Bearings: Products Catalogue

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01. COMPANY PROFILE ------------------------- 03

SELECTION CRITERIA--------------------- 07


BEARINGS (TR)-------------------------------- 11


BEARINGS (TP)--------------------------------- 23


BEARINGS (TS)--------------------------------- 39


AND PRACTICES------------------------------ 55

07. QUALITY AND TESTING------------------- 61

AND REPLACEMENT----------------------- 65

TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 1 08/12/15 14:30

Footbridge for Expo 2015, Milan (Italy)

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Our mission is to constantly improve the methods

and the quality of construction processes
through research, innovation and cooperation
with designers, engineers and contractors worldwide.

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Tensacciai, now 1951: Beginning of activity 2012: Tensacciai merges with Our mission is to constantly
1964: In the sixties Tensacciai Tesit, another successful con- improve the methods and the
renamed TENSA, undergoes a phase of remark- crete specialist contractor quality of construction process-
was founded in 1951 able growth in Italy. Post-ten- with international experience es through research, innovation
sioning is just at the beginning in post-tensioning, steel bars, and cooperation with design-
with headquarters of its history and its application structural bearings and expan- ers, engineers and contractors
in Milan, Italy. is still experimental. sion joints becoming a promi- worldwide. A strong commit-
1970: A programme of techno- nent player in the field of spe- ment to quality is the only way
It is now active in over logical renewal begins with the cialised subcontracting. to ensure safe and long-last-
50 countries with adoption of the steel strand. Tensacciai enters into a World- ing structures. We support the
1980: Tensacciai develops new wide Exclusive License Agree- design from the initial stage,
a direct presence in tensioning systems and equip- ment with Rome-based TIS challenging standards to devel-
14 countries. TENSA is ment in the field of ground an- (Tecniche Idraulico-Stradali S.r.l.) op custom solutions. We value
chors, combining innovation - a leading company with ex- timely execution and service as
a leader in stay cables, with versatility and ease of use. perience in designing and pro- keys to building long-term rela-
post-tensioning, 1990: New subsidiaries estab- ducing structural bearings, ex- tionships.
lished in Brazil, India and Aus- pansion joints and anti-seismic
anti-seismic devices, tralia and in Europe sister com- devices since 1973. Our core knowledge lies within
structural bearings panies in Portugal, Greece and 2014: TIS is acquired by Tensac- stay-cables and post-tensioning
the Netherlands. ciai. systems, anti-seismic devices,
and expansion joints. 2000: The internationalization 2015: TENSA is formed from the structural bearings and expan-
TENSA has process of Tensacciai continues merging and development of sion joints as well as all the
unabated. the three important companies related accessories, equipment
extensive references 2010: The company becomes mentioned above: Tensacciai, and services.
and numerous directly involved in projects in Tesit, TIS. TENSA strives to push its vast
all five continents. experience towards new meth-
certifications for its 2011: Tensacciai is acquired by ods and variations of appli-
products worldwide. Deal - world leading solutions cations, developing ingenious
provider in the field of bridge solutions for building new
construction - and becomes part structures, whether they are
of De Eccher Group. Tensacciai buildings or infrastructures, as
is now member of an organisa- well as the rehabilitation of ex-
tion capable of designing, manu- isting ones.
facturing and installing systems
everywhere in the world, thanks
to specialised technicians, en-
gineers in the technical depart-
ment and quality control. All
production and delivery process-
es are attested by the ISO9001


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Jamal Abdul Nasser Street, Kuwait City (Kuwait)

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The choice of bearing system represents a significant

part in the structural design of constructions

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In civil engineering, the design of big structures such as Movements, rotations and deformations need to be allowed
bridges, viaducts and buildings, presents several variables for and contemplated where strictly necessary and in ac-
that need to be taken into account in order to realize major cordance with the designer’s constraining system.
works that meet the expected performance requirements.
This technical catalogue takes into account the following
Starting from the early stages of the study of a structure, the types of bearings:
designer has to define the static scheme to employ by spec-
ulating a certain number of constraints that link the different 1. fixed bearings, which allow rotation between two struc-
structural elements to each other and to the foundations. tural elements and transfer the required loads.
2. guided sliding bearings, which transfer vertical loads, al-
Among the several issues that need considering for an ad- low rotation between two structural elements, displace-
equate definition of the structure’s constraints, there is the ment in one single direction and transfer lateral load in
correct interpretation of the cinematic-deformative behavior the fixed one.
of the individual structural elements and the global system. 3. free sliding bearings, which transfer vertical loads, allow
Structures, indeed, undergo displacements, rotations and rotation between two structural elements and displace-
deformations caused by acting loads (of static, dynamic, ments in all plan directions.
thermic nature etc.) or by phenomena such as shrinkage
and creep, linked to the maturation of materials.

Jamal Abdul Nasser Street, Kuwait City (Kuwait)


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The selection of bearings represents a relevant part in struc- DISPLACEMENTS CRITERIA:

tural design, both for the safety and the durability of the dif-
ferent structural components. When defining which bearing Except for fixed bearings, TR, TP and TS bearings can ab-
devices to use, there are several aspects, linked to function- sorb large scale longitudinal and/or transversal displace-
ality requirements and costs, that need to be considered. ments through relative sliding between a plate with a stain-
less steel surface and a PTFE liner provided with adequately
Depending on displacements, relative rotations and expect- lubricated cavities. Such cavities or dimples can harbor a
ed loads, TENSA suggests three types of structural bearings lubricant that considerably reduces the friction coefficient.
able to satisfy different needs: As a consequence, the PTFE wear phenomenon is reduced.
In the presence of constraints allowing large displacements
• TR – TENS RUBBER bearing; (e.g. a long-span continuous viaduct) it is convenient to use
• TP – TENS POT bearing; TP or TS bearings in order to minimize costs and reduce
• TS – TENS SPHERICAL bearing. overall dimensions.


All bearings considered above allow relative rotation be- In order to facilitate the selection of the most adequate type
tween the connected structural elements. of bearing, Table 2 provides commonly used assumptions of
In order to facilitate the selection of the most adequate bear- load entity for the design of TR, TP and TS bearings.
ing, Table 1 shows rotation range that are usually used for
the design of TR Rubber bearings, TP Pot bearings and TS BEARING
Spherical bearings. TYPE TR TP TS

Load entity Low - Medium Low – Medium Low – Medium

High High
Table 2 - Tolerable load entity for TR,TP and TS bearings

Rotation (φ) [rad] ≤ 0.01 0.01 ≤ φ ≤ 0.02 ≥ 0.02 These assumptions are only indicative. A correct evaluation
can be found with reference to the design data (vertical load,
Table 1 - Rotation range recommended for TR, TP and TS bearings maximum pressure transferable to the superstructure and
to the plinth/pier, available dimensions on the superstruc-
ture and substructure and available vertical space to host
the bearing).

Supported load being equal, one can easily claim that TR

devices have larger dimensions compared to TP and TS de-

Tables and assumptions suggested so far provide a general

indication rather than rigid selection rules.

For more detailed information refer to TR, TP and TS bear-

ings’ technical tables.


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TENS RUBBER bearings represent a competitive

and efficient solution, thanks to their
durability and convenience

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This chapter refers to TENS RUBBER bearings (TR). In order to extend their usage it is possible to combine them
TENS RUBBER bearings are able to transfer vertical and with complementary bearings such as sliders, both tempo-
lateral loads between the superstructure and the substruc- rary or permanent, or mechanical restraints that bind their
ture; they allow displacements in all directions and rotations deformation or sliding direction.
about any axis thanks to the rubber’s elastic deformation.
Depending on the type of work and the design specifications,
TR bearings are usually made of alternating rubber layers the bearing’s anchorage can be normally made in the fol-
and steel sheets or, alternatively, of rubber only. The bear- lowing ways:
ing is realized through vulcanization. • dowels and screws (typical for cast in situ concrete struc-
The steel sheets are completely incorporated in the elasto- • pin (typical for steel and/or prefabricated superstructures
mer and are thus protected from external agents and corro- in which masonry plates must be provided in order to host
sion. This choice of materials depends on the need for de- the pin);
forming elastically on the horizontal plane and of resisting • screws (typical for steel or prefabricated concrete struc-
vertical loads. tures, in case there is a linking plate provided with thread-
ed holes and preventively grouted in the structure);
The rubber’s total height, as sum of the individual layers’ • bonding/friction (any type of structure).
thicknesses, profoundly affects the capacity of relative dis- Any additional steel plates can be used between the bearing
placement between the connected elements. Indeed, the and the structure, in order to facilitate installation and pos-
allowable displacements at ULS correspond to a tangential sible future substitutions.
deformation of the rubber equal to tang γ=1 (this means that TR bearings present the following advantages:
the maximum lateral displacement at ULS is equal to the • moderate costs;
rubber’s total height, without considering upper and lower • good ability to absorb vibrations conveyed by the connect-
rubber covers if thinner than 2.5 mm). The bearing is able to ed structural components;
deform in all directions of the horizontal plane. • stability;
• easy installation/substitution;
Usually, rubber bearings have a rectangular shape (or circu- • limited errors during the installation process;
lar upon request). • durability.


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TENS RUBBER bearings, according to EN 1337-3, can be di-

vided into three types:
• Type B bearings
Type B rectangular bearing
• Type C bearings
• Type E bearings.

Below are some descriptions and explanatory diagrams.

This type of bearing represents the basic solution and is the
most convenient, because of its competitive price and its
easy installation.
The device consists of vulcanized rubber layers alternating
with steel sheets. The transfer of lateral loads takes place
by means of the friction between the rubber and the super/
substructure. Each device is individually made within a spe-
cific mould of cylindrical or cubical shape.

Type C rectangular bearing with improved adherence

Type C bearings are similar to type B with the addition of two
or three outer steel plates that sometimes present a setup
for anchorages.
If the bearing does not have to be mechanically anchored,
outer plates present a surface with improved adherence.
Also in this case the transfer of lateral loads to the super/
substructure occurs by friction.
Any mechanical anchorage requires that the bearing is pro-
vided with steel plates presenting appropriate spaces for
mechanical constraints. Listed below are some of the stand-
ard solutions for rubber bearings with mechanical anchor-
age suggested by TENSA.
The baseplate is directly vulcanized to the bearing and is
linked to the plinth by means of anchor bolts. On the upper
plate, vulcanized to the rubber, there is a connection pin that
finds its place in the upper masonry-plate, also provided
with anchor bolts.
The bearing can be replaced simply by minimum lifting the
structure, since there are no embedded anchoring elements.
Type C rectangular bearing mechanically anchored

Regarding the choice of the anchorages to be used please

refer to the relative section of chapter 6.


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Type E bearings are rubber bearings provided with PTFE
sheets that present dimples adequately lubricated with sil-
icone grease and in contact with an austenitic steel mirror
polished surface. The displacement takes place thanks to
the sliding between the two contact surfaces. This system
drastically reduces the value of the friction coefficient and
thus obtains larger displacements without excessive defor-
mations of the rubber’s pad. In order to avoid dirt contami-
nation that could increase the friction and rapidly wear the
PTFE, TENSA’s compound bearings are provided with a dust
seal. Bearings are also equipped with a grading scale that
allows a quick check on the structure’s actual displacement
during inspection.
The use of TENS RUBBER bearings type E is recommend-
ed in certain situations where displacements are important.
This solution is more cost-effective and technically more ad-
equate than the solution with movements by elastic rubber
This system allows the absorption of irreversible displace- Type E bearing: solution that allows displacements in all directions
ments (withdrawal, creep etc.) without deforming the rubber
and moreover it allows to perform any post-tensioning oper-
ation minimizing the friction load losses.
If the bearing must allow displacement in one direction only,
in addition to the sliding plate covered with stainless steel
in contact with PTFE, there is a central guide of steel. Alter-
natively, the same can take place by means of two welded
guides, externally placed.


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This system allows the rigid transfer of lateral actions be-
tween the upper structure and the rubber bearing (allowing
it to continue deforming in said direction) or between the
upper and lower structure in the only bound direction, and
guarantees, at the same time, the necessary sliding capabil-
ity in the free direction.
In order to also avoid the friction between the guide and the
slide plate, the two vertical sides of the guide present a com-
posite antifriction material (CM1). CM1 is made up of three
layers: a bronze backing strip and a sintered interlocking
porous matrix impregnated and overlaid with a PTFE/lead
mixture. This material, according to the EN 1337-2 Standard,
has a good mechanical resistance and a sufficiently low co-
Type E bearing: solution that allows displacements in one direction only (central guide)
efficient of friction in contact with stainless steel.


TR bearings can be designed in order to meet multiple de-
sign and construction requirements and thus can be inte-
grated with other elements, such as:
• a system of load cells and displacement transducers in
order to estimate scale and variations of forces and dis-
• a dielectric compound that protects the bearing from elec-
tro-erosion phenomena due to stray currents (i.e. electri-
fied lines);
• a hydraulic or mechanical system in order to make verti-
cal adjustments in case of differential settlements within
the structure;
• additional elements to support both rare and frequent
tensile loads, functioning at SLS or at ULS, that at the
same time allow absorption of rotations imposed by the
• additional elements that provide targeted performances
Type E bearing: solution that allows displacements in one direction only (lateral guides)
during the construction/launch phase of the structure in
order to have other performances in the operating phase.
In this case, there can be guided or free bearings that be-
come fixed in the operating phase or vice versa or many
other combinations.


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Vulcanized steel plates S235J2, S275J2 or S355J2 (as long as there is an EN 10025
elongation at break equal to S235)

S235J2, S275J2 or S355J2 (as long as there is an

Outer plates EN 10025
elongation at break equal to S235)

Natural Rubber NR
Elastomer EN 1337-3
Neoprene Compound CR

Stainless steel Inox X2 or X5CrNiMo17/12 EN 10088

Sliding surfaces PTFE EN 1337-2

Lubricated grease Silicone EN 1337-2

Counter-plate, sliding plate, containment tile S355J2 or S275J2 EN 10025


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Each rubber bearing is identified with the acronym TR (TENS Listed below are dimensional tables that refer to rubber
RUBBER). The numbers listed below represent plan dimen- bearings without anchorages (TR type B) and to rubber
sions and height of the device. bearings with outer plates provided with lower dowels and
Below is an example. upper pin (TR type C).

Bearing dimensions suggested here are the same as EN


TR 100X150X31 For each plan dimension two different rubber heights have
been considered in order to cover both low and high displace-
TENS ments. The design has been done by imposing the maximum
shear deformation equal to the rubber’s total height. Max-
imum values of vertical loads have been assumed by con-
sidering two different rotations about the transversal axis
of the bearing (0.01 rad and 0.005 rad). Minimum values of
vertical loads have been evaluated for rotations equal to 0.01
rad only.




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Name Displacements Dimensions Elastomer Reinforcing plates Height

Low/High a x b (mm) ti (mm) n° Tq (mm) ts (mm) htot (mm)

TR 100 x 150 x 31 L 100 x 150 8 2 22 3 31

TR 100 x 150 x 42 H 100 x 150 8 3 30 3 42
TR 100 x 200 x 31 L 100 x 200 8 2 22 3 31
TR 100 x 200 x 42 H 100 x 200 8 3 30 3 42
TR 150 x 200 x 31 L 150 x 200 8 2 22 3 31
TR 150 x 200 x 53 H 150 x 200 8 4 38 3 53
TR 150 x 250 x 31 L 150 x 250 8 2 22 3 31
TR 150 x 250 x 53 H 150 x 250 8 4 38 3 53
TR 150 x 300 x 31 L 150 x 300 8 2 22 3 31
TR 150 x 300 x 53 H 150 x 300 8 4 38 3 53
TR 200 x 250 x 42 L 200 x 250 8 3 30 3 42
TR 200 x 250 x 75 H 200 x 250 8 6 54 3 75
TR 200 x 300 x 42 L 200 x 300 8 3 30 3 42
TR 200 x 300 x 75 H 200 x 300 8 6 54 3 75
TR 200 x 350 x 42 L 200 x 350 8 3 30 3 42
TR 200 x 350 x 75 H 200 x 350 8 6 54 3 75
TR 200 x 400 x 42 L 200 x 400 8 3 30 3 42
TR 200 x 400 x 75 H 200 x 400 8 6 54 3 75
TR 250 x 300 x 42 L 250 x 300 8 3 30 3 42
TR 250 x 300 x 86 H 250 x 300 8 7 62 3 86
TR 250 x 400 x 42 L 250 x 400 8 3 30 3 42
TR 250 x 400 x 86 H 250 x 400 8 7 62 3 86
TR 300 x 400 x 58 L 300 x 400 12 3 42 4 58
TR 300 x 400 x 106 H 300 x 400 12 6 78 4 106
TR 300 x 500 x 58 L 300 x 500 12 3 42 4 58
TR 300 x 500 x 106 H 300 x 500 12 6 78 4 106
TR 300 x 600 x 58 L 300 x 600 12 3 42 4 58
TR 300 x 600 x 106 H 300 x 600 12 6 78 4 106
TR 350 x 450 x 58 L 350 x 450 12 3 42 4 58
TR 350 x 450 x 122 H 350 x 450 12 7 90 4 122
TR 400 x 500 x 74 L 400 x 500 12 4 54 4 74
TR 400 x 500 x 138 H 400 x 500 12 8 102 4 138
TR 400 x 600 x 74 L 400 x 600 12 4 54 4 74
TR 400 x 600 x 138 H 400 x 600 12 8 102 4 138
TR 450 x 600 x 74 L 450 x 600 12 4 54 4 74
TR 450 x 600 x 154 H 450 x 600 12 9 114 4 154
TR 500 x 600 x 74 L 500 x 600 12 4 54 4 74
TR 500 x 600 x 170 H 500 x 600 12 10 126 4 170
TR 600 x 600 x 95 L 600 x 600 16 4 70 5 95
TR 600 x 600 x 200 H 600 x 600 16 9 150 5 200
TR 600 x 700 x 95 L 600 x 700 16 4 70 5 95
TR 600 x 700 x 200 H 600 x 700 16 9 150 5 200
TR 700 x 700 x 95 L 700 x 700 16 4 70 5 95
TR 700 x 700 x 221 H 700 x 700 16 10 166 5 221
TR 700 x 800 x 95 L 700 x 800 16 4 70 5 95
TR 700 x 800 x 221 H 700 x 800 16 10 166 5 221
TR 800 x 800 x 111 L 800 x 800 20 4 86 5 111
TR 800 x 800 x 261 H 800 x 800 20 10 206 5 261
TR 900 x 900 x 111 L 900 x 900 20 4 86 5 111
TR 900 x 900 x 286 H 900 x 900 20 11 226 5 286


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Name Displacements Horizontal stiffness Horizontal displacement Vertical load Horizontal load
Low/High Ko (kN/mm) vy,d max (mm) Fz,d max (α = 0.01) [kN] Fz,d max (α = 0.005) [kN] Fz,d min [kN] Fy,d max [kN]

TR 100 x 150 x 31 L 0,61 22 110 110 50 14

TR 100 x 150 x 42 H 0,45 30 60 60 60 14
TR 100 x 200 x 31 L 0,82 22 165 165 65 18
TR 100 x 200 x 42 H 0,60 30 95 95 80 18
TR 150 x 200 x 31 L 1,23 22 350 380 70 27
TR 150 x 200 x 53 H 0,71 38 255 255 100 27
TR 150 x 250 x 31 L 1,53 22 490 525 85 34
TR 150 x 250 x 53 H 0,89 38 355 355 120 34
TR 150 x 300 x 31 L 1,84 22 630 680 105 41
TR 150 x 300 x 53 H 1,07 38 455 455 140 41
TR 200 x 250 x 42 L 1,50 30 770 840 120 45
TR 200 x 250 x 75 H 0,83 54 510 510 160 45
TR 200 x 300 x 42 L 1,80 30 1010 1100 140 54
TR 200 x 300 x 75 H 1,00 54 670 670 190 54
TR 200 x 350 x 42 L 2,10 30 1255 1360 165 63
TR 200 x 350 x 75 H 1,17 54 835 835 215 63
TR 200 x 400 x 42 L 2,40 30 1510 1560 190 72
TR 200 x 400 x 75 H 1,33 54 1005 1005 245 72
TR 250 x 300 x 42 L 2,25 30 1345 1520 185 68
TR 250 x 300 x 86 H 1,09 62 1085 1085 215 68
TR 250 x 400 x 42 L 3,00 30 2045 2045 305 90
TR 250 x 400 x 86 H 1,45 62 1655 1655 280 90
TR 300 x 400 x 58 L 2,57 42 2020 2215 295 108
TR 300 x 400 x 106 H 1,38 78 1380 1380 340 108
TR 300 x 500 x 58 L 3,21 42 2780 3035 365 135
TR 300 x 500 x 106 H 1,73 78 1905 1905 420 135
TR 300 x 600 x 58 L 3,86 42 3575 3655 440 162
TR 300 x 600 x 106 H 2,08 78 2445 2445 495 162
TR 350 x 450 x 58 L 3,38 42 2930 3275 395 142
TR 350 x 450 x 122 H 1,58 90 2130 2130 430 142
TR 400 x 500 x 74 L 3,33 54 4115 4115 495 180
TR 400 x 500 x 138 H 1,76 102 3110 3110 530 180
TR 400 x 600 x 74 L 4,00 54 4955 4955 665 216
TR 400 x 600 x 138 H 2,12 102 4050 4050 635 216
TR 450 x 600 x 74 L 4,50 54 5690 5690 950 243
TR 450 x 600 x 154 H 2,13 114 4805 4805 700 243
TR 500 x 600 x 74 L 5,00 54 6430 6430 1295 270
TR 500 x 600 x 170 H 2,14 126 5365 5365 770 270
TR 600 x 600 x 95 L 4,63 70 7295 7670 1035 324
TR 600 x 600 x 200 H 2,16 150 5880 5880 905 324
TR 600 x 700 x 95 L 5,40 70 8970 8970 1365 378
TR 600 x 700 x 200 H 2,52 150 7415 7415 1050 378
TR 700 x 700 x 95 L 6,30 70 10170 10695 2130 441
TR 700 x 700 x 221 H 2,66 166 9035 9035 1160 441
TR 700 x 800 x 95 L 7,20 70 12245 12245 2700 504
TR 700 x 800 x 221 H 3,04 166 10345 10345 1315 504
TR 800 x 800 x 111 L 6,70 86 13340 13900 2220 576
TR 800 x 800 x 261 H 2,80 206 10795 10795 1610 576
TR 900 x 900 x 111 L 8,48 86 16835 17885 3840 729
TR 900 x 900 x 286 H 3,23 226 14770 14770 1975 729


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Name Displacements Dimensions Elastomer Reinforcing plates Bottom steel plate Height Bottom anchor dowels

Low/High a x b (mm) ti (mm) n° Tq (mm) ts (mm) A x B x h (mm) htot (mm) n° ØZ (mm) LZ (mm)

TR 100 x 150 x 49 L 100 x 150 8 2 21 3 120 x 230 x 15 49 2 30 120

TR 100 x 150 x 60 H 100 x 150 8 3 29 3 120 x 230 x 15 60 2 30 120
TR 100 x 200 x 49 L 100 x 200 8 2 21 3 120 x 280 x 15 49 2 30 120
TR 100 x 200 x 60 H 100 x 200 8 3 29 3 120 x 280 x 15 60 2 30 120
TR 150 x 200 x 49 L 150 x 200 8 2 21 3 170 x 280 x 15 49 2 30 120
TR 150 x 200 x 71 H 150 x 200 8 4 37 3 170 x 280 x 15 71 2 30 120
TR 150 x 250 x 49 L 150 x 250 8 2 21 3 170 x 330 x 15 49 2 30 120
TR 150 x 250 x 71 H 150 x 250 8 4 37 3 170 x 330 x 15 71 2 30 120
TR 150 x 300 x 49 L 150 x 300 8 2 21 3 170 x 380 x 15 49 2 30 120
TR 150 x 300 x 71 H 150 x 300 8 4 37 3 170 x 380 x 15 71 2 30 120
TR 200 x 250 x 60 L 200 x 250 8 3 29 3 220 x 330 x 15 60 2 30 120
TR 200 x 250 x 93 H 200 x 250 8 6 53 3 220 x 330 x 15 93 2 30 120
TR 200 x 300 x 60 L 200 x 300 8 3 29 3 220 x 380 x 15 60 2 30 120
TR 200 x 300 x 93 H 200 x 300 8 6 53 3 220 x 380 x 15 93 2 30 120
TR 200 x 350 x 60 L 200 x 350 8 3 29 3 220 x 430 x 15 60 2 30 120
TR 200 x 350 x 93 H 200 x 350 8 6 53 3 220 x 430 x 15 93 2 30 120
TR 200 x 400 x 60 L 200 x 400 8 3 29 3 220 x 500 x 15 60 2 30 120
TR 200 x 400 x 93 H 200 x 400 8 6 53 3 220 x 500 x 15 93 2 30 120
TR 250 x 300 x 60 L 250 x 300 8 3 29 3 270 x 380 x 15 60 2 30 120
TR 250 x 300 x 104 H 250 x 300 8 7 61 3 270 x 380 x 15 104 2 30 120
TR 250 x 400 x 60 L 250 x 400 8 3 29 3 270 x 500 x 15 60 2 30 120
TR 250 x 400 x 104 H 250 x 400 8 7 61 3 270 x 500 x 15 104 2 30 120
TR 300 x 400 x 74 L 300 x 400 12 3 41 4 320 x 500 x 15 74 2 30 120
TR 300 x 400 x 122 H 300 x 400 12 6 77 4 320 x 500 x 15 122 2 30 120
TR 300 x 500 x 74 L 300 x 500 12 3 41 4 320 x 620 x 15 74 2 40 160
TR 300 x 500 x 122 H 300 x 500 12 6 77 4 320 x 620 x 15 122 2 40 160
TR 300 x 600 x 74 L 300 x 600 12 3 41 4 320 x 720 x 15 74 2 40 160
TR 300 x 600 x 122 H 300 x 600 12 6 77 4 320 x 720 x 15 122 2 40 160
TR 350 x 450 x 74 L 350 x 450 12 3 41 4 370 x 570 x 15 74 2 40 160
TR 350 x 450 x 138 H 350 x 450 12 7 89 4 370 x 570 x 15 138 2 40 160
TR 400 x 500 x 90 L 400 x 500 12 4 53 4 420 x 620 x 15 90 2 40 160
TR 400 x 500 x 154 H 400 x 500 12 8 101 4 420 x 620 x 15 154 2 40 160
TR 400 x 600 x 90 L 400 x 600 12 4 53 4 420 x 700 x 15 90 4 30 120
TR 400 x 600 x 154 H 400 x 600 12 8 101 4 420 x 700 x 15 154 4 30 120
TR 450 x 600 x 100 L 450 x 600 12 4 53 4 470 x 700 x 20 100 4 30 120
TR 450 x 600 x 180 H 450 x 600 12 9 113 4 470 x 700 x 20 180 4 30 120
TR 500 x 600 x 100 L 500 x 600 12 4 53 4 520 x 720 x 20 100 4 40 160
TR 500 x 600 x 196 H 500 x 600 12 10 125 4 520 x 720 x 20 196 4 40 160
TR 600 x 600 x 119 L 600 x 600 16 4 69 5 620 x 720 x 20 119 4 40 160
TR 600 x 600 x 224 H 600 x 600 16 9 149 5 620 x 720 x 20 224 4 40 160
TR 600 x 700 x 119 L 600 x 700 16 4 69 5 620 x 820 x 20 119 4 40 160
TR 600 x 700 x 224 H 600 x 700 16 9 149 5 620 x 820 x 20 224 4 40 160
TR 700 x 700 x 129 L 700 x 700 16 4 69 5 720 x 850 x 25 129 4 50 200
TR 700 x 700 x 255 H 700 x 700 16 10 165 5 720 x 850 x 25 255 4 50 200
TR 700 x 800 x 129 L 700 x 800 16 4 69 5 720 x 950 x 25 129 4 50 200
TR 700 x 800 x 255 H 700 x 800 16 10 165 5 720 x 950 x 25 255 4 50 200
TR 800 x 800 x 148 L 800 x 800 20 4 85 5 820 x 970 x 25 148 4 50 200
TR 800 x 800 x 304 H 800 x 800 20 10 205 5 820 x 970 x 25 304 4 50 200
TR 900 x 900 x 148 L 900 x 900 20 4 85 5 920 x 1070 x 25 148 4 50 200
TR 900 x 900 x 330 H 900 x 900 20 11 225 5 920 x 1070 x 25 330 4 50 200


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 20 08/12/15 14:30


Name Displacements Top anchor pin Horizontal stiffness Horizontal displacement Vertical load Horizontal load

Low/High Øp (mm) hp (mm) Ko (kN/mm) vy,d max (mm) Fz,d max (α = 0.01) [kN] Fz,d max (α = 0.005) [kN] Fz,d min [kN] Fy,d max [kN]

TR 100 x 150 x 49 L 20 30 0,64 21 110 110 50 14

TR 100 x 150 x 60 H 20 30 0,47 29 65 65 60 14
TR 100 x 200 x 49 L 20 30 0,86 21 165 165 65 18
TR 100 x 200 x 60 H 20 30 0,62 29 95 95 80 18
TR 150 x 200 x 49 L 30 30 1,29 21 355 380 70 27
TR 150 x 200 x 71 H 30 30 0,73 37 255 255 95 27
TR 150 x 250 x 49 L 30 30 1,61 21 495 530 90 34
TR 150 x 250 x 71 H 30 30 0,91 37 355 355 120 34
TR 150 x 300 x 49 L 30 30 1,93 21 635 685 105 41
TR 150 x 300 x 71 H 30 30 1,09 37 460 460 140 41
TR 200 x 250 x 60 L 40 30 1,55 29 775 845 120 45
TR 200 x 250 x 93 H 40 30 0,85 53 515 515 155 45
TR 200 x 300 x 60 L 40 30 1,86 29 1015 1110 145 54
TR 200 x 300 x 93 H 40 30 1,02 53 675 675 185 54
TR 200 x 350 x 60 L 40 30 2,17 29 1265 1365 165 63
TR 200 x 350 x 93 H 40 30 1,19 53 840 840 215 63
TR 200 x 400 x 60 L 40 30 2,48 29 1520 1565 190 72
TR 200 x 400 x 93 H 40 30 1,36 53 1010 1010 240 72
TR 250 x 300 x 60 L 50 30 2,33 29 1355 1525 185 68
TR 250 x 300 x 104 H 50 30 1,11 61 1095 1095 210 68
TR 250 x 400 x 60 L 50 30 3,10 29 2055 2055 305 90
TR 250 x 400 x 104 H 50 30 1,48 61 1665 1665 275 90
TR 300 x 400 x 74 L 60 30 2,63 41 2025 2225 295 108
TR 300 x 400 x 122 H 60 30 1,40 77 1390 1390 335 108
TR 300 x 500 x 74 L 60 30 3,29 41 2790 3050 370 135
TR 300 x 500 x 122 H 60 30 1,75 77 1910 1910 415 135
TR 300 x 600 x 74 L 60 30 3,95 41 3585 3670 445 162
TR 300 x 600 x 122 H 60 30 2,10 77 2460 2460 490 162
TR 350 x 450 x 74 L 70 30 3,46 41 2940 3285 395 142
TR 350 x 450 x 138 H 70 30 1,59 89 2140 2140 425 142
TR 400 x 500 x 90 L 80 30 3,40 53 4125 4125 500 180
TR 400 x 500 x 154 H 80 30 1,78 101 3120 3120 530 180
TR 400 x 600 x 90 L 80 30 4,08 53 4970 4970 665 216
TR 400 x 600 x 154 H 80 30 2,14 101 4065 4065 630 216
TR 450 x 600 x 100 L 90 40 4,58 53 5705 5705 950 243
TR 450 x 600 x 180 H 90 40 2,15 113 4820 4820 695 243
TR 500 x 600 x 100 L 100 40 5,09 53 6445 6445 1295 270
TR 500 x 600 x 196 H 100 40 2,16 125 5380 5380 765 270
TR 600 x 600 x 119 L 120 40 4,70 69 7310 7680 1035 324
TR 600 x 600 x 224 H 120 40 2,17 149 5895 5895 900 324
TR 600 x 700 x 119 L 120 40 5,48 69 8985 8985 1365 378
TR 600 x 700 x 224 H 120 40 2,54 149 7430 7430 1045 378
TR 700 x 700 x 129 L 140 50 6,39 69 10185 10710 2130 441
TR 700 x 700 x 255 H 140 50 2,67 165 9055 9055 1150 441
TR 700 x 800 x 129 L 140 50 7,30 69 12260 12260 2700 504
TR 700 x 800 x 255 H 140 50 3,05 165 10365 10365 1310 504
TR 800 x 800 x 148 L 160 50 6,78 85 13360 13920 2220 576
TR 800 x 800 x 304 H 160 50 2,81 205 10815 10815 1605 576
TR 900 x 900 x 148 L 180 50 8,58 85 16855 17910 3840 729
TR 900 x 900 x 330 H 180 50 3,24 225 14795 14795 1965 729


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 21 08/12/15 14:30

Footbridge for Expo 2015, Milan (Italy)

TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 22 08/12/15 14:30



TENS POT bearings can adapt to most structures,

by supporting high loads while
allowing rotations and displacements

TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 23 08/12/15 14:30


This chapter refers to TENS POT bearings (TP).

TENS POT bearings are able to transfer vertical and lateral
loads between the structure and the substructure.

The TENS POT bearing (TP) is mainly made of a steel base-

ment known as “pot”, within which an unreinforced elasto-
meric pad is inserted. A cylindrical steel piston is positioned
in contact with the rubber’s upper surface and laterally with
the basement. The vertical load thus moves from the piston
to the basement through the rubber, whereas the lateral ac-
tions move stiffly because of the contact between the piston
and the pot. In order to avoid the possible extrusion of the
rubber, caused by the pressure induced by the piston, it is
necessary to insert an adequate seal and position it in the
contact perimeter between piston and basement.

In this configuration the elastomer pad is completely con- TPF bearing exploded view
fined and subject to a state of triaxial stress. The elastomer
thus offers a reduced resistance to deformation by rotation
(limited restraint moment) and at the same time a high verti-
cal stiffness. Such behavior allows the rotation of the piston
and consequently the rotation of the superstructure linked
to it about any horizontal axis, maintaining a high vertical lift.

In the case of free and guided bearings, the sliding (in one or
both directions) occurs through contact between an auste-
nitic steel mirror polished surface and a dimpled PTFE liner
that can host silicon grease. PTFE’s fundamental character-
istic is wear resistance measured through the total accu-
mulated slide path (total displacement during the life of the
bearing due to withdrawal, creep, thermal effects, earth-
quakes, load displacements etc.). For example, considering
the European Standard EN 1337-2, the accumulated path of
the PTFE must not be less than 10000 m or 1000 m respec-
tively, for bridges and other structures (such as buildings,
tanks etc.).

TPL/TPT bearings exploded view


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 24 08/12/15 14:30

Depending on the type of work and the design specifications,
the bearing’s anchorage can be normally made in the fol-
lowing ways:
• dowels and screws (typical for cast in situ concrete struc-
• pin (typical for steel and/or prefabricated superstructures
in which masonry plates must be provided in order to host
the pin);
• screws (typical for steel or prefabricated concrete struc-
tures, in case there is a linking plate provided with thread-
ed holes and preventively grouted in the structure);
• bonding/friction (any type of structure).

Any additional steel plates can be used between the bearing

and the structure, in order to facilitate installation and pos-
sible future substitutions.

TP bearing presents the following advantages:

• competitive prices compared to other types of bearings;
TPM bearing exploded view
• good ability to absorb vibrations conveyed by the connect-
ed structural components;
• stability;
• easy installation/substitution;
• durability;
• high durability of the rubber, completely protected from
contact with atmospheric agents;
• high resistance to fatigue and to the application of dynam-
ic loads, which makes it suitable for railway structures as
• support of very high vertical loads with negligible vertical
• allowance of rotations about any horizontal axis with min-
imal restraint reactions.


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TENS POT (TP) bearings can be divided into three types, with
reference to imposed constraints:


TPF bearings represent the basic solution, being fundamen- TPM bearings, like TPF bearings, are able to transfer verti-
tally constituted by: cal loads while allowing rotations. Moreover, TPM allow dis-
• pot: obtained through turning from a thick metal sheet placements in all directions, providing a limited resistance
where the rubber finds its place; proportional to the normal acting load and to the friction due
• rubber: obtained through hot pressing, it constitutes the to the sliding.
bearing’s spherical hinge that allows rotations about any On the piston’s upper part there is a cavity containing a
horizontal axis; PTFE liner protruding a few mm from it. A sliding plate is
• internal seal: the rubber’s containment is guaranteed by positioned in contact with it. On the lower side of the sliding
a brass seal (2-3 rings); plate, there is an austenitic stainless steel surface connect-
• piston: it pressurizes the rubber and is obtained through ed by means of a TIG welding. The sliding interface between
turning from a metal sheet of adequate thickness; dimpled PTFE and stainless steel is adequately lubricated
• dust seal: it is comprised of a rubber ring inserted be- by means of silicone grease. Friction is thus considerably
tween the piston and the pot. reduced.

Displacements on the horizontal plane are not permitted, In order to avoid dirt contamination that could cause a fric-
whereas any rotation is allowed. Lateral forces are trans- tion increase and accelerated PTFE deterioration, TENSA’s
mitted by means of contact between the piston and the pot. bearings are provided with a rubber dust seal positioned
alongside the PTFE surfaces. Bearings are also provided
with displacement indicators that allow a rapid control of the
service movements during periodical inspections.

Fixed TENS POT bearing TPF Free sliding TENS POT bearing TPM


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The TPL and TPT (guided longitudinal and transversal), just • a system of load cells and displacement transducers in or-
like multidirectional bearings, are able to transfer vertical der to estimate the size and variations of loads and move-
loads while allowing rotations. They allow movements in one ments;
direction, but they are able to transmit lateral loads in the • additional elements that make the bearing electrically in-
perpendicular direction. sulated and thus not subject to electro-erosion phenome-
They are similar to free sliding pot bearings, with an ad- na caused by stray currents (e.g. electrified lines);
ditional central cavity in the piston that has the purpose • a hydraulic or mechanical system in order to make verti-
of hosting a directional guide. This guide is composed of a cal adjustments in case of differential settlements within
steel element, partially built into the piston and linked to it the structure;
through high strength screws. The guide has a sheet of an- • additional elements to support both rare and frequent
tifriction material (CM1) on its two vertical sides. The direc- tensile loads, functioning at SLS or at ULS, that simulta-
tional guide is placed in the central part of the sliding plate. neously allow absorption of the rotations imposed by the
The part of the plate in contact with the CM1 is coated with structure;
stainless steel in order to guarantee a contact with a low co- • additional elements that provide targeted performances
efficient of friction in the direction of the displacement. In during the construction/launch phase of the structure in
the case of sizeable lateral loads, the central guide can be order to guarantee other performances in the operating
replaced by two external guides. phase. In this case there can be guided or free sliding
In order to avoid dirt contamination that could cause a fric- bearings that become fixed in the operating phase or vice
tion increase and accelerated PTFE deterioration, TENSA’s versa or many other combinations;
bearings are provided with a rubber dust seal positioned • antiseismic devices that act only during the seismic phase.
alongside the PTFE surfaces. Bearings are also provided In particular:
with displacement indicators that allow a rapid control of the
service movements during the periodical inspections. 1) Displacements interruption and transfer of the seismic
force developed in a pseudo rigid manner: this can be
obtained by providing the bearings with seismic shock
TENS POT FOR SPECIAL APPLICATIONS absorbers (Tens Shock Transmitter Device) that tempo-
rarily transform the sliding bearing into a pseudo rigid
TP bearings can be designed to meet multiple design and/ link. In the case of slow movements they provide a mini-
or construction needs and thus can be integrated with other mal reaction that lets the structure expand and contract
elements, such as: freely.

Guided sliding TENS POT bearing TPL/TPT

TP integrated with shock absorber (TSTD) and hysteretic steel device (TEPD)


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 27 08/12/15 14:30

TP integrated with hysteretic device in transversal direction (TEPD)

TP integrated with hysteretic device in transversal direction (TEPD)

2) Energy dissipation: this can be obtained by linking ther-

mal fluid viscous dampers TFVD (Tens Fluid Viscous
Damper) to the bearing or hysteretic steel device TEPD
(Tens Elasto-Plastic Device) with or without the shock
absorber (see previous point). The union in a single de-
vice that can resist gravity loads, absorb structural rota-
tions, guarantee adequate behavior under earthquakes
and dissipate energy, means that we can refer to it as a
combination of devices and not only as a simple bearing. TP integrated with hysteretic device in transversal direction (TEPD)

3) Free sliding bearings can also be used in parallel with

TDRI and TLRI isolators in order to minimize the iso-
lation system costs, but especially to exploit their “null
horizontal stiffness” characteristic. With an adequate
positioning of the free sliding bearings and isolators,
it’s possible to reach a good approximation to the coinci-
dence of the center of mass with the center of stiffness.
Consequently, during the seismic phase, the torsional
effects on the structure are reduced.

TP integrated with hysteretic device in both direction (TEPD)


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Piston, pot, sliding plates, directional guide S355J2 or S275J2 EN 10025

Rubber pad Natural rubber ISO 6446

(50 shore)

Inner seal with rings (brass) CuZn37 or CuZn39Pb3 EN 12163 and EN 12164

Sliding surfaces Inox X2 or X5CrNiMo17/12 EN 10088

Sliding surfaces PTFE / TENSA Slide EN 1337-2 / ETA

CM1 EN 1337-2
Composite material consisting of three layers:
a bronze backing strip and a sintered
interlocking porous matrix, impregnated and
overlaid with a PTFE/lead mixture

Lubricating grease Silicone EN 1337-2

EN 1337-5

Anchor dowels 39NiCrMo3 or S355JR EN 10083 or EN 10025

Screws Cl 8.8 /10.9/12.9 EN 20898


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 29 08/12/15 14:30


Each POT bearing is identified with the acronym TP (TENS

POT). The numbers shown here represent the kN loads and/
or displacements in mm at ULS.
Below are examples of the three types.

Fixed Horizontal load

bearing (kN)

TP F 1000 / 100
TENS Vertical load
POT (kN)

Guided Horizontal load

sliding bearing (kN)

TP U 1000 / 100 / ± 50
TENS Vertical load Displacement
POT (kN) (mm)

Free Longitudinal
sliding bearing displacement (mm)

TP M 1000 / ± 50 / ± 25
TENS Vertical load Trasversal
POT (kN) displacement (mm)


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 30 08/12/15 14:30


The TP bearings catalogue is according to EN 1337, parts 1, DESIGN DISPLACEMENTS

2 and 5. The EN 1337-1 Standard prescribes to adopt minimum dis-
The expected maximum vertical load, at ULS, is equal to placements in longitudinal and transverse directions, re-
90000 kN. spectively ±50 mm and ±20 mm and to increase design dis-
Bearing devices with greater vertical load can be designed placements of ±20 mm for non-anchored bearings.
on specific request. In this chapter the following minimum displacements are
TEMPERATURE, UPPER • Longitudinal displacement = ±50 mm
AND LOWER SUPPORTS • Transversal displacement = ±20 mm

For the bearings design we have considered the following For rotations the following values are assumed:
criteria: • Rotation due to dead load α1 = 0.007 rad
• Upper steel support • Rotation due to live loads α2 = 0.003 rad
• Lower concrete support Resistance Class C37/45 • Maximum design rotation αtot = 0.010 rad
• Temperature between -5 °C and +30 °C

In order to calculate the contact pressures of both the lower

and upper supports, in the case of concrete, one has to refer
to the value of EN 1992-1 for localized pressures, quoted in
chapter 6.7.

σRdu=fcd ≤3.0∙fcd

Assuming a maximum value of the ratio

between the areas equal to 2:

Mdistr= =2
Ac0 Ac1



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DESIGN LOADS Further assumptions for the design of bearings proposed in

Bearings shall be designed with reference to the following the next paragraph’s sheets:
load combinations: NEd-SLS = NEd-ULS / 1.40
• ULS (for static loads) NEd-Sism = NEd-ULS / 1.50
• ULS (for seismic design situation) VEd-ULS = VEd-Sism x 0.50
• SLS VEd-SLS = VEd-ULS / 1.50

In particular:
NEd-ULS = Maximum vertical load at ULS ANCHORAGE SYSTEMS
VEd-ULS = Maximum lateral load in presence of NEd-ULS This section shows bearings with the following character-
NEd-Sism = Vertical load in presence of VEd-Sism istics:
VEd-Sism = Maximum lateral load at ULS in seismic • Upper anchorage with pin on steel plate
design situation • Lower anchorage with anchor dowels for fixed and guided
NEd-SLS = Vertical load at SLS bearings and embedded with resin for free sliding bearings.
VEd-SLS = Maximum Lateral Load at SLS in presence of NEd-SLS Other types of anchorage can be considered.



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(anchorages excluded)

Piston Diameter

Pin Protrusion
Pin Diameter
Pot Diameter



Net Weight







NSd-Seism VSd-Seism NSd-SLU VSd-SLU NSd-SLE VSd-SLE Do x Do x Htot Wnet Do D’ Dpin tpin N° dDow,inf
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) ( kN) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

TPF 500/50 340 50 500 25 360 20 175 x 175 x 50 10 175 170 20 15 2 30

TPF 1000/100 670 100 1000 50 720 40 235 x 235 x 50 16 235 230 20 15 2 30
TPF 1500/150 1000 150 1500 75 1080 50 255 x 255 x 59 23 255 250 30 15 4 30
TPF 2000/200 1340 200 2000 100 1430 70 305 x 305 x 59 30 305 300 30 15 4 30
TPF 2500/250 1670 250 2500 125 1790 90 315 x 315 x 64 35 315 310 40 15 4 30
TPF 3000/300 2000 300 3000 150 2150 100 340 x 340 x 64 40 340 330 40 15 4 30
TPF 3500/350 2340 350 3500 175 2500 120 375 x 375 x 69 51 375 360 40 15 4 30
TPF 4000/400 2670 400 4000 200 2860 140 395 x 395 x 73 61 395 375 40 16 4 40
TPF 4500/450 3000 450 4500 225 3220 150 420 x 420 x 72 67 420 400 50 15 4 40
TPF 5000/500 3340 500 5000 250 3580 170 445 x 445 x 82 84 445 420 50 16 4 40
TPF 6000/600 4000 600 6000 300 4290 200 480 x 480 x 90 111 480 450 50 18 4 50
TPF 7000/700 4670 700 7000 350 5000 240 515 x 515 x 94 128 515 480 60 18 4 50
TPF 8000/800 5340 800 8000 400 5720 270 555 x 555 x 93 147 555 510 60 20 4 50
TPF 9000/900 6000 900 9000 450 6430 300 595 x 595 x 107 202 595 545 70 19 4 60
TPF 10000/1000 6670 1000 10000 500 7150 340 630 x 630 x 107 221 630 570 70 21 4 60
TPF 11000/1100 7340 1100 11000 550 7860 370 655 x 655 x 111 245 655 595 70 22 4 60
TPF 12000/1200 8000 1200 12000 600 8580 400 685 x 685 x 130 318 685 620 70 24 4 60
TPF 13000/1300 8670 1300 13000 650 9290 440 710 x 710 x 119 300 710 640 80 23 4 60
TPF 14000/1400 9340 1400 14000 700 10000 470 755 x 755 x 133 393 755 680 80 24 4 70
TPF 15000/1500 10000 1500 15000 750 10720 500 770 x 770 x 133 406 770 690 80 25 4 70
TPF 16000/1600 10670 1600 16000 800 11430 540 790 x 790 x 132 421 790 705 90 24 4 70
TPF 17000/1700 11340 1700 17000 850 12150 570 820 x 820 x 140 476 820 730 90 26 4 70
TPF 18000/1800 12000 1800 18000 900 12860 600 850 x 850 x 140 528 850 755 90 27 4 90
TPF 19000/1900 12670 1900 19000 950 13580 640 870 x 870 x 149 591 870 770 90 28 4 90
TPF 20000/2000 13340 2000 20000 1000 14290 670 890 x 890 x 148 601 890 790 90 29 4 90
TPF 22500/2100 15000 2100 22500 1050 16080 700 985 x 985 x 158 772 985 880 100 28 4 90
TPF 25000/2200 16670 2200 25000 1100 17860 740 990 x 990 x 177 883 990 880 100 29 4 90
TPF 27500/2300 18340 2300 27500 1150 19650 770 1035 x 1035 x 167 882 1035 920 100 30 4 90
TPF 30000/2400 20000 2400 30000 1200 21430 800 1070 x 1070 x 176 991 1070 950 100 31 4 90
TPF 32500/2500 21670 2500 32500 1250 23220 840 1115 x 1115 x 176 1063 1115 990 110 30 4 90
TPF 35000/2600 23340 2600 35000 1300 25000 870 1210 x 1210 x 185 1292 1210 1090 110 31 4 90
TPF 37500/2700 25000 2700 37500 1350 26790 900 1220 x 1220 x 185 1313 1220 1090 110 32 4 90
TPF 40000/2800 26670 2800 40000 1400 28580 940 1275 x 1275 x 195 1505 1275 1140 110 33 4 90
TPF 45000/3200 30000 3200 45000 1600 32150 1070 1340 x 1340 x 203 1731 1340 1190 120 34 4 100
TPF 50000/3500 33340 3500 50000 1750 35720 1170 1385 x 1385 x 223 2067 1385 1240 130 34 4 100
TPF 55000/3900 36670 3900 55000 1950 39290 1300 1450 x 1450 x 223 2234 1450 1290 130 37 4 100
TPF 60000/4200 40000 4200 60000 2100 42860 1400 1505 x 1505 x 230 2485 1505 1340 140 37 4 100
TPF 65000/4600 43340 4600 65000 2300 46430 1540 1570 x 1570 x 249 2956 1570 1390 140 42 8 90
TPF 70000/4900 46670 4900 70000 2450 50000 1640 1625 x 1625 x 248 3110 1625 1440 150 42 8 90
TPF 75000/5300 50000 5300 75000 2650 53580 1770 1685 x 1685 x 256 3456 1685 1490 160 42 8 90
TPF 80000/5600 53340 5600 80000 2800 57150 1870 1745 x 1745 x 257 3679 1745 1540 160 44 8 90
TPF 90000/6300 60000 6300 90000 3150 64290 2100 1860 x 1860 x 279 4592 1860 1640 180 44 8 100


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 33 08/12/15 14:30


(anchorages excluded)

Piston Diameter

Pin Protrusion
Pin Diameter
Pot Diameter



Net Weight







NSd-Seism VSd-Seism NSd-SLU VSd-SLU NSd-SLE VSd-SLE Do x Do x Htot Wnet Do D’ Dpin tpin N° dDow,inf
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) ( kN) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

TPF 500/150 340 150 500 75 360 50 175 x 175 x 49 11 175 170 30 15 4 30
TPF 1000/300 670 300 1000 150 720 100 235 x 235 x 53 19 235 230 40 15 4 30
TPF 1500/450 1000 450 1500 225 1080 150 270 x 270 x 60 29 270 250 50 17 4 40
TPF 2000/600 1340 600 2000 300 1430 200 330 x 330 x 69 48 330 300 50 18 4 50
TPF 2500/750 1670 750 2500 375 1790 250 345 x 345 x 77 58 345 310 60 21 4 50
TPF 3000/900 2000 900 3000 450 2150 300 375 x 375 x 80 77 375 330 70 23 4 60
TPF 3500/1050 2340 1050 3500 525 2500 350 415 x 415 x 89 97 415 360 70 24 4 60
TPF 4000/1200 2670 1200 4000 600 2860 400 445 x 445 x 82 98 445 375 70 26 4 60
TPF 4500/1350 3000 1350 4500 675 3220 450 470 x 470 x 89 128 470 400 80 27 4 70
TPF 5000/1500 3340 1500 5000 750 3580 500 505 x 505 x 100 156 505 420 80 28 4 70
TPF 6000/1800 4000 1800 6000 900 4290 600 540 x 540 x 111 213 540 450 90 31 4 90
TPF 7000/2100 4670 2100 7000 1050 5000 700 600 x 600 x 112 249 600 490 100 33 4 90
TPF 8000/2400 5340 2400 8000 1200 5720 800 640 x 640 x 120 295 640 520 100 35 4 90
TPF 9000/2700 6000 2700 9000 1350 6430 900 675 x 675 x 137 361 675 545 110 37 4 90
TPF 10000/3000 6670 3000 10000 1500 7150 1000 720 x 720 x 139 425 720 570 120 39 4 100
TPF 11000/3300 7340 3300 11000 1650 7860 1100 755 x 755 x 137 453 755 595 120 41 4 100
TPF 12000/3600 8000 3600 12000 1800 8580 1200 785 x 785 x 146 504 785 620 130 43 4 100
TPF 13000/3900 8670 3900 13000 1950 9290 1300 800 x 800 x 152 553 800 640 130 44 4 100
TPF 14000/4200 9340 4200 14000 2100 10000 1400 860 x 860 x 153 626 860 680 140 45 4 100
TPF 15000/4500 10000 4500 15000 2250 10720 1500 880 x 880 x 153 672 880 690 140 47 8 90
TPF 16000/4800 10670 4800 16000 2400 11430 1600 910 x 910 x 169 780 910 705 150 49 8 90
TPF 17000/5100 11340 5100 17000 2550 12150 1700 940 x 940 x 177 870 940 730 150 50 8 90
TPF 18000/5400 12000 5400 18000 2700 12860 1800 985 x 985 x 180 948 985 755 160 51 8 90
TPF 19000/5700 12670 5700 19000 2850 13580 1900 1000 x 1000 x 186 1041 1000 770 160 55 8 100
TPF 20000/6000 13340 6000 20000 3000 14290 2000 1015 x 1015 x 194 1116 1015 790 160 56 8 100
TPF 22500/6300 15000 6300 22500 3150 16080 2100 1115 x 1115 x 195 1311 1115 880 180 53 8 100
TPF 25000/6600 16670 6600 25000 3300 17860 2200 1130 x 1130 x 195 1338 1130 880 180 55 8 100
TPF 27500/6900 18340 6900 27500 3450 19650 2300 1160 x 1160 x 209 1505 1160 920 190 55 8 100
TPF 30000/7200 20000 7200 30000 3600 21430 2400 1205 x 1205 x 212 1610 1205 950 190 56 8 100
TPF 32500/7500 21670 7500 32500 3750 23220 2500 1250 x 1250 x 221 1800 1250 990 190 56 8 100
TPF 35000/7800 23340 7800 35000 3900 25000 2600 1340 x 1340 x 224 2095 1340 1090 200 53 8 100
TPF 37500/8200 25000 8200 37500 4100 26790 2740 1365 x 1365 x 238 2306 1365 1090 200 56 8 100
TPF 40000/8600 26670 8600 40000 4300 28580 2870 1405 x 1405 x 242 2542 1405 1140 250 56 8 120
TPF 45000/9000 30000 9000 45000 4500 32150 3000 1480 x 1480 x 246 2794 1480 1190 250 56 8 120
TPF 50000/10000 33340 10000 50000 5000 35720 3340 1560 x 1560 x 257 3151 1560 1240 250 59 8 120
TPF 55000/11000 36670 11000 55000 5500 39290 3670 1625 x 1625 x 265 3505 1625 1290 250 62 12 100
TPF 60000/12000 40000 12000 60000 6000 42860 4000 1685 x 1685 x 270 3869 1685 1340 250 65 12 100
TPF 65000/13000 43340 13000 65000 6500 46430 4340 1765 x 1765 x 282 4481 1765 1390 250 68 8 130
TPF 70000/14000 46670 14000 70000 7000 50000 4670 1825 x 1825 x 302 5071 1825 1440 300 70 14 100
TPF 75000/15000 50000 15000 75000 7500 53580 5000 1900 x 1900 x 305 5523 1900 1490 300 73 12 120
TPF 80000/16000 53340 16000 80000 8000 57150 5340 1980 x 1980 x 317 6078 1980 1540 300 75 16 100
TPF 90000/17000 60000 17000 90000 8500 64290 5670 2090 x 2090 x 336 7163 2090 1640 300 75 16 100


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 34 08/12/15 14:30


(anchorages excluded)

Piston Diameter

Pin Protrusion
Plan Dimensions

Pin Diameter
Pot Diameter



Sliding Plate

Net Weight







NSd-Seism VSd-Seism NSd-SLU VSd-SLU NSd-SLE VSd-SLE Do x Do x Htot BxL Wnet Do D’ Dpin tpin N° dDow,inf
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) ( kN) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

TPL 500/50/±50 340 50 500 25 360 20 150 x 150 x 90 300 x 175 23 150 175 50 15 2 30
TPL 1000/100/±50 670 100 1000 50 720 40 215 x 215 x 89 355 x 230 37 215 230 50 15 2 30
TPL 1500/150/±50 1000 150 1500 75 1080 50 245 x 245 x 98 375 x 250 48 245 250 50 15 4 30
TPL 2000/200/±50 1340 200 2000 100 1430 70 300 x 300 x 103 425 x 300 67 300 300 30 15 4 30
TPL 2500/250/±50 1670 250 2500 125 1790 90 315 x 315 x 107 435 x 310 74 315 310 40 15 4 30
TPL 3000/300/±50 2000 300 3000 150 2150 100 340 x 340 x 106 455 x 330 87 340 330 60 15 4 30
TPL 3500/350/±50 2340 350 3500 175 2500 120 375 x 375 x 111 485 x 360 105 375 360 60 15 4 30
TPL 4000/400/±50 2670 400 4000 200 2860 140 395 x 395 x 115 500 x 375 118 395 375 40 16 4 40
TPL 4500/450/±50 3000 450 4500 225 3220 150 420 x 420 x 119 525 x 400 137 420 400 60 15 4 40
TPL 5000/500/±50 3340 500 5000 250 3580 170 445 x 445 x 124 545 x 420 154 445 420 50 16 4 40
TPL 6000/600/±50 4000 600 6000 300 4290 200 485 x 485 x 137 575 x 450 198 485 450 60 16 4 50
TPL 7000/700/±50 4670 700 7000 350 5000 240 515 x 515 x 141 605 x 480 228 515 480 60 18 4 50
TPL 8000/800/±50 5340 800 8000 400 5720 270 555 x 555 x 140 635 x 510 259 555 510 70 18 4 50
TPL 9000/900/±50 6000 900 9000 450 6430 300 595 x 595 x 154 670 x 545 328 595 545 70 19 4 60
TPL 10000/1000/±50 6670 1000 10000 500 7150 340 625 x 625 x 159 695 x 570 370 625 570 70 21 4 60
TPL 11000/1100/±50 7340 1100 11000 550 7860 370 655 x 655 x 158 720 x 595 398 655 595 70 22 4 60
TPL 12000/1200/±50 8000 1200 12000 600 8580 400 685 x 685 x 172 745 x 620 473 685 620 70 24 4 60
TPL 13000/1300/±50 8670 1300 13000 650 9290 440 710 x 710 x 166 765 x 640 487 710 640 80 23 4 70
TPL 14000/1400/±50 9340 1400 14000 700 10000 470 755 x 755 x 170 805 x 680 555 755 680 80 24 4 70
TPL 15000/1500/±50 10000 1500 15000 750 10720 500 770 x 770 x 184 815 x 690 627 770 690 80 26 4 70
TPL 16000/1600/±50 10670 1600 16000 800 11430 540 790 x 790 x 184 830 x 705 654 790 705 90 25 4 70
TPL 17000/1700/±50 11340 1700 17000 850 12150 570 815 x 815 x 188 855 x 730 714 815 730 90 26 4 70
TPL 18000/1800/±50 12000 1800 18000 900 12860 600 845 x 845 x 192 880 x 755 795 845 755 90 27 4 90
TPL 19000/1900/±50 12670 1900 19000 950 13580 640 870 x 870 x 211 895 x 770 928 870 770 90 28 4 90
TPL 20000/2000/±50 13340 2000 20000 1000 14290 670 890 x 890 x 200 915 x 790 898 890 790 90 29 4 90
TPL 22500/2100/±50 15000 2100 22500 1050 16080 700 985 x 985 x 220 1005 x 880 1204 985 880 100 28 4 90
TPL 25000/2200/±50 16670 2200 25000 1100 17860 740 990 x 990 x 229 1005 x 880 1254 990 880 100 29 4 90
TPL 27500/2300/±50 18340 2300 27500 1150 19650 770 1035 x 1035 x 219 1045 x 920 1276 1035 920 100 30 4 90
TPL 30000/2400/±50 20000 2400 30000 1200 21430 800 1070 x 1070 x 238 1075 x 950 1490 1070 950 100 31 4 90
TPL 32500/2500/±50 21670 2500 32500 1250 23220 840 1115 x 1115 x 237 1115 x 990 1596 1115 990 110 30 4 90
TPL 35000/2600/±50 23340 2600 35000 1300 25000 870 1210 x 1210 x 247 1215 x 1090 1937 1210 1090 110 31 4 90
TPL 37500/2700/±50 25000 2700 37500 1350 26790 900 1220 x 1220 x 257 1215 x 1090 2062 1220 1090 110 32 4 90
TPL 40000/2800/±50 26670 2800 40000 1400 28580 940 1270 x 1270 x 267 1265 x 1140 2331 1270 1140 120 31 4 100
TPL 45000/3200/±50 30000 3200 45000 1600 32150 1070 1335 x 1335 x 275 1315 x 1190 2639 1335 1190 120 34 4 100
TPL 50000/3500/±50 33340 3500 50000 1750 35720 1170 1390 x 1390 x 297 1365 x 1240 3093 1390 1240 130 35 4 100
TPL 55000/3900/±50 36670 3900 55000 1950 39290 1300 1445 x 1445 x 320 1415 x 1290 3617 1445 1290 130 38 4 100
TPL 60000/4200/±50 40000 4200 60000 2100 42860 1400 1510 x 1510 x 313 1465 x 1340 3776 1510 1340 110 29 4 100
TPL 65000/4600/±50 43340 4600 65000 2300 46430 1540 1570 x 1570 x 322 1515 x 1390 4202 1570 1390 110 31 8 90
TPL 70000/4900/±50 46670 4900 70000 2450 50000 1640 1630 x 1630 x 322 1565 x 1440 4472 1630 1440 110 33 8 90
TPL 75000/5300/±50 50000 5300 75000 2650 53580 1770 1685 x 1685 x 347 1615 x 1490 5176 1685 1490 120 32 8 90
TPL 80000/5600/±50 53340 5600 80000 2800 57150 1870 1750 x 1750 x 349 1665 x 1540 5591 1750 1540 120 34 8 100
TPL 90000/6300/±50 60000 6300 90000 3150 64290 2100 1865 x 1865 x 365 1765 x 1640 6579 1865 1640 130 35 8 100


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 35 08/12/15 14:30


(anchorages excluded)

Piston Diameter

Pin Protrusion
Plan Dimensions

Pin Diameter
Pot Diameter



Sliding Plate

Net Weight







NSd-Seism VSd-Seism NSd-SLU VSd-SLU NSd-SLE VSd-SLE Do x Do x Htot BxL Wnet Do D’ Dpin tpin N° dDow,inf
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) ( kN) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

TPL 500/150/±50 340 150 500 75 360 50 160 x 160 x 91 310 x 185 27 160 185 50 15 4 30
TPL 1000/300/±50 670 300 1000 150 720 100 235 x 235 x 100 355 x 230 46 235 230 60 15 4 30
TPL 1500/450/±50 1000 450 1500 225 1080 150 270 x 270 x 107 395 x 270 68 270 270 70 16 4 40
TPL 2000/600/±50 1340 600 2000 300 1430 200 330 x 330 x 111 425 x 300 89 330 300 70 18 4 50
TPL 2500/750/±50 1670 750 2500 375 1790 250 345 x 345 x 129 455 x 330 119 345 330 80 20 4 50
TPL 3000/900/±50 2000 900 3000 450 2150 300 375 x 375 x 132 485 x 360 152 375 360 90 21 4 60
TPL 3500/1050/±50 2340 1050 3500 525 2500 350 415 x 415 x 141 500 x 375 175 415 375 80 23 4 60
TPL 4000/1200/±50 2670 1200 4000 600 2860 400 445 x 445 x 139 525 x 400 196 445 400 90 25 4 60
TPL 4500/1350/±50 3000 1350 4500 675 3220 450 480 x 480 x 143 545 x 420 233 480 420 90 26 4 70
TPL 5000/1500/±50 3340 1500 5000 750 3580 500 500 x 500 x 166 560 x 435 284 500 435 90 28 4 70
TPL 6000/1800/±50 4000 1800 6000 900 4290 600 545 x 545 x 175 600 x 475 375 545 475 100 30 4 90
TPL 7000/2100/±50 4670 2100 7000 1050 5000 700 600 x 600 x 179 630 x 505 428 600 505 100 32 4 90
TPL 8000/2400/±50 5340 2400 8000 1200 5720 800 625 x 625 x 190 660 x 535 493 625 535 110 34 4 90
TPL 9000/2700/±50 6000 2700 9000 1350 6430 900 675 x 675 x 191 695 x 570 556 675 570 120 36 4 90
TPL 10000/3000/±50 6670 3000 10000 1500 7150 1000 720 x 720 x 211 720 x 595 693 720 595 120 38 4 100
TPL 11000/3300/±50 7340 3300 11000 1650 7860 1100 745 x 745 x 216 755 x 630 770 745 630 140 39 4 100
TPL 12000/3600/±50 8000 3600 12000 1800 8580 1200 785 x 785 x 228 785 x 660 882 785 660 150 40 4 100
TPL 13000/3900/±50 8670 3900 13000 1950 9290 1300 800 x 800 x 234 805 x 680 952 800 680 150 42 4 100
TPL 14000/4200/±50 9340 4200 14000 2100 10000 1400 860 x 860 x 235 820 x 695 1021 860 695 100 39 4 100
TPL 15000/4500/±50 10000 4500 15000 2250 10720 1500 880 x 880 x 245 840 x 715 1134 880 715 140 31 8 90
TPL 16000/4800/±50 10670 4800 16000 2400 11430 1600 910 x 910 x 251 865 x 740 1238 910 740 110 42 8 90
TPL 17000/5100/±50 11340 5100 17000 2550 12150 1700 940 x 940 x 249 885 x 760 1349 940 760 150 74 8 90
TPL 18000/5400/±50 12000 5400 18000 2700 12860 1800 985 x 985 x 262 910 x 785 1454 985 785 120 46 8 90
TPL 19000/5700/±50 12670 5700 19000 2850 13580 1900 1005 x 1005 x 271 925 x 800 1606 1005 800 120 48 8 100
TPL 20000/6000/±50 13340 6000 20000 3000 14290 2000 1030 x 1030 x 280 950 x 825 1817 1030 825 170 96 8 100
TPL 22500/6300/±50 15000 6300 22500 3150 16080 2100 1105 x 1105 x 283 1005 x 880 1950 1105 880 160 34 8 100
TPL 25000/6600/±50 16670 6600 25000 3300 17860 2200 1120 x 1120 x 283 1015 x 890 2001 1120 890 160 35 8 100
TPL 27500/6900/±50 18340 6900 27500 3450 19650 2300 1170 x 1170 x 295 1050 x 925 2231 1170 925 160 35 8 100
TPL 30000/7200/±50 20000 7200 30000 3600 21430 2400 1205 x 1205 x 294 1080 x 955 2338 1205 955 160 35 8 100
TPL 32500/7500/±50 21670 7500 32500 3750 23220 2500 1235 x 1235 x 318 1120 x 995 2669 1235 995 140 41 8 100
TPL 35000/7800/±50 23340 7800 35000 3900 25000 2600 1340 x 1340 x 316 1215 x 1090 3093 1340 1090 160 37 8 100
TPL 37500/8200/±50 25000 8200 37500 4100 26790 2740 1365 x 1365 x 320 1215 x 1090 3190 1365 1090 160 39 8 100
TPL 40000/8600/±50 26670 8600 40000 4300 28580 2870 1425 x 1425 x 321 1265 x 1140 3505 1425 1140 160 40 8 120
TPL 45000/9000/±50 30000 9000 45000 4500 32150 3000 1485 x 1485 x 341 1315 x 1190 4026 1485 1190 170 39 8 120
TPL 50000/10000/±50 33340 10000 50000 5000 35720 3340 1560 x 1560 x 349 1365 x 1240 4306 1560 1240 170 43 8 120
TPL 55000/11000/±50 36670 11000 55000 5500 39290 3670 1625 x 1625 x 367 1415 x 1290 4889 1625 1290 180 44 12 100
TPL 60000/12000/±50 40000 12000 60000 6000 42860 4000 1690 x 1690 x 382 1465 x 1340 5486 1690 1340 190 45 12 100
TPL 65000/13000/±50 43340 13000 65000 6500 46430 4340 1765 x 1765 x 384 1515 x 1390 6087 1765 1390 190 49 8 130
TPL 70000/14000/±50 46670 14000 70000 7000 50000 4670 1835 x 1835 x 413 1565 x 1440 6915 1835 1440 250 42 14 100
TPL 75000/15000/±50 50000 15000 75000 7500 53580 5000 1905 x 1905 x 427 1615 x 1490 7716 1905 1490 250 43 12 120
TPL 80000/16000/±50 53340 16000 80000 8000 57150 5340 1980 x 1980 x 429 1665 x 1540 8231 1980 1540 250 45 16 100
TPL 90000/17000/±50 60000 17000 90000 8500 64290 5670 2090 x 2090 x 448 1765 x 1640 9602 2090 1640 250 48 16 100


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 36 08/12/15 14:30


(anchorages excluded)

Piston Diameter

Pin Protrusion
Plan Dimensions

Pin Diameter
Pot Diameter



Sliding Plate

Net Weight






NSd-Seism NSd-SLU NSd-SLE Do x Do x Htot BxL Wnet Do D’ Dpin tpin

(kN) (kN) (kN) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

TPM 500/±50/±20 340 500 360 175 x 175 x 76 210 x 270 20 175 170 30 15
TPM 1000/±50/±20 670 1000 720 235 x 235 x 81 270 x 330 34 235 230 30 15
TPM 1500 /±50 /±20 1000 1500 1080 255 x 255 x 80 290 x 350 39 255 250 30 15
TPM 2000 /±50 /±20 1340 2000 1430 305 x 305 x 85 340 x 400 55 305 300 30 15
TPM 2500 /±50 /±20 1670 2500 1790 315 x 315 x 90 350 x 410 60 315 310 30 15
TPM 3000 /±50 /±20 2000 3000 2150 335 x 335 x 90 370 x 430 70 335 330 30 15
TPM 3500 /±50 /±20 2340 3500 2500 365 x 365 x 95 400 x 460 85 365 360 30 15
TPM 4000 /±50 /±20 2670 4000 2860 380 x 380 x 99 415 x 475 94 380 375 30 15
TPM 4500 /±50 /±20 3000 4500 3220 405 x 405 x 99 440 x 500 105 405 400 30 15
TPM 5000 /±50 /±20 3340 5000 3580 425 x 425 x 109 460 x 520 127 425 420 30 15
TPM 6000 /±50 /±20 4000 6000 4290 460 x 460 x 113 490 x 550 149 460 450 30 15
TPM 7000 /±50 /±20 4670 7000 5000 495 x 495 x 113 520 x 580 166 495 480 30 15
TPM 8000 /±50 /±20 5340 8000 5720 530 x 530 x 117 550 x 610 200 530 510 30 15
TPM 9000 /±50 /±20 6000 9000 6430 570 x 570 x 127 585 x 645 245 570 545 30 15
TPM 10000 /±50 /±20 6670 10000 7150 600 x 600 x 132 610 x 670 276 600 570 30 15
TPM 11000 /±50 /±20 7340 11000 7860 630 x 630 x 136 635 x 695 315 630 595 30 15
TPM 12000 /±50 /±20 8000 12000 8580 655 x 655 x 136 660 x 720 336 655 620 30 15
TPM 13000 /±50 /±20 8670 13000 9290 680 x 680 x 146 680 x 740 380 680 640 30 16
TPM 14000 /±50 /±20 9340 14000 10000 720 x 720 x 150 720 x 780 444 720 680 30 16
TPM 15000 /±50 /±20 10000 15000 10720 735 x 735 x 150 730 x 790 459 735 690 40 15
TPM 16000 /±50 /±20 10670 16000 11430 755 x 755 x 150 745 x 805 479 755 705 40 15
TPM 17000 /±50 /±20 11340 17000 12150 780 x 780 x 154 770 x 830 521 780 730 40 16
TPM 18000 /±50 /±20 12000 18000 12860 810 x 810 x 154 795 x 855 552 810 755 40 16
TPM 19000 /±50 /±20 12670 19000 13580 830 x 830 x 179 810 x 870 687 830 770 40 17
TPM 20000 /±50 /±20 13340 20000 14290 855 x 855 x 178 830 x 890 710 855 790 40 17
TPM 22500 /±50 /±20 15000 22500 16080 950 x 950 x 192 920 x 980 950 950 880 40 19
TPM 25000 /±50 /±20 16670 25000 17860 965 x 965 x 192 920 x 980 969 965 880 40 20
TPM 27500 /±50 /±20 18340 27500 19650 1010 x 1010 x 206 960 x 1020 1129 1010 920 50 19
TPM 30000 /±50 /±20 20000 30000 21430 1045 x 1045 x 216 990 x 1050 1274 1045 950 50 20
TPM 32500 /±50 /±20 21670 32500 23220 1090 x 1090 x 215 1030 x 1090 1365 1090 990 50 21
TPM 35000 /±50 /±20 23340 35000 25000 1175 x 1175 x 243 1130 x 1190 1798 1175 1090 50 23
TPM 37500 /±50 /±20 25000 37500 26790 1185 x 1185 x 243 1130 x 1190 1819 1185 1090 50 24
TPM 40000 /±50 /±20 26670 40000 28580 1235 x 1235 x 262 1180 x 1240 2154 1235 1140 60 22
TPM 45000 /±50 /±20 30000 45000 32150 1305 x 1305 x 271 1230 x 1290 2460 1305 1190 60 24
TPM 50000 /±50 /±20 33340 50000 35720 1365 x 1365 x 271 1280 x 1340 2658 1365 1240 60 26
TPM 55000 /±50 /±20 36670 55000 39290 1425 x 1425 x 279 1330 x 1390 2960 1425 1290 60 28
TPM 60000 /±50 /±20 40000 60000 42860 1480 x 1480 x 298 1380 x 1440 3443 1480 1340 70 27
TPM 65000 /±50 /±20 43340 65000 46430 1540 x 1540 x 297 1430 x 1490 3676 1540 1390 70 28
TPM 70000 /±50 /±20 46670 70000 50000 1600 x 1600 x 308 1480 x 1540 4081 1600 1440 70 30
TPM 75000 /±50 /±20 50000 75000 53580 1655 x 1655 x 326 1530 x 1590 4632 1655 1490 70 32
TPM 80000 /±50 /±20 53340 80000 57150 1710 x 1710 x 335 1580 x 1640 5073 1710 1540 80 30
TPM 90000 /±50 /±20 60000 90000 64290 1835 x 1835 x 344 1680 x 1740 5918 1835 1640 80 33


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 37 08/12/15 14:30

Fondaco dei Tedeschi building, Venice (Italy)

TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 38 08/12/15 14:30



TENS SPHERICAL bearings can satisfy high

performance requirements, by transferring
considerable forces while allowing important
rotations and displacements

TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 39 08/12/15 14:30


This chapter refers to TENS SPHERICAL bearings (TS).

TENS SPHERICAL bearings are able to transfer vertical and
horizontal loads between the superstructure and the sub-
structure, designed in order to allow the correct transfer
of loads between the different structural elements, and to
guarantee, at the same time, the realization of displace-
ments and rotations according to the design.
They can be used in civil works such as bridges, viaducts,
buildings, roofs, industrial and hydraulic structures, tanks,
military structures etc.
A TENS SPHERICAL bearing is mainly made of three steel
elements: a pot, a spherical steel hinge and a piston.
The first, in contact with the substructure, is obtained from a
steel plate of appropriate thickness, cut to the size and in the
shape (circular or square) required by the design and later
handled through turning.
The spherical steel hinge, coupled to the piston, allows the
absorption of the structure’s rotations. In its lower part, a TSF bearing exploded view
PTFE liner allows displacements through contact with a
stainless steel sheet linked to the basement. The upper part
of the hinge is either coated with a layer of stainless steel or
subjected to a process of chromium plating surfacing that
bestows high levels of hardness, wear resistance and cor-
rosion protection.
The values of friction (generated by the contact between the
stainless steel backing plate and the PTFE, lubricated and
provided with recesses) are minimal and within the standard
The piston has a circular plan shape with a suitable cavity
for the positioning of a PTFE liner, that is adequately shaped
and recessed. It is also partially included in the basement
with minimum backlash (the nominal internal diameter of
the basement is equal to the outer diameter of the piston).
Vertical loads are transferred from the piston to the spheri-
cal hinge, and then to the basement.
The presence of the coupling spherical steel hinge – piston
allows rotations at any horizontal and perpendicular axis to
the curved surface of the spherical steel hinge.
This configuration is at the base of any spherical bearing and
in particular it defines TSF fixed bearings, where translations
are not allowed and horizontal actions are stiffly transferred
through contact between the piston and the basement.
TSM bearing exploded view


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 40 08/12/15 14:30

In the case of free and guided sliding bearings, the sliding
(in one or both directions) takes place by means of contact
between a mirror polished austenitic surface and a dimpled
PTFE liner that can host silicone grease.
In order to obtain a unidirectional bearing one must employ an
inward guide (or two external guides) for the transfer of hori-
zontal loads in the fixed direction (perpendicular to bearing
movement) and for the necessary sliding in the free direction.
Depending on the type of work and on the design specifica-
tions, the bearing’s anchorage can be normally made in the
following ways:
• dowels and screws (typical for cast in situ concrete struc-
• pin (typical for steel or prefabricated superstructure, in
which masonry plates must be provided in order to host
the pin);
• screws (typical for steel or prefabricated concrete struc-
tures, in case there is a linking plate provided with thread-
ed holes and preventively grouted in the structure);
• bonding/friction (any type of structure).

Any additional steel plates can be used between the bearing

and the structure, in order to facilitate installation and pos-
sible future substitutions.

TS bearing presents the following advantages:

• easy installation/substitution;
• durability;
• support of very high vertical loads with negligible vertical
• transmission of very high horizontal loads in the presence
of limited vertical loads (recommended in seismic areas);
• ability to absorb rotations about the vertical axis;
• larger rotations about any horizontal axis as compared to
any other type of bearing with negligible restraint reac-
• the large rotation capability also allows the absorption of
permanent rotations of the structure (as an alternative to
wedge plates);
• ability to transfer high loads with bearing sizes smaller
than other bearing solutions.

TSL/TST bearings exploded view


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 41 08/12/15 14:30


TENS SPHERICAL bearings (TS) can be divided into three

types depending on the granted constraint degrees:


Fixed bearings represent the basic solution, fundamentally
composed of the following parts:
• concave plate: usually circular, provided with special weld-
ed side plates that allow fixing to the structure; it is ob-
tained by turning from a thick metal sheet. In the concave
upper surface, there is a cavity for PTFE, which realizes the
sliding surface together with the spherical steel hinge.
• spherical steel hinge: contained in the basement, it con-
stitutes the central convex element on which the rotation
of the upper piston is set; it is obtained from full-machined
lathe. Its convex shape allows rotation. The recess for PTFE
is obtained through turning in the flat bottom surface.
• base plate: it is obtained through turning from a thick
plate; it presses on the spherical steel hinge and includes
a stainless steel lower surface that, in contact with the
PTFE, allows the necessary sliding for the realization of
relative rotations as required by the design.
• anti-dust systems: elements that prevent dirt and oth-
er external elements from penetrating the inner bearing
parts and the sliding surfaces.

The contact piston-basement allows the rigid transfer of lat-

eral loads between superstructure and substructure.
Fixed bearings are devices that allow the transfer of forces
acting on the horizontal plane.
Translations on the horizontal plane are blocked, while rota-
tions about the vertical and the horizontal axis are allowed.


The configuration of this type of bearing is similar to the pre-
vious one, with the addition of some components that allow
the device to develop translations in a single direction, longi-
tudinal (L) or transverse (T). The transfer of the lateral load
in the fixed direction takes place in a rigid manner. Guided
sliding bearings are able to guarantee the same relative ro-
tations as fixed bearings.


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 42 08/12/15 14:31

In the upper part of the steel piston there is a cavity for the
directional guide and the PTFE sliding plate, provided with
adequate dimples (lubricated with silicone grease). This
guide is made up of a rectangular steel profile, fixed to the
piston by means of high strength screws. The guide presents
a layer of composite material (CM1) on its two vertical sides.
The sliding plate is suitably shaped in order to extract a cav-
ity for containing the guide. The part of the sliding plate in
contact with the CM1 is coated with a stainless steel surface
in order to guarantee contact with a low coefficient of fric-
tion in the displacement direction. In the event of consid-
erable horizontal loads, the central guide can be replaced
with two external guides. In order to avoid dirt contamina-
tion that could increase friction and quickly deteriorate the
PTFE, bearings designed and manufactured by TENSA are
provided with a dust rubber seal positioned around the PTFE
The bearings are also equipped with indicators of displace-
ment that enable a rapid verification during periodic inspec-
tions. Guided sliding TENS SPHERICAL bearing TSL/TST


TSM bearings are able to transfer vertical loads allowing
displacements in every directions of the horizontal plan.
Unlike unidirectional bearings, they are not equipped with
a directional guide. The spherical steel hinge presents a
cavity containing a PTFE liner with minimum backlash and
protruding a few mm.
In contact with this element, there is the upper sliding plate
whose underside is provided with an austenitic stainless
steel surface connected by means of TIG welding.
The sliding interface between dimpled PTFE and stainless
steel is suitably lubricated by means of silicone grease. Fric-
tion and restraint resistance are thus notably reduced.
Bearings designed and manufactured by TENSA are provid-
ed with a dust rubber seal positioned around the PTFE sur- Free sliding TENS SPHERICAL bearing TSM
faces to prevent dirt contamination. They are also equipped
with indicators of displacement that enable a rapid verifica-
tion during periodic inspections.


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 43 08/12/15 14:31

TS bearings can be designed to meet multiple design and/ phase. In particular, two different configurations can be
or construction needs and thus can be integrated with other obtained:
elements, such as:
• a system of load cells and displacement transducers in 1. Displacement interruption and transfer of the seismic
order to estimate size and variations; force developed in a pseudo rigid manner: this can be
• additional elements that make the bearing electrically in- obtained by providing the bearings with a seismic shock
sulated and thus not subject to electro-erosion phenome- absorber (Tens Shock Transmitter Device) that tempo-
na caused by stray currents (e.g. electrified lines); rarily transforms the sliding bearing into a pseudo rigid
• a hydraulic or mechanical system in order to make verti- link. In the case of slow movements they provide a mini-
cal adjustments in case of differential settlements within mal reaction that lets the structure expand and contract
the structure; freely.
• additional elements to support both rare and frequent
tensile loads, functioning at SLS or at ULS, that simulta- 2. Energy dissipation: this can be obtained by linking a
neously allow absorption of the rotations imposed by the hydraulic viscous damper TFVD (Tens Fluid Viscous
structure; Damper) to the bearing or an hysteretic steel device
• additional elements that provide targeted performances TEPD (Tens Elasto-Plastic Device) arranged in series
during the construction/launch phase of the structure in or less to the shock absorber (see previous point). The
order to guarantee other performances in the operating union in a single device that can resist gravity loads, ab-
phase. In this case there can be guided or free sliding sorb structural rotations, guarantee adequate behavior
bearings that become fixed in the operating phase or vice under earthquakes and dissipate energy means that we
versa or many other combinations; can refer to it as a hybrid constraining device and not
• anti-seismic devices that act only during the seismic only as a simple bearing.

Fondaco dei Tedeschi building, Venice (Italy)


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 44 08/12/15 14:31





Concave plate, spherical steel hinge, pot, sliding plates S355J2, S275J2 EN 10025

Sliding surfaces PTFE/TENSA Slide EN 1337-2 / ETA

Sliding surfaces INOX X2 or X5CrNiMo17/12 EN 10088

CM1 Composite material made of three layers: EN 1337-2

a bronze backing strip and a sintered
interlocking porous matrix, impregnated
and overlaid with a PTFE/lead mixture

Lubricating grease Silicone EN 1337-2

Anchor dowels 39NiCrMo3, S355JR EN 10083 or EN 10025

Screws Cl 8.8/10.9/12.9 EN 20898


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 45 08/12/15 14:31


Each spherical bearing is identified with the acronym TS

(TENS SPHERICAL). The numbers here shown represent the
loads in kN and/or displacements in mm at ULS.
Listed below are examples of the three types.

Fixed Horizontal load

bearing (kN)

TS F 1000 / 100
TENS Vertical load

Unidirectional Horizontal load

bearing (kN)

TS U 1000 / 100 / ± 50
TENS Vertical load Displacement

Multidirectional Longitudinal
bearing displacement (mm)

TS M 1000 / ± 50 / ± 25
TENS Vertical load Trasversal
SPHERICAL (kN) displacement (mm)


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 46 08/12/15 14:31


TS bearings catalogue is in accordance with EN 1337, parts DESIGN DISPLACEMENTS

1, 2 and 7. The EN 1337-1 Standard requires the adoption of minimum
The expected maximum vertical load, at ULS, is equal to displacements in longitudinal and transverse directions, re-
100000 kN. spectively ±50 mm and ±20 mm and to increase design dis-
Bearing with greater vertical load can be designed on spe- placements of ±20 mm for non-anchored bearings.
cific request. In this chapter the following minimum displacements are
TEMPERATURE, UPPER AND • Longitudinal displacement = ±50 mm
LOWER SUPPORTS • Transversal displacement = ±20 mm

For the bearing design we have considered the following cri- For rotation the following value is assumed:
teria: • Maximum design rotation αtot = 0.020 rad
• Upper steel support
• Lower concrete support Resistance Class C37/45
• Temperature between -5 °C and +30 °C.
In order to calculate the contact pressure of both lower and
upper supports, in the case of concrete, one has to refer to
the value of EN 1992-1 for localized pressures, quoted in
chapter 6.7.

σRdu=fcd ≤3.0∙fcd

Assuming a maximum value of the ratio
between the areas equal to 2:

Ac1 A
Mdistr= =2



TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 47 08/12/15 14:31


DESIGN LOADS Further assumptions for the design of bearings proposed in

Bearings shall be designed with reference to the following the next paragraph’s sheets:
load combinations: NEd-SLS = NEd-ULS / 1.40
• ULS (for static loads) NEd-Sism = NEd-ULS / 1.50
• ULS (for seismic design situation) VEd-ULS = VEd-Sism x 0.50
• SLS VEd-SLS = VEd-ULS / 1.50

In particular:
NEd-ULS = Maximum vertical load at ULS ANCHORAGE SYSTEMS
VEd-ULS = Maximum lateral load in presence of NEd-ULS This section shows bearings with the following character-
NEd-Sism = Vertical load in presence of VEd-Sism istics:
VEd-Sism = Maximum lateral load at ULS in seismic • Upper anchorage with pin on steel plate
design situation • Lower anchorage with anchor dowels for fixed and guided
NEd-SLS = Vertical load at SLS bearings and embedded with resin for free sliding bearings.
VEd-SLS = Maximum Lateral Load at SLS in presence of NEd-SLS Other types of anchorage can be considered.



TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 48 08/12/15 14:31


(anchorages excluded)

Pin Protrusion
Concave Plate

Pin Diameter



Net Weight








NSd-Seism VSd-Seism NSd-ULS VSd-ULS NSd-SLS VSd-SLS Do x Do x Htot W Do Dpin tp N° dAnchor

(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) ( kN) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

TSF 500/50 340 50 500 25 360 20 220 x 220 x 78 20 205 20 8 2 30

TSF 1000/100 670 100 1000 50 720 40 265 x 265 x 97 37 255 30 9 2 30
TSF 1500/150 1000 150 1500 75 1080 50 295 x 295 x 96 46 285 30 11 4 30
TSF 2000/200 1340 200 2000 100 1430 70 350 x 350 x 97 65 340 30 12 4 30
TSF 2500/250 1670 250 2500 125 1790 90 375 x 375 x 97 75 365 40 12 4 30
TSF 3000/300 2000 300 3000 150 2150 100 415 x 415 x 97 93 415 40 13 4 30
TSF 3500/350 2340 350 3500 175 2500 120 410 x 410 x 96 91 410 40 15 4 30
TSF 4000/400 2670 400 4000 200 2860 140 445 x 445 x 110 121 440 50 14 4 40
TSF 4500/450 3000 450 4500 225 3220 150 465 x 465 x 109 130 460 50 15 4 40
TSF 5000/500 3340 500 5000 250 3580 170 470 x 470 x 114 140 465 50 16 4 40
TSF 6000/600 4000 600 6000 300 4290 200 530 x 530 x 114 174 510 60 16 4 50
TSF 7000/700 4670 700 7000 350 5000 240 570 x 570 x 123 220 550 60 18 4 50
TSF 8000/800 5340 800 8000 400 5720 270 620 x 620 x 127 272 605 60 19 4 50
TSF 9000/900 6000 900 9000 450 6430 300 635 x 635 x 146 327 610 70 19 4 60
TSF 10000/1000 6670 1000 10000 500 7150 340 650 x 650 x 145 339 625 70 20 4 60
TSF 11000/1100 7340 1100 11000 550 7860 370 695 x 695 x 145 390 670 70 22 4 60
TSF 12000/1200 8000 1200 12000 600 8580 400 745 x 745 x 145 451 720 80 21 4 60
TSF 13000/1300 8670 1300 13000 650 9290 440 740 x 740 x 153 469 715 80 23 4 60
TSF 14000/1400 9340 1400 14000 700 10000 470 765 x 765 x 162 529 730 80 25 4 70
TSF 15000/1500 10000 1500 15000 750 10720 500 790 x 790 x 171 599 755 90 24 4 70
TSF 16000/1600 10670 1600 16000 800 11430 540 850 x 850 x 162 654 815 90 25 4 70
TSF 17000/1700 11340 1700 17000 850 12150 570 875 x 875 x 161 691 840 90 26 4 70
TSF 18000/1800 12000 1800 18000 900 12860 600 845 x 845 x 179 701 800 90 27 4 90
TSF 19000/1900 12670 1900 19000 950 13580 640 910 x 910 x 179 816 865 100 26 4 90
TSF 20000/2000 13340 2000 20000 1000 14290 670 930 x 930 x 179 855 885 100 28 4 90
TSF 22500/2250 15000 2250 22500 1125 16080 750 945 x 945 x 188 931 900 100 30 4 90
TSF 25000/2500 16670 2500 25000 1250 17860 840 1035 x 1035 x 187 1120 990 110 31 4 90
TSF 27500/2750 18340 2750 27500 1375 19650 920 1030 x 1030 x 208 1264 985 120 31 4 90
TSF 30000/3000 20000 3000 30000 1500 21430 1000 1090 x 1090 x 217 1464 1035 120 33 4 100
TSF 32500/3250 21670 3250 32500 1625 23220 1090 1130 x 1130 x 226 1651 1075 130 33 4 100
TSF 35000/3500 23340 3500 35000 1750 25000 1170 1175 x 1175 x 226 1793 1120 130 35 4 100
TSF 37500/3750 25000 3750 37500 1875 26790 1250 1170 x 1170 x 253 1998 1115 140 35 4 100
TSF 40000/4000 26670 4000 40000 2000 28580 1340 1235 x 1235 x 254 2261 1190 140 37 4 100
TSF 45000/4500 30000 4500 45000 2250 32150 1500 1385 x 1385 x 234 2606 1340 150 39 8 90
TSF 50000/5000 33340 5000 50000 2500 35720 1670 1455 x 1455 x 242 2993 1410 160 40 8 90
TSF 55000/5500 36670 5500 55000 2750 39290 1840 1510 x 1510 x 261 3489 1465 160 43 8 90
TSF 60000/6000 40000 6000 60000 3000 42860 2000 1565 x 1565 x 270 3870 1510 190 40 8 100
TSF 65000/6500 43340 6500 65000 3250 46430 2170 1615 x 1615 x 269 4116 1560 190 43 8 100
TSF 70000/7000 46670 7000 70000 3500 50000 2340 1680 x 1680 x 288 4791 1625 200 44 8 100
TSF 75000/7500 50000 7500 75000 3750 53580 2500 1730 x 1730 x 306 5426 1675 210 45 8 100
TSF 80000/8000 53340 8000 80000 4000 57150 2670 1875 x 1875 x 294 6181 1830 210 48 8 100
TSF 90000/9000 60000 9000 90000 4500 64290 3000 1965 x 1965 x 302 6862 1900 230 49 8 120
TSF 100000/10000 66670 10000 100000 5000 71430 3340 2045 x 2045 x 331 8151 1980 240 52 8 120


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 49 08/12/15 14:31


(anchorages excluded)

Pin Protrusion
Concave Plate

Pin Diameter



Net Weight








NSd-Seism VSd-Seism NSd-ULS VSd-ULS NSd-SLS VSd-SLS Do x Do x Htot W Do Dpin tp N° dAnchor

(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) ( kN) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

TSF 500/150 340 150 500 75 360 50 230 x 230 x 93 27 220 30 11 4 30

TSF 1000/300 670 300 1000 150 720 100 280 x 280 x 105 47 280 40 13 4 30
TSF 1500/450 1000 450 1500 225 1080 150 305 x 305 x 107 55 300 50 15 4 40
TSF 2000/600 1340 600 2000 300 1430 200 395 x 395 x 109 91 375 60 16 4 50
TSF 2500/750 1670 750 2500 375 1790 250 405 x 405 x 120 109 390 60 19 4 50
TSF 3000/900 2000 900 3000 450 2150 300 450 x 450 x 125 139 425 70 19 4 60
TSF 3500/1050 2340 1050 3500 525 2500 350 450 x 450 x 142 159 425 70 21 4 60
TSF 4000/1200 2670 1200 4000 600 2860 400 505 x 505 x 142 203 480 80 21 4 60
TSF 4500/1350 3000 1350 4500 675 3220 450 515 x 515 x 144 212 480 80 23 4 70
TSF 5000/1500 3340 1500 5000 750 3580 500 515 x 515 x 162 243 480 90 25 4 70
TSF 6000/1800 4000 1800 6000 900 4290 600 545 x 545 x 170 271 500 90 28 4 90
TSF 7000/2100 4670 2100 7000 1050 5000 700 635 x 635 x 171 384 590 100 29 4 90
TSF 8000/2400 5340 2400 8000 1200 5720 800 705 x 705 x 170 475 660 110 30 4 90
TSF 9000/2700 6000 2700 9000 1350 6430 900 690 x 690 x 198 533 645 120 32 4 90
TSF 10000/3000 6670 3000 10000 1500 7150 1000 745 x 745 x 197 619 690 120 33 4 100
TSF 11000/3300 7340 3300 11000 1650 7860 1100 760 x 760 x 216 709 705 130 34 4 100
TSF 12000/3600 8000 3600 12000 1800 8580 1200 805 x 805 x 206 763 750 130 36 4 100
TSF 13000/3900 8670 3900 13000 1950 9290 1300 820 x 820 x 214 843 775 140 37 4 100
TSF 14000/4200 9340 4200 14000 2100 10000 1400 870 x 870 x 214 955 825 140 39 4 100
TSF 15000/4500 10000 4500 15000 2250 10720 1500 895 x 895 x 223 1039 850 150 39 8 90
TSF 16000/4800 10670 4800 16000 2400 11430 1600 910 x 910 x 232 1124 865 150 41 8 90
TSF 17000/5100 11340 5100 17000 2550 12150 1700 980 x 980 x 233 1314 935 160 41 8 90
TSF 18000/5400 12000 5400 18000 2700 12860 1800 1025 x 1025 232 1442 980 160 43 8 90
TSF 19000/5700 12670 5700 19000 2850 13580 1900 1075 x 1075 233 1577 1020 180 41 8 100
TSF 20000/6000 13340 6000 20000 3000 14290 2000 1065 x 1065 251 1687 1010 190 43 8 100
TSF 22500/6300 15000 6300 22500 3150 16080 2100 1105 x 1105 249 1795 1050 190 44 8 100
TSF 25000/6600 16670 6600 25000 3300 17860 2200 1115 x 1115 x 268 1963 1060 190 45 8 100
TSF 27500/6900 18340 6900 27500 3450 19650 2300 1150 x 1150 x 277 2161 1095 200 45 8 100
TSF 30000/7200 20000 7200 30000 3600 21430 2400 1240 x 1240 x 257 2346 1185 200 45 8 100
TSF 32500/7500 21670 7500 32500 3750 23220 2500 1270 x 1270 x 275 2637 1215 210 45 8 100
TSF 35000/7800 23340 7800 35000 3900 25000 2600 1335 x 1335 x 275 2940 1290 210 47 8 100
TSF 37500/8200 25000 8200 37500 4100 26790 2740 1395 x 1395 x 275 3230 1350 220 47 8 100
TSF 40000/8600 26670 8600 40000 4300 28580 2870 1365 x 1365 x 302 3290 1300 220 49 8 120
TSF 45000/9000 30000 9000 45000 4500 32150 3000 1465 x 1465 x 301 3797 1400 230 49 8 120
TSF 50000/10000 33340 10000 50000 5000 35720 3340 1555 x 1555 x 321 4583 1490 240 52 8 120
TSF 55000/11000 36670 11000 55000 5500 39290 3670 1760 x 1760 x 291 5445 1705 250 54 12 100
TSF 60000/12000 40000 12000 60000 6000 42860 4000 1815 x 1815 x 309 6270 1770 260 57 12 100
TSF 65000/13000 43340 13000 65000 6500 46430 4340 1870 x 1870 x 317 6692 1750 270 59 8 130
TSF 70000/14000 46670 14000 70000 7000 50000 4670 1935 x 1935 x 325 7547 1890 280 61 14 100
TSF 75000/15000 50000 15000 75000 7500 53580 5000 1990 x 1990 x 343 8280 1925 290 63 12 120
TSF 80000/16000 53340 16000 80000 8000 57150 5340 2045 x 2045 x 362 9391 2000 300 65 16 100
TSF 90000/17000 60000 17000 90000 8500 64290 5670 2250 x 2250 x 352 10971 2205 310 66 16 100
TSF 100000/18000 66670 18000 100000 9000 71430 6000 2290 x 2290 x 378 12099 2225 320 68 14 120


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 50 08/12/15 14:31


(anchorages excluded)

Pin Protrusion
Plan Dimensions

Concave Plate
Pot Diameter

Pin Diameter



Sliding Plate

Net Weight








NSd-Seism VSd-Seism NSd-ULS VSd-ULS NSd-SLS VSd-SLS D’ x D’ x Htot BxL W D’ Do Dpin tp N° dAnchor
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) ( kN) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

TSL 500/50±50 340 50 500 25 360 20 230 x 230 x 119 190 x 290 38 230 185 20 8 2 30
TSL 1000/100±50 670 100 1000 50 720 40 270 x 270 x 127 230 x 330 56 270 225 30 9 2 30
TSL 1500/150±50 1000 150 1500 75 1080 50 325 x 325 x 124 280 x 380 78 325 280 30 11 4 30
TSL 2000/200±50 1340 200 2000 100 1430 70 350 x 350 x 129 305 x 405 94 350 305 30 12 4 30
TSL 2500/250±50 1670 250 2500 125 1790 90 380 x 380 x 143 330 x 430 122 380 330 40 12 4 30
TSL 3000/300±50 2000 300 3000 150 2150 100 420 x 420 x 129 375 x 475 136 420 375 40 13 4 30
TSL 3500/350±50 2340 350 3500 175 2500 120 420 x 420 x 147 370 x 470 153 420 370 40 15 4 30
TSL 4000/400±50 2670 400 4000 200 2860 140 440 x 440 x 157 390 x 490 179 440 390 50 14 4 40
TSL 4500/450±50 3000 450 4500 225 3220 150 455 x 455 x 155 410 x 510 192 455 410 50 15 4 40
TSL 5000/500±50 3340 500 5000 250 3580 170 500 x 500 x 146 450 x 550 218 500 450 50 16 4 40
TSL 6000/600±50 4000 600 6000 300 4290 200 525 x 525 x 170 480 x 580 291 525 480 60 16 4 50
TSL 7000/700±50 4670 700 7000 350 5000 240 555 x 555 x 179 495 x 595 333 555 495 60 18 4 50
TSL 8000/800±50 5340 800 8000 400 5720 270 570 x 570 x 187 520 x 620 372 570 520 60 20 4 50
TSL 9000/900±50 6000 900 9000 450 6430 300 630 x 630 x 178 570 x 670 436 630 570 70 19 4 60
TSL 10000/1000±50 6670 1000 10000 500 7150 340 665 x 665 x 187 595 x 695 499 665 595 70 21 4 60
TSL 11000/1100±50 7340 1100 11000 550 7860 370 685 x 685 x 201 615 x 715 571 685 615 70 22 4 60
TSL 12000/1200±50 8000 1200 12000 600 8580 400 740 x 740 x 191 660 x 760 624 740 660 80 21 4 60
TSL 13000/1300±50 8670 1300 13000 650 9290 440 725 x 725 x 209 655 x 755 672 725 655 80 23 4 70
TSL 14000/1400±50 9340 1400 14000 700 10000 470 760 x 760 x 210 675 x 775 724 760 675 80 24 4 70
TSL 15000/1500±50 10000 1500 15000 750 10720 500 835 x 835 x 205 735 x 835 849 835 735 90 23 4 70
TSL 16000/1600±50 10670 1600 16000 800 11430 540 845 x 845 x 215 755 x 855 923 845 755 90 24 4 70
TSL 17000/1700±50 11340 1700 17000 850 12150 570 850 x 850 x 223 755 x 855 957 850 755 90 26 4 70
TSL 18000/1800±50 12000 1800 18000 900 12860 600 895 x 895 x 232 785 x 885 1120 895 785 90 27 4 90
TSL 19000/1900±50 12670 1900 19000 950 13580 640 905 x 905 x 232 805 x 905 1156 905 805 100 26 4 90
TSL 20000/2000±50 13340 2000 20000 1000 14290 670 900 x 900 x 251 795 x 895 1212 900 795 100 27 4 90
TSL 22500/2250±50 15000 2250 22500 1125 16080 750 940 x 940 x 258 830 x 930 1357 940 830 100 29 4 90
TSL 25000/2500±50 16670 2500 25000 1250 17860 840 985 x 985 x 27278 870 x 970 1594 985 870 110 30 4 90
TSL 27500/2750±50 18340 2750 27500 1375 19650 920 1045 x 1045 x 280 925 x 1025 1811 1045 925 120 30 4 90
TSL 30000/3000±50 20000 3000 30000 1500 21430 1000 1185 x 1185 x 258 1030 x 1130 2117 1185 1030 120 32 4 100
TSL 32500/3250±50 21670 3250 32500 1625 23220 1090 1120 x 1120 x 297 995 x 1095 2217 1120 995 130 32 4 100
TSL 35000/3500±50 23340 3500 35000 1750 25000 1170 1245 x 1245 x 288 1090 x 1190 2633 1245 1090 130 34 4 100
TSL 37500/3750±50 25000 3750 37500 1875 26790 1250 1270 x 1270 x 307 1120 x 1220 2924 1270 1120 140 34 4 100
TSL 40000/4000±50 26670 4000 40000 2000 28580 1340 1315 x 1315 x 306 1145 x 1245 3094 1315 1145 140 36 4 100
TSL 45000/4500±50 30000 4500 45000 2250 32150 1500 1380 x 1380 x 315 1200 x 1300 3489 1380 1200 150 37 8 90
TSL 50000/5000±50 33340 5000 50000 2500 35720 1670 1445 x 1445 x 343 1255 x 1355 4146 1445 1255 160 39 8 90
TSL 55000/5500±50 36670 5500 55000 2750 39290 1840 1500 x 1500 x 353 1300 x 1400 4550 1500 1300 180 38 8 90
TSL 60000/6000±50 40000 6000 60000 3000 42860 2000 1640 x 1640 x 340 1415 x 1515 5304 1640 1415 190 39 8 100
TSL 65000/6500±50 43340 6500 65000 3250 46430 2170 1620 x 1620 x 390 1385 x 1485 5817 1620 1385 190 44 8 100
TSL 70000/7000±50 46670 7000 70000 3500 50000 2340 1670 x 1670 x 409 1425 x 1525 6441 1670 1425 200 45 8 100
TSL 75000/7500±50 50000 7500 75000 3750 53580 2500 1720 x 1720 x 419 1465 x 1565 6946 1720 1465 210 45 8 100
TSL 80000/8000±50 53340 8000 80000 4000 57150 2670 1860 x 1860 x 396 1580 x 1680 7695 1860 1580 210 48 8 100
TSL 90000/9000±50 60000 9000 90000 4500 64290 3000 1855 x 1855 x 475 1580 x 1680 9138 1855 1580 230 49 8 120
TSL 100000/10000±50 66670 10000 100000 5000 71430 3340 2030 x 2030 x 472 1735 x 1835 10965 2030 1735 240 52 8 120


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 51 08/12/15 14:31


(anchorages excluded)

Pin Protrusion
Plan Dimensions

Concave Plate
Pot Diameter

Pin Diameter



Sliding Plate

Net Weight








NSd-Seism VSd-Seism NSd-ULS VSd-ULS NSd-SLS VSd-SLS D’ x D’ x Htot BxL W D’ Do Dpin tp N° dAnchor
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) ( kN) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

TSL 500/150±50 340 150 500 75 360 50 235 x 235 x 119 210 x 310 43 235 190 30 11 4 30
TSL 1000/300±50 670 300 1000 150 720 100 295 x 295 x 133 265 x 365 76 295 250 40 13 4 30
TSL 1500/450±50 1000 450 1500 225 1080 150 330 x 330 x 145 305 x 405 105 330 285 50 15 4 40
TSL 2000/600±50 1340 600 2000 300 1430 200 355 x 355 x 159 335 x 435 136 355 315 60 16 4 50
TSL 2500/750±50 1670 750 2500 375 1790 250 385 x 385 x 157 360 x 460 156 385 340 60 19 4 50
TSL 3000/900±50 2000 900 3000 450 2150 300 415 x 415 x 166 385 x 485 193 415 365 70 19 4 60
TSL 3500/1050±50 2340 1050 3500 525 2500 350 495 x 495 x 156 420 x 520 236 495 420 70 21 4 60
TSL 4000/1200±50 2670 1200 4000 600 2860 400 500 x 500 x 193 440 x 540 304 500 420 80 21 4 60
TSL 4500/1350±50 3000 1350 4500 675 3220 450 545 x 545 x 193 460 x 560 357 545 455 80 23 4 70
TSL 5000/1500±50 3340 1500 5000 750 3580 500 545 x 545 x 204 480 x 580 384 545 460 90 23 4 70
TSL 6000/1800±50 4000 1800 6000 900 4290 600 590 x 590 x 232 520 x 620 524 590 500 90 27 4 90
TSL 7000/2100±50 4670 2100 7000 1050 5000 700 660 x 660 x 232 560 x 660 613 660 540 100 28 4 90
TSL 8000/2400±50 5340 2400 8000 1200 5720 800 695 x 695 x 241 590 x 690 692 695 570 110 29 4 90
TSL 9000/2700±50 6000 2700 9000 1350 6430 900 775 x 775 x 241 610 x 710 790 775 600 120 29 4 90
TSL 10000/3000±50 6670 3000 10000 1500 7150 1000 805 x 805 x 250 655 x 755 934 805 635 120 32 4 100
TSL 11000/3300±50 7340 3300 11000 1650 7860 1100 800 x 800 x 258 680 x 780 998 800 660 130 32 4 100
TSL 12000/3600±50 8000 3600 12000 1800 8580 1200 905 x 905 x 249 700 x 800 1100 905 690 130 35 4 100
TSL 13000/3900±50 8670 3900 13000 1950 9290 1300 895 x 895 x 268 725 x 825 1213 895 705 140 35 4 100
TSL 14000/4200±50 9340 4200 14000 2100 10000 1400 965 x 965 x 268 755 x 855 1361 965 735 140 37 4 100
TSL 15000/4500±50 10000 4500 15000 2250 10720 1500 970 x 970 x 277 780 x 880 1471 970 760 150 37 8 90
TSL 16000/4800±50 10670 4800 16000 2400 11430 1600 1005 x 1005 275 800 x 900 1549 1005 780 150 39 8 90
TSL 17000/5100±50 11340 5100 17000 2550 12150 1700 1015 x 1015 x 304 825 x 925 1762 1015 805 160 39 8 90
TSL 18000/5400±50 12000 5400 18000 2700 12860 1800 1065 x 1065 315 855 x 955 1982 1065 835 160 43 8 90
TSL 19000/5700±50 12670 5700 19000 2850 13580 1900 1100 x 1100 324 875 x 975 2172 1100 855 180 41 8 100
TSL 20000/6000±50 13340 6000 20000 3000 14290 2000 1140 x 1140 314 890 x 990 2208 1140 870 190 40 8 100
TSL 22500/6300±50 15000 6300 22500 3150 16080 2100 1170 x 1170 x 341 930 x 1030 2556 1170 910 190 42 8 100
TSL 25000/6600±50 16670 6600 25000 3300 17860 2200 1200 x 1200 x 341 960 x 1060 2689 1200 940 190 44 8 100
TSL 27500/6900±50 18340 6900 27500 3450 19650 2300 1260 x 1260 x 349 995 x 1095 2959 1260 975 200 44 8 100
TSL 30000/7200±50 20000 7200 30000 3600 21430 2400 1385 x 1385 x 328 1035 x 1135 3202 1385 1035 200 45 8 100
TSL 32500/7500±50 21670 7500 32500 3750 23220 2500 1400 x 1400 x 348 1065 x 1165 3507 1400 1065 210 45 8 100
TSL 35000/7800±50 23340 7800 35000 3900 25000 2600 1455 x 1455 x 357 1095 x 1195 3847 1455 1095 210 47 8 100
TSL 37500/8200±50 25000 8200 37500 4100 26790 2740 1470 x 1470 x 377 1120 x 1220 4173 1470 1120 220 47 8 100
TSL 40000/8600±50 26670 8600 40000 4300 28580 2870 1530 x 1530 x 386 1150 x 1250 4616 1530 1150 220 49 8 120
TSL 45000/9000±50 30000 9000 45000 4500 32150 3000 1580 x 1580 x 394 1205 x 1305 5051 1580 1205 230 49 8 120
TSL 50000/10000±50 33340 10000 50000 5000 35720 3340 1665 x 1665 x 413 1260 x 1360 5792 1665 1260 240 52 8 120
TSL 55000/11000±50 36670 11000 55000 5500 39290 3670 1740 x 1740 x 442 1330 x 1430 6675 1740 1310 250 54 12 100
TSL 60000/12000±50 40000 12000 60000 6000 42860 4000 1795 x 1795 x 460 1380 x 1480 7448 1795 1360 260 57 12 100
TSL 65000/13000±50 43340 13000 65000 6500 46430 4340 1875 x 1875 x 480 1445 x 1545 8596 1875 1425 270 59 8 130
TSL 70000/14000±50 46670 14000 70000 7000 50000 4670 1925 x 1925 x 497 1490 x 1590 9297 1925 1470 280 61 14 100
TSL 75000/15000±50 50000 15000 75000 7500 53580 5000 2065 x 2065 x 495 1550 x 1650 10483 2065 1550 290 63 12 120
TSL 80000/16000±50 53340 16000 80000 8000 57150 5340 2125 x 2125 x 506 1595 x 1695 11235 2125 1590 300 65 16 100
TSL 90000/17000±50 60000 17000 90000 8500 64290 5670 2225 x 2225 x 531 1670 x 1770 12924 2225 1670 310 66 16 100
TSL 100000/18000±50 66670 18000 100000 9000 71430 6000 2275 x 2275 x 559 1740 x 1840 14465 2275 1740 320 68 14 120


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 52 08/12/15 14:31


(anchorages excluded)

Pin Protrusion
Plan Dimensions

Concave Plate

Pin Diameter



Sliding Plate

Net Weight








NSd-Seism NSd-ULS NSd-SLS Do x Do x Htot BxL W Do Dpin tp N° dAnchor

(kN) (kN) (kN) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

TSM 500/±50/±20 340 500 360 155 x 155 x 77 230 x 290 21 155 30 6 2 30
TSM 1000/±50/±20 670 1000 720 195 x 195 x 84 270 x 330 31 195 30 6 2 30
TSM 1500/±50/±20 1000 1500 1080 240 x 240 x 78 325 x 385 43 240 30 7 2 30
TSM 2000/±50/±20 1340 2000 1430 265 x 265 x 80 350 x 410 50 265 30 7 2 30
TSM 2500/±50/±20 1670 2500 1790 290 x 290 x 91 375 x 435 68 290 30 7 2 30
TSM 3000/±50/±20 2000 3000 2150 325 x 325 x 85 420 x 480 80 325 30 8 2 30
TSM 3500/±50/±20 2340 3500 2500 330 x 330 x 99 415 x 475 90 330 30 8 2 30
TSM 4000/±50/±20 2670 4000 2860 350 x 350 x 105 435 x 495 103 350 30 8 2 30
TSM 4500/±50/±20 3000 4500 3220 380 x 380 x 103 475 x 535 125 380 30 9 2 30
TSM 5000/±50/±20 3340 5000 3580 395 x 395 x 101 490 x 550 132 395 30 9 2 30
TSM 6000/±50/±20 4000 6000 4290 425 x 425 x 106 520 x 580 155 425 30 10 2 30
TSM 7000/±50/±20 4670 7000 5000 465 x 465 x 109 565 x 625 195 465 30 10 2 30
TSM 8000/±50/±20 5340 8000 5720 490 x 490 x 111 590 x 650 216 490 30 11 2 30
TSM 9000/±50/±20 6000 9000 6430 515 x 515 x 117 615 x 675 247 515 30 12 2 30
TSM 10000/±50/±20 6670 10000 7150 565 x 565 x 111 685 x 745 297 565 30 12 2 40
TSM 11000/±50/±20 7340 11000 7860 575 x 575 x 123 685 x 745 327 575 40 11 2 40
TSM 12000/±50/±20 8000 12000 8580 595 x 595 x 130 705 x 765 363 595 40 12 2 40
TSM 13000/±50/±20 8670 13000 9290 630 x 630 x 123 745 x 805 399 630 40 12 2 40
TSM 14000/±50/±20 9340 14000 10000 635 x 635 x 135 745 x 805 430 635 40 13 2 40
TSM 15000/±50/±20 10000 15000 10720 665 x 665 x 134 780 x 840 469 665 40 13 2 50
TSM 16000/±50/±20 10670 16000 11430 680 x 680 x 137 795 x 855 497 680 40 14 2 50
TSM 17000/±50/±20 11340 17000 12150 695 x 695 x 140 810 x 870 539 695 40 14 2 50
TSM 18000/±50/±20 12000 18000 12860 715 x 715 x 152 830 x 890 606 715 40 15 2 50
TSM 19000/±50/±20 12670 19000 13580 735 x 735 x 149 850 x 910 628 735 40 15 2 50
TSM 20000/±50/±20 13340 20000 14290 785 x 785 x 138 925 x 985 700 785 50 14 2 50
TSM 22500/±50/±20 15000 22500 16080 825 x 825 x 149 965 x 1025 814 825 50 15 2 60
TSM 25000/±50/±20 16670 25000 17860 860 x 860 x 15155 1000 x 1060 943 860 50 16 2 60
TSM 27500/±50/±20 18340 27500 19650 880 x 880 x 17176 970 x 1030 986 880 50 17 2 60
TSM 30000/±50/±20 20000 30000 21430 930 x 930 x 172 1070 x 1130 1176 930 60 16 2 60
TSM 32500/±50/±20 21670 32500 23220 960 x 960 x 17179 1100 x 1160 1282 960 60 17 2 60
TSM 35000/±50/±20 23340 35000 25000 1000 x 1000 x 175 1130 x 1190 1341 1000 60 18 4 50
TSM 37500/±50/±20 25000 37500 26790 1065 x 1065 x 185 1235 x 1295 1689 1065 60 19 4 50
TSM 40000/±50/±20 26670 40000 28580 1090 x 1090 x 183 1260 x 1320 1742 1090 60 19 4 50
TSM 45000/±50/±20 30000 45000 32150 1150 x 1150 x 196 1320 x 1380 2039 1150 70 19 4 60
TSM 50000/±50/±20 33340 50000 35720 1200 x 1200 x 222 1295 x 1355 2282 1200 70 20 4 60
TSM 55000/±50/±20 36670 55000 39290 1260 x 1260 x 216 1415 x 1475 2628 1260 70 22 4 60
TSM 60000/±50/±20 40000 60000 42860 1320 x 1320 x 220 1460 x 1520 2867 1320 80 21 4 60
TSM 65000/±50/±20 43340 65000 46430 1375 x 1375 x 235 1500 x 1560 3224 1375 80 23 4 60
TSM 70000/±50/±20 46670 70000 50000 1430 x 1430 x 249 1535 x 1595 3685 1430 80 24 4 70
TSM 75000/±50/±20 50000 75000 53580 1480 x 1480 x 253 1585 x 1645 3973 1480 90 23 4 70
TSM 80000/±50/±20 53340 80000 57150 1530 x 1530 x 268 1620 x 1680 4395 1530 90 24 4 70
TSM 90000/±50/±20 60000 90000 64290 1625 x 1625 x 286 1700 x 1760 5279 1625 90 27 4 90
TSM 100000/±50/±20 66670 100000 71430 1715 x 1715 x 305 1770 x 1830 6104 1715 100 28 4 90


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 53 08/12/15 14:31

Train line viaduct, Oued Tlélat-Tlemcen (Algeria)

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An overlook of the regulations and the operational

procedures that warrant the efficiency
of our bearing systems

TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 55 08/12/15 14:31


In order to guarantee the requested degree of protection The standards protocol calls for the first inspection after one
from atmospheric agents, the steel elements are expected year from the installation. Subsequent periodic inspections
to undergo a protective cycle, according to the EN 1337-9 shall be performed every 5 years unless in the meantime the
requirements. In case certain projects or specifications re- structure experiences seismic events. In this case an addi-
quire a higher corrosion resistance, a different cycle in com- tional inspection is required. The inspection form prepared
pliance with ISO 12944 can be considered. by TENSA must be filled out with care and in the case of any
deviation from the acceptable parameters the supplier shall
be immediately informed for a more accurate check of the
bearing. The periodic inspection allows the assessment of
the correct (or incorrect) behavior of the bearing in relation
to the geometry taken on due to acting loads and to control
the state of anticorrosive protection with the possibility of
intervention with localized touch ups. During inspections the
following properties should be controlled:

• sufficient residual motion capability, bearing in mind the
structure’s temperature;

• visible defects: cracking, incorrect positioning, unexpect-
ed movements and deformations;
• condition of sealing and fastening;
• condition of anticorrosive protection, dust covers and
• condition of sliding surfaces;
• visible defects of the adjacent structural parts.

Bearings must always be handled with particular care in

order to avoid possible damage (for the lifting it is recom-
mended to use bandages, thus avoiding contact with wires
and steel chains or other materials).

If bearings are not immediately installed upon arrival on

site, the client shall store them appropriately and protect
them from collisions, humidity, heat sources and any other
possible conditions that do not comply with TENSA’s storage


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 56 08/12/15 14:31


As far as the choice of anchorage is concerned, one must

refer to the EN 1337-1 Standard, which expects the bearings
to be mechanically linked to the structure in at least one of
the following situations:

CASE I: When the structure undergoes dynamic stresses

with possible extreme load fluctuations, for example in case
of seismic action or in railway bridges, friction must not ex-
ert resistance against lateral forces.

CASE II: When the non-sliding condition does not happen

at ULS, namely when the following inequality is not being
VEd≤ VRd

VEd= design shear force

VRd= ∙NSd+Vpd = design value of the shear strength

NEd= minimun design force acting perpendicularly to the
contact surface
Vpd= design strength of all mechanical fastening devices
μk= characteristic value of the friction coefficient (0.4 steel
on steel, 0.6 steel on concrete)
γμ= partial safety factor for friction (2.0 steel on steel, 1.2
steel on concrete)
In bearing devices with mechanical anchorage, lateral loads
are commonly transmitted to the structure through one of
the following systems:
• Screws. Shear passes directly in the used screw. This
solution minimizes the lifting of the structure during sub-
• Embedded screws and dowels. The shear-resistant sec-
tion is the one of the used dowels and not of the screw; it is
able to transfer a greater force by limiting the dimensions
of the screws and dowels;
• Steel pins. The shear-resistant section is that of the pin.
Where usable, it allows a more rapid installation. Tens Spherical Bearings -
Train Line viaduct, Oued Tlelat Tlemcem


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 57 08/12/15 14:31

Train line viaduct, Oued Tlélat-Tlemcen (Algeria)

TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 58 08/12/15 14:31

TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 59 08/12/15 14:31

TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 60 08/12/15 14:31



Testing and control are fundamental processes

that guarantee our clients the quality
and efficiency of our bearings

TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 61 08/12/15 14:31


Bearings are produced according to the EN ISO 9001:2008 For EU market, TR, TP and TS bearings are designed and
quality system and to what is further agreed with the con- produced by TENSA in accordance with the European EN
tractor. 1337 regulations and decrees.
The whole design and production process linked to CE
marked bearing (EN 1337-2, EN 1337-3, EN 1337-5, EN
1337-7) is being controlled through operating instructions,
quality control plans and quality registration documents
(FPC - Factory Production Control). In particular, controls
on raw materials, production and finishing parameters en-
sure that all delivered products meet the requested provi- Traceability and information on each individual bearing
sion as far as expected performances, quality and durability manufactured is always guaranteed.
are concerned.
Bearings are provided with an aluminum nameplate that
Moreover TENSA is being regularly inspected by independ- conveys the following indications:
ent certification bodies. • certification body’s identification number;
• name or identification brand of the producer;
For products manufactured under the requirements of EN • registered address of the producer;
1337-3, EN 1337-5 and EN 1337-7, bearings are accompa- • the last two digits of the year when the Certification was
nied by the declaration of constancy of performance in ac- obtained,
cordance with the CPR 305/2011. • number of the Certificate of Conformity;
• number of the Declaration of Constancy of Performance;
In the case of non CE marked products, TENSA will provide, • reference to the current European Standard;
along with the bearings, a declaration of conformity to the • product description: generic name, materials, dimen-
requirements of the standard adopted for the design and sions and intended use.

Alternatively, TENSA is able to design and produce bearings

in accordance with any applicable international code, includ-
ing AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification, BS 5400, DIN
4141, SETRA, FEMA, ASCE, etc. and/or according to particu-
lar project specifications.


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 62 08/12/15 14:31


Some standards (AASHTO LRFD, ASCE, ...) require the ex- TENSA laboratory is provided with a series of jacks with
perimental evidence of the bearing’s properties and perfor- different load and stroke capacities. The testing equipment
mances. The purpose of testing is to ensure the good quality reaches a vertical load capacity of 35000 kN, an horizontal
of the manufactured bearings. The requested tests can be load capacity of 2000 kN and a displacement of +/- 200 mm.
carried out in the internal laboratory: TENSA has the neces- The output data are processed by the Technical Department
sary equipments, personnel and skills. thanks to an ad-hoc software.

Compression stiffness test

on rubber bearing

Horizontal stiffness test

on rubber bearing


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 63 08/12/15 14:31

Jamal Abdul Nasser Street, Kuwait City (Kuwait)

TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 64 08/12/15 14:31



The installation methods are conceived starting

from the first phases of the bearing design

TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 65 08/12/15 14:31


For the installation of bearings, it is recommended to stick to IN THE CASE OF STEEL BEAMS IT IS
TENSA’s provisions. In general, bearings should be installed in
accordance with the indications reported on them that indicate
the direction of the installation, as well as possible presets. EXPLAINED BELOW:
Bearings need to be always horizontally positioned. In the • Reinforcement of the plinth with positioning of perforated
case of sloping decks, it is recommended, in any case, to con- sheaths (such as those used in post tensioning) or polysty-
tact TENSA’s Technical Department in order to find the most rene in order to create space for anchor bolts;
suitable solutions in relation to design requirements (steel • Casting of the plinth;
wedges, resin prisms, compensatory casting etc.). • Positioning of bearings provided with upper plate previ-
It is quite common to use upper and lower anchorage systems, ously positioned and insertion of dowels in the spaces ob-
such as steel dowels linked to the bearing through screws that tained in the plinth;
allow any replacement or pins placed in either cavities inside • Positioning of the metallic beam with transfer of loads to
the structure or in preventively positioned masonry plates. the bearings;
The link to the structure, if allowed by the regulations and the • Grouting of dowels;
design, can also be done through bedding and bonding with • Welding of the plate to the steel beam;
epoxy resin. • Local varnishing in order to restore the anticorrosive pro-
Listed below are the most common setup procedures:
WITH PREFABRICATED BEAMS: • Reinforcement of the plinth with positioning of perforated
• Reinforcement of the plinth with positioning of perforated sheaths (like those used in post tensioning) or polystyrene
sheaths (such as those used for post tensioning) or poly- in order to create space for anchor bolts;
styrene in order to create space for anchor bolts; • Casting of the plinth;
• Casting of the plinth; • Positioning and insertion of bearings in the dedicated
• Positioning of bearings by inserting the dowels in the spaces ;
spaces but without grouting; • Positioning of formworks and scaffolding deck;
• Positioning of the prefabricated beam (or steel beam) and • Casting of the deck;
fixing of the bearing to the beam (to achieve this there will • Grouting of anchor dowels.
have to be a steel plate inside the beam in order to link the
bearing). In this phase the load is still on the crane used to
move the beam;
• Transfer of the load from the crane to the bearing ;
• Grouting of anchor dowels.


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 66 08/12/15 14:31


steel wedge

a) Hydraulic

base base
sharing sharing
plate plate


STEEL SHIMS: bottom socket already embedded

• Reinforcement of the plinth with positioning of perforated

sheaths (like those used in post tensioning) or polystyrene
in order to create space for anchor bolts; Socket

• Casting of the plinth a few cm below the design level; steel


• Positioning of a lower metallic plate with anchor dowels,

wedge wedge


but without grouting; b) Hydraulic


• Realization or positioning of the deck on temporary steel base


shims at its definite level;

• Insertion and linking of bearings to the metallic lower
plate and then to the deck (the bearing reaches perfect bottom socket already embedded

flatness by means of wooden wedges that have to be posi-

tioned between the plinth and the beam);
• Preparation of a formwork on the plinth in order to pro- Socket

ceed with the contextual grouting of dowels and mortar steel


bedding of the bearing;

wedge wedge


• Once the bedding casting has reached the minimum de- c) Hydraulic

sign strength, the load can be transferred from temporary base


steel shims to the bearings.

Once the installation is completed, the temporary fixing

bottom socket already embedded

plates will have to be removed. Such plates have the sole

aim of maintaining the bearing bundled for displacement,
transport and installation. Socket

steel steel
slope slope
wedge wedge


New bearing

base base sliding

sharing sharing surface

A deck lifting is required to replace the bearing. It can be plate plate

variable from a few millimeters up to 3-4 centimeters and it

depends on the type of anchorages and on the type of struc- bottom socket already embedded

Lifting is obtained by hydraulic jacks located in an appropri-
ate position defined by the structures’ designer.
For a ‘standard’ replacement of a bearing with upper and

steel slope

bottom dowels/bolts the following phases are necessary: slope wedge

wedge Locknut

a) Positioning of the hydraulic jacks and displacement trans-


e) Hydraulic
max 5mm

ducers and removal of dowels/bolts from upper and bottom



plate base

b) Deck lifting in movement control in order to release the

bearing and locking of the jacks’ collar for safety reasons
bottom socket already embedded

c) Bearing removal, surface cleaning and check for perfect

d) Placement of the new bearing using a sliding surface or
similar for an easier installation Socket

e) Placement of the upper anchorages centering the upper

embedded sockets followed by the placement of the bot-
tom ones f)
f) Unloading of the the jacks until the transfer of the verti-
cal load to the new bearing, removal of the jacks and the
bearing’s temporary fixing and final check of the tightness
of the bolts.
bottom socket already embedded


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 67 08/12/15 14:31

Jamal Abdul Nasser Street,
Kuwait City (Kuwait)

TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 68 08/12/15 14:31

Job title Job No.

Design by Date Sheet No.


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 3 11/01/16 17:23


Via Pordenone, 8
20132 Milano - ITALY
T +39 02 4300161
F +39 02 48010726
[email protected]


Via Cremona, 15b
00161 Roma - ITALY
T +39 06 8084621
F +39 06 8085427
[email protected]

Via Buttrio, 36 K-71,Lokmanya Pan Bazar,
33050 Pozzuolo del Friuli (UD) - ITALY Chunabhatti,
T +39 0432 6071 Mumbai 400021
[email protected] M + 91 98 70793974

TENSA AMERICA LLC 5th Yamskogo Polya Street, 5
1111 Kane Concourse, S.te 200 Bldg 1, 16th Floor
Bay Harbor Island – 33154 FL 125040 Moscow
T +1 305 8669917 T +7 495 2300024
[email protected] [email protected]

TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 2 11/01/16 17:11

Constr. Civil e Obras Publicas Level 1, 488 Botany Road RAKIA Business Center 5
Rua Eng. Frederico Ulrich, 3210-3 Alexandria, NSW 2015 Building A4, floor 12, office 1209
Sala 314 T +61 2 8332 6151 T +971 72432888
4470-605 Moreira da Maia F +61 2 8332 6101
T +351 229416633 [email protected] [email protected]
F +351 229415151
[email protected]

TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 3 11/01/16 17:11

Via Pordenone, 8
20132 Milano, Italy
T +39 02 4300161
F +39 02 48010726
[email protected]


TENSACCIAI_Catalogo 5.indd 2 11/01/16 17:08

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