Personal Effectiveness Management

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Personal Effectiveness Management

Program : PGPM Course Code: SLMS 502

Class of : 2016 Sessions : 40
Semester : II Credits : 4

Describe his/her own behavior, and evaluate the changes required to modify his/her behavior to
assess the personality development. Appreciate the importance of interpersonal relations and
formulate acceptable behavior towards others. To give knowledge and understanding how to
work in teams.

Learning Outcomes
 At the end of the Module-I the student will be expected, within the context of class room
situation, to demonstrate and evaluate the use of self assessment for the purpose of improved
behavior. The student will be encouraged to assess the development in him / her.
 At the end of the Module-II with in the class room situation, the student is expected to
demonstrate the improved interpersonal relations by way of good communication, assertive
and, influencing behavior and also acceptable behavior to other students.
 At the end of the Module-III the student will be expected, within the context of class room
situation, to demonstrate collaborative efforts with other students. He / She will be expected to
demonstrate resolving the issues and problems while working in teams. The student is in a
position to analyze, discuss and explain the issues during the class room activities.


Stress Management IUP
Emotional Intelligence IUP
Born to win James & Jongeward- Perseus Books
Leadership Skills for Managers Marlene Caroselli - McGraw- Hill Professional
Personality Development John Aurther - Lotus Press
Soft Skills at Work Beverly Amer, Cengage
Working with Emotional Intelligence Daniel Goleman- Bantam Books
101 Ways to improve your communication skills Jo Condrill, Bennie Bough- Goal Minds
Working in Teams Sandy Pokras, Cengage
Stress Management Jonathan C. Smith, Springer Publishing Co.
Conflict management- Resolving Disagreement at Herbert S. Kindler, Thomson/Course
Work place Technology
Games Trainer Play- Experiential Learning Exercises New Storm & Scannel- Tata McGraw-Hill
More Games Trainer Play- Experiential Learning New Storm & Scannel- Tata McGraw-Hill
In the PEM course, the students are exposed to three modules-Module-I: Self Assessment &
Development, Module-II: Interpersonal Relations and Module-III: Working in Teams.
Module–I includes values, perception, attitude & personality, self-esteem, motivation and creativity.
This module assesses the core behaviors of the student and he/she will understand what should be
acceptable behavior in a social environment. The student will get right feedback from time to time
which ensures development of his/her personality.

Module – II includes topics such as communication skills, assertive skills, receiving & giving feedback and
emotional intelligence. This module essentially focuses on interpersonal relations assuring his/her
acceptable behavior in a group. The student finds the relevance of being in a group and appreciates the
collaborative behavior with other students of the group.

Module – III includes topics of stress management, conflict management & decision making, and team
building skills. This module mainly focuses on how to work in teams.

Necessarily, the student will understand the importance of working in a team by coping with stress
induced during working with people, by creating an acceptable environment for taking right decisions,
resolving conflicts. Team building skills are of paramount importance in order to manage a team in a
corporate. The student will learn how to lead and be a good team player.

Therefore, all three modules are necessary to transform a student into prospective budding manager in
the corporate. Methodology used to impart these skills totally is basing on experiential learning by
employing tools- psychometric analysis, games, activities, structured experience, small group
discussions, role play, video films, experience sharing and immediate feedback (from the Faculty and co-

Assessment of the students will be carried out during all the sessions. Assessment and grading should be
very transparent by which the student is encouraged to see the improvement in his/her overall


Methodology Assessment Assessment for

No. of Criteria Grading
S. # Contents

 Influence of moral,
1 ethical, social Psychometric
 Relational values on Analysis/Activity
individual behavior  The student will
Perception the evidences of
 Influence of positive
2 Game/Activity reinforcement
perception on other 2
people. How in order to
perceptions of others improve his /
on the individual her behavior
create first continuously.
impression? Rubrics will be
 How perception  These evidences used to assess the
affects social will show his / students’
interaction? her performance in
Attitude & Personality understanding the class room
 What is your of the principles situation.
attitude? How does of positive
this affect social Psychometric reinforcement
interaction? How an Analysis/ in behavior.
3 attitude influences Structured
Experience  With in the
the personality?
 What are your classroom
personality traits? situation these
How do they help in evidences are
social interactions? appropriate and
Self Esteem  The student will
 How do you see be able to
yourself? How do you Psychometric evaluate the
4 relate to others (self Analysis / Role impact of his /
image)? Play her own actions
 Your social status. and
How others see you? consequences
of these
Motivation evidences
 What motivates you?
Gaining insight into
5 own motive patterns. Game/Activity
 Relationship between
motivation and

Creativity Psychometric
 Are you creative? Analysis /
 What are your blocks 2 Structured
of creativity? Experience
Total Sessions 12
Module II Interpersonal Relations
Methodology Assessment Assessment for
No. of
S. # Contents Criteria Grading

 Ability to listen and
understand another
person Game / Role play
 Sensitivity to other / Psychometric
1 than verbal modes of Analysis
communication  The student will
 Body Language- be able to
personal demonstrate
communication style the evidences of
 Interpersonal interaction with
communication other students
Assertive Skills while discussing
 Are you assertive or and others also Rubrics will be
aggressive or demonstrate used to assess the
submissive? the students’
 What is Art of saying acceptability performance in
2 Psychometric towards him. the class room
‘No’? 3
 How does assertiveness Analysis / Activity
/ Videos  The evidences
influence on
show that the
that how
Receiving & Giving Feedback interpersonal
 Giving negative relations can be
feedback achieved.
 Giving constructive /
positive feedback Activity /  The student will
 Handling negative Game/T-Group be able to
feedback analyze and
 Receiving positive 3 evaluate the
feedback importance of
 Receiving negative interpersonal
feedback relations. He /
 Defensive/controlling She assess the
behavior while ways and means
receiving of achieving
Emotional Intelligence relations.
4  What are your
 Feelings: Knowing,
identifying, accepting, 3 Activity / Game
reflecting on,
 Emotional literacy:
ability to express
 Empathy
 Social Skills

Total Sessions 13
Module III – Working in Teams

No. of Methodology Assessment Criteria Assessment

S. # Contents for Grading

Conflict Management & Decision

 How do you deal with
 What is conflict resolution?
1 Psychometric
 Making Decisions 5
o Developing Alternatives Analysis /
o Assessing alternatives Activity /  With in the class
o Choosing the best Videos / Game room situation,
alternative for decision / Role play the student will
making be able to
Stress Management demonstrate,
 What is your source of collaboration
stress? with other Rubrics will be
 Coping with stress students. He / used to assess
She the students’
 Do you get work related
Psychometric demonstrates performance
2 Stress?
 Managing Stress Analysis / complementary in the class
o Relaxing Training Activity role during the room
classroom situation.
o Breathing
o Meditation activities.
o Bio feedback 
o Time Management  The evidences
Team Building Skills show that the
 How teams are developed? students
understand and
 How to lead a team?
analyze the
 Developing an individual
benefits accrued
from team
 Role & contribution of a
3 team
 Team leaders 5 Psychometric 
o Roles? Analysis /  The student will
Game / Role be able to assess
o Qualities?
play/ the advantage of
o Leader & subordinate
being team
member rather
o Delegating for results?
than working
Total Sessions 15

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