Unit Vii Fet Amplifiers

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Field Effect Transistor (FET) amplifiers provide an excellent voltage gain and high
input impedence. Because of high input impedence and other characteristics of JFETs they
are preferred over BJTs for certain types of applications.

There are 3 basic FET circuit configurations:

i)Common Source
ii)Common Drain
iii)Common Gain
Similar to BJT CE,CC and CB circuits, only difference is in BJT large output
collector current is controlled by small input base current whereas FET controls output
current by means of small input voltage. In both the cases output current is controlled
FET amplifier circuits use voltage controlled nature of the JFET. In Pinch off region,
ID depends only on VGS.

7.1 Common Source (CS) Amplifier

Fig. 7.1 (a) CS Amplifier (b) Small-signal equivalent circuit

A simple Common Source amplifier is shown in Fig. 7.1(a) and associated small signal
equivalent circuit using voltage-source model of FET is shown in Fig. 7.1(b)
Voltage Gain
Source resistance (RS) is used to set the Q-Point but is bypassed by CS for mid-frequency
operation. From the small signal equivalent circuit ,the output voltage
VO = -RDµVgs(RD + rd)
Where Vgs = Vi , the input voltage,
Hence, the voltage gain,
AV = VO / Vi = -RDµ(RD + rd)

Input Impedence
From Fig. 7.1(b) Input Impedence is
Z i = RG
For voltage divider bias as in CE Amplifiers of BJT
RG = R 1 ║ R 2

Output Impedance
Output impedance is the impedance measured at the output terminals with the input voltage
VI = 0
From the Fig. 7.1(b) when the input voltage Vi = 0, Vgs = 0 and hence
µ Vgs = 0
The equivalent circuit for calculating output impedence is given in Fig. 7.2.
Output impedence Zo = rd ║ RD
Normally rd will be far greater than RD . Hence Zo ≈ RD

7.2 Common Drain Amplifier

A simple common drain amplifier is shown in Fig. 7.2(a) and associated small signal
equivalent circuit using the voltage source model of FET is shown in Fig. 7.2(b).Since
voltage Vgd is more easily determined than Vgs, the voltage source in the output circuit is
expressed in terms of Vgs and Thevenin’s theorem.
Fig. 7.2 (a)CD Amplifier (b)Small-signal equivalent circuit
Voltage Gain
The output voltage,
VO = RSµVgd / (µ + 1) RS + rd
Where Vgd = Vi the input voltage.
Hence, the voltage gain,
Av = VO / Vi = RSµ / (µ + 1) RS + rd

Input Impedence
From Fig. 7.2(b), Input Impedence Zi = RG

Output Impedence
From Fig. 7.2(b), Output impedence measured at the output terminals with input voltage Vi =
0 can be calculated from the following equivalent circuit.
As Vi = 0: Vgd = 0: µvgd / (µ + 1) = 0
Output Impedence
ZO = rd / (µ + 1) ║RS
When µ » 1
ZO = ( rd / µ) ║RS = (1/gm) ║RS


For the proper functioning of a linear FET amplifier, it is necessary to maintain the
operating point Q stable in the central portion of the pinch off region The Q point should be
independent of device parameter variations and ambient temperature variations

This can be achieved by suitably selecting the gate to source voltage V GS and drain current ID which is
referred to as biasing
JFET biasing circuits are very similar to BJT biasing circuitsThe main difference between JFET
circuits and BJT circuits is the operation of the active components themselves

There are mainly two types of Biasing circuits

1. Self bias
2. Voltage divider bias.

7.3.1. SELF BIAS:-

Self bias is a JFET biasing circuit that uses a source resistor to help reverse bias the JFET gate.

A self bias circuit is shown in the fig 7.3

Self bias is the most common type of JFET bias. This JFET must be operated such that gate
source junction is always reverse biased. This condition requires a negative V GS for an N channel JFET
and a positive VGS for P channel JFET. This can be achieved using the self bias arrangement as shown
in Fig 7.3. The gate resistor RG doesn’t affect the bias because it has essentially no voltage drop
across it, and : the gate remains at 0V .R G is necessary only to isolate an ac signal from ground in
amplifier applications. The voltage drop across resistor R S makes gate source junction reverse biased.

DC analysis of self Bias:-

In the following DC analysis , the N channel J FET shown in the fig7.4. is used for illustration.

For DC analysis we can replace coupling capacitors by open circuits and we can also replace the
resistor RG by a short circuit equivalent.

:. IG = 0

The relation between ID and VGS is given by

Id=Idss[1- ]2
VGS for N channel JFET is =-id Rs

Substuting this value in the above equation

Id=Idss[1- ]2

Id=Idss[1+ ]2

For the N-chanel FET in the above figure

Is produces a voltage drop across Rs and makes the source positive w.r.t ground

in any JFET circuit all the source current passes through the device to drain circuit this is due to the fact that there is no

significant gate current

therefore we can define source current as Is=Id and Vg=0 then

Vs= Is Rs =IdRs


Drawing the self bias line:-

Typical transfer characteristics for a self biased JFET are shown in the fig7.5.

The maximum drain current is 6mA and the gate source cut off voltage is -3V. This means the gate
voltage has to be between 0 and -3V.
Now using the equation VGS = -IDRS and assuming RS of any suitable value we can draw the self bias

Let us assume RS = 500Ω

With this Rs , we can plot two points corresponding to I D = 0 and Id = IDSS

for ID = 0


VGS = 0X (500.Ω) = 0V

So the first point is (0 ,0)

( Id, VGS)

For ID= IDSS=6mA

VGS = (-6mA) (500 Ω) = -3V

So the 2nd Point will be (6mA,-3V)

By plotting these two points, we can draw the straight line through the points. This line will
intersect the transconductance curve and it is known as self bias line. The intersection point gives
the operating point of the self bias JFET for the circuit.

At Q point , the ID is slightly > than 2mA and VGS is slightly > -1V. The Q point for the self bias
JFET depends on the value of Rs.If Rs is large, Q point far down on the transconductance curve ,I D is
small, when Rs is small Q point is far up on the curve , I D is large.

The fig7.6 shows N channel JFET with voltage divider bias. The voltage at the source of JFET
must be more positive than the voltage at the gate in order to keep the gate to source junction
reverse biased. The source voltage is


The gate voltage is set by resistors R1 and R2 as expressed by the following equation using
the voltage divider formula.

Vg= Vdd

For dc analysis fig 7.7

Applying KVL to the input circuit



Applying KVL to the input circuit we get




The Q point of a JFET amplifier , using the voltage divider bias is




Let us consider the drain characteristics of FET as shown in the fig.

In this characteristics we can see that in the region before pinch off voltage, drain
characteristics are linear, i.e. FET operation is linear. In this region the FET is useful as a voltage
controlled resistor,i.e. the drain to source resistance is controlled by the bias voltage V GS.( In this
region only FET behaves like an ordinary resistor This resistances can be varied by V GS ) .The
operation of FET in the region is useful in most linear applications of FET.In such an application the
FET is also referred to as a voltage variable resistor (VVR) or voltage dependent resistor (VDR).

The drain to source conductance ( rd )

gd= for small values of VDS which may also be expressed as

gd=gd0(1- )1/2)
Where gd0 is the value of drain conductance

When the variation of the rd with VGS can be closely approximated by the expression

rd= ) Where ro = drain resistance at zero gate bias.K = a constant, dependent upon

FET type.


The VVR property of FET can be used to vary the voltage gain of a multistage amplifier A, as
the signal level is increased. This action is called AGC automatic gain control. A typical arrangement
is shown in the fig.

Here maximum value of signal is taken rectified; filter to produce a DC voltage proportional
to the output signal level. This voltage is applied to the gate of JFET, this causing the resistance
between drain and source to change. As this resistance is connected across R E, so effective RE also
changes according to change in the drain to source resistance. When output signal level increases,
the drain to source resistance rd increases, increasing effective R E. Increase in RE causes the gain of
transistor Q1 to decrease, reducing the output signal. Exactly reverse process takes place when
output signal level decreased.

:: The output signal level is maintained constant. It is to be noted that the DC bias conditions
of Q1 are not affected by JFET since FET is isolated from Q1 by capacitor C2


Another device whose construction is similar to that of the FET is shown in the figure.
It is a three terminal device, having two layers.It consists of a slab of lightly doped N-type silicon
material. The two base contacts are attached to both ends of this N-type surface. These are denoted
as B1 and B2 respectively.

A P-type material is used to form a pn junction at the boundary of the aluminium rod and N-type
slab. The N-type is lightly doped while P-type is heavily doped. That is N-type provides high resistivity
and P-type provides low resistivity.

This device was originally described in the literature as the double-base diode, but is now
commercially available under the designation Uni Junction transistor (UJT).

The standard symbol for this device is shown in the fig.

Here the emitter arrow is inclined and points toward B1 and This emitter arrow which is at an angle
to the vertical line representing N-type material. This arrow indicates the direction of flow of
conventional current when UJT is forward biased.


The circuit of UJT is shown in the fig.

In the construction ,the terminal emitter is closer to B 2 as compared to B1.

If we see the equivalent circuit of UJT, The internal resistances of the two bases are represented as
Rb1and Rb2. Hence Rb1 is greater than Rb2. The pn junction is represented by a normal diode with V d
as the drop across it. When the emitter diode is not conducting then the resistance between the
two bases B1 and B2 is called interbase resistance denotes R bb


Its value ranges from 4kΩ to 12kΩ

Intrinsic stand off ratio (η)

Consider UJT as shown in the fig. to which supply V bb is connected. With I e=0, That is emitter diode is
not conducting ,


Then the voltage drop across Rb1 can be obtained by using potential divider rule.

Replacing with its equivalent circuit


When Ie =0

VRB1= ) VBB = η.VBB When Ie=0

η = Intrinsic stand off ratio = ) when Ie=0

η= ) when Ie=0

The value of η is from 0.5 to 0.8 the voltage Vrb1 is called intrinsic stand off voltage, because it keeps
the emitter diode reverse biased for all emitter voltages less than V rb1.

1.The supply Vbb is applied between B2 and B1 .

2. Variable emitter voltage Ve is applied across the emitter terminals.

3. If Ve is varied , potential of A is decided by η and is equal to ηVbb

Va=Vrb1= ηVbb

Case 1: If Ve< Va

As long as Ve < Va, the pn junction is reverse biased. Hence emitter current I e will not flow. Thus UJT is
said to be off.

Case 2: if Ve>Vp

The diode drop Vd is generally between 0.3 to 0.7v.

We can write Vp=Va+Vd = ηVbb+Vd

When Ve becomes equal to or greater than V p the pn junction becomes forward biased and current I e
flows. Thus UJT is said to be ON.

VI Characteristics
1.The graph of Ie against emitter voltage plotted for a particular value of V bb is called the
characteristics of UJT.

The characteristics can be divided in to three main regions.

1.cut off 2. Negative resistance region 3. Saturation region.

1.cut off: The Ve< Vp and the pn junction is reverse biased . A small amount of reverse saturation
current Ie0 flows through the device which is negligibly small of the order of micro amps. This
condition remains till the peak point.

2. Negative resistance region: When emitter voltage V e becomes equal to Vp then p n junction
becomes forward biased and Ie starts flowing. The voltage across the device decreases in this region
though the current through the device increases. Hence the region is called negative resistance
region. This decreases the resistance R b1. This region is stable and used in many applications. This
region continues till valley point.

3. Saturation region: The region to the right of the valley point is called saturation region. In the
valley point, the resistance changes from negative to positive. The resistance remains positive in the
saturation region.

As Vbb increases , the potential Vp corresponding to peak point will increase.

Applications of UJT

The UJT is mainly used in the triggering of other devices such as SCR. It is also used in the
sawtooth wave generators and some timing circuits. The most popular application of UJT is
as a relaxation oscillator to obtain short pulses for triggering of SCRs.

The relaxation oscillator using UJT which is ment for generating sawtooth waveform. It
consists of a UJT and a capacitor , which is charged through emitter resistor as the supply
voltage Vbb is switched 0N.

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