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Early experience in the use of quantitative image quality measurements for the quality

assurance of full field digital mammography x-ray systems

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2007 Phys. Med. Biol. 52 5545


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Phys. Med. Biol. 52 (2007) 5545–5568 doi:10.1088/0031-9155/52/18/006

Early experience in the use of quantitative image

quality measurements for the quality assurance of full
field digital mammography x-ray systems
N W Marshall
Clinical Physics Group, Barts and the London NHS Trust, St Bartholomew’s Hospital,
London EC1A 6BE, UK

Received 26 April 2007, in final form 24 July 2007

Published 3 September 2007
Online at

Quantitative image quality results in the form of the modulation transfer
function (MTF), normalized noise power spectrum (NNPS) and detective
quantum efficiency (DQE) are presented for nine full field digital
mammography (FFDM) systems. These parameters are routinely measured
as part of the quality assurance (QA) programme for the seven FFDM units
covered by our centre. Just one additional image is required compared to
the standard FFDM protocol; this is the image of an edge, from which the
MTF is calculated. A variance image is formed from one of the flood images
used to measure the detector response and this provides useful information on
the condition of the detector with respect to artefacts. Finally, the NNPS is
calculated from the flood image acquired at a target detector air kerma (DAK)
of 100 µGy. DQE is then estimated from these data; however, no correction
is currently made for effects of detector cover transmission on DQE. The
coefficient of variation (cov) of the 50% point of the MTF for five successive
MTF results was 1%, while the cov for the 50% MTF point for an a-Se system
over a period of 17 months was approximately 3%. For four a-Se based
systems, the cov for the NNPS at 1 mm−1 for a target DAK of 100 µGy was
approximately 4%; the same result was found for four CsI based FFDM units.
With regard to the stability of NNPS over time, the cov for four NNPS results
acquired over a period of 12 months was also approximately 4%. The effect
of acquisition geometry on NNPS was also assessed for a CsI based system.
NNPS data acquired with the antiscatter grid in place showed increased noise
at low spatial frequency; this effect was more severe as DAK increased. DQE
results for the three detector types (a-Se, CsI and CR) are presented as a
function of DAK. Some reduction in DQE was found for both the a-Se and
CsI based systems at a target DAK of 12.5 µGy when compared to DQE data
acquired at 100 µGy. For the CsI based systems, DQE at 1 mm−1 fell from
0.49 at 100 µGy to 0.38 at 12.5 µGy. For the a-Se units, there was a slightly
greater reduction in average DQE at 1 mm−1, from 0.53 at 100 µGy to 0.31
at 12.5 µGy. Somewhat different behaviour was seen for the CR unit; DQE

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5546 N W Marshall

(at 1 mm−1) increased from 0.40 at 100 µGy to 0.49 at 12.5 µGy; however,
DQE fell to 0.30 at 420 µGy. DQE stability over time was assessed using
the cov of DQE at 1 mm−1 and a target DAK of 100 µGy; the cov for data
acquired over a period of 17 months for an a-Se system was approximately
7%. For comparison with conventional testing methods, the cov was calculated
for contrast-detail (cd) data acquired over the same period of time for this unit.
The cov for the threshold contrast results (averaged for disc diameters between
0.1 mm and 2 mm) was 6%, indicating similar stability.

1. Introduction

Full field digital mammography (FFDM) systems are used for both breast screening and
assessment at Barts and the London NHS Trust. Three FFDM system types are used for this
purpose; the GE Senographe DS, the Hologic Selenia and the Agfa Embrace DM1000. With
regard to routine quality assurance (QA), these units are assessed at six monthly intervals
according to standard protocols at the UK and European level (IPEM 2005a, 2005b, EC 2006,
NHSBSP 2006). Image quality assessment in these protocols is based on the use of semi-
quantitative test objects such as the CDMAM contrast-detail (cd) test object; in fact current
European (and UK) standards for FFDM systems are framed using this test object (EC 2006,
NHSBSP 2006). Other test objects, such as TOR(MAM), are also used as they offer a quick
and reasonably sensitive routine check on image quality (NHSBSP 2006).
As an adjunct to these test object methods, the use of quantitative methods has been
developed for image quality assessment as part of the routine QA of these systems. Parameters
measured include the pre-sampling modulation transfer function (MTF), normalized noise
power spectrum (NNPS) and the detective quantum efficiency (DQE). These methods are well
established (Metz et al 1995) and have been successfully applied to the evaluation of x-ray
detectors in computed radiography (CR) systems (Workman and Cowen 1993, Samei and
Flynn 2002), fluoroscopy systems (Tapiovaara 1993), direct and indirect digital radiography
systems (Samei and Flynn 2003) and small field digital mammography systems (Evans et al
2002). Bloomquist et al (2006) and Yaffe et al (2006) have described the use of MTF and
noise power spectrum (NPS) within the ACRIN DMIST trial. Yaffe et al (2006) conclude that
the MTF is a useful measure and should be measured annually; however, they also state that
the routine measurement of NPS was thought to be of limited use, due in part to difficulties in
normalizing signals between systems. While these papers provide extremely useful data with
regard to the set up of QA programmes for FFDM systems, only limited information on the
measurement of MTF and NPS is given for these units.
In previous work, quantitative measurements have been compared with subjective (cd)
image quality results for an FFDM system (Marshall 2006a) and the utility of quantitative
image quality parameters when diagnosing detector problems has been demonstrated (Marshall
2006b). The aim of this paper is to extend this work to a range of systems and examine
differences in these parameters for a number of FFDM units of the same type, as well as for
different FFDM technologies, using an identical method. The work will also examine the
stability of these parameters over time, the ease with which they might be included in a routine
QA programme and discuss some of the problems encountered during the implementation. It
should be noted that the data presented in the coming sections are what might be termed ‘field’
results, aimed at physicists performing routine QA measurements, rather than painstaking
laboratory grade results.
Early experience in the use of quantitative image quality measurements 5547

Table 1. Technical parameters for the FFDM systems assessed.

Approx image Pixel sizea

System Detector size (cm) Matrix size (mm)
Hologic Selenia a-Se/TFT 24 × 29 3420 × 4096 0.07
Agfa DM 1000 a-Se/TFT 24 × 29 3420 × 4096 0.07
GE Senographe DS CsI/TFT 19 × 23 1914 × 2294 0.094
Konica CR CR plate 24 × 30 5580 × 6980 0.043
a Pixel size is taken from Dicom tag (0018,1164) ‘Imager Pixel Spacing’.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. The FFDM systems studied

This study presents data for nine FFDM systems; four GE Senographe DS units, three Hologic
Selenia systems, an Agfa Embrace DM1000 and a Konica computed radiography (CR)
unit. The Agfa unit is based closely on the Hologic Selenia system. Routine quantitative
measurements are made for two Hologic Selenia, the Agfa DM1000 and the four GE
Senographe systems. The second Hologic Selenia system and the Konica CR system were
assessed as part of a one-off visit to two separate sites, external to this NHS Trust. Details
of the FFDM systems are presented in table 1. FFDM systems that utilize direct conversion
(a-Se x-ray converter), indirect conversion (CsI) and photostimulable phosphor plate x-ray
detectors are therefore compared in this study.
For the units within this NHS Trust, the data required to calculate the quantitative
parameters are acquired during the routine (six monthly) QA visit. Little additional time
is required to acquire these image data; NNPS is calculated from the uniform x-ray (flood)
images that are used in the measurement of the detector response function (EC 2006, NHSBSP
2006), also termed the signal transfer property (STP). MTF is calculated from one image of
an edge test object acquired after the flood images. These image data are either saved onto
CD-R during the QA visit or transferred to a radiological work station (RWS) and then burnt
onto CD-R at the end of the QA survey.

2.2. X-ray factors used for image acquisition

In order to increase the efficiency of QA tests, the same factors should be used when measuring
the STP and the NNPS, as this removes repeated image acquisitions under different beam
conditions. Both of these parameters can be calculated from the same set of flood images.
The UK FFDM protocol states that the STP should be measured using the clinical x-ray
factors selected under automatic exposure control (AEC) for 4.5 cm polymethylmethacralate
(PMMA). However, varying the acquisition factors according to AEC selection across the
different units would add additional variation at what is a relatively early stage in the use of
quantitative image quality measurements. Furthermore, when this study began the available
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) draft for the standard mammography beam
recommended the use of 4 cm PMMA for NPS estimation (although this has now changed and
the current IEC standard recommends the use of 2 mm Al). NNPS data were therefore acquired
using an x-ray spectrum of 28 kV, Mo/Mo target filter combination and 4 cm added PMMA
suspended at the x-ray tube exit port. Note that the anti-scatter grid is routinely removed for
this measurement to enable an accurate estimate of air kerma at the detector entrance plane;
the effect of the grid on the NNPS was investigated for one system.
5548 N W Marshall

With regard to MTF measurement, results are presented for several beam qualities and
geometries. These include MTF measured with and without 4 cm PMMA in the x-ray beam
and edge placed directly on the detector compared to edge placed on the breast support
platform. The effect of added Al filtration on MTF was also studied. Strictly, the NNPS
and the MTF should be acquired under identical beam conditions; however, the presence of
PMMA introduces considerable quantities of scattered radiation in to the MTF result (the new
IEC standard using 2 mm Al avoids this problem). Comparison of MTF across units was
performed without additional x-ray beam filtration (i.e. without the 4 cm added PMMA in the
x-ray beam).

2.3. System acquisition settings

Images used in the analysis for the a-Se types (Hologic Selenia and Agfa DM1000) were
acquired as ‘Flat field’; these images have a linear relationship between pixel value (PV)
detector air kerma (DAK) and minimal image processing. Quantitative image quality data
were calculated from ‘RAW’ images for the GE Senographe units, with the proprietary
‘FineView’ and ‘PremiumView’ processing disabled. Settings for the Konica system were
‘Fix’ readout mode, ‘QC S-value’ with ‘E’ and ‘F’ processing turned off. When acquiring
successive images for NPS estimation a 60 s delay was maintained between exposures for all

2.4. The signal transfer property (STP)

The signal transfer property is measured as part of the current QA protocol as follows. The
additional 4 cm of PMMA is suspended in the compression plate as close to the x-ray tube
exit port as the system will allow. This is considered to be a safer option than simply
taping the PMMA blocks to the x-ray tube. The detector is then covered using a Pb beam
block and a calibrated dosemeter is placed at a known distance (8 cm) above the breast
support platform. The tube current–time product (mAs) is then varied between 10 mAs and
160 mAs, and the air kerma per unit mAs at the detector entrance plane is calculated from
these output measurements, the chamber calibration factor and the inverse square correction.
Output linearity with changing mAs is routinely assessed as part of the tube and generator
tests; all systems show good linearity with mAs.
The ionization chamber and Pb protection are then removed. For both the Hologic Selenia
and Agfa DM1000 units, the grid is retracted internally and therefore the detector remains
protected by the carbon fibre cover of the breast support platform. With the GE Senographe
systems, the grid is removed by removing the entire table bucky, leaving the detector exposed
(covered by what appears to be a dark grey carbon-like material). For the Konica CR system,
the plates were exposed placed on top of the breast support platform. No correction was
attempted between systems for the different detector covers or CR cassette window entrance.
Inevitably, this leads to increased error/uncertainty when estimating air kerma at the detector
entrance plane—an uncertainty that feeds through to the DQE estimate.
Target DAK for the NNPS (and hence DQE) measurement is an important consideration
as DQE can vary with detector entrance air kerma (Illers et al 2004a). Data should be acquired
at a DAK that reflects the typical operating DAK for these systems. When the study was
initiated, average DAK values for the a-Se units and the Senographe units taken from early
routine QA data were approximately 95 µGy and 100 µGy, respectively, for imaging 4.5 cm
PMMA. These values reflect the initial DAK chosen by the system design engineers, along
with input from the manufacturer’s application specialists. Target DAK values of 12.5, 25,
Early experience in the use of quantitative image quality measurements 5549

50, 100, 200 and 400 µGy were therefore chosen for the flood images. The mAs settings
required to give these DAK values were calculated from the output measurements detailed
above. Actual mAs settings used occasionally differed from the required setting as there is
a limited range of dial mAs values available on most systems. The output results used to
establish the STP and the STP itself were also assessed over time, in order to test the stability
and long-term reproducibility of these methods.
The STP is used to normalize and linearize the images before calculating MTF and NNPS.
This can be found by plotting PV versus the number of photons at the detector (Illers et al
2004a) as described in the IEC method (IEC 2004) or by plotting PV against DAK. The IEC
conversion method was used previously (Marshall 2006b); however, an STP found by plotting
PV versus DAK is now used. This process converts PV in the original image to air kerma;
the mean value of a linearized image should be equal to the air kerma at which the image was
acquired. For example, the CR system has a logarithmic response:

PV = A + B ln(Ka ) (1a)

where Ka is the air kerma. Linearized images (Ilin(xi, yj)) were formed from the original
greyscale image (PV in Iinput(xi, yj)) using the following equation:

Ilin (xi , yj ) = exp((Iinput (xi , yj ) − A)/B). (1b)

2.5. The modulation transfer function (MTF)

The MTF is measured using the edge technique (Cunningham and Reid 1992, Samei et al
1998, Carton et al 2005). The details of our implementation are given elsewhere (Marshall
2006a); however, the relevant points are presented briefly here. It should be noted that a
1 mm steel plate of dimensions 10 cm × 10 cm is now used instead of the 0.5 mm Cu plate
used previously. All four sides of this plate have been machined to a straight edge. The
steel plate is placed on the breast support platform and twisted to give a slight angle between
the straight edge and the pixel matrix—typically between 1◦ and 5◦ . The edge was imaged
on the table top with the anti-scatter grid in place so that a consistent geometry could be
used between the different systems. The following naming conventions are used for spatial
frequency directions; u indicates data for the chest-wall to the nipple direction while v indicates
results for the left–right direction across the detector.
A region of interest (ROI) was used to extract a 5 cm × 5 cm section of image with
the edge roughly at the centre. The angle of the edge was then determined using a simple
linear least squares fit and the 2D image data were re-projected around the angled edge (Samei
et al 1998) to form an edge spread function (ESF) with a bin spacing of 0.1 pixels. The
ESF was smoothed with a median filter of five bins and then the ESF was differentiated to
obtain the line spread function (LSF). Finally, the LSF is Fourier transformed to give the
pre-sampling MTF. Note that the MTF is calculated for the two different detector directions
from just one edge image. Horizontal and vertical MTFs are therefore extracted from different
detector regions—this was considered acceptable for field/QA conditions as both MTFs can
be acquired from a single image. Time to acquire the edge image and calculate and import the
MTFs into the QA database using this method is roughly 5 min. Short-term reproducibility
for this method was assessed by acquiring five successive edge images on a Senographe DS
system. The edge was removed and replaced on to the breast support table and a 1 min gap
was left between exposures.
5550 N W Marshall

2.6. Variance image (VI)

A greyscale image can be formed of the variance present in the flood images prior to NPS
estimation (Maidment et al 2003, Marshall 2006a). This technique has proved useful in
quickly identifying artefacts that can be difficult to find in large greyscale images. Details of
the method used to calculate a VI are given elsewhere (Marshall 2006a). To emphasize the
utility of this method, further VI examples are presented here.

2.7. Normalized noise power spectrum (NNPS)

The NNPS data are calculated from the STP images using a standard 2D NNPS algorithm; full
details are given elsewhere (Marshall 2006a). Briefly, a sub-image is first extracted from the
flood image and linearized as described in the STP section. For the a-Se and Senographe units,
a sub-image of 1088 × 1088 pixels was used and this corresponds to physical dimensions of
7.6 × 7.6 cm and 10.8 × 10.8 cm, respectively. The pixel size of the CR system studied was
only 0.043 mm and therefore a sub-image of 2176 × 2176 pixels was used, corresponding to
a region of 9.4 cm × 9.4 cm. Half overlapping ROIs (IEC 2004) of size 128 × 128 pixels for
the a-Se and Senographe units and 256 × 256 pixels for the CR system, were then taken from
the sub-image. A total of 128 ROIs are taken from each flood image. A 2D second-order
polynomial was then used to correct each ROI for low-frequency background effects that may
be present in the image. The squared modulus of the 2D fast Fourier transform (FFT) of each
ROI was calculated and added to the NPS ensemble. This was repeated for all the ROIs taken
from each image. Finally, the NNPS is calculated by dividing the ensemble by the square
mean value of the sub-image i.e. by (air kerma)2.
The spectra are then sectioned along the u and v spatial frequency axes; five spatial
frequency bins on either side of the axes are used in the NNPS binning. The axes themselves
(u = 0 and v = 0) are excluded from the NPS as low-frequency artefacts, from the heel effect
for example, often appear in these bins (Dobbins 2000), although some authors include these
values (Samei and Flynn 2002). A greyscale image of the NNPS ensemble is also formed as
this gives a visual impression of the full 2D NNPS.
Routinely, QA noise power spectra
√ are calculated from just one image. The relative
uncertainty can be calculated as 1/ Nbin , where Nbin is the number of independent frequency
bin results associated with a given NPS value (Dobbins et al 2006). Nbin is calculated as
Nbin = M rows binave (2)
where M is the number of ROIs (spectra), ‘rows’ is the number of rows used to section the
NPS and binave is the average number of NPS points in a bin per row. As an example,
a noise power spectrum for an a-Se unit using 128 × 128 pixel ROIs from one image
has a frequency resolution (f ) of 0.11 mm−1. For the case of non-overlapping ROIs
with no spatial frequency re-binning, Nbin = 64 × 10 × 1 and the spectral uncertainty is
∼4%. Re-binning spatial frequencies into 0.5 mm−1 bins would give binave = 4.48 and
reduce spectral uncertainty to ∼1.8%, at the expense of spatial resolution. Changing to half-
overlapping spectra complicates the calculation of uncertainty (Dobbins et al 2006) but for
spectra calculated without windowing (as is the case here), the uncertainty is reduced by the
square root of the reciprocal of the number of independent pixels between the two cases.
Therefore, the uncertainty for a power spectrum taken from just one image is reduced to
approximately 3.7%. Spectral data are routinely calculated from one or two images with no
re-binning using half-overlapping ROIs, giving a typical uncertainty of between 3.7% and
Early experience in the use of quantitative image quality measurements 5551

2.8. Detective quantum efficiency (DQE)

DQE was calculated from the pre-sampling MTF and NNPS using the following equation:
MTF2 (u, v)
DQE(u, v) = (3)
Ka SNR2in · NNPS(u, v)
where Ka is the air kerma for the particular NNPS result and SNR2in is the number of photons
per unit µGy per mm2. A value of 5300 photons µGy−1 mm−2 is used in these calculations for
all systems in this paper in order to remain consistent with previous work (Marshall 2006a).
From the range of measured half value layer data (HVL) for seven of these systems, it is
estimated that differences in intrinsic x-ray filtration will lead to a maximum difference of
1.4% in the number of photons µGy−1 mm−2. Compression plate thickness and composition
will also have a small effect on this number.

2.9. Link to contrast-detail results

Quantitative measurements offer a somewhat abstract description of image detector image
quality compared to a typical image quality metric such the threshold cd curve that is often
used to frame image quality standards (Hay et al 1985, IPEM 2005b, EC 2006). Several
authors have examined the relationship between quantitative measurements such as DQE and
cd performance (Aufrichtig 1999, Aufrichtig and Xue 2000, Marshall 2006a, Borasi et al
2006). Linking cd performance to the underlying quantitative detector data is an important
step in the acceptance of quantitative measurements as part of a QA programme. Although
not the explicit aim of this paper, this section gives a brief comparison of cd results and the
quantitative detector measurements.
For this purpose, cd data were acquired using the CDMAM cd test object (manufactured
by Artinis Medical Systems B.V., The Netherlands) for one a-Se (Selenia 1) system, one
CsI (Seno 3) system and for the Konica CR system. Acquisition factors were a DAK of
100 µGy, 28 kV and a Mo/Mo target/filter combination. Two cd images were acquired at
these settings and these were scored by one experienced observer. Ideally, the images from
the three different systems would be scored using the same softcopy workstation (SCW);
however, this was not possible. For the a-Se and CsI units, the system default SCW was used;
these are five megapixel cathode ray tube (CRT) units. The CR images were transferred to a
remote SCW and scored using a pair of five megapixel TFT displays. Luminance response
for all these displays is checked using a luminance meter as part of the routine SCW quality
assurance checks. It is therefore assumed that the displays have been well set up and are not
the determining factor in the observer scoring of the cd images. During cd scoring, ambient
light was kept low and screen reflections were kept to a minimum. Window level, width and
software magnification were adjusted by the observer to maximize visibility of cd details.
The CDMAM scoring method was followed (as described in the CDMAM manual); once the
number of discs at each detail size has been established, the gold thickness of the last visible
disc is converted into a contrast (EC 2006). This threshold contrast is then plotted against
detail diameter on a log–log graph and a second-order quadratic function fitted to the cd results
(Marshall 2006a, Borasi et al 2006).
The cd response expected from the quantitative results was calculated using a matched
filter SNR from signal detection theory (Wagner and Brown 1985, Aufrichtig 1999); the steps
required are detailed elsewhere (Marshall 2006a). Following Workman and Cowen (1993), it
was assumed that the observers minimize the effect of visual bias on the cd result and therefore
an ideal visual response function was used in these calculations. Furthermore, no allowance
5552 N W Marshall

Senographe y = 8.83x - 3.03

pixel value 2500


1500 y = 3.03x + 59.13


500 y = -422.6Ln(x) + 2588.9

0 100 200 300 400 500
detector air kerma (µGy)

Figure 1. Example STP curves for two systems with linear response (Selenia and Senographe)
and logarithmic response (Konica CR system).

Table 2. STP results for nine different systems at 28 kV Mo/Mo and 4 cm added Perspex (A and
B are coefficients in PVlin = A + B(Ka) for linear systems and PVlog = A + B ln(Ka) for the Konica
CR system).

Coefficient Selenia 1 Selenia 2 Selenia 3 Agfa Seno 1 Seno 2 Seno 3 Seno 4 Konica
A 59.1 59.4 65.4 54.8 −3.0 −1.8 −1.9 1.3 2588.9
B 3.03 3.39 3.36 3.76 8.83 8.27 8.96 8.80 −422.6

has been made for any differences in system grid performance that may be present between
the three different x-ray systems on the imaged contrasts of the discs.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. STP
Figure 1 shows example STP curves for the a-Se and the CsI based units (both have a linear
relationship between PV and DAK) and for the Konica CR system (which has a logarithmic
relationship). The cov for output measured with 4 cm Perspex in the x-ray beam (over a period
of 17 months) was between 1% and 2% for Selenia and Senographe units, indicating similar
stability to that found for the standard specific radiation output for routine QA tests. Table 2
shows STP results for the entire range of systems assessed. As expected, STP coefficients are
similar for the Senographe units. There is also little difference in the coefficients between the
a-Se based units (three Hologic systems and one Agfa system), indicating similar calibration
for these systems. The STP gradient is probably not expected to remain unchanged over the
detector lifetime due to changes in gain and routine or ad hoc recalibration of the detector
by the service engineer. However, cov for the B coefficient of the STP (i.e. the gradient) for
one example a-Se unit is quite stable over a period of 17 months (12%) although this does
include one entire system re-configuration; cov for the Senographe system is approximately 6%
(table 3).
Early experience in the use of quantitative image quality measurements 5553

PMMA at tube, edge on table, grid in
0.9 no PMMA, edge on table, grid in
no PMMA, edge on detector


MTF (u)






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
spatial frequency (mm-1)

Figure 2. Effect of geometry on the MTF for a CsI based system (u direction).

Table 3. Stability of STP results over time for a Selenia and a Senographe system over time.

Selenia Senographe
Date A B Date A B
Feb-05 53.0 3.04 Oct-04 9.0 9.63
Aug-05 80.2 3.02 Apr-05 6.0 8.47
Dec-05 58.9 3.05 Oct-05 −2.0 8.28
Mar-06 59.2 3.03 Mar-06 −1.8 8.28
Jul-06 63.1a 3.98a Sep-06 −0.8 8.67
a Detector re-calibrated.

3.2. MTF
Reproducibility of the MTF was assessed from five MTF results (taken in the left–right
direction across the detector) acquired consecutively for a GE Senographe DS system with
the edge repositioned between each acquisition. Taking the standard deviation of the spatial
frequency at the 50% point of the MTF (range between 3.74 mm−1 and 3.84 mm−1) gave a
cov of approximately 1%, indicating good short-term reproducibility. Longer term stability
of the MTF data was assessed by examining MTF results acquired over a 17 month period
for an a-Se unit. The cov for the spatial frequency of the 0.5 MTF point for five MTF results
acquired over this period was 3.4% (range for the five results was 6.01 mm−1 to 6.58 mm−1).
Figure 2 examines the effect of geometry on the MTF. There are slight differences when
comparing the edge placed directly at the detector input plane and edge placed on the breast
support platform (with grid in place). With the edge on the detector, a slightly greater MTF
is seen up to approximately 3 mm−1; above 6 mm−1; however, MTF is higher for the edge
placed on the table top. Placing 4 cm PMMA at the tube port reduces MTF by a factor of
5554 N W Marshall

1.0 28 kV Mo/Mo; 0.0 mm Al 1.0

28 kV Mo/Mo; 0.0 mm Al
0.9 28 kV Mo/Mo; 2.0 mm Al 0.9
28 kV Mo/Mo; 2.0 mm Al
32 kV Mo/Rh; 2.0 mm Al
0.8 0.8 32 kV Mo/Rh; 2.0 mm Al

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6

MTF (u)
MTF (u)

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

(a) (b)
0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
spatial frequency (mm-1) spatial frequency (mm-1)

Figure 3. Effect of beam quality on the MTF for (a) an a-Se system and (b) a CsI based system (u

approximately 0.87 (averaged up to 8 mm−1); this is the influence of scattered radiation on the
Figure 3 plots MTF for a range of beam qualities, for a-Se and CsI based systems. Beam
quality was changed from 28 kV Mo/Mo (no additional Al filtration) to 32 kV Mo/Rh with
2.0 mm Al filtration, representing an increase in mean energy from 16.4 keV to 21.3 keV. This
is an increase in mean energy of approximately 5 keV and appears to have little effect on the
MTF for both detector types.
Figure 4 shows a comparison of MTF results for similar system types; four a-Se units and
four CsI systems. These data were acquired at 28 kV Mo/Mo with no additional filtration,
the anti-scatter grid in place and the steel edge placed on the breast support platform. Only
data for the u direction are presented in figures 4(a) and (b), as the MTFs were found to be
essentially isotropic for both a-Se and CsI type units. Note that this is the pre-sampling MTF
i.e. the MTF of the x-ray converter prior to digitization by the pixel matrix. The pre-sampling
MTFs for these systems remain high at the Nyquist frequency (approximately 0.44 and 0.35
for the a-Se and CsI units, respectively) and therefore there may be some aliasing of signals
with substantial spatial frequency content above the Nyquist frequency (Giger and Doi 1984,
Dobbins 1995). The sampled MTF can be calculated if further investigation of the effect of
the pixel matrix on the pre-sampled MTF is required (Dobbins 1995).
There is a reduction in the MTF of approximately 6% at the lowest spatial frequencies for
the CsI type units; this is often termed the ‘low-frequency drop’ or LFD (Brock and Slump
1989) and is a result of long distance light scatter within the CsI phosphor. The method
chosen to measure the MTF should be capable of demonstrating this reduction in modulation
(Marshall 2001, Carton et al 2005, Samei et al 2006). In fluoroscopy, for example, the LFD
was found in the MTF measured via the edge method for CsI based x-ray image intensifiers
but was not seen with the Coltman grating method (Marshall 2001). Even edge-based MTF
techniques may not show the LFD if significant low-frequency conditioning is applied to
Early experience in the use of quantitative image quality measurements 5555

1.0 Seno_1
Agfa_DM1000 0.9 Seno_2
0.9 Selenia_1 Seno_3
Selenia_2 0.8
0.8 Seno_4

MTF (u)
MTF (u)


0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 (a) 0.1 (b)

0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
spatial frequency (mm-1) spatial frequency (mm-1)

Figure 4. (a) MTF measured in the u direction (chest-wall to nipple) for four a-Se type units,
(b) MTF results for the u direction for four Senographe DS systems. Results acquired at 28 kV
Mo/Mo; no additional filtration; grid in; steel edge placed on the breast support platform.

0.9 Seno_1


MTF (u)






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
spatial frequency (mm-1)

Figure 5. MTF results for a-Se (Selenia 1), CsI (Seno 1) and Konica CR systems compared.

the MTF (Carton et al 2005) or insufficient area around the edge is sampled for the MTF
calculation (Samei et al 2006). Systems Seno 1, Seno 2 and Seno 3 were installed at the same
time and have similar MTF results while Seno 4 is a newer system installed approximately
17 months later; MTF for this unit is approximately 10% higher averaged across all spatial
Figure 5 compares MTF data for a-Se, CsI and CR based detector systems. For the Konica
CR system, data are presented for both the scan direction (u) and subscan direction (v), as
MTF data for CR systems are often not isotropic (Samei and Flynn 2002). The a-Se type
5556 N W Marshall

(a) (b)

Figure 6. (a) Greyscale image and (b) variance image of an a-Se detector fault (a 10 × 10 pixel
ROI was used, the chest-wall is at the right of the image). The detector was not stored according
to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Table 4. Spatial frequency for the 0.5 and 0.1 points of the MTF together with DQE at 0.2 mm−1
and 5 mm−1 for the various systems.

Spatial frequency for Spatial frequency for DQE at DQE at

System 0.5 MTF (mm−1) 0.1 MTF (mm−1) 0.2 mm−1 5 mm−1
Hologic Selenia 6.15 12.45 0.55 0.29
Agfa DM 1000 6.64 12.45 0.54 0.30
GE Senographe DS 3.95 8.63 0.46 0.20
Konica CR 2.01, 2.48a 5.63, 6.71a 0.39 0.08
a Scan and subscan, respectively.

units have the highest MTF of the systems assessed; spatial frequency for the 0.5 MTF point
is approximately 6 mm−1 compared to approximately 4 mm−1 for the Senographe systems
(table 4). The Konica CR system has the poorest MTF performance with the MTF reaching
the 0.5 point at just 2 mm−1. The system with the smallest pixel size actually has the lowest
MTF—this is a good example of a converter limited x-ray detector system.

3.3. Variance image

Figure 6 shows an unusual artefact that developed within an a-Se based detector that was not
stored according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The chest-wall is at the right-hand side
(RHS) in these images and a 10 × 10 pixel ROI was used; the greyscale in these images
assigns white to a region of high variance and black is low variance. The greyscale image is
Early experience in the use of quantitative image quality measurements 5557

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7. Variance images of an a-Se detector showing blurring at the detector edges (a 10 × 10
pixel ROI was used, the chest-wall is at the right of these images). Images acquired in (a) Jan-06,
(b) Mar-06, (c) full image with MTF edge in Jul-06. (Note that different brightness and contrast
settings were used for image (c) and this will emphasize the blurring (darker regions) at the image

displayed using a high contrast setting so that the artefact is clearly seen; however, this artefact
was more difficult to see at normal brightness and contrast settings (in fact it was not seen by
the service engineer). The artefact is clearly visualized in the variance image; the variance
image also picks out a faulty pixel line.
Figure 7 presents a series of variance images that show progressive blurring at the detector
edge over a period of six months—the blurring is only slight and is seen as reduced variance
i.e. two thin dark strips along the top and bottom of the image. Detailed examination of the
greyscale version of the July image showed a blurring of approximately 50 pixels in length
(∼3.5 mm) in the v direction at the detector edges. Similar problems have been reported by
van Engen et al (2006), an effect ascribed to crystallization of the a-Se converter layer. Of
interest is the variance image of the MTF edge image—this shows that the areas used for
MTF calculation (i.e. the image centre) are some distance from the regions where the blurring
occurs and underlines the value of the variance image (note that the dark region within the
edge is not indicative of reduced variance but is a consequence of the equalization used for
this image). Additional artefacts are seen towards the top of figure 7(c) at the RHS of the
detector; this detector was replaced at this point.

3.4. Normalized noise power spectrum

Figure 8(a) presents NNPS results for four a-Se based systems acquired at an air kerma of
approximately 100 µGy at the detector (103.5 µGy, 97.7 µGy, 97.7 µGy and 97.9 µGy). As
the 2D spectra are isotropic only data for the u direction (chest/wall to nipple) are presented.
All four sets of data have a similar form with the NNPS falling somewhat as a function of
spatial frequency; there is a 30% reduction in NNPS at 0.22 mm−1 (∼3.3 × 10−6 mm2)
compared to the NNPS at 6.92 mm−1 (∼2.4 × 10−6 mm2). There is a strong spike seen in the
5558 N W Marshall

1.0E-05 1.0E-05
(a) (b)
NNPS(u) (mm2 )

NNPS(u) (mm2 )
1.0E-06 1.0E-06
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
-1 -1
spatial frequency (mm ) spatial frequency (mm )

Figure 8. NNPS in the u direction measured at approximately 100 µGy at the detector (a) a-Se
type units and (b) GE Senographe systems.

NNPS for all four units at the same spatial frequency (5.25 mm−1) due to periodic structures
present in the image data—further spikes are seen lying off axis in figure 10(a). The four
systems have the same detector cover formed out of knitted carbon fibre and this may be the
cause of these features. The cov of the NNPS at 1 mm−1 for these data is 7.0% (increasing to
12.3% at 5 mm−1). Note the greater NNPS seen for the Agfa DM1000 unit; this system also
has the highest MTF of the four a-Se units studied.
NNPS data acquired at approximately 100 µGy (also for the u direction) are presented
in figure 8(b) for the four GE Senographe units. Again, all four spectra have a similar shape,
with a steeper reduction in NNPS with spatial frequency than is seen for the a-Se data. NNPS
falls by 70%, from ∼3.7 × 10−6 mm2 at 0.16 mm−1 to ∼1.3 × 10−6 mm2 at 5 mm−1. This
greater reduction in NNPS is expected due to greater correlation of the x-ray noise by the
CsI x-ray converter (Rowlands and Yorkston 2000). This may be compared to the somewhat
flatter NNPS seen for a-Se detector, which more closely resembles the white NNPS expected
for the x-ray quantum noise. Comparing the NNPS results for the four Senographe units at
1 mm−1 give a cov of 3.7%, which is approximately half of that found for the four a-Se systems.
In contrast to the a-Se spectra, no spikes or peaks are seen in the greyscale NNPS image
(figure 10(b)). This may be because the images used for the calculations were acquired with
the bucky removed and therefore no carbon fibre breast support platform was present.
Figure 9 plots NNPS results for all three system types—a-Se, CsI and the Konica CR and
emphasizes the difference in shape seen between the spectra. As with the MTF, the NNPS for
the CR unit shows some anisotropy, rolling off faster in the scan direction. This is probably
due to the influence of anti-aliasing filter (intended to reduce aliasing and grid line artefacts)
applied along the scan direction (CEP 2006). In the subscan direction, NNPS at 11 mm−1
compared to the NNPS at 0.18 mm−1 has fallen by ∼87% (this figure is 97% for the scan
direction). The sharply peaked nature of the CR NNPS is highlighted in figure 10(c); also
seen are vertical and horizontal lines on the NNPS axes indicating the presence of structured
noise in the image.
One of the difficulties of applying quantitative methods to a system in a clinical setting is
gaining free access to the detector i.e. without the grid and detector cover. Especially difficult
Early experience in the use of quantitative image quality measurements 5559


NNPS(u) (mm2)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
spatial frequency (mm-1)

Figure 9. Comparison of NNPS for a-Se (Selenia 1), CsI (Seno 1) and Konica CR systems
(approximately 100 µGy at the detector). Data are shown just for the u direction for the a-Se and
CsI systems as NNPS for these systems is largely isotropic.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 10. NNPS for the three different detector types: (a) a-Se detector, (b) CsI detector, (c) CR
detector (approximately 100 µGy at the detector).

is estimating the DAK when the anti-scatter grid cannot be removed; however, if the grid could
be kept in place for the measurements this would offer considerably greater protection for the
detector. The effect of the grid on NNPS was investigated by acquiring flood images using an
identical geometry (4 cm PMMA held at the tube exit port) but with the grid in place, for the
Seno 2 unit. The grid attenuation factor measured for this geometry was 1.59 compared to a
factor of 1.97 found without PMMA present. The mAs used to acquire the flood images was
found by matching PV between the two cases (grid absent; grid present); the ratio between
mAs values was 1.58 indicating close agreement with the measured grid factor.
5560 N W Marshall

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 11. (a) Region of image acquired with anti-scatter grid in place for NNPS estimation
(385 µGy), (b) NNPS for this region, (c) the same region of image acquired without anti-scatter
grid at 387 µGy and (d) NNPS for area (c).

Figure 11(a) shows a flood image (1088 × 1088 pixels) used for NNPS estimation
acquired at 385 µGy; considerable non-uniformity can be seen across this image. The NNPS
for this image is given in figure 11(b) and confirms the presence of low-frequency noise (the
high NNPS value at the centre of figure 11(b)), along with increased structured noise along
the NNPS axes. By way of comparison, figure 11(c) shows the same region of flood image
acquired at 387 µGy without the grid. Although there is a slow change in PV across the image,
the image is more uniform. Axial structured noise is largely absent in the corresponding NNPS
(figure 11(d)). Axial plots extracted from these images are given in figure 12 and indicate the
elevated NNPS below ∼1 mm−1. Note that the effect of the grid on the NNPS becomes less
significant at lower DAK values. This is illustrated in figure 12 for NNPS data acquired at
97 µGy; an increase in NNPS is seen below 0.5 mm−1, however, there is little difference in
NNPS at higher spatial frequencies.
Finally, stability of the NNPS (in the u direction) over a period of one year was assessed
for an a-Se unit. The cov for the NNPS at 1 mm−1 is 3.6% which again is comparable
to the uncertainty for a single NNPS measurement. Given the uncertainties present in the
measurement set up (e.g. calibration factor, focus-chamber distance, stability of x-ray output),
this is a surprisingly low figure.

3.5. Detective quantum efficiency

Figure 13(a) shows DQE results in the u direction acquired at approximately 100 µGy for four
a-Se based units; similar data are plotted in figure 13(b) for the four CsI based systems (i.e.
Early experience in the use of quantitative image quality measurements 5561


NNPS(u) (mm2)


97 µGy
385 µGy
grid out

0 1 2 3 4 5
spatial frequency (mm-1)

Figure 12. Effect of anti-scatter grid on NNPS (u direction) for Seno 2 measured at two different
detector air kerma values. The dotted lines show NNPS measured at 97 µGy and 387 µGy, with
the anti-scatter grid removed.

1.0 1.0

0.9 Selenia_1 0.9 Seno_1

Selenia_2 Seno_2
0.8 0.8
AGFA_DM1000 Seno_3
0.7 Selenia_3 0.7 Seno_4
0.6 0.6
DQE (u)

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

(a) 0.1 (b)

0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
spatial frequency (mm-1) spatial frequency (mm-1)

Figure 13. DQE for the u direction measured at detector air kerma of ∼100 µGy for (a) four a-Se
based units and (b) four CsI based systems.

GE Senographe systems). Slightly greater variation is seen for the a-Se systems (7% cov at
1 mm−1 compared to 4% cov for the CsI systems). It is unclear why this should be the case;
however, the a-Se data were acquired with the carbon fibre table covering in place and this
cover is subject to an additional manufacturing tolerance.
Figure 14 compares DQE for all three detector types: a-Se, CsI and the Konica CR plate.
DQE results for both the a-Se and CsI are similarly shaped, while DQE of the CR system
falls away more rapidly as a function of spatial frequency. This is largely the influence of
5562 N W Marshall

0.9 Selenia_1

DQE (u) 0.6






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
spatial frequency (mm-1)

Figure 14. Comparison of DQE (u direction) measured at approximately 100 µGy at the detector
for three different detector types.

the markedly poorer MTF on the CR system DQE (figure 5). Average DQE at 0.2 mm−1 for
the a-Se, CsI and the Konica CR systems is 0.55, 0.46 and 0.39, respectively. Far greater
difference is found at 5 mm−1, where average DQE for the a-Se, CsI and Konica system is
0.28, 0.20 and 0.08, respectively (see table 4). One might therefore expect greater attenuation
by the Konica system of high-frequency spatial frequency information present in the image.
Note that the DQE results for the a-Se and CR systems were calculated without correcting for
the carbon fibre cover of the breast support table or the entrance window of the CR cassette.
This directly affects the DQE; for example, assuming 95% transmission for the carbon fibre
cover will increase DQE by 1/0.95 i.e. by a factor 1.05.
DQE was also investigated as a function of air kerma at the detector; figure 15 presents
results at target DAK values of 12.5 µGy, 100 µGy and 400 µGy. Figures 15(a) and (b)
give data for a Senographe and a Selenia system, respectively, while figure 15(c) plots
the CR system results. Similar results are found for the integrated detector systems in
figures 15(a) and (b) (i.e. the CsI and a-Se detectors); DQE is reduced somewhat at low DAK
values. Average DQE at approximately 12.5 µGy and 1 mm−1 for the four Senographe units
was similar at 0.38 (cov of 3.4%). Greater variation was found within the a-Se systems; DQE
results at approximately 12.5 µGy and 1 mm−1 for the four a-Se units were 0.19, 0.42, 0.33
and 0.31, giving an average of 0.31 and a cov of 30%. The average reduction in DQE at
approximately 12.5 µGy was 33% for the a-Se systems, compared to the figure of 22% for the
four Senographe systems. This reduction in DQE at low air kerma for both the a-Se and CsI
detectors is probably due to electronic noise from the readout electronics (Yorker et al 2002).
This is an additive noise source (Siewerdsen et al 1997, Evans et al 2002) and will therefore
make a greater contribution to system noise at low signal (DAK) levels. The temperature of the
detector in the Senographe systems is actively controlled using a pumped coolant; however,
this method is not used for the a-Se units. It is possible that the ambient room temperature
will therefore have a greater influence on the performance of the a-Se detectors, leading to the
variation in DQE seen for the low air kerma data.
Distinctly different behaviour is observed for the CR system, where electronic noise from
the photomultiplier tube readout is known to be low (Rowlands 2002). There is no reduction
Early experience in the use of quantitative image quality measurements 5563

1.0 1.0
(a) (b)
12.0 µGy 11.5 µGy
0.9 0.9
104 µGy 96.6 µGy
0.8 388 µGy
413 µGy 0.8

0.7 0.7

DQE (u)
DQE (u)

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5
spatial frequency (mm-1) spatial frequency (mm-1)

1.0 1.0
(c) (d)
12.0 µGy 0.9 Seno_1
105 µGy Selenia_1
0.8 0.8
420 µGy Konica_CR
0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6
DQE (u)
DQE (u)

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
spatial frequency (mm-1) air kerma at detector (µGy)

Figure 15. DQE (u direction) measured with detector air kerma as a parameter for (a) the GE
Senographe system, (b) the Hologic Selenia system and (c) the Konica CR system, and (d) DQE
at 0.5 mm−1 plotted as a function of detector air kerma.

in DQE at low air kerma; the DQE simply falls away as DAK is increased, indicating the
influence of structured noise on the DQE (Illers et al 2004b). This is a multiplicative noise
source (multiplied by the x-ray signal), which becomes progressively more important as DAK
increases. There is a reduction in DQE of 40%, with the DQE falling from 0.49 at 12 µGy
to 0.30 at 420 µGy. The trends in DQE as a function of DAK are illustrated in figure 15(d),
which highlights the differences between the two integrated detectors and the CR system.
The flat fielding used in integrated detector units (i.e. the application of gain correction map,
spatially across the detector) will reduce the influence of structured noise on the detector DQE
(Rowlands and Yorkston 2000), an effect seen at high DAK. In a previous study, it was shown
that the reduction in DQE at low DAK values for an a-Se detector leads to a reduction in
contrast resolution (Marshall 2006a) and therefore some loss of contrast resolution might be
expected in dense regions of the breast for both the integrated detector systems here. The
extent of this loss in contrast resolution will depend on the signal level maintained by the
5564 N W Marshall

0.8 Feb-06

DQE (u) 0.6






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
spatial frequency (mm-1)

Figure 16. Stability of DQE (u direction) over a period of 17 months for an a-Se based system
(∼100 µGy at the detector).

system in dense breast regions. This in turn would depend on the AEC design; it may be
worthwhile estimating DAK for some nominal ‘dense’ breast sections during initial AEC
testing to quantify the potential loss in contrast resolution. The CR system, while having a
poorer overall DQE, does not experience this loss of DQE at low DAK levels (i.e. in the denser
regions of the breast).
Finally, the stability of DQE over a period of 17 months can be examined for an a-Se
detector. Figure 16 presents DQE data, measured in the u direction at approximately 100 µGy.
The cov for the DQE at 1 mm−1 is 6.9%, indicating reasonable stability over time. This figure
is higher than the cov seen for the NNPS alone, which is to be expected as DQE includes
uncertainties from both the NNPS and MTF data.

3.6. Contrast-detail results

Figure 17(a) presents the measured cd data for the three systems; these results show virtually
no difference in cd performance between the two a-Se and CsI units while threshold contrast
is somewhat higher for the Konica CR system. Averaging the ratio of threshold contrast for
the CsI to a-Se units across all disc diameters gave a value of 0.99 (i.e. little difference); the
average ratio of threshold contrast for the CR unit compared to the a-Se system is 1.20. The
calculated data are shown in figure 17(b). Only a small difference is predicted between the
CsI and a-Se results, echoing the trend seen for the measured cd data (the ratio of threshold
contrast for the CsI system to the a-Se system is 0.95). The calculations indicate an increase
in threshold contrast for the CR system compared to the integrated detector systems, again
following the measured cd data. There is some detail diameter dependence: the ratio of
threshold contrast for the CR system to that for the a-Se system rises from 1.08 for 0.4 mm
diameter discs to 1.40 for 0.1 mm discs (average across all disc diameters is 1.14).
To some extent, these results follow the DQE results presented in figure 14; the a-Se and
CsI have a similar DQE up to 5 mm−1 (although a factor to allow for table cover transmission
for the a-Se system should be included) and little difference is seen in the cd results. The
reduced DQE for the CR system translates into a poorer cd result compared to the integrated
detector systems, although strong differences in DQE are clearly reduced when translated into
Early experience in the use of quantitative image quality measurements 5565

100.0 100.0
threshold contrast (%)

threshold contrast (%)

10.0 10.0

1.0 1.0

(a) (b)
0.1 0.1
0.10 1.00 10.00 0.10 1.00 10.00
detail diameter (mm) detail diameter (mm)

Figure 17. (a) Threshold contrast-detail results for one observer reading two images (28 kV
Mo/Mo and ∼100 µGy at the detector) for a GE Senographe system (Seno 3), a Hologic Selenia
system (Selenia 1) and for a Konica CR system, (b) threshold contrast for these three systems was
calculated using a matched filter observer for the u direction.

threshold contrast (%)



0.10 1.00 10.00
detail diameter (mm)

Figure 18. Stability of cd results over a 17 month period for an a-Se system (Selenia 1). The cov
averaged over all detail sizes (0.1 mm to 2 mm) is 6%. Acquisition factors were 28 kV, Mo/Mo
and approximately 100 µGy at the detector.

cd performance. Note that while these data give some insight into the relative cd behaviour
between these units, calculation of absolute cd results for comparison against some external
performance scale such as the EUREF acceptable curve remains a problem. One option might
be to calculate threshold contrast for some standard observer model for both a typical S/F
system (which would equate to the minimum performance standard) and for the digital detector
under investigation.
Finally, cd performance of an a-Se unit (Selenia 1) can be examined over time and
compared against the DQE data. Figure 18 plots cd data over a 17 month period for this unit;
5566 N W Marshall

a second-order polynomial curve has been fitted to the data to smooth the results. Acquisition
factors were 28 kV, Mo/Mo and approximately 100 µGy at the detector. The cov averaged
over all detail sizes (0.1 mm–2 mm) is 6%; this is similar to the cov found for the DQE data
given in figure 16 (cov ≈ 7%). If detector DQE is stable over time then this should result in
stable cd results and this appears to be the case here.

4. Conclusions

This study has described initial implementation of objective image parameters as part of a
routine QA programme for FFDM systems. Assuming that detector response (i.e. the STP) is
being measured routinely, calculation of these parameters requires the acquisition of just one
further (edge) image, from which the MTF is calculated. Once the images have been saved
to the network or stored on some portable medium, the transfer, calculation and storage of
results in a database takes approximately 20 min.
The acquisition of these parameters has been shown to have good short- and long-term
reproducibility; essential properties if a method is to be suitable for use in a QA programme.
Variance images are a sensitive means of quickly and easily assessing the entire image for
faults such as detector artefacts and directional blurring. Following this, the NNPS can be
calculated routinely from just one flood image acquired at some nominal target DAK (for
example 100 µGy). Ideally, the flood images needed for NNPS calculation should be acquired
with the antiscatter grid removed as the presence of the grid can increase low spatial frequency
noise, especially at high DAK values. Removal of the grid is essential if an accurate estimate
of detector DAK is required for the DQE measurement. A limitation of this method is the
presence of detector covers of unknown composition and thickness on these systems; this
currently limits the accuracy of the DQE estimate. However, given the quality and depth
of information gained with regard to overall x-ray detector performance through the use of
quantitative measurements, the additional time spent in the acquisition and calculation of
these data is certainly worthwhile and their inclusion as part of a routine QA programme is


I would like to thank Katrin Bell for help with measurements on one of the Hologic Selenia units
and Alistair Mackenzie from KCARE for help and advice with the measurements performed
on the Konica CR system. The comments of Dr Julie Horrocks are also greatly appreciated.


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