Derivation of The LMTD and E-NTU

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The derivation of the LMTD method and effectiveness-NTU method for heat exchanger analysis are explained.

The assumptions made include uniform and steady flow, all heat transferred between the hot and cold streams, no phase change, constant specific heats, and negligible kinetic/potential energy.

The LMTD is defined as the log mean temperature difference, which relates the heat transfer rate to the temperature differences using UA.

ME 1065 - LMTD and Effectiveness-NTU Derivations

L. Schaefer
September 12, 2005

Brief Derivation of the LMTD

To design or predict the performance of a heat exchanger, the LMTD and the effectiveness-NTU
methods are both useful. I’ll first touch on the LMTD method, to give you an overview of its derivation and
One circumstance in designing or predicting the performance of a hxgr is the need to relate the heat
transfer rate to quantities like the inlet and outlet temperatures, the U and the A.
Examine an exchange of heat between two streams, separated by a thin sheet of area A, as seen in the next
Figure. Let’s write the expressions for mass conservation and energy conservation, and see what assumptions
we need to make. Also need to determine the control volume.
• Uniform
• Steady flow
• All the heat that comes from the hot stream goes into the cold stream (the hxgr is insulated from its
• No phase change
• Constant specific heats
• Negligible Kinetic and potential energy
• U is constant (or nearly so)
Mass conservation:
∂ ~ · n̂dA = 0
—+ ρV
∂t CV CS
~ · n̂dA = 0
ṁc = ρc,o Vo Ao = ρc,i Vi Ai
Energy conservation:
∂ ~ · n̂dA = Q̇ − Ẇ ∗
—+ ρeV
∂t CV CS
~ · n̂dA = 0
ρ(e + P v)V

Q̇ = ρc,o hc,o Vo Ao − ρc,i hc,i Vi Ai

Q̇ = ṁc (hc,o − hc,i )

Q̇ = ṁh (hh,i − hh,o )
So with the specific heat assumption that we made (and treating the fluids as incompressible), we can

Q̇ = ṁcp ∆T

We’ll also define Ci = ṁi cp,i as the heat capacity rate. We want to relate the inlet and outlet temperatures,
the U, and the A, to the rate of heat transferred, and we can do this as:

Q̇ = U A∆Tmean

We now need to find what this mean temperature is. To do this, we’ll look at a differential area of the
heat exchanger where a differential amount of heat is transferred.
Using this equation to examine the hot and cold streams separately yields:

δ Q̇ = −Ch dTh ; Ch = (ṁ cp )h (1)

δ Q̇ = ±Cc dTc ; Cc = (ṁ cp )c (2)

where ± or ∓ appears, the top sign designates parallel-flow, and the bottom sign designates counterflow.
A heat exchanger relationship for expressing the heat transfer between fluids over a differential area is:

δ Q̇ = U (Th − Tc ) dA , or (3)

δ Q̇
T h − Tc = (4)
U dA
Rearranging equations 1 and 2 yields:

δ Q̇ δ Q̇
dTh = − and dTc = ± ; so
Ch Cc

1 1
dTh − dTc = d(Th − Tc ) = δ Q̇ (− ∓ ) (5)
Ch Cc
Dividing the above equation by equation 4 results in:

d(Th − Tc ) 1 1
= U (− ∓ ) dA (6)
Th − Tc Ch Cc
Equation 6 can then be integrated over the heat exchanger:
Th − Tc2 1 1
ln[ 2 ] = U A (− − )
Th1 − Tc1 Ch Cc
Th2 − Tc1 1 1
ln[ ] = U A (− + ) (7)
Th1 − Tc2 Ch Cc
Replacing the specific heats of equation 7 with those found before yields
Th − Tc2 UA
ln[ 2 ]= [(Th2 − Th1 ) + (Tc1 − Tc2 )]
Th1 − Tc1 Q̇
Th2 − Tc1 UA
ln[ ]= [(Th2 − Th1 ) + (Tc2 − Tc1 )]
Th1 − Tc2 Q̇

∆T1 − ∆T2
Q̇ = U A
ln[ ∆T
∆T2 ]

∆T1 − ∆T2
∆TLogM ean = (8)
ln[ ∆T
∆T2 ]

This equation is valid only if Cc 6= Ch ; otherwise, ∆T1 = ∆T2 and a denominator of zero results.
Example 11.1 from Incrop. and DeW. is a good example that incorporates the convection coefficient and
the LMTD.

Effectiveness-NTU method
If only the inlet temperatures (and not the outlet temperatures) are known, the LMTD method requires
iteration. In these cases (and in some others), the effectiveness-NTU method should be used instead ( ε −
N T U ). REMEMBER: Q̇ = q.
We want to show that ε = ε(N T U, C max
) We’ll first show that this is true for parallel-flow, where
Ch = Cmin .
So, what is q equal to, in terms of the temperatures and heat capacity rate of the hot fluid?
q = Ch (Thi − Tho )

Ch (Thi − Tho ) Thi − Tho

ε= =
Cmin (Thi − Tci ) Thi − Tci

Cmin Ch Tco − Tci

Cr = = =
Cmax Cc Thi − Tho
Now, returning to the derivation of the LMTD, we know that for a parallel-flow hxgr,
∆T2 1 1 UA Ch UA
ln( ) = −U A( + )=− (1 + )=− (1 + Cr )
∆T1 Ch Cc Ch Cc Cmin
Tho − Tco
ln( ) = −N T U (1 + Cr )
Thi − Tci
Tho − Tco
= exp(−N T U (1 + Cr ))
Thi − Tci
Now we have three expressions for temperature that relate to ε, N T U , and Cr , and we can eliminate
temperature altogether to find ε only in terms of N T U and Cr . The derivation is as follows:
Tco = Cr (Thi − Tho ) + Tci

Tho − Tco (Tho − Thi ) + (Thi − Tco )

Thi − Tci Thi − Tci
Tho − Tco Tho − Thi Thi − Tci Thi − Tho
= + − Cr
Thi − Tci Thi − Tci Thi − Tci Thi − Tci
Tho − Tco
= (−ε) + (1) − Cr (ε) = exp(−N T U (1 + Cr ))
Thi − Tci
1 − exp(−N T U (1 + Cr ))
1 + Cr
We could also go through and do the same derivation for Cc = Cmin . You’ll find more expressions for ε
and N T U in any heat transfer textbook.

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