06 - Walkdown Evaluations of Existing Facilities 2020

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Walkdown Evaluations
of Existing Facilities


A “walkthrough” or “walkdown” evaluation is the term generally applied to an

on-site, mostly visual, screening review where as-installed components are
methodically “walked down” and evaluated for potential seismic vulnerabilities.
Using this method, rapidly and cost-effectively identifying the highest risk areas
and prioritizing further, more detailed evaluations that might be appropriate are
possible. This chapter is intended to give practical guidance to engineers who will
perform such evaluations.


Petrochemical and other industrial facilities must increasingly demonstrate safety

against toxic releases and pollution by mandates such as the CalARP (2013)
program requirements (see Section 4.6 and Appendix 4.F), the OSHA law (29 CFR
1910.119), and the EPA law (40 CFR Part 68). Currently, no widely used and
accepted standard is available for evaluating existing facilities for seismic loads.
While some highly regulated industries, such as nuclear power plants, require
conformance to new codes each time design standards change, when owners of
petrochemical and other industrial plants evaluate facilities, it is generally done
voluntarily. Upgrade and acceptance decisions rely on cost-benefit considerations,
with criteria set by the owners in agreement with local authorities as necessary.
Walkdown evaluations have also proven to be beneficial when conducted
after the construction of new facilities is completed. A walkdown evaluation
should be incorporated into a prestartup safety review for new facilities.
Walkdown techniques along with limited analytical evaluations have been
used extensively in California petrochemical facilities rather than a nuclear-type
methodology to satisfy CalARP and similar mandates since the early 1990s. This
approach has been implemented because


Seismic Evaluation and Design of Petrochemical and Other Industrial Facilities


• Very few existing facilities can demonstrate conformance with current seismic
codes. Seismic design codes change constantly to incorporate lessons learned
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from past earthquakes and ongoing research and have usually become more
restrictive and more conservative.
• The walkdown method takes advantage of the lessons learned from the
earthquake performance of industrial facilities, namely that most installations
perform well, even when not designed specifically for seismic loads. The
occurrence of damage can usually be traced to known causes that could have
been mitigated by the evaluations described in this section.
• The walkdown method is cost-effective. The intent is for all components of
interest to be looked at during the walkdown, but more costly detailed
analyses are eliminated for all but the highest-risk items. Obvious problems
can be quickly identified and mitigated, as can those areas where low-cost
modifications or maintenance can significantly improve the seismic integrity
of the equipment/structure (e.g., missing hardware).
• The method is logical and defensible to regulators and owners. It considers
actual plant conditions; relies on demonstrated performance in past earth-
quakes, backed up by performance observations and data; and incorporates
the experience, judgment, and common sense of the engineers performing the
review. Several California regulators have accepted and recommended this
approach for CalARP seismic assessments.
• The method is appropriate for regions of high and low seismicity. The level of
seismic hazard can be accounted for in the walkdowns.
In summary, the walkdown methodology allows the owner to identify high-
risk items and assess potential safety, pollution, and economic exposure due to
seismic events.


Walkdowns are generally performed by an engineer or team of engineers in a

methodical, systematic manner, to ensure consistency and completeness. The
overall methodology may include several or all of the following elements:
• Meetings with owners, operators, regulators, process safety engineers, or other
appropriate parties to discuss evaluation objectives and to establish the
facility’s performance requirements.
• Identification of equipment, structures, and piping of interest. If the review is
being performed as part of a process hazards analysis or process-related safety
review, the walkdown engineers should review the assumptions used in the
hazard analysis regarding the expected post-earthquake availability of critical
systems. If the review is voluntary, for purposes such as evaluating insurance
needs or overall risk quantification, the engineer may be asked to review all
major equipment and structures in a facility.

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• Establishment of damage categories. Walkdown efforts are often required to

be coordinated with a process safety team to establish requirements for use in
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the consequence analyses. For example, the process safety team may need an
indication of whether, in a given earthquake, a vessel might
Be undamaged,
○ Suffer minor damage and leak, or
○ Fail catastrophically.
• Collection of site data. Data of interest include seismic hazard data, fault
locations, available soil borings, plot plans to locate items, and seismic design
basis data applicable to the unit being evaluated.
• Walkdown evaluation of components. This is done systematically, using
checklists for each component, to document the evaluation and to serve as a
reminder of the screening criteria. Figure 6-1 shows an example evaluation
• Review of drawings as necessary. This may be done to check adequacy of
reinforced concrete structures; to verify anchorage details; or to identify
configurations that cannot be visually reviewed due to obstructions, fire-
proofing, insulation, etc.
• Identification of items for analytical review. These may include “worst-case”
items or any items that appear to be seismically vulnerable. This is based on
the potential for damage that would cause toxic release, pollution, or other
unacceptable performance characteristics, such as damage that would cause
significant business interruption.
• Documentation of “poor” or “questionable” items for owners or regulators.
Sufficient explanation must be provided such that corrective actions, mainte-
nance, further evaluation, etc., will in fact address the engineer’s concerns. The
engineer must recognize that others may perform additional risk mitigation
without further consultation with the engineer who performed the review.
• Recommendation of structural or mechanical fixes or other efforts that would
mitigate risk from items listed above. The engineer may be required to
interact with process safety engineers and owners to evaluate the economic
and technical feasibility of structural and process modifications.
• Identification of consequences due to failure of each of these items and the
prioritization of any recommended risk mitigation actions according to the
consequences of failure and the existing level of risk.
A rating system may be appropriate, identifying
○ Major seismic vulnerabilities that should be fixed immediately;
○ Serious vulnerabilities that might require fixes, depending on
economics; and
○ Relatively simple fixes that might be performed in conjunction with
routine maintenance or during the next scheduled turnaround.

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Summary of Evaluation:____Adequate____Not Adequate
____ Further Evaluation Required


Noted Anchorage Concerns:
_____ Installation Adequacy _____Weld Quality
_____ Missing or Loose Bolts _____Corrosion
_____ Concrete Quality _____Other Concerns
_____ Spacing/Edge Distance


Noted Load Path Concerns:
_____ Connections to Components _____ Missing or Loose Hardware
_____ Support Members _____ Other Concerns

Noted Structural Integrity/Equipment Specific Concerns:
_____ Maintenance _____Functionality
_____ Brittle Material _____Ground Failure
_____ Corrosion _____Lateral Load
_____Other Concerns


Noted Interaction Concerns:
_____Failure and Falling _____Differential Displacement
_____Proximity and Impact _____Spray/Flood/Fire



Name: ________________________________
______ Date: ___________

Name: ________________________________
______ Date: ___________

Figure 6-1. This example walkdown sheet shows how a simple checklist can
remind the engineer of what to evaluate for a given piece of equipment.

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In most practical applications, walkdowns are performed on a component basis.

Individual items (e.g., equipment items, vessels, specific pipelines, or piping runs)
are generally identified as important because of hazardous materials, fire potential,
potential interaction with other components, etc., and are evaluated by the seismic
walkdown team. Often, these evaluations are performed completely independently
of any process hazards analyses (e.g., “What-Ifs,” HAZOPS, etc.) that may have
initiated the seismic evaluations to be performed. In those situations, the walk-
down team must interact with teams performing process hazards analyses. A
constructive information interchange greatly enhances the efficiency and potential
benefits from the review.
The seismic review team should be able to describe to owners and process
safety engineers some of the general effects that can be expected in a scenario
earthquake. For example,
(a) The entire facility will be shaken simultaneously without prior warning.
(b) The shaking may last 10 s or longer. Very large magnitude earthquakes
(greater than magnitude 8) have caused shaking lasting on the order of 60 s
or more.
(c) Off-site power and water will likely be lost.
(d) Several systems may be lost at the same time, such as phones, water, etc.,
and for long periods of time.
(e) Underground piping may break.
(f) Certain vulnerable equipment items and piping systems may be damaged
and unable to function.
(g) Off-site emergency services may not be available due to infrastructure
problems (bridge or highway damage) or due to their required use in the
general community.
(h) Concerns about personal or family safety may be the priority of operator
personnel, and operator action may not be a viable method of mitigating
If the review is part of a hazard analysis, all of these issues may affect the
hazard analysis results and should be considered by the process safety team. The
walkdown engineer should critically review what assumptions have been made in
the process hazards analyses that might be inappropriate regarding post-earth-
quake capabilities of facilities and equipment.
The walkdown engineer should interact with operators, owners, process safety
engineers, and other available specialists regarding consequences of damage. For
example, a civil/seismic engineer might assume that the highest consequences of
failed process piping are associated with pipes carrying the most toxic material. In
reality, other considerations, such as whether the system will continue to feed

Seismic Evaluation and Design of Petrochemical and Other Industrial Facilities


material through the line, or whether the pressure drop will shut down production
of the material, may be more significant factors in prioritizing the hazards.
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This point is made to alert walkdown teams to be consistent in evaluations,

calibrating judgment based on understanding of the systems, not on unfounded
assumptions. It is also made to emphasize to the civil/seismic engineer that not all
potential damage needs to be mitigated. The walkdown engineer will likely
identify several concerns that are determined to lack significant safety or economic
implications—a decision that will be made by others with input from the walk-
down team. At that point, decisions regarding upgrades should be made by the
owner on a cost-benefit basis.

6.4.1 Emergency Systems

During a damaging earthquake, off-site utilities will very likely be disrupted and
potentially lost for long periods of time. If the scope of the review has been limited
to equipment and piping with hazardous materials, the civil/seismic engineers
should question the process safety engineers to determine their assumptions on
the availability of off-site utilities following an earthquake. Including items such as
backup power supplies and water storage tanks in the seismic evaluation may be
The walkdown team should also question whether other emergency systems
are being counted on to function during a large earthquake to mitigate damage. In
particular, whether the fire protection system, telecommunications systems, and
containment systems will be required to perform active functions after the
earthquake should be determined.


The following sections aim to give guidance for performing walkdowns of typical
components in a petrochemical or other industrial facility. Note that this guidance
is not intended to be all inclusive; listing all of the possible situations that an
engineer might encounter is impossible. Rather, the following issues represent
those that have been identified in the investigations of equipment performance in
earthquakes throughout the world over the last two decades. In addition, the
following incorporates the in-plant experience of engineers who have performed
seismic walkdowns of petrochemical and other industrial facilities, primarily in
California. In all cases, the walkdown engineer must use his or her common sense
and fundamental principles of engineering mechanics, as necessary, in identifying
potential seismic vulnerabilities.

6.5.1 Major Considerations

Several major considerations should influence the focal points of the walkdown
investigation and the relative effort spent on various aspects. Examples include

Seismic Evaluation and Design of Petrochemical and Other Industrial Facilities


(a) Level of ground shaking hazard: In areas of lower seismicity, major

structures and vessels may be designed for sufficient lateral load capacity
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resulting from design for other criteria, such as wind. However, displace-
ment-induced damage can occur at low levels of shaking.
(b) Severity of other hazards (faulting, soil failure, and landslides): Known
faults near the site should alert the walkdown team to be on the lookout for
situations where imposed displacement could cause damage, such as buried
piping, or equipment supported on different structural systems. Where
known faults run through the site, a walkdown evaluation may need to be
supplemented with additional geotechnical or other investigations. Soil
failure such as liquefaction could also greatly affect the severity of damage.
(c) Vintage of the facility and applicable codes at the time of construction:
Applicable codes and seismic design methods may have changed consid-
erably since a unit was designed. In particular, reinforced concrete design
codes changed in the early 1970s, adding detailing requirements that would
ensure ductile behavior in an overload condition. Evaluating overall
structural capacity in older units should be emphasized more than in
newer units. In addition, engineers evaluating older facilities should be
more alert for existing damage, such as dents in structural members,
damaged concrete, corrosion, etc.
(d) Overall quality of maintenance: Where overall maintenance appears to be
poor or inconsistent, walkdown teams should be alert for missing nuts and
bolts, unrepaired damage, field modifications, etc., especially in the primary
load path and connections (Figure 6-2). Significant deterioration may also
exist in structural members and their connections. The team should be on

Figure 6-2. Example of a significant modification to the load path.

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Figure 6-3. Concrete beam cracking from corrosion of reinforcing steel.

the lookout for signs of active corrosion that may be somewhat hidden
under fireproofing or insulation (Figures 6-3 and 6-4).
(e) Additions or modifications to structures since original design: Over the
years, additional equipment may have been added to a structure, or the
original structure may have been expanded horizontally or vertically. An
overall seismic evaluation of the structure may not have been performed at
the time of a past modification. A review of the existing drawings can
provide valuable information regarding past modifications and provide
information regarding any structural upgrades at the time of the additions
or modifications.
(f) Priorities based on process safety considerations, pollution, regulatory
needs, etc.: The process safety engineers and owners should identify to
the walkdown team which components may warrant a more thorough
initial review due to safety, pollution, or economic consequences of damage.

6.5.2 Other General Considerations

The following issues are common to petrochemical and other industrial facilities.
Additional guidance is provided for several of these issues, as appropriate, in the
discussion of specific equipment items. Anchorage
Displacement resulting from inadequate or missing anchorage has probably been
the most common source of damage to equipment in past earthquakes. Among the
specific details noted to have caused problems are the following:
(a) Vibration isolators: Rotating equipment is often isolated from its support-
ing structure by the use of elastomeric pads or springs that do not transmit

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Figure 6-4. Concrete column cracking and spalling.

the vibrational loads from the equipment to the structure. Those isolators,
which may appear on a quick visual review to be designed for lateral loads,
often lack the strength and ductility to resist seismic loads without failing
(Figure 6-5). One potential cause of failure is when the isolators are made of
nonductile material, such as cast iron, which may fracture rather than
deform under earthquake loading. Another potential cause of damage is a
lack of vertical uplift restraints. The equipment may bounce out of the
support and thereby lose its effective lateral support. A good detail on a
vibration isolator commonly includes “bumpers” in the lateral direction
(Figure 6-6) or stops that will not prevent motion but will limit the
displacement to tolerable levels. A good detail also includes uplift restraints.
In general, any vibration-isolated equipment should be carefully evaluated.
Isolators themselves should be evaluated, as should the consequences of
large displacements that may occur should that isolator fail.
(b) Welds: Nonductile failure may occur in situations where welds are over-
stressed. Situations of concern that might be identified during a walkdown
evaluation include
• Corroded welds, a concern that should be evaluated wherever standing
water accumulates or welds are constantly exposed to water;

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Figure 6-5. This is an example of a failed vibration isolator. In this case, the spring
broke. Other times, the mounting may be made of brittle material, such as cast
iron and may fracture.

Figure 6-6. Bumpers should be included to limit the movement of vibration-

isolated equipment. Uplift restraints should also be provided.

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Figure 6-7. Example of a poor-quality weld, in this case a tank base plate to
checker plate decking. Where welds may be difficult, the walkdown team should
evaluate the quality closely.

• Potentially undersized welds;

• Situations where good-quality welds may be difficult to install, such as a
weld to checker plate that may not be of high quality (Figure 6-7);
• Welds where they should not be (e.g., anchor bolts welded to their “seats”
on tanks); and
• Welds over shim plates (Figure 6-8), an especially difficult detail to detect
in a field review and unlikely to show in drawings.
(c) Bolted anchorages: Cast-in-place, grouted-in-place, and expansion anchor
bolts may fail not only due to lack of strength, but due to details such as
inadequate edge distance or cracks in the concrete (Figure 6-9). Factors
such as spacing of the bolts may reduce the capacity of bolted anchorages
due to overlapping shear cones. Spacing and edge distance may cause a
reduction in capacity if distances between bolts or bolts and edges are less
than 10 times the bolt diameter. Special attention should be given to
inspection (e.g., bolt tightness checks) of grouted-in-place and expansion
anchors, as their capacities are very sensitive to proper installation. Load Path

An inadequate load path can lead to damage or even failure during a seismic event.
The following load path issues should be looked for during a walkdown evaluation
of an existing facility.
• The load path of the major equipment masses down to the foundation should
always be visually reviewed.

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Figure 6-8. Shim plates are often used for leveling vessels. Welds over these shims
may have severely reduced capacity. This poor detail is difficult to spot in drawings
or in the site investigation. In this case, the walkdown team should notice the
apparent thickness of the base plate.

Figure 6-9. Large cracks within 10-bolt diameters could reduce the tension
capacity of an anchor bolt. Cracks such as these through the anchor bolts could
significantly reduce their tensile and shear capacity.

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Figure 6-10. Load cells are commonly used in the support for vessels. These may
lack the capability to resist lateral loads and should be carefully examined.

• The engineer should be aware of unusual cutouts or modifications. Where

those cutouts are obviously field modifications, the engineer should assess
whether lateral capacity is significantly reduced. Cutouts are common in
support saddles, especially for horizontal vessels and heat exchangers where
the anchor bolts on the piers are not correctly aligned with the predrilled holes
in the steel saddles. They may also be found in vessel support skirts, when
piping does not align with prefabricated openings.
• Load cells within the load path (Figure 6-10) may not be capable of resisting
lateral loads. These are typically used for vessels.
• A common problem is missing nuts and bolts on connections. This situation
is especially prevalent where structural members must be removed to provide
access for regular maintenance of equipment.
• Attention must be given to cases where large eccentricities exist. This
often occurs as a result of field modifications that have no engineering
basis, such as a shifting of braces to allow for clearance for piping or other
equipment. Eccentricities, if significant, can induce significant bending on
structural members, such as columns, for which these members are not
designed. Maintenance
During walkdowns of facilities, engineers routinely observe conditions that
compromise the seismic structural integrity of equipment yet could be easily
taken care of through routine maintenance. This occurs even in otherwise well-
maintained facilities. As noted above, this is primarily a load path/anchorage issue
related to missing or damaged hardware.

Seismic Evaluation and Design of Petrochemical and Other Industrial Facilities

The walkdown team should always be on the lookout for areas where corrosion
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may occur. The concern is not surface rusting, but a loss of structural strength that
may be indicated by thinning, pitting, or flaking. Areas especially vulnerable
would be where especially corrosive materials such as acid are present and where
water may accumulate.
Another area where corrosion may be a problem is where concrete cover is
spalled and the reinforcement is exposed. This is generally a matter of maintenance.
Because corrosion is often a high-priority general concern for a facility, the
plant may have a corrosion group that can assist in identifying potential problem
areas. Construction/Installation Quality

During walkdowns, engineers may also observe consistently poor installation
practices. This may be evident in welds, or in expansion anchor bolt installations.
For example, expansion anchors may not be able to attain their tensile design
capacity if embedment is inadequate. This could result from the use of shim plates
or large grout pads. Long studs protruding above the concrete surface, or exposure
of part of a shell insert, may indicate such problems. Other examples of installation
concerns would include connections, such as cotter pins not installed properly or
fasteners missing positive locking devices for vibrating equipment. Seismic Interaction

Seismic interaction refers to damage to a system or piece of equipment due to
impact with or movement of another piece of equipment, system, structure,
storage cabinets, furniture, etc. This is a particular aspect where the walkdown
evaluation is the best way to identify potential interactions.
For the purposes of this document, seismic interactions are divided into four
primary categories:
1. Proximity and impact occur when clearance between two items is not adequate
to prevent impact. This may occur from sliding of unanchored equipment;
swinging of rod-hung piping, ductwork, or cable trays; or cantilevered deflec-
tion of electrical cabinets causing pounding with adjacent cabinets, walls,
or structural members. Another example is the hazard of walkway platforms
with sharp-ended beam supports, if the walkways are capable of movement
relative to the tank such that the tank wall can be punctured.
2. Structural failure and falling usually occur when inadequately restrained
components fall from above, impacting the equipment in question. This can
also occur when a large item nearby structurally fails and impacts upon the
equipment being evaluated by the walkdown engineer.
3. Differential displacement is a particular concern for the walkdown team
wherever different structural systems support items. The engineer should be
aware of potential situations where the different systems can displace, such

Seismic Evaluation and Design of Petrochemical and Other Industrial Facilities


that connecting piping, ducts, conduit, tubing, and so on lack adequate

flexibility to survive the motion. Flexibility is the key feature for resisting
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damage. This is also a specific concern when different foundations act as

supports for one piece of equipment, or where equipment is unanchored.
4. Waterspray and flooding may be of concern inside buildings, where damage
to sprinkler systems could affect the operability of electrical equipment. Of
particular concern are sprinkler heads on fire piping that might impact hard
structural members and open, spraying water on electrical equipment below. Process Changes

Process changes may result in operating conditions that have been changed from
the design conditions without consideration of the effect on seismic vulnerability.
The walkdown team should make appropriate process engineers and operators
aware of this possibility and investigate where such changes may have occurred.
Examples include increased operating levels in vessels, larger operating equip-
ment, or increased product density. Inadvertent Relay Actuation / Functionality

The action of electromechanical relays during an earthquake may affect the
functionality of equipment. This cannot be evaluated during a walkdown and
requires a system evaluation. Walkdown engineers should be aware of the
potential for relays chattering, tripping, or changing state due to earthquake
shaking and that certain types of relays, such as switches utilizing mercury-filled
vacuum tubes, have been demonstrated to be vibration sensitive. Walkdown
engineers should notify process engineers and operators of this possibility and
investigate further when this condition is a concern. Ground Failure

Ground failure has led to severe damage and collapse of many otherwise well-
designed structures and equipment in earthquakes.
(a) Walkdown engineers should always review soil reports to identify the
potential for faulting, liquefaction, and settlement. Special caution should
be exercised whenever one or more of these situations are encountered,
because even well-engineered structures and equipment can be severely
damaged. Walkdown evaluations generally must be supplemented with
additional studies whenever these types of ground failure are possible.
(b) Steep slopes with potential stability problems should be identified, and if
questionable, slope-stability studies should be recommended. Design Interface

In general, the walkdown team should always be alert when investigating areas of
design interface, where connecting structural elements may have been designed by
different engineering groups. Examples include vessels on supports, where the vessel

Seismic Evaluation and Design of Petrochemical and Other Industrial Facilities


and saddle design may be by the vendor, while the attachment to the support
and the support itself may be by others; or finfan units, where the pipeways may
be designed by one group and the finfan and support framing by the vendor.
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In these situations, the walkdown team should be alert for inconsistent design
practices, an indication that one or more elements may not have been properly
designed for seismic loads.

6.5.3 Evaluation of Specific Components

The following sections list considerations in evaluating several specific types of
equipment and structures found in petrochemical and other industrial facilities.
Again, the following guidance is not all inclusive and cannot possibly address all
situations that might be encountered. It simply indicates observed causes of
damage and observed vulnerabilities from past walkdowns. Mechanical Equipment

Many types of equipment consist of complex assemblies of mechanical and electrical
parts that are typically manufactured in an industrial process that produces similar
or even identical items. Such equipment may include manufacturer’s catalog items
and are often designed by empirical (trial and error) methods for functional and
transportation loads. One characteristic of this equipment is that it may be
inherently capable of surviving strong motion earthquakes without significant loss
of function. Equipment that may fit into this category include most air handlers;
compressors; pumps; motors; engines; generators; valves; pneumatic, hydraulic,
and motor operators; fans; chillers; evaporators; and condensers.
The engineer performing the walkdowns should review each of these items
looking for possible fragile parts of the components and for specific configurations
and details that have been shown to be potential problems, such as the following:
(a) Anchorage of the unit: In particular, vibration isolators may be found on air
handlers, compressors, generators, and small pumps.
(b) Compressors, generators, and pumps: These items may have engines and
motors located on separate skids or foundations. In those cases, the units
should be investigated for potential damage due to differential displace-
ment, such as binding of a shaft. This is a functionality issue and may not be
an issue for toxic material, flammable material, or product releases.
(c) Attached piping: This must be flexible enough to withstand differential
motion between its two anchor points. This may be particularly important
when it is attached to unanchored equipment or tanks.
(d) Valves: Valves are generally very rugged seismically. However, cases exist
where they have been damaged due to impact of the operator with a
structural member. This is a special concern when the valve yoke is
constructed of cast iron. The walkdown team should also investigate those
situations where a valve and its operator are independently supported on
different structural systems.

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(e) In-line components: Additional investigation will also be appropriate where

in-line components are large relative to the size of the piping.
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(f) Nonductile materials, such as PVC or cast iron. Electrical Equipment

Like mechanical equipment, much electrical equipment is designed and manu-
factured for functional and transportation loads and has characteristics of ample
construction that make it inherently able to survive strong earthquakes. Well-
anchored electrical equipment has typically performed well in past earthquakes.
This includes motor control centers, low and medium voltage switchgear,
transformers with anchored internal coils, inverters, battery chargers, batteries,
and distribution panels.
When electrical equipment is required to function during or after an
earthquake, the walkdown engineer should review each of these equipment items,
looking for potential vulnerabilities. Examples of concerns for electrical equip-
ment items include the following:
(a) The engineer should verify anchorage of electrical equipment. The anchor-
age may be bolts to concrete, fillet welds to embedded steel, or plug welds to
embedded steel. Of particular concern are plug welds, which will not have
the same capacity in tension as they will in shear. If a potential for
overturning is present, the plug welds should be checked with a reduced
capacity. To check weld capacity, use 25% of the capacity of an equivalent
fillet weld around the perimeter of the hole.
(b) Cabinets that are not bolted together may pound against each other. This is
a particular concern if the cabinets need to function after an earthquake and
trip-sensitive devices are present, such as switches and relays inside the
(c) Cabinets that are adjacent to structural columns or walls may experience a
cantilever deflection, causing an impact. Except for extremely flexible
cabinets, this should not be an issue where more than approximately
1 in. (25 mm) clear space is available. Again, this is a concern where
trip-sensitive devices are present. This is not an issue if the cabinet is stiff
due to top bracing or rigidly supported conduit coming from the top of the
(d) The front-to-back shear panels should not have unusually large cutouts in
the side or near the bottom that may compromise the cabinet’s structural
integrity. This does not refer to manufacturer’s installed and reinforced
cutouts, or cutouts and doors in the front and back panels.
(e) Internal devices should be secured to the cabinet structure or internal
framing. For example, bolts connecting transformer coils to the cabinet are
sometimes removed after transporting the unit to a site and installing the

Seismic Evaluation and Design of Petrochemical and Other Industrial Facilities


Emergency battery racks are identified separately because they have failed several
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times in earthquakes, often leading to a lack of emergency power. Walkdown

engineers should evaluate the following:
(a) The battery rack should be structurally sound and capable of resisting
transverse and longitudinal loads.
(b) The batteries themselves should be restrained from falling off the rack. This
is typically done by installing wraparound bracing around the batteries
(Figure 6-11).
(c) Where batteries have gaps between them, some form of spacer should be
present to prevent sliding of the battery and impact or damage to bus bars.
(d) Falling of overhead equipment should be avoided to prevent possible electrical
shortcircuits or damage to the batteries. Of particular concern are fluorescent
tubes in lights, which have been observed to fall from fixtures and drop to the
floor if safety grating is not present. All emergency lights, horns, speakers, etc.,
in the vicinity of batteries should be looked at to ensure that they will not slide,
fall, or otherwise move such that they can hit the batteries.

Figure 6-11. Batteries must be kept from sliding off the racks. This is commonly
done with wraparound bracing, as illustrated here.

Seismic Evaluation and Design of Petrochemical and Other Industrial Facilities


(e) If the engineer is reviewing the batteries to ensure their functionality after
an earthquake, related electrical equipment should also be included in the
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review and given special attention (e.g., inverters, control panels, etc.). Control and Instrumentation Equipment
Control panels should be viewed with the same concerns as electrical cabinets. Of
particular concern will be the presence of trip-sensitive devices, such as relays.
When relays are present, the walkdown engineers should question process safety
personnel or operators as to whether those relays are required to function during
or after an earthquake.
Instruments on racks generally perform well, provided that they are secured
to the rack and the rack is anchored. Instrumentation such as thermocouples and
gauges are not an issue except where they can be damaged by impact or excessive
motion pulling out cables.
A few other issues particular to control and instrumentation equipment are as
(a) Control panels often contain components on rollers or slides. These
drawers may not have stops and have been observed to roll out and fall
to the floor during an earthquake. The walkdown engineers should check
for stops or other restraints on components on slides or rollers.
(b) Circuit cards often slide in and out of panels with no restraining devices.
These circuit cards have been observed to slide out and fall to the floor
during earthquakes. The engineer should look for restraining devices. Some
cards are restrained by tight friction and do not have latches. Retrofits may
be impractical.
(c) Control panels often have doors left open or unlatched. The swinging of
doors and resulting impact may be a concern if trip-sensitive devices are
present. Pressure Vessels

Vertical pressure vessels are often mounted on steel skirts and anchored to a
concrete foundation. The vessels themselves are usually designed for high pressure
and perform well in earthquakes. Tall vessels and columns are also often designed
for wind loads and have significant lateral capacity. Of special concern for vertical
vessels are the following issues:
(a) Unreinforced cutouts in skirts: Of special concern are cutouts that appear to
be field constructed.
(b) Flexibility of attached piping: Rigid, separately supported piping can experi-
ence damaged nozzles or failed pipes as a result of differential displacement.
(c) Strength and ductility of the anchorage, such as anchor bolts with no chairs.
Horizontal pressure vessels are typically supported on steel cradles that are
anchored to concrete piers. Where thermal expansion can occur, one end will be
fixed, with the other end using slotted holes to allow for axial thermal growth. As

Seismic Evaluation and Design of Petrochemical and Other Industrial Facilities


with vertical vessels, the vessels themselves are designed for pressure loads and
would be expected to perform well in earthquakes. The following concerns have
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been noted for horizontal pressure vessels:

(a) Unusually tall piers may not be capable of resisting transverse or longitu-
dinal loads.
(b) Narrow piers may have cast-in-place anchor bolts with edge distance
(c) Walkdown teams should be particularly aware of field modifications in the
supports, such as cutouts to modify alignment of the bolts and bolt holes.
(d) Lack of flexibility in the piping attached to tanks and vessels can lead to a
failure of the connection during a seismic event.
(e) For stacked horizontal heat exchangers, the walkdown team should check
connection bolts between the exchangers. Nuts or bolts are commonly not
replaced after maintenance or a turnaround.
Pressurized spheres are typically supported on several legs that are evenly
spaced around the circumference of the sphere. The legs may or may not be
braced, typically with X-bracing between adjacent legs. Failures observed in past
earthquakes have been caused by failure of the support system. In the 1952 Kern
County Earthquake, failure of the support legs led to breaking of attached piping.
The butane that escaped the spherical tank eventually ignited, causing explosions
and fires. The structural adequacy of the legs and bracing should be the primary
focus in evaluating spherical tanks. Drawings should be reviewed to ensure that
legs are tied together with grade beams.
Another consideration for pressurized spheres is that the support legs are
typically fireproofed, creating a particularly vulnerable location at the top of the
support leg where the fireproofing terminates at the vessel wall. The corrosion
under fireproofing may not be obvious, but it can result in a loss of strength for the
support legs and leave the sphere vulnerable in a seismic event. This has resulted in
collapses during hydrostatic testing.
Small tanks and pressure vessels on legs are found throughout petrochemical
and other industrial facilities. The tanks and vessels themselves have not been
observed to be significant problems in earthquakes. These areas should be
emphasized:The structural adequacy of the support legs to resist overturning
must be considered. These have failed in many instances in earthquakes;flexibility
of attached piping should be checked, which is especially true if the piping is
connected to unanchored equipment or vessels that can move. Finfans
Finfans are air coolers typically mounted on top of pipeways. The following
considerations should be given to the seismic evaluation of these units:
• The structural adequacy of the support framing and the attachment to the
pipeway should be evaluated. Further investigation is warranted if the framing

Seismic Evaluation and Design of Petrochemical and Other Industrial Facilities


shows signs of distress, such as buckling or bowing of members, under

operating conditions. Attachments should be investigated where they are
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eccentric, or do not frame into primary structural members.

• Coil bundles are removed at regular intervals for maintenance purposes.
These units may be positively attached to the support frame at one location or
on one end only. Reinstallation of the coils may be incomplete, with missing
bolts, misalignments of structural framing, etc. The walkdown team should
investigate those interfaces. Heaters
Boiler and heater structures are generally thick-walled steel vessels, supported on
several low concrete piers. They may also be cylindrical, supported on skirts
similar to other horizontal pressure vessels. Horizontal heaters are almost always
fixed at one pier with slotted bolt holes at other piers to allow for thermal
The main focus on a boiler structure will be the support system. Reinforced
concrete piers should be checked for adequate strength and stiffness, so that they
do not create a “soft story” effect. The reinforced concrete piers should also be
checked that the piers were detailed and provided with adequate confinement ties,
especially near the top of the piers where they confine anchorage.
The walkdown team should be aware of the possible presence of refractory
brick inside a heater or boiler structure. This will add weight to the equipment and
may be an additional source of internal damage to the equipment. Support Frames and Pedestals

Many equipment items will be located above grade, supported on reinforced
concrete or steel frames. These frames may be irregular and are typically open at
one end to allow for installation and removal of the vessels.
The failures of freeway structures in the 1989 Loma Prieta and 1994
Northridge earthquakes illustrate the potential for catastrophic collapse of
older reinforced concrete structures without adequate shear reinforcement and
confinement. A common configuration in refineries is to install large vessels,
elevated high above the ground on pedestal supports (Figure 6-12). The support
system typically has no redundancy. Reinforced concrete frames and pedestals
should be carefully evaluated, especially if constructed prior to the mid
1970s, when changes in building codes added ductile detailing requirements.
The walkdown team should review available structural drawings to verify
adequacy of concrete structures. In many cases, some form of numerical
evaluation may be necessary to determine adequacy of the reinforced concrete
The walkdown team should also be on the lookout for damaged and cracked
concrete, especially where reinforcement is exposed. Steel reinforcement in
cracked concrete could be susceptible to moisture and corrosion, with subsequent
loss of strength.

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Figure 6-12. Vertical vessels are often supported on each end by a single reinforced
concrete pedestal. These vessels may be 30 ft (9 m) above the ground or more,
creating a large moment on the pedestal. Drawings may need to be reviewed for
this type of configuration. Special caution should be given to supports designed
prior to building code changes in the mid 1970s. Steel Frames

Steel frames have traditionally performed well during earthquakes. However,
several surprises were noted in the 1994 Northridge Earthquake (EERI 1996).
More than 100 steel frame buildings were damaged as a result of that earthquake.
The damage was on moment-resisting frames and was, for the most part,
concentrated in beam to column connections (cracks were found in welded beam
flanges to the column) and, in some cases, in fracture of column base plates.
This is of particular concern to the structural community because these types
of structures have been thought to be the most ductile and because of the potential
implications for the vast number of existing steel frame structures. Note, however,
that none of the damaged structures collapsed and most remained functional.
The walkdown engineer should pay additional attention to the connections in
steel frame structures in light of recent experience.

Seismic Evaluation and Design of Petrochemical and Other Industrial Facilities


The walkdown team should be aware of signs of distress due to dead load
conditions or corrosion. Particular attention should be given to cases where
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drawing modifications (brace relocation/removal) may have taken place subse-

quent to the original design of the structure. These modifications may be related to
piping clearances, etc., and may have taken place without the consultation of a
structural engineer. Brace relocation and removal can result in load paths being
different than originally designed, with resulting potential structural inadequacy.
Most often, the weakest links—where failures can be expected—are in the
connections. The connections should be investigated for signs of insufficient
stiffening, indirect load path, potential prying action, etc.
Finally, in cases where nonstructural elements are attached to structural
frames (platforms, guard rails, etc.), the walkdown engineer should check that
these do not act to significantly alter the structure’s dynamic response in an
earthquake or to change the primary load path. Buildings
This document will not detail the evaluation of existing buildings. That topic is
covered in great detail in documents such as ASCE 41 (2013).
The engineer should be cognizant of the types of building construction that
have a higher potential for complete or partial structural collapse. While minor
damage or even collapse of some buildings may be acceptable, suspect buildings
should be identified to the process safety group. The following items are not
uncommon in petrochemical facilities and should be evaluated by the walkdown
(a) Unreinforced masonry buildings are susceptible to partial or complete
(b) Masonry infill in walls is susceptible to collapse.
(c) Tilt-up buildings are susceptible to partial collapse if they are poorly tied
(d) Structures with vertical or plan irregularities may perform poorly in an
(e) Reinforced concrete frame buildings lacking ductile details may be suscep-
tible to failure.
Attention should be given to the level of functionality required of specific
buildings following an earthquake. For example, when evaluating a firehouse, the
walkdown engineer should make an evaluation to ensure that the operability of the
facility remains intact, such as the ability to open doors for fire engines to exit. Stacks
Although unreinforced concrete stacks and chimneys have failed in earthquakes
and tall steel stacks have buckled, stacks generally perform adequately in earth-
quakes. The walkdown engineer should be aware of significant changes in building
codes over the years relative to tall, flexible structures, such as stacks. For example,

Seismic Evaluation and Design of Petrochemical and Other Industrial Facilities


a stack designed in a high seismic zone in the 1990s may have required a minimum
lateral force of 0.20g. Using the current code, that same stack may require higher
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loads. However, the same structure may have been designed to 1/3 that load in the
early 1960s. This discrepancy may be a special concern in evaluating a spread
footing for overturning, as the footing may appear to be underdesigned. However,
because of the cyclic nature of dynamic loading, foundations have not been
observed to suffer gross overloading such that a stack could tip over in an
earthquake. This should not be a concern unless soils are liquefiable or very weak.
Note that past experience shows that other structures attached to furnace stacks
may be overstressed, such as trusses supporting ducts feeding to chimneys high
above the ground. The walkdown team should be alerted to look for situations
where flexible or sliding type connections are not present, as these connections tend
to preclude significant interaction between stacks and other structures. Gas Cylinders

Chemical releases have occurred in earthquakes due to gas cylinders toppling and
rolling. Toppling of cylinders also has the potential to create a missile hazard. The
following guidance applies to gas storage cylinders:
(a) Gas cylinders are often chained to prevent falling during normal operations.
However, single chains do not necessarily prevent falling. Chains support-
ing both the upper and lower portion of the cylinder are necessary to
prevent the cylinders from falling and sliding or rolling.
(b) Engineer should ensure that cylinders that appear to be secure are, in fact,
secured to structural members. This is particularly true inside buildings,
where straps may be tied to nonstructural elements.
(c) Horizontal cylinders should be secured so that they cannot roll and fall off
of supports. Figure 6-13 shows an example of a good detail, where
removable hold down bolts are used to secure chlorine cylinders. Where
hold-down devices are present, but appear to be ignored or incorrectly used,
the walkdown engineers should question operators regarding typical
procedures for restraining cylinders. Chemical Storage Areas
Chemicals have fallen from shelves, reacted with other spilled chemicals, and
caused fires in past earthquakes and can cause concern for explosions. Walkdown
engineers should investigate the following issues:
(a) Engineers should determine whether cabinets are secured to prevent falling.
(b) Engineers should determine whether restraints prevent contents from being
spilled off of shelves.
(c) Where a potential for chemical spill is identified, the engineer should
question the operators as to the potential consequences of spills. Note that
several mitigation methods may be available, such as physical restraints or
separation of incompatible chemicals.

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Figure 6-13. Cylinders that are removed when empty often sit unrestrained on
vertical saddle-shaped supports. In this photo, a simple hold-down bolt prevents
motion while the cylinder is in use. The presence of a mechanism like this can be
judged to reasonably prevent overturning or sliding of the cylinder. Piping
Process piping runs throughout petrochemical and other industrial facilities,
running directly between pieces of equipment, or often supported on overhead
pipeways. In many situations, the piping of interest will be particular lines
containing specified quantities of hazardous material. Several difficulties in
evaluating individual piping runs include
(a) With several lines on congested overhead racks, initially locating and then
following specific piping runs becomes extremely difficult.
(b) Piping may be difficult to locate, even with piping and instrumentation
diagrams (P&IDs) or flow diagrams. These drawings do not adequately
represent physical locations or distances of piping runs. Layout drawings
are usually not available.
(c) The walkdown engineer may have difficulty in identifying the boundaries of
concern, especially considering bypass lines, injection lines, valves, etc.
Given these difficulties, evaluating all piping in a given area is often more
practical and efficient. That method does require additional interaction with the
process safety engineers to determine the consequences of postulated damage.
In evaluating process piping, stresses due to inertial loads are not the primary
consideration, except in certain circumstances. Rather, the focus is on vulnerable
details, fragile attachments, and connections that may experience severe displace-
ments. The following observations should be considered when performing the

Seismic Evaluation and Design of Petrochemical and Other Industrial Facilities


(a) Welded steel piping generally performs well in earthquakes and is typically
not susceptible to damage from inertial loading. Inertial loads may be a
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concern for nonductile materials, such as cast iron or PVC. Note that
materials such as cast iron are probably used because of their noncorrosive
properties, and changing the material on the pipeline is not a reasonable
option. In these cases stress analysis may be necessary.
(b) Lack of lateral supports will not necessarily lead to failure of the pipe. Piping
often spans very long distances without lateral supports with no damage or
failure. Rather, the emphasis should be on ensuring that the piping system
will not lose vertical support. For example, the walkdown engineers should
look for situations where the pipeline is near the edge of the support and
could slide off (Figure 6-14).
(c) Where lateral support is lacking, making the pipe very flexible, the walk-
down team should also be aware of situations where the pipeline may be
effectively “anchored” by a rigid connection of a branch line (Figure 6-15).
If the branch line is significantly smaller than the header (less than one half
the diameter), the pipe could be overstressed at the connection.
(d) The walkdown team should look for situations where vulnerable appurte-
nances or portions of a pipeline could be impacted and damaged due to

Figure 6-14. Pipes near the edge of a support without lateral stops may slide off.
Loss of vertical support is the primary concern in these situations, not the length of
span without lateral support.

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Figure 6-15. Rigid or restrained branch lines may be vulnerable to unrestrained

motion of the header.

Figure 6-16. Fusible sprinkler heads are sensitive to impact.

motion of the pipeline or the impacting object. Examples include drain taps
or sampling lines that could be impacted by valve diaphragms on adjacent
lines. Of special concern are sprinkler heads on fire lines that might impact
hard sharp structural members (Figure 6-16). This has occurred several
times in past earthquakes.
(e) Mechanical couplings could fail due to excessive displacement or impact.
(f) Rod-hung systems, particularly fire protection systems within buildings,
can fail and fall when supported by short rod hangers configured such that
moments can develop at the top connection. This is a low-cycle fatigue

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Figure 6-17. Piping damage is common where it is overrestrained at unanchored

tanks, which can uplift significantly during earthquakes.

(g) Buried piping could fail where ground failure can occur.
(h) Piping attached to unanchored tanks or equipment can fail if flexibility in
the pipe is inadequate to withstand large displacements in the event of tank
uplift (Figure 6-17).
(i) In many instances, a relatively short span of large-diameter (8 in. or more)
pipe connects elevated vessels supported by independent structural systems
such as concrete frames. The stiff pipe may affect the interaction of the two
structures and can result in overstress at the flanges or elbow areas,
particularly when stress concentrations are accounted for. The walkdown
engineer should take this into consideration and if in doubt recommend a
proper coupled analysis of the entire system. Cable Trays and Conduit

Cable trays and conduit are generally very rugged seismically. Note that damage to
the trays and conduit themselves do not necessarily imply damage to the cables
contained within them. The most important consideration for cable trays and
conduit is to ensure that vertical support capacity will be maintained during a
seismic event. Ductwork
Ducting is often used in petrochemical and other industrial facilities to transport
hazardous gasses and may be identified by the process safety engineers as
requiring review. Duct construction can range from thin-gauge sheet metal to
steel pipe sections. Sheet metal ducting has failed during past earthquakes in
certain circumstances. Failure of sheet metal ducting generally is caused by

Seismic Evaluation and Design of Petrochemical and Other Industrial Facilities


corrosion, poor connections, loss of structural support, or differential displace-

ment concerns. Large-diameter, thick ducting, such as plate steel construction,
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should follow the general considerations presented earlier on piping, especially

concentrating on overall support systems and adequate flexibility to accommodate
differential motions. Air Tubing

Tubing is very ductile and is usually installed with substantial flexibility. However,
tubing can be damaged by large displacements or impacts, and the consequences
of loss of air to instruments should be considered. Substations
Substation equipment may be especially susceptible to damage in earthquakes.
Ceramic insulators often fail. Transformers that are unanchored, or lightly
anchored with friction clips, may slide and damage connections.

Figure 6-18. Eccentrically loaded connection in a wood cooling tower. The cross
member above is a retrofit.

Seismic Evaluation and Design of Petrochemical and Other Industrial Facilities


Wood cooling towers have generally not performed well in earthquakes. The
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following have been the primary causes of damage:

• The primary cause of damage to wood cooling towers in earthquakes has been
a deteriorated condition prior to the earthquake.
• Cooling towers have also been damaged due to poor structural configurations
at connections. For example, Figures 6-18 and 6-19 show an eccentric joint
that failed during an earthquake, emphasizing that the engineer should focus
on details first, rather than strength, when performing walkdown evaluations. Platforms / Walkways
A refinery or other industrial facility has many elevated platforms and walkways.
These platforms often surround tall vessels and are supported on a structural
system that may not be directly connected with the vessels. In cases like these,
differential displacement is the primary concern, with the potential for damage in
the following ways:

Figure 6-19. Identical joint in the same wood cooling tower as shown in
Figure 6-18.

Seismic Evaluation and Design of Petrochemical and Other Industrial Facilities


• Pounding between the vessel and catwalks, potentially resulting in either

rupture of the vessel wall or sufficient damage to the platforms themselves
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that they are inaccessible in an emergency after the earthquake. The walk-
down engineers would look for not only the proximity of the platforms to the
vessels, but also for sharp ends of supporting beams that could increase the
potential for damage.
• Walkways spanning different structures without adequate flexibility, such that
differential motion could cause collapse and falling of the walkways.


Because the walkdown review is intended to be a screening process, all concerned

parties must understand that identifying all sources of seismic risk in such a
mostly visual review is impossible. Items identified as potential hazards in a
walkdown may survive an earthquake; likewise, items that appear to be adequate
could fail for reasons not apparent during a visual or analytical review.
The engineer must always caution both owners and regulators that seismic
risk can never be completely eliminated. Even with a more thorough review, some
level of seismic risk will always exist, no matter how much time, effort, and money
are spent evaluating and upgrading a facility. The risk can be better understood
and reduced, but there are never any guarantees.

ASCE. 2013. Seismic evaluation and retrofit of existing buildings. ASCE 41. Reston, VA:
CalARP. 2013. Guidance for California accidental release prevention (CalARP) program
seismic assessments. San Diego: CalARP Program Seismic Guidance Committee.
EERI (Earthquake Engineering Research Institute). 1996. Vol. 2 of Northridge Earthquake
reconnaissance report. Oakland, CA: EERI.
EPA. 1999. Chemical accident prevention provisions. 40 CFR Part 68. Washington, DC:
OSHA. 2014. Occupational safety and health administration standards. 29 CFR 1910.
Washington, DC: US Dept. of Labor.

Seismic Evaluation and Design of Petrochemical and Other Industrial Facilities

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