Use of Modern Techniques in Investigation by Police: International Journal of Advanced Educational Research

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International Journal of Advanced Educational Research

International Journal of Advanced Educational Research

ISSN: 2455-6157
Impact Factor: RJIF 5.12
Volume 3; Issue 1; January 2018; Page No. 324-329

Use of modern techniques in investigation by police

Dr. Kavita Dhull
Faculty of Law, MD University, Rohtak, Haryana, India

Traditional crimes almost end. The modern society needs scientific methods of crime recognition, in case the general public go
undefended. There are a number of methods for crime investigation to identify the accused and crime. Most of the techniques are
founded on torture, either physical or mental. But modern techniques like Polygraph and brain–mapping test are not based on
torture, we can say accused discloses all things regarding crime without giving physical pain and mentally pain. The first narco-
analysis was done in the Forensic Science Laboratory, in the veerappan case by the Forensic Science Laboratory Bangalore in
2001. For conducting the test, the National Human Rights Commission has laid down certain guidelines for the conducting of this
test the Narco substance should only be administered if the accused gives consent before a Magistrate. Researchers in Britain and
the Netherlands also research on the result of these tests. They also found that success rate of these tests is close to 86 percent.
Many European countries do not regard polygraph tests as reliable evidence. So lastly we can conclude that these tests are not
reliable. Our law also permit of taking the fingerprints of accused and suspected person. So investigation agencies take fingerprints
of suspected person. Explanation of Section 53 of Criminal Procedure Code 1973 clearly says that investigation Officer has power
to get fingerprints of accused.

Keywords: crime, technique, accused

Introduction science draws upon physics, chemistry, biology, and other

We know that Law is dynamic and not static. Society is scientific principles and methods. Forensic science is
changing according to its necessary. concerned with the recognition, identification,
In the present era scientific technology should be used by individualization, and evaluation of physical evidence.
Police Officer in the investigation method. Because we know Forensic scientists present their findings as expert witnesses in
that criminals use very new technology. Traditional crimes the court of law.”
almost end. The modern society needs scientific methods of
crime recognition, in case the general public go undefended. Some Modern Methods which Is Used By Police in the
There are a number of methods for crime investigation to Investigation Procedure.
identify the accused and crime. Most of the techniques are 1. Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
founded on torture, either physical or mental. But modern 2. Crime Scene Investigation
techniques like Polygraph and brain–mapping test are not 3. Crime Scene Photography
based on torture, we can say accused discloses all things 4. Digital Evidence
regarding crime without giving physical pain and mentally 5. Fingerprint Analysis
pain. Methods of investigation are witnessing quick shifts with 6. Firearms Examination
the combination of scientific techniques and criminal 7. Footwear and Tire Track Examination
procedure. Scientific techniques are necessary for proving the 8. Trace Evidence
conviction as well as acquittal of the accused. Forensic 9. Narco-Analysis Test
science is very important for the investigation. We know in 10. Polygraph or Lie Detector Test
the modern era forensic science can help in the solving the 11. Brain Mapping or P300 Test
criminal cases. Firstly, we should know about the forensic 12. DNA Profiling
science. What is the forensic science? 13. Brain fingerprinting
14. Ballistic Fingerprinting
Definition of forensic science 15. Other techniques of forensic Science
Hall Dillon said “The word “forensic” means “pertaining to a) Binocular for identifying Dangerous gases
the law”; forensic science resolves legal issues by applying b) Remote personal assessment
scientific principles to them.” c) Psycholinguistic profile
According to Midwest Forensics Resource Center at the U.S. d) Criminal Profiling
Dept. of Energy, “Forensic science is the application of e) Psychological Stress evaluator
natural sciences to matters of the law. In practice, forensic f) Forensic Acoustics- Speaker identification

International Journal of Advanced Educational Research

a) Bloodstain pattern analysis from a particular phone.

Bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA) is the interpretation of
bloodstains which has collected from the crime scene in order Narco-Analysis Test
to recreate the actions that caused the bloodshed. Analysts The term Narco-Analysis is derived from the Greek word
examine the size of the bloodstains, shape of the bloodstains, narkç (meaning "anesthesia" or "torpor") and is used to
distribution and location of the bloodstains to form opinions describe a diagnostic and psychotherapeutic technique that
about what did or did not occurred. BPA uses principles of uses psychotropic drugs. Narco analysis first reached the
biology (behaviour of blood), physics (cohesion, capillary mainstream in 1922, when Robert House, a Texas obstetrician
action and velocity) and mathematics (geometry, distance, and used the drug scopolamine on two prisoners [3]. Fixed quantity
angle) to support the investigators in answering questions such of Sodium Pentothal or Sodium Amytal (3 grams of Sodium
as: Pentothal or Sodium Amytal dissolved in 3000 ml of distilled
1) Where did the blood come from? water) administered to suspected person in a Narco-test for
2) What caused the wounds? getting of state of Hypnotism. The dose narco-substance is
3) From what direction was the victim wounded? dependent on the person's sex, age, health and physical
4) How were the victim(s) and perpetrator(s) positioned? condition. Such a test is generally conducted on an accused
5) What movements were made after the bloodshed? that is not ready to give true information. Once any person put
6) How many potential perpetrators were present? into this test he is half sleep and answers the questions
7) Does the bloodstain evidence support or refute witness truthfully. However this test is not admissible in a court of
statements? [1] law. But certainly it helps proceed in the right direction of
investigation and also helps in the collection of evidence. This
b) Crime Scene Investigation helps also prosecution. The medical doctors used to
In this method Police Officer goes to place where crime was scopolamine together with morphine and chloroform to induce
happened. He goes there for collecting physical evidence from a state called ‘twilight sleep’ in the earlier of 20th century.
a incident place. Generally Police collecting biological However, scopolamine was also used in this field this
evidence (e.g., blood, body fluids, hair and other tissues), substance also helps for creating a state of disorientation,
latent print evidence (e.g., fingerprints, palm prints, foot confusion and amnesia during the period of intoxication. After
prints), footwear and tire track evidence, trace evidence (e.g., administering this substance into the accused he interrogated,
fibers, soil, vegetation, glass fragments), digital evidence (e.g., the statements made by the accused are recorded in the audio
cell phone records, Internet logs, email messages), tool and form and video form in the cassettes. The first narco-analysis
tool mark evidence, drug evidence, firearm evidence. These was done in the Forensic Science Laboratory, in the veerappan
evidences help in the investigation of some crime like case by the Forensic Science Laboratory Bangalore in 2001 [4].
burglaries, violent crimes, suicides, fires, auto thefts, auto For conducting the test, the National Human Rights
accidents [2]. Police Officer also takes statement from the Commission has laid down certain guidelines for the
witnesses that are present on the incident place. conducting of this test the Narco substance should only be
administered if the accused gives consent before a Magistrate.
c) Crime Scene Photography Then Police Officer should be ready for conducting this test.
In this method photographer takes some photo from that place However, these guidelines are not mandatory but only
where incident occurred. Photograph of the scene used as a recommendatory in nature. Therefore Enforcement machinery
document of physical evidence it helps in some crime like does not bind to follow. It is interesting to note that the
traffic collisions, burglaries, homicides, or any number of Forensic Science Laboratory which is situated at Gandhinagar
crimes against people or property. These photograph helps in refused to conduct this test on a suspect when suspected
the evaluate conditions, also helps for how to commit crime person did not give his consent [5]. The Magistrate cannot be
on this place. ordered the laboratory to conduct the test, if accused does not
give consent for conducting the test. In 2006 however, the
d) Digital Evidence Supreme Court stayed the order of trial court to conduct
In this method some equipment comes in this purview that is narco- analysis. This is the first and only case in respect of
computer and mobile. Digital devices are everywhere present scientific techniques which had gone in the Supreme Court.
in the world. In the modern era everybody use these digital
devices. Computers, cell phones and the Internet come in this Narco Analysis in India
category. Criminals also use these types of devices in the In India there are many cases present in which this (Narco-
crime. Computer documents, emails, text and instant test) test used. But Supreme Court said and National Human
messages, transactions, images and Internet histories are Rights Commission has been given many guidelines on this
examples of information. Police can be gathered Information point that without consent of accused the investigating
from electronic devices and used very effectively as evidence.
For example, mobile devices use online-based based backup 3
Is Narco Analysis a Reliable Science? – Present Legal Scenario In India
systems, also known as the 'cloud'. This provides to forensic Written by: Subho jyoti Acharya site on,
investigators with access to text messages and pictures taken visted on 5-06-2012.
Bannur Muthai Mohan, Misconceptions About Narco Analysis, visited on October 3, 2008).
1 5 visited on 04-04-2012. Lakshman Sriram, Narcoanalysis and Some Hard Facts, Frontline, Volume
2 visited on 04-04-2012. 24 - Issue 9, May 05-18, 2007,

International Journal of Advanced Educational Research

agencies must avoid this test. If accused gives consent for psychologist, an audio-videographer, and also some nursing
testing this then investigating agencies proceed this test. We staff for support. The one of the forensic/ clinical psychologist
know that India is a developing country. This firstly used in will prepare the report of disclosing statement. This forensic/
developed countries. After then developing countries follow clinical psychologist records in the audio and video cassette.
this test. In our country this test used in the high profile cases. This record is produced before the Court considers this report
We will describe these cases below:- . The new jersey Supreme Court in the State v. Pitts case
1. Abdul Karim Telgi is the accused in the stamp paper prohibited the use of sodium amytal Because Supreme Court
scam. So investigating agency approached to a Bangalore considered that the result of this medicine is not correct. Dr.
court in 2003. Bangalore court gave permission for narco- B.M. Mohan, who is a director of Bangalore forensic science
analysis test in Bangalore. Bangalore forensic laboratory laboratory, he said that the result of this test is 96% correct.
applied this test on the accused in 2003. We can say that the result of this test is not 100 percent
2. Abu Salem was one of the accused Mumbai serial bomb correct.
blasts case, which occurred in the 1993. Everybody knows
that he has close relation with the underworld don Dawood Other similar test for truth findings
Ibrahim. In this case Court also gave permission for We know that there some other test are also present in this
narco-analysis test at Bowring Hospital, Bangalore, in field. These are followings:-
December 2005. a) Polygraph or Lie Detector Test
3. Imran alias Bilal was a Suspected terrorist so he also b) Brain Mapping or P300 Test
produced in the Court in 2007. This matter was very
serious. So Court also gave permission for Narco-analysis Polygraph or Lie Detector Test
test. Investigating agency send to to Bowring Hospital, The word literally meaning of Polygraph is many writings.
Bangalore [6]. This test first attempted by Lombroso to identify reality or
4. Surender Koli was the main accused in the Nithari case. It fraud as early as 1895. In this test six sensor are attached with
was a famous case. Surender Koli brought before forensic person who is giving the statement under this test. A
science laboratory in Gandhinagar in January 2007 for Polygraph is a machine in which many signals are given from
narco-analysis test [7]. the sensors are recorded on a single strip of moving paper.
5. In Arushi Murder Case Rajesh and Nupur Talwar were 1) The breathing rate of the person.
the accused of murdering their 14-year-old daughter, both 2) The pulses of the person.
gave consent for Narco-analysis test to prove their 3) The blood pressure of the person.
innocence. 4) The perspiration of the person.
6. ‘Geetika Sharma Suicide Case’ In this case the Former 5) This will also record things like arm and leg movement in
Haryana minister Gopal Goyal Kandawas the main sometimes.
accused. But he has refused to undergo brain mapping and
also narco-analysis test. He was alleged by the Police in a When this test starts first check the consciousness of the
case of abetting the suicide of a former air hostess Geetika person so examiner first asks on three and four question.
Sharma. When he refused for Narco-analysis test then the Afterwards real question asks from the person who is under
victim's family approached the National Commission for this test. While doing this test one expert looks the graph of
Women (NCW) seeking for Narco analysis test, brain the machine and also considers the breathing rate of the
mapping and strict action against the culprits. When person, the pulses of the person, the blood pressure of the
National Commission for Women (NCW) gave direction person, the perspiration of the person and also record things
the local Police .The city police had approached like arm and leg movement in sometimes. After wards the
Bangalore-based forensic sciences laboratory (FSL) for the expertise examine the report which is obtained after
tests. But The FSL officials denied doing this test because conducting this test, make a report. The scientist named was
accused did not give consent on this matter. keeler further developed the polygraph machine by adding a
7. Jhurjhura Tigress’s Case Everybody knows that Psycho-galvanometer to record the electrical resistance of the
Madhya Pradesh was known as the tiger state of India Till skin [9].
2011.the numbers of tiger was present about 2000. But
according to census of 2011, there are only 257 left. One Procedure to be followed by Police Officers for using the
case came by media that one tiger was murdered in Polygraph
mysterious by tourists. Four persons were arrested by 1) The Investigating Officer (I.O) should ask the
Police. They charged for murdered of tiger. Police suspect/accused whether he/she wishes to avail the test.
wanted for Narco-analysis test. But accused denied for this 2) If the suspect/accused does not volunteer to undergo the
test due to post-test hazards. test, write a C.D. stating so and inform the superior officer.
The team which is conducted this test comprising of an 3) If the accused volunteers to undergo the test his consent
anaesthesiologist, a psychiatrist, a clinical/forensic should be recorded before a Judicial Magistrate and access

Narco-analysis and some hard facts written by SRIRAM LAKSHMAN site 8
Is Narco Analysis a Reliable Science? – Present Legal Scenario In India
on visited on 2-7-2012. Written by: Subhojyoti Acharya
Narco-analysis and some hard facts written by SRIRAM LAKSHMAN site 9
Article “Narco Analysis: A Volcano In Criminal Investigation System”
on visited on 2-7-2012. Written by: Gagandeep Kaur.

International Journal of Advanced Educational Research

to a lawyer should be given. The I.O. should file an giving under this examination. The report send to the court,
application in the jurisdictional Court and request the court considered this report. But said in one case this
judge to record the consent of the suspect accused. statement which is obtained under this test shall not be
4) The suspect/accused should be given access to a lawyer admissible in evidence. The first case named as selvi Vs
and the physical, emotional and legal implications should Karnataka [11] which is related to narco-analysis and other
be explained to the suspect/accused. by the I.O. and his similar test. In this case Supreme Court gave some guidelines
lawyer. regarding this matter. Before this high court of this case
5) The Prosecutor should inform the suspect/accused at the thought that this test is violated the fundamental rights, against
hearing i.e. when the consent is about to be recorded that substantive due process of law, and against the self
the statement made shall not be a “confessional” statement incrimination rule. But Supreme Court disagreed these views
to the Magistrate but will have the status of a statement and the Supreme Court over ruled these judgements in this
made to the police. case. Lastly Supreme Court said that if without consent of
6) After the consent is recorded, the I.O. should meet the accused, the investigation officer sends to the accused for
Joint Director of A.P. State FSL at Hyderabad and give the conducting of this test, it will illegal. The test would not be
full facts of the case and the doubts, apprehensions about applied in a case where there are doubt these accused were
certain aspects for which suspect/accused was unable to present or not in the committing of crime. This method useful
give or which the I.O. could not obtain. He will prepare a for collecting the information regarding the crime, from this
set of questions to be administrated to the suspect/accused. we can obtained the answer of these questions i.e who
7) The I.O. will then discuss these questions with the superior committed this crime?, who assisted for committing the
officer and after finalization should either bring the crime?, who abetted for committing the crime?, who gave the
suspect/accused to the FSL in Hyderabad for the Test or arms for committing the crime? Etc. The method can only
send the Polygraph to the location where the help to get information from their memory of the accused. It
suspect/accused is, as per the choice of suspect/accused. cannot decide what their roles were, thus creating a different
8) While conducting the test ensure that the test is conducted possibility of an innocent eye-witness becoming a doubtful of
in the presence of a lawyer and preferably a doctor. the crime and giving a doubtful opportunity to the real culprit
9) After the test is over take the report from the Joint to create a situation of uncertainty.
Director, FSL and discuss with the superior officer for Lastly we can conclude that these tests come into same
further necessary action [10]. category named as Deception Detecting Test. Because in all
these test accused is in semi conscious situation and we can
Brain Mapping or P300 Test say that statement takes form accused by fraud.
This test was developed by the Dr. Lawrence A. Farwell. He
was the Director and Chief scientist of ‘Brain Wave Science’ Success Rate of Deception Detecting Test
IWOA. He patented this test in the year 1995. He was a American Polygraph Association used this test over 250
famous neurologist. This technique is also called as ‘Brain students. It found that these tests are accurate close to 100
wave finger printing’. According to the Dr. Lawrence A. percent, but we can say that these tests are surely accurate.
Farwell “In this technique, the suspect is first interviewed and Their recent research claims that the accuracy of the new
interrogated to find out whether he is concealing any computerized polygraph system is close to 100 percent [12]. In
important information, then sensors are attached to the head studies conducted by the UK laboratories they found that the
and the person is made to sit in front of a computer monitor. accuracy rate of Lie detectors for getting lie is approximately
He is then shown and made to hear certain images and voice. 90 percent and the accuracy rate for getting truth is
The sensor attached to head monitors and records electrical approximately 70percent [13]. Lancaster University applied
activity and P300 waves in the brain, which is produced only these test on 180 students and employees at Lancaster to either
if the subject has link with stimulus. The subject is not asked get the truth or lie in the course of these tests. Their result also
any question. To put it simply, it simply means that brain showed that the result of these test not 100 percent accurate
finger printing matches the information stored in the brain but it is close to 97 percent. Anderson told the result of
with that of the related crime and crime scene. In case of an Polygrapgh, brain mapping,and lie detector is 76 percent
innocent person no such P300 waves would get registered accurate [14].
during the test.’’ Actually in this test accused interrogated by Researchers in Britain and the Netherlands also research on
the expert and ask some regarding to crime. The sensors are the result of these tests. They also found that success rate of
attached with his mind and his body. If he gives false these tests is close to 86 percent [15]. Many European countries
information then the brain waves will be different. It is do not regard polygraph tests as reliable evidence. So lastly
recorded by also expert. Then the forensic expert analysis’s we can conclude that these tests are not reliable. The result of
the data which is obtained under examination of this test. these tests is 90 percent accurate but not 100 percent accurate.
Afterwards come into the conclusion this is saying true or not. There accuracy rate is 90 percent, so investigating agencies
This technique is first used by Forensic laboratory of
Bangalore in India. The scientist of this laboratory conducted
this test properly. They also recorded the statement which was 2010, 7scc, 263.
T. Murali Krishna,” Polygraph test (Lie –Detector Test) and Truth Serum” 14
available at visited on date 05-10-2012.

International Journal of Advanced Educational Research

can take help of investigation procedure. Fingerprints

We know that every person has finger print on his hand.
DNA Profiling Fingerprints are the tiny ridges, whorls and valley patterns on
First we know that what is DNA Profiling the tip of each finger. These fingerprints developed in the
According to dictionary it defined as “the analysis of a small womb of mother. We can say two people have no same
amount of genetic material from a blood or cellular sample, fingerprints. Scientist proved this fact that there is one in 64
which is unique per individual as a fingerprint is, as an aid to billion chances that your fingerprint will match with others.
identification; also called genetic fingerprinting.” Fingerprints are even more unique than DNA profiling. This
Another definition of DNA profiling that “The identification science is more reliable than DNA technology. We know that
and documentation of the structure of certain regions of a fingerprints also uses in the solving of crime. Our courts also
given DNA molecule, used to determine the source of a DNA permit the admissible of evidence of fingerprints. Our law also
sample, to determine a child's paternity, to diagnose genetic permit of taking the fingerprints of accused and suspected
disorders, or to incriminate or exonerate suspects of a crime. It person. So investigation agencies take fingerprints of
is also called DNA fingerprinting, DNA typing” suspected person. Explanation of Section 53 of Criminal
Leicester University geneticist Alec Jeffreys discovered a Procedure Code 1973 clearly says that investigation Officer
technique called DNA fingerprinting in 1985. It is also called has power to get fingerprints of accused. Lastly we come on
DNA fingerprinting, DNA typing and genetic fingerprinting. the conclusion that fingerprints technology more reliable
This technology can be used to identify individuals. Modern- science. Court easily accepts of evidence regarding the
day DNA profiling is also called STR analysis. It is a very fingerprints.
sensitive technique which only needs a few skin cells, a hair
root or a tiny amount of blood or saliva, by which it can Ballistic Fingerprinting
discover who committed this crime? DNA profiling is According to Knight, KeDarius “Ballistic fingerprinting refers
especially useful for solving crimes. But it can use also in the to a set of forensic techniques that rely on marks that firearms
solution of problem of paternity [16]. It is the One of the most leave on bullets to match a bullet to the gun it was fired with.
modern growing and trustworthy modes of investigation in It is a subset of forensic ballistics (the application of ballistics
forensic science. to legal questions) and internal ballistics (the study of events
between the firing of a gun and the bullet leaving the barrel)”.
How can DNA profiling solve crimes? This science is very useful in solving the crime, in which arms
The following items may contain DNA material Masks, Hats, is used. When we want to trace this technique then we found
Gloves, Clothing, Tools, Weapons, Sexual assault evidence some evidence in 15th century. But the first firearms evidence
kits, Underclothes, Bedding, Dirty laundry, Fingernail identification can be traced back to England in 1835 [20]. It is
scrapings, Cups/bottles, Cigarettes, Toothpicks, Toothbrush, one of the important branch of Forensic Science. It is another
Facial tissue, Hairbrush, Eyeglasses, Condoms, Tape, type of evidence. In ballistic Fingerprinting the distinct
Ligatures (rope, wire, cords), Stamps or envelopes. marking left on ammunition as a result of its use in a
The Investigation Officer collects some materials from the particular weapon. This science works in two phases. In the
place of crime. He gets some clue like single piece of hair , first phase expert, see the bullet in which arms this can be
few drops of blood, or other things which is enough to get a used and which company makes this bullet. In the second
DNA STR profile. Afterwards Forensic scientists compare the phase experts check the gun. Because when any gun used then
STR profile of a blood sample with that of a suspect, accused it left some scratches in the gun barrel. By this method, they
and the victim. If two DNA profiles match then we can say can easily solve the problem which gun is used in this crime?
this person was present in the incident place. This technology
is highly reliable because each person has unique DNA [17]. Other techniques of forensic Science
By this technology we can solve the problem of paternity so 1. Binocular for identifying Dangerous gases
we will discuss on this topic below. It is a device which is known as polychromatic, is developed
The growth of DNA is a welcome step and it has become for the identify gases from two miles away when attached to
more and more trustworthy instrument. Indian courts have binoculars. The system works identifying the holographic
accepted the DNA evidence not only in paternity but also in signature of gases using infrared light. It builds up a 3-
criminal paternity case. Likewise in Rajiv Gandhi Murder dimentional pattern of the composition of the gas. When we
Case [18], the DNA samples of alleged assassin Dhanu were binocular use then a small hologram is programmed to mimic
compared with her relatives by which investigation agencies the chemical signature of any gas and afterwards we
got conclusive proof about her being involved in the shocking comparing it with the light from the gas, the two can be
attack. Similarly in the famous Tandoor murder case [19], the compared to identify the gas. This process takes only
DNA samples of the injured party Naina Sahni were compared millisecond and can be used to at the same time identify
with that of her parents to set up her identity. number of gases. To identify the chemical weapon, the soldier
can apply it mainly for military and defense purposes.
Fireman can also use it for the assessment of burning
factories, houses and building. It can also be used for checking
16,visted on 23-7-2012.
17,visted on 23-7-2012.
(1996) 6 SCC 241.
19 20
1996 CriLJ 3944. visited on 25-7-2012.

International Journal of Advanced Educational Research

cars exhaust fumes in future [21]. using technology to accomplish their unjust demands. The
time has come when we have to use technology in the crime
2. Remote personal assessment prevention. There is an urgent need to evolve new methods to
It is a new process which was added in the 20 th century. fight against different types of crime like terrorism or any
Remote personal assessment is a convert technique of forensic organised crime. If police use modern technology in the
Science. In this analyst uses microwaves or lasers to assess the investigation then police may find true facts of the case.
stress on the person remotely, covertly. Innocent person will not suffer by any false incrimination.
Victim will get easily justice. Police will also easily collect
3. Psycholinguistic profile evidence against offender and court may easily give
Psycholinguistics means it is a study that combines the fields conviction.
of linguistics and psychology [22]. It is a profile of a criminal
based upon his written and spoken words and texts which was References
used by the criminal. Competent Forensic Psychologist can 1. Advocate & Spl. PP, CBI Email [email protected]
draw a correct descriptions of the possible criminal from the 2. AIR 1988 SC 1325
written or spoken (both) words. 3. 2014Cr. L J Page 1
4. 2006 Cr.L.J 4045
4. Criminal Profiling 5. In the words of a renowned legal philosopher and Scottish
Criminal profiling is also known as Offender profiling. It is an politician, MacCormick:
investigative tool used by law enforcement agencies to 6. American jurisprudence 2d,Vol.20, at page 437
identify likely suspects and also analyze patterns that may 7. Arun kumar Agarwal 2011 Cr L J 4935
predict future offenses [23]. It is criminal’s profiling based on 8. Arun kumar agarwal (Supra)
his action, behaviour and attitude towards other person. His 9. Glanville Williams in Learning the Law (9th ed. 1973),
behaviour, mannerism, acts and expressions also are used to 10. 1992(4)SCC 363
construct his profile. 11. AIR 1974 SC 1596
12. Constitutional law of India by Seervai
5. Psychological Stress evaluator 13. Article by Justice Brijesh Kumar
The short form of the Psychological Stress Evaluator is 14. Sissharam S Mehetra v/s State 2010 SC
PSEV. It is a machine for detecting signs of stress in the 15. GL Batra v/s Haryana 2013 SC
voice. It was tested using tape recordings of accused which is 16. 2005(3) ESC 2162
record during a prolonged terrorist siege in which a number of 17. Union of India and another v. K.S. Subramanian, AIR
death threats were issued [24]. It uses a voice spectrograph for 1976 SC 2433;
analysis of changes in vibration in the subsonic sound. Waves 18. Income Tax Officer, Tuticorin v. T.S. Devinatha Nadar
under interrogative stress waves are different from ordinary etc., AIR 1968 SC 623.
situations. So easily check this things whether he has 19. AIR 1974 SC 2009
committed crime or not? 20. AIR 1991 SC 1134
21. AIR 1987 SC 2381: State of Rajasthan v/s Mahaveer Oil
6. Forensic Acoustics- Speaker identification Industries (1999) 4 SCC 357.
It is new method which added in the 20th century. We know 22. Municipal Corporation of Delhi v. Gurnam Kaur, AIR
that voice of every human being is different. So this method is 1989 SC 38
based on this principle. Voice analysis is essentially a sound 23. Ajit Kumar Rath v/s State of Orissa (1999) 9 SCC 596.
spectrograph based technique which is used to evaluate the 24. Premkumar v/s State of Punjab 2013 Cr.L.J. 2973
recorded voice of an unknown individual to a known recorded 25. Bannur Muthai Mohan, Misconceptions About Narco
voice sample of an assumed kidnapper, extortionist, terrorist, Analysis, visited on
and others who communicate their intent to commit violent October 3, 2008).
acts. The Central Forensic Science Laboratory (CFSL) and 26.
Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) are using the
spectrographic technique joined with linguistic analysis for
forensic investigation.

THE CRIMINAL justice system is entering a new era
transformed by advances in science and technology. The
society is experiencing new changes due to the latest strides in
the fields of science and technology. Criminals too are

David E. Newton,DNA evidence and Forensic Science 21(Viva Book
Publication, New Delhi , 2006).
22 Visited on 12-5-2012.
23 visited on 12-5-2012.
24 visited on 12-5-2012.


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