Module 18 - Intangible Assets Other Than Goodwill: IFRS Foundation: Training Material For The IFRS
Module 18 - Intangible Assets Other Than Goodwill: IFRS Foundation: Training Material For The IFRS
Module 18 – Intangible
Assets other than
IFRS Foundation: Training Material
for the IFRS® for SMEs
including the full text of
Section 18 Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
of the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS)
for Small and Medium-sized Entities (SMEs)
issued by the International Accounting Standards Board on 9 July 2009
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INTRODUCTION __________________________________________________________ 1
Learning objectives ________________________________________________________ 1
IFRS for SMEs ____________________________________________________________ 2
Introduction to the requirements_______________________________________________ 2
REQUIREMENTS AND EXAMPLES ___________________________________________ 4
Scope of this section _______________________________________________________ 4
Recognition _____________________________________________________________ 10
Initial measurement _______________________________________________________ 17
Past expenses not to be recognised as an asset_________________________________ 25
Measurement after recognition_______________________________________________ 25
Amortisation over useful life _________________________________________________ 26
Recoverability of the carrying amount–impairment losses __________________________ 35
Retirement and disposals___________________________________________________ 35
Disclosures______________________________________________________________ 37
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
This training material has been prepared by IFRS Foundation education staff and has
not been approved by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
The accounting requirements applicable to small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) are
set out in the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) for SMEs, which was
issued by the IASB in July 2009.
This module focuses on the accounting and reporting of intangible assets other than goodwill
in accordance with Section 18 Intangible Assets other than Goodwill of the IFRS for SMEs.
It introduces the learner to the subject, guides the learner through the official text, develops
the learner’s understanding of the requirements through the use of examples and indicates
significant judgements that are required in accounting for intangible assets. Furthermore, the
module includes questions designed to test the learner’s knowledge of the requirements and
case studies to develop the learner’s ability to account for intangible assets in accordance with
the IFRS for SMEs.
Learning objectives
Upon successful completion of this module you should know the financial reporting
requirements for intangible assets other than goodwill in accordance with the IFRS for SMEs.
Furthermore, through the completion of case studies that simulate aspects of the real-world
application of that knowledge, you should have enhanced your competence to account for
intangible assets in accordance with the IFRS for SMEs. In particular you should, in the context
of the IFRS for SMEs, be able to:
distinguish intangible assets from other assets of an entity
determine when an intangible asset qualifies for recognition in financial statements
measure intangible assets on initial recognition and subsequently
present and disclose intangible assets in financial statements
identify when an intangible asset is to be derecognised and account for that derecognition
demonstrate an understanding of significant estimates and other judgements that are
required in accounting for intangible assets.
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
The IFRS for SMEs is intended to apply to the general purpose financial statements of entities
that do not have public accountability (see Section 1, Small and Medium-sized Entities).
The IFRS for SMEs includes mandatory requirements and other material (non-mandatory) that is
published with it.
The material that is not mandatory includes:
a preface, which provides a general introduction to the IFRS for SMEs and explains its
purpose, structure and authority.
implementation guidance, which includes illustrative financial statements and a
disclosure checklist.
the Basis for Conclusions, which summarises the IASB’s main considerations in reaching
its conclusions in the IFRS for SMEs.
the dissenting opinion of an IASB member who did not agree with the publication of the
IFRS for SMEs.
In the IFRS for SMEs the Glossary is part of the mandatory requirements.
In the IFRS for SMEs there are appendices in Section 21 Provisions and Contingencies,
Section 22 Liabilities and Equity and Section 23 Revenue. Those appendices are non-mandatory
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
assumed to be nil. Factors may indicate that the residual value or useful life of an intangible
asset has changed since the most recent annual reporting date. If such indicators are present,
an entity shall review its previous estimates and, if current expectations differ, amend the
residual value, amortisation method or useful life.
At each reporting date, an entity shall assess whether there is any indication that any
intangible asset may be impaired. If any such indication exists, that intangible asset is tested
for impairment in accordance with Section 27 Impairment of Assets.
When an intangible asset is disposed of, the gain or loss on disposal is included in profit or
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
The contents of Section 18 Intangible Assets other than Goodwill of the IFRS for SMEs are set out
below and shaded grey. Terms defined in the Glossary of the IFRS for SMEs are also part of the
requirements. They are in bold type the first time they appear in the text of Section 18.
The notes and examples inserted by the IFRS Foundation education staff are not shaded.
Other annotations inserted by the IFRS Foundation staff are presented within square brackets
in bold italics. The insertions made by the staff do not form part of the IFRS for SMEs and have
not been approved by the IASB.
An asset is a resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events and from which
future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity.
An intangible asset is an identifiable non-monetary resource without physical
substance that is controlled by the entity as a result of past events and from which
future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity. An asset is identifiable
when it is separable or it arises from contractual or other legal rights.
A non-monetary asset is an asset that is not currency held or an asset to be received in a
fixed or determinable amount of money. Other assets are non-monetary.
Entities frequently expend resources, or incur liabilities, on the acquisition,
development, maintenance or enhancement of intangible resources such as scientific
or technical knowledge, design and implementation of new processes or systems,
licences, intellectual property, market knowledge and trademarks (including brand
names and publishing titles). Common examples of items encompassed by these broad
headings are computer software, patents, copyrights, motion picture films, customer
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
lists, mortgage servicing rights, fishing licences, import quotas, franchises, customer
or supplier relationships, customer loyalty, market-share and marketing rights.
Note that the intangible resources listed in the paragraph directly above might not all
satisfy the definition of an intangible asset for financial reporting purposes (ie some of
them might not be identifiable, an entity might not have control over the resource and
some of them might not result in future economic benefits). In addition, Section 18
prohibits an entity from recognising its internally generated intangible assets, even
when the entity’s internally generated items meet the definition of an intangible asset
(see paragraphs 18.4(c) and 18.14).
The identifiability criterion distinguishes goodwill from other intangible assets.
Goodwill is the future economic benefits arising from assets that are not capable of
being individually identified and separately recognised. Goodwill arising in a business
combination is accounted for according to Section 19 Business Combinations and Goodwill.
Internally generated goodwill is not recognised.
In some cases, expenditure incurred by an entity to generate future economic benefits
does not result in the creation of an intangible asset that meets the recognition criteria
in Section 18. Such expenditure is often described as contributing to internally
generated goodwill. Internally generated goodwill does not meet the definition of an
intangible asset because it is not an identifiable resource (ie it is not separable and nor
does it arise from contractual or other legal rights) controlled by the entity and its cost
cannot be measured reliably.
An entity controls an asset if it has the power to obtain the future economic benefits
flowing from the underlying resource and to restrict the access of others to those
benefits. Usually, such control would come from legal rights that are enforceable in a
court of law, for example through licences, patents or trademarks. In the absence of
legal rights, it is more difficult to demonstrate control. However, legal enforceability
of a right is not a necessary condition for control because an entity may be able to
control the future economic benefits in some other way, for example through keeping
the resource a secret from others.
In the absence of legal rights, exchange transactions (eg the sale of the intangible asset)
provide evidence of control.
Future economic benefits
The future economic benefits flowing from an intangible asset may include revenue
from the sale of products or services, cost savings or other benefits resulting from the
use of the asset by the entity. For example, the use of intellectual property in a
production process may reduce future production costs rather than increase future
revenues. Intellectual property is an intangible item that arises from human creativity
or intellect (ie it consists of human knowledge and ideas) and has commercial value
(eg copyright artistic works, patented business methods and patented industrial
Intangible assets do not have physical substance. Assets with physical substance are
sometimes referred to as tangible assets. Tangible assets are accounted for in
accordance with other sections of the IFRS for SMEs. For example, depending on the
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
purpose for which an entity holds land and buildings, they are accounted for in
accordance with Section 13 Inventories, Section 16 Investment Property or Section 17
Property, Plant and Equipment.
Some intangible assets may be contained in or on a physical substance such as a
compact disc (in the case of computer software), legal documentation (in the case of a
licence or patent) or a DVD (containing a film). In determining whether an asset that
incorporates both intangible and tangible elements should be accounted for as
property, plant and equipment (in accordance with Section 17) or as an intangible asset
(in accordance with Section 18), an entity uses judgement to assess which element is
more significant. For example, computer software for a computer-controlled machine
tool that cannot operate without that specific software is an integral part of the related
hardware and it is treated as property, plant and equipment. The same applies to the
operating system of a computer. However, when the software is not an integral part of
the related hardware, computer software is treated as an intangible asset.
Ex 1 An entity owns a brand name that it purchased from a competitor. The brand name
is legally protected through registration with the local government of a
The brand name (a trademark) is an intangible asset of the entity. It is an asset of the
entity—control is evidenced by the legal right and the entity would have purchased the
brand name with the expectation that it would increase future revenues either by
selling products or by preventing its competitors from selling products (future economic
benefits). The asset (brand name) is an intangible asset—it is non-monetary (ie it is
neither currency held nor an asset receivable in a fixed or determinable amount of
money), without physical substance (because it is a legal right), identifiable (because it is
evidenced by legal protection through registration) and can be sold (ie it is separable).
The entity applies the recognition criteria in paragraph 18.4 for determining whether to
recognise its brand name intangible asset.
Trademarks are words, names, symbols or other devices used in trade to indicate the source of a product and to
distinguish it from the products of others.
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Ex 3 An entity owns and operates an interactive Internet site on which anyone can post
material related to a particular subject. The entity generates revenue by selling
advertising space on the site. The domain name is protected legally through
registration with the appropriate parties.
The Internet site is an intangible asset of the entity. It is an asset of the entity because
the entity has control through ownership of the website and expects to generate future
economic benefits by selling advertising space on the Internet site. The asset (Internet
site) is an intangible asset—it is non-monetary (ie it is neither currency held nor an asset
receivable in a fixed or determinable amount of money), does not have physical
substance (because it is an electronic website) and it is identifiable (the entity has a
contractual-legal right of ownership).
The entity applies the recognition criteria in paragraph 18.4 for determining whether to
recognise its Internet site intangible asset.
Ex 4 An entity owns 20 software licences. The software licences are used by the entity’s
production and administrative staff.
The software licences are intangible assets of the entity. They are assets of the entity
because the entity has the legal right to use the software under the licences to generate
future economic benefits. The assets (software licences) are intangible assets—they are
non-monetary (ie they are neither currency held nor assets receivable in a fixed or
determinable amount of money), without physical substance (because they are electronic
software) and identifiable (because they arise from contractual rights).
The entity applies the recognition criteria in paragraph 18.4 for determining whether to
recognise its software licence intangible asset.
Ex 5 An entity operates 20 taxis under licence in city A. The taxi licences are
transferable to other qualified taxi operators.
The taxi licences are intangible asset of the entity. The licences are assets of the entity
because the entity has control through the legal right to operate 20 taxis in the city to
generate future economic benefits from taxi fares. The assets (taxi licences) are
non-monetary (ie they are neither currency held nor assets receivable in a fixed or
determinable amount of money), without physical substance (because they are legal
rights), identifiable (because they arise from purchased contractual rights) and can be
sold (they are separable).
The entity applies the recognition criteria in paragraph 18.4 for determining whether to
recognise its taxi licence intangible asset.
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Ex 7 Because of its efforts in building customer relationships and loyalty (eg through
advertising), an entity expects that its customers will continue to trade with the
entity (eg a fast-food outlet). There are no contracts with those customers.
In the absence of legal rights to protect the entity’s relationships with its customers or to
control the customers’ loyalty to the entity, an entity usually has insufficient control
over the expected economic benefits from its customer relationships and loyalty for such
items (eg a portfolio of customers, market-share, customer relationships and customer
loyalty) to meet the definition of an intangible asset.
In the absence of legal rights to protect customer relationships, exchange transactions
for the same or similar non-contractual customer relationships (other than as part of a
business combination) provide evidence that the entity is nonetheless able to control the
expected future economic benefits flowing from the customer relationships. Because
such exchange transactions also provide evidence that the customer relationships are
separable, those customer relationships meet the definition of an intangible asset.
However, exchange transactions for non-contractual customer relationships are
Note: when an entity establishes relationships with its customers through fixed-term
contracts, and those contracts contain legally enforceable contractual rights to future
revenue (over which the entity has control), the definition of an intangible asset will be
met. However, in accordance with Section 18, internally generated intangible assets are
not recognised (see paragraphs 18.4(c), 18.14 and 18.15). Accordingly, internally
generated customer lists may not be recognised, but separately acquired (purchased)
customer lists may qualify for recognition (see paragraphs 18.4, 18.7 and 18.10).
Ex 8 A bakery manufactures rye bread that is very popular with its customers using a
recipe that it found in a famous cookbook that is in the public domain. Although
the cookbook’s publication is protected by copyright, there is no limitation on the
use of the recipe. Many of the bakery’s competitors produce rye bread.
The recipe does not meet the definition of an asset of the bakery because the bakery does
not have control over the recipe. The bakery is unable to restrict the access of others to
the benefits from using the recipe because the recipe is available to the public.
Ex 9 An entity has a team of skilled employees and it can identify the incremental staff
skills leading to future economic benefits that will flow from training that it has
provided to its employees. The entity does not expect that any of its employees will
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
leave the entity, and as a result their skills are expected to remain available to the
entity for the foreseeable future.
In the absence of evidence to the contrary, the entity is unlikely to have sufficient
control over the expected future economic benefits arising from its team of skilled staff
and from training provided to its employees in order for these items to meet the
definition of an intangible asset of the entity.
Similarly, specific technical talent held by particular employees is unlikely to meet the
definition of an intangible asset, unless legal rights protect the entity’s right to use that
talent and also protect the future economic benefits expected from it (and the technical
talent also meets the other requirements to be regarded as meeting the definition of an
intangible asset of the entity).
Other intangible assets that are outside the scope of Section 18 because they are within
the scope of another section of the IFRS for SMEs include intangible assets that are held
for sale in the ordinary course of business (which are accounted for in accordance with
Section 13 Inventories) and goodwill (which is accounted for in accordance with
Section 19 Business Combinations and Goodwill).
Ex 10 An entity that trades in transferable fishing licences acquires 1,000 licences, each of
which entitles the holder to catch one tonne of fish in a specified jurisdiction’s
waters. The entity does not own a boat and does not intend to catch any fish. It has
advertised the licences for sale at a price that is set to achieve a 40 per cent gross
profit margin.
Although each licence satisfies the definition of an intangible asset, the licences are not
classified as intangible assets of the entity (see paragraph 18.1). The licences are
inventories of the entity because they are assets held for sale in the ordinary course of
business (see paragraph 13.1).
Ex 11 When accounting for the acquisition of the net assets and operations of one of its
competitors, an entity recognised future economic benefits arising from assets that
are not individually identified as assets (goodwill).
Because the assets that represent goodwill could not be individually identified they are
not recognised as individual intangible assets when accounting for the business
combination. Instead, they are collectively recognised as goodwill. Goodwill is
accounted for in accordance with Section 19 Business Combinations and Goodwill (see
paragraph 18.1).
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Paragraph 18.4 sets out the general principle for the recognition of intangible assets
developed from the concepts set out in paragraph 2.27 of Section 2 Concepts and Pervasive
Principles. Paragraphs 2.27 and 2.28 set out the overall principles for recognising
elements in the financial statements.
Paragraphs 18.5 to 18.8 provide guidance on how to apply the recognition principle in
a variety of circumstances. In accordance with these requirements, internally
generated intangible assets are not recognised (eg internally generated brands) because
it is often difficult to attribute expenditure directly to a particular intangible asset
rather than expenditure to develop the business as a whole.
18.5 An entity shall assess the probability of expected future economic benefits using
reasonable and supportable assumptions that represent management’s best estimate of
the economic conditions that will exist over the useful life of the asset.
An asset’s useful life is the period over which the asset is expected to be available for
use by the entity.
18.6 An entity uses judgement to assess the degree of certainty attached to the flow of future
economic benefits that are attributable to the use of the asset on the basis of the
evidence available at the time of initial recognition, giving greater weight to external
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
18.7 The probability recognition criterion in paragraph 18.4(a) is always considered satisfied
for intangible assets that are separately acquired.
Ex 12 An entity developed a formula that it uses to manufacture a unique glue. The glue
is the leading adhesive product in the market because of its distinctive mix of
chemicals. The special formula is known only by the entity’s two owner-managers
and hence no competitors have been able to discover and replicate the formula.
The formula is not protected by a patent, or by other means. Many competitors
have approached the entity to try to purchase the formula.
The formula meets the definition of an intangible asset of the entity. It is identifiable
because it is capable of being separated from the entity and sold (ie it is separable). It is
non-monetary because it is neither currency held nor an asset receivable in a fixed or
determinable amount of money. It meets the definition of an asset of the entity
because, although the formula is not protected by legal rights, the entity has control
over the formula by keeping the formula a secret from its competitors.
However, in accordance with Section 18, internally generated intangible assets are not
recognised as assets (see paragraphs 18.4(c), 18.14 and 18.15).
Ex 13 An entity developed a successful brand that allows the entity to charge a premium
for its products. The entity continues to spend large amounts on maintaining the
brand and on developing the brand further (eg sponsoring local sports events,
sponsoring select cultural events and advertising the brand).
The costs incurred in developing the brand do not satisfy the recognition criteria in
paragraph 18.4. The expenditures incurred for sponsorships and advertising are not
recognised as an intangible asset. They cannot be distinguished from costs incurred in
respect of developing the business as a whole. The costs are recognised as an expense as
they are incurred (see paragraphs 18.4(c), 18.14 and 18.15).
In this example, and in all other examples in this module, monetary amounts are denominated in ‘currency units (CU)’.
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
A service mark identifies and distinguishes the source of a service rather than a product.
Collective marks are used to identify the goods or services of members of a group.
Certification marks are used to certify the geographical origin or other characteristics of a good or service.
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
contractual-legal criterion for identification as intangible assets. This will be the case
even if confidentiality or other contractual terms prohibit the sale or transfer of a
contract separately from the acquired entity or business.
Customer relationships also meet the contractual-legal criterion for identification as
intangible assets when an entity has a practice of establishing contracts with its
customers, regardless of whether a contract exists at the acquisition date.
The customer contracts and the related customer relationships are recognised separately
from goodwill in the accounting for the business combination unless the fair value
cannot be measured reliably because either they are not separable from goodwill, or
they are separable from goodwill but there is no history or evidence of exchange
transactions for the same or similar assets, and estimating fair value otherwise would be
dependent on immeasurable variables.
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
if AC determines that the customer relationships with Customer A for sporting goods
and for electronics are separate from each other, AC would assess whether the customer
relationship for electronics meets the separability criterion for identification as an
intangible asset.
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
In this case because the legal rights cannot be measured separately from the business as
a whole (and therefore from goodwill) the businesses would cease to exist without the
rights. Therefore, the legal rights would not be accounted for as a separate intangible
asset acquired in the business combination because the fair value cannot be measured
reliably because the legal rights cannot be separated from goodwill.
Initial measurement
18.9 An entity shall measure an intangible asset initially at cost.
Paragraphs 18.10–18.16 provide application guidance for the determination of the cost
of an intangible asset in a variety of circumstances.
Separate acquisition
18.10 The cost of a separately acquired intangible asset comprises:
(a) its purchase price, including import duties and non-refundable purchase taxes, after
deducting trade discounts and rebates, and
(b) any directly attributable cost of preparing the asset for its intended use.
Examples of directly attributable costs of preparing the asset for its intended use are:
• costs of employee benefits (as defined in Section 28 Employee Benefits) arising
directly from bringing the asset to its working condition;
• professional fees arising directly from bringing the asset to its working
condition; and
• costs of testing whether the asset is functioning properly.
Examples of expenditures that are not part of the cost of an intangible asset are:
• costs of introducing a new product or service (including costs of advertising
and promotional activities);
• costs of conducting business in a new location or with a new class of customer
(including costs of staff training); and
• administration and other general overhead costs.
Recognition of costs in the carrying amount of an intangible asset ceases when the
asset is in the condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner
intended by management. Consequently, costs incurred in using or redeploying an
intangible asset are not included in the carrying amount of that asset.
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
A quoted price for an identical asset in an active market provides the most reliable
estimate of the fair value of an intangible asset. The appropriate market price is
usually the current bid price. If current bid prices are unavailable, the price of the
most recent similar transaction may provide a basis from which to measure fair value,
provided that there has not been a significant change in economic circumstances
between the transaction date and the date at which the asset’s fair value is measured.
It is uncommon for an active market to exist for an intangible asset, although this may
happen. For example, in some jurisdictions, an active market may exist for freely
transferable taxi licences, fishing licences or production quotas. However, an active
market cannot exist for brands, newspaper mastheads, music and film publishing
rights, patents or trademarks, because each such asset is unique.
If no active market exists for an intangible asset, its fair value is the amount that the
entity would have paid for the asset, at the acquisition date, in an arm’s length
transaction between knowledgeable and willing parties, on the basis of the best
information available. In estimating this amount, an entity considers the outcome of
recent transactions for similar assets.
In addition, although intangible assets are occasionally bought and sold, contracts are
normally negotiated between individual buyers and sellers, and so such transactions
are relatively infrequent. As a result, it is difficult to find transactions in identical
and similar intangible assets. Also, many intangible assets are unique, so the price
paid for one asset may not provide sufficient evidence of the fair value of another, even
if the assets have some similarities (eg similar intended uses, similar cash flows etc).
Moreover, prices are often not available to the public since many transactions are
carried out privately.
In addition, making adjustments to observable prices so that they can be used to assess
the value of the subject asset can be highly subjective.
Accordingly, it is expected that in the majority of cases, the fair value of an intangible
asset will need to be measured using valuation techniques. Valuation techniques may
be used to measure the fair value of an intangible asset acquired in a business
combination if the valuation technique reflects current transactions and practices in
the industry to which the asset belongs and current market conditions. These
techniques include, for example:
(a) discounting estimated future net cash flows from the asset; or
(b) estimating the costs that the entity avoids by owning intangible assets and not
needing (i) to license it from another party in an arm’s length transaction (as
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Ex 29 On 1 January 20X1 an entity (the acquirer) acquired all of the issued shares of a
competitor (the acquiree) when the acquiree’s intangible assets were:
Carrying amounts Fair values
Customer list – 50,000
In-process research and development project – 80,000
Licence to operate 100,000 150,000
Brand, including trademark and brand name – 300,000
Customer list 50,000
In-process research and development project 80,000
Licence to operate 150,000
Brand, including trademark and brand name 300,000
Cost of intangibles assets 580,000
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Exchanges of assets
18.13 An intangible asset may be acquired in exchange for a non-monetary asset or assets, or
a combination of monetary and non-monetary assets. An entity shall measure the cost of
such an intangible asset at fair value unless (a) the exchange transaction lacks
commercial substance or (b) the fair value of neither the asset received nor the asset
given up is reliably measurable. In that case, the asset’s cost is measured at the
carrying amount of the asset given up.
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
their respective home jurisdictions. Assume that the fair value of neither the asset
received nor the asset given up can be measured reliably. The carrying amount of
the patented rights given up by entities A and B in the exchange transaction was
CU100 and CU200 respectively.
The trademark received (the intangible asset acquired in the exchange transaction) must
be measured on initial recognition at CU100 and CU200 by entities A and B, respectively
(ie it is measured at the carrying amount of the asset given up in the exchange
The research phase includes the original and planned investigation undertaken with
the prospect of gaining new scientific or technical knowledge and understanding.
Examples of research activities are:
• activities aimed at obtaining new knowledge;
• the search for, evaluation and final selection of applications of research
findings or other knowledge;
• the search for alternatives for materials, devices, products, processes, systems
or services; and
• the formulation, design, evaluation and final selection of possible alternatives
for new or improved materials, devices, products, processes, systems or services.
The development phase includes the application of research findings or other
knowledge to a plan or design for the production of new or substantially improved
materials, devices, products, processes, systems or services before the start of
commercial production or use. Examples of development activities are:
• the design, construction and testing of pre-production or pre-use prototypes
and models;
• the design of tools, jigs, moulds and dies involving new technology;
• the design, construction and operation of a pilot plant that is not of a scale that
would be economically viable for commercial production; and
• the design, construction and testing of a chosen alternative for new or
improved materials, devices, products, processes, systems or services.
Expenditures on both research and development activities are recognised as an expense
when incurred, unless they form part of the cost of another asset that meets the
recognition criteria in another section of the IFRS for SMEs.
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
18.15 As examples of applying the preceding paragraph, an entity shall recognise expenditure
on the following items as an expense and shall not recognise such expenditure as
intangible assets:
(a) internally generated brands, logos, publishing titles, customer lists and items similar in
(b) start-up activities (ie start-up costs), which include establishment costs such as legal
and secretarial costs incurred in establishing a legal entity, expenditure to open a new
facility or business (ie pre-opening costs) and expenditure for starting new operations
or launching new products or processes (ie pre-operating costs).
(c) training activities.
(d) advertising and promotional activities.
(e) relocating or reorganising part or all of an entity.
(f) internally generated goodwill.
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
indication that the patent is impaired at the reporting date, it must be tested for
impairment in accordance with Section 27 Impairment of Assets.
• at 31 December 20X1 inventory (asset) includes CU2,500 cost of production (ie CU5,000
÷ 2 because half of the goods produced were on hand at the end of the reporting
period). The CU2,500 includes material and labour costs only. Consequently, the cost
of the inventory is increased to include a systematic allocation of fixed and variable
production overheads (see Section 13 Inventories).
Ex 35 An entity has established a substantial list of customers over time. The list is
considered to be very valuable to the entity.
On 1 January 20X1 the entity acquired a customer list from another entity for
CU100,000. Management could sell the externally acquired customer list to third
parties. In 20X1 the entity estimates that it incurred a further CU10,000 staff costs
in maintaining and developing this externally acquired customer list.
The entity may not recognise an intangible asset for the internally generated customer
list, because Section 18 specifically prohibits an entity from recognising internally
generated intangible assets (see paragraph 18.15(a)). The costs of establishing the list
cannot be distinguished from the cost of developing the business as a whole.
The externally acquired customer list must be measured at CU100,000 on initial
recognition because it meets the recognition criteria in paragraph 18.4. Note that the
list meets the definition of an intangible asset because it is separable (it can be sold to a
third party).
However, the additional CU10,000 incurred in maintaining and developing the
externally acquired customer list must be recognised as an expense in the determination
of profit or loss for the year. Subsequent expenditure on customer lists (whether
externally acquired or internally generated) is always recognised in profit or loss as
incurred (see paragraph 18.14). This is because such expenditure cannot be
distinguished from expenditure to develop the business as a whole and hence does not
satisfy the recognition criteria in paragraph 18.4.
Ex 36 On 20 February 20X1 an entity held an event to officially open its new retail outlet.
The event cost CU20,000 and generated much favourable publicity. In February
20X1, before the new retail outlet was opened, the entity hired and trained new
sales staff at a cost of CU30,000.
The cost of the pre-opening staff training and the opening function must be recognised
as expenses in the determination of profit of the period in which the expenses were
incurred (see paragraph 18.15(b) and (c)).
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
18.16 Paragraph 18.15 does not preclude recognising a prepayment as an asset when payment
for goods or services has been made in advance of the delivery of the goods or the
rendering of the services.
Example – prepayments
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
• the number of production or similar units expected to be obtained from the
asset by an entity.
An intangible asset’s useful life is not necessarily the same as its economic life.
An asset’s economic life is the period during which the asset produces economic
benefits, no matter who uses those benefits at the time. The useful life is the period
when the asset is used by the entity. If the entity has an intangible asset that has an
economic life of ten years, but the entity intends to sell the asset after six years, the
useful life will be six years and not ten years. It would be necessary to estimate the
residual value at the end of six years.
Many factors are considered in determining the useful life of an intangible asset,
• the expected usage of the asset by the entity;
• typical product life cycles for the asset and public information about estimates
of useful lives of similar assets that are used in a similar way;
• technical, technological, commercial or other types of obsolescence;
• the stability of the industry in which the asset operates and changes in the
market demand for the products or services output from the asset;
• expected actions by competitors or potential competitors;
• the level of maintenance expenditure required to obtain the expected future
economic benefits from the asset and the entity’s ability and intention to
achieve such a level;
• the period of control over the asset and legal or similar limits on the use of the
asset, such as the expiry dates of related leases; and
• whether the useful life of the asset is dependent on the useful life of other
assets of the entity.
The useful life of an intangible asset does not reflect planned future expenditure in
excess of that required to maintain the intangible asset at its standard of performance
assessed at the time of estimating the asset’s useful life. The useful life reflects the
level of future maintenance expenditure required to maintain the asset at its standard
of performance assessed, provided that the entity has the ability and intention to carry
out such maintenance.
Given the history of rapid changes in technology, computer software and many other
intangible assets are susceptible to technological obsolescence. Consequently, it is
likely that their useful life is short.
If there is an indication that the useful life of an intangible asset has changed since the
most recent reporting date then, in accordance with paragraph 18.24, the entity
reviews its estimates of the assets useful life and accounts for any change therein as a
change in accounting estimate prospectively in accordance with paragraph 10.16.
18.20 If an entity is unable to make a reliable estimate of the useful life of an intangible asset,
the life shall be presumed to be ten years.
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Ex 41 An entity acquires a computer program under licence for five years—the shortest
licence period offered by the licensor. The entity expects to use the software for
only the first three years of the licence period, while it develops its own bespoke
(custom-made) software.
The best estimate of the useful life of the software held under licence is 3 years. The fact
that the entity has the right to use the software for five years does not extend its useful
life beyond the period over which the entity expects to use the asset.
Ex 43 An entity acquired an airline route authority between two cities. The route
authority expires in three years. The route authority may be renewed every five
years, and the acquiring entity intends to comply with the applicable rules and
regulations about renewals. Route authority renewals are routinely granted at a
minimal cost and historically have been renewed when the airline has complied
with the applicable rules and regulations. The acquiring entity expects to provide
service indefinitely between the two cities from its hub airports and expects that
the related supporting infrastructure (eg airport gates, slots and terminal facility
leases) will remain in place at those airports for as long as it has the route
authority. An analysis of demand and cash flows supports those assumptions.
Because the facts and circumstances support the acquiring entity’s ability to continue
providing air service indefinitely between the two cities, the entity may be unable to
make a reliable estimate of the useful life of the intangible asset. Consequently, the
useful life is presumed to be 10 years (see paragraph 18.20).
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Because the facts and circumstances support the acquiring entity’s ability to continue
renewing the broadcasting licence so as to contribute to the entity’s net cash inflows
indefinitely, the entity may be unable to make a reliable estimate of the useful life of the
intangible asset. Consequently, the useful life is presumed to be 10 years (see paragraph
Ex 45 The facts are the same as in example 44. However, the licensing authority
subsequently decides that it will no longer renew broadcasting licences, but instead
will auction the licences. At the time that the licensing authority’s decision is
made, the entity’s broadcasting licence has three years until it expires. The entity
expects that the licence will continue to contribute to net cash inflows until the
licence expires.
Because the broadcasting licence can no longer be renewed, its useful life is no longer
presumed to be 10 years. The useful life of the acquired licence would be re-estimated
and the entity would conclude that it is the remaining three years until expiration.
Note: the change in the legal environment is an impairment indicator and hence the
licence must be tested for impairment in accordance with Section 27 Impairment of Assets.
18.22 Amortisation begins when the intangible asset is available for use, ie when it is in the
location and condition necessary for it to be usable in the manner intended by
management. Amortisation ceases when the asset is derecognised. The entity shall
choose an amortisation method that reflects the pattern in which it expects to consume
the asset’s future economic benefits. If the entity cannot determine that pattern reliably, it
shall use the straight-line method.
Depreciable amount
The depreciable amount of an intangible asset with a finite useful life is its cost, or
other amount substituted for cost (in the financial statements), less its residual value.
The depreciable amount is usually cost less residual value. Another amount may be
substituted for cost when an entity used fair value or a previous GAAP revaluation as a
deemed cost for an intangible asset on first-time adoption of the IFRS for SMEs (see
paragraphs 35.10(c) and 35.10(d) of Section 35 Transition to the IFRS for SMEs).
Residual value
The residual value of an intangible asset is the estimated amount that an entity would
currently obtain from disposal of the asset, after deducting the estimated costs of
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
disposal, if the asset were already of the age and in the condition expected at the end
of its useful life. However, the useful life of an intangible asset is zero unless
particular criteria are satisfied (see paragraph 18.23).
Amortisation period
Amortisation begins when the asset is available for use, which is not necessarily the
date at which the intangible asset is brought into use. Amortisation of an intangible
asset does not cease when the intangible asset is no longer used, unless the asset has
been fully amortised or has been derecognised.
Amortisation method
The entity must choose an amortisation method that reflects the pattern in which it
expects to consume the asset’s future economic benefits. If the entity cannot
determine that pattern reliably, it must use the straight-line method.
What does the IASB mean by ‘the pattern in which it expects to consume the asset’s
future economic benefits’? Every asset on an entity’s statement of financial position
represents a bundle of future economic benefits. Those benefits may be direct, as in
the case of cash flows from a financial instrument, or indirect, as in the case of benefits
derived from an item of office furniture. With intangible assets the objective of the
amortisation method is to approximate the pattern in which the bundle of economic
benefits diminishes over time. There are several methods that can be used to allocate
amortisation over the asset’s estimated useful life. The three most common methods
• The straight-line method: the asset’s depreciable amount is allocated evenly
over its useful life. Hence, straight-line amortisation results in a constant
amortisation charge over the useful life of the asset. The straight-line basis is
the default method. It is also the most appropriate method where the future
economic benefits are consumed over time (eg it is often appropriate for
licences and franchises).
• The reducing balance (diminishing balance) method: the annual amortisation
charge is a fixed percentage of the opening carrying amount. This results in
more amortisation in earlier years than under the straight-line basis. It would
be appropriate if future benefits from the intangible asset are expected to be
greater in the earlier years of the asset’s expected useful life (eg this may be the
case for an acquired customer relationship intangible asset).
• The unit of production method: the asset’s depreciable amount is allocated
over its useful life based on the asset’s usage, activity or units produced instead
of the passage of time.
Recognition of amortisation
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Ex 46 The facts are the same as in example 42—an entity in the business of direct-mail
marketing acquires a customer list and expects that it will be able to derive benefit
from the information on the list for at least one year, but no more than three years.
The entity intends to add customer names and other information to the list in the
future as it expands the business.
If diminishing returns are expected from using the customer list over management’s
best estimate of its useful life (ie 18 months), the reducing balance method of
amortisation would be used.
If the entity cannot reliably determine the pattern in which it expects to consume the
customer list’s future economic benefits then it would amortise the customer list using
the straight-line method over 18 months (ie management’s best estimate of its useful
The amortisation charge (expense) is recognised in profit or loss.
The entity must assess at each reporting date whether there is any indication that the
customer list is impaired. If any such indication exists, the entity shall review the
customer list for impairment in accordance with Section 27 Impairment of Assets (see
paragraph 18.18).
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Residual value
18.23 An entity shall assume that the residual value of an intangible asset is zero unless:
(a) there is a commitment by a third party to purchase the asset at the end of its useful
life, or
(b) there is an active market for the asset and:
(i) residual value can be determined by reference to that market, and
(ii) it is probable that such a market will exist at the end of the asset’s useful life.
Residual value is the estimated amount that an entity would currently obtain from
disposal of an asset, after deducting the estimated costs of disposal, if the asset were
already of the age and in the condition expected at the end of its useful life. That
definition can be restated as a simple question. If the asset was at the end of its useful
life today, and was in the condition expected at the end of useful life, what would the
company receive today from selling the asset (net of disposal costs)?
An active market is a market in which all the following conditions exist:
• the items traded in the market are homogeneous;
• willing buyers and sellers can normally be found at any time; and
• prices are available to the public.
It is uncommon for an active market with the characteristics described above to exist
for an intangible asset, although this may happen. For example, in some jurisdictions,
an active market may exist for freely transferable taxi licences, fishing licences or
production quotas. However, an active market cannot exist for brands, newspaper
mastheads, music and film publishing rights, patents or trademarks, because each
such asset is unique. Furthermore, although intangible assets are bought and sold,
contracts are negotiated between individual buyers and sellers, and prices are often
not available to the public because the negotiations are done privately.
A residual value other than zero implies that an entity expects to dispose of the
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Ex 50 An entity acquired a patent that expires in 15 years. The product protected by the
patented technology is expected to be a source of net cash inflows for at least
15 years.
The patent would be amortised over its 15-year useful life to a nil residual value. If there
is any indication that the patent is impaired at any reporting date, the patent would be
reviewed for impairment in accordance with Section 27 Impairment of Assets.
Assuming a discount rate of 10 per cent per year, the residual value measured at the date of acquisition = CU37,255 (ie
CU60,000 ÷ 1.1 = CU60,000 × 0.620921).
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Intangible assets are tested for impairment in accordance with Section 27 Impairment of
Assets. In accordance with paragraph 27.10, if there is an indication that an intangible
asset may be impaired, this may indicate that the entity should review its remaining
useful life, amortisation method or residual value, even if no impairment loss is
recognised for the asset.
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Ex 54 On 1 January 20X1 an entity paid a system developer CU50,000 for an on-line system
through which its customers can place orders. The entity estimated that the system
would have a five-year life and amortised the cost accordingly. Unfortunately, the
system never worked as anticipated and customer use declined considerably after
the first year because of ongoing system problems resulting in incorrect orders.
After two years, the entity replaced the custom-developed system with a generic
software package available in the market. The entity concluded that the entire
CU50,000 expenditure was worthless from the beginning and decided to write it off
retrospectively, in the year of acquisition, as a correction of an error (see paragraph
The entity accounts for the change in useful life of the customer order system as a
change in an accounting estimate in accordance with paragraphs 10.15–10.18.
The amortisation in the first two years in which the custom-developed system was used
was based on an assessment of future benefits coming from that system. After two
years, the assessment of future benefits changed.
A prior period error results from failure to take into account information that was
available at the time. Until the end of the second year, the best available information
was that the system would provide future benefits. Consequently, this is a change of
accounting estimate, and not a correction of a prior period error.
Note: because there was an indication in 20X1 that future benefits were likely to be
lower than expected, an impairment test would be carried out at 31 December 20X1 in
accordance with Section 27 Impairment of Assets.
If there is an indication that an intangible asset may be impaired, this may indicate
that the entity should review its remaining useful life, amortisation method or
residual value, even if no impairment loss is recognised for the asset (see paragraph
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
The disposal of an intangible asset may occur in a variety of ways (eg by sale, by
entering into a finance lease or by donation). In determining the date of disposal of
such an asset, an entity applies the criteria in Section 23 Revenue for recognising
revenue from the sale of goods (see paragraph 23.10).
The gain or loss arising from derecognising an intangible asset is determined as the
difference between the net disposal proceeds, if any, and the carrying amount of the
asset. It is recognised in profit or loss when the asset is derecognised (unless the
transaction results in a sale and leaseback, in which case Section 20 Leases specifies the
treatment of the gain or loss).
If payment for the intangible asset is deferred, the consideration received is recognised
initially at the cash price equivalent. The difference between the nominal amount of
the consideration and the cash price equivalent is recognised as interest revenue.
Ex 56 An entity sells cardboard boxes made out of a special type of cardboard, which the
entity has protected by purchasing a patent. In late 20X4 an entity experienced
several complaints from customers that they had received batches of defective
cardboard boxes. This led to several important customers cancelling their future
In May 20X5, because of a significant drop in the level of sales, the entity temporary
halted production of its patented cardboard boxes. Expecting that the customers
would return and that demand for cardboard boxes would increase in the
foreseeable future, the entity did not dispose of its cardboard manufacturing
On 30 June 20X6 management discovered that a competitor had developed a new
type of cardboard that customers believed was superior to the entity’s patented
product. As a result, management gave up hope that sales would improve to the
extent that it could recommence manufacturing cardboard boxes. Management
therefore decided that the associated tangible and intangible assets (including the
patent) should be scrapped.
The entity has a year-end of 31 December.
The entity must derecognise the patent on 30 June 20X6. From this date no future
economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal.
The reduction in expected future economic benefits (ie reduction in sales) due to
customers cancelling their orders in late 20X4 is an impairment indicator, and hence
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
the cardboard manufacturing operations should be tested for impairment under Section
27 Impairment of Assets on 31 December 20X4. The subsequent significant drop in the
level of sales is also an impairment indicator, and the cardboard manufacturing
operations should therefore be tested again for impairment on 31 December 20X5.
Note: if expected future benefits are reduced, this is an impairment indicator. However,
if no future benefits are expected, this results in derecognition of the asset.
18.27 An entity shall disclose the following for each class of intangible assets:
(a) the useful lives or the amortisation rates used.
(b) the amortisation methods used.
(c) the gross carrying amount and any accumulated amortisation (aggregated with
accumulated impairment losses) at the beginning and end of the reporting period.
(d) the line item(s) in the statement of comprehensive income (and in the income
statement, if presented) in which any amortisation of intangible assets is included.
(e) a reconciliation of the carrying amount at the beginning and end of the reporting
period showing separately:
(i) additions.
(ii) disposals.
(iii) acquisitions through business combinations.
(iv) amortisation.
(v) impairment losses.
(vi) other changes.
This reconciliation need not be presented for prior periods.
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Patents 20 years
Formulas 10 years
Computer software 3 years
Carrying amount at 1
January 20X2 5,600 9,800 2,100 17,500
Acquired in a business
combination 5,000 4,000 2,000 11,000
(a) (d) (g)
Disposals (1,400) (1,200) (300) (2,900)
Carrying amount at 31
December 20X2 8,470 12,300 2,550 23,320
(b) (e) (h)
Cost 13,000 16,000 6,400 35,400
(c) (f) (i)
Accumulated amortisation (4,530) (3,700) (3,850) (12,080)
Note: the following calculations illustrate the workings only and would not
comprise part of the actual disclosures in the financial statements.
Calculations (in CU000)
CU2,000 cost less CU600 accumulated amortisation
(b) (a)
CU10,000 cost + CU5,000 acquired in business combination less CU2,000 cost of disposed
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
CU4,400 accumulated amortisation at 1 January 20X2 + CU730 annual amortisation less
CU600 accumulated amortisation of disposed items
CU3,000 cost less CU1,800 accumulated amortisation
CU13,000 cost + CU2,000 additions + CU4,000 acquired in business combination less
CU3,000 cost of disposed items
CU3,200 accumulated amortisation at 1 January 20X2 + CU1,700 annual amortisation +
CU600 impairment loss recognised on 20X2 less CU1,800 accumulated amortisation of
disposed items
CU1,000 cost less CU700 accumulated amortisation
CU4,400 cost + CU1,000 additions + CU2,000 acquired in business combination less
CU1,000 cost of disposed items
CU2,300 accumulated amortisation at 1 January 20X2 + CU2,250 annual amortisation less
CU700 accumulated amortisation of disposed items
18.29 An entity shall disclose the aggregate amount of research and development expenditure
recognised as an expense during the period (ie the amount of expenditure incurred
internally on research and development that has not been capitalised as part of the cost
of another asset that meets the recognition criteria in this IFRS).
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
20X2 20X1
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Applying the requirements of the IFRS for SMEs to transactions and events often requires
judgement. Information about significant judgements and key sources of estimation
uncertainty are useful in assessing the financial position, performance and cash flows of an
entity. Consequently, in accordance with paragraph 8.6, an entity must disclose the
judgements that management has made in the process of applying the entity’s accounting
policies and that have the most significant effect on the amounts recognised in the financial
statements. Furthermore, in accordance with paragraph 8.7, an entity must disclose
information about the key assumptions concerning the future, and other key sources of
estimation uncertainty at the reporting date, that have a significant risk of causing a material
adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year.
Other sections of the IFRS for SMEs require disclosure of information about particular
judgements and estimation uncertainties. Some of the judgements in accounting for
intangible assets are set out below.
An entity shall measure an intangible asset at its cost at initial recognition. In most cases little
difficulty is encountered in determining the cost of an intangible asset. However, significant
judgements in measuring the cost of an intangible asset at initial recognition may include:
• If payment for the item is deferred beyond normal credit terms—estimating the discount
rate at which to discount all future payments to arrive at the present value that will be
included in the cost of the intangible asset.
• If the item is acquired in an exchange transaction—measuring fair value when an active
market does not exist for the asset received, or for the asset given up, and also judging
whether the fair value can be measured reliably.
• If the item is acquired in a business combination—measuring the fair value of the
intangible asset when an active market does not exist for the asset acquired, and also
judging whether the fair value can be measured reliably.
• If the item is acquired by way of government grant—measuring the fair value of the
intangible asset when an active market does not exist for the asset acquired.
Significant judgements in accounting for the amortisation of an intangible asset may include:
• estimating the useful life of the item and;
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
• determining the appropriate amortisation method that reflects the pattern in which the
entity expects to consume the intangible asset.
Significant judgements in accounting for the impairment of an intangible asset may include:
• assessing whether there is any indication that an item may be impaired; and
• if there is an indication that the item may be impaired—measuring the recoverable
amount of the intangible asset (see Module 27 Impairment of Assets).
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Test your knowledge of the requirements for accounting and reporting intangibles other than
goodwill in accordance with the IFRS for SMEs by answering the questions below.
Once you have completed the test check your answers against those set out below this test.
Assume that all amounts are material.
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Question 4
The cost of an intangible asset at initial recognition is measured at its fair value when:
(a) it is internally generated.
(b) it is acquired as part of a business combination.
(c) it is acquired by way of a government grant.
(d) all of (a)–(c) above.
(e) both (b) and (c) above.
(f) none of the above.
Question 5
An entity acquired a trademark for a leading consumer product. The trademark has a
remaining legal life of five years but is renewable every ten years at little cost. The acquiring
entity intends to renew the trademark continuously and evidence supports its ability to do so.
An analysis of (i) product life cycle studies, (ii) market, competitive and environmental trends,
and (iii) brand extension opportunities provides evidence that the trademarked product will
generate net cash inflows for the acquiring entity for an indefinite period. The useful life of
the intangible asset is:
(a) five years—the initial period of the contractual rights.
(b) presumed to be 10 years—if the entity is unable to make a reliable estimate of its finite
useful life.
(c) 15 years—the initial period of the contractual rights plus a renewal period.
(d) five years—the period of the contractual rights, but with no amortisation charges, as it
is expected to generate cash flows for a indefinite period.
Question 6
On 31 December 20X2 entity A sold a brand name to entity B for CU250,000. Entity A
estimates that it cost CU100,000 to develop the brand name during 20X1. Entity B estimates
that it spent CU50,000 in maintaining and developing the brand name in 20X3.
On 31 December 20X3 entity C gained control over entity B in a business combination, when
the fair value of the brand was estimated at CU400,000.
For the purpose of this example, ignore amortisation.
The brand name must be recognised:
(a) on 31 December 20X1 by entity A at CU100,000; on 31 December 20X2 by entity B at
CU250,000; on 31 December 20X3 by entity C (in its consolidated financial statements)
at CU400,000.
(b) on 31 December 20X1 by entity A at nil; on 31 December 20X2 by entity B at
CU300,000; on 31 December 20X3 by entity C (in its consolidated financial statements)
at CU400,000.
(c) on 31 December 20X1 by entity A at nil; on 31 December 20X2 by entity B at
CU250,000; on 31 December 20X3 by entity C (in its consolidated financial statements)
at CU400,000.
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Question 7
On 1 January 20X1 an entity acquired a taxi licence for CU95,000, including CU5,000
non-refundable purchase taxes. The purchase agreement provided that payment must be
made in full on 31 December 20X1. Legal fees of CU2,000 were incurred in acquiring the taxi
licence and paid on 1 January 20X1.
An appropriate discount rate is 10 per cent per year.
On 1 January 20X1 the entity shall measure the initial cost of the taxi licence at:
(a) CU102,000.
(b) CU97,000.
(c) CU88,364.
(d) CU107,000.
Question 8
Question 9
On 31 December 20X5 the entity reassessed the patent described in Question 8 as follows:
- the patent’s useful life at 14 years from the date of acquisition
- the entity will consume the patent’s future economic benefits evenly over 14 years from
the date of acquisition
- the recoverable amount (fair value less costs to sell) of the patent at CU70,000.
The entity shall measure the carrying amount of the patent on 31 December 20X5 at:
(a) CU72,000.
(b) CU100,000.
(c) CU64,286.
(d) CU70,000.
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Question 10
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
IFRS Foundation: Training Material for the IFRS® for SMEs (version 2010-9) 48
Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Apply your knowledge of the requirements for accounting and reporting intangibles other
than goodwill in accordance with the IFRS for SMEs by solving the case studies below.
Once you have completed the case studies check your answers against those set out at the end
of this test
Case study 1
SME D incurred the following expenditures in establishing its taxi business in a local city:
30 June 20X1 7,000 Legal costs directly attributable to the acquisition of the taxi licences
30 June 20X1 100,000 Payment to the taxi licensing authority for the taxi licences, including
CU10,000 refundable purchase taxes
1 July 20X1 20,000 Payment for an advertisement to be published every day for the next
12 months in a local daily newspaper
Economic life of the taxi licence: five years from 30 June 20X1 (the date of acquisition)
The entity expects to consume the taxi licences’ future economic benefits evenly over
five years from the date of acquisition
The taxi drivers own their own vehicles, which they operate under SME D’s taxi licences.
Prepare accounting entries to record the information set out above in the accounting
records of SME D for the year ended 31 December 20X1.
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
1 May 20X1
30 June 20X1
Dr Intangible asset (taxi licence)—cost CU7,000
Cr Cash CU7,000
To recognise legal costs directly attributable to the acquisition of the taxi licences.
Dr Intangible asset (taxi licence)—cost CU90,000
Dr Receivable—refundable purchase taxes CU10,000
Cr Cash CU100,000
To recognise the acquisition of the taxi licences.
1 July 20X1
Dr Profit or loss (operating expenses) CU9,700
Cr Intangible asset (taxi licences)—accumulated amortisation CU9,700
To recognise amortisation of taxi licences from the date when the asset was ready for use (for the six month period
ended 31 December 20X1).
The calculations and explanatory notes below do not form part of the answer to this case study:
IFRS Foundation: Training Material for the IFRS® for SMEs (version 2010-9) 50
Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
(a) (b)
CU97,000 cost ÷ 5 year useful life = CU19,400 amortisation for a year.
Amortisation for 6 months = CU9,700 (ie CU19,400 ÷ 12 months × 6 months).
∑A = CU97,000 cost of intangible asset—taxi licences.
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Case study 2
On 1 January 20X4 SME F acquired a trademark for a line of products in a separate acquisition
from a competitor for CU300,000. SME F expected to continue marketing the line of products
using the trademark indefinitely. An analysis of (i) product life cycle studies, (ii) market,
competitive and environmental trends, and (iii) brand extension opportunities provides
evidence that the line of trademarked products may generate net cash inflows for the
acquiring entity for an indefinite period. Because management is unable to estimate the
useful life of the trademark SME F amortises the cost of the trademark over 10 years (ie its
presumed useful life) using the straight-line method.
In 20X7 a competitor unexpectedly revealed a technological breakthrough that is expected to
result in a product, that when launched by the competitor, will extinguish demand for SME F’s
patented product-line. Demand for SME F’s patented product-line is expected to remain
strong until December 20X9, when the competitor is expected to launch its new product.
On 31 December 20X7 SME F assessed the recoverable amount of the trademark at CU50,000.
SME F intends to continue manufacturing the patented products until 31 December 20X9.
SME F has a 31 December financial year-end.
Prepare accounting entries to record the information set out above in the accounting
records of SME F from 1 January 20X4 to 31 December 20X7.
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
1 January 20X4
At 31 December 20X7
Dr Profit or loss (operating expenses)—impairment of trademark CU90,000
Cr Intangible asset (finite life trademark)—accumulated
amortisation and accumulated impairment CU90,000
To recognise the impairment loss for the trademark.
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
The calculations and explanatory notes below do not form part of the answer to this case study:
CU300,000 cost ÷ 10 years useful life = CU30,000 amortisation per year.
CU210,000 carrying amount (ie CU300,000 cost less (CU30,000 amortisation per year × 3 years since
acquisition)) ÷ 3 years remaining useful life (31 December 20X9 less 1 January 20X7) = CU70,000
amortisation per year.
CU140,000 carrying amount (ie CU300,000 cost less (CU30,000 amortisation per year × 3 years since
acquisition until 31 December 20X6) less CU70,000 amortisation for the year 20X7) less CU50,000
recoverable amount = CU90,000 impairment loss.
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Case study 3
At 1 January 20X5 (the beginning of the comparative reporting period) SME J, an Internet service
provider, owned the following intangible assets:
Internet domain name 500,000 Unable to make a reliable estimate of the useful life.
In-process research and 80,000 Various current research and development projects to
development enhance the value of the services offered by the entity.
In the last quarter of 20X6 SME K incurred CU10,000 on research and development. No projects
were completed during the period.
At 31 December 20X6 SME J confirmed its previous assessments of the group’s intangible assets.
Draft an extract showing how the intangible assets could be presented and disclosed in the
consolidated financial statements of SME J Group for the year ended 31 December 20X6.
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
Extract from SME J group’s consolidated statement of financial position at 31 December 20X6:
Extract from the notes to SME J group’s 31 December 20X6 consolidated financial statements:
(a) (c)
amortisation (60,000) – (40,000) – – – (100,000)
Acquired in a
combination 500,000 600,000 400,000 80,000 500,000 – 2,080,000
(a) (b) (c) (e) (f) (g)
Amortisation (42,500) (15,000) (40,000) – (31,250) (3,333) (132,083)
Carrying amount
at 31 December
20X6 697,500 585,000 420,000 80,000 468,750 16,667 2,267,917
amortisation (102,500) (15,000) (80,000) – (31,250) (3,333) (232,083)
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Module 18 – Intangible Assets other than Goodwill
The calculations and explanatory notes below do not form part of the answer to this case study:
CU300,000 cost ÷ 10 years = CU30,000 amortisation per year of Internet domain name acquired on
1 January 20X4.
CU500,000 cost ÷ 10 years × 3 ÷ 12 months (ie 30 September to 31 December 20X6) = CU12,500
amortisation of Internet domain name acquired in a business combination.
Until 31 December 20X5: CU30,000 × 2 years = CU60,000 amortisation of Internet domain name.
In 20X6: CU30,000 + CU12,500 = CU42,500 amortisation of Internet domain name in 20X6.
CU600,000 cost ÷ 10 years × 3 ÷ 12 months (ie 30 September to 31 December 20X6) = CU15,000
amortisation of software.
(c) (d)
Until 31 December 20X5: CU20,000 × 2 years = CU40,000 amortisation of customer lists.
(d) (d)
In 20X6: CU20,000 + CU20,000 = CU40,000 amortisation of customer lists in 2006.
CU100,000 cost ÷ 5 years = CU20,000 amortisation per year of customer lists acquired on 1 January 20X4.
CU400,000 cost ÷ 5 years × 3 ÷ 12 months (ie 30 September to 31 December 20X6) = CU20,000
amortisation of customer lists acquired in a business combination.
The entity will start amortising the in-process research and development that it acquired in a business
combination when it is developed (ie ready for use as intended by management).
CU500,000 cost ÷ 4 years remaining useful life × 3 ÷ 12 months (ie 30 September to 31 December 20X6) =
CU31,250 amortisation of advertising contract intangible asset.
CU20,000 cost ÷ 3 years remaining useful life × 6 ÷ 12 months (ie 30 June to 31 December 20X6) =
CU3,333 amortisation of ringtones.
Internally generated intangible assets are never recognised under Section 18.
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