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PS/INF 21/2002 (Rev. 23)

31 January 2018


(in the alphabetical order of the country / entity in which they are located)


Argentina Instituto Nacional de Medicamentos (National Institute INAME
of Drugs)
Australia Therapeutic Goods Administration TGA
Austria Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety AGES
Belgium Agence Fédérale des Médicaments et des Produits de AFMPS
Santé (Federal Agency for Medicines and Health
Canada Health Canada - Regulatory Operations and Regions RORB
Branch (Santé Canada - Direction générale des
opérations réglementaires et des régions)
Chinese Taipei Taiwan Food and Drug Administration TFDA
Croatia Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices HALMED
of Croatia (Agencija za lijekove i medicinske
Cyprus Pharmaceutical Services CyPHS
Czech Republic 1
Státní Ústav pro Kontrolu Léčiv (State Institute for SÚKL
Drug Control)
Ústav pro Státní Kontrolu Veterinárních Biopreparátů ISCVBM
a Léčiv (Czech Institute for State Control of Veterinary
Biologicals and Medicines)
Denmark Danish Medicines Agency DKMA
Estonia State Agency of Medicines SAM
Finland Finnish Medicines Agency FIMEA
France 2 Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des ANSM
produits de santé (French National Agency for
Medicines and Health Products Safety)
Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de ANSES
l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du
travail (French Agency for Food, Environmental &
Occupational Health Safety)

SÚKL and ÚSKVBL count as two distinct Participating Authorities.
ANSM and ANSES count as two distinct Participating Authorities.

PS/INF 21/2002 (Rev. 23) 1 of 3 31 January 2018

Germany 3 Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (Federal Ministry BMG
of Health)
Zentralstelle der Länder für Gesundheitsschutz bei ZLG
Arzneimitteln und Medizinprodukten (Central
Authority of the Laender for Health Protection
regarding Medicinal Products and Medical Devices)
Greece Εθνικός Οργανισμός Φαρμάκων (National EOF
Organization for Medicines)
Hong Kong SAR Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong PPBHK
Hungary National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition (NIPN) NIPN
Iceland The Icelandic Medicines Agency IMA
Indonesia National Agency for Drug and Food Control NADFC
Iran Iran Food and Drug Administration IFDA
Ireland Health Products Regulatory Authority HPRA
Israel Institute for the Standardization and Control of ISCP
Italy Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco AIFA
Japan 4 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare MHLW
Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency PMDA
Japanese Prefectures -
Korea (Republic of) Ministry of Food and Drug Safety MFDS
Latvia Zāļu Valsts Aģentūra (State Agency of Medicines) ZVA
Liechtenstein Amt für Gesundheit (Office of Healthcare) AG
Lithuania State Medicines Control Agency SMCA
Malaysia National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency NPRA
Malta Medicines Authority Malta MAM
Mexico Federal Commission for the Protection Against COFEPRIS
Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección
contra Riesgos Sanitarios)
Netherlands Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd (Health and IGJ
Youth Care Inspectorate) 5
New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority Medsafe
Norway Norwegian Medicines Agency NOMA

BMG and ZLG count as one Participating Authority. All German Medicinal Authorities, which
are listed on the ZLG web site, are considered as PIC/S Participating Authorities and are represented in
MHLW, PMDA and the Japanese Prefectures count as one Participating Authority. The
Japanese Prefectures are represented by MHLW.
The competence for GMP/GDP inspections in the Netherlands is allocated to the central
authority, Dutch Health and Youth Care Inspectorate (IGJ). IGJ is the PIC/S Participating Authority
representing GMP/GDP for human as well as veterinary medicinal products. IGJ performs national and
international GMP/GDP inspections representing the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate -
Pharmaceutical Affairs as well as the Medicines Evaluation Board - Veterinary Medicinal Products Unit,
which is mandated to issue GMP certificates on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

PS/INF 21/2002 (Rev. 23) 2 of 3 31 January 2018

Poland Chief Pharmaceutical Inspectorate CPI
Portugal Autoridade Nacional do Medicamento e Produtos de INFARMED
Saúde IP (National Authority of Medicines and Health IP
Products IP)
Romania National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices NAMMD
Singapore Health Sciences Authority HSA
Slovak Republic State Institute for Drug Control SIDC
Slovenia Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices JAZMP
South Africa Medicines Control Council MCC
Spain Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos AEMPS
Sanitarios (Spanish Agency for Medicines and Medical
Devices) 6
Sweden Medical Products Agency MPA
Switzerland Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products Swissmedic
Thailand Food and Drug Administration Thai FDA
Turkey Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency TMMDA
Ukraine State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs SMDC
United Kingdom 7 Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory MHRA
Veterinary Medicines Directorate VMD
United States of United States Food and Drug Administration US FDA


The competence for GMP/GDP inspections in Spain is shared between the central authority,
Spanish Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS), and the Spanish regional authorities,
which count as one PIC/S Participating Authority. All Spanish Medicinal Authorities, which are listed on
AEMPS’ web site, are considered as PIC/S Participating Authorities and are represented in PIC/S by
MHRA and VMD count as two distinct Participating Authorities.

PS/INF 21/2002 (Rev. 23) 3 of 3 31 January 2018

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