Galois, The First Memoir I
Galois, The First Memoir I
Galois, The First Memoir I
V :P→K
where (xi1 xi2 . . . xin ) and (xj1 xj2 . . . xjn ) are two different
permutations. If we consider the discriminant of this
polynomial1 we have a polynomial in h that has only a finite
number of roots. Hence it is possible to choose a value of h
which is not a root.
Which is different from 0 as it is easily proved.
Consider a second degree equation having the two different
roots x1 , x2 . Let it be
ϕ(x) = x2 + px + q = (x − x1 )(x − x2 ).
We have to consider
p(t) = [t − (x1 + hx2 )][t − (x2 + hx1 )] =
= t2 − (x1 + x2 )(1 + h)t + x1 x2 + (x21 + x22 )h + x1 x2 h2
(h − 1)2 (x1 − x2 )2
V1 = V (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn )
This denomination is modern, but the concept is surely within Galois’s
Denote by Vσ , Vτ , . . . the new values that V1 assumes when we
apply all the permutations σ, τ, . . . to (x1 x2 . . . xn ) and consider
V1 = V (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ).
v1 = u1 − x1 , v2 = u2 − u1 x1 + x21 , . . . (5)
p(V1 , x) = 0
This explanation is given in [2, p. 256]. Galois gives only a brief
Proof (continued).
Suppose by contradiction that, for example, d(x2 ) = 0.
Let us introduce a new variables y and consider the equation
p(y, x2 ) = 0.
V = x1 − x2 .
We have
p(t) = [t−(x1 −x2 )][t−(x1 −x3 )] = t2 −[2x1 −(x2 +x3 )]t+x21 −(x2 +x3 )x1 +
Observing that
we have
p(t, x1 ) = t2 − 3x1 t + p + 3x21 .
We have to consider two similar cases: if x1 − x2 = x2 − x1 then
x1 = x2 . If x1 − x2 = x2 − x3 then 2x2 = x1 + x3 , hence
3x2 = x1 + x2 + x3 = 0. In both cases ϕ(x) is reducible.
Example (continued)
We set, for sake of simplicity, V1 = V . We have to consider the
polynomials (x1 ← x, t ← V )
x3 + px + q, 3x2 − 3V x + p + V 2 .
∀k, ϕ(xk ) = 0 ⇒ ϕ(fk (V1 )) = 0
so that V1 is a root of ϕ(fk (t)). It follows that every root of F (t)
is a root of ϕ(fk (t))6 and consequently fk (Vi ) is a root of ϕ(x).
That means that by substituting Vi for V1 into (6) we obtain n
roots of ϕ(x). We prove that they are all distinct. Indeed, from
fk (Vi ) = fj (Vi )
1, σ, τ, . . .
Vi = θ(V1 ).
V1 fα (V1 ) fβ (V1 )
Vi fα (Vi ) = fα (θ(V1 ))
Vj fβ (Vj ) = fα (θ(Vj ))
Vk fα (Vk )
I The equation x3 − 2 = 0:
R(t) = t6 + 108.
The group is S3 .
I The discriminant of x3 − 2 is −108. If we adjoin this value
we have
√ √
R(t) = − −t3 + 6 i 3 t3 + 6 i 3 .
3 1 i√
Let w = 2, α = − + 3.
2 √2
I The polynomial t3 + 6i 3 has the root w − α · w and
describes the group.
Cyclic group and the group reduced to the identity
I The equation x3 − 3x + 1 = 0):
R(t) = t3 − 9 t − 9 t3 − 9 t + 9 .
The group is C3 .
I In this case the discriminant is 81.
: : : : :
[R] We can use the same Resolvent also in the reducible case,
provided that it has distinct values as it happens in this
x3 − 7x + 6 = 0,
R(t) = (t − 1) (t − 4) (t − 5) (t + 5) (t + 4) (t + 1) .
[R] The group is reduced to the identity.
Galois Group of x4 − 2 =√0 √ √ √
I We list the roots: a = 4 2, b = i 4 2, c = − 4 2, d = −i 4 2.
I A resolvent can be chosen as
V : (x, y, z, t) 7→ 1 · x − 2 · y + 4 · z.
I R(t) = t24 − 1740 t20 − 996420 t16 + · · ·
I This polynomial factors into three polynomials of degree 8.
We have to chose the factor that has a root given by
1 · 2 − 2 · (i 2) + 4 · (− 2).
I The roots of the polynomial t8 + 476 t4 + 114244 describe
the Galois Group.
I Its roots correspond to the alignments:
[a, b, c, d], [a, d, c, b], [b, a, d, c], [b, c, d, a],
[c, b, a, d], [c, d, a, b], [d, a, b, c], [d, c, b, a].
I The group is generated by
a b c d a b c d
σ= , τ= .
b c d a b a d c
Geometrical interpretation of the Galois Group of the
equation x4 − 2 = 0
I An anticipation:
√ if we adjoin one of the two values
(±2i 2) that the function g : (x, y, z, t) 7→ xy + zt assumes
on the alignments of the roots the group reduces to
[a, b, c, d], [b, a, d, c], [c, d, a, b], [d, c, b, a].
E. Galois.
Écrits et mémoires mathématiques d’Évariste Galois.
Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1976.
Publiés par R. Bourgne et J. P. Azra. Préface de J.
Dieudonné. Deuxième édition revue et augmenté.
Réimpression autorisée, Editions J. Gabay, 1997.
C. Jordan.
Traité des substitutions et des équations algébriques.
Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1870.
Éditions Jacques Gabay, 1989.