Lesson 5: Practice Occupational Health and Safety Procedures

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Lesson 5:



At the end of this Lesson, you are expected to do the following:

 LO 1. identify hazards and risks;

 LO 2. evaluate hazards and risks;
 LO 3. control hazards and risks; and
 LO 4. maintain occupational health and safety awareness.

Definition of Terms
 Accident – is an event occurring unintentionally or by chance
 Control – means to direct or determine
 First Aid – as it implies includes all forms of remedies given immediately to
humans in order to minimize or prevent casualties or fatalities caused by
accidents or normal course of time
 Hazard – involves unforeseen incident that is physically unfavorable to humans
or animals
 Occupation – is an activity in which one is engaged in
 Safety – state of being out of danger, uninjured, not involving risk
 Sanitize – to maintain high standard of housekeeping
 Self-Discipline – refers to doing things spontaneously without being told or
 Signs – generally refer to objects made by flat sheet metal or wood suspended
by a stand or nailed on the post or wall which are located strategically
 Sort – to take out unnecessary items and dispose the same
 Sweep – means to clean the workshop
 Symbols – are generally common illustrations printed on the signs which
sometimes carry a descriptive word or few words
 Systematize – means to arrange necessary items in good order for use
 Toxic – deadly, harmful and poisonous

 OHSP – Occupational Health and Safety Procedures
 PPE – Personal Protective Equipment 

Learning Outcome 1: Identify hazards and risks

Information Sheet  1.1
Requirements in Conducting/Identifying Hazards 

 Requirements in Conducting/Identifying Hazards

 Survey the workplace to identify hazards
 This survey must be in writing and must be available to all workers
 Determine whether any hazard requires Personal Protective Equipment
 Pay special attention to working conditions or process that can produce hazards.
 Reassess hazards whenever necessary, especially when new equipment is
installed to avoid accidents.
 Any reassessment must be written and must be available to workers upon

Working conditions that can produce hazards

1. Falling objects
2. Objects that can puncture skin
3. Objects that could roll over worker’s feet
4. Toxic chemicals
5. Heat
6. Radiation
Signs, Signals and Barricades

  Signs, signals and barricades are important, if not critical, to the safety of the
construction workers

Accident Prevention Signs and Tags 

1. General. Signs and symbols required shall be visible at all times when work is
being performed, and shall be removed or covered promptly when the hazard
does not exist anymore.
2. Danger Signs. Danger signs shall be used only where an immediate hazard
exists. Danger signs should be read as the predominating color for the upper
panel; outline on the borders; and a white lower panel for additional sign wording.
3. Caution Signs. Caution signs shall be used only to warn against or caution
against practices. Caution sign shall have yellow as the predominating color;
black upper panel and borders; yellow lettering of “caution” on the black panel;
and the lower yellow panel for the additional sign wording. Black lettering shall be
used for additional wording. Standard color of the background shall be yellow;
and the panel, black with yellow letters. Any letter used against the yellow
background shall be black. The colors shall be those of opaque glossy samples.
4. Exit Signs. Exit signs, when required, shall be lettered in legible red letters, not
less than 6 inches high, on a white field and the principal stroke of the letters
shall be at least three-fourths in width.
5. Safety Instructions Signs. Safety instruction signs, when used, shall be with
green upper panel with white letters to convey the principal message. Any
additional wording on the sign shall be black letters on the white background.
6. Directional Signs. Directional signs, other than automotive traffic signs specified
in the paragraph below, shall be white with a black panel and white directional
symbol. Any wording on the sign shall be black letters on the white background.
7. Traffic Signs. Construction areas shall be posted with legible traffic signs at point
hazard. All traffic control signs or devices used for protection of construction
workers shall conform to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
8. Accidental Prevention Tags. Accident prevention tags shall be used as temporary
means of warning of an existing hazard such as defected tools, equipments, etc.
They shall not be used in place of, or as a substitute for, accident prevention
signs. Specifications for accident prevention tags similar as shown below shall

Learning Outcome Control hazards and risks

Information Sheet  2.1
Read the Information Sheet very well then find out how much you can remember and
how much you learned by doing the Self-check.
Signs and their location:
1. Danger Signs – are used only where immediate hazards exist. They are printed
in red as the predominating color.
2. Caution Signs – are used to warn against potential hazards.
3. Exit Signs – are printed in legible red letters for exits.
4. Safety Instructions Signs
5. Accidental Prevention Tags – are used as temporary means of warning to
existing hazards, such as defection, tools and equipment.
6. Barricades – are used for protection of employees.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 

                    Here are the types of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) use for safety
1. Face protection - Goggles and face protection must be used when at risk from flying particles,
liquid chemicals, acids or caustic liquids and chemical gases. There are various goggles for face
protection with certain design criteria for safety.

2. Foot Protection - Safety shoes with impact protection are used in work areas where heavy object
or tools could be accidentally dropped on the feet. Safety shoes with puncture protection are required
when working around nails, wire tacks, scrap metals and other objects that could fierce the feet.
3. Hand Protection Gloves - are required to protect your hands from cuts, scrapes, punctures,
burns, chemical absorption, and exhaust temperatures. It is crucial that the type of glove being used
is the right one for the job.

4. Hearing Protection - Appropriate ear muffs or ear plugs must be made available as a last resort i
it is not possible to make the workplace less noisy. The requirement is a small part of the occupation
noise exposure standard which requires employers to ensure that workers are exposed to less than
90 decibels of noise over an 8 hour period.

5. Respirators - Appropriate respirators must be worn as a last resort if it is not possible

Information Sheet 2.2

Topic 1: Occupation Health and Safety (OHS) Procedures for controlling
hazards and risks. 
     1. Conduct a hazard assessment like 

 Survey workplace to identify hazards (put them in writing)

 Determine whether any hazard required Personal Protective Equipment.
 Pay attention to working conditions that can produce hazards
 Reassess hazards whenever necessary, especially when new equipment is

     2. Select appropriate equipment. Ensure that all Personal Protective Equipment used
is the right kind of equipment for the job, and is maintained properly 
     3. Have knowledge on the following: 

 Which PPE is necessary

 How to identify if it fits properly
 How to put on, remove, adjust and wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
 How to dispose of Personal Protective Equipment(PPE)
 The limitation of using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 

Topic 2: Procedure in dealing with workplace, accidents, fire and

    A. Dealing with Accidents

1. Keep calm, don’t panic and study the situation.

2. Report immediately to your teacher
3. Apply first aid to the victim while waiting for a nurse or a physician
4. Bring the patient to the nearest clinic or hospital 

     B. Dealing with Fire

1. Do not panic, stay calm.

2. Call the attention of everybody.
3. Use your firefighting equipment to control extinguish the fire.
4. Call the office or the fire station 

     C. Dealing with Emergencies

1. Stay calm and study the situation.

2. Call the attention of your teacher.

Learning Outcome Maintain occupational health and safety awareness 

Information Sheet  3.1
What is an Ideal Workplace?
Fig 1. Working Station 1

What is 5S? 
                    The 5Ss are Japanese words that start with letter S. But in the Philippines,
some thought of 5 English words that all begin with letter S which is equivalent to these
Japanese words; it is therefore necessary to remember the Japanese’ 5Ss. What is
important aside from retaining this into our minds is to make it part of our daily habit. 
Below are the 5Ss and their English equivalent:

                       5Ss is not simply a list of action items. It is an integrated concept of

action, condition and culture. The nature and implication of each S needs to be
understood as follows:

1. SEIRI (SORT) is an Action to identify and eliminate all unnecessary items from
your workplace.
2. SEITON(SYSTEMATIZE) is an ACTION to put every necessary items in good
3. SEISO (SWEEP) is an ACTION to clean your workplace thoroughly.
4. SIEKETSU (SANITIZE) is a CONDITION where high standard of good
housekeeping is maintained so that there is no dust and rust anywhere.
5. SHITSUKE (SELF-DISCIPLINE) is a CONDITION where all members practice
accordingly. It is a CULTURE.

How to practice 5Ss?

1. SEIRI (SORT) means “take out unnecessary items and dispose’
 Step 1 – Look around your workplace. Discover and identify items which are
unnecessary to your work. Then, dispose all unnecessary items. “NEVER
 Step 2 – If you cannot decide whether an item is necessary or not, put
“DISPOSAL NOTICE” with the data on the item and set item aside.
 Step 3 – After a period, say two months, check if someone has the item or not.
If no one needed the item, that means the item is not needed for your work.

Note: Disposal can be done in either of the following ways:

1. Sell it to outside of the workplace.

2. Move to other department/section where the item is needed.
3. Throw it away, dispose as garbage.
4. In disposing the belongings, it is better to make people know who has the
authority for disposal.
5. It is also better to make people know where to return excessive stock of materials
and supplies.
6. While looking around for unnecessary items in your workplace, look at every
nook like when you are looking for cockroaches. It will be a bonus to you if you
find some useful items.

2. SEITON (SYSTEMATIZE) means “Arrange necessary items in good order to use”

 Step 1.Make sure that all unnecessary items are eliminated from your
 Step 2.Decide with your workmates which things to put when taking into
account the flow of your work. The principle is to put most frequently needed
items close to the user so as to minimize the movement of the person. Things
which are not so often used could not be placed slightly further away.
 Step 3. It is necessary to make sure that everyone at your workplace knows
what is kept for efficient use. Make a list of things with location and put it in a
locker or cabinet. Label each drawer/cabinet to show what is kept inside.

Note:  The object of SEITON (SYSTEMATIZED) is to make your workplace a safe and
efficient place to work in.
3. SEISO (SWEEP) means “Clean your workplace”. There is a very strong correlation
between quality of products and cleanliness of the workplace where products are
manufactured. Accordingly, SEISO (SWEEP) should be practiced every day, and
sometimes, even during the day.
The following are suggested for your SEISO (SWEEP) operation:
 Do not wait until things get dirty. Clean your workplace, including machines,
equipment, tools and furniture regularly so that they do not have chance to get
 Put things inside for 3 minutes every day.
 You and your workmates should be responsible for the dirty works around you.
The janitors or sweepers will look after the common areas only.

 Never throw anything and make it your habit.

 Cleaning is also checking.

4. SEIKETSU (SANITIZE) means” Maintain high standard of housekeeping”. So as not

to waste your effort, do not stop after implementing initial 3Ss.  
The following are suggested for your SEIKETSU(SANITIZE) operation:
 Create a maintenance system for housekeeping. Make a schedule of cleaning
for your workplace.
 Interdepartmental competition is a very effective means of sustaining and
enhancing people’s interest on 5Ss. 


1. Indicate the names of the persons responsible for the work area and for the
2. Regular inspection and evaluation on the level of 4Ss by each work are
3. Do not criticize poor cases, but also praise and commend good practices or
good performances.

5. SHITSUKE (SELF-DISCIPLINE) means “Do things spontaneously without being told or

ordered.” It is to make every one practice 4Ss spontaneously and willingly as habit or way
of life. There is no other way to foster such culture than practicing 4Ss regularly until such
time when everyone becomes fond of 5Ss. 
To help such corporate culture conducive to 5Ss, the following need to be emphasized:

 Treat your workplace as your own home.

 You are spending most of your “WAKING TIME” at your workplace than at home.
 Your workplace is an important place where to make income for yourself and your
 Make your workplace as clean and comfortable as your home.
Note: In enhancing SHITSUKE (SELF-DISCIPLINE) of workers in a workplace, the
rules of management are very important. People with managerial duties should be
worthy of respect and emulation. 

What can an individual gain from the 5Ss? 

1. The 5Ss makes your workplace more pleasant. In practicing 5Ss, you have to
start from discussing and agreeing what to put for efficient use by everyone. With
your workmates, you have to clean the workplace. Such human relation and
working environment will make you and your workplace pleasant.
2. The 5Ss makes your work more efficient. If you have to look for something and
take so much time finding it, you are not only wasting your time but also wasting
your energy and moral. On the other hand, if everything at your workplace is
arranged in proper order and readily available for use; your work flow will always
be very smooth. It improves not only your efficiency but also improves the rhythm
of your work and the more you will enjoy it. If you have a work, better to enjoy it.
3. The 5Ss improves your safety. A clear and tidy working environment where
everything is properly placed, where clear instructions are readily available, and
where no one throws anything is safer place to work in. Practicing 5Ss improves
your own safety. You can enjoy your work more with less risk.
4. The 5Ss improves quality of your work and your products. People affect
environment. On the other hand, the environment also affects people. If you are
accustomed to work in a clear and tidy environment, you can develop your
sensitivity so that you can feel and identify any defect in work. On the contrary,
messy and untidy environment will adversely affect your sensitivity.  Therefore,
good environment will improve the quality of your work. It is quite natural that
quality products come only from clean and well-organized workplace.
5. The 5Ss makes a quality life of people. The process of 5Ss requires people to
think, consult and agree with others and cooperate with each other. 

At the same time, practicing the 5Ss gives people satisfaction of being creative, friendly
with others and seeing chances better
In summary:

 5Ss improves CREATIVITY of people

 5Ss improves COMMUNICATION
 5Ss improves HUMAN RELATION among people
 5Ss enhances COMRADERSHIP among people
 5Ss gives VITALITY to people 

Vitality of the people is the locomotion to move the company forward. 

A Healthy Shop Is a Safe Shop 

                  The shop should be pleasant place where you will enjoy your work. Large
manufacturing companies have learned that the shop accidents are greatly reduced
when the shop itself is welllighted and well-ventilated. The introduction of ventilating and
blower systems, which free the air of dust and particles of dirt, have gone a long way
toward reducing accidents. Good lighting, both natural and artificial, likewise safeguards
the worker. The healthy shop is a safe shop. After all, the protection of health is the first
rule of “Safety First in the Shop”.
Safe Procedures 
1. Control measures should be regularly reviewed through:

 workplace communication and consultation;

  safety and health committee meetings;
 regular equipment and work safety checks;
 incident, accident and near-miss records;
 injury and lost time records; and
 repair and maintenance reports 

2. Workers should be continuously trained specifically on information and instruction on:

 workplace safety and health;

 hazards and risks associated with work activities;
 safe work practices and procedures, safe handling (including lifting and moving),
safe operation of equipment and the control measures in place;
 safe use of plant and associated equipment, electrical safety, safety in confined
spaces and other training required under hazard-specific regulations;
 safe use of hazardous substances relevant to the work to be performed;
 correct use, fit and care of PPE , tools and equipment and why the equipment is

> emergency and first aid procedures;

> sun protection to prevent skin cancer;
> fire protection;
> information on dust, fumes and air quality; and
> recognition of poorly ventilated areas and confined spaces.

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