Unit 5: Reading A Day in The Life Vocabulary

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Unit 5
Reading Vocabulary
1 Read the text. 3 Complete the sentences with the correct answers.
A day in the life 1 We can’t flights but we can try to
reduce the number of them.
This unusual programme compares the lives of villagers
in a third world country with villagers in the UK and A ban   B  decrease   C persuade
studies how they both deal with environmental issues. 2 Green organisations are trying to the
sale of hybrid cars.
Changing skies
A avoid   B  promote   C persuade
In this excellent series we look at how the changing
weather patterns in different continents is affecting the 3 Supermarkets have their sales of
way the people live and how they have to adapt. organic food.
A increased   B  achieved   C organised
Drive me
A special programme which reveals the range of options
4 It’s going to be difficult for governments to
available to people who wish to purchase cars that are the aims they have set themselves.
kinder to the environment. A do   B  promote   C achieve
5 You should using plastic bags when
you go shopping.
This programme looks at several animals close to
extinction and questions why they are now in danger. A promote   B  prevent   C avoid
We are taken to the habitats of these different animals Mark /5
and shown why their survival is threatened.
4 Complete the sentences with the prefixes in the
Natural power box.
This is an award-winning documentary that traces man’s
micro-   ex-   auto-   mono-   multi-
efforts over the centuries to use natural energy resources
such as wind and wave power. We look at the first
1 One day I will write my biography – it
windmills and watermills in several regions.
will be all about me!
2 A skilled worker can do many
different things.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct
programme title. 3 Most kitchens today have a wave
1 In we can learn about the reasons for
certain natural problems. 4 We got divorced two years ago. She is now my
2 In we can see different attitudes to
the environment. 5 If you’re in a lingual class, everyone
has the same first language.
3 In we can learn historical facts.
Mark /5
4 In we can find out about how to buy
something in an environmentally-friendly way.
5 In we can see how nature is affecting
our lifestyle.
Mark /10

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progress test

Unit 5
Grammar B Sure. I 3 (drive) a yellow car.
A Great! By the next meeting I 4 (take)
5 Choose the correct answers.
my test and I 5 (come) in my own car –
1 You can get some great deals if you will shop / I hope!
shop online.
B Good luck! How are the reports going?
2 If you get / will get a plasma TV, you’ll be able
A I 6 (finish) them by the time I leave.
to put it on the wall.
B What about the information we needed?
3 If you are / will be interested in computers,
you should take an IT course. A Rosie 7 (print) all of it off by then too.
4 If there is / there will be a fault with your new B That’s good. So, we 8 (discuss) all the
scanner, you should return it. points at the meeting?
5 If I go to bed too late, I am always / will A That’s right!
always be tired the following day.
Mark /8
6 If they win this match, they go / will go up to
the next league.
7 I usually get a lot of spam in my inbox if I use Listening
/ will use my e-mail. 8 3.05  Listen to the people talking about
Mark /7 different measures being taken to help the
environment. Complete the sentences with the
6 Write sentences using will, may, might not or correct speakers, A, B, C, D or E.
won’t and the prompts. 1 Speaker thinks it can be confusing.
1 Perhaps / I / study / biology at university 2 Speaker thinks people are selfish.
3 Speaker thinks there can be bad side
2 I’m sure / they / not arrive / before 1.00 p.m. effects.
4 Speaker thinks it is not enough.
3 I’m sure / Bill Jones / win / the next election 5 Speaker there’s often another reason for
the action.

Mark /10
4 Perhaps / Tina / pass / the exam

5 Perhaps / we / not see / you until Tuesday
9 Write an essay on the statement ‘Nuclear power
is the only way to ensure that we have enough
Mark /5
energy for the future.’ Include the following
7 Complete the dialogue with the future perfect • an introduction to the main issues
or the future continuous form of the verbs in
• arguments and evidence supporting the
A Hi! I’m just getting ready to come to the • arguments and evidence supporting the
meeting. opposite opinion
• a summary of your own opinion
B Great.1 (you / come) by coach or
train? Mark /10

A By train. Could you pick me up at the station? I Total /60

2 (wait) outside.
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