Crusader Class

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The world knows paladins, usually, to be shining paragon of virtue who champion lofty ideals
such as compassion, nobility, sacrifice, and valor. They fight demons and hordes of undead,
following them into the bowels of the abyss to destroy them. They also carry with them the
strength and faith of the Zakarum, which has blazoned a path through the West and helped put
King Leoric on his throne. It’s those who’ve felt the gaze of the virtuous paladin weigh heavy on
their soul. Paladins, and their presumptuous notions of righteousness, have done much to further
their faith in the West, often times at the tip of a sword or the blow of an axe. These morally
conscious holy warriors not only drive the wicked to ground but anyone who has ever muttered
words against their tactics.

Yet in the ashes of these Paladins wake, rise that of true noble causes. When the paladins of
the Zakarum – formed in the time of Rakkis’s crusade and marched west against the Western
Kingdoms – help build the foundations of the kingdom of Westmarch, another cleric of the faith
had different plans. Akkhan led his secretive group of zealots East in order to find the sense of
corruption that seemed to plague their faith. These paladin counter-parts would still derive their
power from the Light, but put them to the pursuit of ferreting out the taint of evil.

The type of paladin you can create with this PDF is the Crusader.
Divine Striker: As a holy warrior of the Zakarum faith, you strive to stamp out evil where it lies
and destroy the seat of corruption that remains at the heart of your order. You do this by focusing
the divine power of the Light though your power of Law and conviction.
Key Abilities: Strength, Wisdom
Resourceful and resilient, crusaders are an entirely different breed of holy warriors, trained to
wield sacred powers in a more focused and direct form from that of their paladin brethren.
Unbending champions of faith and law, crusaders’ formidable skills and abilities set them apart
on the battlefield, wading through scores of foes and leaving demonic bodies in their wake. These
soldiers of Light aren’t concerned overmuch for their own physical wellbeing, no they have the
Light to guide them and protect them in this matter. Nor are the overly concerned with those in
their company, for their belief is to strike hard and fast, stamping out evil before it has time to
Experienced veterans, crusaders often spend their lives on the move, in the wilderness and city
alike, they take part in thousands of fights from epic battles to back alley brawls. The thick of
battle is unforgiving but crusaders rush in without hesitation, relying on holy magic and heavy
armor to guarantee victory. Well trained crusaders are adept at defecting attacks entirely, often
shrugging off massive blows that would fell lesser combatants. If pressed, they can sacrifice speed
and mobility for pure staying power.

Crusader Traits

In the heroic tier, you learn to combine your fighting skills and divine magic into a potent
combination. Your first efforts at using the essence of divine wrath and the Light to improve your
prowess are successful and hint at greater, and more heroic things to come. This time of your
crusade is where true heroes start and whether or not your faith is strong enough to carry you

Total Feats Class Features

XP Level Known and Powers
0 1 1 Divine Wrath
Conviction at-will power
Crusader’s Imposition
Law Bringer
Shield Glare
Valiant strike
1,000 2 +1 Consecration
2,250 3 — Extra divine wrath
3,750 4 +1 Ability score increase,
Steed charge
5,500 5 — Daily power
7,500 6 +1 Utility power
10,000 7 — Improved Shield Glare
13,000 8 +1 Ability score increase
16,500 9 — Daily power
20,500 10 +1 Utility power

Level 1: Divine Wrath

Filled with the strength of your convictions, you call upon divine power as you smite a foe. That
power coalesces around your weapon as you strike, introducing your enemy to the power of Law
even before your attack connects.
Benefits: You gain the divine wrath power.
Level 1: Conviction At-Will Power
Your conviction in justice grants you access to the power of law, empowering your most common
Benefit: You gain an at-will attack power associated with your Law Bringer feature (justice or

Level 1: Crusader’s Imposition

As a warrior of the Zakarum faith, you impose your divine
judgement on your foes, ones who have forsaken the Light.
This power allows you to damage these creatures with more
vengeance and ferocity. You draw faith from this
destruction, for this is the Truth of your conviction.
Benefit: Whenever you make a weapon attack against an
enemy granting combat advantage to you, that enemy takes
extra damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Level 1: Law Bringer

Your devotion to law and ending the corruption in the
Zakarum faith rewards you with a new level of power.
Benefit: You gain a benefit associated with your
Conviction (justice or retribution).

Level 1: Shield Glare

The protection of Light surrounds you as you meet your
foe, using it to lash out with righteous power, granting you a small boon while hindering your
Benefit: You gain the shield glare power.
Level 1: Valiant Strike
The violence of battle fuels your commitment to bring law and order. You draw strength from
your faith and knowing that each strike is one against evil.
Benefit: You gain the valiant strike power.

Level 2: Consecration
Crusaders know the value of healing, as anyone in the business of fighting monsters and evil
might. Which is why these holy warriors learn a secret prayer that immediately consecrates the
ground, allowing their healing powers – limited as they are – to have the fullest potential.
Benefit: You gain the Consecration power.

Level 3: Extra Divine Wrath

Delving deeper into your faith, you learn to call upon your righteous power more frequently.
Benefit: You gain one more use of divine wrath per encounter, but you can only use it once per

Level 4:
Ability Score Increase
Radiance is becoming so ingrained within you that it infuses your essential nature and makes you
more than you were before.
Benefit: You increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.
Level 4: Steed Charge
Your blessings of the Light increase, granting you further powers.
Benefit: You gain the Steed Charge power.

Steed Charge For a short duration, you call down the power of the Heavens to grant you a
boost to speed, manifesting itself as a phantom-like warhorse.

Level 5: Daily Power

You channel divine magic into your weapon attacks.
As divine might flows through your being, it coalesces
into a radiant strike against your foes.
Benefit: You gain a new paladin daily attack power
of your level or lower.

Falling Sword Light erupts around you, carrying

you aloft towards the heavens. Your ascent is short
lived as your dive back to the ground, your weapon
glowing like the essence of an avenging angel.
Level 6: Utility Power
The conviction you bring upon the evil and unjust allows you to transform yourself into an even
more effective fighting machine.
Benefit: You gain a new paladin utility power of your level or lower.

Laws of Justice You call upon order to give you strength and protection against attacks of
the unjust.

Laws of Retribution You seek to bring about grave retribution against your enemies and
your fervor ignites the passion of your allies around you.

Level 7: Improved Shield Glare

Your connection to the radiance of Heaven deepens, fortifying your shield to hinder your
Benefit: Your shield glare power gains an additional effect associated with your conviction
(justice or retribution).

Level 8:
Ability Score Increase
You are long accustomed now to the Light within you, and your body and mind become more
Benefit: You increase two ability score of your choice by 1.
Level 9: Daily Power
The more you draw on the power of the Light, the more
easily the power comes to you. You can shape it to
devastating effect, bringing a battle to swift conclusion.
Benefit: You gain a new paladin daily attack power of
your level or lower.

Aspect of Imperius You assume the aspect of one of

the angelic hosts of the Heavens – radiant tendrils of power
extend from your back and a radiance blurs your facial
features. You flow through your enemies’ ranks, leaving
destruction and fear in your wake.

Level 10: Utility Power

The power of law courses through you to take on new aspects, insinuating a feeling of guilt for
your unjust foes.
Benefit: You gain a new paladin utility power of your level or lower.

Aura of Condemnation At your command, light flows from your wounds and works its
way into your enemies’ injuries.
In the paragon tier, the power of conviction grows within you. It begins to define your powers
completely, and you must be strong to keep the path towards your crusade to rid the Zakarum
faith of the taint of corruption, and keep it from affecting or harming those dear to you.

Paragon Path: Akarat’s Champion

At 11th level, your crusader takes on a paragon path of your choice, typically Akarat’s champion
paragon path. You physically represent the living embodiment of Akkhan’s conviction to rid the
order of Mephisto’s influence. Your powerful devotion to Zakarum belief and ideals strengthens
its hold on you, allowing it to reach past physical bounds, overtaking your senses and
transforming your form into a hulking warrior of the Light.
Prerequisite: Only a crusader can take this paragon path.


Total Feats Class Features

XP Level Known and Powers
26,000 11 1 Ability score increase
Akarat’s Champion Action
[Akarat’s champion]
Conviction’s Strength
[Akarat’s champion]
Conviction Encounter power
[Akarat’s champion]
32,000 12 +1 Conviction utility power
39,000 13 — Extra divine wrath
47,000 14 +1 Ability score increase
57,000 15 — Daily power
69,000 16 +1 Embodiment of power
[Akarat’s champion]
Utility power
83,000 17 — Divine Boon
99,000 18 +1 Ability score increase
119,000 19 — Daily power
143,000 20 +1 Conviction daily power
[Akarat’s champion]
Level 11:
Ability Score Increase
As if to prepare you for the paragon tier, your body and mind gird themselves against future
threats by making you more formidable in every way.
Benefit: Each of your ability scores increase by 1.

Level 11: Akarat’s Champion Action

Akarat’s champion paragon path feature
Your belief in the conviction of your
crusade pushes you to reach beyond your
normal limits, and your power manifests
itself in either your belief to mete out justice
or to collect retribution.
Benefit: You gain a feature associated
with your conviction (justice or retribution).

Level 11: Conviction’s

Akarat’s champion paragon path feature
The strength you harness from pursuing your crusade lends you power in defeating effects that
would otherwise overpower you.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws and a +4 bonus to saving throws against fear

Level 11: Conviction Encounter Power

Akarat’s champion paragon path feature
Combat reveals the depths to which your conviction has taken hold. You eagerly draw upon the
Light, since it offers immediate reward when your enemies assail you.
Benefit: You gain an encounter attack power associate with your conviction (justice or

Level 12: Conviction Utility Power

Akarat’s champion paragon path feature
Conviction – by itself – can lead to corruption without the stalwart cause of the crusade.
Crusaders know the history of their order and their divergence from others in the Zakarum faith.
You use this knowledge to better mold your understanding of those around you and the freedom
of choice they need to better bring about the Light within them. This belief turns into a physical
manifestation that unifies these people around common cause – survival.
Benefit: You gain a utility power associated with your conviction (justice or retribution).

Level 13: Extra Divine Wrath

Continued use of the Light lets you use divine wrath more often.
Benefit: You gain one more use of divine wrath per encounter, but you can still only use it once
per turn.

Level 14:
Ability Score Increase
Your continued cultivation of the Light within you enhances your physical and mental resilience.
Benefit: You increase two ability score of your choice by 1.

Level 15: Daily Power

Your faith and conviction take on a stronger manifestation. They from around you as a power
unto itself, furthering your crusade to fight evil and corruption where it stands.
Benefit: You can gain a new paladin daily attack power of your level or lower. If you do so, this
new power must replace one of the daily attack powers you already have from your class (usually
your lowest level daily attack power).

Avatar of Justice Doling out justice is second nature to you and in the world of Sanctuary,
it’s needed now more than ever. As wicked creatures attempt to take the world from humanity,
sowing destruction and chaos in their wake, your presence makes them falter. You do not falter
or hesitate in your crusade; you are the embodiment of righteousness.
Avatar of Retribution In the wide world where evil runs rampant, only swift retribution is
acknowledge and respected. Justice is ideal when there is time to seek it and to see it through to
its end. Yet, often enough, a crusader must be the one who metes out retribution where
civilization is sparse. This vengeful practice can take a toll on you, as each strike of your blade is a
creature’s execution.

Level 16: Embodiment of

Akarat’s champion paragon path
Your righteous devotion to the tenets of
the Zakarum faith, embodied by the
teachings of Akarat, grows stronger.
When enemies fall to your onslaught,
your commitment to divine magic allows
you to snatch a part of its fleeting
spiritual energy and turn it to your
Benefit: Whenever a creature adjacent to you drops to 0 hit points, roll a d4 to determine
which embodiment of power you receive.
1. You gain 10 temporary hit points.
2. You gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
3. You gain +1 power bonus to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
4. You regain hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Level 16: Utility Power
You are as strong as your conviction. When you might falter, your fervor preserves you while
maintaining the balance in another way.
Benefit: you gain a new paladin utility power of your level or lower.

Iron Skin Though your strength to the divine is growing, crusaders are very pragmatic and
will adopt spells of other devotions into their own arsenal to continue their quest. One such spell
is the ability to turn their skin into a suit of living iron, becoming more resistant to attacks.

Provoke Crusaders often use surprise and quick strikes to end their foes but sometimes, when
they’re rooted to the spot, they need the enemies to come to them. This often means taunting or
otherwise provoking these creatures into an assault against them.

Level 17: Divine Boon

Your relentless devotion to the Light grants you a greater power from the Heavens in the form of
a boon to your martial prowess.
Benefit: Choose one of the two options below:
♦ Fervor: You gain a bonus to the damage rolls of one-handed weapon attacks. The bonus
equals your Wisdom modifier.
♦ Heavenly Strength: You may wield a two-handed weapon (with the exception of double-
weapons) in one hand, so long as you also wield a shield in your off-hand.
Level 18:
Ability Score Increase
Seemingly, there is no end to how much you can hone your abilities that furthers your
Benefit: You increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.

Level 19: Daily Power

The deeper of the Light you utilize, the stronger your conviction
becomes. You eventually set aside lesser methods for new
powers that might fully demonstrate your true strength.
Benefit: You can gain a new paladin daily attack power of
your level or lower. If you do so, t his new power must replace
one of the daily attack powers you already have from your class
(usually your lowest level daily attack power).

Fist of the Heavens Beseeching the angels above, you

bring down upon your foes the divine power of lightning.

Blessed Hammer The hammer brings divine force in its wake, knocking your foes back and
it spins in a deadly arch.
Level 20: Conviction Daily Power
Akarat’s champion paragon path feature
A career spent in service to the Zakarum faith has boosted your faith to unforeseen heights. The
constant use of the Light and allowing yourself to be a conduit for its righteousness has
undeniably left a mark upon your person. Your presence afflicts your enemies with your
conviction’s power.
Benefit: You gain a daily power associated with your conviction (justice or retribution).

When using your divine power, you are a physical manifestation of your chosen conviction. No
foe is beyond you. If any creature defies or questions your virtue, you have the might and the will
to face it.
When your crusader reaches 21st level, he or she takes on an epic destiny. This epic destiny
represents the grand finale of your adventuring career. Like your paragon path, it grants a set of
related features and powers.

Total Feats Class Features

XP Level Known and Powers
175,000 21 — Ability score increase
Epic destiny feature
210,000 22 +1 Conviction utility power
255,000 23 — Emblazoned Shield
310,000 24 +1 Ability score increase
Epic destiny feature
375,000 25 — Daily power
450,000 26 +1 Epic destiny feature
550,000 27 — Class Feature ??
675,000 28 +1 Ability score increase
825,000 29 — Avatar of Conviction
1,000,000 30 +1 Epic destiny feature
Level 21:
Ability Score Increase
Your entrance into the epic tier is heralded by a rush of vitality and clarity. You are now stronger,
wise, and even more unassailable.
Benefit: Each of your ability scores increase by 1.

Level 21: Epic Destiny Feature

Your destiny comes into focus, as does your will to exact your convictions on the world. Fate
lends you new capabilities with which you can determine your ultimate course.
Benefit: you gain a feature associated with your epic destiny.

Level 22: Conviction Utility

By invoking your conviction, you grant your
allies a glimpse of the Light within you.
Benefit: You gain a utility power associated
with your conviction (justice or retribution).

Level 23: Emblazoned Shield

The power of your glaring radiance blurs your
foes vision, making it hard to pin you down.
Using this opportunity, you race past your
enemies and push further into the thick of
Benefit: When you use shield glare, you can
take a free action shift up to your speed.

Level 24:
Epic Destiny Feature
Your place among the celestial beings elevates as you gain still more power. At this point, divine
providence ensures your survival.
Benefit: You gain a feature associated with your epic destiny.
Level 25: Daily Power
Your connection to Pandemonium and the immortal angels that dwell there strengthens, letting
you lay waste to evil and vileness with spectacular success.

Angelic Wall Your call for aid is answered and the air stirs before you, as if fanned by angels’
wings, and your enemy is turned to face their end.

Heaven’s Fury The Light-infused energy residing inside you alters an enemy’s physiology,
turning their own vitality into a weapon of Heaven. The victim becomes alight with radiance as
beams shoot out when it sustains severe damage.

Level 26: Epic Destiny Feature

Your foe’s worst attacks cannot sway you from your crusade. When all seems lost, you have the
strength and determination to fight on.
Benefit: You gain a feature (typically a utility power) associated with your epic destiny.
Level 27: Angelic Infusion
The power of angels infuses you soul, your mind, and your body. You no long fear flame or the
power of radiance, for you are seemingly born of it.
Benefit: You gain resist 20 fire and resist 20

Level 28: Ability Score Increase

Your destiny is not yet fulfilled, and you need to be
stronger and sharper to stand up to the challenges
that await.
Benefit: You increase two ability scores of your
choice by 1.

Level 29: Avatar of Conviction

Your convictions come into existence as a physical
manifestation to better help you in your crusade.
When you do, you experience a sudden
transformation, leaving your mortal form behind and
becoming the embodiment of Heavenly wrath.
Benefit: You gain the avatar of conviction power. If
you do so, this new power must replace one of the
daily attack powers you already have from your class
(usually your lowest-level daily attack power).
Level 30:
Epic Destiny Feature
You have reached the pinnacle of your holy abilities. One the verge of facing your final destiny,
you gain one last edge that could spell the difference between ultimate victory and utter defeat.
Benefit: You gain a feature associated with your epic destiny.
The world is full of inequality, bias, and corruption. Some might say this is the direct influence of
demons and the Prime Evils, however Crusaders know differently. They have seen how easily
humanity can exhibit terrible deeds without the infernal influence. They have seen the
depredations of mankind on the world and on their kind. The exploitation of this flaw is easily
aggravated by demons and the impact of the Prime Evils, but the flaw was there long before then.
This is where the crusader puts his conviction, in righting the wrongs of their kind – and
especially the evil deeds of their church – seeking to bring justice to those who’ve cause it.
This conviction is pure and good, which requires a level of selflessness on part of the Crusader.
He must not let his wrath and fury overcome his senses of bringing justice to those in need. Like
all things, it is a tool to be wielded expertly and with deft precision. To dole out too much against
slight grievances and he’s no better than the Church he’s deemed to redeem. Too little, and the
conviction is worthless. A fine line between the two must be met, and a Crusader must be wise in
seeking that equality.
Within a group, your ideals of seeking purity within the human race is noble – but almost
beyond reach. These lofty dreams often make you come off as a dreamer and not steeped in
reality, but once your methods are shown and as justice is meted out – it becomes clear to those
around you that such beliefs can become true. Despite your split from the main church, you hold
values similar to your other paladin brethren. You support local authority and acknowledge the
most effective leader of a group you’re in, even if that individual is not you. This respect,
however, must be earned and shown through exemplary actions – otherwise you expect that
person to stand aside and let someone else try.
Alignment: You must be lawful good or good to wield the powers that best serve justice. The
irrational behaviors of Chaos are unacceptable and evil falls too quickly to corruption and
tyrannical behaviors.

Level 1: Law Bringer

You wield the power of justice, punishing the corrupt and exacting a toll for their deeds. This
focus requires a stout heart and nerves of steel.
Benefit: You gain an additional healing surge. In addition, you can use your second wind as a
minor action to create an aura 2 around you that lasts until the end of your next turn. When any
ally within the aura takes damage, as an immediate reaction you can absorb half of that damage.
Level 1: Conviction At-Will Power
The conviction of a Crusader is nigh absolute – such is their strength and devotion to the purity
of Light. No one is above the law and the crusader has such powers to keep such foes from fleeing
their fate. Crusaders have the ability to attach runes to these powers, thus keeping them more
diverse when needed.
Benefit: You gain the hammer of justice power.

Level 7: Improved Shield Glare (Justice)

When you call down the Light to protect you from harm,
your radiance seems to sap the strength and vigor from
your enemies.
Benefit: When you use your shield glare, the triggering
enemy is also weakened until the end of your next turn. At
23rd level, the triggering enemy is weakened and
immobilized (save ends).

Level 11: Akarat’s Champion Action

Akarat’s champion paragon path feature
Your actions bring about a communal belief and vigor
among your allies, helping you coordinate attacks and how
to best your enemies.
Benefit: When you spend an action point to take an
extra action, allies that can see and hear you gain a +1 bonus to all their defenses until the start of
your next turn. If any of these allies are bloodied, the bonus increases to +2.
Level 11: Conviction Encounter Power (Justice)
Akarat’s champion paragon path feature
As a towering fortress of protection, the crusader relies on defensive measures to keep them
standing. A shield is usually one of the best ways to do that and those who invoke the conviction
of justice learn to wield this tool as a weapon.

Level 12 Conviction
Utility Power (Justice)
Akarat’s champion paragon path
The weight of your conviction has
manifested substance, creating an
area where your enemies are
measured and judged accordingly.
Level 20: Conviction Daily Power (Justice)
Akarat’s champion paragon path feature
The power gleamed from the visions and authority of Akarat swarm within you, making your
conscious clear for the decisions you make and the justice you serve.

Level 22: Conviction Utility Power

The light is infused within you, and it yearns to reach out and help others in your time of need. It
encourages your allies to abide within its healing light.
Seeking vengeance is a common enough emotion
for those who’ve seen such grim horrors that
demons and the undead can produce. Even
common humanity, unaided by the Prime Evils,
can dish out wonton cruelty, destruction, and
vileness easily enough. It’s natural for those who
seek the Light to feel fury and revulsion at such
abominations and acts of atrocities. Even enough
anger to strike down such dealers of dread right
where they stand, no quarter given and no mercy
This retaliation arises when it occludes thought,
when it rules action, and when it harms without
thought for the consequences. Such exploits are
what drive crusaders who feel the conviction of retribution flow through them. Try as they might,
holding back such divine fury is a feat unto themselves, and even then, there are times when they
slip. These holy warriors are far more like their older paladin brethren, dispensing the wrath of
the Zakarum against those who would do wickedness.
Crusaders of retribution go on dangerous quests that others of their faith and renown warriors
dare not. These vengeance-seeking holy men do not fear the darkness, for what they carry with
them into battle is just as deadly. The acts of destruction they bring upon their foes might be seen
horrible in its own right, and the further they are from civilization and those they want to protect,
the more these crusaders feel free to unleash the full might of the Heavens.
Alignment: You can embrace the conviction of retribution as long as you are not chaotic evil.
The power of destruction many of these Crusaders parcel out can lead one a dark road for which
they might seek redemption themselves. Most retribution invoking crusaders are Unaligned or
Good at-best.

Level 1: Law Bringer (Retribution)

You wield the power of retribution, and as such your fury increases with battle. To castigate your
enemies, you must delve further into your reserves of anger.
Benefit: While you have combat advantage against an enemy, you gain a +2 bonus to damage
rolls. The bonus increases to +4 while you are bloodied or adjacent to a bloodied ally.
Level 1: Conviction At-Will Power
The power of the Light fuels your strength, giving you the clarity to punish your adversaries.
Crusaders have the ability to attach runes to these powers, thus keeping them more diverse when
Benefit: You gain the punish power.

Level 7: Improved Shield

Glare (Retribution)
When you draw directly on the Light for
aid, your wrath lashes out at your enemies.
Benefit: When you use your shield glare,
the triggering enemy also gains vulnerable
5 radiant until the end of your next turn.
At 23rd level, the triggering enemy’s
vulnerability to radiant damage increases to
10 and each other adjacent enemy gains
vulnerable 5 radiant until the end of your
next turn.

Level 11: Akarat’s Champion Action (Retribution)

Akarat’s champion paragon path feature
The terrors you face inspire you to soldier on in spite of it all. Deep down you know your
conviction will hold true in the darkest depths of hell.
Benefit: When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you gain combat advantage
against all enemies until the end of your next turn.
Level 11: Conviction Encounter Power (Retribution)
Akarat’s champion paragon path feature
Your strike is wide arching and devastating, pushing the enemies away as you wade into their

Level 12 Conviction Utility Power (Retribution)

Akarat’s champion paragon path feature
Your conviction puts you on a lonely road, often pitting yourself against what seems like endless
hoards of enemies. Those who’ve pursued retribution found that they can pray to the Light and
are rewarded with allies to help shield them.
Level 20: Conviction Daily Power (Retribution)
Akarat’s champion paragon path feature
You channel the strength of your conviction, opening yourself up to the full might and power of
Heaven. The angels there see your purity and respond by gracing you with a taste of their

Level 22: Conviction Utility Power

The belief in your crusade has been taken up by your allies, and your fervor to fight on brings up
within them a near state of fanaticism to see the job done.

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