The Themes of Evil and Revenge in "Wuthering Heights" by Students Name

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The Themes of Evil and Revenge in “Wuthering Heights”


Students Name

Research Project Number


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Table of Contents
The Themes of Evil and Revenge in “Wuthering Heights”






ResearchMethodology ..................................................................................................................6

Literature Review..........................................................................................................................7

Discussion ......................................................................................................................................9

CONCLUSION........................................................................................................................... 16

References.....................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

The Themes of Evil and Revenge in “Wuthering Heights”

The data presented and analyzed in the report was conducted in partial fulfilment of the

department's requirements. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor and

project advisors for their continued support, emotional support, immense knowledge, patience,

and enthusiasm. I'm truly humbled, and I don't take it for granted. Besides my seniors, I would

like to thank my course mates and friends for the time, support, and energy they placed in this

research. Finally, I express my deepest gratitude to my family for having supported me through

the process.
The Themes of Evil and Revenge in “Wuthering Heights”

First and foremost, I would like to thank God almighty for giving me the strength to

conduct the research. I would like to thank my supervisors, project advisors, course mates,

friend, and family for their continued support and guidance in the entire research process.
The Themes of Evil and Revenge in “Wuthering Heights”


This paper elaborates ill relationships of people to one another and those themes of evil which

are presented in the novel. Along with these social evils, this paper also highlights the theme

of revenge in the novel. As the novel was written about two hundred years ago, it has faced so

much criticism, so literature review highlights the point of view of the critics about the novel

Wuthering Heights. In order to get accurate results, qualitative method of data analysis has

been used as a research tool. For the correction of findings, qualitative analysis has been

divided into two subparts i.e. textual analysis and thematic analysis, in order to investigate the

list of evils along with the theme of revenge. And finally it has been tried to prove that how

this novel is full of the societal evils and how it shows the tendency of revenge.
The Themes of Evil and Revenge in “Wuthering Heights”

“Wuthering Heights” is the first and the only single novel written by Emily Bronte in

her whole life. This novel shows the reflection of her elevated individual poetic style.

Since the date of publication it has faced very deadly criticism, so many people

even resemble it to the Shakespearean play, Romeo Juliet (Watson, 1949).

Wuthering Heights is also known as a romantic novel having a passionate love

story, but at the same this is also a revenge story. It is based on the life of Heathcliff, a

mysterious person who is the main character of the novel. He was adopted by a family

and was brought up as a servant. As the story proceeds he falls in love with the lady

called Catherine. He runs away with Catherine in order to get married to her. But fate

has decided something else. Catherine decides to marry another young and handsome

man just because of his status. His name is Edgar Linton. It becomes the reason of

change in his nature of good to evil. His nature is now fully charged with an evil, in

order to take revenge. He disappears for a long time, and then a dramatic change takes

place in the story of the novel. He returns back as a rich person with higher education.

His aim is now only to take revenge from two families to which he assumes that these

are the responsible for his spoiled life.

Love, hatred, revenge, evils, selfishness.
The Themes of Evil and Revenge in “Wuthering Heights”


Qualitative Research is a method of inquiry which is adopted in various academic

disciplines. It begins with various assumptions, a world view, the possibility of a

theoretical lens, and the study of research problems inquiring into the meaning of an

individual or a group as in an association to a society or a human problem. In-depth

analysis of human behavior and the motivating factors governing such behavior can

be well understood. This method of inquiry involves the why and how aspects of

decision making along with what, where, when and who. The report consists of the

voices of the participants, the re-flexibility of the researcher, the complex descriptions

and interpretation of the problem and in fact it extends the literature to call for an

action. Qualitative Research traverses the totality of a situation by bringing in

symbiotic interactions between various participants. It helps in large data analysis in a

more scientific and empirical manner. Out of the different forms of analysis in

qualitative research; thematic analysis, which has a wide range of flexibility, has been

employed here. Pinpointing, examining and recording themes inside a given data are

given greater weight age in thematic analysis. Themes form the core as they help in

narrowing down the researcher to a specific question. The themes also take up the

various categories for a complete analysis. The thematic analysis gives a

greater assignment on the organization and description of a situation and from

henceforth a solution or a call of action can be derived which has the potential of
The Themes of Evil and Revenge in “Wuthering Heights”

offering a permanent solution to the problem under consideration. Along with the

explicit meaning the implicit meaning of the whole process can be easily derived
with the help of this kit. By comparing different themes to establishing a

relationship between different themes the analysis involved here is of greater

benefit to lay out a conclusion based on various circumstances and scenarios.

Thematic analysis can be further broken down into various subordinate themes

which further help in solving complex coordinates. A main theme which forms the

umbrella to all the subordinate themes is given the maximum quota whereas the

subordinate themes are given quotas according to the circumstance and scenarios in

which they are placed in.

By this way the historical phenomenon, geographical settings, religious practices,

tradition and customs; all depending upon a broad factor known as the time scale,

can be used for analysis of a much broader & in-depth study of a scenario involving a

possible call of action in the future.

Literature Review
The novel Wuthering Heights is written by Emily Bronte. She presents the deep,

passionate love as well as she highlights the dark and evil nature of a human. Not just

the story of love, but an enormously fervent story of love and fixation, and shorn of

all well-mannered notions which emphasizes akin as well as a beast in the man.
The Themes of Evil and Revenge in “Wuthering Heights”

The entire story contains deep emotions, eating of the heart (jealousy), and panic, nxious love,

gloomy and degraded Heathcliff. The story revolves around the

behaviors and characters and a life which is warped by fate. The novel faced much

criticism by critics. Watson (1949) observes that so many critics compare

Wuthering Heights with the Charlotte’s Jane Eyre and finally they declare that Jane

Eyre is more superior to the Wuthering Heights. Wuthering Heights is a pleasant

novel with the artistic touch of gothic atmosphere, gothic imagery and passions

with a bleak, gloomy and windy night. It is full of horror landscapes and whispered

sounds that permit your heart to be seized. And drive you into madness. The portrayal

of the characters is so cruel. Somehow the characters are responsible for their tragic

end. And almost all haunted by their emotions and fates. There are no suspicions that

love is so passionate in this novel, but at the same time violent too. That later

reveals its wild aspect. The use of diction in this novel by Emily Bronte is so

fantastic. And she also employs interesting description techniques. This makes

Emily different from her contemporaries. The technique of narration called

suspension of disbelief used by Emily Bronte in Wuthering Heights. Without any

complaint she did a fine job with this technique. It keeps the novel efficient well. But

there are some arguments of critics regarding the structure of the novel. Some of them

believe that it is a very carefully constructed novel in English literature (Varghese,


But on the other handothers say that it is a splendid imperfect novel in which Bronte

loses her control over occasionally (López, &Corazón, 2013).

The novel provides a very comprehensive interpretation which presents the whole
The Themes of Evil and Revenge in “Wuthering Heights”

novel as unified. The depth analysis of the novel reveals that Emily was concerned

with what life actually, means for her. She focused on her character’s lay in the

universe. In which everything is alive, but not intellectual and is animated by

spiritual force and one of the forces is a storm. That is harsh, cruel, and wild. The

world of our experience is one of the faces of it, full of discord. But that is only

because of in the overcrowded condition of their earthly personification. These rules

are diverted from following the course that their nature dictates and get in each other’s

way. They all change from positive into negative forces. The calm becomes a

source of weakness, not of harmony in natural scheme; the storm is a force not a

fruitful energy. Oates (1982) observes that the canny Physicality of Wuthering

Heights is different from the Gothic as well as different from Shakespeare’s

tragedies, where the presentation is implied with the endurance of good. But not

persuaded that is, survival is authentic and not just a thematic opportunity. We cannot

say that it is a contrast of its origin. Wuthering Heights strikes as so only one of its

kind, and surprising. This novel is not directly a contrast to the general hypothesis,

and not very much complicated to be managed with the number of things. It is

romance tale that brilliantly challenges the previous romance and gothic tales. The

novel reveals the temperamental opposites; innocence that was lost and a

necessary defeat of childhood. Wuthering Heights as a manuscript is very strong.

Not a single component is without evidence that is untamed, puzzled, displaced and

improbable. A man has the ability to affect others by his own actions and intention.

That can be good or can be worse, which harms others. And choices are very much

available for all, either to choose good or evil. Destructive path was chosen by
The Themes of Evil and Revenge in “Wuthering Heights”

Heathcliff. As Þórarinsson, (2013) says that his cruel behavior brings destruction

upon him and also upon those who are close to him. Furthermore, he says that

throughout the play, he tries to prove himself as a wicked person. Love has both the

power of the positive change as well as negative. Unhappily it affects Heathcliff



In application of our qualitative research under thematic analysis, the whole novel

falls under the theme of violence. In the novel, a point reaches where the work done

by the author is under complete fire because of the satanic nature of the novel,

where not a single character encompasses love or affection. Even at some points

where love blooms between two individuals the societal norms taught for generations

come into play and put an end to the only areas in the novel where love and affection

are seen. With respect to which is regarding the evils during the Victorian era

highlighted in the novel, the very first sub theme is gender inequality in which

Catherine out of social norms marries Edgar Linton even though her love for

revenge, paying back of revenge by Heathcliff to Hindley and his son Hareton.

Heathcliff after returning back to Wuthering Heights gets in contact with Hindley

only to make him fall into debt and by taking his land as a mortgage for the money he

has been lending to Hareton; so that he spends more money on alcohol & gambling

and destroys his self and at the end Heathcliff can get to inherit all the property of


Heathcliff also shows his revenge by teaching Hareton undesirable habits, in this way
The Themes of Evil and Revenge in “Wuthering Heights”

he takes his revenge from not only Hindley but also from his son Hareton. This

degree of revenge is very large in comparison to the other degrees of revenge because

Heathcliff tries to destroy the family tree of Hindley; which his action and intentions

clearly highlight to us. Hence the madness of revenge gives a way to the aesthetic and

psychological power as it supports the story of the novel and its main characters

(Vargish, 1971). Another sub kind of evils is corruption. When Heathcliff runs away

from Wuthering Heights for 3 years and in this 3 year span, he amazes wealth by

illegal means which brings down the morale of the novel by many basis points. It also

teaches that one can become rich in a short span of time by resorting to illegal means

which in itself is against the society as a whole. Corruption not only hurts a single

person, but it hurts the whole society at large and hence the gravity of the crime is

larger compared to the other crimes committed against an individual. But on the other

hand, Muller (2012) believes that Heathcliff is not corrupt by birth, but he is

cheated by Catherine. So he now does not care about anything because he has to take revenge

In the very beginning of the novel Heathcliff’s racial color is portrayed in a manner which is

much likely to change the mindset of a child reading the novel.

Also the initial reaction of Hindley towards Heathcliff owing to his racial color

further highlights the situation of racial apartheid that was rampant during those

days. Racism is a form of violence which comes under both physical and mental

violence. This also brings out to the foremost one among the many evil aspects of the

novel, which is portrayed in a sublime manner. Althubaiti, (2015) points out that all

struggles in the play are just because of racism. He argues that the whole society of

England was the core center of all social, political, economical, cultural and racial
The Themes of Evil and Revenge in “Wuthering Heights”

conflicts. And the character of Heathcliff is victim of these conditions. He grows up

like a slave and is left alone by his love just because of his low position and status in

the society. Another aspect of social evils that has been uncovered in Wuthering

Height is alcohol addiction. It ruined the life of Hindley which was further exploited

by Heathcliff. In fact Heathcliff taught Hareton all the bad habits in which alcoholism

and gambling would have definitely formed a part of his teaching. Hindley was so

much into gambling that he lost all his property and finally died

Jassim, (2006) believes that it was Heathcliff, who taught Hareton to misbehave with

his father. In other words Heathcliff had to take revenge from the family of Hindley,

so first he made both the son and father addict of alcohols and gambling then he

destroyed the respect of parents in the eyes of Hindleys’ son. The evil of physical

abuse can also be observed in the novel. The example that can be incited here is the

degrading treatment of Hindley towards Heathcliff during their childhood. This shows

that the owner or employer has full rights over the fundamental rights of an individual

employed under him/her. This has been an eye opener for the various constitutions of

the world to bring in labor reform laws. Also the physical abuse by Heathcliff towards

his wife Isabella and his son Linton is to be noted here. So Hassan, (2008) thinks that

Heathcliff is even worst then the beasts because he pays back the same cruelty,

physical abuse and unkindness to others that he had been paid by his masters. In the

same way Saleh, (n.d) argues that Heathcliff behaves like an insane because he was

abused and neglected in the past. Since his birth to adulthood, he has been facing

social injustice and inequality, so now from his point of view all people to him are

tasteless. Because of this reason, elements of anger and abuse can be found in his
The Themes of Evil and Revenge in “Wuthering Heights”

personality in adulthood. Hatred & selfishness expressed between various characters

in the novel; make the novel more satanic. Even Joseph, who is a worker at

Wuthering Heights, lacks the slightest drop of kindness or humanity. All the

characters, including the main characters are portrayed as persons without any love.

Selfishness is also fully visible in the novel. Mr. Earnshaw’s love towards his adopted

son makes his wife and son turn red cheek. Out of selfishness Hindley mistreats

Heathcliff throughout his childhood, which prompts Heathcliff to exhibit his wrath on

Hindley when the tide was on his side. Catherine in the want of monetary security

selfishly marries Edgar instead of Heathcliff. Heathcliff in the want of acquiring the

property of Wuthering Heights detains Cathy and makes her marry his son. A

slow poison of making the reader more self-oriented slowly happens throughout the

novel. Betrayal and lack of trust between the various characters is also gradually

induced in the novel as slow venom. After Heathcliff gets to meet Hindley after a

span of 3 years; he plots to destroy Hindley in an unconventional fashion. In fact

Isabella is used as a coin by Heathcliff to destroy Edgar Linton. Isabella gets betrayed

by Heathcliff and she finally ends up in the hands of an abusive husband. Each and

every stage of the novel makes the reader thing that if one has to survive, then the

betrayal of trusted ones is of no problem.

The Themes of Evil and Revenge in “Wuthering Heights”


Wuthering Heights presents us with a twofold aspect life. We can safely propose that

novel is an elemental struggle between good and evil, the world of darkness versus

world of light. These contradictory aspects can be categorized as chaos and calm.

And it can be claimed that these two elements are not in contradiction but is a balance to

establish the cosmic order of the universe.

It’s one of the themes is co-existence of good and evil. This reminds us of the

Milton’s epic “Paradise Lost’’ where the conflict between good and evil constructed

the whole plot. Similarly Wuthering Heights is the story of Love and Revenge, where

Heathcliff the protagonist is brought in to the Earn’s family, but his evil designs

proceeds the story forward and his death marks the conclusion of the novel. He was

himself responsible for his destruction, though he did love Catherine deeply, but

it could be considered as a tortured love. His character is seen as a nightmarish

representation of fears about self-making which has exceeded so far. As it is

rightly said that to gain self awareness, is important to study the human nature.

Emily’s deep understanding of human nature is clearly manifested in her novel and

she has portrayed that the essence of human nature is selfish and cruel. The story tries

to draw the line between neutral self-love and harmful selfishness. The character of

hero in the novel has a wild spirit and tendency towards violence which are very

much visible through his desire for Catherine’s love and his need for revenge. So in
The Themes of Evil and Revenge in “Wuthering Heights”

the words of Nalbant, (2010) Un-destroyable love and passionate desire for revenge

are the two main elements that grow up the whole story of the novel.

Vargish, T. (1971). Revenge and" Wuthering Heights". Studies in the Novel, 7-17.

Muller, J. L. (2012). Human Nature and Confinement in Emily Bronte's Wuthering

Heights. Journal of Student Research, 1(2), 75-78.

Althubaiti, T. S. (2015). Race Discourse in Wuthering Heights. European Scientific

Journal, 11(8).

Jassim, M. M. (2006). The Concept of Revenge in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights

Hassan, H. S. (2008). The Abuse of Children In Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights.

Saleh, Dr. M. B. (n.d). Child Abuse in The Victorian Novel: A Critical Analysis of

Heathcliff’s Character as a Victim or Perpetrator in Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights.

Kurspahić, A., & BASTUG, H. (2012). Violence and hatred in Emily Brontë’s Wuthering


Nalbant, İ. B. (2010). In Wuthering Heights, how do the concepts of revenge, prejudice

and class distinction shape the main characters’ relationships, and lives (Doctoral


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