Chapter 8 (12) Ship Mortgage and Maritime Liens PDF
Chapter 8 (12) Ship Mortgage and Maritime Liens PDF
Chapter 8 (12) Ship Mortgage and Maritime Liens PDF
Poliand Industrial Ltd. v. NDC, 467 SCRA 500, August 22, 2005.
Ch apte r 8 - S hip Mor tgag e and Mar itim 317
e Lien s
hereby authorized. to . .
enter a vessel hold,·ng a Prov1s1on
'fi . . al
Cert, 1cate of Ph11tppme Registry in the Reg,stry . of
Vessels and to record any mortgage executed thereon.
Such mortgage s_hall have the preferred status as of the
date of recordat,on upon compliance with the above
con d ·t·
I ions.
are not incon siste nt herew ith shall still apply. For the
purp ose of takin g poss essio n of the vess el_or vessels,
the forec losin g credi tor may secu re from a Judge of the
Cour t of First Insta nce of the provi nce wher e the vesse l
may be found or wher e the cred itor or debt or resid es an
orde r for the arres t or seizu re of the vess el. Upon such
orde r of seizure or arres t being issue d, the sher iff shall
imme diate ly take poss essio n of the vess el or vess els
for the purp ose of forec losur e and sale. The vess el may
only be released in acco rdan ce with the prov ision s
of Secti on 13 of this Act, or when the debt or pays the
outst andin g oblig ation .
SECTION 15. Fore ign Ship Mort gage s. -As used in
Secti ons 10 to 18 hereo f, the term "pref erred mort gage "
shall inclu de, in addit ion to a prefe rred mort gage
made pursu ant to the prov ision s of this Decr ee, any
mortg age, hypo theca tion, or simil ar char ge creat ed
as secu rity upon any docu ment ed forei gn vess el if
such mortg age, hypo theca tion, or simil ar char ge has
been duly and valid ly exec uted in acco rdan ce with the
laws of the forei gn natio n unde r the laws of whic h the
vess el is docu ment ed and has been duly regis tered in
acco rdan ce with such laws in a publ ic regis ter eithe r at
the port of regis try of the vess el or at a centr al office ; and
the term "pref erred mort gage lien" shall also inclu de the
lien of such mort gage , hypo theca tion, or simil ar charg e:
Provided, however, That such "pref erred mort gage lien"
in the case of a forei gn vess el shall be subo rdina te
to marit ime liens for repa irs, supp lies, towa ge, use
of dryd ock or mari ne railw ay, or othe r nece ssari es,
perfo rmed or supp lied in the Phili ppine s.
SECTION 16. Rece iver in Fore closu re; poss essio n
by sheriff. - In any suit in rem in adm iralty for the
enfor ceme nt of the prefe rred mort gage lien, the cour t
may appo int a rece iver and, in its discr etion autho rize
the recei ver to oper ate the mort gage d vess el. The sher iff
may be _authorized and direc ted by the cour t to take
poss essio n of the mort gage d vess el notw ithst andi ng
th e fact that the vess el is in the poss essio n or unde r the
cont~ol of any pers on claim ing a poss esso ry comm on
law hen .
PAHT II - M/\ll lT IM I•'. LAW :J27
Clrn pte r R - Ship Mnrtg11 g(' nnd M nri t i rrn' Li emi
ent of creditors
ARTICLE 580. In all judicial sales of any vessel for the paym
the following shall have preference in the order stated:
of an official
1. The credit in favor of the public treasu ry proven by means
certificate of competent authority.
2. The judicial costs of the proceedings, according to an apprai
approved by the judge or court.
3. The pilotage charges, tonnage dues, and the other sea or port
intrus ted with the collect ion
proven by means of proper certificates of the officers
any oth-
4. The salaries of the depositaries and keepers of the vessel and
until the sale,
er expenses for its preservation from the time of arrival at the port
nt verifie and
which appea r to have been paid or be due by virtue of an accou
approved by the judge or court.
the vessel
5. The rent of the warehouse where the rigging and stores of
have been taken care of, according to contract.
e, which
6. The salaries due the captain and crew during its last voyag
of the lists and
shall be verified by means of the liquidation to be made in view
Burea u of Mer-
of the books of account of the vessel, approved by the chief of the
and in his absenc e by the consu l or judge or
chant Marine, where there is one,
captain may
7. The reimb ursem ent for the goods of the freight which the
has been ordered
have sold in order to repair the vessel, provided that the sale
ed in such cases,
through a judicial proceedings held with the formalities requir
and recorded in the certificate of registry of the vessel.
vendor, the
8. The part of the price which has not been paid to the said
of the vessel , when it
unpaid credits for mater ials and labor in the construction
ment the ves-
has not navigated, and those arising from the repair and equip
last voyage .
sels and from its provisioning with victuals and fuel during the
In order that the credits provided for in this subdiv ision may enjoy this
the regist ry of vessels,
preference, they must appea r by contracts recorded in
and said vessel
or if they were contracted for the vessel while on a voyage
be made with
has not return ed to the port where it is registered, they must
annot ated in the certificate of
the authorization requir ed for such cases and
regist ration of the vessel.
, and stores
9. The amou nt borrowed on bottomry on the hull, keel, tackle
contract executed
of the vessel before its depar ture, proven by mean s of the
vessel s; those borrowed during
according to law and recorded in the regist ry of
ing subdivision,
the voyage with the autho rizatio n mentioned in the preced
proven by the
satisfying the same requisites; and the insura nce premium,
r. . d
insurance policy or a certificate taken from the books of the broke
of the goods shippe
10. The indem nity due the shipp er for the value
ed for whi~~ th e
which were not delivered to the consignees, or for averages suffer
ation decision.
vessel is liable, provided that either appea r in a judicial or arbitr
Chapte r 8 - Ship Mortgage and Maritim e Liens
Gilmore and Black, Jr., p. 595.
Poliand Industrial Ltd. v. NDC, supra .
Poliand Industrial Ltd. v. NDC, supra.
-- ---- -- -- -- -
Chapter 8 - Ship Mortgage and Maritime Liens
by sujt in
a maritime lien for nece ssaries which is enforceable
(1) The "necessaries" must have been furnished to
and for the benefit of the vessel;
(2) The "necessaries" must have been necessary
for the continuation of the voyage of the vessel;
(3) The credit must have been extended to the
(4) There mus t be necessity for the extension of
the credit; and
(5) the necessaries mus t be ordered 20by persons
authorized to contract on behalf of the vessel.
a. The following persons shall be presumed to
auth ority from the owner to procure repairs, supplies,
ies for the
use of dry dock or marine railway, and other necessar
(1) The managing owner,
(2) Ship's husband,
(3) Master, or
(4) Any person to whom the man agem ent of the
vessel at the port of supply is entr uste d.
b. No person tortiously or unlawfully in possessio 22
or charge of a vessel shall have auth ority to bind the
to include
The officers and agen ts of a vessel shal l be take n
r, by an
such officers and agen ts whe n appointed by a characte
ession of
owner pro hac vice, or by an agreed purc hase r in poss
the vessel. 23
c. No lien is conferred whe n the furn ishe r know, or by
ed, that
exercise of reasonable diligence could hav e ascertain
for sale of
because of the term s of a cha rter part y, agre eme nt
ring the
the vessel, or for any othe r reason, the pers on orde
repa irs, supplies, or othe r nece ssar ies was with out
to bind the vessel therefor.
°Crescent Petro leum Ltd. v. MN Lok Mahe shwa ri,
Section 22, P.D. 1521.
Section 22, P.D. 1521.
Section 23, P.D. 1521.
Section 23, P.D. 1521.
Poliand Industrial Ltd. v. NDC, supra.
Crescent Petroleum Ltd. v. WV Lok Maheshwa ri, supra.
Black's Law Dictionary , p. 874. . 7
Gilmore and Black, p. 629 citing State of Califorma v. S/S Bournemouth • 30
F.Supp. 922 [1970].
1bid. · M ·11
Gilmore and Black, p. 628, citing North American Dredging Co. v. Pacific ;~
S.S. Co., 185 F. 698 [1911]; The Anaces, 93 F. 240 [1899]; The Elton, 83 F. 519 [l 8 ].
See Chapt er 17 for discussion of Salvage.
a2c 1·1more and Black, p. 628.
d Industrial
G.R. No. 128661, Augu st 8, 2000, 337 SCRA 381 cited in Polian
Ltd. v. NDC, supra.
Poliand Indus trial Ltd. v. NDC, supra.
Supra .
Section 17, PD 1521.
Section 17, PD 1521.