Analysis of Safety Early Warning Technology For The Myanmar-China Oil and Gas Pipeline (Myanmar Section)

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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Analysis of safety early warning technology for the myanmar-china oil

and gas pipeline (myanmar section)
To cite this article: Mengqing Zhao and Ling Luo 2019 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 300 022024

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REES2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 300 (2019) 022024 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/300/2/022024

Analysis of safety early warning technology for the myanmar-

china oil and gas pipeline (myanmar section)

Mengqing Zhao1, Ling Luo2

Sino-Pipeline International Company Limited Beijing, 00028, China
East Star Airlines College Chengdu, 611130, China

Abstract. On the basis of engineering data of Myanmar-China oil and gas pipeline
(Myanmar section), combined with years of pipeline operation experience, According
to the characteristics of safety early warning technology at home and abroad, In this
paper, a distributed optical fiber early warning system is proposed as an early warning
technology for the third party damage of the pipeline and In Myanmar, UAV monitoring
and early warning is proposed as a technical scheme for pipeline geological hazards and
large and medium-sized crossing projects.

Key Words: Myanmar-China Oil and Gas Pipeline (Myanmar Section), Distributed
Optical Fiber Early Warning System, UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), Safety early

1. Introduction of the myanmar-china oil and gas pipeline (myanmar section)

The Myanmar-China crude oil pipeline (Myanmar Section) originates from Made Island on the west
coast of Myanmar and enters China from Namkham through Rakhine, Magway, Mandalay and Shan
States of Myanmar. The total length of the line in Myanmar is about 770.5 km, the diameter of the pipe
is 813 mm, the design pressure is 8-14.5 MPa. The X70 spiral submerged arc welded steel pipe and the
straight submerged arc welded steel pipe are used for the pipeline. The buried pipeline is laid and the
outer wall of the pipeline is protected by three layers of PE. There are five process stations along the
pipeline, including four pumping stations (Made Initial Station, Sinkontai Pump Station, Mandalay
Pump Station, Hsipaw Pump Station) and one metering station (Namkham metering station). There are
31 line cut-off valve rooms along the pipeline, including 7 monitoring valve rooms, 12 check valve
rooms and 12 manual valve rooms [1].
The Myanmar-China natural gas pipeline (Myanmar Section) begins at the Kyaukpyu initial station
about 6.7 km southwest of the city of Kyaukpyu, Ramree Island, on the west coast of Myanmar. It is
laid parallel with the crude oil pipeline at the Made initial station of Oil Pipeline through Rakhine,
Magway, Mandalay and Shan States of Myanmar and enters China from Namkham. The line in
Myanmar is 792.5 km in length, pipe diameter 1016 mm, designing pressure 10 MPa. X70 spiral
submerged arc welded steel pipe and straight submerged arc welded steel pipe are used for pipe buried
laying, three layers of PE are used for external anti-corrosion, and drag reduction inner coating is applied
for inner wall. There are six process stations along the pipeline, Kyaukpyu initial station, Yenangyuang
Distribution Pressure Station, Dangda Distribution Station, Mandalay Distribution Station, Maymyo

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REES2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 300 (2019) 022024 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/300/2/022024

Pressure Station and Namkham Metering Station. There is no compressor unit in the first phase of the
pipeline project, only the land for it is reserved. There are 28 line cut-off valve chambers along the
pipeline, including 7 monitoring valve chambers and 21 common valve chambers[2].
The Myanmar-China oil and gas pipeline (Myanmar section) optical cable line lays a silicon core
pipe in the same ditch with the natural gas pipeline in the ordinary section and injects a 24-core pipeline
optical cable into it, Laying a 24-core directly buried water-line optical cable with natural gas pipeline
in high groundwater level areas such as beach, gully and paddy field. Crude oil and natural gas pipelines
share this optical cable, each accounting for 12 core optical fibers. Optical cables in the lead-in section
from the trunk line to the oil transmission stations and the control valve chamber are laid separately with
one silicon core pipe and one 24 core pipe cable is blown into it.

2. Current situation of pipeline safety early warning at home and abroad

Since 1990s, domestic and foreign pipeline companies have adopted traditional civil air defense
measures, such as manual patrol, warning signs and telephone alarms, and often installed leak detection
technology that can detect fluid characteristics changes caused by media leakage, and then alarm and
locate leak detection technology. In recent years, with the third-party damage, pipeline aging and natural
disasters occurring frequently, how to use new methods to give early warning and accurate positioning
before pipeline leakage, so as to prevent leakage accidents in the future, is a major challenge facing
pipeline safe operation. From the analysis of the factors inducing safety incidents affecting the safe
operation of pipelines, pipeline safety early warning technology can be divided into two categories: one
is for the early warning of third-party damage such as mechanical excavation, force attack and man-
made destruction, the other is for the early warning of geological disasters such as earthquakes,
landslides and debris flows[3].
The early warning technology for third-party pipeline damage mainly identifies the incidents
threatening pipeline safety such as man-made damage and mechanical excavation during pipeline
operation. Through remote real-time monitoring of state changes along pipelines and signal recognition,
alarm and positioning can be carried out in order to timely detect and stop the occurrence of pipeline
damage events. At present, there are mainly distributed optical fiber early warning technology, pipeline
acoustic early warning technology, seismic geophone early warning technology, electromagnetic early
warning technology and intelligent sensor protection belt early warning technology for third party
damage of oil and gas pipelines at home and abroad.
Oil and gas pipelines have long distances and complex geology and geomorphology. They often pass
through mountain areas, permafrost areas, fault zones and so on. Therefore, pipelines often face natural
disasters such as landslides. Early warning of geological hazards in pipelines mainly monitor s the
deformation or activity characteristics and related factors of pipelines under the action of disasters,
studies the activity law of geological hazards and the stable development trend of pipelines under the
action of disasters, at the same time, establishes monitoring accounts for frequent geological hazards
areas and large and medium-sized crossing projects, and provides information for pipeline protection
and disaster prevention engineering investigation, design and construction[4]. At present, global
positioning system, fiber Bragg grating sensing technology, rock acoustic emission detection technology
and UAV detection technology are often used as early warning technology for pipeline geological
hazards at home and abroad.

3. Design of distributed optical fiber early warning system for the myanmar-china oil and gas
pipeline (myanmar section)
Distributed optical fiber early warning system mainly consists of three parts: light source, light source
driver and protection circuit, photoelectric detection circuit. The light source is mainly used to send light
wave to the sensor. The light source uses semiconductor laser diode. The generated light is simulated
light wave and the frequency is the natural frequency of the light source itself. The drive and protection
circuit monitors the output of the laser through a photodiode and generates control signals. The
photoelectric detector can convert the phase change of the sensor into electrical signals, and then amplify

REES2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 300 (2019) 022024 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/300/2/022024

the detection signals of the two photoelectric detectors by using two preamplifiers. The system software
design includes the following functions: controlling the data acquisition card to collect vibration and
sound signals along the pipeline, displaying the detected signal waveform on the computer display for
real-time monitoring of the signal, and processing and judge the waveform data which is stored manually
or by the system[5] [6].
Crude oil and natural gas stations or monitoring valve rooms are distributed every 60 km along the
Myanmar-China oil and gas pipeline (Myanmar section), At the same time, a silicon core pipe is laid
along the same ditch and a 24-core pipeline optical cable is blown into it, of which 12 cores are used
and 12 cores are spared. The pipeline has the hardware condition of deploying distributed optical fiber
early warning system. Distributed micro-vibration sensor based on Mach-Zehnder fiber interferometer
principle is constructed by using three single-mode fibers. Two of the fibers constitute the test fibers
OF1 and OF2 of the optical fiber interferometer, which are used to test the vibration signals along the
pipeline, and the other fibers OF3 is used to transmit the signal [7]. The continuous light wave emitted
by the light source (LD) is divided from one end of the sensor into two beams of light intensity of 1:1,
which propagate in two optical fibers at the same time. The interference signal is formed at the other
end of the optical fiber sensor. The interference signal is transmitted to the photoelectric detector (D) by
the third optical fiber. The optical signal is converted into electrical signal, and then the transmitted
signal is processed by amplifying and filtering circuit and converted to the computer for further analysis
and processing of signals. When the disturbance signal occurs along the pipeline, the length, diameter
and refractive index of the optical fiber will change due to the effect of acoustic pressure. The vibration
signal of the pipeline accessories can be obtained by measuring the phase change of the optical wave in
the sensing optical fiber. Further analysis and processing of the detected vibration signals can detect
leakage or endanger the safety of pipelines along the pipeline. The detection schematic diagram is shown
in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Distributed optical fiber early warning detection schematic diagram

When the test cable is subjected to the vibration signal along the pipeline, the two test fibers in the
cable will produce stress and strain under the external force, and the two coherent light waves
propagating in the two sensor fibers will produce phase change respectively. The phase modulation of
light wave produced by two sensing fibers affected by vibration signal is respectively 𝑠 (𝑡) and 𝑠 (𝑡).
The two coherent light waves propagating along two sensing fibers are harmonic oscillations, so the
modulated wave equations propagating in the fibers can be expressed as follows:

𝛾 = 𝐴 cos[𝑤𝑡 + 𝑠 (𝑡) + 𝜑 ] (1)

𝛾 = 𝐴 cos[𝑤𝑡 + 𝑠 (𝑡) + 𝜑 ] (2)

REES2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 300 (2019) 022024 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/300/2/022024

Formula:𝛾 and 𝛾 —— Field Intensity of Two Coherent Beams of Light,

𝐴 and 𝐴 —— Optical field amplitude,
𝑤——Angular Frequency of Light Wave,
𝜑 and 𝜑 —— Initial Phase of Two Beams of Light.
Superimposed light field𝐴:

𝐴 = 𝐴 + 𝐴 + 2𝐴 𝐴 cos[𝑠 (𝑡) − 𝑠 (𝑡) + (𝜑 − 𝜑 )] (3)

Suppose that the intensities of two coherent beams of light are respectively 𝐼 and 𝐼 , so 𝐼 = 𝐴 ,
𝐼 = 𝐴 , ∆𝑠(𝑡) = 𝑠 (𝑡) − 𝑠 (𝑡), ∆𝜑 = 𝜑 − 𝜑
The intensity of interference between two coherent beams of light is as follows:

𝐼 = 𝐼 + 𝐼 + 2 𝐼 𝐼 cos[∆𝑠(𝑡) + ∆𝜑] (4)

Suppose I is the total light intensity input into two sensing fibers; ∝is the mixing efficiency of
two coherent light waves, so:

𝐼(𝑡) = 𝐼 {1+∝ cos[∆𝑠(𝑡) + ∆𝜑]} (5)

If only AC light intensity is considered, and the light intensity signal is converted into current signal
by photoelectric detector, so the alternating current of photocurrent is:

𝑖(𝑡) = 𝐾𝐼 ∝ cos[∆𝑠(𝑡) + ∆𝜑] (6)

Formula:𝐾——Photoelectric conversion coefficient.

∆𝜑is a constant(π/2), called DC bias. At the bias, the photoelectric current and the detection phase
change slope are the largest, and the detection sensitivity is the highest. The displacement positions of
the two sensing fibers are different. When the cable receives external force, the stress and strain are
different, and the phase changes of two coherent light beams in the two sensing fibers are also ∆𝑠(𝑡) is a variable. In practice, the micro-vibration signal along the distributed optical fiber
sensor can be detected only by real-time detection of the change of interferometric optical signal, so that
the events leading to pipeline vibration along the pipeline can be monitored in real time. The system
locates events along pipelines through two distributed sensors based on Mach-Zehnder fiber optic
interferometer. The two sensors share optical fiber OF1 and OF2 to ensure that the two locating optical
paths are subject to the same effect. The location formula is as follows [8]:

𝑥= (7)

Formula:𝑡 𝑡 ——the time when two detectors detected the same event,
𝑥——the position of Optical Cable Subjected to External Action,
𝑣——the propagation Velocity of Light Wave in Optical Fiber, m/s,
C——the speed of Light Propagation in Vacuum(3*108m/s),
n——the refractive Index of Optical Fiber.

4. Monitoring and early warning technology of unmanned aerial vehicle for myanmar-china oil
and gas pipeline (myanmar section)
In recent years, with the development of UAV technology, UAV is widely used in pipeline monitoring
abroad (Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) applications are limited to varying degrees according to the air

REES2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 300 (2019) 022024 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/300/2/022024

traffic control of each country.). UAV has the ability of high altitude, fast and long-distance operation.
It can traverse complex terrain such as trench, beach, river and mountainous area. It can track, locate,
monitor and transmit views to pipeline lines and surrounding environment. It has fast patrol inspection,
timely information feedback and high monitoring efficiency. Professional analysis of data acquired by
aerial photography provides basic data support for pipeline disaster monitoring and pipeline
maintenance management.
The large and medium-sized crossing projects of Myanmar-China oil and gas pipeline (Myanmar
Section) are as follows: 8 large-scale crossings, 9 medium-sized crossings, 2 medium-sized crossings
and 2 mountain tunnels. Among them: Karaba Trench, Yexuchun Trench, 1 #~6 trench, Ayeyarwady
River are crossed by directional drilling; Mitange River is crossed by truss; other rivers are crossed by
large excavation. Geological hazard-prone areas along pipelines and key cross-region projects are shown
in the following table:

Table 1. Geological hazard-prone areas and large and medium-sized crossing projects of Myanmar-
China oil and gas pipeline (Myanmar Section) (a part)
No. Line description Engineering characteristics
1 G16.8-G18.2 Karaba Trench Crossing Large-scale projects
2 G22.4-G27.9 submarine pipeline Large-scale projects
3 G27.9-G31.7 1#Tidal flat High incidence of geological disasters
4 G41.7-G42.96 1# Trench crossing Large-scale projects
5 2# Trench crossing Large-scale projects
6 3# Trench crossing Large-scale projects
7 Yexuchun Trench crossing Large-scale projects
8 4# Trench crossing Large-scale projects
9 G58.7-G60.6 2# Tidal flat High incidence of geological disasters
10 5# Trench crossing Large-scale projects
11 G62.8-G63.5 3# Tidal flat Large-scale projects
12 6# Trench crossing Large-scale projects
14 G98-G99 Daayo River crossing Large-scale projects
15 G97-G161.3 Rakhine Mountain Areas High incidence of geological disasters
16 Ayeyarwady River crossing Large-scale projects
17 Mitange River Stride acrossing Large-scale projects
G569.14- Nantang River Tunnel and Valley Large-scale projects and High incidence of
G570.17 Bottom Crossing geological disasters
19 … … …
20 Ruili River crossing Large-scale projects

Due to technical constraints, the flight time of UAVs on the market at present generally does not
exceed half an hour, the maximum remote control distance does not exceed 10Km, and the maximum
flight altitude is about 5Km. According to the flight characteristics of UAV and the actual situation of
pipeline line, the layout of UAV release monitoring points requires pipeline line managers to carry out
actual survey of the release monitoring points in combination with previous pipeline patrol experience,

REES2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 300 (2019) 022024 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/300/2/022024

and to select appropriate locations for regular monitoring of pipelines. The layout of UAV monitoring
points for Myanmar-China oil and gas pipeline (Myanmar Section) is shown in the following table:

Table 2. Layout of UAV monitoring points for Myanmar-China oil and gas pipeline (Myanmar
Section) (a part)
No. Take-off point 1 Take-off point 2 Pipeline mileage Line Length and Key Areas
Kyaukpyu initial 5Km, G5 Located at the intersection
1 G5 G0-G5
station of highway
5Km, G8 Located at the intersection
2 G5 G8 G5-G10
of highway
3 Karaba Trench G10 G10-G16.8 6.8Km, Karaba Trench
1# Gas valve 5.6Km Karaba Trench, Oceanic pipe
4 Karaba Jet G16.8-G22.4
chamber entrance
1# Oil valve 15.9Km, Oceanic pipe export, 1#
5 2# Trench Wharf G27.9-G43.8
chamber trench
2# Gas valve
6 2# Trench Wharf G43.8-G54.2 10.4Km, 2#/3# Trench
3# Oil valve
7 / G54.2-G58.7 4.5Km, Yexuchun Trench, 4# Trench
8 2# Tidal flat Jet / G58.7-G62.1 3.4Km, Tidal flat, 5# Trench
9 … … … …
4Km, Key areas G132+200,
10 G132 G134 G132-G136
G132+300, G133+800
5# Gas valve 5# Gas valve 5Km, Key areas G141+850,
11 G143
chamber chamber -G145 G144+100, G144+300
3.3Km, Key areasG145+200,
12 G145+800 G147 G145-G148+300
G145+400, G146+900, G147
Ayeyarwady River Ayeyarwady River
13 G231.93-G233.46 1.53km Ayeyarwady River crossing
west side east side
14 … … … …
Ruili River west Ruili River east
15 G790.47-G791.32 0.85km Ruili River
side side

The UAV flight monitoring route (part) is shown in the following figure: [9]

Fig 2. Flight Monitoring Route of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle at Karaba Wharf and 1# Oil Valve

In the process of UAV flight monitoring, the operator should grasp the weather conditions and
visibility of the day, and should choose the open and flat ground as the UAV release point as far as
possible. Line managers judge the line situation according to timely video, and judge the position

REES2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 300 (2019) 022024 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/300/2/022024

according to GPS positioning and record. Aerial photographs of the same area should maintain the same
shooting angle, height and GPS position in different periods, so as to facilitate analysis and comparison.
The UAV is hovering around sensitive and high-risk sections of pipeline routes such as trench crossing,
submarine pipeline, beach, large-scale hydraulic engineering, mountain slope trench bottom and cliff,
water damage and geological hazards (videos and pictures). The shooting area is within the working
zone of pipeline and the nearby area of 100m, and the shooting angle is the normal plane and both sides
of the working zone; the pipeline line in the general area is shot directly and frontally (video). After the
flight, video and image data are exported, and line managers review and screen the shooting content,
and record the data.
UAV monitoring and early warning mainly identifies the risk of mechanical damage and natural and
geological hazards around pipelines, prevents and controls the construction behavior threatening
pipeline safety in time, and discovers the change of topography and landform in time, so as to take
measures to prevent pipeline damage. UAV mainly inspects whether pipelines and optical cables are
exposed or floating, inspects whether the ground markings of the three piles and warning signs are
damaged or dumped, inspects the completed hydraulic protection and whether new gullies are damaged,
inspects whether there is illegal pressure on the top of pipelines, inspects whether there are third-party
construction operations such as channel opening, electric power, communications, sand excavation and
soil extraction, etc. within 5 meters of the operation belt. No mechanical excavation, etc. At the same
time, in the pipeline emergency operation, UAV can easily and quickly enter the scene to investigate
the damaged location, grasp the damaged situation and secondary disasters in the surrounding
environment, and transmit real-time data to the emergency command center to provide data support for
pipeline maintenance and emergency repair program. After the UAV flight monitoring is completed,
line managers should fill in the UAV patrol record form and save and file with the image data. The
contents of the record sheet should include image data comparison of key areas, risk analysis, three piles,
illegal occupancy, third-party construction and other information.

5. The conclusion and suggestion

Based on the engineering data and pipeline operation experience of Myanmar-China Oil and Gas
Pipeline (Myanmar Section), combined with the characteristics of safety early warning technology, this
paper puts forward the design idea of distributed optical fiber early warning system as an early warning
technology for third-party pipeline damage in Myanmar-China Oil and Gas Pipeline (Myanmar Section),
and puts forward UAV monitoring early warning technology as a early warning technology for pipeline
geological hazards and large Scheme. The application of distributed optical fiber early warning system
in Myanmar-China oil and gas pipeline (Myanmar section) is just around the corner. With the
development of UAV technology, it is suggested that pipeline line managers further optimize and
optimize the flight route, improve the early warning scheme and comprehensively improve the pipeline
safety early warning management in the process of UAV monitoring and early warning according to the
aviation management regulations of the host country.

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