BASIC III - Unit 4

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NAME: _____________________________________________________
TEACHER: _________________________________________________
DATE: _____________________________________________________
BASIC III - American English File 2

1 Complete the sentences with the correct word. (12 points)

Example: Don’t leave your clothes on the floor. Pick them up.
leave pick find
1 Elena never ___makes_______ her bed in the morning.
puts does makes
2 Mark forgot to ___wash_______ the dishes, so there aren’t any clean plates.
wash shop make
3 I think I __made________ a mistake in my homework.
did made put
4 Dinner is nearly ready. Can you ____set______ the table, Joanne?
set put make
5 Remember to ____take______ out the garbage before you go to bed.
take make do
6 I’ve just ___cleaned_______ the kitchen floor. Don’t walk on it!
made cleaned ironed

2 Complete the dialogues with just, already, or yet. (12 points)

Example: Tom Have you finished that report yet?
Mel I’ve just typed the last page. I finished it a few minutes ago!
1 Ana I haven’t emailed Yoshio 1 __________. What about you?
Tim I’ve 2 __________ sent him five emails!
2 Bob I’ve 3 __________ seen this movie. I saw it at the movie theater.
Jill Don’t tell me what happens! I haven’t seen it 4 __________!
3 Jan I’ve 5 __________ made some cookies. Would you like one?
Lee No, thanks. I’m not hungry. I’ve 6 __________ had lots to eat today.

3 Write sentences in the present perfect. (16 points)

1 she / ever lose / your wallet (+)

2 I / never buy / something online. (+)


3 you / ever be / to Paris (?)


4 we / not eat / Japanese food (-)


5 he / finish / his homework / yet (?)


6 they / not see / that movie (-)


7 you / already / do / the housework (+)


8 she / make / clothes for many celebrities (+)


4 Complete the email. Use the verb in brackets in the present perfect or past simple. (12 points)
Hi Kate
I’ve just received (just / receive) your email. Sorry to hear you aren’t well. I hope you feel better soon. You
_______________ (be) really busy recently!
_______________ (you / plan) your vacation yet? In April, I 3 _______________ (go) to Norway with my
family again. We 4 _______________ (be) there four times now! But this time, we 5 _______________ (not
stay) with my aunt in Oslo. Instead, we 6 _______________ (rent) a car so we could visit different places.
Then in August, Andrew and I _______________ (travel) around Turkey.
_______________ (you / ever / be) there? It’s a really interesting country.
Write soon!

5 Complete the shopping words in the sentences. (14 points)

Example: This color doesn’t suit me. It makes me look older.
1 You can try the dress on in the f__________ room.
2 They went to the c__________ to pay for everything.
3 You need your r__________ when you take something back to a store.
4 Lily buys everything o__________ because she hates going to stores.
5 This jacket is too small. I need a bigger s__________.
6 These shoes don’t f__________. They’re too small.
7 When you are shopping online, first you go to the w_____________.

6 Underline the correct word. (12 points)

Example: Has anybody / nobody / anywhere seen Marty today?
1 I’m hungry because I’ve had anything / something / nothing to eat.
2 Anyone / Someone / Something left their cell phone on the bus.
3 Did you go somewhere / anywhere / nothing interesting on Sunday?
4 I want to take my wife somewhere / anywhere / nowhere really nice for her birthday.
5 We didn’t do something / nothing / anything last night.
6 I called three times but somebody / anybody / nobody answered.

7 Choose from the pairs of adjectives to complete the sentences. (12 points)
boring / bored exciting / excited interested / interesting relaxing
/ relaxed depressing / depressed tiring / tired
Example: I was very depressed yesterday because I failed my driving test.
1 Walking around the museum was very ___relaxing_______. I need a rest!
2 The kids were ___tired_______. They had nothing to do.
3 I’m not __interested________ in art. I prefer sports.
4 The soccer game was really ____exciting______. Our team scored in the last minute.
5 The lesson was really __boring________. We nearly fell asleep.
6 I always feel __relaxed________ after swimming. It helps me forget all my stress.


8 Read a teenager’s blog about shopping and check (✔) A, B, or C. (10 points)

Shopping with mother?

I’m Cathy Huang, and I’m 16. Welcome to my blog. This week I’m writing about shopping with your mother.
Thanks for reading!
Have you ever been shopping with your mother? I’d like to hear you say “Yes, and it was fun.” But are you
really telling the truth? I went to the shopping mall yesterday with my mom. She wanted to buy me a dress
for her birthday party. She’s going to be 50 next weekend. “So what’s the problem with that?” I hear you ask.
Well, the problem is, my mother always wants to buy me what she wants, not what I want. And we want very
different things. I tried on a beautiful red dress, but she said it didn’t fit. (It was very short!) Then I tried on a
long skirt, but she didn’t like the color. (It was purple!) I was in and out of fitting rooms all day and we couldn’t
agree on anything. She rolled her eyes and complained about everything I tried on. It was so depressing.
And so boring. By 5 o’clock my feet were killing me and I still didn’t have a dress for the party.
Next time Mom wants to take me shopping, I’m going to tell her my room is a terrible mess and I have to
clean it now. I know it’s not very nice to lie, but shopping with my mother is not fun. And, I’ve just seen a
fantastic dress on eBay. It’s so chic. I’m going to look amazing at Mom’s party.

Example: Cathy writes her blog every week.

A True ✔ B False  C Doesn’t say 
1 Cathy and her mom went to the shopping mall yesterday.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
2 Cathy’s mom wanted to buy her a skirt.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
3 Cathy’s mom is 50 next weekend.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
4 Cathy’s mom always buys too many clothes.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
5 Cathy tried on a beautiful red dress.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
6 Cathy and her mom agreed on everything.
A True      B False      C Doesn’t say     
7 Cathy thought it was an exciting shopping trip.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
8 By 5 o’clock, Cathy wanted to go home.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
9 Cathy doesn’t want to go shopping with her mom again.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 
10 Cathy isn’t going to her mom’s birthday party.
A True  B False  C Doesn’t say 


9 Listen to a conversation between Jack and his mother. Check (✔) A, B, or C to complete the
sentences. (Track 07)
1 Jack’s mother has just been to the ______.
A restaurant  B store  C bank 
2 Jack hasn’t cleaned ______ yet.
A the bathroom  B the kitchen  C his room 
3 Jack has got a lot of ______ to do.
A homework  B reading  C phoning 
4 One thing Jack’s mother asks him to do is: ______.
A cook the dinner  B take out the garbage  C clean the floor 
5 Jack thinks housework is ______.
A boring  B interesting  C depressing 

2 Listen to five conversations. Match the conversations with the topics (A–G). There are two answers
you don’t need. (Track 08)
Conversation 1 
Conversation 2 
Conversation 3 
Conversation 4 
Conversation 5 
A cooking something new
B going to a costume party
C reading an interesting book
D doing homework
E trying a new sport
F shopping in another country
G buying something you’ve never worn


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