Literature Review
Literature Review
Literature Review
mechanism used to move dog ring engage both wheels shaft with drive and equal
power is given to the both.
The author Amir Khan et al. discussed about the four-wheel drive. It cannot
work without central differential. The author studied the phenomenon of windup
which is there in small difference in between front and rear wheel produce extra
torque applied across the transmission. This case study is for Maruti Suzuki Zypsy. It
transfers torque ratio 50:50 for front and rear axle but the torque develop by engine
should ratio 60:40 which is deal ratio for better handling. So, it needs to replace
gearbox to modified central differential having two different side gears. FEM method
is uses for analysis and creo-2 is used for calculating design. They concluded that
modified central differential is better is better is better than transfer gearbox.
Author G. Shrikant Reddy et al. designed and analyzed the gear assembly in
the differential gearbox. The problem of the failure at the contact regions minimized
by modifying gear material in static and dynamic condition. This modification was
done by using stresses and displacement at the point the material used by them are Ni-
Cr steel and steel and compared it in the ANSYS workbench. So, the author got that
Ni-Cr steel is the best material in differential gearbox manufacturing as it gives high
strength also the material Ni-Cr has long life compared to steel.
Author Joseph Gerald et al. give the idea about the light weight spur gear
differential system by introducing a spur gear at half shaft of the vehicle which
transmit the power to the wheel. The carrier is mounted on the propeller shafts which
rotates the pinion in opposite direction. This pinion is connected to the half shaft of
the vehicle which rotate in the same direction as propeller shaft. These differential
claims 30% lighter than the bevel gear differential and 70% free space available
because of its slim design for this reason it increases efficiency and reducing the cost
compared with others conventional differential. This is used for light duty and
commercial vehicles.
The path of the inside wheel (A) and the path of the outside wheel (B) of a
vehicle when it turns along a curve are shown in Figure 2.1 for comparison. The
outside wheel (B) draws an arc with the radius of distance OB and the inside wheel
(A) draws an arc with radius of distance OA. Therefore, the distance travelled by the
outside wheel is more than the inside wheel.
In most cases, therefore, if both wheels were forced to run at the same rpm,
one of them would slip. Tires would, therefore wear faster, and the driving
performance of the vehicles would be affected as a result. To solve these problems,
there is needed a differential device that allows differences in rpm to occur while
transmitting equal torque.
Drive pinion
Spider gear
Crown wheel or ring
Differential case
Spider gear
Axle shaft or half shaft
1. Drive pinion
2. Crown wheel or ring gear
3. Differential case
4. Spider gears
5. Side gear or sun gears
6. Axle shaft or half shafts
companion flange or yoke. The inner end of the pinion gear meshes with the teeth on
the ring gear. The drive pinion gear id mounted on tapered roller bearing that allows
the drive pinion to move freely on the carrier.
shafts at an angle of 90°. The differential case is mounted with two-wheel axles and
differential side gears. The differential case has bearing which rotate two axle shafts.
Then, the two pinion gears and their supporting shaft, called pinion shafts, are fitted
into the differential case. Then, the pinion shaft is meshed with the two differential
side gears connected to inner ends of the axle shafts.
Drive pinion
Ring gear
Differential pinion shaft
Differential case
Axle shaft
Differential side gear or
sun gear
Differential pinion or planer gear
The ring gear is bolted to a flange on the differential case. The ring gear
rotates the differentia case. Finally, the drive pinion is mounted. The drive pinion is
assembled with the differential housing called differential case or carrier. The driver
shaft is connected with the drive pinion by a universal joint and it is meshed with the
ring gear. So, the drive pinion is rotated when the driver shaft turns. Thus, the ring
gear is rotated.
2.11, the differential pinions themselves do not rotate but turn as a unit with the ring
gear, differential case and pinion shafts.
Bevel gear
Crown wheel Housing
Axle shaft
Bevel pinion
In this case, the differential pinions only function to connect the right and left
side gears. As a result, the two side gears rotate as a unit with the revolution of the
differential pinions, causing both drive wheels to turn at an equal rpm.
(2) Turning
When the vehicle is turning, however, the inside wheel travels less distance
(i.e., in a shorter arc) than the outside wheel in comparison with when the vehicle is
travelling in a straight line. Since a resistance is therefore applied to the left-hand side
gear, as illustrated in Figure 2.12, each differential pinion rotates around its own shaft
and also revolves around the rear axle. The rpm of the right-hand side gear increases
as a result.
Crown wheel
Bevel gear
Slow turning Housing
Fast turning
Axle shaft
Bevel pinion
In other words, since the differential pinion rotates around the pinion shaft, the
pinion increases the rpm of one side gear, while reducing the rpm of the other side
gear (depending on the resistance which is applied to the wheel), the sum of the rpm
of the two is twice as much as the rpm of the ring gear. That is to say, the average rpm
of the two is equal to the rpm of the ring gear.
2.8. Types of Differential
Types of differential are;
1. Conventional or Open differential
2. Non-slip or self-locking differential
3. Limited slip differential (LSD)
i. Clutch-type limited slip differential
ii. Cone-type limited slip differential
iii. Viscous limited slip differential
iv. Torsen and Helical limited slip differential
4. Torque-vectoring differential
5. Double reduction differential
Ring gear
Bevel gear
Bevel pinion
Ring gear
Friction plate
some vehicles mimic this by modulating brakes on the inside wheel. Figure 2.19 is the
torque- vectoring differential.