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An analytical indoor experimental study on the effect of soiling on PV,

focusing on dust properties and PV surface material

Article  in  Solar Energy · April 2020

DOI: 10.1016/j.solener.2020.03.089


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4 authors:

Yusuf Chanchangi Aritra Ghosh

University of Exeter University of Exeter


Senthilarasu Sundaram Tapas K Mallick

University of Exeter University of Exeter


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Solar Energy 203 (2020) 46–68

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An analytical indoor experimental study on the effect of soiling on PV, T

focusing on dust properties and PV surface material

Yusuf N. Chanchangi , Aritra Ghosh, Senthilarasu Sundaram, Tapas K. Mallick
Environment and Sustainability Institute (ESI), University of Exeter, Penryn Campus TR10 9FE, United Kingdom


Keywords: Photovoltaic technology penetration is experiencing noticeable progress. However, its performance is sig-
Soiling nificantly affected by soiling, which is influenced by several factors such as site characteristics, weather, tilt
Dust properties angle and surface orientation, surface material and dust properties. This indoor study investigates the effect of
PV surface material soiling on photovoltaic modules, focusing on dust properties and PV surface materials as influencing factors. A
PV performance
Solar simulator, spectrometer and SEM/ EDX were used to characterise and investigate the effect of accumu-
lation of 13 different samples (ash, bird droppings, carpet dust, cement, charcoal, clay, coarse sand, laterite,
loam soil, salt, sandy soil, stone dust and wood dust) on PV performance. The findings develop upon previous
studies on the effects of dust particle accumulation on PV performance by using more dust samples and applying
more rigorous techniques. The results show that charcoal appears to have the worst degradation effect on PV
performance with about 98% reduction in short circuit current while salt seems to have the least impact with
about 7%. The influence of 2 PV surface materials (acrylic plastic and low iron glass) on dust accumulation were
examined, and results show that the acrylic plastic accumulates more dust when compared to low iron glass.
Results also show that dry deposition has a reduced adhesion to the coupons compared to wet deposition. The
findings could be used in selecting PV farm sites by avoiding areas with high pollution, and it could stimulate
further research on selecting an appropriate mitigation technique. The ramifications caused because of soiling
cannot be overlooked or overemphasis; as such there is a need to identify appropriate and cost-effective miti-
gation techniques that can continue to promote the global penetration of PV technologies and sustain its per-

1. Introduction coarse grain, which can vary between 2 and 57 mm (mainly gravel) (Al-
Shabaan et al., 2016; Picotti et al., 2018). The roughness of a dust
By exploiting free, natural abundant solar radiation, solar photo- particle can be fine or coarse. Fine dust particles have a higher tendency
voltaic (PV) technology is becoming the most promising clean energy adhesion than coarse dust particles, allowing them to be distributed
harvesting system and the fastest growing renewable energy technology uniformly over a PV surface causing higher light scattering and lower
due to a remarkable decline in price and zero noise during operation transmission (Tanesab et al., 2015). In addition, a porous layer allows
(Hammad et al., 2018). However, this technology is facing a severe more light transmittance than a smooth layer (Nirmal et al., 2014).
challenge during its operation, due to the effect of dust formation that Non-spherical and coarse particles have more potential to cause scat-
degrades its operational performance (Costa et al., 2018). Factors such tering than a spherical particle with a fine surface (Li et al., 2004).
as local environment, weather conditions, tilt angle and surface or- Diagonal or hexagonal particles have higher single scattering albedo
ientation, surface material and dust properties can influence dust de- when compared to dust particles with spheroid and ellipsoidal struc-
position on the PV system (Mani and Pillai, 2010; Kaldellis and Kapsali, tures (Mishra et al., 2015). In contrast, Potenza et al. (2016) reported a
2011). finding that strongly conflicts with the findings of other studies that,
Shape, size, roughness and weight of particles can influence the non-spherical dust particles account for higher transmissivity when
extent to which light transmission is reduced. The diameter of dust compared to spherical. Tanesab et al. (2019) supported this claim and
grain includes fine-grain which is < 0.05 mm (predominantly clay and stated that dust structures that appear to have angular and diagonal
silt size), medium-grain which is 0.05–2 mm (mostly sand size) and structures have better optical properties than spheroids or elliptical

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Y.N. Chanchangi), [email protected] (T.K. Mallick).

Received 21 December 2019; Received in revised form 13 March 2020; Accepted 23 March 2020
0038-092X/ © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Solar Energy Society. This is an open access article under the CC BY
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/BY/4.0/).
Y.N. Chanchangi, et al. Solar Energy 203 (2020) 46–68

Nomenclature Pmax,dusty Maximum power output of a dusty module

R Radius
(λ) Relative spectral distribution of solar radiation surf Particle surface
T (λ) Spectral transmission A Cross-sectional area of dust particle
Δλ Change in wavelength Lproj Longest length of dust particle
φ PV electrical output parameters P Perimeter of dust particle.
SLPV PV soiling γ Gamma - Surface tension of water
Isc Short circuit current (A) ɀ Distance between flat surface and particle
Voc Open circuit voltage (V) Ɩ iota- Separation distance
FF Fill factor θ Theta – contact angle
Imax Load current which maximises the output power p Density
Vmax Voltage that maximises the power output ε Epsilon - Dielectric constant
Pmax Maximum power output of a module εo Epsilon naught - Permittivity of free space
Pmax,clean Maximum power output of a clean module A Hamaker constant

structures. Smaller dust particles have a stronger adhesion force and a (2013) stated that mineral composition is a vital element to adhesion
greater negative impact than larger particles since they occupy smaller processes, especially when capillary force is activated.
spaces and attenuate light, whereas larger particles leave porous spaces In this study, density is divided into two aspects; deposition density
where light can penetrate. Also, smaller dust particles have a stronger (the degree of deposition) and density of the minerals, and for this re-
adhesion force than the lift force generated by wind and sometimes search, literature related to both were reviewed. The current study fo-
even stronger than the lift force generated by rain which limits the cuses on the role of mineral density on dust formation and its effect on
cleaning capacity of rainfall when compared with large dust particles PV performance, which is not adequately reported in the literature.
(Abderrezek and Fathi, 2017). A deposited dust particle with a greater Since samples were artificially deposited, and it will be a challenge or
mass reduces the voltage, ampere and power more than a dust particle nearly impossible to determine the average deposition density of var-
of lower mass (Kazem and Chaichan, 2016). ious locations across the world.
Characterisation of manual dust deposition on PV surface has pre- Zaihidee et al. (2016) reported that the degree of PV performance
viously been performed within an indoor laboratory environment. The degradation depends on dust deposition density. They further provide a
impact of the physical properties of six different types of dust collected result that shows a decrease of PV performance where short circuit
from North Oman showed about 30%−40% degradation of power current degrades by about 15–21%, open-circuit voltage by 2–6% and
output and that dust samples with the highest moisture content, specific the efficiency by 15–35% when 20 g/m2 was deposited. Klugmann-
gravity and plasticity index caused greatest deterioration of PV per- Radziemska (2015) researched dust thickness and reported that dust
formance (Kazem and Chaichan, 2016). An investigation into the effects thickness on PV is linear to PV efficiency decrease when it is less than
of ash, sand, calcium carbonate, red soil and silica on the performance 3 µm. Tanesab et al. (2019) confirm the effect of dust deposition density
of a polycrystalline PV module showed ash accounted for about 25% of in a study which showed a linear decrease in light transmittance when
PV voltage reduction and has a greater negative effect in comparison to PV surfaces were deposited with two types of dust which had densities
other samples (Kazem et al., 2013). Power output due to carbon, ce- of < 0.3 mg/cm2.
ment and three classes of limestone deposition showed that finer dust Several review papers providing comprehensive information were
particles could cause more PV performance degradation than coarse reported in the following synopsis: Darwish et al. (2015) provided
dust particles (El-Shobokshy and Hussein, 1993). Performance de- critical and challenging review questions to be used in analysing the
gradation of PV due to fly ash, limestone and red soil showed that red effect of dust type pollutant on PV performance. Sarver et al. (2013)
soil accounts for the highest reduction in PV performance followed by provided a comprehensive review on the impact of soiling on PV fo-
limestone and fly ash (Kaldellis et al., 2011). Sulaiman et al. (2011) cusing transmittance and surface reflectance associated with sand as a
investigated the effect of dust on PV performance using mud and talcum dust sample and its moisture content in various locations with high
samples. The results showed a reduction in peak power output of about solar potential around the world. Sayyah et al. (2014) provided a re-
18% with 6% difference between the two samples. Wang et al. (2020a) view of studies that reported energy yield loses of PV plants and la-
reported high PV yield degradation. The researchers showed that the boratory studies so that PV farm designers can have a database on
maximum power of a clean PV module degraded to about 82.1% from predicting foiling losses and assessing effective mitigation techniques.
the original power after exposure while a module that was earlier dirty Zaihidee et al. (2016) described the effect of dust formation on PV
and cleaned before testing degraded to about 46.7%. This shows that if performance and summarised the impact of influencing factors such as
a dirty module is subsequently cleaned, it becomes more prone to dust weather, dust property, PV installation and PV module type. Costa et al.
accumulation. Alnasser et al. (2020) examined the effect of dust accu- (2018) provided a review containing a comprehensive catalogue of
mulation on PV performance. Researchers showed that 100g/m2 of solar PV, concentrating solar thermal power publications as a guide for
sand, ordinary cement, egg cement, gypsum, or industrial gypsum, readers and researchers. Figgis et al. (2017) provided a review of dust
caused 12%, 14%, 15%, 9% and 10% PV yield reductions respectively. particle mechanics related to desert conditions for identification of
Adıgüzel et al. (2019) investigated the effect of coal on light trans- mitigation techniques. Gupta et al. (2019) provided a review on factors
mittance and reported 62.05% degradation of PV performance when causing dust deposition on PV surfaces and their impact on the optical,
15g of tiny particles (38 μm) of coal were examined and 28.90% de- thermal and electrical characteristic of the solar PV module. This re-
gradation when larger particles (250–500 μm) were used. view also summarised the different mitigation techniques, which can
Desert areas are recognised as primary sources of dust as reported help in selecting an appropriate method for removing dust. Chanchangi
by Ilse et al. (2018) and are associated with airborne dust containing et al. (2020) provided a review on the effect of dust accumulation on PV
mineral compositions such as carbonates, feldspar, gypsum, illite, iron performance in Nigeria, discussing various factors influencing dust ac-
oxides, kaolinite, quartz and smectite. Ilse et al. (2018) reported that cumulation. The authors also highlighted various mitigation techniques
the mineral composition of dust has a strong influence on the optical/ and recommended further research on investigating the optimisation of
transmittance behaviour when deposited on a coupon. Sarver et al. the most suitable method to either reduce or prevent dust accumulation

Y.N. Chanchangi, et al. Solar Energy 203 (2020) 46–68

on PV. Table 1
Influencing factors on PV soiling, such as dust properties, have been Dust samples.
investigated by a number of researchers, as reported earlier in this Sample Weight
section but, only a few dust samples were examined. This study in-
vestigated a significantly larger number of dust samples and considered Ash 21.8 g
Bird droppings 16.2 g
other parameters such as comprehensive investigation and analysis of
Carpet dust 10.3 g
both morphological and chemical/mineral composition that were Cement 33.2 g
overlooked or not adequately considered in previous work. The most Charcoal 15.6 g
commonly used PV surface materials (acrylic plastic and low iron glass) Salt 48.1 g
were among the parameters investigated. This report contributes to the Sand - Coarse 54.4 g
Sand - Laterite 41.0 g
body of knowledge in the field of soiling on PV and can serve as a guide
Soil - Clay 44.3 g
to engineers for selecting solar farm sites and also to plan for adequate Soil - Loamy 50.9 g
mitigation techniques. This work highlights the significance of soiling Soil - Sandy 40.3 g
issues and provides a useful foundation that can stimulate further re- Stone dust 46.5 g
Wood dust 10.3 g
search on mitigation approaches. The next section describes the dust
samples, coupons and procedures used in this research. Part 4 is a de-
tailed presentation of results. Part 5 is a discussion of these results.
measured. In addition, the wet deposition might have additional weight
since water was used, and the weight was not measured.
2. Method
2.1. Samples preparation and deposition
Zaihidee et al. (2016) stated that conducting an indoor experiment
includes the comfort of selecting an appropriate dust sample to be used. Determining an appropriate way to simulate the dust deposition for
For this research, 13 dust samples were collected from Nigeria, mea- an indoor experiment is a critical task. Injection and fan mixing (Jiang
sured and quantified, Fig. 1 is the digital image showing all the samples. et al., 2011), spraying sample with water content (Kaldellis et al.,
Each sample was loaded into a 40 ml bottle and weighed using ME204 2011), using a wind tunnel and manually discharging samples from a
Mettler Toledo sensitive digital scale. The weight of each sample is dust cloud producer (Goossens and Van Kerschaever, 1999), using a
documented in Table 1 below. Each sample was deposited using two diffuser integrated with a sandblaster (Al-Hasan, 1998) and by manual
approaches (dry and wet) on two different materials (low iron glass and sieving and free fall from a tube (Beattie et al., 2012; Qasem et al.,
Acrylic plastic). The materials were selected because of their high-level 2011) are the reported methods for this work. All these methods re-
transmittance properties, and they are widely accepted and used ma- sulted in different cluttering patterns and uniformity on the platform.
terials in the PV industry. Each piece of low iron glass and acrylic However, natural dust depositions are not the same around the world.
plastic had a dimension of 13 × 13 × 0.4 cm. A mini-module with an This research adopted the manual and free-fall approach as reported by
active area of 120.84 cm2 was developed using four monocrystalline Beattie et al. (2012) and Qasem et al. (2011) based on its simplicity to
cells with dimensions 5.2 cm × 5.2 cm. achieve natural positioning, initial bouncing and resuspension of par-
These weights mentioned in Table 1 are the initial average used for ticles that occurred in the natural deposition. However, this approach
both depositions. All samples are dry except bird droppings, which had does not give the accurate representation of natural dust accumulation,
particles in semi-solid form. It was observed that tipping of the coupons but it permits experimenting with extreme soiling conditions to high-
and wind effects also caused blowing off, rolling and sliding of particles. light degradation that could occur during extreme weather such as a
Particle weight was not measured after deposition; therefore, the exact sand storm, volcanic eruption, wildfire, tornado, hurricane, storm and
weight of deposited particles that remained on the coupons was not other natural disasters.

Fig. 1. Digital images of dust samples.

Y.N. Chanchangi, et al. Solar Energy 203 (2020) 46–68

Samples were deposited using an in-house developed dispenser, accumulation on the PV module are average wind speed above 4 m/s
which was made using a 3D printer with thermoplastic Polyurethane. and relative humidity below 50%.
The dispenser was designed to only allow particles less than or equal to Several attempts were made to acquire natural bird droppings de-
2 mm to fall. The dispenser was initially used to sieve samples to position by placing coupons in strategic locations where birds were
eliminate particles > 2 mm. It was later used to spread out a bottle usually found but was not achieve. Bird droppings were collected in
(40 ml) of each sample on each of the coupons (low iron glass or acrylic semi-solid and solid forms and were preserved in bottles to maintain
plastic). The inertial force was applied by the design of the dispenser freshness. During both depositions, samples were poured over the
where the upper part has a wider opening, and the lower part is nar- coupon surfaces without using the dispenser.
rowed down to only allow particles less than or equal to 2 mm to pass
through, enabling Brownian diffusion to take place where particles 2.2. Procedure
collide with one another to settle on a coupon. Particles become ad-
hered to one another due to Van der Waals forces that make small dry 2.2.1. Spectral test
particles adhere to one another. Samples were deposited and allowed to The optical characterisation was conducted to determine transmit-
settle for about 24hrs to promote sedimentation. Then the coupons tance deterioration level caused by each dust sample on various cou-
were tilted to about 45° to allow the gravitational effect to remove pons using the Perkin Elmer Lambda 1050 UV/VIS/NIR spectrometer.
particles that have not adhered to the coupon. In addition, coupons Clean low iron glass and acrylic plastics were first tested to identify and
were tilted to about 90°, and subsequently exposed to a table fan which confirm the actual transmittance levels of the coupons. Each sample
generated wind at a velocity of 4 m/s to simulate wind effect (see Fig. 2 from the various deposition methods was then subjected to spectral
for dry deposited samples). This approach is used to represent the dry transmittance evaluation. UV (Ultraviolet), VIS (Visual) and NIR (Near
season dust deposition. Said and Walwil (2014) stated that water exists Infra-Red) transmittance level of each sample was measured, ranging
between the dust particles, creating capillary bridges both between the 250 nm to 1250 nm wavelength. This is to investigate the transparency
particles dust and between particles and the surface. It has been re- of the dust samples considering the wavelength within which the used
ported by Isaifan et al. (2019) that, capillary forces proliferate when the PV technology (monocrystalline solar cells) responds, as mentioned
relative humidity is above 70%. Natural relative humidity and dew earlier. The transmittance results are validated using the following Eq.
were avoided in order to avoid biasing the parameters. (1).
The wet deposition is used to represent the dew and rainy season
dust deposition. The same dispenser was used in spreading the same ∑λ = 300nm S (λ ) T (λ )Δλ
τsolar = 1250nm
amount of dust on the surface area of the coupons. This time, coupons ∑λ = 300nm S (λ )Δλ (1)
were sprayed with about 20 ml of water before and 20 ml after de-
position of dust samples and were allowed to dry for up to about 24hrs. where S (λ) is the relative spectral distribution of solar radiation, T (λ)
This amount was the same quantity that made each sample become is the spectral transmission, and Δλ is the change in wavelength.
100% saturated with water and promoted capillary forces. The initial The schematic diagram of the spectrometer is provided below in
20 ml water spray was to simulate dew while the spraying after de- Fig. 4 to illustrate how the transmittance was measured.
position was to simulate light rainfall so that diffusiopherisis will allow
cementation of particles considering the capillary bridges that were 2.2.2. Image analysis
created by the water (see Fig. 3 for wet deposited samples). Coupons Image characterisation was conducted to determine the morphology
were tilted to about 45° and 90° to allow gravitational effects and ex- and chemical composition of each dust sample. Samples were carbon
posed to a table fan which generated wind at a velocity of 14 km/hr prepared using Em-Tec low profile pin stub with a diameter of 25 mm
(~4m/s). This wind velocity used in this study falls within the ranges of and a conductive carbon tab. Samples were carbon-coated using the
wind speed in Nigeria. Argungu et al. (2019) reported that, average Emi-Tech K950 carbon coating machine before they were subjected to
wind speed at the height 10 m in northern ranges from 4.0 to 5.12 m/s image scanning using the SEM (S) Quanta FEG 650, which was
and 1.4–3.0 m/s in the southern part. Blowing of wind towards the equipped with an EDX (Energy Dispersive X-ray). The morphology of
coupon is an attempt to remove some particles using a natural miti- each sample was characterised using the shape and size of the back-
gation approach. Kazem and Chaichan (2019) stated that whenever the scattered electrons (BSE) and the secondary electron (SE) imaging. The
wind direction faces a PV module’s surface, the air movement removes chemical composition of each sample was identified using the EDX
a certain amount of dust particles that have accumulated. Gholami et al. results and further analysed using specific information such as dia-
(2017) stated that the critical levels that determine the dust phaneity and mineral density from online mineralogy databases such as

Fig. 2. Dry deposition.

Y.N. Chanchangi, et al. Solar Energy 203 (2020) 46–68

Fig. 3. Wet deposition.

webmineral.com, mindat.org and minerals.net. Surface roughness was Table 2

observed and analysed by comparing SEM images obtained in this re- Mini module’s parameters.
search and SEM images reported in the literature mentioned above. Parameter Value
Size and shape of the particle were analysed using SEM images and Type Monocrystalline solar module
equations provided in the literature. The surface diameter and area
were measured and estimated from the SEM images. Aïssa et al. (2016) Surface material Clear Acrylic plastic Low iron glass

provided equations (Eqs. (2) and (3)) which were adopted for analysing Maximum power (Pmax) 1.62 W 1.55 W 1.5 W
the SEM images using the aspect ratio and particle shape. Shapes were Output tolerance 0 ~ ± 5%
determined using SEM images that present a 3D view of the dust par- Maximum voltage (Vmpp) 2.0 V 2.0 V 2.0 V
ticle. Maximum current (Impp) 0.82A 0.77A 0.76A
Open circuit voltage (Voc) 2.5 V 2.45 V 2.44 V
π (Lproj )2 Short circuit current (Isc) 0.95A 0.90A 0.89A
(Aspectratio) = . Weight 229.4 g 310.0 g 392.6 g
4A (2)
Fill factor 0.7 0.704 0.703
where A is the cross-sectional area of the dust particle, Lproj is the Dimensions 150 mm × 150 mm
Dimensions (active area) 11 mm × 11 mm
longest length of the dust particle.
Test conditions 1000 W/m2, AM 1.5, T = 25 °C
(shape ) = .
4πA (3)
Rsurf = S /4π . (4)
where P is the perimeter of the dust particle.
Kalashnikov and Sokolik (2004) also provided an equation (Eq. (4)) where R is the radius and surf is the surface of the particle. Fig. 5 il-
to estimate the surface radius. This research adopted the equation since lustrates the image characterisation procedure conducted on each of the
all parameters can be measured and estimated, and it was achieved samples.
using Eq. (4) and the estimated dimensions obtained from the SEM
images. All estimations were presented in Table 2.

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of Perkin Elmer® Lambda 1050 UV/VIS/NIR spectrometer illustrating the transmittance test procedure.

Y.N. Chanchangi, et al. Solar Energy 203 (2020) 46–68

Fig. 5. Image characterisation.

Fig. 6. Solar simulator procedure.

Y.N. Chanchangi, et al. Solar Energy 203 (2020) 46–68

2.2.3. PV performance measurement where φ represents the PV electrical output parameters (voltage, cur-
The mini module’s performance was tested using a Wacom con- rent and power), this is further validated using soiling Eq. (6) which is
tinuous solar simulator at a controlled temperature of 25 °C and was relative to a clean surface.
subjected to several tests using thirteen dust samples deposited on the
Pmax , clean − Pmax , dusty
two types of coupons, as mentioned in Section 2.1. The module was SLPV = / Pmax , clean
Pmax , clean (6)
initially tested without surface covering to obtain baseline performance
data of the module. Then modules were individually tested with a where SLPV is PV soiling, Pmax is maximum power which passes through
covering of clean acrylic plastic and low iron glass coupon. The device the maximum power point when the load resistance is optimum, and
was further tested by covering the active area with each of the dust the dissipated power to the resistive load is maximum, Pmax,clean re-
samples from the two deposition methods highlighted above. Current presents the maximum power output of a clean module and Pmax,dusty
and voltage data were generated, and the power data were computed to represents a module with dust accumulation.
plot the I-V/P-V (current – voltage/power – voltage) curves for analysis.
Pmax = Imax Vmax (7)
The effect of air vacuum between the solar cells and the coupons used
was ignored since the experiment was focusing on the reduction in where Imax is the load current which maximises the output power, and
short circuit currents and therefore, modules were not exposed to light Vmax is the voltage that maximises the power output, and Pmax can be
for an extended period to avoid temperature excitement that can lead to represented using equation (8):
voltage degradation, which in turn could affect the overall output of the
Pmax = Isc Voc FF (8)
device. Thermophoresis was prevented during the experiment since the
ambient temperature and the PV temperature are equal throughout the where Isc is the short circuit current, Voc open-circuit voltage and FF is
period. The results obtained allow easy data analysis and highlight the the fill factor obtained from the IV tracer. The FF can be calculated
power degradation caused by the various dust samples deposited on the using Eq. (9).
different surface materials. A schematic diagram representing the pro-
Pmax I V
cedure of PV performance measurement is illustrated in Fig. 6 below. FF = = max max
To validate the results, mathematical equations provided by
Hachicha et al. (2019) and Kalogirou (2009) were adopted. Eq. (5) was
used in determining the degradation of PV performance caused by dust 3. Results and analysis
accumulation using normalised electrical PV characteristics such as
voltage, current and power. This section presents the results of all the experiments mentioned
above. PV performance results, spectral results and SEM images of each
φ dusty dust type are presented to describe the effect of the individual sample.
φ normalised =
φ clean (5) The mini module’s IV/PV (current and voltage/power and voltage)

Fig. 7. Mini module’s IV/PV curve (a) clear, (b) clear, clean acrylic plastic and clean glass.

Y.N. Chanchangi, et al. Solar Energy 203 (2020) 46–68

curve is initially introduced in Fig. 7 to show the optimum performance 3.2. Bird droppings
of the system and its IV and PV characteristics.
This is the faeces of flying birds, which is a combination of liquid
and semi-solid materials. Faeces comprise a mixture of three compo-
3.1. Ash nents, depending on the bird’s consumption; uric acid, which comes in
the liquid form, the green material and whitish parts which are semi-
The sample ash is also known as fly ash and is a fine by-product of solid. These materials are always opaque. Bird droppings have a de-
burnt dry wood, which is a common source of dust in developing vastating effect on light transmittance, which can reduce the Pmax
countries due to the use of farm by-products to generate energy. (maximum power) of a module. The results below highlight the effect of
Combustion of materials such as wood in high temperatures leads to the soiling caused by bird droppings on PV performance.
production of both fly and bottom ash. The fly ash can be transported Fig. 9 shows the spectral transmission, SEM and PV performance
by wind. Results from the various experiments show that when ash is when coupons (acrylic plastic and glass) were deposited with bird
considered as a source of dust, it has a detrimental effect on the PV droppings. Very high transmission reduction was recorded when bird
performance because it obstructs the photovoltaic effect from reaching droppings were deposited onto coupons with acrylic reaching 90% and
the solar cells of a PV module (Kazem et al., 2013; Kaldellis et al., 2011) low iron glass 54%. On the other hand, when the bird droppings were
and Fig. 8 confirms this assertion. wet deposited, a reduction of about 87% was recorded on acrylic plastic
Fig. 8 shows the spectral transmission, SEM and PV performance and of 75% on the low iron glass. Image characterisation shows that
while coupons (acrylic plastic and glass) were deposited with ash. Light bird droppings comprising many different minerals appear to be
transmission reduction was recorded when ash was dry deposited on transparent, translucent, and opaque, which reduces the penetration of
coupons with levels of 55% reduction for acrylic and 4% for low iron light. Density of the materials observed would slow flux intensity and
glass. On the other hand, very high reduction of transmittance was can cause light absorbance. The surface of the particle was found to be
recorded when it was wet deposited, where acrylic plastic had 99%, and fine and smooth, which promotes light scattering. Sample shape ap-
low iron glass has 87% degradation. The image characterisation shows pears to be aggregated, and the sizes were not uniformly distributed
that ash dust particles appear to have minerals that seem to be opaque, because some parts appeared to be large while others were tiny. Light
angular in structure, small in size (µm), dense and have a coarse sur- can penetrate through the areas with larger particle deposition because
face. The short circuit current (Isc) degraded by about 56% when ash they are porous. In addition, due to lack of a urinary bladder, bird
was dry deposited on acrylic plastic and about 22% on the low iron droppings come with a percentage of liquid (uric acid), and this pro-
glass. It also shows that about 94% of Isc degraded when the ash sample motes capillary bridges that can lead to the closure of small gaps and
was wet deposited on the acrylic plastic and similarly on the low iron porous areas, which disrupt light penetration and further promote ce-
glass. mentation. The PV performance results show that the short circuit
current degraded by about 46% when bird droppings were deposited on
the acrylic plastic and about 35% on the low iron glass. In addition,

Fig. 8. Ash - (a) Spectral transmittance (b) SEM imaging (c and d) PV performance.

Y.N. Chanchangi, et al. Solar Energy 203 (2020) 46–68

Fig. 9. Bird droppings - (a) Spectral transmittance (b) SEM imaging (c and d) PV performance.

further degradation was observed when more water was added to shape appears to be a bent angular/triangular channel-like structure,
various coupons to simulate light rain and dew. An almost two-fold which represents a better optical property and can promote light pe-
deterioration was observed, with about an 87% reduction in the short netration. Even though the carpet dust possesses some positive light
circuit current when deposited on the acrylic plastic and 74% reduction transmittance qualities, the negative qualities surmount. The PV per-
when deposited on the low iron glass. formance result shows that the short circuit current degraded by about
9% when carpet dust was dry deposited on the acrylic plastic and 7% on
3.3. Carpet dust the low iron glass. An alarming increase was observed when the sample
was wet deposited on the various coupons where degradation of about
These are particles stored in carpets, and some are visible while 91% on the acrylic plastic and 92% on the low iron were recorded.
others are not. These particles can be anything, including volatile or-
ganic compounds. According to Becher et al. (2018), carpets are the 3.4. Cement
repository for indoor air pollutants such as dust particles, biological
contaminants, dirt and allergens. Some of these materials can be This is a fine complex mixture of several compounds composed
emitted into the air and transported by the wind in the atmosphere and using high temperatures of > 1400 °C and is used as building material
when deposited on a PV module can cause light transmittance dis- (Taylor, 1992). Various types of compounds are used in producing ce-
turbances. The results below highlight the effect of soiling due to carpet ment; the chemical components of each cement type depend on the
dust on PV performance. company. Cement is light in weight and can be transported by the wind
Fig. 10 illustrates the spectral transmission, SEM and PV perfor- in the atmosphere from one location to another. Moreover, when de-
mance when coupons (acrylic plastic and glass) were deposited with posited on a PV, it can reduce or obstruct light transmittance. The re-
carpet dust. Meagre light transmission reduction was recorded when sults below highlight the effect of soiling caused by cement on PV
carpet dust was dry deposited on the coupons with acrylic plastic performance.
showing about 8% and low iron glass just 1% reduction. On the other Fig. 11 illustrates the spectral transmission, SEM and PV perfor-
hand, high reduction was recorded when carpet dust was wet deposited mance when coupons (acrylic plastic and glass) were deposited with
on coupons where almost 100% decrease was documented on both cement. When cement was dry deposited on coupons, light transmission
coupons. Image characterisation shows that carpet dust combines a was reduced by about 34% on acrylic plastic and 4% on the low iron
wide range of minerals, and the sample used for this research appears to glass. On the other hand, the high reduction was recorded when cement
be translucent and opaque, which can attenuate light transmittance. was wet deposited on coupons with acrylic plastic recording about 95%
Minerals appeared to have a high mineral density, which can slow and low iron glass about 99% reduction. The image characterisation
down the flux intensity of light. The surface of the particles was ob- shows that cement particles appear to be opaque with the capacity of
served to be coarse and might possess good light transmittance quali- attenuating light. These minerals appear to have high density, which
ties. Particle sizes appear to be a combination of tiny invisible and large can slow the flux intensity of light resulting in light absorbance. Particle
visible particles, but all particles were very light in weight. Sample surfaces are coarse, which present good quality of light transmittance.

Y.N. Chanchangi, et al. Solar Energy 203 (2020) 46–68

Fig. 10. Carpet dust - (a) Spectral transmittance (b) SEM imaging (c and d) PV performance.

The particles are tiny in size, and this can attenuate the light. An an- about 98% and low iron glass almost 100%. The image characterisation
gular flattened shape was observed, which promotes the optical prop- shows that charcoal is a dark compound characterised with opaque
erty of minerals and allows more transmittance of light. Even though minerals that have absorbance, scattering and attenuation effects on
the sample has some good optical qualities, the negative qualities sur- light. These minerals appear to have a high density and are capable of
mount. The PV performance result shows that the short circuit current slowing flux intensity. Mineral surfaces seem to be coarse, smaller in
degraded by about 21% when cement was dry deposited on acrylic size with a few medium sizes, which can cause light attenuation. Par-
plastic and 8% on the low iron glass. The high increase in degradation ticles appear in flaky aggregated triangular glassy like structures and
was observed when the cement sample was wet deposited on the var- are very light in weight. The PV performance result shows that the short
ious coupons where degradation of about 94% on acrylic plastic and circuit current degraded by 76% when the charcoal sample was dry
96% on low iron glass were recorded. deposited on the acrylic plastic and about 35% on the low iron glass. A
substantial increase in degradation was observed when the charcoal
sample was wet deposited on the various coupons where about 98% of
3.5. Charcoal degradation was recorded on acrylic plastic and 95% on the low iron
This is a by-product of agro and forestry-based residue generated
using a small amount of oxygen. The quality or composition of the
charcoal powder depends on the original material and can have various 3.6. Clay
numbers of chemical characterisations; however, most of them are in-
terrelated with pure carbon content. The charcoal itself is big and Clay is comprised of minuscule particles with high cohesion, dila-
heavy, but the mechanical process breaks it down and produces a tancy and plasticity and low permeability. When particles are dry, it
powder-like material that settles at the bottom. During transfer or becomes solid, but when wet, it becomes sticky because of its high-
movement, these fine particles escape into the atmosphere and are water retention. Tiny silicates are the main minerals found in clay soil.
transported by wind to another location. This material is opaque, and They are light in weight and can be transported by the wind in the
when deposited on PV, it will decimate light transmittance to PV cells. atmosphere to PV surfaces, which can cause a reduction of light
The results below highlight the effect of charcoal powder accumulation transmittance to PV cells. The results below highlight the effect of clay
on PV performance. formation on PV performance.
Fig. 12 shows the spectral transmission, SEM and PV performance Fig. 13 shows the spectral transmission, SEM and PV performance
when coupons (acrylic plastic and glass) were deposited with charcoal. when coupons (acrylic plastic and glass) were deposited with clay.
A decrease in light transmission was recorded when charcoal dust was Reduction in light transmittance was recorded when clay was dry de-
dry deposited on coupons by about 77% on acrylic and 35% on the low posited on coupons of about 43% on acrylic plastic and 8% on the low
iron glass. On the other hand, highier reductions were recorded when iron glass. On the other hand, high reduction was documented when
charcoal was wet deposited on coupons with acrylic plastic recording clay was wet deposited on the coupons with the acrylic plastic

Y.N. Chanchangi, et al. Solar Energy 203 (2020) 46–68

Fig. 11. Cement - (a) Spectral transmittance (b) SEM imaging (c and d) PV performance.

recording about 100% and low iron glass 77%. The image character- sand. Reduction in light transmittance was recorded when coarse sand
isation shows that the clay is comprised of fine minerals that exhibit was dry deposited on coupons, by about 33% on acrylic plastic and 4%
plasticity and low permeability and appear to be partially translucent on low iron glass. Reduction was also recorded when coarse sand was
and opaque, which has an attenuation effect on light transmittance. wet deposited on coupons with acrylic plastic having about 74%, and
Minerals density appears to be high, which can result in reduced flux low iron glass was about 63%. Image characterisation shows that coarse
intensity, causing light absorbance. Particles have smooth and fine sand comprising broken rock particles with minerals were translucent
surfaces, which can promote scattering, and the shape seems to be a and sub translucent, which allows a certain percentage of light to pass
flaky rounded crust structure, which can result in light reflection or through. Mineral density of the minerals appears to be high, which can
attenuation. Particles are very tiny and heavy but can be blown by the slow the flux intensity resulting in light absorbance. Particles seem to
wind or gravitational effects, causing rolling, sliding and lift-off. The PV be heavy, and appear to have a spherical and/or quadrangular structure
performance result shows that the short circuit current degraded by with a partial coarse surface, which offers favourable optical properties.
about 33% when clay samples were dry deposited on acrylic plastic and Although the particles possess some good optical properties, the nega-
14% on the low iron glass. A high increase in degradation was observed tive properties surmount. In addition, during both depositions, particles
when the clay sample was wet deposited on the various coupons where bounce off or roll-off the coupons. The particles are large, meaning this
about 96% was recorded on acrylic plastic and 93% on the low iron type of dust is porous and light can pass through the spaces. Also, large
glass. dust particles can be affected by gravitational forces and light wind
effects. The PV performance result shows that the short circuit current
degraded by about 17% when the coarse sand sample was dry deposited
3.7. Coarse sand on the acrylic plastic and by about 10% on the low iron glass coupon.
An increase in degradation was observed when the rough sand sample
This is soil mixed with larger pieces of grit that are heavy, and as was wet deposited on the various coupons where about 76% degrada-
such cannot be easily transported by wind and hardly stick together tion was recorded on acrylic plastic and 62% on low iron glass.
even when wet. Coarse sand is described with secondary fraction, larger
grain shape, mass structure and density. This material has poor per-
meability and can hardly settle on a surface. It is difficult to transport, 3.8. Laterite
deposit and cement to the surface of a PV module. However, during
sandstorms or strong wind, it can be transported and deposited on the This is a reddish, yellowish and/or dark brown soil found in semi-
module’s surface, which can reduce light transmittance to PV cells. The arid or savannah regions with warm air temperatures, dry periods and
results below highlight the effect of coarse soil formation on PV per- abundant rainfall such as West Africa, and it comes in different forms
formance. because of the iron oxide content. It is used for road construction across
Fig. 14 shows the spectral transmission, SEM and PV performance the West African region and possesses high level of aluminium and iron,
when coupons (acrylic plastic and glass) were deposited with coarse which can harden to form a rock. When mixed with water on a surface,

Y.N. Chanchangi, et al. Solar Energy 203 (2020) 46–68

Fig. 12. Charcoal - (a) Spectral transmittance (b) SEM imaging (c and d) PV performance.

it can rapidly dry up, forming cementation. This soil is affected by wind erosion. However, it can be lifted and transported by strong wind and
erosion and could be lifted and transported to the module’s surface, storms in the atmosphere and later to the PV module’s surface, which
which can reduce light penetration to PV cells. The results below can reduce light transmittance to PV cells. The results below highlight
highlight the effect of lateritic soil formation on PV performance. the effect of loam soil formation on PV performance.
Fig. 15 shows the spectral transmission, SEM and PV performance Fig. 16 shows the spectral transmission, SEM and PV performance
when coupons (acrylic plastic and glass) were deposited with laterite. when coupons (acrylic plastic and glass) were deposited with loam.
Light transmittance reduction was recorded when laterite was dry de- Light transmittance reduction was recorded when loam soil was dry
posited on coupons with acrylic plastic showing about 55% and low deposited on coupons with levels of about 55% for acrylic and 3% for
iron glass 3% reduction. On the other hand, extreme reduction was low iron glass. On the other hand, extreme reduction was documented
documented when laterite was wet deposited on the coupons with both when loam soil was wet deposited on the coupons with both having
reaching almost 100% reduction. Laterite is a reddish or brownish almost 100% reduction. The image characterisation shows that loam is
compound with high levels of aluminium and iron. The image char- a compound comprised of various minerals, and some were observed to
acterisation shows that the mineral content appears to be opaque, be opaque and translucent, which can cause light attenuation. Minerals
translucent and sub translucent, and this characteristic can cause light were also found to have a high density, which can reduce flux intensity,
attenuation. Mineral density was high, which can slow down flux in- causing light absorbance. Particles vary in size; some appear to be very
tensity and result in light absorbance. Most of the laterite particles used tiny while others are large; this will cause light attenuation because the
are tiny, heavy and spherical, which can cause light attenuation, re- smaller particles tend to fill up the porous spaces left by the larger
flection and scattering. Few larger particles bounce off the coupons particles. These particles are heavy, angular and quadrangular, with
during deposition. The PV performance result shows that the short coarse surface. The PV performance result shows that the short circuit
circuit current degraded by about 32% when laterite samples were dry current degraded by about 37% when loam soil was dry deposited on
deposited on the acrylic plastic coupon and 8% on the low iron glass. acrylic plastic and by about 10% on the low iron glass. An alarming
An alarming increase in degradation was also observed when laterite increase in degradation was observed when loam soil was wet deposited
sample was wet deposited on the various coupons where about 96% on the various coupons with about 96% recorded on the acrylic plastic,
degradation was recorded on acrylic and about 94% on low iron glass. and 95% on low iron glass coupon.

3.9. Loam 3.10. Salt

This is a type of soil containing organic components, nutrients and This is a hygroscopic compound that deliquesces to a gaseous state
moisture. Loam soil is comprised of sand, silt and clay in different when the relative humidity is low and becomes droplets when relative
proportions (clay content is very small). It has better water content humidity is high. This compound can be transported from the sea to the
managing capabilities because it retains a certain amount of water and module’s surface by wind, and during the transport phase, additional
allows unwanted water to drain away. This soil is less affected by wind dust particles can be incorporated. Sea salt particles adhere to PV

Y.N. Chanchangi, et al. Solar Energy 203 (2020) 46–68

Fig. 13. Clay - (a) Spectral transmittance (b) SEM imaging (c and d) PV performance.

Fig. 14. Coarse sand - (a) Spectral transmittance (b) SEM imaging (c and d) PV performance.

Y.N. Chanchangi, et al. Solar Energy 203 (2020) 46–68

Fig. 15. Laterite - (a) Spectral transmittance (b) SEM imaging (c and d) PV performance.

Fig. 16. Loam - (a) Spectral transmittance (b) SEM imaging (c and d) PV performance.

Y.N. Chanchangi, et al. Solar Energy 203 (2020) 46–68

Fig. 17. Salt - (a) Spectral transmittance (b) SEM imaging (c and d) PV performance.

surfaces when they become dry, which can reduce light transmittance This type of soil is affected by wind erosion and can be lifted and
to PV cells. The results below highlight the effect of soiling due to sea transported to the PV module’s surface, which can reduce light trans-
salt accumulation on PV performance. mittance to PV cells. The results below highlight the effect of sand soil
Fig. 17 shows the spectral transmission, SEM and PV performance formation on PV performance.
when coupons (acrylic plastic and glass) were deposited with salt. Low Fig. 18 shows the spectral transmission, SEM and PV performance
light transmittance reduction was recorded when salt was dry deposited when coupons (acrylic plastic and glass) were deposited with sand.
on coupons with acrylic plastic showing about 24% and low iron glass Light transmittance reduction was recorded when sand was dry de-
about 2% reduction. On the other hand, high reduction was docu- posited on coupons with 51% on acrylic plastic and 11% on the low iron
mented when salt was wet deposited on coupons with acrylic plastic glass. On the other hand, high reduction was recorded when sand was
recording 87% and low iron glass 77%. The image characterisation wet deposited onto coupons with both recordings at around 99% re-
shows that salt is a crystalline mineral found to be transparent, with duction.
reasonable mineral density; which presents good optical quality since Image characterisation shows that the sand sample appears to be
flux intensity will not be affected to a great extent. Particle size ranged opaque and partially sub translucent. Minerals were found to have a
from medium to large, which makes it porous, allowing more passage of high density, which can slow flux intensity. Particle sizes range from
light. It appears to be a quadrangular layered structure, and its small to medium, which can cause light attenuation. Particle structure
roughness seems to be coarse, which also present good optical prop- appears to be aggregated and euhedral, so can absorb light. The surface
erties since better transmittance can be achieved. Despite the good appears to be smooth, causing light scattering. It is also heavy, which
optical qualities salt possesses, negative qualities surmount due to the means it will readily settle and accumulate on a platform. The PV
way it accumulates in layers. The PV performance result shows that the performance result shows that the short circuit current degraded by
short circuit current degraded by about 12% when salt is dry deposited about 30% when sandy soil was dry deposited on acrylic plastic and by
on acrylic plastic and about 7% on the low iron glass. An increase in about 13% on the low iron glass. A substantial increase in degradation
degradation was observed when salt was wet deposited on the various was observed when sandy soil was wet deposited on the various cou-
coupons where about 72% was recorded on the acrylic plastic and pons, with about 95% degradation recorded on acrylic, and about 94%
about 69% on the low iron glass coupon. on the low iron glass.

3.11. Sandy soil 3.12. Stone dust

This is fine sand particles used in combination with other materials This is a quarry industrial by-product, also known as quarry dust; it
for plastering or rendering the exterior of a building or structure, found is grey and can be fine and coarse depending on the holes and screening
from river beds and riverbanks. It allows water to settle and has less traps of the crusher used. It is used for road construction, pavement,
reduced permeability, is easy to compress and lift when completely dry. tiles and bricks due to its highly reduced permeability. Fine stone dust

Y.N. Chanchangi, et al. Solar Energy 203 (2020) 46–68

Fig. 18. Sandy - (a) Spectral transmittance (b) SEM imaging (c and d) PV performance.

was selected and used in this research since wind can lift and transport generated from the carpentry industry when machines are used in
it. Heavier and larger particles are difficult to transport, deposit and cutting, drilling, sawing, milling, roughening and shaping wood. It is a
cement on the PV module’s surface. However, during sandstorms or bio-polymeric composite, and some of the fine wood dust become
strong wind, it can be transported and deposited on the module and can particles are immediately suspended in the atmosphere as they are
reduce light transmittance to PV cells. The results below highlight the generated, while others are affected by gravitational forces before a
effect of stone dust formation on PV performance. strong wind suspends them in the atmosphere. These particles can be
Fig. 19 shows the spectral transmission, SEM and PV performance transported to the module’s surface and reduce light transmittance to
when coupons (acrylic plastic and glass) were deposited with stone PV cells. The results below highlight the effect of wood dust formation
dust. Low light transmittance reduction was recorded when stone dust on PV performance.
was dry deposited on coupons with acrylic plastic showing about 16% Fig. 20 shows the spectral transmission, SEM and PV performance
and low iron glass 5%. On the other hand, high reduction was recorded when coupons (acrylic plastic and glass) were deposited with wood
when stone dust was wet deposited on coupons with acrylic plastic dust. Light transmittance reduction was recorded when wood dust was
recording 87% and low iron glass as high as 100% reduction. The image dry deposited on coupons with acrylic plastic showing about 56% and
characterisation shows that stone dust is comprised of minerals found to low iron glass about 9% reduction. On the other hand, high degradation
be opaque and translucent which have attenuation and reflection ef- of light transmittance was recorded when wood dust was dry deposited
fects on light and have a high density which can reduce flux intensity with both coupons recording about 100% reduction. Image character-
resulting in light absorbance. Particle surfaces appear to be coarse. The isation shows that wood dust (also known as sawdust as mentioned
structure seems to be an aggregated layer, which can have a scattering above) is comprised of minerals found to be opaque and translucent,
effect on light. The stone dust sample used appears to be small and which have an attenuation effect on light, and a high density, which can
medium sized with low light porosity. It is also heavy, which means it reduce flux intensity resulting in light absorbance. Particle shape ap-
will readily settle and accumulate on a platform but can roll, slide and pears to be flaky elongated rectangular structure with a fine surface,
lift-off due to wind and/or gravitational effects. The PV performance which can cause a scattering effect. Particles are light in weight and
result shows that the short circuit current degraded by about 18% when range from small to medium size, which resulted in an attenuation ef-
stone dust was dry deposited on acrylic plastic and by about 9% on the fect. The PV performance result shows that the short circuit current
low iron glass. An alarming increase in degradation was observed when degraded by about 36% when wood dust was dry deposited on acrylic
stone dust was wet deposited on the various coupons with about 92% plastic and about 12% on the low iron glass. Substantial increase in
degradation recorded on acrylic plastic and about 91% on the low iron degradation was observed when wood dust was wet deposited on the
glass. various coupons with about 92% degradation recorded on acrylic
plastic, and about 94% on low iron glass.
3.13. Wood dust

This is a by-product of wood which is also known as sawdust

Y.N. Chanchangi, et al. Solar Energy 203 (2020) 46–68

Fig. 19. Stone dust - (a) Spectral transmittance (b) SEM imaging (c and d) PV performance.

3.14. Summary of results by Nahar and Gupta (1990), where acrylic plastic was found to accu-
mulate a greater amount of dust when compared to a glass surface. A
Fig. 21 illustrates the power performance of the module when dif- report provided by Kalogirou et al. (2013) also confirmed that glass was
ferent dust types were deposited onto the PV surfaces. In addition, found to accumulate less dust compared to Tedlar.
Table 3 illustrates the short circuit current degradation of each sample, The image analysis comprising of morphological and mineral
power degradation, transmission losses, and results from image char- characterisation of particles describes the size, weight, shape, surface
acterisation. roughness and mineral composition (including their diaphaneity and
density). These properties vary with minerals, and most samples are
comprised of more than two minerals, excluding salt. However, the
4. Discussion negative properties surmount the positive ones and have more influ-
ence on light transmittance due to accumulation.
Alarming results were highlighted in the previous section, some of Our result revealed that larger particles create wider gaps between
them showing almost 100% degradation of performance. Several them and could allow light to pass through the gaps, but small and
parameters were considered to characterise and analyse each variety of uniformly spread particles would not have enough spaces that light can
dust particle in addition to how and what promotes its degradation penetrate. Adıgüzel et al. (2019) investigated the effect of different
effect on PV cell performance. This section provides an in-depth dis- sizes of coal dust particles on PV performance, their results showed that
cussion of the analysed results from the various experiments. most significant power losses were observed when the smaller particles
This research investigated two materials (acrylic plastic and low of coal dust were deposited in comparison to larger particles. They also
iron glass) used in the PV industry for encapsulating solar cells and proved that increasing the weight of accumulated dust particles further
which allow adequate light transmittance for the functioning of the reduces the yield of the technology. A micro or nano-sized particle can
technology. These materials were selected since they possess excellent prevent a tiny fraction of solar radiation from reaching the solar cell,
transmittance quality. Acrylic has a transmittance of about 92%, and which is essential for its operation, thereby degrading the overall per-
low iron glass has a transmittance of 91%. These materials have many formance of the technology. The results presented in Table 3 are
other advantages that have made them an effective option in the in- compatible with other experimental studies highlighted in Table 4,
dustry. Results from the literature and laboratory experiments show which shows that certain dust particles cause reduction of transmit-
that the acrylic plastic possesses a higher transmittance capability than tance and decrease in PV output. It should be noted that the actual
the low iron glass. However, results also show that the acrylic plastic quantity used by other researchers presented in Table 4 were minimal
attracts and accumulates more dust during depositions. This is due to whereas a large quantity was used in this experiment which was an
electrostatic discharge (ESD) of the material, which attracts the parti- informed decision based on an observation made in an ongoing study
cles. This claim is supported by Zaihidee et al. (2016), and Jiang et al. and other outdoor soiling experimental publications.
(2011), who stated that plastic and epoxy materials could accumulate Al-Ammri et al. (2013) investigated the effect of bird droppings
more dust than glass. This result is comparable with a report provided

Y.N. Chanchangi, et al. Solar Energy 203 (2020) 46–68

Fig. 20. Wood dust - (a) Spectral transmittance (b) SEM imaging (c and d) PV performance.

deposition on PV performance and reported that bird droppings de- The effect of dust particle deposition (dry and wet) processes have
position had a greater effect than dust. On the contrary, our study found been compared, and the results are highlighted in the diagrams above.
that a dust sample (charcoal) deposition had a greater effect on PV Our results illustrate how dry and wet deposition can affect light
performance when compared to bird droppings. In addition, El- transmittance. It was observed that during the dry deposition on the
Shobokshy and Hussein (1993) reported that carbon particles absorb coupons, (acrylic plastic and low iron glass) a small quantity of tiny
more solar radiation compared to limestone and cement. Similarly, this samples particles adhered to the coupons. Theoretically, it has been
research also shows that samples with carbon particles (charcoal) ab- established that Van de Waal forces are always present between the
sorbed more light compared to cement. particles and the surface, which can act together when the interacting
It is observed that particles were rolling, sliding and lifted off the dipoles are within short range (Ilse et al., 2018). This factor can in-
coupons when exposed to artificially generated wind velocity and fluence the adhesion of dry dust on both coupons. The electrostatic
gravitational effect (when coupons were tilted). The results show that force that is always present on the acrylic plastic is another factor that
wind and gravitation effect have more effect on the dry deposited dust can attract the dust during dry deposition, leading to more dust accu-
when compared to the wet deposited samples. mulation resulting in greater PV performance degradation than that of

Fig. 21. Summary of results (power output).

Table 3
Summary of results.
Y.N. Chanchangi, et al.

Isc degradation Power degradation Transmission degradation Image characterisation

Acrylic Glass Acrylic Glass Acrylic Glass

Dry% Wet% Dry% Wet% Dry% Wet% Dry% Wet% Dry% Wet% Dry% Wet% Size(mm) Weight(g/ Shape structure Surface Composition Diaphaneity Density
m2) roughness

ASH 56 94 22 94 54 95 23 94 55 99 4 87 0.5–80 1289.94 Angular Coarse Fairchildite Transparent 2.45

Manganese Opaque 7.01
B-D 46 87 35 74 40 75 30 76 90 87 54 75 0.1–400 958.58 Aggregate Fine Amphibole Translucent 3.09
Silica Opaque 2.13
Xenotime Transparent
CARPET 9 91 7 92 8 91 7 91 8 100 1 100 < 1- > 1000 609.47 Bent angular/triangular Coarse Olivine Translucent 3.13
channels (monticellite)
Calcite Opaque 2.71
CEMENT 21 94 8 96 21 95 8 96 34 95 4 99 < 1–150 1964.50 Angular flattened Coarse Hatrurite Opaque 3.02
Brownmillerite Semi 3.76
Calcite Opaque 2.71
CHARCOAL 76 98 35 95 73 98 35 96 77 98 35 100 < 1–100 923.08 Flaky aggregated triangular Coarse Ankerite Sub 3.05
glassy like Translucent
Calcite Opaque 2.71

Charcoal Opaque
CLAY 33 96 14 93 28 96 10 94 43 100 8 77 < 2- < 60 2621.30 Flaky rounded crust Fine Beryl Translucent 2.76
Stilpnomelane Opaque 2.86
Anxite Translucent 3.28
COARSE 17 76 10 62 16 74 11 61 33 74 4 63 50–2000 3218.93 Rounded and quadrangular Coarse Allanite Translucent 3.93
structure Chlorite Sub 3.2
(Chamosite) Translucent
Prehnite Translucent 2.87
LATERITE 32 93 8 94 31 94 9 95 55 100 3 100 > 50–150 2426.04 Aggregated angular and Coarse Schorl Opaque 3.15
rounded layered Chlorite Sub 3.2
(Chamosite) Translucent
Bauxite Opaque 3.5
LOAMY 37 96 10 95 33 96 12 96 55 100 9 100 < 2–2000 3011.83 Angular and quadrangular Coarse Feldspar Translucent 2.69
Stilpnomelane Opaque 2.86
Anxite Translucent 3.28
SALT 12 72 7 69 12 70 8 68 24 87 2 77 50–500 2846.15 Quadrangular layered Coarse Halite Transparent 2.17
SAND 30 95 13 94 27 95 13 95 51 99 11 100 15–500 2384.62 Aggregated euhedral Fine Mica (Biotite) Opaque 3.9
Beryl Translucent 2.76
Stilpnomelane Opaque 2.86
STONE 18 92 9 91 16 92 10 92 16 87 5 100 75–250 2751.48 Aggregated layered Coarse Mica (Muscovite) Translucent 2.82
Staurolite Opaque 3.71
Leucite Translucent 2.47
WOOD 36 92 12 94 34 93 12 95 56 100 9 100 10–100 609.47 Elongated flaky rectangular Fine Calcite Opaque 2.71
like Beryl Translucent 2.76
Solar Energy 203 (2020) 46–68
Y.N. Chanchangi, et al. Solar Energy 203 (2020) 46–68

Table 4
Results from similar research.
Authors Particles samples Quantity Output percentage reduction Transmittance reduction

Alnasser et al. (2020) Sand 100 g/m 12% 40% @ 35 g/m2
▪ Power reduction (%) Normal cement 100 g/m2 14% 45% @ 35 g/m2
▪ Transmittance reduction (%) White cement 100 g/m2 15% 55% @ 35 g/m2
Normal gypsum 100 g/m2 9% 50% @ 35 g/m2
Technical Gypsum 100 g/m2 10% 52% @ 35 g/m2
Kaldellis et al. (2011) Red soil 0.35 g/m2 0.75%
▪ Efficiency reduction (%) Limestone 1.51 g/m2 0.95%
Fly ash 3.71 g/m2 1.5%
Kazem et al. (2013) Red soil 10 g/m2 7%
▪ Power reduction (%) Ash 10 g/m2 25%
Sand 10 g/m2 4%
Calcium Carbonate 10 g/m2 5%
Silica gel 10 g/m2 4.5%
Appels et al. (2013) White sand 60 g/m2 14.74% and 13.76% 15.03
▪ Power reduction (%) Clay 60 g/m2 48.77% and 47.21% 48.42
▪ Transmittance reduction (%) Cement 60 g/m2 64.16% and 65.68% 66.66
Abderrezek and Fathi (2017)Transmittance reduction (%) Ash 1.02 g/m2 73.71%
Cement 1.01 g/m2 74.62%
Gypsum 1.01 g/m2 65.52%
Salt 1.2 g/m2 62.79%
Soil 1.02 g/m2 20.02%
Sand 1 g/m2 19.11%
El-Shobokshy and Hussein (1993) Carbon 28 g/m2 90%
▪ Power reduction (%) @ 195 W/m2 Cement 73 g/m2 80%
▪ Isc reduction (%) @ 195 W/m2 Limestone (50 μm) 125 g/m2 80%
Limestone (60 μm) 168 g/m2 78%
Limestone (80 μm) 250 g/m2 94%
Wang et al. (2020a,b) Sand 2.199 g/m2 5.296%
▪ Efficiency reduction (%) 6.29 g/m2 12.027%
17.37 g/m2 34.332%
21.067 g/m2 38.981%
30.18 g/m2 43.216%
Sisodia and Mathur (2019) Bird dropping 23.8% @ 00 31% @ 00
▪ Reduction in power (%) with tilt angle β 23.8% @ 100 28% @ 100
▪ Reduction in transmittance (%) with tilt angle β 21.0% @ 200 27% @ 200
11.5% @ 250 15% @ 250
10.8% @ 300 14% @ 300
10.5% @ 400 13% @ 400
10.8% @ 500 14% @ 500
10.8% @ 600 15% @ 600
15.8% @ 700 18% @ 700
16.0% @ 800 21% @ 800
16.5% @ 900 24% @ 900
Adıgüzel et al. (2019) Coal dust 38 μm 15 g 62.05%
▪ Power reduction (%) Coal dust 38–53 μm 15 g 55.78%
Coal dust 53–75 μm 15 g 50.83%
Coal dust 75–106 μm 15 g 44.12%
Coal dust 106–250 μm 15 g 36.97%
Coal dust 250–500 μm 15 g 28.90%

Fig. 22. VDW and Electrostatic force promoting dust particles accumulation.

Y.N. Chanchangi, et al. Solar Energy 203 (2020) 46–68

the low iron glass. Fig. 22 illustrates how the Van der Waals and moisture and coupon (Isaifan et al., 2019).
Electrostatic force acted between particles and the surface. The overall results show that the presence of water on the PV sur-
Where R represents the radius of dust particles, ρ is material density, face promotes bonding and adhesion potency both between particles
q is the charge of a particle, A is the Hamaker constant, ɀ is the distance and also between particles and module surface materials due to trig-
between the particle and coupon, Ɩ is separation distance, ε is the di- gering of capillary forces, preventing the sliding, bouncing off, lift and
electric constant that exists between the surface and particles, εo is the rolling off of particles which leads to retention of more particles on the
free space permittivity (Isaifan et al., 2019). module surface. Light rain, high relative humidity and dew are ways of
The adhesion caused during the dry deposition, which was due to depositing water droplets with dust particles on the PV surface, and the
the gravitational, electrostatic and Van der Waal forces was compatible dew could occur in the early hours of the morning. After sunshine, the
with results presented by Isaifan et al. (2019). On the contrary, the particles will dry up to and become firmly adhered to each other and
main active forces causing adhesion during the wet deposition were the module surface (cementation), making it very difficult to clean.
gravitational, capillary and Van der Waal forces. This result is compa- Depositing water before and after, during the wet deposition creates a
tible with those presented by Isaifan et al. (2019), where the re- stronger adhesion between particles and the coupons that leads to a
searchers stated that capillary force accounts for about 98% of the massive increase in PV yield degradation. Ilse et al. (2018) confirmed
forces acting during the humid condition (wet deposition), while 2% this by stating that dew enhances adhesion of accumulated dust on the
was due to Van der Waal forces. PV module’s surfaces and some particles might improve the strength of
The electrostatic force could promote inter-particle adhesion during the adhesion depending on the chemical composition. In addition, Said
a deposition where charged particles collide with one another or the and Walwil (2014) stated that the existence of water between the dust
surface, inducing a coulomb force and attracting each other due to particles creates capillary bridges both between the particles and be-
opposite charges. When a coulomb force is triggered, it may attract or tween dust particles and the surface.
repulse, depending on the polarity of the dust particle. It was observed Exposing accumulated particles to the wind shows a significant re-
that the adhesion is higher between particles compared to the PV sur- moval effect on dry accumulated dust, but less effect was observed
face and particles. Hassan et al. (2016) confirmed that the existence of when wet deposited particles were subjected to wind. As earlier stated,
electrostatic charges could cause tiny particles to adhere to the large Gholami et al. (2017) reported that when accumulated dust particles
ones. In addition, Kazmerski et al. (2016) reported that the adhesion are subjected to an inward wind, the density of dust particles was re-
force between particles and PV surfaces is lower when compared to the duced. We also observed that large particles (such as coarse sand) were
inter-particle adhesion force. removed when coupons were tilted and exposed to the wind, and the
On the other hand, it was observed that during the wet deposition of microscopic particles remained on the surface. Jiang et al. (2018) re-
samples, additional forces increase the adhesion. The main forces that ported that the wind effect is more significant to larger dust structures
promoted adhesion on acrylic plastic during this deposition were the compared to smaller ones. Tanesab et al. (2019) also reported that it is
capillary force and electrostatic force. The electrostatic forces attracted challenging to remove the tiny layer of dust particles on a PV module
particles to remain on the coupon’s surface while the capillary forces that is horizontally positioned.
created bridges that caused mechanical interlocking of the particles and PV performance relies on solar irradiance, and this research ob-
surface. Since particles were allowed to settle for over 24 h, then ce- served that the short circuit current is influenced by dust accumulation,
mentation, caking and capillary ageing occur. On the other hand, the reducing the PV yield. Overall, the PV performance results show that
adhesion force that acted on the low iron glass was capillary. As men- the short circuit current is significantly affected compared to open-
tioned above, it created capillary bridges between the particles and circuit voltage since the short circuit current depends on light illumi-
coupons, causing entanglement/mechanical interlocking. Furthermore, nation while voltage is affected by temperature. The highest reduction
since particles were allowed to settle over a long period, cementation, of short circuit current was observed when the charcoal sample was wet
caking and capillary ageing occurs. More PV degradation was observed deposited on acrylic plastic while the lowest reduction was when salt
during wet deposition on the acrylic plastic, except for a few samples was dry deposited on the low iron glass coupon. The observed reduc-
(such as carpet dust, cement, laterite and wood) that caused slightly tions in short circuit current resulted in a similar reductions in the
greater PV performance degradation on low iron glass than the acrylic overall power output of the mini-module. The result obtained from the
plastic. Fig. 23 illustrates how the capillary force acted on dust particles transmittance test was used in validating the losses that were observed.
when water was introduced. Dust accumulation on the PV surface reduces the conversion efficiency
Where γ is the surface tension and θ is the contact angle between the of the system since the accumulated particles can scatter, absorb and

Fig. 23. Capillary force promoting dust particle accumulation.

Y.N. Chanchangi, et al. Solar Energy 203 (2020) 46–68

attenuate incident light from reaching the solar cell. All the samples relationships which may be considered as potential competing interests:
used in this research reduce or prevent light from reaching the solar cell This research is financially supported by the PTDF (Petroleum
and decreasing the conversion efficiency of the system. However, this Technology Development Fund) Nigeria, and the authors would like to
report shows that physical and chemical characteristics of a particle acknowledge the funding gratefully. This work has been conducted as
play a significant role in determining the level of degradation it can part of the PhD research which is funded by PTDF. This work has been
cause. The results presented highlight that the degradation of PV yield conducted as part of the research project 'Joint UK-India Clean Energy
performance caused by dust accumulation depends not only on the Centre (JUICE)', which is funded by the RCUK's Energy Programme
amount of dust but also on the physical and chemical properties of the (contract no: EP/P003605/1). This work was also supported by the
dust particles. This has also been confirmed by Kazem and Chaichan EPSRC IAA Grant (Contract No-EP/R511699/1) received by Dr Aritra
(2019) and Sarver et al. (2013). Hachicha et al. (2019) stated that Ghosh. The research funders were not directly involved in the writing of
physical and chemical composition is an essential factor that de- this article and have no influence or potential competing interest
termines how particles interact with each other and with PV module’s whatsoever regarding this publication. We declare that this work has
surfaces. Previously, researchers have also stated that it would be not been published elsewhere and that it has not been submitted si-
beneficial to determine the most effective technique to mitigate dust multaneously for publication elsewhere.
accumulation. Gupta et al. (2019) stated that there is no recommended
rate of cleaning since dust accumulation is depending on several vari- Acknowledgement
ables. Several mitigation techniques such as manual cleaning, the nat-
ural method by wind and rain, mechanical and robotics and self- The Petroleum Technology Development Fund financially supports
cleaning using the electrodynamic screens, superhydrophobic and super this research, through a PhD research grant to Yusuf N. Chanchangi.
hydrophilic coating were provided by Chanchangi et al. (2020). These This work has been conducted as part of the research project 'Joint UK-
approaches are location-dependent, and each one has its limitation. India Clean Energy Centre (JUICE)', which is funded by the RCUK's
Therefore, there is a need to conduct another research using specific Energy Programme (contract no: EP/P003605/1). This work was also
environment condition to determine an efficient practical approach for supported by the EPSRC IAA Grant (Contract No-EP/R511699/1) re-
a specific location. This study provides a thorough analysis of the effect ceived by Dr Aritra Ghosh. In support of open access research, all un-
of dust properties on PV performance and could be used for site se- derlying article materials and data can be accessed upon request via
lection and in planning solar PV farm design. Results from this study email to the corresponding authors. Authors would like to acknowledge
could also be used in choosing suitable mitigation techniques according the funding gratefully. The research funders were not directly involved
to location and consideration of other factors. The asperity of de- in the writing of this article.
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