Rizal Midterm Q1 AND 2

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PRINTED NAME:____________________________________________________________

DATE:___________ TIME: ________ SECTION: _________ Instructor: Ms. M. Olorvida

“You can do it if you put your mind to it”.

QUIZ NO.1 Midterm

Rizal at the Dominican University of the Philippines

QUIZ NO. 1 Score: _____________

QUIZ NO. 2 Score: _____________
QUIZ NO. 3 Score: _____________
ACT. NO.1 Score: _____________

I. To what does each of the following refer?

__________________ 1. The course Rizal’s father wanted him to pursue at UST.

__________________ 2. The lady from Batangas who was considered Rizal’s first
_ infatuation.

__________________ 3. Rector of Ateneo who advised Rizal to enroll in

_ medicine.

__________________ 4. An organization of art lovers in Manila, which sponsored

_ annual literacy contest during Rizal’s student days in the

__________________ 5. A secret society of Filipino students organized by Rizal

_ at UST.

__________________ 6. Name used by the members of the secret society of

_ Filipino students at UST.

__________________ 7. Rizal’s sonnet, which urged Filipino artists to glorify the

_ Philippines thru their works of art.

__________________ 8. Rizal’s literary work where his first expression of

_ nationalism was manifested.

__________________ 9. A one-act play written by Rizal, which predicted 50 years

_ of revolution and civil tumult in the country.

__________________ 10 Chief Executive of the country at the time Rizal filed a

_ . complaint against the brutality he experienced

II. Provide the necessary details to complete each of the following topics.
Causes of Rizal’s unhappiness during his Student days at UST.
11.______________________________________ CHOICES:

12. _____________________________________  Medicine was not his course.

 The hostility of Dominican
13. _____________________________________
professor. To Rizal
Factors which contributed to Rizal’s Mediocre
 Dissatisfaction with the Dominican
Performance at UST.
system of education.
14. ____________________________________
 Ending of the Spanish civil wars.
15. ____________________________________  The opening of Suez canal
16. ____________________________________  Racial discrimination against
Filipino students
Influx of liberal ideas can be contributed.
 To prepare himself in the realm of
17. ___________________________________
journalism for the liberating the
18. ____________________________________ Filipinos from the Spanish tyranny.
19. ____________________________________  To continue his studies in medicine

Reasons for Rizal’s departure to Europe  Obsolete and repressive method of

instruction at UST.
20. ____________________________________
 To observe and study European
21. ____________________________________
22. ____________________________________  The opening of the Philippines to
23. ____________________________________ word trade.

The world largest catholic universities.  Miguel de Benavides

24. _____________________________________

The founder of UST.

25. _____________________________________

QUIZ NO.2 Midterm


Madrid Press Brindis Barcelona Spain

Carromata Jose Mercado Full coverage Salvadora
Laong laan Djemnah Saint Thomas Sacrifices
Juan Luna

I. Supply the missing word. Choose your answer on the word pool.

1. Rizal left in Calamba on May, 1882 and was able to reach Manila after ten hours of
journey via a ____________________.

2. Rizal secured passport with the name ____________________.

3. Rizal stayed in Manila for two days before his trip to _______________________.

4. Rizal proceeded to Pasig River to board the steamer ____________________,

bound for Singapore.

5. From Singapore, Rizal boarded the ship _______________, which shall ferry him to

6. Rizal was welcomed by the Filipinos in _______________.

7. Rizal wrote this essay when he was still 21 years old, under the pseudonym

8. The speech of salute Rizal delivered during the occasion came to be called

9-10. News of Rizal delivery of the Brindis reached the Philippines due to the
________________ given by the ___________________ to the occasion.

II. Simple recall.

_______________11. Painting that awarded Juan Luna as a gold medal.
_______________12. Poem he wrote for Consuelo
_______________13. Entry of Hidalgo that won him a silver medal.
_______________14. Where a banquet was held to honor the two Filipinos artists.
________________15. The moving spirit of Circulo Hispano- Filipino
QUIZ NO.3 Midterm
Rizal in France and Germany

A. Choose the letter of city/ place where the following experiences and
accomplishments of Rizal took place: P= Paris, H= Heidelberg, L= Leipzig, D=
Dresden, B= Berlin, W= Wilhemlsfed, BA= Barcelona. Letter only.

_________ 1. Completion and publication of Rizal’s Noli

_________ 2. Rizal’s visit to Maximo Viola on his way to Paris.
_________ 3. Three- months vacation at the residence of Pastor Ulmer
_________ 4. Learning of the techniques of diagnosis of eye ailment.
_________ 5. First correspondence with Ferdinand Blumentritt.
_________ 6. Employment as a proofreader in a publishing company.
_________ 7. Meeting with Dr. Adolph Meyer.

_________ 8. Translation of Schiller’s William Tell into the Tagalog language.
_________ 9. Modeling activities in Luna’s art paintings.
_________ 10. Presentation of a scholarly paper entitled Tagalog Metrical Art.

B. To what does each of the following refer?

_____________1. A field of medicine Rizal specialized in due to the failing eyesight of

his mother.

_____________2. Luna’s historical canvass where Rizal posed as Sikatuna.

____________3. Authored by Rufino Baltazar Hernandez.

____________4. Author of the book travels in the Philippines.

____________5. He was a doctor privileged to work with at the eye hospital of the

ACTIVITY # 1. ( 10 points )

Prove or contradict the following statements.

1. Rizal’s A los Flores de Heidelberg is a poem of two of the greatest loves of man
on earth.

2. Genius knows no race.


3. A son can play honor to his parents thru honesty and good name.

4. Love of country is the most heroic and the most subline among human


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