AIS Chap 8 Notes
AIS Chap 8 Notes
AIS Chap 8 Notes
Sequential Codes represent items in sequential order. It is used to prenumber source documents, track
each transaction processed, identify any out-of-sequence documents.
arbitrary information
Block Codes represent whole classes by assigning each class aspecific range within the coding scheme. It
is used for chart of accounts and is the basis of the general ledger. It allows for the easy insertion of new
codes withina block. There would be no need to reorganize the coding structure.
arbitrary information
Group Codes represent complex items or events involving twoor more pieces of data using fields with
– arbitrary information
– overused
Alphabetic Codes is used for many of the same purposes asnumeric codes. It can be assigned
sequentially or used in blockand group coding techniques and may be used to represent large numbers
ofitems. It can represent up to 26 variations per field
arbitrary information
Mnemonic Codes are alphabetic characters used asabbreviations, acronyms, and other types
ofcombinations. They do not require users to memorize themeaning since the code itself is
informativeand not arbitrary.
validate collected transactions/ maintain accountingcontrols (e.g., equal debits and credits)
GLS Database
General ledger master file - principal FRS file based on chart of accounts
General ledger history file - used for comparative financial support
Journal voucher file - all journal vouchers of the current period
Journal voucher history file - journal vouchers of past periods for audit trail
Responsibility center file - financial data by responsibility centers for MRS
Budget master file - budget data by responsibility centers for MRS
GLS Reports
1. listing of transactions
2. allocation of expenses to cost centers
3. comparison of account balances from prior periods
4. trial balances
1. balance sheet
2. income statement
3. statement of cash flows
Managerial reports:
1. analysis of sales
2. analysis of cash
3. analysis of receivables
4. Chart of accounts: coded listing of accounts
Account balances that are wrong because ofunauthorized or incorrect journal vouchers
Access controls - unauthorized access to G/L can result inerrors, fraud, and misrepresentations
infinancial statements.Sarbanes-Oxley requires controls that limitdatabase access to only authorized
Accounting records - trace sourcedocuments from inception to financialstatements and vice versa.
Independent verification
G/L dept. reconciles journal vouchers andsummaries. The two important operational reports used are
the journal voucher listing where details of eachjournal voucher posted to the G/L and the general
ledger change report where the effectsof journal voucher postings on G/Laccounts.
Detailed journal voucher listing and account activityreports are a compensating control
A. Management principles
B. Management function, level, and decision type
C. Problem structure
D. Types of management reports
E. Responsibility accounting
F. Behavioral considerations
1. Management principles – includes the formalization of tasks, structures the firm around the
tasksperformed rather than aroundindividuals’ unique skills, allows specification of the
informationneeded to support the tasks.
Responsibility And Authority - is delegated by managers to subordinates and define the vertical
reporting channelsthrough which information flows.
Strategic planning decisions which involves firm’s goals and objectives, scope of business activities,
organizational structure, management philosophy, long-term, with broad scope and impact, non-
recurring , with high degree of uncertainty, need highly summarized information, and require
external & internal information sources.
Tactical planning decisions which involves subordinate to strategic decisions, short termspecific
objectives, recur often, fairly certain outcomes, and have limited impact on the firm.
Operational control decisions which deal with routine tasks, has narrower focus, dependent on
details, highly structured, and has short time frame.
Three basic elements or steps include: set attainable standards, evaluate performance, and take
corrective action.
3. Problem structure reflects and affects how well decisionmakers understand and solve problems
The Elements of problem structure are data, procedures and objectives.
4. Types of management reports- reports must have valueor information content. They should
reduce the level of uncertainty associated witha problem facing the decision maker and
influence the behavior of the decision maker ina positive way.
5. Responsibility accountingImplies that every economic event thataffects the organization is the
responsibilityof and can be traced to an individualmanager and incorporates the fundamental
principlethat responsibility-area managers areaccountable for items that they control.
Budgeting - Budgeting helps management achieve financial objectives by setting measurable goals for
each organizational segment.
Budget information flows downward and becomes increasingly detailed at each lower level.
Information Overload - occurs when managers receive more information than they
can assimilate. It can cause managers to disregard formal information and rely on
informal— probably inferior—cues when making decisions.