Circular Motion and WPE

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Class:- 11th (JEE/NEET) DPP Date : 13/06/2020

1. A force F = −K(y i + x j ) where K is a positive constant, acts on a particle moving in the x-y plane. Starting from the
origin, the particle is taken along the positive x-axis to the point (a, 0) and then parallel to the y-axis to the point (a,
a). The total work done by the force F on the particle is

(A) –2Ka2 (B) 2Ka2 (C) –Ka2 (D) Ka2

2. A stone is tied to a string of length l is whirled in a vertical circle with the other end of the string at the centre. At a
certain instant of time, the stone is at its lowest position and has a speed u. The magnitude of the change in its
velocity at it reaches a position where the string is horizontal is

3. A particle is suspended vertically from a point O by an inextensible massless string of

length L. A vertical line AB is at a distance L/8 from O as shown. The object given a
horizontal velocity u. At some point, its motion ceases to be circular and eventually the
object passes through the line AB. At the instant of crossing AB, its velocity is horizontal.
Find u.

4. A long horizontal rod has bead which can slide along its length, and initially placed at a distance L from one end of
A of the rod. The rod is set in angular motion about A with constant angular acceleration . If the coefficient of
friction between the rod and the bead is μ and gravity is neglected, then the time after which is bead starts slipping

(A) √𝜇/ (B) μ/√ (C) 1/√𝜇 (D) infinitesimal

5. A small block is shot into each of the four tracks as shown below. Each of the tracks risks to the same height. The
speed with which the block enters the track is the same in all cases. At the highest point of the track, the normal
reaction is maximum in

Sarvam Institute
Old LIC lane, Near Bus Stand, Charkhi Dadri, Haryana. contact no. – 8882518067,8368371198, 8368060488
6. An insect crawls up a hemispherical surface very slowly (see the figure). The coefficient of friction between the
insect and the surface is 1/3. If the line joining the centre of the hemispherical surface to the insect makes an angle a
with the vertical, the maximum possible value of a is given by

7. A small ball of mass 2 × 10–3 Kg having a charge of 1μc is suspended by a string of length 0.8m. Another identical
ball having the same charge is kept at the point of suspension. Determine the minimum horizontal velocity which
should be imparted to the lower ball so that it can make complete revolution.

8. A simple pendulum is oscillating without damping. When the displacement of the bob is less that maximum, its
acceleration vector a is correctly shown in

9. A particle, which is constrained to move along the x-axis, is subjected to a force in the same direction which varies
with the distance x of the particle x of the particle from the origin as F(x) = –kx + ax2. Here k and a are positive
constants. For x≥ 0, the functional form of the potential energy U(x) of the particle is

Sarvam Institute
Old LIC lane, Near Bus Stand, Charkhi Dadri, Haryana. contact no. – 8882518067,8368371198, 8368060488
10. An ideal spring with spring-constant k is hung from the ceiling and a block of mass M is attached to its lower end.
The mass is released with the spring initially unstretched. Then the maximum extension in the spring is

(A) 4 Mg/k (B) 2 Mg/k (C) Mg/k (D) Mg/2k

11. A spherical ball of mass m is kept at the highest point in the space between two fixed, concentric spheres A and B
(see figure.) The smaller sphere A has a radius R and the space between the two spheres has a width d. The ball has a
diameter very slightly less than d. All surfaces are frictionless. The ball is given a gentle push (towards the right in the
figure). The angle made by the radius vector of the ball with the upward vertical is denoted by q (shown in the

(a) Express the total normal reaction force exerted by the spheres on the ball as a function of angle 𝛳.

(b) Let NA and NB denote the magnitudes of the normal reaction force on the ball exerted by the spheres A and B,
respectively. Sketch the variations of NA and NB as functions of cosϴ in the range 0≤ϴ ≤ 𝜋 by drawing two separate
graphs in your answer book, taking cosϴon the horizontal axes.

12. In a region of only gravitational field of mass ‘M’ a particle is shifted from A to B
via three different paths in the figure. The work done in different paths are W1, W2,
W3 respectively then

(A) W1 = W2 = W3 (B) W1 = W2 > W3

(C) W1 > W2 > W3 (D) W1 < W2 < W3

13. A particle of mass m, moving in a circular path of radius R with a constant speed v2 is
located at point (2R, 0) at time t = 0 and a man starts moving with velocity v1 along the +ve
y-axis from origin at time t = 0. Calculate the linear momentum of the particle w.r.t. the man
as a function of time

14. A particle is placed at the origin and a force F = kx is acting on it (where k is a positive
constant). If U(0) = 0, the graph of U(x) versus x will be (where U is the potential energy


Sarvam Institute
Old LIC lane, Near Bus Stand, Charkhi Dadri, Haryana. contact no. – 8882518067,8368371198, 8368060488
15. A bob of mass M is suspended by a massless string of length L. The horizontal velocity V at position A is just
sufficient to make it reach the point B. The angle q at which the speed of the bob is half of that at A, satisfies

16. A light inextensible string that goes over a smooth fixed pulley as shown in the figure connects two
blocks of masses 0.36 kg and 0.72 kg. Taking g = 10 m/s2, find the work done (in joules) by the string on
the block of mass 0.36 kg during the first second after the system is released from rest.

17. A ball of mass (m) 0.5 kg is attached to the end of a string having length (L) 0.5 m. The ball is
rotated on a horizontal circular path about vertical axis. The maximum tension that the string
can bear is 324 N. the maximum possible value of angular velocity of ball (in radian/s) is

(A) 9 (B) 18 (C) 27 (D) 36

18. A block of mass 0.18 kg is attached to a spring of force-constant 2 N/m. The coefficient of friction between the
block and the floor is 0.1. Initially the block is at rest and the spring is un-stretched. An impulse is given to the block
as shown in the figure. The block slides a distance of 0.06 m and comes to rest for the first time. The initial velocity of
the block in m/s is V = N/10. Then N is

Sarvam Institute
Old LIC lane, Near Bus Stand, Charkhi Dadri, Haryana. contact no. – 8882518067,8368371198, 8368060488
19. Consider a disc rotating in the horizontal plane with a constant angular speed w about its centre O. The disc has a
shaded region on one side of the diameter and an unshaded region on the other side as shown in the figure. When
the disc is in the orientation as shown, two pebbles P and Q are simultaneously projected at an angle towards R. The
velocity of projection is in the y-z plane and is same for both pebbles with respect to
the disc. Assume that (i) they land back on the disc before the disc has completed
1/8 rotation, (ii) their range is less than half the disc radius, and (iii) ω remains
constant throughout. Then

(A) P lands in the shaded region and Q in the unshaded region

(B) P lands in the unshaded region and Q in the shaded region

(C) Both P and Q land in the unshaded region

(D) Both P and Q land in the shaded region

20. Two identical discs of same radius R are rotating about their axes in opposite directions with the same constant
angular speed ω. The discs are in the same horizontal plane At time t = 0, the points P and Q are facing each other as
shown in the figure. The relative speed between the two points P and Q is 𝜐r.In one time period (T) of rotation of the
discs, 𝜐r as a function of time is best represented by

Sarvam Institute
Old LIC lane, Near Bus Stand, Charkhi Dadri, Haryana. contact no. – 8882518067,8368371198, 8368060488

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