (SD) unless otherwise indicated. Neuropsychological scores are raw scores. Analysis of variance F-tests or χ2 tests
were used to detect overall group differences across the three depressed groups for continuous and categorical variables, but only two post hoc
group comparisons (nondepressed vs. depressed) were made. Sample sizes are indicated for variables with missing data.
Nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to detect overall and pairwise group differences for variables with skewed distributions.
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Significant difference in post hoc parametric or nonparametric comparisons between nondepressed and depressed individuals (P ≤ .05).
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Table 2
Baseline characteristics for men and women in the Nordic Research on Ageing Project
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Women Men
Variable (n = 591) (n = 436)
Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
CES-D 12.29 (9.51) b
8.81 (8.06)
Number of Chronic Illnesses n = 350 n = 227
2.24 (1.50) 2.22 (1.44)
Neuropsychological scores
Digit Symbol n = 515 n = 395
28.65 (11.77) 28.05 (11.54)
Raven’s Matrices (number correct) n = 519 n = 393
15.79 (4.30) b
17.21 (4.79)
τ 2.33 (2.73) b
IADLs 1.66 (2.67)
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Frailty Characteristics
τ n = 382 n = 311
Total Frailty Characteristics
Mean 1.12 (1.05) b
.91 (1.01)
 No. ≥ 3 frailty characteristics (% Frail) 52 (14%) 23 (7%)
Gait Speed (m/s) n = 479 n = 377
Mean 1.47 (0.35) b
1.71 (0.44)
Frailty, No. Yes/No (% Frail) 235/270 (49%) 99/278 (26%)
Grip Strength (kg/f) n = 482 n = 372
Mean 25.03 (6.82) b
42.86 (10.04)
Frailty, No. Yes/No (% Frail) 124/358 (26%) 98/274 (26%)
τ n = 463 n = 376
Fatigue Levels
Mean 2.00 (2.14) b
1.77 (2.18)
Frailty, No. Yes/No (% Frail) 128/335 (28%) 93/283 (25%)
Physical Activity Levels n = 542 n = 410
NIH-PA Author Manuscript

Mean 2.89 (0.88) b

3.06 (1.04)
Frailty, No. Yes/No (% Frail) 176/366 (33%) 107/303 (26%)

Abbreviations: CES-D = Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; Digit Symbol = Digit Symbol Substitution Test of the Wechsler
Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised; Raven’s Matrices = Raven’s Progressive Matrices; IADLs = Instrumental Activities of Daily Living.
Data are presented as means (SD) unless otherwise indicated. Neuropsychological scores are raw scores. Sample sizes are indicated for variables
with missing data. Independent sample t-tests or χ2 tests were used to detect gender differences for continuous or categorical variables.
Nonparametric Mann-Whitney U tests were used to detect gender differences for variables with skewed distributions.
Significant difference between men and women (P ≤ .05).

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Table 3

Site stratified proportional hazards models with multiple predictors of frailty characteristics for depressed and nondepressed men and women.

Nondepressed Depressed
(n=543) (n=261)
Brown et al.

Men Women Men Women

(n=278) (n=265) (n=84) (n=177)
Wald Hazard ratio p Wald Hazard ratio p Wald Hazard ratio p Wald Hazard ratio p
Frailty Predictors χ2 (95% CI) Value χ2 (95% CI) Value χ2 (95% CI) Value χ2 (95% CI) Value
Low Physical Activities 10.48 0.005 1.25 0.535 1.81 0.404 3.66 0.160
Yes vs. No 7.27 1.76 (1.17, 2.65) 0.007 1.13 1.34 (0.78, 2.28) 0.287 1.61 1.68 (0.76, 3.74) 0.204 2.86 1.56 (0.93, 2.61) 0.091
Missing vs. No 4.85 2.80 (1.12, 7.01) 0.028 0.01 0.95 (0.36, 2.50) 0.917 0.09 1.25 (0.29, 5.46) 0.765 0.19 0.81 (0.32, 2.05) 0.662
Fatigue 4.90 0.086 3.67 0.160 6.46 0.040 5.62 0.060
Yes vs. No 3.82 1.51 (1.00, 2.28) 0.051 2.73 1.54 (0.92, 2.56) 0.098 1.02 1.48 (0.69, 3.15) 0.313 5.40 1.94 (1.11, 3.40) 0.020
Missing vs. No 2.24 1.46 (0.89, 2.41) 0.134 1.96 1.52 (0.85, 2.74) 0.161 6.29 2.90 (1.26, 6.67) 0.012 2.81 1.66 (0.92, 3.00) 0.094
Slow Gait Speed 5.99 0.050 1.89 0.388 2.17 0.338 6.69 0.035
Yes vs. No 4.96 1.54 (1.05, 2.26) 0.026 1.04 1.30 (0.79, 2.14) 0.307 1.01 1.52 (0.67, 3.45) 0.315 4.59 1.84 (1.05, 3.21) 0.032
Missing vs. No 1.92 1.71 (0.80, 3.64) 0.166 1.38 1.85 (0.66, 5.18) 0.240 1.95 2.67 (0.67, 10.59) 0.163 5.47 2.71 (1.18, 6.26) 0.019
Low Grip Strength 2.34 0.310 4.92 0.085 0.64 0.725 1.60 0.452
Yes vs. No 0.01 1.02 (0.65, 1.59) 0.934 4.64 1.83 (1.06, 3.18) 0.031 0.63 1.35 (0.64, 2.81) 0.429 0.43 1.19 (0.70, 2.02) 0.513
Missing vs. No 2.19 0.55 (0.25, 1.22) 0.139 0.85 1.52 (0.63, 3.69) 0.355 0.05 1.15 (0.33, 4.02) 0.827 1.46 1.59 (0.75, 3.36) 0.228

Cox proportional hazard models were used to explore the simultaneous effects of the baseline frailty characteristics in separate models for nondepressed and depressed men and women. Wald χ2 values are
listed; (df = 2 for the overall effect of each frailty characteristic, df= 1 for each subgroup comparison); Hazard ratios (and 95% CI) are for multiple predictor models with the inclusion of other frailty
characteristics as covariates.

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