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Chapter 3 – Basic Computer Organization and Design

Chapter 3
Basic Computer Organization and Design

3.1 Introduction: Description of Basic Computer

We introduce here a basic computer whose operation can be specified by the resister transfer statements.
Internal organization of the computer is defined by the sequence of microoperations it performs on data stored
in its resisters. Every different processor type has its own design (different registers, buses, microoperations,
machine instructions, etc). Modern processor is a very complex device. It contains:
– Many registers
– Multiple arithmetic units, for both integer and floating point calculations
– The ability to pipeline several consecutive instructions for execution speedup.
However, to understand how processors work, we will start with a simplified processor model. M. Morris Mano
introduces a simple processor model; he calls it a ―Basic Computer‖. The Basic Computer has two components,
a processor and memory.
• The memory has 4096 words in it
– 4096 = 212, so it takes 12 bits to select an address in memory
• Each word is 16 bits long

Stored Program Organization

The program (instruction) as well as data (operand) is stored in the same memory. If the instruction needs data,
the data is found in the same memory and accessed. This feature is called stored program organization.

Fig: Stored Program Organization

Instruction Format
A computer instruction is often divided into two parts
– An op-code (Operation Code) that specifies the operation for that instruction
– An address that specifies the registers and/or locations in memory to use for that operation
In the Basic Computer, since the memory contains 4096 (= 212) words, we needs 12 bit to specify the memory
address that is used by this instruction. In the Basic Computer, bit 15 of the instruction specifies the addressing
mode (0: direct addressing, 1: indirect addressing). Since the memory words, and hence the instructions, are 16
bits long, that leaves 3 bits for the instruction’s op-code.

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Chapter 3 – Basic Computer Organization and Design

Fig: Instruction Format

Addressing Modes
The address field of an instruction can represent either
– Direct address: the address operand field is effective address (the address of the operand).
– Indirect address: the address operand field contains the memory address of effective address.

Basic Computer Registers

Computer instructions are normally stored in the consecutive memory locations and are executed sequentially
one at a time. Thus computer needs processor registers for manipulating data and holding memory address
which are shown in the following table:
Symbol Size Register Name Description
DR 16 Data Register Holds memory operand
AR 12 Address Register Holds address for memory
AC 16 Accumulator Processor register
IR 16 Instruction Register Holds instruction code
PC 12 Program Counter Holds address of instruction
TR 16 Temporary Register Holds temporary data
INPR 8 Input Register Holds input character
OUTR 8 Output Register Holds output character

Since the memory in the Basic Computer only has 4096 (=212) locations, PC and AR only needs 12 bits.
Since the word size of Basic Computer only has 16 bit, the DR, AC, IR and TR needs 16 bits. The Basic
Computer uses a very simple model of input/output (I/O) operations.
– Input devices are considered to send 8 bits of character data to the processor
– The processor can send 8 bits of character data to output devices
The Input Register (INPR) holds an 8-bit character gotten from an input device and the Output Register
(OUTR) holds an 8-bit character to be sent to an output device.

3.2 Common Bus System

 The basic computer has eight registers, a memory unit, and a control unit.
 These registers, memory and control unit are connected using a path (bus) so that information can be
transferred to each other.
 If separate buses are used for connecting each registers, it will cost high.
 The cost and use of extra buses can be reduced using a special scheme in which many registers use a
common bus, called common bus system.

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Chapter 3 – Basic Computer Organization and Design

Fig: Common Bus System

 Three control lines S2, S1 and S0 control the register to be selected as the input by the bus.
S2 S1 S0 Register
0 0 0 X (nothing)
0 0 1 AR

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Chapter 3 – Basic Computer Organization and Design

0 1 0 PC
0 1 1 DR
1 0 0 AC
1 0 1 IR
1 1 0 TR
1 1 1 Memory
 The lines from the common bus are connected to the inputs of each register and the data inputs of the
 The particular register whose LD (load) input is enabled receives the data from the bus during the next clock
pulse transition.
 The memory receives the contents of the bus when its write input is activated.
 The memory places its 16 bit output onto the bus when the read input is activated and S 2S1S0 = 111.

3.3 Instruction Formats and their Execution

 The instruction length of basic computer is 16-bit.
 16-bit instruction of basic computer has three fields:

Mode Op-code Operand (Address)

i) Mode field
 MSB (bit 15) of the 16-bit instruction.
 Value 0 = direct addressing, value 1 = indirect addressing mode.
ii) Op-code field
 Defines what operation to be performed.
 Contains 3 bits (bits 14-12)
iii) Operand (Address) field
 Contains 12 bits (bits 11-0)
The basic computer has 3 instruction code formats. Type of the instruction is recognized by the computer
control from 4-bit positions 12 through 15 of the instruction.
i) Memory-Reference Instructions
ii) Register-Reference Instructions
iii) Input-Output Instructions

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Chapter 3 – Basic Computer Organization and Design

Below is the complete operation that takes place during the instruction:

Fig: Memory-Reference Instructions

Branch and Save Return Address (BSA)
D5T4: M[AR] <— PC, AR <— AR + 1

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Chapter 3 – Basic Computer Organization and Design

D5T5: PC <— AR, SC <— 0

For this example:

M[135] <— 21, AR <— 135 + 1
PC <— 136

Fig: Register-Reference Instructions

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Chapter 3 – Basic Computer Organization and Design

Fig: Input-Output Instructions

Instruction Set Completeness

An instruction set is said to be complete if it contains sufficient instructions to perform operations in following
Functional Instructions
 Arithmetic, logic, and shift instructions
 Examples: ADD, CMA, INC, CIR, CIL, AND, CLA
Transfer Instructions
 Data transfers between the main memory and the processor registers
 Examples: LDA, STA
Control Instructions
 Program sequencing and control
 Examples: BUN, BSA, ISZ
Input/output Instructions
 Input and output
 Examples: INP, OUT

Instruction set of Basic computer is complete because:

 ADD, CMA (complement), INC can be used to perform addition and subtraction and CIR (circular right
shift), CIL (circular left shift) instructions can be used to achieve any kind of shift operations. Addition,
subtraction and shifting can be used together to achieve multiplication and division. AND, CMA and
CLA (clear accumulator) can be used to achieve any logical operations.
 LDA instruction moves data from memory to register and STA instruction moves data from register to
 The branch instructions BUN, BSA and ISZ together with skip instruction provide the mechanism of
program control and sequencing.
 INP instruction is used to read data from input device and OUT instruction is used to send data from
processor to output device.

3.4 Timing and Control Unit

Control Unit
Control unit (CU) of a processor translates from machine instructions to the control signals for the
microoperations that implement them. There are two types of control organization:
Hardwired Control
 CU is made up of sequential and combinational circuits to generate the control signals.
 If logic is changed, we need to change the whole circuitry.

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Chapter 3 – Basic Computer Organization and Design

 Expensive
 Fast
Microprogrammed Control
 A control memory on the processor contains microprograms that activate the necessary control signals.
 If logic is changed, we only need to change the microprogram.
 Cheap
 Slow
NOTE: Microprogrammed control unit will be discussed in next chapter.

The block diagram of a hardwired control unit is shown below. It consists of two decoders, a sequence counter,
and a number of control logic gates.


 An instruction read from memory is

placed in the instruction resister
(IR) where it is decoded into three
parts: I bit, operation code and bits
0 through 11.
 The operation code bit is decoded
with 3 x 8 decoder producing 8
outputs D0 through D7.
 Bit 15 of the instruction is
transferred to a flip-flop I.
 And operand bits are applied to
control logic gates.
 The 16 outputs of 4-bit sequence
counter (SC) are decoded into 16
timing signals T0 through T15.
This means instruction cycle of basic
computer cannot take more than 16.
clock cycles.

Fig: Control unit of a basic computer

Timing signals
 Generated by 4-bit sequence counter and 4x16 decoder.
 The SC can be incremented or cleared.
 Example: T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, T0, T1 . . .
Assume: At time T4, SC is cleared to 0 if decoder output D3 is active: D 3T4: SC  0
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T0








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Chapter 3 – Basic Computer Organization and Design

3.5 Instruction Cycle

 Processing required for complete execution of an instruction is called instruction cycle.
 In Basic Computer, a machine instruction is executed in the following cycle:
1. Fetch an instruction from memory
2. Decode the instruction
3. Read the effective address from memory if the instruction has an indirect address
4. Execute the instruction
Upon the completion of step 4, control goes back to step 1 to fetch, decode and execute the next instruction.
This process is continued indefinitely until HALT instruction is encountered.

Fetch and Decode

 Sequence of steps required for fetching instruction from memory to CPU internal register is known as fetch

 For fetching and decoding, the steps are:

i) Initially, PC holds the address of next instruction to fetch. With timing signal T0, address pointed by
PC is transferred to the AR.
ii) The processor fetches instruction to IR from memory location referenced by AR and increment PC
for next instruction. This happens with timing signal T 1.
iii) Processor interprets instruction and performs required action i.e. decoding during time period T 2.

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Chapter 3 – Basic Computer Organization and Design

Fig: Flowchart of Instruction Cycle

 Then, among decoded, D7 determines which type of instruction.
i) If D7 = 1, it will be either register-reference or input-output instruction.
a) If I = 1, input-output instruction is executed during T3.
b) If I = 0, register-reference instruction is executed during T3.
ii) If D7 = 0, it will be memory-reference instruction.
a) If I = 1, indirect addressing mode instruction during T3.
b) If I = 0, direct addressing mode instruction during T3.
 The SC is reset after executing each instruction.

3.6 Input-Output Configuration

The terminal sends and receives serial information. Each quantity of information has 8 bits of an alphanumeric
code. The serial information from the keyboard is shifted into the input register INPR. The serial information
for the printer is stored in the output register OUTR. These two registers communicate with a communication
interface serially and with the AC in parallel. The input—output configuration is shown in figure. The
transmitter interface receives serial information from the keyboard and transmits it to INPR. The receiver
interface receives information from OUTR and sends it to the printer serially.

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Chapter 3 – Basic Computer Organization and Design

Fig: Input-Output Configuration

Scenario1: when a key is struck in the keyboard, an 8-bit alphanumeric code is shifted into INPR and the input
flag FGI is set to 1. As long as the flag is set, the information in INPR cannot be changed by striking another
key. The control checks the flag bit, if 1, contents of INPR is transferred in parallel to AC and FGI is cleared to
0. Once the flag is cleared, new information can be shifted into INPR by striking another key.
Scenario2: OUTR works similarly but the direction of information flow is reversed. Initially FGO is set to 1.
The computer checks the flag bit; if it is 1, the information is transferred in parallel to OUTR and FGO is
cleared to 0. The output device accepts the coded information, prints the corresponding character and when
operation is completed, it sets FGO to 1.

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