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fufther to amend tte Coftstitutbn of thP Isl1mic Republic of Pakistan

$IIEREAS it is expedieflt fu.rther to am€nd the Constihrtion of the

lslamic Republic of Palistan, for the purposes her€in alter aPpea'ring;

It is hereby enacted as Iollows:-

1. Shoft tltl€ rrd commercemout.* (i) This Act rnay be called the
Constitutioa (twenty-Sixth Amendmeot) Act, 20 19'

12\ It shall conie into force on the day of dissolution of Provincial

Assembly of Punjab, after coming into force of this statute'

2. Araoabraelt of Artlclo 1 of trhe Collrtlt[Uoo'* In the

Constitution of tslamic Republic of Pakistan, hereinalter referred to as


Constihrtion, in ArLicle 1, in clause (2) in paragraph (a)' aJter the

'Punjab', the comma and vords "South Puojab'shall be ins€rted
therettnier the following Expla4atiofl shall be inwrted, namety:'
..&rpt nrfio&- The Province oI South Pu4lab sha1l comprise
territories of Mu.ltal, Bahawalpur and Dera Ghazi l<ha Divisions ''

3. Aherd,[elrt of Artlcls 51 of thG CoD6tltution'- In the

Con8titution, in Aiticle 51, in clause (3), in the table,-

{a) for the entries relating to'Punjab", in the firs! second' third
,' and fourth columns, the following shall b€ substituted'
I ,r.-"Iy,-
' "Punjab lO1 23 124"; and
(b) after the entries relating to
"Puojab", substituted as
aforesaic[, the following new entries shall be iqserted,
namely: -
'South Funjab 46 10 56'
4. Amendmelt of Article 59 of the Cotrstitutl'on'- In the

Constitution, in Anicte 59,-

(1) ln clause ( 1),-

{a) for the words 'one hundred ald foufl, the words "one
hundred and twenty-seven" shall be substihited; and
(b) in paragraph (f), for the word "four", the word 'five' shall be
su b stitu ted .

l2t Clause (4) shal b€ renumbered as cl'ause (5) of that Article and
before clause (5) renumbered as aforesaid, the following new clause shall be
inserted, name ly:.

"{41 The seats of members enhanced through the Constitution

(T\renty-sixth Amendment) Act, 2019, shall be frlled within one hundred
and twenty days of the commencement of the said Act:-
(a) uniler pamgraph (a), seven shall retire a{ter the
expiration of the first three years and seven shell retire
after the expiration of the next three years;
(b) uncier pafagraph (d), one sha1l retire in March 2024 an<l
sevr:n shall retire in Malch 2O27 or such other dates as
'mali be notified by Election Commission of Pakistan in
thisr behalf;
(c) under paragraph (e), two shall retire in Mafch 2024 arid
two shall retire in March 2027 or such otler dates as
ma'r' be notified by Election Commission of Pakistan in
thisr behalf; ald
(d) un(ler paragraph (0, two shail retire in March 2024 aw)
two shatl retire in March 2027 ar s\ch ottlef dates as
Pekistan in
may be notilied by Etection Comftissiod of
this behaff'
5. Amoadmcnt of Artlclc 106' of tho Cotlttltution'- In t}le

Constitution, in Article 106, in clause (1), in th€ table'-

frrsl second' third
(a) for the entries r€lating to'Punjab'; in the
and fourtlt columns, the folldwing shall be substituted'
'Punjab 202 44 5 251'; and

nPunjabr, substjtuted as aforesaid'

(b) after the entries relating to
the tollowing new enlriee shall be inserted, namcly:-
'South Punjab 95 22 3 l2o"

5. Aoondmcnt of Artlcle 175A, of the ConetltEtiotr'- In the

inserted, namelY:-
for initial aPpointment of the Chief Justice and the
of the
Judges of the Province oI south Punjab, th€ chief Justices
four Provincial High Courts shall also b€ members of the

7. AmGndEoat of Artlcle 198 of thc Conatltutlon'- In the

Constjtution, Article 198 shalt be substituted by the following:-

shall be High
"198. the Eoat ofthG Hlgb Court.' (1) The following
provided hereinbelow:-

(a) Punjab High Cout, having its principal seat at Lalore;

Ei io,itft"* High C;urt, having its princiPal seat at
(c) il"af,X* Co".t, having its principa'l seat at Karachi;
(d) ;J;i";" High bou*, having its principal. seat at Qu€tta;
(e) lstamabad ttlgh Court, having its principal seat

Each of the High Courts may have Benches at
(21 such other

places as thr: Govemor may determifle on the advice of the

Cabinct and

in con8ultaticn with the Chief Justice of the HiSh Court'

(3) l\ Bcnch referred to in cLause (2), shall consist of such of the

Chief Justice from
Judg€o of tll r High Court as mqy be nominated by the
time to time lor a period of not lesa thatr one year'

(4)'lhe Governor in consultation with the Chief Justice of the

High Court $hall make rules to provide the following matters' that
is to

{al assigning the area in relation to which each Bcnch shall
rxeiise iurisdiction vested in t}Ie High couit; and
(b) lor all incidental, supplemental or consequential matters "'

8. AEe!.tEetrt of Artlclc 218 of the Colstltutlot!'- the

constitution, in Article 218, in clause (2) in para$aph (b), {or t}le word "fou/'
the word "five" shE ll be substituled.

g!4rEuE[r -sEgrclarE 4!L8EIE9X€

, It order to addrcss the Srievances and to sccure thc political'

6.r:d cconomic intcrestr of thc pcoPlc of t}le southem rcSron

lhe Provinco of the Punjab 6nd empowcr thcm in this rcgard, it is 'xpedicnt

that a new Province to b€ kno\rn as Provincc of South Punjab be cr€ated from

the prcscnt ProviDce of the funjab.

2, This Conititutiorial amendmcnt seekB to mcet th6 lotlg time genuinc

deEand of &e deprived rcgion of the Provinc€ of the Punjab lt shafl providt

them better admjnidtration and sp€cdy justice. For the *'clfare of the dePdved

region snd efficient administration, th. present Bill is bcing introduced in th(
august House,


i/).EC('-.. - C,PAR.nt

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