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Energy Conversion and Management 67 (2013) 217–225

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Development of an energy management system for a naphtha reforming plant:

A data mining approach
David Velázquez a, Rocío González-Falcón a,⇑, Luis Pérez-Lombard a, L. Marina Gallego a,
Iñigo Monedero b, Félix Biscarri b
School of Industrial Engineering, Energy Engineering Department, University of Seville, Camino de los Descubrimientos s/n, 41092 Seville, Spain
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Electronic Technology Department, Av. Reina Mercedes s/n, 41012 Seville, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Despite the industrial sector accounts for about a quarter of total final consumption worldwide and great
Received 16 April 2012 efforts have been carried out to reduce its energy use in the last decades, there are still substantial oppor-
Received in revised form 17 November 2012 tunities to improve industrial energy efficiency. Among those opportunities, energy management sys-
Accepted 17 November 2012
tems (EMSs) are one of the most successful and cost-effective ways to significantly reduce energy use,
Available online 27 December 2012
energy costs and environmental impact without affecting production and quality. This paper describes
the development of an energy management system for a naphtha reforming plant by the use of a data
mining approach. The paper shows how these techniques have been applied to identify key influence
Energy management systems
Improve energy efficiency
variables on energy consumption and to develop an energy performance model of the plant. Energy base-
Data mining line and energy targets have been derived for the assessment of achieved and potential energy savings.
Naphtha reforming Plant results show how savings may be achieved after the implementation of the EMS by tracking and
adjusting performance against energy targets.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 10–20% [7]. Particularly, implementing EMS is one of the most suc-
cessful and cost-effective ways to bring about energy efficiency
Industry is a significant energy end-use sector comprising 27% improvements.
of the world’s total final consumption in 2009 [1]. Energy-intensive Energy management aims to minimize energy costs and envi-
industries (bulk chemicals, refining, paper products, iron and steel, ronmental impact without affecting production and quality [8]
aluminum, food, glass, and cement) dominate industrial energy de- by the achievement of continuous improvement of energy perfor-
mand, accounting for nearly two-thirds of industrial delivered en- mance, energy efficiency and energy conservation. Energy perfor-
ergy consumption [2]. Additionally, worldwide projections on mance indicators (EPIs) should be identified to assess energy
industrial energy consumption predict a growing trend over the performance and to subsequently evaluate progress towards objec-
next 25 years with an annual average rate of 1.5% [3]. However, tives and targets. Thus, measuring baseline performance, setting
substantial opportunities to improve industrial energy efficiency goals and tracking performance against those goals are the key-
have been shown by the International Energy Agency (IEA) [4], stones of every EMS [9].
and much of this potential can be captured through policies for Industrial patterns of energy use are complex, especially when
the promotion of the implementation of energy management sys- production rates are highly variable, when the product mix varies,
tems (EMSs). In this sense, the IEA has advised governments to re- or when several interacting processes coexist at a single site. Re-
quire high energy-intensive industries to comply with ISO 50001 cently, the availability of massive performance data has increased
[5] or an equivalent energy management protocol. the interest in the application of data mining to industrial energy
Refining is a high-consuming industry, accounting for about 7% management. Data mining is the process of extracting valid, new
of total energy consumption in US in 2002 [6]. A large variety of and comprehensive information from massive data in order to im-
opportunities exist within petroleum refineries to reduce energy prove and optimize business decisions [10]. A multitude of meth-
consumption while maintaining or enhancing productivity, as ods are available for carrying out data mining procedures,
clearly shown by competitive benchmarking data indicating that however, within the industrial field, they focus on process moni-
most refineries can economically improve energy efficiency by toring and control, soft sensors, expert systems, fault detection
and diagnosis [11]. Many industries have applied data mining by
the use of statistical methods [12–14] and neural networks or deci-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 954 482283.
sion trees [15–19]. In the last decade, the research on crude distil-
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. González-Falcón).

0196-8904/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
218 D. Velázquez et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 67 (2013) 217–225

Fig. 1. Process flow diagram of the platforming unit.

Table 1
Annual energy consumption by energy source and unit.

Unit Energy source Equipment Energy use (GWh/year) Energy use (%)
RU Fuel gas Heater H3 62.8 27
Fuel gas Heater H4 68.5 29
Fuel gas Heater H5 25.9 11
DU Fuel gas Desbutanizer Heater H6 37.6 16
Med pres. steam Desbencenizer Boiler E20 25.5 11
Low pres. steam Despentanizer Boiler E13 12.9 6
Total 233.2

Fig. 2. Phases of a data mining project.

lation processes has put the focus on control and optimization. The paper starts with the description of the naphtha reforming
Data mining has also been applied to predict quality of distillation plant (Section 2) and the definition of EMS requirements (Sec-
products [20,21] and to estimate the optimal operating conditions tion 3). Then, in Section 4, the research methodology is presented.
of distillation process [22]. However, data mining has not been Section 5 provides the main results of the application of the data
used so far for the development of an EMS, despite energy manage- mining approach to the naphtha reforming plant. Finally, conclud-
ment has been identified as a priority for energy optimization in ing remarks, benefits and limitations of the research are discussed.
refineries [23].
This paper presents the application of a data mining approach
to the definition, development and implementation of an EMS in 2. Naphtha reforming plant
a naphtha reforming plant with the aim of assessing energy perfor-
mance and evaluating progress towards efficiency targets. The pa- This section briefly describes the platforming unit and analyses
per shows the way to select the key influence variables for energy its energy structure in order to define the requirements for the
performance, to identify the best performing periods in the past in implementation of the EMS.
order to set energy performance targets for the future, and to de- Catalytic reforming of heavy naphtha is a key process in the
velop a baseline model. The main contribution of the paper is the production of gasoline. The major components of petroleum naph-
development of an EMS for a naphtha reforming plant that allows thas are paraffins, naphthenes, and aromatic hydrocarbons. The
measuring baseline performance, setting targets and tracking en- aim of catalytic reforming is to transform naphthas hydrocarbons
ergy performance against those targets. with low octane to hydrocarbons with high octane. The chemical
D. Velázquez et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 67 (2013) 217–225 219

Table 2
Data mining project objectives and requirements.

EMS phases DM phases DM objectives DM inputs

Plan Understanding – Understand process – Process flow diagrams
– Analyse energy use – Historical energy data
– Define energy performance indicator – Other historical data
– Identify PIV
Processing – Obtain a suitable data set with EPI and PIV – Energy consumption data
– PIV data
Modeling – Obtain discriminant functions – Suitable data set with EPI and PIV
– Identify KIV
– Classify external and controllable variables
– Obtain EPI regression models
Deployment – Obtain EPI targets – Discriminant functions
– Obtain EPI baseline – EPI regression models
– Actual measurement of KIV
– Past measurement of EPI and KIV
Check Deployment – Monitor actual EPI against targets – Actual measurement of EPI
– Calculate achieved energy savings – EPI targets
– Calculate potential energy savings – EPI baseline
– Calculate efficiency ratio

Table 3
List of potential influence variables (PIVs).

ID Variables Unit Description

1 Tin_RX_V5 °C Input temperature reactor RX_V5
2 Tin_RX_V6 °C Input temperature reactor RX_V6
3 Tin_RX_V7 °C Input temperature reactor RX_V7
4 Tout_RX_V5 °C Output temperature reactor RX_V5
5 Tout_RX_V6 °C Output temperature reactor RX_V6
6 Tout_RX_V7 °C Output temperature reactor RX_V7
7 P_PP_V8 bar Pressure in separator PP_V8
8 RGD kg/Nm3 Recycle gas density (P_PP_V8)
9 PU_load m3/h Input stream to the platforming unit.
10 LPG Aromax m3/h Input stream from Aromax unit to debutanizer
11 WAIT °C This variable of the RU explain the catalyst degradation
12 F_PP-V8 m3/h Output stream from separator PP_V8 to debutanizer
13 F_PP_V11 m3/h Input stream to debutanizer
14 FL_PG GAS m3/h Gas fraction of the top flow of debutanizer
15 FL_PG LIQ m3/h Liquid fraction of the top flow of debutanizer
16 FG_H3 m3/h Fuel gas consumption in heater H3
17 FG_H4 m3/h Fuel gas consumption in heater H4
18 FG_H5 m3/h Fuel gas consumption in heater H5
19 FG_H6 m3/h Fuel gas consumption in heater H6
20 VM_E16 kg/h Low pressure steam consumption in reboiler E16
21 DEBE_load m3/h Bottom stream of debutanizer
22 DEBE_Top flow m3/h Gas fraction of the top flow of debenzenizer
23 DEBE_Bottom flow1 m3/h Liquid fraction of the bottom flow of debenzenizer to YT_135
24 DEBE_Bottom flow2 m3/h Liquid fraction of the bottom flow of debenzenizer to gasolines
25 VM_E20 kg/h Medium pressure steam consumption in reboiler E20
26 DEPE_Top flow m3/h Gas fraction of the top flow of depentenizer
27 DEPE_Bottom flow m3/h Liquid fraction of the bottom flow of depentenizer
28 VM_E13 kg/h Medium pressure steam consumption in the reboiler E13
29 RR debuta Reflux ratio: debutanizer’s top stream/liquid return to the column
30 RR debenze Reflux ratio of debenzenizer
31 RR depenta Reflux ratio of depentenizer
32 P_V13 Bar Pressure operation of debenzenizer
33 T_top_V13 °C Top gases output temperature of the debenzenizer
34 T_bottom_V13 °C Bottom liquid output temperature of the debenzenizer
35 P_V11 Bar Pressure operation of debutanizar
36 T_top_V11 °C Top gases output temperature of the debutanizer
37 T_bottom_V11 °C Bottom liquid output temperature of the debutanizer
38 P_V12 Bar Pressure operation of depentenizer
39 T_top_V12 °C Top gases output temperature of the depentenizer
40 T_bottom_V12 °C Bottom liquid output temperature of the depentenizer
41 DT_total °C Global Delta T in reactor
42 T ambient °C Ambient temperature
43 DT_RX_V5 °C Delta T in PP_V5 reactor
44 DT_RX_V6 °C Delta T in PP_V6 reactor
45 DT_RX_V7 °C Delta T in PP_V7 reactor

reactions that lead to these changes are guided by a catalyst under Naphtha reforming plants are composed of different operating
well-defined operating conditions [24]. units to separate fractions and improve their quality. In particu-
220 D. Velázquez et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 67 (2013) 217–225

Fig. 3. Location of the potential influence variables in the platforming unit.

Table 4
Categorization of the energy performance indicators (EPIs).

Concept hierarchies EPI discrete value SCPU (kWh/m3) SCRU (kWh/m3) SCDU (kWh/m3)
Very low 2 <405 <281 <114
Low 1 405 6 x < 462 281 6 x < 328 114 6 x < 129
Normal 0 462 6 x 6 576 328 6 x 6 423 129 6 x 6 158
High 1 576 < x 6 633 423 < x 6 470 158 < x 6 172
Very high 2 x > 633 x > 470 x > 172

lar, this research focuses on the platforming unit (PU). A process the top and platformed stream (rich in aromatics with high oc-
flow diagram of the PU is presented in Fig. 1. The unit might be tane) to the bottom. Platformed stream is fed to the debencenizer
divided into the reaction unit (RU), where the catalytic reforming to obtain hydrocarbon C5–C6 to the top, which is fed to depent-
is carried out, and the distillation unit (DU). The RU consists of anizer, and heavy hydrocarbon to the bottom. Finally, the desired
three adiabatic reactors (RX V5, RX V6 and RX V7) in series with products of depentanizer are toluene and benzene to the bottom.
intermediate heaters (H3, H4 and H5) through which naphtha is The bottom product of the debencenizer and the top product of
converted to high-octane aromatics and others hydrocarbons. debutanizer and depentanizer are stored up or sent to other units
Then, the stream enters the product separator (PPV8) where flash of the refinery.
separation of hydrogen and some light hydrocarbons is carried Table 1 shows annual energy consumption by energy source
out. The desired reformate is then pumped to the DU where (Fuel gas, medium pressure steam and low pressure steam) and
high-octane aromatics are separated of light hydrocarbons traces. by unit (Reaction and Platforming). Fuel gas is consumed in the
Separation of products is made in three distillation columns: reactors and desbutanizer heater while steam is used in desbence-
debutanizer, debencenizer and depentanizer. The first column is nizer and despentanizer boilers. The major energy consumers are
fed with the liquid flow from the RU and a stream of aromatic the three reactors and the debutanizer column. Annual energy
LPG from other refinery processes. Basic products are butane to costs of the platforming unit are around 10.9 M€.

Table 5
Description and classification of key influence variables of SCPU.

ID KIV Units Type

8 Recycle gas density (P_PP_V8) kg/Nm External
9 Input Stream to the Platforming unit m3/h External
10 Input stream from Aromax unit to debutanizer m3/h External
16 Fuel gas consumption in heater PP_H3 m3/h Controllable
17 Fuel gas consumption in heater PP_H4 m3/h Controllable
18 Fuel gas consumption in heater PP_H5 m3/h Controllable
19 Fuel gas consumption in heater PP_H6 m3/h Controllable
25 Medium pressure steam consumption in the debenzenizer kg/h Controllable
29 Reflux ratio: debutanizer’s top stream/liquid return to the column – Controllable
30 Reflux ratio of debenzenizer – Controllable
32 Pressure operation of debenzenizer Bar Controllable
42 Ambient temperature °C External
43 Delta T in PP_V5 reactor °C External
45 Delta T in PP_V7 reactor °C External
D. Velázquez et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 67 (2013) 217–225 221

to be reached and energy baseline is a quantitative reference for

comparison of energy performance.
First of all, energy performance indicators must be defined. EPI
generally refer to specific consumption and may combine energy
sources associated with a particular process. However, in some
processes the use of energy sources may not be closely related,
and individual EPI for each source may provide a clearer picture
of performance. Anyway, there is no EPI that can be applied in
every situation and appropriate indicators have to be defined on
a case by case basis [27].
Once EPI have been defined, a target for each EPI must be set. To
ensure accurate monitoring of EPI with continuous operational
improvement, we propose to set targets using best practices. A best
practice target identifies what a process or plant could achieve if it
would be best operated according actual conditions. These targets
can be set through the best value of the EPI that the process has
achieved in the past.
Fig. 4. Specific consumption of the PU (SCPU) versus discriminant function (F1). In addition to setting targets for continuous operational
improvement, the EMS must clearly show that actions taken to re-
duce energy use have been successful to justify ongoing invest-
ment, to validate energy-saving decisions, and to demonstrate
that improvements have been achieved. However, energy savings
cannot be directly measured, but are to be calculated from a com-
parison of the energy baseline with the post implementation en-
ergy consumption [28]. The energy baseline is the energy
consumption that would have occurred if no direct measures had
been taken to influence energy consumption [29] and it should
be defined before implementing any energy efficiency projects.
We propose the use of a predictive model to set a baseline based
on actual conditions to obtain reliable energy savings.

3.2. Checking the EMS

In the checking phase, EPI must be regularly measured and

Fig. 5. Example of management report, showing hourly progress of current and monitored against targets and baseline to assess record and report
target SCPU. energy-savings. Achieved energy savings are calculated by com-
paring baseline with current performance (Eq. (1)), while potential
savings are the difference between baseline and target energy con-
The energy consumption of the plant in 2009 was 233.1 GWh,
sumptions (Eq. (2)). Then, the efficiency ratio (Eq. (3)) could be a
67% in the RU and the remaining 33% in the DU.
measure of the success in achieving potential energy savings.

Achiev ed sav ings ¼ Baseline consumption

3. EMS requirements
 Actual consumption ð1Þ
The aim of an EMS is to achieve continual improvement of en-
ergy performance, energy efficiency and energy conservation. Most Potential sav ings ¼ Baseline consumption
energy management systems are based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act
 Target consumption ð2Þ
(PDCA) continual improvement framework [25,26]. ‘Plan’ phase
aims to set the objectives and targets to deliver results in accor-
dance with the opportunities to improve energy performance and
Achiev ed sav ings
Efficiency ratio ¼ ð3Þ
the energy policy of the organization. ‘Do’ means implementing Potential sav ings
the plan. In the ‘check’ phase, energy performance is monitored
and measured to assess plant energy performance and to evaluate
4. Methodology
progress towards targets. Finally, during the ‘act’ phase, corrective
and preventive actions are identified and implemented in order to
Data mining (DM) is a hybrid discipline that integrates technol-
guarantee the accomplishment of the objectives.
ogies of databases, statistics, machine learning, signal processing
This paper presents the application of a data mining approach
and high performance computing. It is helpful to analyze, under-
to the Plan-Do-Check phases of an EMS. The specific requirements
stand or even visualize massive data gathered from business and
of these phases are described below.
scientific applications [30]. A systematic approach is required to
be successful in a DM project. In particular, Cross Industry Stan-
3.1. Planning the EMS dard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) [31] generally involves
four basic phases: understanding, processing, modeling and
Our planning of the EMS aims to define the energy performance deployment. The main phases of CRISP Data Mining project could
indicators and to set energy targets and energy baseline. EPI are be represented in Fig. 2.
quantitative indices to assess, monitor and measure energy perfor- Understanding the business is the initial phase and focuses on
mance. Energy targets are detailed energy performance objectives defining project objectives and requirements from a business per-
222 D. Velázquez et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 67 (2013) 217–225

Fig. 6. Management report showing monthly current, target and baseline consumptions.

Fig. 7. Monthly potential and achieved energy savings.

spective. Processing collected data is mandatory to identify data ing phase. Before a useful model can be developed, data must be
quality problems and to discover first insights into the data. Data provided in the amount, structure, and format suited to modeling
must be prepared to ensure that useful knowledge is derived from procedures. Processing phase starts with acquisition, description
data and to increase the data quality before the data mining mod- and quality assessment of data and ends with data preparation.
els can be successful applied. Typically, up to 90% of the time and In the modeling phase, some techniques may have specific
effort in a data mining project is spent on data processing. In the requirement on data and consequently, stepping back to the pro-
modeling phase, various modeling techniques are selected and ap- cessing phase is often necessary. In our case a Discriminant Func-
plied and their parameters are calibrated to optimal values. Finally, tion Analysis (DFA) technique is selected to extract key influence
through the deployment phase, insight and actionable information variables (KIVs) from PIV and model EPI against these variables.
can be derived. Deployment involves the integration of data min- DFA is a multivariate statistical technique that is commonly used
ing models within applications, data warehouse infrastructure, or to build models based on observed predictor variables. EPI must
query and reporting tools. Table 2 shows the relations between be categorized into several groups and the potential influence vari-
the basic steps for the development of the EMS and the four phases ables are normalized. DFA measures the relevance of potential
of our DM approach. This table provides the objectives and inputs influence variables and let us obtain discriminate functions, which
for each DM phases. identify KIV and show how these variables can be linearly com-
The initial DM phase focuses on understanding the process and bined to best classify EPI. Normalized variables ðxi Þ and discrimi-
the energy use through the analysis of process flow diagrams and nant functions (F) are defined as follows:
the available historical data. It is important to focus on those areas xi  xi;mean
which a high consumption to define energy performance indicators xi ¼ ð4Þ
and to identify potential influence variables (PIVs) with may have a
large impact on energy performance. X
Once EPI have been defined and PIV have been identified, input F¼ v i  xi ð5Þ
data must be processed to obtain a suitable data set for the model- 1
D. Velázquez et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 67 (2013) 217–225 223

where xi is the potential influence variable i; xi,mean is the mean va- 5.2. Processing
lue of variable i; Si is the standard deviation of variable i; vi is the
weighting coefficient for the variable xi ; and xi is the normalized In a first step of processing phase, 120 outliers corresponding
potential influence variable i. to the days where the plant had unusual operation were filtered
KIV may be classified as external or controllable. An external and deleted from the training sample. Besides, the resulting sam-
influence variable is a variable that influences energy performance ple was filtered on the basis of two quality requirements: per-
but over which operators have no control, while a controllable centage of benzene should be less than 1% and percentage of
influence variable is, or needs to be, controlled. toluene should be less than 10% at the bottom of the debenzeniz-
In the last step of the modeling phase, a regression model of EPI er. After this filtering, 132 records are deleted from the training
versus discriminant function is obtained. This model condenses the sample.
dependence of energy performance on KIV and will be used to ob- Once the training sample is filtered and cleaned, data set is pre-
tain EPI baseline. pared for the modeling phase. Data preparation includes EPI cate-
Finally, in the deployment phase, the knowledge gained from gorization and potential influence variables normalization.
DM must be organized and presented in a useful way for energy Categorization techniques would be used to reduce the number
management. In this phase EPI targets and EPI baseline are calcu- of values for a given continuous attribute, particularly for the EPI.
lated to be compared with actual EPI on a regular basis. EPI targets Concept hierarchies are used to replace low-level concepts, such
represent best-practice performance and are calculated with the as numeric values, by higher level concepts, such as very high,
best energy performance achieved in the past at current values high, normal, low and very low energy performance. EPI are cate-
of the external influence variables. The progress towards energy gorized based on partitioning rules that split data distribution of
targets is tracked through efficiency ratio and potential energy sav- the EPI into five groups and define the variation range for each
ings, both periodically calculated and reported. EPI baseline is ob- one. The standard deviation (r) of the EPI histogram defines the
tained through EPI regression model depending on. For equipment partitioning rules: very high (>2r); high (r, 2r]; normal [r, r];
improvements there is no action on the operation conditions, so low (2r, r] and very low (<2r). Table 4 shows variation ranges
baseline would be obtained from actual key influence conditions. for the five EPI categorization groups.
For operation improvements, which imply changes of controllable
variables to improve energy performance, baseline would be ad-
justed to actual external influence conditions. This allows a correct 5.3. Modeling
evaluation of achieved energy savings from any implemented en-
ergy efficiency improvement. The main objectives of the modeling phase are obtaining dis-
criminant functions, identifying KIV and developing EPI regression
models. Two canonical discriminant functions are obtained for
5. Results and discussion
each EPI, but only one (F1) has statistical and practical significance
because it covers more than 90% of the variation between groups.
In this section we give details of the application of the DM ap-
For instance, in the DFA of SCPU a total of 14 KIV are identified from
proach to the planning and checking of the EMS of the naphtha
the 45 potential influence variables and the discriminant function
reforming plant. Results of the understanding, processing, model-
may be written as follows:
ing and deployment stages are presented and discussed below.
The software SPSS Modeler Clementine has been used as the basic F 1 ¼ 0:388  x8  1:897  x9  0:057  x42 þ 0:112  x10
tool for our data mining analysis.
 0:701  x43  0:422  x45 þ 0:19  x29 þ 0:181  x30
5.1. Understanding þ 1:131  x16 þ 1:160  x17 þ 0:967  x18  0:378  x19
þ 0:486  x25 þ 0:093  x32 ð9Þ
We aim to develop an EMS to track the energy performance of
the PU and consequently, we must identify, define and measure The KIV are described and classified as external or controllable
EPI of the plant. In our case, we have chosen the specific consump- in Table 5. A total of six external influence variables are identified,
tions of platforming, reaction and distillation units (Eqs. (6)–(8)) being input stream to the PU and delta temperature in PP_V5 reac-
for energy performance assessment. tor the variables that most influence the EPI. The rest of the KIV are
  controllable and can be used to bring EPI closer to target through
PU energy consumption kWh system operation improvements.
SC PU ¼ ð6Þ
Platforming load m3 The regression model of SCPU is presented in Fig. 4, showing a
  strong correlation with F1 (R2 = 0.9029). This model represents past
RU energy consumption kWh typical performance versus KIV and will be used to obtain EPI base-
SC RU ¼ ð7Þ
RU load m3 line in the deployment phase.
DU energy consumption kWh
SC DU ¼ ð8Þ 5.4. Deployment
DU load m3

Many variables are measured and collected in the PU. Some are di- The main goal of this phase is monitoring actual EPI against tar-
rect measures of energy use, while others could affect it. Initially, 45 get and baseline on a regular basis. The comparison of EPI with tar-
potential influence variables are selected and collected in an hourly get allows personnel to identify and implement continuous
frequency from March 2008 to August 2009. The 45 potential influ- operational improvements. The comparison of EPI with the base-
ence variables are described in Table 3 and Fig. 3 indicates the loca- line allows managers to assess the progress of the EMS through
tion of each one. achieved energy savings and the efficiency ratio.
The whole sample is divided for analysis: the training set con- The energy performance of the plant is tracked through energy
tains 12149 records, while the validation set contains the remain- management reports. It is important to ensure that the information
ing 9402 records. The first is used to train the model, while the contained in these reports is displayed in such a way that it can be
second is used to test its final performance. easily understood, interpreted and applied by their potential users.
224 D. Velázquez et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 67 (2013) 217–225

An example of the tracking process of SCPU is shown in Fig. 5, savings. The success achieving potential energy savings is assessed
where actual and target performances are compared on an hourly by an efficiency ratio which grows from 27% to 32%, showing that
basis. Poor performance can be detected due to deviation from the significant savings have been achieved after EMS implementation.
target causing a performance alert and the operator can make pro- Further investigation is necessary to develop decision-making
cess changes in response. Investigation into the operational condi- supporting methods that could help in taking strategic decisions
tions could then be shared across the business, resulting in and corrective actions within the EMS.
controllable variable changes within safety limits and consistent
energy savings across the shifts. Often, alerting personnel of poor
performance is enough; since personnel may be experienced to References
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